What happened between Yesenina and Proskuryakova. An unexpected turn in the scandal between Proskuryakova and her partner. Igor, do you have time in your life for a hobby?

Yulia Proskuryakova announced a break in relations, but fans are trying to persuade the singer to change her mind. Two years ago, Igor Nikolaev and Yulia Proskuryakova became the parents of a wonderful daughter, Veronica. For this important reason, Julia left the stage for some time and only 1.5 years later announced the release of her new song

. Igor Nikolaev’s wife Yulia Proskuryakova sang only his hits all the time.

However, the other day it turned out that the artist had found a replacement for him and now decided to collaborate with Elena Yesenina. Their first composition was the wonderful song “For my daughter,” and the next hit “I am a mother!” The whole country was already singing. The two artists met on the Internet, because Proskuryakova and her new friend live in different cities

. The girls began to correspond and found out that they had a lot in common. They are both talented, promising, and both became mothers almost at the same time!

Elena wrote the song “For my daughter” and dedicated it to her baby Seraphim. The artist decided to perform this touching composition together with Yulia. Nikolaev’s wife liked this idea. Igor also did not stand aside and made a musical arrangement.

The singers had just recently finished filming a video for this song, when suddenly it became known: the union of Proskuryakova and Yesenina ceased to exist!

Julia herself reported this on her microblog: “Dear Friends! We hasten to inform you that Yulia Proskuryakova and Elena Yesenina no longer cooperate and do not work together!”

The young mother did not provide any additional details, but, according to rumors, the girls had a big quarrel on professional grounds. Julia's fans are shocked by such unexpected news and try to remind their favorite how touchingly she and Elena met.

I wrote to Yulia, she asked me to send a verse, then a second one. And as a result she answered: “I like it! Let's record a song quickly. And Igor will do the arrangement.” It was a great honor for me that Nikolaev himself, such a great musician, would work with my composition!”

Let's hope that these memories will make the girls rethink their decision and we will still be able to see the video for the explosion social media hit “I am a mother!”

Almost from the day they met, Yulia Proskuryakova and Igor Nikolaev have been together. They are like Siamese twins - always with each other. However, one day they had to part. This happened shortly before the birth of their daughter Veronica. Then Yulia Proskuryakova went to Jurmala to rest, and soon return to Moscow to go to the maternity hospital. And Igor Nikolaev was waiting for a trip to Sochi for a music festival.


But Veronica adjusted the couple’s plans. Proskuryakova went into premature labor. When Julia called her husband to tell the news, Igor was boarding a plane.

“I called him: “Igor, I’m giving birth.” And he was so confused that he said: “No, don’t, wait!” And then the plane took off, the connection was interrupted. While Igor was flying, he became a dad. Probably, for him, these two the hours of uncertainty were no less painful than the process of childbirth for me. But when Igor landed and turned on the phone, he immediately saw a photo of his daughter,” Yulia Proskuryakova is quoted as saying by “7 Days.”

The news that Igor Nikolaev had a daughter quickly spread. “Everyone, of course, congratulated me. And only a week later I was finally able to escape from the competition to Yulia,” Nikolaev said.

In October, Veronica will turn two years old, but the parents still have not shown the baby’s face to the public. Proskuryakova denied the information that she and Nikolaev were hiding their daughter.

“There was no secret! We didn’t do photo sessions with Veronichka, because before my daughter had a hard time accepting unfamiliar adults. Unlike other children, Nika can easily hug the first boy or girl she meets out of excess feelings. But if he started working with her photographer, stylist, she would just burst into tears, and still nothing would come of it,” the singer explained.

Turns out, for a long time In addition to her parents, she allowed only four people to take her in their arms: her sister Yulia, Proskuryakova’s sister Olya, and also Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin. “And now Nika has become much more contactable, we can invite guests to the house more often,” Proskuryakova boasted.

Yulia Proskuryakova, Igor Nikolaev and their daughter Veronica

35 year old Yulia Proskuryakova since 2010 married to a 57-year-old Igor Nikolaev. The composer's third wife gave him a daughter, Veronica, two years ago. Recently, the singer and happy mother told the Argumenty Nedeli portal about her life with her star husband:

“I am really lucky in many ways, and miracles happen in my life. One of them is the birth of Igor and I’s daughter. We have been waiting for this miracle for almost ten years. As for my creative life, then in order to achieve results, I had to work a lot. And I continue to actively develop myself in this direction. This year I entered GITIS.”

Julia admitted that vocal creativity remains her priority. The artist is planning joint concerts and duets with her husband. At the beginning of October, a video clip was released for the song “I am a mother,” recorded by Yulia together with Elena Yesenina and Maxim Galkin.

Video for the song by Yulia Proskuryakova and Elena Yesenina “I am a mother”

Julia said that Maksim Galkin I didn’t rap for her video for crazy fees. Her husband Igor Nikolaev is the godfather of four-year-old Lisa Galkina, so the showman, without hesitation, agreed to help simply out of a friendly disposition towards the composer’s family.

The singer does not hide that she was very pleased to participate Natasha Koroleva in a flash mob for her song. She added that she met Igor after his separation from his star wife: “I appeared in Igor’s life when Natasha was no longer his wife. Of course, there are fans who still haven’t come to terms with their separation, and they write nasty things about me on the forums. But this could be addressed not only to me, but also to any other woman who would appear next to Igor. For them, everyone automatically becomes bad. These are people living in the past. We met Natasha Koroleva at one of the events. And this meeting was normal. Like between adults."

The artist called the perception of Nikolaev’s second and third wives as “fierce friends” erroneous. In fact, she never had any conflicts with ex-wife her husband. Yulia and Natasha rarely contact, but there is no negativity between them.

A post shared by (@uliaveronika) on Oct 8, 2017 at 3:39pm PDT

When asked about her attitude towards guest relationships and the life of a man with two or three families, Yulia answered categorically: “I think that a man should take on obligations. The proof of a man’s love is marriage.”

The singer is sure that she would not be able to forgive the betrayal: “Perhaps life will somehow change my ideas on this issue over time. Today I do not distinguish between physical and other betrayals. And to be honest, I think that this is the specific end of the relationship. Maybe you will make peace and forgive each other in words, but you will not forgive the person in your soul. All the time you will live and suffer - to see in every woman a potential rival with whom he sleeps. That is, this is a mockery of your feelings. You will no longer feel confident in a man and your important place in his life.”

Julia believes that you need to be happy, since a person is given only one life: “Even if the feelings have passed, you need to let the person go. What's the point of keeping him and torturing him? If he meets for intimate relationships with another person, it means you don’t suit him. So it seems to me that this is the end of the relationship. For me personally, certainly.”

Yulia Pavlovna Proskuryakova – famous singer and film actress. She began her television career with the programs “Become a Star” and “ National artist" But Julia achieved real fame after her marriage to the composer and author of many hits - Igor Nikolaev.

The childhood of Yulia Proskuryakova

Yulia Proskuryakova was born in the city of Yekaterinburg, then still called Sverdlovsk, into an intelligent, but at the same time completely ordinary Soviet family. Yulia's father, Pavel Sergeevich, was a lawyer and worked for many years in the prosecutor's office. Later he changed his place of activity and was a notary for about ten years. After several years, after changing jobs, I discovered my creative abilities. Pavel Sergeevich was published in a local newspaper, and in 2007 he published his first collection of poems, Crystal Grass. Yulia's mother, Lyudmila Ivanovna, is a very intelligent and well-mannered woman.

Despite absolutely no creative professions parents, Yulia decided from childhood that she would sing, and everything for this turned out to be the best. The girl took part in amateur performances, sang in a vocal and instrumental ensemble and was the winner of many music competitions. Who would have thought that such a moderately well-fed person, a lover of her mother’s borscht, would win more and more awards for her creative successes.

It is worth noting that Julia received her very first diploma for the song “Photography 9x12”. However, at that time she was completely unaware that this composition and other songs that she sincerely loved to perform were written by a famous musician, a talented author and her future husband Igor Nikolaev.

Igor Nikolaev and Yulia Proskuryakova in the program “People Live”

The girl decided to choose a profession completely different - she followed in her father’s footsteps and from 1999 to 2004 studied at the Ural State Law Academy.

However, she continued to actively and very successfully participate in music competitions and festivals. In 2000, Yulia received a special jury prize and an audience award in the Voice of Russia 2000 project.

Musical career of Yulia Proskuryakova

From an early age, Julia captivated audiences with her talent. But... she was praised, awarded, but never taken into groups and was not considered as “ interesting material" “Not the format,” the producers firmly refused to the girl: Julia did not have the appearance of a model; her short stature and thick build did not allow the singer to break through the ranks of stately and tall beauties.

The girl was already desperate and gradually abandoned all dreams of fame, but chance meeting with singer Igor Nikolaev turned the singer’s entire fate upside down. They began a romantic relationship that ended in marriage. Igor had a colossal influence on Yulia’s creative development: tours appeared in the girl’s life, participation in such serious projects as “Song of the Year”, “Best Songs”, “Show Valentina Yudashkina in the Kremlin." The decisive and main project was the duet with her husband “One Hope for Love”.

Igor Nikolaev and Yulia Proskuryakova - “One hope for love”

In March 2011, a disc of the same name was released, recorded together with her husband. Two years later, fans of Yulia’s singing talent were able to appreciate her solo work on her debut album “You are my happiness.”

Julia also tried herself as an artist: in 2013 she starred in the TV series “Provincial Muse” along with Alexey Barabash, as well as in the melodrama “Tili-tili-dough” together with Anatoly Rudenko.

Personal life of Yulia Proskuryakova

In 2005, Igor Nikolaev came to Yulia’s native Yekaterinburg with a concert program. From an early age, the girl admired this talented man and naturally purchased a ticket to the performance. It was not easy to communicate with the idol - whole crowds of arrogant fans and personal security did not let the girl get close. But, having taken her will into her fist, Yulia managed to sing to Igor a love song of her own composition called “Bird”. “And then she even slipped Nikolaev a disc with her masterpieces,” the singer admitted.

However, the romance began only six months later, at the time when Yulia arrived in Moscow to participate in the “People’s Artist” project. At the very last moment she “flew out”, but did not return to her homeland, but got a job at a law firm.

Yulia Proskuryakova - “You are my happiness”

Igor, who had not yet forgotten the heart broken by Natasha Koroleva, for a long time could not believe in the sincerity of feelings, his and Yulina’s, but later, under the pressure and, at the same time, spontaneity of Yulia, he surrendered to the power of his emotions.

In the fall of 2010, the wedding of Igor Nikolaev and Yulia Proskuryakova took place. The bride's magical dress did not leave any of the celebrity guests indifferent.

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