Fidel Castro domestic politics. Fidel Castro - biography, information, personal life. "Olympic champion" in speeches and assassination attempts


Cuba is an independent sovereign socialist state organized as a single democratic republic.

When we think about leaders, we unwittingly divide them into two qualitatively different groups. Some of them were formed in the fire of powerful national liberation or class battles, sometimes they were their initiators, detonators. All of them came into politics with their already established views, polished in prisons, in partisan camps ... Such were the great personalities of modern history - Mao Zedong, Jawaharlal Nehru, Ho Chi Minh, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Nelson Mandela. Among them is Fidel Castro, who turned the history of Cuba upside down and has been at the head of the national liberation revolutionary movement for 44 years now. Another, incomparably more numerous army of political leaders was born in an ordinary inter-party struggle, often consisting of "appointees" selected on the principle of the greatest correspondence to a political line with which they themselves had nothing to do. As a rule, their intellectual ceiling is lower, their energy is incomparably weaker, their political will is thinner, their goals are smaller and more grounded. About politicians of this category, we sometimes wonder for years who they are, what they are going to do and what they can do. Fidel immediately told the people very clearly about his plans and programs. He even formulated an answer to the question: who can be considered a politician, and who can be considered a politician? According to him, a politician is a person who has a clear program of action for solving national problems, who is able to convince the nation of the correctness of his program and who is ready to do everything possible to put this program into practice.

Thus, the relevance of the choice of a political leader is beyond doubt.

Purpose: study and analysis of F. Castro as an outstanding political leader.

Tasks: to consider the biography of F. Castro, to characterize the state and political structure of the Republic of Cuba, to give a political portrait of F. Castro as a political leader of all times and peoples.

1. Features of the state and political structure of Cuba

1.1 Political system in Cuba

Cuba is the only socialist state in the Western Hemisphere. The form of government is a socialist republic.

According to the constitution of 1976 and its new edition of 1992, Cuba is a "socialist state". The National Assembly of People's Power, elected by popular vote for a five-year term, has been declared the supreme organ of power. The Assembly elects from among its members a State Council, which represents it between its sessions, executes its decisions and performs other functions. The Council is responsible to the Assembly and reports to it.

The Chairman of the State Council is endowed with extremely broad powers. He heads the government and at the same time is the supreme commander of the armed forces, convenes meetings of the State Council and the Council of Ministers and directs them, issues laws-decrees, other decrees and regulations approved by the State Council, the Council of Ministers or its executive committee.

In accordance with the constitution, in the conditions of martial law, war, general mobilization or state of emergency, the leadership of the country passes to the National Defense Council.

The highest body of executive power is the Council of Ministers. Its members are nominated by the President of the Council of State and approved by the National Assembly.

Administratively, Cuba is divided into 14 provinces and a special municipality - the island of Youth (Island of Youth). The provinces, in turn, are divided into municipalities. Local governments are provincial and municipal assemblies elected by popular vote.

The term of office of provincial authorities is 5 years, municipal - 2.5 years. Important role"Committees for the Defense of the Revolution", created after 1960, play in the localities. They constantly monitor the situation and maintain order, organize the vaccination of the population, maintain cleanliness, and so on.

into the system judiciary includes the Supreme People's Court and courts of various levels. The courts are independent of the local authorities, but are subordinate to the National Assembly and the Council of State.

The Supreme People's Court is the highest judicial body, carries out legislative initiative, issues judicial norms and instructions, etc.

Control over the observance of the rule of law is carried out by the Public Prosecutor's Office, which reports directly to the National Assembly and the Council of State. Local prosecution authorities are independent of government agencies appropriate authority and are subordinate to the Prosecutor General's Office.

1.2 Party system

After 1959, political parties opposed to the government of Fidel Castro were disbanded. Officially, only three pro-government organizations continued their activity - the July 26 Movement, headed by F. Castro himself, the People's Socialist Party (communist) and the March 13 Revolutionary Directorate. In 1961, they merged into the United Revolutionary Organizations, which in 1962-1963 were transformed into the United Party of the Socialist Revolution of Cuba (EPSRC). Since then, Cuba has had a one-party regime.

The Communist Party of Cuba (CCP) was formed in October 1965 on the basis of the EPSRC, but its first congress was held only in 1975, the second in 1980. The ideology of the CCP is based on the "ideas of José Martí" and Marxism-Leninism. According to the constitution, the party plays a leading role in society and the political system. Trade unions, youth, women's and all other public organizations.

The official program of the CCP was adopted at the third congress in 1986. The fourth congress, which was held in 1991 in the conditions of the collapse of the USSR and other states of "real socialism", spoke in favor of economic reforms while maintaining commanding positions for the state, he opened access to the party to believers and endowed the Central Committee with emergency powers. The new program of the CCP, in essence, was the document "The Party of Unity, Democracy and Human Rights We Defend", adopted fifth congress in 1997.

The ultimate goal of the Cuban Communist Party, in accordance with the current program, is the building of communism, and the historical goal at the present stage is the completion of the building of socialism.

The 1997 congress reaffirmed the one-party system as "the fundamental principle of the Cuban Revolution". According to the leadership of the CPC, the one-party regime is a more perfect model than "formal bourgeois democracy", and civil liberties cannot operate "contrary to the existence and goals of the socialist state ... Violation of this principle is punishable."

In 1985, a law on associations was passed in Cuba. In accordance with it, the Social Democratic Party of Cuba, the Cuban Party for Human Rights, and others tried to register, but they were all refused. The opposition in Cuba (human rights, social democratic, pacifist, liberal, anarchist, etc.) operates illegally and is subject to persecution.

1.3 Political biography of F. Castro

Fidel Castro is the undisputed leader of Cuba from 1959 to 2008.

The biography of Fidel Castro cannot be separated either from the history of the Cuban Revolution or from the life of Cuban society. At the same time, almost from the moment of the assault on the Moncada barracks, the Cuban revolution was naturally personified primarily with the image of its leader and was largely personified with him. To try to isolate any personal biography of Fidel, cut off from the life of the country, is a business obviously doomed.

F. Castro is not just an outstanding politician of Cuba or developing countries. People of this magnitude belong to the political history of the whole world. Therefore, whether we like it or not, when talking about Fidel's life, we are inevitably forced to speak first of all about his political and state activity.

F. Castro was born in 1926, studied law and worked as a lawyer. Trained as a lawyer, he led an unsuccessful coup attempt against Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1953, after which he spent two years in prison.

Came to power after the overthrow of Batista in 1959. Acted as an opponent of the United States and established allied relations with the USSR.

After the victory of the revolution and the overthrow of the dictatorship of Batista on January 1, 1959, democratic forces came to power in Cuba, rallying around the Rebel Army led by Fidel Castro.

In February 1959, Castro became Prime Minister of the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba. During the days of the US mercenary invasion of Cuba in the Playa Giron area (April 1961), Castro led the operation to defeat the invaders.

On April 16, 1961, Fidel Castro declared that the Cuban revolution was socialist in nature.

Since October 1965, Fidel Castro has been the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.

Prime Minister (1959-1976) and then President (1976-2008). The power of the head of state, government, the ruling party and the armed forces was concentrated in his hands.

In 2003, he was re-elected Chairman of the State Council.

In 2006, he was hospitalized and temporarily transferred power to his brother Raul Castro.

In February 2008, he announced his upcoming resignation from the posts of president and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Cuba, after which Raul Castro was elected the new president of the country.

During his years in power, more than 600 assassination attempts were made against Fidel Castro. All of them at the very last moment were either canceled for some reason or stopped by the secret services of the island. Even the US Senate was forced in eight cases to recognize the responsibility for this CIA.

2. Fidel Castro: the genius of realpolitik

F. Castro is not just an outstanding politician of Cuba or developing countries. People of this magnitude belong to the political history of the whole world.

For many decades, Fidel has been the generator of ideas, the brain and heart of the revolutionary process that is developing in Cuba. He, like a locomotive, pulls the Cuban revolution on the shoulders of his mighty will against all winds. Carries the torch of freedom lit by the first fighters for independence. At the same time, the deeper the process develops, the more its activity merges and dissolves in the life of Cuban society, in the work of an extensive network of political, state and mass organizations. And yet, Fidel is never lost in their shadow. As a born leader, F. Castro is always in dynamic movement on the political stage.

The creation by Fidel in the 50s of the military revolutionary political organization, devoid of dogmatism, made it possible to raise the people to fight and overthrow the pro-American regime of F. Batista. The unity of all Cuban revolutionaries around F. Castro made it possible to consolidate the people's victory and repel the first attacks of the forces of internal and external counter-revolution in the early 60s.

“Fidel Castro is one of the most paradoxical and creative politicians of our time. When looking at his more than half a century path in politics, full of unexpected turns and unpredictable maneuvers, one involuntarily recalls the words of the outstanding Russian philosopher of politics N.V. Ustryalov: “politics does not know eternal truths at all. In it, in Heraclitean fashion, "everything flows," everything depends on the "situation," "conjuncture," and "real correlation of forces." Only its most general, supreme goal can claim stability and relative immutability.

The highest goal for the politician Fidel Castro has always been and remains the freedom, independence, original development and prosperity of Cuba as a social people's state. To achieve this goal, he found and finds means that cause at least surprise among those who are accustomed to seeing only technology in politics, that is, following ready-made schemes within a certain worldview, be it Marxist or liberal.

Castro's detachment of 82 people landed on the coast of Cuba from the Granma yacht on December 2, 1956. He was opposed by the armed forces of the dictator Batista, US military equipment, American soldiers and military specialists. Not only the bourgeois press mocked the desperate daredevils, prophesying their quick death. Many Marxists, including those from among the Cuban communists, not to mention the high-browed "theoreticians" who followed the letter of Marx's teachings, with a condescending smile, declared this a Blanquist adventure doomed to failure, and cleverly talked about the reactionary nature of the peasantry of the Sierra Maestra, and about that a "real socialist" had to start with propaganda in Havana, among the "hegemon of the revolution" - the proletariat. But on January 1, 1959, Castro's rebel army - the famous "barbudos", bearded men in olive-colored uniforms, took power on the island and began anti-imperialist, revolutionary-democratic transformations.

Convinced that Castro, unlike the previous leaders of Cuba, strives for genuine independence of the island and is not going to turn into a puppet of North American companies and the political establishment, in 1960 the United States unleashed a series of heinous, bloody provocations against revolutionary Cuba and began to prepare a military invasion. Again, thoughtful political analysts, based on super fashionable liberal theories, predicted the imminent fall of the "Castro regime." But Fidel Castro announced the union of revolutionary democratic Cuba with the USSR and the countries of the socialist camp. nuclear shield The USSR covered Cuba from the seemingly inevitable American aggression, and these predictions also did not come true.

The United States declared a severe economic blockade on Cuba, and even now, the fortune-tellers on the political coffee grounds, who call themselves analysts and political scientists of the "free world", did not stop, the fall of Castro was inevitable. But proud Cuba answered the United States through Fidel: it is better to starve than to again become a resting place for the American mafia, which Cuba was under Batista! Food cards were introduced in Cuba, accelerated industrialization and agricultural reform began. The heroic efforts of the Cubans, who for the first time in history breathed in the air of true Freedom - freedom from the cynical and powerful northern colossus, as well as help from the countries of the socialist bloc, saved Cuban socialism.

North America, mired in endless wars across the ocean, in the Middle East, is watching with wary how the left anti-imperialist cordon surrounds the borders of Cuba and how North American capital is losing control over the resources of the American continent. However, two or three more pink revolutions in South and Central America - and Cuba, which not without reason claims leadership in the new people's democratic Latin America, will talk on an equal footing with the United States.

Of course, this is not only the merit of Fidel, but also of the entire Cuban leadership, of the entire Cuban people, but it can be said with confidence that if another person had been at the helm of power in the republic, then its fate could have been completely different. Fidel Castro is truly a realpolitik genius. It was he who managed to pour the amorphous anger of the downtrodden peasants into the steel forms of the Rebel Army, to use the bourgeois North American journalism, greedy for sensations, so that it created a romantic halo of the rebels of the Sierra Maestra and served at least once for a good purpose - the destruction of US domination on the island. It was he who managed to maintain a certain independence and originality of Cuba among other countries of the socialist camp, which was very important in the atmosphere of harassment and accusations that a "puppet of the Soviets" had arisen in the Western Hemisphere.

announcing Soviet Union as its leader, Fidel's Cuba did not blindly copy the Soviet experience and was able to avoid many of our mistakes. Thus, there were no large-scale repressions in Cuba, although, of course, there was a struggle between the ruling groups, and the cult of Fidel Castro did not take shape, with all his great authority in the country. Unlike the USSR, during the socialist agrarian reform in Cuba, private sector, and this happened long before the turn to the "Cuban NEP".

Since the mid-1970s, the Cuban revolutionary process has entered a stage of maturity. Fermentation in the minds, the search for an original way of realizing socialist ideals, testing various development models in practice already in the early 70s led Fidel Castro to understand the need for a constructive synthesis of the experience of other socialist countries with their own theoretical developments. In the first decade of the revolution, “cavalry attacks on capital” occurred, which was largely due to the complexity and severity of the situations that arose, the need to give a decisive and lightning-fast response-strike to a particular challenge. In the 1960s, the revolution completed its task of destroying the foundations of neo-colonial society. By the 1970s, the necessary objective prerequisites had matured for solving the fundamental creative tasks of the revolution, facing the future. By this time the revolution had gained strength and its international position had improved. Painstaking daily work began on the formation of socio-political and economic institutions of the Cuban socialist society.

After the collapse of the USSR, Castro also did not repeat the mistakes of the Soviet communists and did not allow betrayal among the ruling class. It was possible to carry out a genuine restructuring on the island, diametrically opposed to the “catastrophe” of Jew Gorbachev. Having got rid of everything outdated and erroneous in ideology, Castro retained the most important thing - the core of the socialist way of life. No instructions, no dogmas could help here, what was needed here was political intuition, the creative gift of this, let's not be afraid of such a word, a great man. Once the USSR was an example for Cuba in the field of construction welfare state, scientific and technological development, etc. Now Cuba should become an example for Russia, which has lost its former power and turned into a satellite of the US and the West.

An example of steadfastness in the struggle for freedom and independence from the cynical, bloody and insatiable US imperialism, an example of a creative, non-dogmatic approach to socialist construction, an example of the successful unification of third world countries into a single anti-imperialist, anti-American front and the synthesis of the worldview of the “soil”, the values ​​of the national liberation struggle and leftist ideas of social justice and solidarism.

In all the battles during the revolutionary war in the Sierra Maestra, Fidel was always in the first line of attack. Often with his shot from the inseparable sniper rifle he signaled the start of the battle. So it was until the partisans drew up a collective letter with a request-demand to Fidel to refrain from further direct personal participation in hostilities, since the revolution needed him as a political leader much more than an extra fighter on the battlefield.

As a political strategist, he surpassed all his rivals. He managed to use the painful desire of American journalists for sensational materials, for "exclusive" information, when he invited the New York Times correspondent Herbert Matthews to the mountains. The interview with him was so adventurous and theatrical that the journalist became an unwitting "PR man" for the partisans in the most influential newspaper in the world.

Fidel did not allow numerous pretenders from among the bankrupt old politicians or from new upstarts to stick to the leadership of the revolution. With a special instinct, he determined the most talented and reliable people who would never betray the revolution. He was born in the mountains as the political and military leader Che Guevara, who was taken on board the Granma only as a doctor, and turned out to be the first partisan leader to receive their highest military rank at that time - “comandante”. Raul Castro became the leader of an entire partisan front and especially distinguished himself when he took american soldiers from the Guantanamo base and demanded that the Americans stop supplying the dictator's army with ammunition and not provide him with a base airfield for refueling combat aircraft. Fidel Castro raised from yesterday's dishwasher in an American restaurant Camilo Cienfuegos a first-class guerrilla leader, distinguished by incredible courage and irresistible personal charm.

The ability to work with people, to find nuggets among associates distinguishing feature any truly great leader. For half a century of political and military activity of Fidel Castro, he had no traitors from his inner circle, there were no splits in the revolutionary leadership, there were no purges in the party, there were no repressions in the country. The Cuban revolution happily avoided processes in which "the revolution devoured its children."

Of course, he faced the facts of isolated betrayals, but he confronted them in his manner: openly, decisively and certainly personally.

Fidel Castro, in the most desperate moments, did not lose his presence of mind and found, perhaps, the only right steps to get out of the labyrinth of problems. So, on his initiative, the development of the tourism industry began, capable of quickly providing funds for solving other problems.

Just a year ago, Russia, in gross violation of its own promises and statements, closed down the electronic intelligence center, located in the suburbs of Havana. By decision of the Cuban leadership, this center is turning into a training and production complex, where Cuban personnel of the highest qualification will be trained to develop computer programs, some of which will go to the world market.

Just as resolutely, the Cuban leadership refuses unpromising industries. Sugar production seems to be the very essence of Cuba and the core of its economy. It turns out - no! A huge number of sweeteners, the widespread production of artificial types of honey from corn and other plants, the reduction in sugar consumption in the world due to fear of obesity, etc. made the industry unprofitable. Fidel did not hold on to age-old traditions. Already this year, about 70 sugar factories will be stopped. Plantations formerly occupied by cane will now go under other crops that are in demand in the domestic and foreign markets.

Realizing the high dependence of the Cuban economy on expensive oil imports, the Cubans made extraordinary efforts to increase oil production on their territory. After the collapse of the USSR and the cessation of our oil supplies, the Cubans increased their oil production by 10 (!) times, and already this year all the country's electricity will be generated from its own oil. This is a huge victory!

Behind all this is a truly gigantic figure of Fidel Castro. Even the US seems resigned to the fact that while he is at the helm of the Cuban state ship, they will not be able to change its course in any way. The Cuban people, despite many difficult years, fully trust their leader, and he, in turn, trusts the people.

So on International Conference devoted to the fortieth anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis, in which we took part, Fidel, addressing the American scientists who made up the majority of the US delegation, said: “There is no need to invent lies about Cuba, no need to deceive yourself about the mood of the Cuban people. We have never been and never will be anybody's satellites. We are deeply convinced that honor and dignity are more valuable than life. Even to die defending your beliefs does not mean to be defeated and defeated.

Nothing is impossible if you have a strong will, believe in victory and are ready to discard schemes and stereotypes - this is what the Cuban Revolution teaches us, experience political activity its leader Fidel Castro. Today, some people, in despair, no longer believe that we will be able to throw off the yoke of the comprador regime and begin the revival of Russia. But in 1956, and in Cuba, many did not believe that the Batista regime could be overthrown ...

This means that the chiselled slogan of the Cuban national liberation, people's socialist revolution, the slogan of Cuban left patriotism scorched in battles, has found timeliness for us: Patria o muerte! Homeland or Death!


The personality of Castro is one of the most controversial in the twentieth century. Having liberated the people from colonial and American oppression, he created a totalitarian state with a lack of political freedoms, fear of falling into the list of unreliable people, and poverty. But after breaking economic ties with the USSR, he still managed to protect the people from total starvation. Castro recognized the hegemony of the market economy, which made it possible to increase the influx of foreign investment, legalize private enterprise, trade in agricultural markets, and control "anti-revolutionary" money. In 1995 Cuba joined the World trade organization, and schools still study the works of Marx, Engels, Che Guevara and, of course, Castro.

The creation in the first half of the 60s of the new Communist Party of Cuba was the undoubted merit of F. Castro, who managed to overcome anti-communism among the Cuban nationalist revolutionaries and at the same time make the "old" Cuban communists big "soilers". It was as a result of their union that a new Cuban communism was born, standing on a solid national foundation, deeply rooted in popular soil. "The Communist Party of Cuba was created on the basis of the closest and deepest ideological and political unity of the Cuban revolutionaries, forged in the course of the defense and development of the revolution, unseen in any of the previous eras and grown in conditions of a fusion of peculiar patriotic traditions with scientific socialism."


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2. Leonov N.S. Fidel Castro or once again about the role of personality in history / N.S. Leonov // Our contemporary. - 2003. - No. 1.

Fidel Castro is the world-famous commandant and permanent Cuban leader who ruled Cuba for more than half a century. There are many legends about his activities and life, which often contradict each other. Describe the Great and Terrible politician difficult, because one part of the world community considers him the ruler of the people, and the other - the toughest dictator of mankind.

The biography of Fidel Castro is full of various events, he survived more than 600 attempts on his life, became the leader of the Cuban revolution and was the most terrible enemy of the United States, who entered into a nuclear and economic alliance with the USSR.

Childhood and youth

Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926 in the small provincial town of Biran in Cuba in the family of a small landowner and a cook. The parents of the future ruler were uneducated people, so they tried to give their children the most decent education. Given the fact that Fidel had a phenomenal memory from childhood, he became the best student in the school. In addition to the ability to learn, Castro was distinguished by an ambitious and purposeful character, showing a revolutionary disposition. Already at the age of 13, he took part in the uprising of workers on his father's plantation, in which he held leadership positions.

In 1941, the future Cuban leader graduated from high school with honors and entered a privileged college, in which he is remembered as a vain student and participant in all fights. After college, Fidel Castro became a law student at the University of Havana. IN student years he was especially fond of revolutionary books, which engendered in his soul the spirit of a revolutionary. At that time, he had little sympathy for the Communists, but was ready to join their ranks if he was "made".

In 1950, Fidel Castro received a law degree and opened a private practice, whose activities were based on helping poor people solve legal problems. The future commandant became a people's lawyer and provided free legal assistance to the population, which won considerable support in society.


The beginning of Fidel Castro's political career is revolutionary. First, he becomes a member of the Party of the Cuban People, from whose ranks he tries to break into parliament. But the first attempt was unsuccessful - his candidacy for deputies was not approved due to radicalism. Then he decides to take more desperate steps and becomes the leader of the fighters against the dictatorship, with whom in 1953 he plots against the then acting Cuban head, Fulgencio Batista.

This attempt to get to the top of the country's power also turns out to be a failure, since as a result of the conspiracy, many of Fidel Castro's associates died, and the revolutionary himself was imprisoned for 15 years.

Two years later, the future head of Cuba fell under a general amnesty and was released from prison, where he spent 22 months. The released prisoner immediately left the country and moved to Mexico, where he organized the revolutionary "July 26 Movement" in memory of the rebellion against Batista. Many famous revolutionaries of that time entered the ranks of the movement, such as the brother of the future Cuban ruler Raul Castro.

The return of Fidel Castro to his homeland was fateful both for him and for the entire Cuban people - he, with an army of rebels, was able to capture Havana and overthrow the Batista regime, which allowed him to become first the commander-in-chief of the Cuban troops, and later take the post of prime minister of the country.

In almost 20 years as head of the Cuban government, Fidel Castro completely transformed the state - the country flourished in a very short time and experienced an unprecedented economic boom. The new head of Cuba took special care of social sphere, making free medicine for the population and raising the level of education to 98%. At the same time, the nationalization of private companies was carried out and "friendship" with the USSR began.

In 1962, Soviet nuclear missiles were placed on the island, which worsened relations between the US and Cuba. Hostility with the West provoked a Caribbean crisis on the island, due to which many of Castro's associates fled the country and sided with the Americans. Despite this, the Cuban leader continued to work towards the overthrow of world capitalism, supporting foreign revolutionary movements in Angola, Afghanistan, South Yemen, Ethiopia, Syria, Algeria, Nicaragua, Libya and other third world countries.

Economic growth and stability in Cuba stopped in the early 80s, when the USSR stopped providing financial support to the country. This led to an economic crisis that left Cuba the poorest country in the world. Against this background, people began to try by any means to leave their homeland and move to the United States, and in Cuba, the opposition began to organize a movement to overthrow the Castro regime.

In 2006, for health reasons, the Cuban leader was forced to transfer powers to his brother Raul, who in 2008 became the full ruler of Cuba, since Fidel Castro was physically unable to govern the country and lead the Cuban army.

Assassination attempts and health

The attempts on the life of Fidel Castro are the most widely discussed chapter of his biography. There is information that during the reign of Cuba and cooperation with the USSR, the American CIA made about 600 attempts to destroy the Cuban head. All of them, for unknown reasons, were canceled at the last moment and completely suppressed by the special agents of the island. They tried to kill Castro during spearfishing, shoot him with a miniature pistol built into a reporter's camera, and poison him with a deadly poison that was soaked in "Castro" cigars.

In 2006, Fidel Castro's health deteriorated significantly and fell into the peninsula's state secret category. Despite this, some of the ailments of the Cuban leader became public and became public after the declassification of one of the reports of the American CIA.

It is known that since 1998, Castro began to suffer from Parkinson's disease, which made him a paranoid jealous of all the people's favorites. Also, a local doctor who escaped from Cuba said that the politician had rectal cancer and was operated on in 1989 due to a brain hemorrhage. Against the background of such data, the famous Cuban commandant was “buried” several times in the media, but he always suddenly appeared in public and denied mass rumors about his death.

In 2014, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry met with Fidel Castro. After meeting with the Cuban leader, the Russian Foreign Minister said that he was certainly weak, but his eyes were burning with life and readiness for new revolutionary achievements.

Personal life

Fidel Castro's personal life, like his health, is a closed and secret topic in society. It is known that in his life there were three truly beloved women who gave birth to seven children, of which only one son is legitimate. Fidel Castro's first wife, Mirta Diaz Balart, was the daughter of a Cuban government minister, Batista. She gave birth to the Cuban head of the only official heir to Fidelito, who at one time was married to a Russian woman.

The second wife of Fidel Castro was the legendary Havana beauty of the 50s Nati Revuelta, who gave birth to his daughter Alina. The daughter of the Cuban leader fled from Cuba to the United States under a fake Spanish passport when she was young. According to Alina, in addition to Castro, there are at least five more children who were born to him by a beloved woman named Delive Soto. The third wife of the Cuban revolutionary Celia Sanchez was an assistant to Castro for many years, but in 1985 she committed suicide.


As of 2005, Fidel Castro's fortune reached 550 million dollars, and a year later it increased to almost a billion. In this regard, according to Forbes magazine, he became one of the richest people on the planet. At the same time, the Cuban ruler himself denies his income from state-owned enterprises, but he loves luxury very much, as evidenced by his numerous yachts, residences and thousands of guards. The extravagant politician does not indulge his children with special attention - he gave them only food rations and security.

At 22.29 November 25, 2016 (06.29 Moscow time November 26). The Cuban revolutionary passed away after a long illness. After his death, Fidel Castro's body was cremated, according to his will.

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz (Spanish: Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz). Born August 13, 1926 in Biran (Province of Oriente, Cuba) - died November 25, 2016 in Havana. Cuban statesman, politician, party leader and revolutionary, was Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Chairman of the State Council of Cuba (president) in 1959-2008 and 1976-2008 and First Secretary of the Central Committee of the ruling Communist Party of Cuba in 1961-2011.

Under his leadership, Cuba was transformed into a one-party socialist state, industry and private property were nationalized, and large-scale reforms were carried out throughout society.

He was the Secretary General of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1979-1983 and 2006-2009.

The son of a wealthy farmer, Castro acquired left-wing anti-imperialist views while studying law at the University of Havana. After participating in mutinies against the right-wing governments of the Dominican Republic and Colombia, he attempted to overthrow the military junta of President Batista with an unsuccessful attack on the Moncada barracks in 1953. A year after his release, he went to Mexico, where, together with his brother Raul, he organized the revolutionary Movement of July 26. Returning to Cuba, he led a guerrilla war against the Batista regime that began with landings in the Sierra Maestra. As the government deteriorated, Castro gradually assumed a central role in the Cuban Revolution, which successfully toppled Batista in 1959, giving the revolutionaries control of Cuba.

The US administration, alarmed by Castro's friendly relations with the USSR, organized a series of unsuccessful assassination attempts on him and imposed an economic embargo against Cuba. The peak of the confrontation was the unsuccessful military operation organized by the CIA to overthrow him in 1961. In an effort to counter these threats, Castro formed a military and economic alliance with the USSR, allowing the latter to deploy nuclear missiles in Cuba, which, according to the American version, provoked the Caribbean crisis of 1962 (according to the Soviet version, the crisis was provoked by the previous deployment American missiles medium range in Turkey).

In 1961, Castro proclaimed the socialist nature of the Cuban revolution. Cuba became a one-party state under the leadership of the Communist Party, the first of its kind in the Western Hemisphere. The Marxist-Leninist model of development was adopted, socialist reforms were carried out, the economy was placed under centralized control, measures were taken to develop education and healthcare, which, at the same time, were accompanied by the establishment of state control over the press and the suppression of dissent. Hoping to overthrow world capitalism, Castro supported foreign revolutionary organizations and Marxist governments in Chile, Nicaragua and Grenada, sending Cuban troops to support left-wing allies in the Yom Kippur War, the Ethiopian-Somali War and civil war in Angola. These measures, combined with activities within the Non-Aligned Movement, have led to Cuba gaining prestige among developing countries. After the collapse of the USSR and the CMEA, a "special period" was introduced in Cuba, accompanied by a limited introduction of market mechanisms into the economy, and strong relations were established in the international arena with a number of leftist Latin American leaders, such as. Cuba, along with Venezuela, became a co-founder of ALBA.

On July 31, 2006, Castro, for health reasons, handed over the execution of duties in all his key positions to his brother Raul.

On February 24, 2008, he left all government positions, and on April 19, 2011, he resigned from the post of head of the ruling party.

Castro is a controversial figure. His supporters praised his socialist, anti-imperialist and humanist policies, commitment to environmental protection, and Cuba's independence from American influence. At the same time, he is viewed by critics as a dictator whose regime violated the human rights of Cubans and whose policies led to the departure of more than a million people from Cuba and the impoverishment of the country's economy. Through his actions and works, he has significantly influenced various organizations and politicians around the world.


Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz was born on August 13, 1926 in Cuba in the town of Biran (province of Oriente) in the family of Angel Castro, a native of the Spanish province of Galicia.

According to many available data, Fidel Castro was actually born on August 13, 1927 - both the church record created at the baptism of Fidel, where August 13, 1927 is indicated as the date of birth, and public confirmation in the late 1950s speak in favor of this. mother of Fidel and his three sisters of this date of birth. And the date of birth, August 13, 1926, appeared due to the fact that when determining the elementary boarding school, the parents attributed one more year to Fidel, since he was then 5 years old, and they were accepted to school only from the age of 6.

When agreeing on his biography prepared for Soviet newspapers, Fidel Castro himself asked to leave 1926 as his birthday, since this date appeared in all the documents that he used.

His father is Angel Castro Argis (1875-1956), an immigrant from Spain, a former poor farmer who became rich and became the owner of a large sugar plantation. Mother - Lina Rus Gonzalez (1903-1963), was a cook on her father's estate. She bore Angel Castro five children before he married her. Recalling his childhood, Fidel said this: “I was born into a landowner's family. What does it mean? My father was a Spanish peasant from a very poor family. He came to Cuba as a Spanish immigrant at the beginning of the century and began working under very difficult conditions. Being an enterprising person, he soon drew attention to himself and took certain leadership positions at construction sites that were carried out at the beginning of the century.

He managed to accumulate some capital, which he invested in the purchase of land. In other words, as a business man, he succeeded and became the owner of the land ... Such things were not so difficult in the early years of the republic. Then he rented additional land. And when I was born, I was really born into a family that can be called a landowner.

On the other hand, my mother was a simple poor peasant woman. Therefore, our family did not have what could be called oligarchic traditions. However, objectively speaking, our social status at that moment it was such that we belonged to families with relatively high economic incomes. Our family was the owner of the land and enjoyed all the advantages and, one might say, the privileges inherent in landowners in our country..

Although Castro's parents were illiterate, they tried to give a good education to my children. At school, Fidel was one of the best students due to his truly phenomenal memory. At the same time, Fidel's revolutionary nature also manifested itself - at the age of 13, he participated in an uprising of workers on his father's plantation. Max Lestnik, a school friend of Castro, recalled: “He had great courage. They said whoever follows Fidel will die or win.”.

In 1940 he wrote to the then American President letter. In the letter, the boy congratulates the president on his re-election for a second term and asks: “If it’s not difficult for you, please send me an American 10-dollar bill. I've never seen her, but I'd love to have one. Your friend". In the return address line - he indicated the coordinates of the school where he studied. Comandante himself once mentioned this act: “I was very proud when I received the response from the presidential administration. The message was even posted on the school bulletin board. Only there was no banknote in it ”. In 2004, young Fidel's letter was found by employees of the National Archives Office in Washington.

In 1941, Fidel Castro entered the privileged Jesuit College Bethlehem. His mentor was the Jesuit father Lorento, who noted the boy's purposefulness and vanity. In college, Fidel was involved in many fights and often walked around with a gun. Once I argued with a friend that on a bicycle at full speed he would crash into a wall. And crashed. Then I had to lie in the hospital, but Castro won the bet.

In 1945, Fidel brilliantly graduated from college and entered the University of Havana at the Faculty of Law. During his student years, he lived modestly. His room at the boarding house was in disarray, the only thing in order was the books of the revolutionary José Martí on the shelves. In those years, Fidel Castro read a lot of Mussolini, General Primo de Rivera. He treated the communists without sympathy, but once joked: “Ready to become a communist immediately if they make me Stalin”.

In 1945 he entered the Faculty of Law at the University of Havana, graduating in 1950 with a Bachelor of Laws and a Doctor of Civil Law. After graduating from university, he took up private law practice in Havana; in particular, he conducted the affairs of the poor for free. At this time, he joined the Party of the Cuban People ("Orthodox"), and his candidacy was considered for nomination to parliament from the same party in the 1952 elections. On March 10, however, the party leadership did not approve Castro's candidacy as a candidate for deputies, citing his radicalism.

On March 11, a military coup took place, as a result of which Fulgencio Batista seized power. The Cuban Congress was dissolved, and legislative power passed to the Council of Ministers, constitutional guarantees were terminated for a month and a half, and the 1940 Constitution was soon abolished. Fidel Castro was at the forefront of the fight against the dictatorship, and on March 24 he submitted to the Havana Court for Particularly Important and Urgent Cases an evidence-based lawsuit against Batista for violating constitutional norms and seizing power. He demanded that Batista be brought to trial and punished, while posing the following question with great implication: “Otherwise, how can this tribunal judge a simple citizen who will take up arms against this illegal regime that came to power as a result of betrayal? It is quite clear that the condemnation of such a citizen would be absurd, incompatible with the most elementary principles of justice..

In conclusion, Fidel, addressing the judges, said that if they did not find the strength to fulfill their professional and patriotic duty, then it would be better to take off their judicial robes and resign, so that it would be clear to everyone that in Cuba the same people exercise legislative, executive, and judicial power.

In the course of the struggle against the Batista government, the Orthodox party gradually disintegrated. Castro managed to unite a small group of former members of this party, which began preparations for the struggle to overthrow the dictatorship of Batista. Fidel Castro and his comrades decided to capture the Moncada military barracks in Santiago de Cuba and the barracks in the city of Bayamo. For about a year there was preparation for the assault. On July 25, 1953, 165 people gathered in the Siboney estate, located not far from Santiago de Cuba, under the strictest secrecy. Their main slogan was the words: "Freedom or death!" .

After the failure of the assault on the Moncada barracks, many of the attackers fled. Raul Castro was arrested on July 29, and Fidel went into hiding until August 1. The next day, he was transferred to the provincial prison of the city of Boniata, where Fidel was placed in a solitary cell, forbidding the use of books and restricting the right to correspond. The military tribunal began on September 21 and took place in the building of the Palace of Justice, from where Raul Castro's group fired at the barracks at one time. At one of the court sessions, Fidel made a famous speech "History will justify me!", in which he sharply condemned the Batista regime and called on the Cuban people to armed struggle against tyranny.

On September 21, the court sentenced Castro to 15 years in prison. In mid-February 1954, Batista visited the Presidio Modelo prison, where the participants in the assault on the Moncada barracks were serving their sentences. Fidel organized a noisy protest and, as punishment, was placed in solitary confinement, located opposite the prison morgue.

May 15, 1955 Castro was released under a general amnesty, after serving for organizing an armed rebellion for about 22 months. That same year, Castro emigrated to Mexico.

On July 7, 1955, Fidel flew to Mexico, where Raul and other comrades were waiting for him. Fidel Castro flew from Havana to Merida, the capital of Yucatán, from there he flew to the port city of Vera Cruz on a plane of a local company, and already there he boarded a bus and went to Mexico City. The revolutionaries settled in the house of a woman named Maria Antonia González Rodriguez, who had been living in exile for several years. Maria Antonia recalled: “Fidel arrived with one suitcase full of books, under his arm he held another bundle of books. There was no other baggage.”.

Here they began to prepare an uprising. Fidel founded the July 26th Movement and began to prepare for the overthrow of Batista. On August 26, 1956, the most popular Cuban magazine Bohemia published his letter, in which he warned the dictator: “... in 1956 we will be either free or victims. I solemnly affirm this statement, being fully conscious and considering that 4 months and 6 days remain until December 31st. ”.

On November 25, 1956, on the Granma motor yacht, Cuban revolutionaries, led by Fidel Castro, went to Cuba, among them was the Argentine doctor Ernesto Guevara (Che Guevara), who described this picture as follows: “The whole ship was a living tragedy: men with longing on their faces held their stomachs; some simply plunged their faces into buckets, others sat motionless in strange positions in clothes covered in vomit..

A detachment of revolutionaries created in Mexico was to land in the Sierra Maestra mountains, in the southeast of Cuba. The landing was unsuccessful. Soon after the landing, the revolutionaries were attacked by troops, many died or were captured. Two small groups survived and met by chance in the woods a few days later. At first they did not have sufficient strength and did not pose a danger to the Batista regime, although they carried out separate operations, attacking police stations. A decisive turn of events was caused by the proclamation of land reform and the distribution of land to the peasants, this provided massive support for the people, the movement increased its strength, Fidel's detachments numbered several hundred fighters. At this time, Batista moved several thousand soldiers to suppress the revolution. The unexpected happened - the troops entered the mountains and did not return. Most fled, but several thousand went over to the side of the revolutionaries, after which the revolution developed rapidly.

During the period 1957-1958. armed insurgent detachments, conducting the tactics of guerrilla warfare, carried out several large and dozens of small operations. At the same time partisan detachments were transformed into the Rebel Army, whose commander-in-chief was Fidel Castro. In all the battles in the mountains of the Sierra Maestra, Fidel was always in the first line of attack. Often, with his shot from a sniper rifle, he gave the signal to start the battle. So it was until the partisans drew up a collective letter with a request-demand to Fidel to refrain from further direct personal participation in hostilities.

In the summer of 1958, Batista's army launched a major offensive against the revolutionary forces, after which events began to develop rapidly. The student federation detachments joined Castro's armed forces, opening the so-called Second Front in the Sierra del Escambray mountains in the central part of the island. To the west, in Pinar del Río, the Third Front was active, under the control of the 26 July Revolutionary Movement.

On January 1, 1959, the Rebel Army entered Havana. The population of the capital rejoiced at the overthrow of Batista. On the same day, Batista's political opponents gathered at a meeting where a new government was formed. Manuel Urrutia, known for his honesty, became interim president, and the liberal lawyer Miro Cardona became prime minister.

On January 8, Fidel Castro, appointed Minister of War, arrived in the capital, immediately showing claims to a leading role in the government. Back in 1957, Castro, giving an interview in the Sierra Maestra to journalist Herbert Matthews of The New York Times, stated: “Power does not interest me. After the victory, I will return to my village and practice law.”. The famous revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara said then: “He has the qualities of a great leader, which, combined with his courage, his energy and his rare ability to recognize the will of the people every time and again, raised him to the place of honor that he now occupies”.

However, in reality, things are different. After Prime Minister Miro Cardona resigns on February 15, Fidel Castro becomes the new head of government. In June, he cancels previously scheduled free elections, suspends the 1940 Constitution, which guaranteed fundamental rights, and begins to rule the country solely by decree.

On May 17, 1959, the Council of Ministers of Cuba passed the agrarian reform law; in accordance with it land with an area of ​​more than 400 hectares was planned to be confiscated from the owners and divided among the peasants. This law, as well as Castro's rapprochement with the communists, caused discontent in the United States. Thousands of counter-revolutionaries were arrested. Thousands of militia were created to protect the revolution. Then Fidel announced the nationalization of large enterprises and banks, mostly owned by Americans.

On October 10, Raul Castro was appointed Minister of the Armed Forces. This caused great dissatisfaction with the commander of the troops in Camagüey, Uber Matos. On the same day, along with fourteen other officers, he resigned and accused Fidel of becoming a communist. This point of view was held by the Cuban leadership, and later by Cuban and Soviet historians. From their point of view, Major Matos and the officers who supported him were about to announce a collective resignation in order to start a mutiny in the entire Rebel Army. This would have entailed the resignation of some members of the Revolutionary Government and brought about a crisis of all revolutionary power. During the night, Fidel received a telephone message that Uber Matos' performance was scheduled for the morning of October 21st. He ordered Camilo Cienfuegos to go to Camagüey, disarm and apprehend Matos and his men.

After some time, Fidel himself arrived in Camagüey. A message was broadcast on the radio that Fidel Castro had arrived to investigate an emergency case and all citizens who defended the revolution should come to the square. In the square, the Comandante addressed them with short speech, saying that a conspiracy was brewing in the province, led by Uber Matos, who was currently in the regiment's barracks, and that he had arrived to thwart the counter-revolutionary plot. Fidel invited everyone who cares about the fate of the revolution to follow him. Fidel Castro moved unarmed ahead of the crowd following him, personally broke the lock on the gates of the barracks, disarmed the sentry and arrested the conspirators. “The process lasted 5 days, if, of course, it could be called that. It was more like a tribunal. Before the start, I was shown a stack of papers, and for the first time I saw that I was being accused of treason and sedition,” recalls Matos. Uber Matos was sentenced to 20 years in prison, and after serving his term was sent to Venezuela, after which he joined the militant emigration; his son also became a prominent figure in émigré circles.

The crackdown on members of the Batista regime and opposition to the Castro regime (including former anti-Batista fighters) began in Cuba shortly after the revolution and continued. Particularly mass arrests were carried out in 1961, when stadiums and other similar places were converted to hold those arrested.

In January 1961, John F. Kennedy assumed the presidency of the United States, having received from the previous administration plans for an operation to overthrow the revolutionary government in Cuba.

On April 15, eight B-26 Invaders (with Cuban markings and piloted by Cuban émigrés) bombed Cuban Air Force airfields. The next day, during the funeral of the victims of the bombings, Fidel calls the accomplished revolution socialist and declares before the coming invasion: "They cannot forgive us for being under their noses and for having made the Socialist Revolution under the noses of the United States!"

Until this moment Political Views Castro was not known to American intelligence. During his speech to Congress in December 1959, the deputy director of the CIA stated: "We know that the communists consider Castro a representative of the bourgeoisie". Castro himself never renounced Marxism, and while studying at the university he was exposed to strong influence ideas of Marx, Engels and Lenin, his closest colleague in the fight against capitalism in Latin America was Che Guevara, who repeatedly emphasized his commitment to communist ideas.

At dawn On April 17, 1961, about 1500 people landed in the Bay of Pigs area from the so-called "2506 brigade". Most were Cubans trained in Nicaragua. The "brigade" headed for the coast of Cuba from the territory of Guatemala, which allowed the United States to deny its involvement in the incident at the UN. Although later Kennedy acknowledged the participation of his government in the preparation of the operation.

From the very beginning, the attackers ran into the desperate resistance of the people's militia fighters and parts of the Rebel Army, commanded by Fidel Castro. The paratroopers managed to capture the bridgehead and even advance several kilometers inland. But they failed to gain a foothold on the achieved frontiers. Over the next three days, the fighters of the 2506 brigade were defeated first at Playa Larga, and then in the Playa Giron area. 1173 people were captured, 82 (according to other sources 115) paratroopers were killed. The government army lost 173 soldiers killed, according to some reports, several thousand militias also suffered.

Many versions of the failure of the operation were put forward. The most popular of them are the version about the refusal of the Americans from the previously promised military assistance to the landing of emigrants; the version about the incorrect assessment of the forces of the Cuban army and the support of Castro by the population; version of the poor preparation of the operation as such.

After an attempt to overthrow the revolutionary government of Cuba, Fidel Castro announced the transition of his country to the socialist path of development.

In 1962, the United States imposed an embargo on trade with Cuba and succeeded in expelling it from the Organization of American States. The Castro government was accused of assisting revolutionaries in Venezuela, after which the OAS imposed diplomatic and trade sanctions against Cuba in 1964.

Assassination attempts on Fidel Castro:

Fidel Castro survived many assassination attempts in his life. He was one of the leaders whose life was under constant threat.

Behind the 638 assassination attempts planned and carried out were the American government, Cuban opponents of Castro and American mafia groups, who were unhappy that after the victory of the revolution, Castro took over the famous Havana casinos and brothels.

During the presidency, there were 38 assassination attempts on Castro, Kennedy - 42, - 72, Nixon - 184, Carter - 64, - 197, - 16, Clinton - 21. For the United States, the destruction of Castro became a kind of obsession. "Everything else is less important, not to spare money, time, human resources and efforts," one of the White House notes said.

Fidel Castro assassination attempts - 638 ways to kill Fidel Castro

The most famous and original attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro include:

On November 22, 1963, a CIA officer gave a poisoned ballpoint pen to a Cuban to use against Fidel Castro during a meeting between President Kennedy's emissary and Castro to explore the possibility of improving relations between the two countries. The attempt failed.

In 1963, the American lawyer Donovan went to see Castro. He was supposed to give the commandant as a gift an aqualung, in the cylinders of which the CIA agents brought a tubercle bacillus. The lawyer, unaware of this, decided that the scuba gear was too simple for a gift, and bought another, more expensive one, and kept this one for himself. Soon he died, and Castro remained alive.

In the 1960s, the CIA made another attempt on the life of the Comandante. An exploding cigar was prepared as a gift to the Cuban leader. But the "gift" was not missed by the security service.

Knowing about Castro's passion for diving, American intelligence distributed a large number of mollusks in the Cuban coast. The CIA agents planned to hide the explosives in a large shell and paint the clams in bright colors to get Fidel's attention. However, the storm thwarted the attempt.

The Americans tried to remove the Comandante also with the help of women. One of Fidel's former mistresses was instructed to kill him with poisonous pills. She hid the pills in a tube of cream, but they dissolved in it. It is said that Castro, who uncovered the plot, offered her a gun so she could shoot him, but the woman refused to do so.

In 1971, during Fidel Castro's trip to Chile, two snipers were supposed to shoot at him, but just before the assassination attempt, one of them was hit by a car, and another had an acute attack of appendicitis.

In 2000, during the visit of the Cuban leader to Panama, 90 kg of explosives were planted under the podium from which he was supposed to speak. But she didn't work.

In 2000, a document was declassified that outlined the CIA's plans to kill Fidel Castro. Among them there was a plan to use thallium salts.

Despite the fact that small Cuba successfully resisted its giant neighbor, it also participated in many wars around the world. Fidel Castro did not limit himself to fighting the US; he actively helped the revolutionary forces of many third world countries. His army at one time amounted to 145 thousand people, not counting 110 thousand people in the reserve and about one million men and women in the militia of the territorial troops; 57 thousand were sent to Angola, 5 thousand to Ethiopia, hundreds - to South Yemen, Libya, Nicaragua, Grenada, Syria, Mozambique, Guinea, Tanzania, North Korea, Algeria, Uganda, Laos, Afghanistan, Sierra Leone.

On July 11, 2014, during his visit to Latin America, the President met with Fidel Castro Russian Federation V. V. Putin.

On July 12, 2014, he met with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Cuba, Raul Castro. Before that, he wrote off 90% of Cuba's debts to the USSR, and the remaining 10% ($ 3.5 billion) is supposed to be invested in the Cuban economy, by repaying within 10 years in equal semi-annual payments. The Foreign Ministers of Russia and Cuba signed an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in international information security, as well as a Russian-Cuban statement on not being the first to deploy weapons in space.

On January 27, 2015, the former leader of Cuba, Fidel Castro, said that although he does not trust the United States, he nevertheless welcomes the possibility of negotiations with Washington. In his written address, read out on Cuba's central television, the 88-year-old Castro stressed that any negotiations aimed at solving existing problems are accepted by Havana in accordance with international laws.

In February 2016, during a meeting between Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church and Pope Francis of the Russian Orthodox Church, the patriarch attended a reception at Fidel's, after which 6 photographs and a video without sound were published.

National television of Cuba broadcast a meeting of 89-year-old Fidel Castro with schoolchildren in the educational complex. V. Espin.

Fidel Castro Height: 191 centimeters.

Fidel Castro personal life:

Fidel's personal life has always been covered with a halo of legends and numerous rumors. He himself always did not like to expand on this topic.

Retired KGB Lieutenant General Nikolai Sergeevich Leonov, author of books and close friend of the Castro brothers, when he was about to write about Fidel, received the following order from him: “Write everything that concerns my political activities. I have no secrets here. , leave my spiritual attachments to me - this is my only property.

Mirta Díaz-Balart is considered the official wife of Fidel Castro, from whom he has the only legitimate son - Fidel Félix Castro Díaz-Balart, who was born in 1949 (he studied at Moscow State University at Faculty of Physics under the name Jose Raul Fernandez and practiced at the Soviet Kurchatov Institute; was married twice, the first time to a Russian, the second to a Cuban).

After the divorce from his wife, Castro did not enter into a legal marriage. Mirta never spoke about her marriage anywhere.

In France, a book by Serge Raffy (Serge Raffy) was published, in the original title of which (Castro l "infidèle) there is a pun that beats the name of Fidel. In this biographical, or fantastic novel," Unfaithful Castro ". It says that Fidel about twenty illegitimate children.In particular, Francisco Pupo lives in Miami, nicknamed "Pajita" (Pajita - "straw"): "She was born after Castro met a young girl from Santa Clara in 1953."

The daughter of Spanish emigrants who fled to Mexico after General Franco came to power, Isabel Custodio met Fidel in Mexico City while he was serving a short prison sentence after rounding up revolutionary bases while preparing for the Granma expedition. In the book El amor me absolverá, published in Mexico, she claims that after leaving prison, Fidel himself found her, told her about his plans to rid Cuba of Batista's dictatorship, and asked her to marry him.

Born in German Bremen, Marita Lorenz claims to have become Fidel's mistress, 33, immediately after the victory of the Cuban revolution. Marita was born on August 18, 1939 in the family of German sea captain Heinrich Lorenz and American dancer Alice June Lorenz, nee Lofland. Her mother was arrested by the Gestapo on charges of spying for the United States. Until 1945, together with Marita, they were in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. On February 28, 1959, Marita met Castro on board the passenger ship Berlin, captained by her father. While her father was enjoying an afternoon nap, a 19-year-old girl invited tall "barbudos" to the ship.

Fidel invited Marita Lorenz to become his translator and personal secretary. She dropped out of an American university and flew to Havana. The affair with Fidel ended in the fall of 1959, when Marita was five months pregnant. Their child is dead. It is not clear whether there was a miscarriage, or whether Lorenz was forced to have an abortion. The girl's mother filed a lawsuit against Fidel Castro in the amount of $ 11 million. She wrote an angry letter to Fidel Castro, copies of which she was not too lazy to send to the Pope and US President Dwight Eisenhower.

The first lady of Cuba, according to reporters from Western agencies, could be considered a tall blond woman with green eyes named Dalia Soto del Valle, whom Fidel Castro has been married to since 1980. She has five children with Fidel. There is currently no confirmation of this information.

Lazaro Asensio, a journalist and former commander of the revolutionary troops, recalled: “In October 1959, an airplane sank near Casilda Bay in Trinidad. Comandante Peña suggested that we use his niece by his wife, a girl named Dalia Soto del Valle, as a diver. She was very young, beautiful, thin, with very white skin. We took her on a boat, she dived, but she did not find the plane. When Fidel arrived in Trinidad, he was introduced to Dahlia, he fell in love with her and took her with him. Nobody ever saw her again."

Fidel Castro and Dalia Soto del Valle meeting with Pope Francis

Interesting Facts about Fidel Castro:

In 1962, Castro was excommunicated by Pope John XXIII on the basis of the Decree Against Communism of Pope Pius XII for organizing a communist revolution in Cuba.

His sister Juanita Castro fled Cuba in 1964 and settled in Florida upon her arrival in the US; even before that, in the early sixties, she began to cooperate with the US Central Intelligence Agency.

During the revolutionary years, Fidel often added two more zeros to the amount of the reward announced for his head.

Fidel Castro entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most fiery speaker - his speech to the UN on September 29, 1960 lasted 4 hours and 29 minutes. According to Reuters, Castro's longest speech was delivered at the Third Congress of the Cuban Communist Party in 1986 and lasted 7 hours and 10 minutes. However, according to AN Cuba-vision - this speech lasted 27 hours.

Fidel Castro played in at least two American films, including the well-known at the time - "School of Mermaids".

Castro has always been a fan of Rolex watches. In many photographs, he can be seen wearing two Rolex Submariners on his wrist.

NBO, which commissioned Stone's film Comandante, considered it a propaganda tape praising Cuba and its leader. The film was banned from showing in the United States, and again went to Cuba, with the aim of investigating how things are with human rights on Liberty Island. Ironically, in 2006, the US authorities fined the film crew of Looking for Fidel for "violating the economic embargo" against Cuba.

At the end of April 2010, Fidel started a microblog on Twitter, intending to bypass Sebastian Piñera and Benjamin Netanyahu in terms of the number of readers, but in the first weeks their number grew only to a couple of tens of thousands, and during the same time Hugo Chavez received 10 times more "votes ".

In early August 2010, the first part of Fidel's memoirs, La Victoria Estratégica, was published in Cuba for the first time. He is currently working on the second part of "La contraofensiva estratégica final".

Fidel Castro has been an Arsenal fan since the Gunners' golden double in 1970/71.

IN computer games"Call of Duty: Black Ops" and "The Godfather 2" have an operation to eliminate Castro. Both operations end in failure, which again hints at his "invulnerability".

Fidel Castro entered the Guinness Book of Records for surviving 638 different assassination attempts, including poison in cigars and a bomb in a baseball.

Fidel Castro: biography Fidel Castro is a world-famous commandant and permanent Cuban leader who ruled Cuba for more than half a century. There are many legends about his activities and life, which often contradict each other. It is difficult to give a definite characterization to the "great and terrible" politician, since one part of the world community considers him a people's ruler, and the other considers him the toughest dictator of mankind.
He was idolized and hated, praised and despised. The life path of Fidel Castro can hardly be called unambiguous. And, sometimes in this turmoil, it is extremely difficult to distinguish truth from lies. However, difficult does not mean impossible. AND life path Fidel Castro - prime example the correctness of these words.

The biography of Fidel Castro is full of various events, he survived more than 600 attempts on his life, became the leader of the Cuban revolution and was the most terrible enemy of the United States, who entered into a nuclear and economic alliance with the USSR.

Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926 in the small provincial town of Biran in Cuba in the family of a small landowner and a cook.

The parents of the future ruler were uneducated people, so they tried to give their children the most decent education.
Given the fact that Fidel had a phenomenal memory from childhood, he became the best student in the school.
In addition to the ability to learn, Castro was distinguished by an ambitious and purposeful character, showing a revolutionary disposition. Already at the age of 13, he took part in the uprising of workers on his father's plantation, in which he held leadership positions.

In 1941, the future Cuban leader graduated from high school with honors and entered a privileged college, in which he is remembered as a vain student and participant in all fights.
After college, Fidel Castro became a law student at the University of Havana. During his student years, he was especially fond of revolutionary books, which engendered in his soul the spirit of a revolutionary. At that time, he had little sympathy for the Communists, but was ready to join their ranks if he was "made Stalin." In 1950, Fidel Castro received a law degree and opened a private practice, whose activities were based on helping poor people solve legal problems.
The future commandant became a people's lawyer and provided free legal assistance to the population, which won considerable support in society.


The beginning of Fidel Castro's political career is revolutionary. First he becomes a member of the Party of the Cuban People,
from the ranks of which he is trying to break into parliament. But the first attempt was unsuccessful - his candidacy for deputies was not approved due to radicalism. Then he decides to take more desperate steps and becomes the leader of the fighters against the dictatorship, with whom in 1953 he plots against the then acting Cuban head, Fulgencio Batista.
This attempt to get to the top of the country's power also turns out to be a failure, since as a result of the conspiracy, many of Fidel Castro's associates died, and the revolutionary himself was imprisoned for 15 years.

Two years later, the future head of Cuba fell under a general amnesty and was released from prison, where he spent 22 months.
The released prisoner immediately left the country and moved to Mexico, where he organized the revolutionary "July 26 Movement" in memory of the rebellion against Batista. The ranks of the movement included many famous revolutionaries of the time, such as Ernesto Che Guevara and the brother of the future Cuban ruler Raul Castro.

Young Fidel Castro

The return of Fidel Castro to his homeland was fateful both for him and for the entire Cuban people - he, with an army of rebels, was able to capture Havana and overthrow the Batista regime, which allowed him to become first the commander-in-chief of the Cuban troops, and later take the post of prime minister of the country.

Chairman of the State Council of Cuba In almost 20 years as head of the government of Cuba, Fidel Castro completely transformed the state - the country flourished in a very short time and experienced an unprecedented economic recovery. The new head of Cuba took special care of the social sphere, making medicine free for the population and raising the level of education to 98%. At the same time, the nationalization of private companies was carried out and "friendship" with the USSR began.

In 1962, Soviet nuclear missiles were placed on the island, which worsened relations between the US and Cuba. Hostility with the West provoked a Caribbean crisis on the island, due to which many of Castro's associates fled the country and sided with the Americans. Despite this, the Cuban leader continued to work towards the overthrow of world capitalism, supporting foreign revolutionary movements in Angola, Afghanistan, South Yemen, Ethiopia, Syria, Algeria, Nicaragua, Libya and other third world countries.
Economic growth and stability in Cuba stopped in the early 80s, when the USSR stopped providing financial support to the country. This led to an economic crisis that left Cuba the poorest country in the world. Against this background, people began to try by any means to leave their homeland and move to the United States, and in Cuba, the opposition began to organize a movement to overthrow the Castro regime. In 2006, for health reasons, the Cuban leader was forced to transfer powers to his brother Raul, who in 2008 became the full ruler of Cuba, since Fidel Castro was physically unable to govern the country and lead the Cuban army.

Assassination attempts and health

The attempts on the life of Fidel Castro are the most widely discussed chapter of his biography. There is information that during the reign of Cuba and cooperation with the USSR, the American CIA made about 600 attempts to destroy the Cuban head.
All of them, for unknown reasons, were canceled at the last moment and completely suppressed by the special agents of the island.

They tried to kill Castro during spearfishing, shoot him with a miniature pistol built into a reporter's camera, and poison him with a deadly poison that was soaked in "Castro" cigars. In 2006, Fidel Castro's health deteriorated significantly and fell into the peninsula's state secret category.
Despite this, some of the ailments of the Cuban leader became public and became public after the declassification of one of the reports of the American CIA. It is known that since 1998, Castro began to suffer from Parkinson's disease, which made him a paranoid jealous of all the people's favorites. Also, a local doctor who escaped from Cuba said that the politician had rectal cancer and was operated on in 1989 due to a brain hemorrhage. Against the background of such data, the famous Cuban commandant was “buried” several times in the media, but he always suddenly appeared in public and denied mass rumors about his death.

In 2014, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with Fidel Castro. After meeting with the Cuban leader, the Russian Foreign Minister said that he was certainly weak, but his eyes were burning with life and readiness for new revolutionary achievements.

Personal life

Fidel Castro's personal life, like his health, is a closed and secret topic in society. It is known that in his life there were three truly beloved women who gave birth to seven children, of which only one son is legitimate. Fidel Castro's first wife, Mirta Diaz Balart, was the daughter of a Cuban government minister, Batista. She gave birth to the Cuban head of the only official heir to Fidelito, in the future she will head the Ministry of Nuclear Energy of Cuba, who at one time was married to a Russian woman. Fidel's marriage to Mirta Diaz proceeded sedately and peacefully.
But love will break another passion of Fidel - a passion for political revolution. In the fifties, when Fidel was fully preparing a revolutionary coup, the two spouses began to move away from each other.

The second wife of Fidel Castro was the legendary Havana
beauty of the 50s Nati Revuelta, who gave birth to his daughter Alina. The daughter of the Cuban leader fled from Cuba to the United States under a fake Spanish passport when she was young. According to Alina, in addition to Castro, there are at least five more children who were born to him by a beloved woman named Delive Soto.

It is quite remarkable that all their names begin with the letter "A" -
Antonio, Alex, Alexander, Angelita, Alexandro.

The third wife of the Cuban revolutionary Celia Sanchez was an assistant to Castro for many years, but in 1985 she committed suicide.

As of 2005, Fidel Castro's fortune reached 550 million dollars, and a year later it increased to almost a billion. In this regard, according to Forbes magazine, he became one of the richest people on the planet. At the same time, the Cuban ruler himself denies his income from state-owned enterprises, but he loves luxury very much, as evidenced by his numerous yachts, residences and thousands of guards.
The extravagant politician does not indulge his children with special attention - he gave them only food rations and security.

At 22.29 November 25, 2016 (06.29 Moscow time November 26), Fidel Castro died. The Cuban revolutionary passed away after a long illness. After his death, Fidel Castro's body was cremated, according to his will. Cuban leader Fidel Castro has died at the age of 91.

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