Department of Health of KhMAO elections of chief doctors. Public selection for the position of chief physician


“Filimonov’s resignation could be beneficial to Putin...”

Experts website about how proteges of Sobyanin and Kalashnikov quarreled in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Sergei Sobyanin and Vladimir Kalashnikov are called people who have strong influence

on Natalia Komarova's personnel policy website

In the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the selection of candidates for the post of director of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Department of Health began, which became vacant after the forced early resignation of Alexander Filimonov, who came to the attention of the security forces. At least four potential applicants have already been named - all well-known people in the professional community. But observers believe that only those who are supported by Deputy Governor of Ugra Alexey Putin will have real chances. Sources say that until this moment Putin himself, despite his status, did not have the proper influence on either the department or its director. Therefore, he will do everything to approve his person for the post. A new show has started in Ugra for the popular election of the head of another district department, this time the Department of Health. The decision to involve the public in the personnel issue was made by governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

“I wouldn’t recommend stocking up on popcorn - interesting fight It's not worth the wait. Whoever applies for this post, in any case it will be Alexei Putin’s man. Putin himself has been working towards this for a long time and now he will not miss the opportunity to take control of one of the most budget-intensive departments,” one observer shares his opinion.


According to him, Filimonov was never a player on Putin’s team and, in fact, never obeyed him. “Formally, yes: Putin is the boss, and Filimonov is his subordinate. But everyone knew that this was just a convention. In reality, Filimonov was quite independent of Putin. The decision on his appointment was made directly by the governor. According to colleagues, she appointed him for a reason, but on the recommendations of famous comrades..

Filimonov was appointed director of the department with the prefix interim in July 2011, immediately after his resignation letter at will the then head of the department, Vsevolod Koltsov, wrote. According to the official version, due to health problems, but there was also an unofficial version, according to which Koltsov was convinced to leave. In September, Filimonov got rid of the acting prefix and headed the department. Local experts spent a long time trying to understand Komarova’s personnel decision.

“Few people knew Filimonov then. The length of his bureaucratic career was only a couple of months in the position of Koltsov’s first deputy. It was previously unrealistic to receive such a post without any experience in the civil service. And the fact that Komarova ultimately settled on this particular candidate (and, as they say, she did not even consider other options) raised numerous questions and even misunderstandings,” says one of the former department employees.

Another interlocutor of the site explains that Filimonov was invited to the post of head of the interdistrict oncology center in the district. “Before moving to Ugra, he worked as the head of the department radiation therapy Samara Regional Oncology Center. He was invited to Khanty-Mansiysk precisely when the construction of an expensive healthcare facility - an oncology center - was being completed. This project took place through the Cooperation program, and the bidding was carried out by the Tyumen region. I would like to note that about 6 billion rubles were spent on its construction and equipment. So, according to one version, Filimonov was invited to this project under the patronage of people who had interests in this object. And although he oversaw these issues, you will not find anything about this period in his biography published on the government website. And after the construction was almost completed, Filimonov made a career breakthrough - he received the position of first deputy director of the health department. My first thought when I found out about this was that this post was thanked by the people who worked at this facility,” one of his colleagues tells one of the versions of the official’s rapid career growth.


Putin was appointed to the post of deputy governor in April 2011 - at that time Filimonov was already working in government bodies. “Putin’s career, like Filimonov’s own career, is just as fast-paced and rather strange. The same career leap in the civil service without any explanation. But this is not the only thing that unites them. There is an opinion that the same forces are behind the appointments. For example, the name of Vladimir Kalashnikov sounds. It is believed that an old friend of Sergei Sobyanin periodically advises Natalya Komarova on personnel issues,” our interlocutor shares his version.

According to him, Filimonov, apparently understanding that he had exactly the same positions as Putin, considered himself an independent player in Komarova’s team. “And then at some point conflicts began between them. Putin could not do anything and endured it, apparently waiting for the moment. But as is already known, as a result, security forces from the Tyumen region, who found enough reasons to convince the official to write a letter of resignation of his own free will. And from this period a completely different stage begins for Putin. Now, understanding what resources there are, he, it seems to me, will try to put only his own person in this post,” an interlocutor familiar with the situation shares his opinion.

According to one version, this, for example, could be Alexey Dobrovolsky, who established himself as the head of the Design Bureau as a reliable partner. “In any case, whoever it is, Putin has connections through which the governor can be convinced to give him the opportunity to work with trusted people,” says one of the deputy governor’s acquaintances.

The intrigue with the election of the head of the Department of Health of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is coming to an end. Just 2 days ago, on March 9, the acceptance of applications from applicants wishing to take up the position of head of the department ended, and now the names of those lucky ones who were included in this list have become known. Those wishing to try themselves in the role of the chief physician of Ugra turned out to be neither more nor less, but “SIX”. And this whole process is under special control of Deputy Governor Alexei Andreevich Putin, who oversees this area. But it’s impossible without control, otherwise you never know who will end up overboard the boat...

Six candidates are tested by relevant services to ensure they meet the requirements for the position. “Three applicants who will score larger number votes through preliminary Internet voting. In addition to them, 70 representatives of the medical community from all over the district will take part in the broadcast. The broadcast will begin with a brief introduction of the candidates, then each of them will present the program with which he is going to the “elections”: he will tell why he wants to take this position, what he plans to change in the industry, draw a perspective, voice problems and solutions. Participants in the television debates will ask questions to candidates for the position of head of the Department of Health, ask for comments on the proposals voiced, and so on. Participants in televised debates will mark their preferred candidate on the ballot papers distributed. The voting process and subsequent counting will no longer take place in live. Only after this, taking into account public opinion, will the Governor of Ugra Natalya Komarova make a decision on appointing the head of the department to the position,” explained Mikhail Epikhin, Deputy General Director for Information Policy of the Ugra TV channel.

Now let’s get to know each of the candidates individually and show where they managed to distinguish themselves. Let's start with the "Varangians", whose names hardly mean anything to the Ugra public and TV viewers of the OTRK "Yugra".

The first candidate is Tyumen businessman Andrey Nikolaevich Gura, director of Medservice LLC. The company was registered in Tyumen in 1993 on September 21 and specializes in the main profile of medical services, the organization is registered in categories such as “ Retail medical goods and orthopedic products”, “Medical practice”, “Activities of other places of residence”. According to SBIS LLC, Medservice is also engaged in the production of pharmaceutical products, the authorized capital of the organization was 11 thousand 700 rubles.

The second “Varangian” is chief physician medical and sanitary unit "Urengoy Burenie" Andrey Pavlovich Krivoshchekov (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). All that is known about him is that in Moscow in 2010 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic “Comprehensive social and hygienic study on the health protection of workers in the gas production industry in the Far North of Western Siberia.”

However, he, like the previous candidate, can be called “dark horses” or “technical candidates” - whichever you prefer, since they appeared suddenly, as, most likely, they will disappear from such an extensive list of applicants. The “suitable six” have already been presented, and maybe there were more candidates... Who knows?.. And it’s unlikely that anyone will tell?

I wonder what the third candidate is known for - the 41-year-old chief physician of the Nizhnevartovsk District Clinical Hospital, surgeon Ilvir Rifovich Nabiullin. Well, firstly, he became the head physician of the Nizhnevartovsk Design Bureau not so long ago - in April 2015, he came to Nizhnevartovsk from the Fedorovsk City Hospital in Surgut, which he headed for five years, starting in 2009. Graduated from the Bashkir State University in 1998 medical school in Ufa, after completing his clinical residency, he worked at the Special Clinical Hospital as a surgeon. Then he entered graduate school, then defended his PhD thesis at the St. Petersburg Medical Academy postgraduate education. Further in his biography work in progress in the village of Barsovo, Surgut district, in the emergency department medical care- 4 years. Married, has 3 children. Spouse is a doctor highest category. Ilvir Nabiullina's father worked in the oil industry and held various leadership positions.

It is worth recalling that the son is like his father, since his thirst for power has been evident for many years now. So, in 2012, after going on leave and the subsequent dismissal of Valery Belousov, Ilvir Nabiullin, like his colleague in the “workshop of chief physicians of Yugra” Alexey Dobrovolsky, participated in a similar “public” procedure for selecting the head physician of the District Clinical Hospital. Then four people applied for participation: the head physician of the Center for Occupational Pathology Nikolai Tashlanov, the acting head physician of the OKB Aleksey Dobrovolsky, the head physician of the Central City Hospital of Urai Oleg Savruk and the head physician of the Fedorov City Hospital Ilvir Nabiullin. As a result, Alexey Dobrovolsky became the leader of the vote.

In principle, something similar is happening now, reminiscent of the “staged performance” of 2012. Video from 4 years ago with the procedure for electing the head physician of the District Clinical Hospital,

The next contender is 44-year-old chief physician of the Khanty-Mansiysk District Clinical Hospital Alexey Albertovich Dobrovolsky. In 2012, he became the chief physician of the OKB, and previously was acting. Born on March 31, 1972 in a family of doctors in Omsk, in 1995 he graduated from Omsk medical academy majoring in General Medicine. Since 2001 – surgeon of the first surgical department OKB Khanty-Mansiysk. Since 2005 – Deputy Chief Physician of the Clinic for Surgery. At the end of 2013, the chief physician of the District Clinical Hospital in Khanty-Mansiysk, Alexey Dobrovolsky, was included in the Board of Trustees of the Khanty-Mansiysk NPF. Married, has 3 children. His wife is an obstetrician-gynecologist.

But we should not forget about what is happening within the walls of the Khanty-Mansiysk Design Bureau in Lately, and there were plenty of cases before too. And as they say, whatever you name the ship is how it will float, and a lot depends on the helmsman.

For example, at the end of February of this year, a resident of Yugra, Olesya Belova, in search of justice, turned to the control and supervision service in the health sector of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the prosecutor's office and investigators. She died Small child due to medical negligence. Olesya described the situation that led to the death of her two-month-old son M. (born October 7 last year) in detail in an appeal to the control and supervision service. The hospital initially assumed the child was poisoned by the drops. However, pediatric anesthesiologist Birger was able to adequately assess the child’s condition. “He grabbed him and ran with him in his arms to the intensive care unit, but didn’t have time - his heart stopped in the emergency room,” says Olesya. The heart was restarted, and within two hours a diagnosis of “congenital diaphragmatic hernia with intestinal entrapment” was made.

The hernia was repaired, but the condition worsened, writes A second operation was performed and 90% of the baby was removed small intestine, he spent a week in intensive care at the Khanty-Mansiysk OKB. Soon, Maxim Belov died in the intensive care unit of the Nizhnevartovsk district children's hospital - on December 17, 2015.

In March 2016, one of the employees of the X-ray department of the Khanty-Mansiysk OKB contacted the editors of URA.Ru. In the letter, he said that “management incites conflicts between employees, creates psychologically traumatic situations, promotes professional inequality between employees, and abuses staff and nurses. All this is reflected in labor discipline; nurses are constantly in a depressed state.”

Also, do not forget the cancer patient from Khanty-Mansiysk Maxim Belosludtsev, who died due to incorrect diagnosis and treatment, or in August 2015 there was a case of blatant medical negligence. After a successful heart operation, a 66-year-old patient at the District Clinical Hospital, who was under anesthesia, was dropped from the table. The woman suffered facial injuries, and doctors for a long time hid their origin. At first, hospital staff claimed that the patient had caused the injuries to herself. According to them, while recovering from anesthesia, the woman hit her head on expensive medical equipment, for example, on a tomograph. Then the doctors suggested another version - supposedly the swelling was caused by coagulants (drugs that increase blood clotting), and therefore would soon go away. However, it was later discovered that the doctors simply dropped the patient from the table. Fortunately, this happened after the end of the operation.

And these are just a few sketches. Now let’s turn to the opinion of the public, who are actively commenting this topic. This is what users say on one of the central information platforms - the information resource "", if you carefully study the information feed of this resource, you can see with the naked eye that this portal is in demand both among ordinary Ugra residents and the government - “congratulations on the anniversary resource."

“Let Dobrovolsky first put things in order in the district hospital, there is enough chaos there, where should he lead the district?!”, writes a user under the nickname “Goga” on the news agency’s website. “Dobrovolsky cannot even restore order in the OKB, is everything really so bad that they will trust him to head healthcare, he only pays attention to the treatment of friends and relatives of his patron...... What kind of public elections are there???? Everything has already been decided. I hope for Natalya Vladimirovna that she will not allow it and that a worthy candidate will be appointed to develop Ugra’s healthcare, and not someone who will support the curator of social services in the September elections. Look what’s going on in all the departments that A.A.P. supervises,” said another commentator under the nickname “Reason.” It is worth noting that the “invisible experts” of the resources present Dobrovolsky to the public as the favorite in this election race.

Let us also remember the moment that Alexey Albertovich at the district clinical hospital turned out to be no less accommodating than his predecessor. He is in warm relations with the famous Ugra philanthropist, businessman, patron of the Ugra United Russia party, owner of the boat on which Deputy Governor Alexey Putin was vacationing on the day of the death of his political colleague Vitaly Ermoshin, Teyfur Heybatov. Among the government orders “won” by Geybatov, orders from the Yugra Design Bureau occupy far from the last place.

The next contender is the chief physician of the Sovetskaya District Hospital, Vladimir Antonov. Born on August 3, 1970 in Kaluga. My labor activity began in September 1993 after graduating from the Yaroslavl Medical Institute with a degree in General Medicine. Completed a two-year residency at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. From 1995 to 2007 he worked in the city of Noyabrsk, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Since 1995, he worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the obstetric department of the central city hospital. In 2001-2004 – head of the health department of the municipal service, head of the health department of the city administration. In 2004 -2007 – Commercial Director, CEO JSC "Ozerny" In 2007 he moved to the city of Sovetsky Ugra. Currently the chief physician municipal institution Healthcare "Soviet Central District Hospital".

According to colleagues, Antonov carried out a successful reconstruction of the hospital, has the appropriate education, invests every penny in the business, and is a good manager.

Basically, if you believe open sources This candidate has more advantages than disadvantages.

Let us note that the list of applicants includes one more candidate, a doctor, adviser to the head of Surgut Dmitry Sukharev. A native of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Born on July 6, 1971 in Surgut, on this moment he is 44 years old. In 1994 he graduated from the Tyumen Medical Institute. Has two higher education, second in the specialty “state and municipal management” received in Moscow. In 2008 he completed training at the Academy National economy under the Government Russian Federation under the program for training management personnel for national economic organizations. After graduating from the institute, he worked as a cardio-rheumatologist at the Central Regional Clinical Hospital (1995-1996 and 1998-1999), underwent emergency military service in the position of head of the medical center of military unit 43105 (1996-1998), cardiologist at the District Cardiological Dispensary Center for Diagnostics and Cardiovascular Surgery in Surgut (OKD CD and SSH) (1999-2004), head of the department of functional diagnostics "OKD "CD and SSH" (2004-2006), was the chief physician of the municipal health care institution "City Medical and Physical Education Dispensary" since 2006. Since 2010, he has been deputy chairman of the health care committee of the Surgut administration, and since 2012, chairman of the health care committee. There are a number of scientific works. Under the leadership of Sukharev, action plans were developed for the implementation of the party project “Quality of Life. (Health)"; proposals to the state program “Health Development for 2014-2020”. In 2014, he received a certificate of honor from the Ministry of Health. Married, has a son.

This candidate’s priorities are “decency and restraint,” as evidenced by the questionnaire posted in open sources.

Let us remind you that the chair of the head of the Ugra Department of Health became vacant on February 11 of this year. Currently, the acting director of the department of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is the deputy director of the department, Vladislav Nigmatulin.

The public will certainly have their say in the near future. We are waiting for you on March 16 in the evening edition of “News” of OTRK “Yugra” at 23:00.

But still, the main decision will hang on the shoulders of our governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region, Natalya Vladimirovna Komarova. It is she who will determine who will lead one of the most significant areas of life for the residents of Ugra - healthcare. Whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail...

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