Exchange of driver's license due to graduation. A complete guide to replacing your driver's license.

home Have you lost your driver's license? Or has it expired? Or did it happen to you? significant event

and you changed your last name? The company provides highly qualified assistance with replacement driver's license

for any reason.

We will save your time and nerves, forget about queues and painful waiting.

The cost of the service is 3,500 rubles.

  • The need to replace a driver's license may arise for various reasons:
  • expired (10 years have passed since receipt)
  • last name change
  • damage or unpresentable appearance obtaining rights over high category
  • or subcategories

loss or theft of ID So, let's take a closer look. For example, the reason for changing rights expiration date

  • , in this case you need to come with a prepared package of documents to the traffic police, you need to have with you:
  • statement
  • medical certificate form No083/U-89.
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other identification document

old driver's license If you accidentally missed the expiration date of your driver's license , your trip can turn out to be impressive

fine - from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles. During the procedure for replacing rights in connection with change of surname

, in addition to a passport and driver's license, it is also necessary to provide a certificate of marriage or divorce, or originals of other documents certifying the change of surname and change of personal data. In this case, you do not need to provide a medical certificate. If your driver's license was damaged or damaged

, bring them with you (No medical certificate required). When registering a duplicate of rights in the event of it loss or theft

- Presentation of your passport will be sufficient. If you want to get your license higher category or subcategory

  • , prepare:
  • passport or other identity document;
  • driver license;
  • application for issuance of a certificate of a new category (subcategory);
  • medical certificate;

Owners of licenses with the distinctive SU (USSR) badge, which were issued before January 1, 1992 on the territory of the former Union Republics (USSR), can also replace their license without passing practical and theoretical exams. And equally to the owners of rights issued in the CIS member countries in exchange for those indicated, which is confirmed by the necessary documents.

The cost of state duty when replacing a driver’s license is 2,000 rubles.

The state duty can be paid at branches of any bank, using Internet banking, through payment terminals (which are located in most MREO), and you can also use the government services website.

The entire procedure for changing a driver’s license formally takes about 1 hour, but in fact it takes much more time. By entrusting this procedure to professionals, you can do more important matters, we will do everything for you!

For various reasons, it becomes necessary to exchange a driver's license. This could be: expiration of their validity period, change of surname (for example, after getting married), loss or theft, etc.

Driving licenses in Russia are issued for 10 years. Typically, the validity period of a driver's license is indicated on the license itself. If the validity period of such a driver’s license is not specified, it is valid for 10 years from the date of issue.

Fee for issuing and replacing a driver's license

The state fee for replacing a driver’s license is established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (subclause 43, clause 1, Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and in 2016 is for the issuance of a national driver’s license, a tractor driver’s license (tractor operator), a temporary license for the right to drive self-propelled vehicles, including in replacement of lost or deteriorated:

  • made from paper-based consumables - 500 rubles;
  • made from plastic-based consumables (plastic card) - 2,000 rubles;

The procedure for reviewing documents when replacing a driver's license

After submitting an application to the traffic police department, the inspector establishes the identity of the applicant and checks the submitted documents, including for compliance with legal requirements Russian Federation and presence of signs of counterfeit.

The application sent by the applicant using the information resources of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the Internet or the Unified Portal, together with copies of the attached documents (if any), undergoes initial processing and verification of the information contained therein. Original documents, with the exception of the application, are submitted when the applicant personally contacts the examination department.

Submitted driver's licenses are checked against the records of issued driver's licenses, distributed, lost, stolen, and rejected special products of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

If there is no automated information system information about the issuance of a driver's license is sent to the place of issue.

The traffic police official certifies that the application form has been properly filled out and the necessary documents have been submitted by affixing his signature on the application, indicating the surname and initials, the date and time of receipt of the application and documents.

Application consideration period

Administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on the provision public services for conducting examinations for the right to drive vehicles and issuing driver's licenses, a maximum period for the provision of public services for issuing a Russian national driver's license to replace the previously issued one has been established, which is no more than an hour.

In this case, documents for replacing a driver’s license can be submitted either in person (by visiting the traffic police department at your place of residence) or at in electronic format(using the website "GOUSUSLUGI").

Grounds for refusal to replace a driver's license

A driver's license will not be changed in the following cases:

  • Availability of information about the deprivation of the applicant’s right to drive vehicles.
  • Submission of an incomplete list of documents
  • Submission of documents that have signs of falsification, as well as those that are among the lost (stolen).

Prepared by "Personal"

What documents are needed to replace a driver's license in 2017

The procedure for changing documents for the right to drive a car is required regularly.

There can be many reasons for this, for example, personal data has changed or rights have simply been lost.

As you know, driving without a license is punishable by a fine. To avoid such a sanction, you should take care in time to replace the main document of each driver.

What documents are needed to replace a driver’s license in 2017 and how to do it?

The legal opportunity to get behind the wheel of a car appears only after obtaining a driver’s license, which is popularly called a driver’s license. The validity of the document is limited to ten years.

This period is indicated on the document itself in the form of numbers and letters:

  • 4a – date of issue;
  • 4b – end date.

An international driving license is valid for only three years.

In addition to the expiration of the validity period, replacement of rights may be necessary in the following cases:

  • The document is damaged or lost.
  • There has been a change in personal data.
  • The rights were stolen.
  • The rights owner's health has deteriorated.
  • Opens new category driving.

When applying for a new driver's license, you do not need to take an exam. Passing such a test is required if you want to obtain a license of a new category.

There are two most common ways to go through the procedure for replacing rights:

  • When contacting the department in person.
  • Using the State Services portal.

If you choose the first option, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • All necessary documents are prepared.
  • The driver comes to the traffic inspection department and hands over a package of papers to the registrar.
  • To obtain a license you will need to take photographs. This service can be used at the traffic police department itself, subject to technical equipment.
  • After completing all the above actions, the driver will only have to wait for the document to be prepared and receive them in the appropriate window.

The second option (through the portal) greatly simplifies the life of the driver if he is already registered on the site.


The registration procedure requires code confirmation, and not all regions can provide this opportunity promptly, and sometimes you have to wait for the code to arrive in an envelope by mail (time depends on the region). Therefore, in case of an urgent replacement, it is better to contact the traffic police directly.

To obtain a driver's license, you will need to complete the following procedure:

  • Register on the portal, create a “ Personal Area", enter it.
  • On the list government agencies select the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the service for replacing a driver’s license, and then click “Get service.”
  • All required fields are filled in and documents are uploaded electronically.
  • You can immediately pay the state fee on the portal.
  • After completing the entire procedure, you will receive a notification about the date and time when you can pick up the finished license.

Original documents are provided upon personal application to the traffic police.

Required documents to replace a driver's license in 2016-2017:

  • Statement. Compiled in writing. The form can be obtained by contacting the inspectorate in person or downloaded from the Internet.
  • Passport.
  • Driver license.
  • , if the replacement occurs due to the expiration of the document’s validity period or due to a change in the driver’s health.

To replace your license, you must pay a state fee. You do not have to provide a receipt for this. The inspection itself requests information about the fact of payment. If desired, its provision is not prohibited. It is prohibited for the inspection itself to demand it.

All documents to replace a driver’s license in 2016 must be provided in originals, having previously made copies of them.

You can apply for a new license at any traffic inspection office throughout Russia. This is possible because all inspections in the country have a centralized information base and it is not at all necessary to register at the place of application.

Having received the finished document, you should carefully study it, checking for possible errors.

  • Payment of duty. Its size is equal for all regions - 2,000 rubles; and 1,600 rubles will need to be paid when replacing an international license.
  • Payment for the services of inspection staff. If the driver wishes to use the services of employees when filling out an application, he will have to pay about 100 rubles.
  • Payment for bank services. If the fee is paid through a bank, then the payer is charged a commission, the amount of which is established by the bank itself.
  • Obtaining a medical certificate. The total amount will depend on the driver himself, which option for obtaining a certificate he chooses: through a private clinic or a public clinic. In the first case, you will need an amount of at least 7,000 rubles for all specialists, in the second case, everything can be done for free, but at the same time you will lose time waiting in line and the release of an appointment with a doctor. Even if you have to see some doctors in a state clinic for paid services, their cost will not exceed 300 rubles per specialist.

If you get by using minimal paid services, then you will only have to pay the cost of the duty, so it is difficult to talk about a specific amount for replacing the rights; in each case it will be individual.

Most often, such a change in data occurs when the driver’s last name is changed, which, as a rule, is a woman.

To replace rights, a regular package of documents is collected and a paper is attached to it confirming the replacement of personal data.

Accordingly, if the driver is a woman and her last name has changed, then such a document will be a marriage certificate.

With such a replacement, the validity period of the new rights will not be counted anew; their validity will continue from the original date, that is, from the moment they were first issued.


Even if the ten-year period is coming to an end, the driver will first have to replace the document when his last name changes, then wait until the expiration date and replace it again, but in connection with the termination of the validity period.

If the validity period of the document has come to an end, but the driver does not use them, then he will not face any fines.

He can replace them even after many years by submitting all the necessary documents.

But if the driver is not afraid to drive with an expired license or without one at all, then he will be fined under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The size of the sanction varies from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, and the inspector also has the right to drive away vehicle to the impound lot.


The driver may be detained with subsequent execution public works or an administrative arrest may be applied to him. But such measures are rarely used and most often inspectors simply issue a fine.

It is difficult to predict the actions of inspectors, so it is better not to lead to a conflict and monitor the condition of your own driver’s license in a timely manner.

The validity of a driver's license is 10 years. In 2016, the situation has not changed, so if you received your license in 2006, then you should change it. Since different registration actions with a driver's license are a rarity for most, the procedure itself for replacing a driver's license due to the expiration of its validity period can cause various problems: where to go, how much it all costs, how long it will take.

In addition, numerous rumors often appear that do not correspond to reality. Thus, rumors have appeared that when replacing a license, it is necessary to submit and present receipts for payment of all traffic fines, for which there should be no debts.

In fact, you don’t need to take an exam, and no one checks debts on fines, although it is advisable not to have them - we are already on the site, what happens to those drivers who do not pay their fines on time. Also, do not forget that it is possible if you pay for them immediately after discharge during the first 20 days.

So, let's consider in detail the process of replacing a device due to its expiration date.

Validity period of the license

Your rights are valid for ten years. The form itself indicates the date of issue and expiration date. Therefore, as the expiration date approaches, you need to take care of obtaining new rights.

However, it is sometimes necessary to change rights without waiting for the end of this period in the following cases:

  • in case of their loss, we wrote on our website;
  • if personal data changes - according to the new rules, girls after getting married and changing their surname must receive a new ID;
  • when your health status changes;
  • if they are damaged - if it is impossible to read the owner’s name or serial number, etc.;
  • if the license was obtained using forged documents.

That is, if you, for example, got married and took your husband’s surname or a double surname, then you must definitely change your license. The same applies to people whose health has deteriorated sharply, for example, their eyesight has decreased and now they are forced to wear glasses.

What documents are needed to replace a driver's license?

Regardless of the reason for which you are changing your rights - a change of surname or expiration of the validity period, you must take the following documents with you without fail:

  • your personal passport or any other document to confirm your identity;
  • medical certificate;
  • old rights.

It is advisable to make copies of all these documents in advance. You may also need a marriage certificate if you have changed your last name. You will also need to fill out an application, the form of which can be downloaded on the Internet or you can find a sample form at the traffic police department.

The medical certificate is the most difficult thing. Its validity period is 2 years, however, since it is not included in the list of documents that the driver must have with him, it is issued only upon the expiration of the validity period.

The cost of a medical certificate is not legally approved. According to the latest changes, you can apply for it in any private clinic, but you need to visit a narcologist and psychoneurologist in public medical institutions. In addition, at each dispensary you must pay a separate fee - 500 rubles. That is, a medical certificate will cost about 4 thousand rubles: 2-3 thousand for the form itself and for each specialist, plus 1000 rubles for a narcologist and psychotherapist.

Changes in government duties

Until 2015, the cost of a new VU form was 800 rubles. Since 2015, prices have increased noticeably; now they pay 2,000 rubles to obtain a license.

Take your payment receipt with you. It is better to pay in banks with a minimum commission, since in the registration department there are terminals with a “golden” commission, which can reach 150-200 rubles.

How long will all this take?

This entire procedure, along with obtaining a new medical certificate, takes a minimum of time. If you wish, you can see all the specialists at the clinic in half an hour. You can also order a medical certificate from a private company, in which case they will deliver it to you ready-made, although for a large fee.

At the traffic police department, you hand over your documents to the window, they give you a ticket and you wait until your number appears on the board or until they call you to office No. 1. As a rule, everything takes about one to two hours.

Don’t forget also that you don’t need to take photographs of your license; you will be photographed by the traffic police. Photos will be needed to obtain a medical certificate, as we discussed earlier on the site.

You also don’t have to worry about passing theoretical exams and paying all fines - for this moment this is not required. Although, knowing our deputies, we should not exclude this possibility in the future.

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