Purple color in clothes - restraint and aristocracy! The meaning of purple in psychology

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. Purple color in psychology and other sciences is considered the most mysterious, with many secrets and legends associated with it. This color combines two different energies: red and blue, which causes such a variety of meanings. It is considered a symbol of knowledge, passion, repentance, moderation, etc.

What does the color purple mean in psychology?

It's worth noting that each shade of this color may have a slightly different meaning. For example, if more blue predominates and the shade turns out to be quite dark, then this is a symbol of rudeness and power. Light shades of purple have a calming effect, which is useful when you need to recover after. They also give you cheerfulness and help you become an optimist. If red predominates in color, it is a symbol of vanity and infantilism. Love for this shade most often manifests itself in people during adolescence. What does it mean:


The color purple is associated with the development or sharpening of intuition, which is why many psychics and people involved in magic use it in various rituals. Psychologists, speaking about the color purple, give some recommendations. Firstly, there should not be a lot of it in interiors and it is best to use shades as bright accents. Recommended to be combined with yellow, white and blue. Secondly, you should not surround purple


Purple is one of the most mysterious and controversial shades. Since ancient times, people have noted its mystical influence on the psyche, including those expressed in the magical attractiveness of this color. Is this why all the great wizards and magicians from children's fairy tales and ancient legends were dressed in purple robes? The significance of the color purple in psychology, as well as how it affects the human psyche, will be discussed further.

The main meaning of the purple hue is veiling. Representing a combination of two strong and at the same time opposite colors - red and blue, violet primarily expresses suppressed excitement. Combining in purple, red () and blue (the color of peace and serenity) are literally in eternal opposition, and their contrasting meanings give rise to the secrecy of the purple hue. For this reason, purple color is often preferred by pregnant women (especially in early stages of pregnancy), as well as homosexuals who want to hide their

In addition, the duality of purple is a symbol of abstinence and willpower. Following the example of how blue restrains the passion of red, violet is associated with humility, restrictions and curbing carnal desires. That is why, for example, representatives of the higher clergy in catholic church be sure to wear rings with purple amethyst - a kind of symbol of celibacy.

Also, the color purple is usually associated with mysticism and phenomena that defy logical explanation. It is also the color of intuition and instinctive desires. In addition, purple is considered the color of idealism, originality, individuality and creativity.

Purple color in psychology

In psychology, the color purple is primarily associated with sensuality and strong emotionality. Quite often, the color purple expresses psychological immaturity and instability of the nervous system. For this reason, purple is loved by people with unstable psyches and teenagers.

But it is more correct to consider the meaning of purple based on its specific shade. For example, the dark purple color, in which, symbolizes brute strength and authority. Psychologists associate the dominance of red, manifested, for example, in the color lilac, with emotional immaturity, impulsiveness and infantilism. But the light purple hue has a soft calming effect and is associated with tenderness and delicacy.

The color purple itself is considered quite “heavy” in psychology, so it is not recommended for small children to wear. vital activity whom he can oppress. In color therapy, violet is used in the treatment of headaches, high blood pressure, eye diseases, insomnia, and chronic fatigue. In psychotherapy, purple helps when working with depressed and neurotic clients.

If we talk about people who prefer purple, they are usually quite secretive in nature. “Violet” people are critical of themselves and others, so they often achieve high goals in life. There are many pedants and formalists among them. They are emotionally reserved in public, but quite passionate individuals inside. In life, they prefer to be guided by their feelings and intuition, which is well developed among the “violet” ones. By the way, good intuition very often becomes the cause of arrogance and vanity, which, in turn, only pushes others away from them.

Purple is a complex color; there are no people indifferent to it - either they love it or they don’t. Many people refuse it because they find it too dark, shrouded in myths, and negative connotations. Even those who are very impressed by it are afraid to introduce the color purple into the interior of their home. In vain! Proper Use numerous incredible shades will help to add grace, elegance and style to the design, will give you comfort and amaze the imagination of your guests.

A little psychology

Psychologists and color therapists have long formed an opinion about purple. Opponents lack openness and sincerity of character. Lovers are distinguished by calmness, inner strength. The coloring cannot be called boring or banal, because it is obtained by mixing two: red and blue, which are opposite in spectral analysis. A certain amount of inconsistency may manifest itself in the character of a person who gravitates towards purple, but in addition he is characterized by harmony and the desire to achieve mental balance.

Combination of purple and mustard colors

It has been proven that this color helps develop creativity, imagination, intuition, and acquire a balance of spiritual and physical energy. Subconsciously, creative, artistic personalities gravitate, but are not devoid of sentimentality and sensitivity. By using it, you will get a room that promotes calm, problem solving, and improves your mood. As for the fashion component, you definitely can’t go wrong by choosing purple in your interior – for several years now designers have considered its presence a sign of good taste.


It is considered a complex color: it combines cold and warm palettes. The natural version is rare: fruity-floral colors, gems. But even on a plate with plums there are several subtle shades that can create a cozy nest.

All kinds of variations: eggplant; bilberry; grape; violet; amethyst are in demand and are successfully used in a variety of styles:

  • Minimalism, hi-tech, techno are based on a contrasting combination of white with bright colors. A cold bluish tone color (for example, indigo), enhanced by the shine of glass, metal, and chrome parts, is suitable.
  • Ethnic style. Moroccan and Indian style is actively used (textiles).
  • Modern. The unspoken symbol is the soft purple iris.
  • Modern. Juicy tones (fuchsia, eggplant), neon are expected.
  • Classic. Deep, velvety colors are used (eggplant, dark purple, plum, orchid), complemented by gold and bronze.
  • Country. The presence of wood is characteristic - an excellent combination with modifications of the reddish undertone; decor with a characteristic natural floral pattern (violet, heliotrope)
  • Vintage, Provence. The pastel base makes the plum and grape accents as saturated as possible.
  • Futurism, pop art. All kinds of extravagant combinations.

Ideal combinations

The main color of a perfect combination is white, which can eliminate some of the gloominess of dark purple. The interior will lose its gloominess, become calm, relaxing, as stylish as possible, complete simple materials. The tandem with green is suggested by nature. Floral shades (fuchsia, violet), subtle delicacy of greenery guarantee success.

Lovers of calm solutions should avoid combining it with yellow. “Powdery” tones are used (golden, light orange, copper patina). Combinations with light gray and light beige tones are considered neutral. Purple wins against the background of natural wooden surfaces; forged gratings; mirrors framed with gilded frames. The combination with turquoise looks good, but the intensity of the shades is minimal. Maintaining a balance of saturation and proportions will help eliminate the risk of tackiness.

Adherents of bold experiments are given the opportunity to create an interior that does not look bland. Contrast of eggplant, grape, fuchsia with bright open colors (sky blue, cherry), color wall background blue ice will fill the room with the energy of a Brazilian carnival. Catchy, colorful, harmonious: plum, eggplant with canary lemon yellow, emerald.

Selected color combinations from the catalog do not always look as good in execution. Take your time, carefully look at the photos of ready-made solutions or use the services of professionals.

  • Blue (too much causes depression);
  • Red (wrong shades, proportions - a source of discomfort, excessive drama);
  • Gray (incorrectly chosen tones will create the effect of negligence, “dirt”);
  • Black. Gothic style making it truly pathetic is possible only with a competent selection of accompanying accessories: candles, paintings, crystal.

How to use?

Color is more diverse than it seems, it has the ability to bring objects closer and further away, and to make a bright accent of furnishings. It is not necessarily dark or bright: the use of muted, light lavender looks gentle, airy, fragile. Monochrome black and white designs look contrasting, but are somewhat boring. Alternative: replacing black with plum, white with pale lilac.

Designers creating new fashionable interiors, do not limit the use to any standard surface: use is not recommended only for covering the floor. Walls can be easily painted with wallpaper or paint: matte provides depth, glossy provides airiness and subtlety. Wall solutions are often built on contrasts of various colors in shades of purple. It is made with geometric patterns, combining rich dark at the bottom to the lightest at the top, creating an unusual gradient. Finishes the design with a very pale lilac suspended ceiling: in the interior of the living room this technique has found frequent use. A dark blueberry ceiling is a bold solution to a bright room.

Using purple as an accent is a simple, smart step for those in doubt. Usually a proven scheme is used - the choice of two objects of comparable volumes: a sofa - a chandelier, an armchair - a floor lamp, a couch - curtains. The solution can be implemented independently, having a standard finish with a neutral base color.

Where to use?

In some rooms it will become a real favorite, in others it will be an outsider. Not recommended for use in the office - the effect of weakening attention and concentration. The result is not a concentrated work area, but a meditation room. The design of a children's room accepts the palest colors (lavender, puce, heliotrope) in small quantities; the alternative is one bright detail.

Modern interiors have often begun to be designed in the “fusion” style, but in a purple living room it is better to skip the mixture of styles. Fidelity to a specific direction will help achieve the desired sophistication: baroque, rococo, classicism. The use of only accessory inclusions against a calm background ensures that there is no fatigue due to excessive abundance. You should avoid too heavy, thick shades. It is better to choose transparent curtains, furniture upholstery - velor, velvet, then the texture of the material will work positively. The flooring is laminate, parquet in fashionable smoky gray. Orchid is a current trend, full of fresh flowers and prints. I like bright colors: eggplant, fuchsia, indigo, but I don’t have the courage to experiment - start small: paint the frames of photographs, paintings.

The bedroom, depending on preferences, is created in the spirit of 1001 nights for marital options, choosing the style of oriental styles - Arabic, Indian. A selection of delicate shades is a good alternative to the female version of “pink”. The result will be an analogue of the romance of the pink version, but will remove the touch of immaturity. The introduction of just one detail will make the bedroom unusual. Option: for a standard white bedroom, make a custom headboard made of MDF, on which an ornament is made using laser cutting, superimposed on a bright backing - orchid, mauve, magenta.

The cuisine uses “edible” variations: eggplant, plum, grape. Partial use possible: small kitchen - furniture fronts. Now many manufacturers offer a wide color palette of kitchen gadgets, appliances, and household items: electric kettles, toasters, dishes. Use a bold design move - a combination with white on one item. White blinds have several lower slats painted bright purple; or the legs of the chairs in the white dining area are painted in the same shade as the facades of the kitchen furniture and the apron area.

A bold bathroom trick – a play of contrasts. It won’t look gloomy; a matte dark wall (blueberry, plum) with a yellow shell in its background will inspire optimism - the sun emerging from behind the clouds. The technique of painting only one wall is applicable for the hallway area. Interaction with light beige will avoid narrowing the space installed Entrance door brown, chocolate shade will support the color scheme and emphasize contrast.


Exists general rule: an extremely saturated, dark purple color is selected - lighting is proportionally enhanced, especially local lighting. With the help of a competent selection of lamps and specialized lighting schemes, a stunning lighting design is created that can radically change the room. When choosing warm or cold lighting, use specialized color tables so that the selected shades look most advantageous. With the same warm lighting, the shades of the predominant red range (mauve, eggplant) will remain the winner; cold ones look unnatural (indigo, dark purple).

Applicable to each specific room - certain nuances:

  • Living room. The main light source is a chandelier, spotlights with crystal elements. As an additional option - floor lamps. Futuristic, driving exteriors - colored neon will add cosmic notes.
  • Bedroom. In addition to the standard set (ceiling chandelier, bedside sconces), it is possible to install colored LEDs. Allows you to change the color from relaxation, meditation to a hot party.
  • Bathroom. Spot lighting will add warmth. Additional lighting behind the mirror, made with LEDs will not be superfluous.

The benefits of purple

Feng Shui experts do not ignore purple. It is believed that colors can make wishes come true. Precious purple promises wealth, especially in the financial center of the house - the far corner from the entrance on the left side. Color therapists say: it effectively treats coughs, neuralgia, and helps to gain self-esteem. Or maybe we should listen to the opinion of designers who insist that purple colors in the interior are harmonious, chic and completely luxurious?

But no one will dispute the assertion that he really has some kind of attractive force that forces him to take a risk and find himself in a purple dream.

Color– this is something that surrounds every person every day, causing special emotions and sensations. The choice of clothes, interior items, improvised means and much more according to shades and palettes directly speaks about the preferences of a person, his state of mind and internal sensations. Preferences in colors also characterize temperament and mood regarding the upcoming event.

Choosing the right tone contributes to various effects and can even guarantee success in various endeavors (at work, dating, meeting important people, etc.).

Understanding what certain shades and combinations carry, it will be easier for each person to navigate and even direct the course of events in the right direction. You can understand your condition, see changes in your friends and acquaintances, help improve your mood, and much more by correctly selecting and combining certain colors in your style and environment (items on your desktop, home interior, etc.).

Experts have proven that certain events or memories are directly related to one color or another. Almost everyone associates various holidays and events with bright colors such as red, orange, green, pink, yellow, etc. Sad events always have a black or gray tone.

Subconsciously, people perceive and react to colors in a similar way. Since childhood, a person gets used to perceiving red as a warning sign, prohibition and anxiety. Green, on the contrary, allows you to perform desired actions, confidently move forward, without feeling danger. Each of them has its own characteristics, influence perception and psychological condition person.

Purple color in psychology

By connecting red and Blue colour, it turns out purple. Deciphering this shade has certain difficulties and several nuances. Most artists in ancient times painted pregnant girls using this shade of the palette. This phenomenon is explained by its consonance with sensuality.

IN modern world experts claim that it has a negative and even depressive effect on a person. Most self-critical, gloomy, dissatisfied individuals with life prefer to surround themselves with purple objects and clothes. By using it in small quantities you can get benefits, because purple increases self-esteem. It is worth noting that this color is not used when working with elderly people and small children.

Blue color in psychology

The blue option is preferred by many people. This happens due to tangible magnetism. It is when contemplating deep blue things that a person tends to immerse himself in thought, to reflect on the meaning of life and the eternal. In films and stories, magicians are depicted in blue robes. Buddha and Krishna are blue in color, which speaks of wisdom and inner harmony.

Most often, this option is preferred by purposeful, selfless people with personal views and point of view. Clothing in similar colors exudes austerity, high spirituality and a serious position in life. Blue has a beneficial effect on nervous system, has calming properties and extinguishes excessive passion.

Yellow color in psychology

This color is one of the brightest and most positive. The color of summer, sun and warmth has a positive effect on brain activity, improves mood and makes the imagination work. Of course, excessive use of yellow shades in clothing and interior design can lead to overstimulation. In the interior it must be harmoniously combined with darker and soothing tones.

Positive and talented individuals prefer yellow. Those who have great amount ideas and talents. Purposeful, positive people who are able to adapt to their interlocutor. In addition to all these positive characteristics yellow has the other side of the coin. It is he who is considered a symbol of dementia and madness.

Green color in psychology

The symbol of spring, rebirth and peace of mind is precisely green color. The healing and relaxing properties have long been proven. Prolonged contemplation of green brings with it absent-mindedness and boredom.

Lovers of the green palette have balance, efficiency, internal harmony and the ability to logically assess the situation. Green extinguishes negative impacts depressive and negative colors. That is why it is combined with dark depressive tones (purple, black, etc.) creating ideal clothes and interiors.

Red color in psychology

A victorious color characterized by excessive activity, determination, rigidity and even aggressiveness. It is also red that is associated with passion, love and self-sacrifice. It is most often used in marketing concepts (posters, advertising, etc.) and in danger warning signs (road, traffic lights). Experts do not recommend getting carried away and looking at the red color of the palette for a long time.

People who sympathize with red have a strong character, obvious courage and determination. Passion, impulsiveness, power and perseverance can play both to the benefit and to the detriment of a person.

Orange color in psychology

Orange is pretty close to yellow. It has similar features and properties. Cheerfulness, positive attitude, passion, readiness to solve complex problems, joy and spontaneity - all this carries with it this option palettes. Orange has a positive effect on a person and lifts him out of a depressed state after heavy losses and disappointments. Included in the list best flowers for psychotherapy.

Lovers of this color have forgiving, easy-going, bright character traits. It is worth considering that their characteristic is inconstancy and arrogance.

Lilac color in psychology

The color lilac is a symbol of affection and warm feelings. He pushes on philosophical views for life, peace of mind and the feeling of flight.

Lilac lovers are very romantic, sentimental, dreamy, romantic and sensual people. Despite their gentle nature, they have impeccable mental abilities and excellent ingenuity. Attentive attitude towards your appearance and to the appearance of others, the willingness to help is another quality inherent in “lilac” people.

Blue color in psychology

Surrounding yourself blue flowers, a person feels comfort, security and reliability. It allows you to disconnect from all problems, not think about tomorrow and existing problems.

All those who prefer this shade option are concentrated, self-confident, straightforward and focused individuals. These are great office employees. Those who know how to quietly but confidently achieve the desired result.

Pink color in psychology

The color of naivety, childhood, carelessness and love is pink. Naive dreams and fantasies, calm and distraction from bad thoughts - these are the properties that pink colors have.

Pink lovers are very hardworking, dreamy and dedicated to their work. They are touchy, whiny, have a kind temperament and even childish naivety.

Black color in psychology

Despite the associations with grief and sadness, black always attracts the attention of others. The embodiment of strength, confidence, intrigue, wealth and mystery also carries with it this variant of the palette. In moments of depression, it only aggravates the situation, prolongs the process of sadness and detachment from the world around us.

Black lovers are most often gloomy, self-contained and overly serious individuals.

White color in psychology

Purity, innocence and exceptionally light associations are carried by white tones. New beginnings, a symbol of freedom, inspiration, peace and faith.

Medical workers wear white coats. This is due to the color's associations with goodness, honesty and perfection. In many countries, this color is present in traditional attire. It is impossible to accurately reveal the character of white lovers, since it is widely used as work clothes. It looks impressive in combination with other color options and is a classic option.

Turquoise color in psychology

It is the coldest of the entire palette of shades. It has a very attractive appearance and leaves no one indifferent. Brings coolness sea ​​waves, healing, peace and creativity. Many people prefer to wear turquoise jewelry, which brings good luck and protects its owner.

Gray color in psychology

A mixture of completely opposite colors (black and white) carries a neutral feeling. " Golden mean“is mostly ignored by people and is associated with workdays and everyday life. Despite the fact that few people pay attention to the color gray, it conveys friendliness, calmness, stability, realism and common sense.

A small percentage of those who prefer gray are friendly, courteous and patient by nature. Preferring and surrounding oneself with gray tones indicates a person’s emotional exhaustion and nervousness.

Brown color in psychology

A symbol of hard work, reliability, stability, dedication to work and one’s business - this is cinnamon. The negative side is that brown is associated with doubts and disappointments.

Those who prefer brown colors palettes are purposeful and loving life personalities. They are thoughtful, rational and optimistic.

Psychology of color in clothing

For business meetings and promotion at work, formal outfits in blue, light blue, brown, gray. Combinations of white flowers with black also have a positive effect.

Meeting with friends and relatives, walks in the park, around the city require brighter and richer colors, especially if it is a warm period of time. Clothes in green, yellow, turquoise, lilac, and orange tones cannot be ignored and left hanging in the closet.

For a date or a romantic dinner, the fairer sex quite often resorts to outfits with red accents and elements. This move ignites passion and has an exciting effect on partners.

Psychology of color in the interior

Bright shades (yellow, orange, green, red) are most often used when decorating a kitchen. Furniture in these colors helps increase appetite and improve mood.

Blue, violet and cyan are actively used in bathrooms.

It is not advisable to use blue, purple and White color in children's rooms. It is best to organize children's rooms in pink, peach and other warm colors.

Very often, public institutions (cafes, restaurants, hotels) resort to decorating their premises using brown and red shades.

Tatiana Kulinich

Purple color is one of the most mysterious in the entire color spectrum. It is located at the very end, as if it represents the crown of their development, the unity of all colors. In fact, purple is a truly beautiful symbol of the unity of opposites, because it is obtained from a mixture of two colors: red and blue. These shades are completely opposite both in appearance and in their symbolism. So, what secrets does this mysterious color hide?

Shades of purple

Most shades of purple are named after flowers. For example, lavender is a soft, slightly dusty purple, reminiscent of the color of a famous mountain flower. Lilac or lilac – light purple with a slight pinkish undertone. Violet is a rich, deep variety of this color. In recent years, fuchsia has become increasingly fashionable. This is a rather rich tone of purple mixed with dark pink. Amaranth is a purple color with a brighter pink undertone. It is named after the tropical flower amaranth.

Symbolic meaning of purple color

On a subconscious level, this color is perceived as a symbol of everything mysterious and otherworldly. This is magic, astrology, esotericism, healing. Looking at the paintings depicting various magicians and witches, you can see that most often they are wearing purple robes. Purple symbolizes the other world, with which only a select few have the right to communicate. By the way, since ancient times, purple clothes have indicated the uniqueness of the one who wears them. For example, the color purple, which is often mentioned in ancient stories about kings and priests, is closest to violet. Simple people had no right to use this shade.

In the Middle Ages, this color was considered mourning. However, it could still only be worn by members royal family. The custom of associating this shade with noble sorrow has been preserved in Orthodox Church. During fasting, priests wear vestments of this particular shade. It is believed that purple promotes inner concentration, detachment from the world, which is necessary for spiritual cleansing. Another meaning of this color is transformation, the transition from one state to another. This includes pregnancy, death, and profound internal changes. If this color often appears in your dreams, this may indicate that something will soon change dramatically in your life.

Physiological and health effects of the color purple

Purple color is a cold color, which means that it has a calming, inhibitory effect on the human body. The uniqueness of this shade in comparison with other cool colors is its ability to put a person into a deep trance. Therefore, it is good to use it for relaxation after extremely difficult, stressful situations. It will clear the subconscious of negative memories and restore spiritual harmony. Purple color, like all cool shades, reduces arterial pressure and reduces appetite. In the latter, it is even more effective than blue.

One of the main meanings of colors is transformation. Therefore, by meditating on this shade, you can speed up the process of wound healing and regeneration internal organs, restoring health after severe operations. In esoteric teachings it is believed that it has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy, protecting the baby and mother.

Psychological effects of purple

The color violet takes you away from the world of everyday problems and puts you in a philosophical mood. It is not for nothing that both representatives of traditional religions and modern esotericists so often use this shade in the design of their temples and religious objects. This shade helps to establish contact with the subconscious. Under the influence of a violet person, they begin to experience insights more often. He learns to listen more deeply to himself. If you look at a purple candle before going to bed or put a purple stone (for example, amethyst) under your pillow, you can see prophetic dreams. This shade enhances intuition and makes you pay attention to details hidden from most human eyes.

The color purple enhances suggestibility. A hypnologist, a specialist in inducing hypnosis, often uses objects of this color to quickly induce trance in his patients. This property of violet can also be used by various charlatans. An excess of this color makes you sleepy and lulls your vigilance. This color is also known for its ability to positively influence human memory. He awakens the earliest, repressed memories, which are difficult to get to the bottom of without his help.

Purple color in clothes, image

The richness of shades of this color allows you to choose an outfit for any type of appearance. For cold types (“Summer” and “Winter”), girls with light eyes and pale skin, stylists recommend using lavender and violet. It can be combined with black, gray, soft blue. Representatives of the “Spring” and “Autumn” types should try on warm shades of purple: fuchsia, amaranth. In this case, it can be combined with pink or beige. The same rule should be applied when choosing the shade of lipstick and eye shadow. Fashionable fuchsia lipstick is suitable for tanned blondes or brown-haired women. Rich burgundy - for brunettes. Makeup artists recommend using shades of purple, especially in the form of shadows, in evening or holiday makeup. Gently lilac is suitable for daytime makeup.

The color purple in clothing and makeup creates the image of a mysterious, detached and romantic woman. It is suitable for people with non-standard appearance and interests. This color attracts attention, but at the same time inspires that the person wearing it needs special approach. Therefore, clothes of this shade are suitable for those people who are used to enjoying only high-quality communication and want to keep overly annoying fans away.

This color is subconsciously associated with nobility. Therefore, it looks best on fairly closed clothes made of materials such as silk and velvet. The exception is the playful fuchsia color. It can be safely worn in the form of miniskirts and T-shirts.

Purple color in the interior

This shade is perfect for decorating bedrooms and personal accounts creative, non-standard people. When choosing a variety of purple for the bedroom, you should pay attention to the lilac shade. Unlike darker ones, it does not put you into a trance, but on the contrary, it encourages gentle, intimate communication. To enhance sensuality, it can be combined with pink or fuchsia. At the same time, like all types of purple, lilac promotes better sleep and increased intuition. In a purple bedroom, you will have prophetic dreams twice as often. A violet color is suitable for the office. It is especially recommended for people creative professions. However, when decorating your office in this color, do not overdo it with its quantity; dilute it with white or silver.

For home spaces, the atmosphere of which should inspire communication (kitchen, living room), purple is not recommended as the main color. However, you can easily choose interesting accessories of this color. An exception may be the nursery, especially if your child can be called an “indigo” child, original and gifted. The color lilac in a nursery improves a child’s sleep, develops his curiosity and creativity. This shade is an excellent choice for decorating various yoga studios, esoteric and spiritual practices. Here purple will be absolutely in its place.

Purple color in advertising

This color is often used in advertising of cosmetics and luxury perfumes. In this way, advertisers try to emphasize the prestige and uniqueness of their product. This shade can also be found in advertising of psychological or esoteric services. Here purple is used as a symbol spiritual development and self-knowledge. It is not uncommon to see subtle shades of purple in advertisements for baby care products.

Color and character: love for the color purple or its aversion

As mentioned above, purple is a symbol of everything unusual and mysterious. People who love this color are used to feeling like the “black sheep” in the crowd. They have completely different interests and tastes than most. Most often, they lead a solitary lifestyle, communicating only with a few close people. They are capable of deep relationships. Their weak sides- This is passivity and shyness. They are often considered eccentrics, unadapted to the demands real life. People who love purple may be well versed in philosophy or religion, but not know how to cook their own food or clean their apartment.

Most people who don't like the color purple are those who are down-to-earth and rational people. They are straightforward to the point of rudeness, and cannot tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty. Dislike for the color purple often indicates a rejection of everything mystical. Such people scoff at belief in omens and are not religious. They may have excellent intelligence, but lack creativity.

Violet color can surely be called the king of all colors. Its sophistication, nobility and mystery inspire artists and poets. It is not surprising that he is especially loved by representatives of symbolism, a creative movement built on the use of various allegories and riddles. Purple is the color of spiritual wealth and deep unity with the Cosmos.

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