Sponge cakes with cocoa. Biscuit "Chocolate on boiling water

Chocolate biscuit(see photo) is one of the most beloved sweet desserts for tea. Due to its airy and porous texture, the product simply melts in the mouth, which is why it is so difficult to refuse.

You can cook not only simple classic biscuit, but also with the addition of various fillings in the form of confectionery cream (custard, sour cream, butter, mascarpone, curd, with whipped cream, lemon, protein, caramel, ice cream, chocolate ganache, yogurt, truffle). In addition, chocolate baked goods can be soaked in liqueur, cognac, mousse, honey, vanilla, soufflé, meringue, chocolate, jelly, mint syrup, condensed milk, cocoa powder. From above, the biscuit can be decorated not only with mastic or icing, but also with fruits (bananas, peaches, oranges, apples), as well as berries (cherries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries).

In addition to cream, chocolate biscuit goes well with products such as prunes, walnuts, coconut, raisins, almonds.


The composition of the chocolate biscuit must include the following ingredients:

  • premium flour;
  • cocoa powder;
  • granulated sugar;
  • eggs.

The calorie content of this product is quite high, so you should not abuse it so as not to gain extra pounds.

According to the current GOST, a chocolate biscuit must meet the following technical requirements:

Benefit and harm

Chocolate sponge cake is not particularly beneficial, since it is considered a high-calorie product, and this, in turn, affects not only the figure, but also the heart.

Many moms ask themselves: "Is it possible to have a chocolate biscuit with breastfeeding Doctors do not recommend using this flour product nursing mothers so as not to harm the health of the baby, as this can provoke the appearance allergic reaction for a new product.

What can you cook?

You can prepare a variety of desserts with chocolate biscuit. Usually a biscuit is made in the form of cakes for cakes, which are very airy and porous, and then impregnated with various confectionery creams, giving the dessert a rich aroma and amazing taste.

In addition, the chocolate sponge cake is suitable for making popular cheesecakes and cupcakes..

How to make a chocolate sponge cake at home?

Making a chocolate sponge cake at home is easy enough. The main thing is to follow the cooking recipe step by step, and then everything will definitely work out.

Chocolate biscuit

Cooking method

In the microwave (very fast)

To prepare a biscuit, you need to beat two eggs with a mixer, then add about seventy-five grams of sugar there and beat until a fluffy light yellow mass is formed. Next, you need to pour in about sixty milliliters of homemade milk and thirty milliliters of refined oil. All is well to interfere. Then add about eighty grams of flour, fifty grams of cocoa powder, a pinch of salt and soda, slaked with vinegar. Beat the dough well until smooth. Pour the mixture into cups and place in the appliance, turning it on at full power for about seven minutes.

In a multicooker

To make a simple biscuit, beat six egg yolks with a mixer until a fluffy mass is formed. Then add about two hundred grams of granulated sugar there and beat again until the sugar dissolves. Then add two hundred grams of flour and about eighty grams of cocoa powder to the egg mixture. Pour the finished mass into another container, and beat six egg whites with a mixer until they become fluffy foam. Then combine the protein mass with the previously cooked flour, stir well, pour into the appliance and turn on the "Baking" mode.

In a bread maker

To make a biscuit, you must first beat three proteins, then add about one hundred grams of granulated sugar to them and beat again until the sugar disappears. Then beat three yolks separately, add twenty-five grams of sugar there, stir well and combine with the proteins. Then add twenty-five grams of cocoa powder to the egg mass, stir well, and then gradually add about seventy-five grams of flour. Stir the dough well, pour it into the appliance and turn on the "Oven" program.

Genoese (in the oven)

To make a biscuit, beat six eggs with a glass of granulated sugar using a mixer until the mass becomes fluffy and expands. Then gradually add half a glass of flour and about eighty grams of cocoa powder there. While whipping the mass, it is necessary to pour melted butter into it in several approaches (about eighty grams is needed). Then pour the finished dough into a baking dish and put in the oven for thirty-five minutes.

Lean (in the oven)

To make a biscuit, about two hundred and fifty milliliters of water, about seventy milliliters of refined oil, fifteen milliliters of vinegar and two hundred grams of granulated sugar should be mixed in a sufficiently deep container. Then add about three hundred grams of flour, ten grams of baking soda, forty-five grams of cocoa powder and a bag of vanillin. Stir everything well until smooth. Ready dough must be poured into a baking dish lined with parchment paper and placed in the oven for forty minutes.

Below is a video on how to make a chocolate chiffon biscuit.

Also, some chefs prepare a diet biscuit. It is called that because it does not include flour, but only eggs, dried apricots, soda and a little bitter chocolate.

The finished biscuit turns out to be very tasty, fluffy, tender and can be served as a dessert for tea on the festive table.

Chocolate cake is a pleasure not only for those with a sweet tooth. It is very difficult to refuse this delicacy, especially if it is prepared at home.

The dessert is fresh, natural and has an extraordinary aroma. It's time to do it!

Chocolate sponge cake - general principles of preparation

Biscuit dough can be made different ways, but there is always cocoa in it. It is the powder that gives the chocolate flavor. The better the additive, the better the cake.

For kneading biscuit dough, it is advisable to use a mixer. Beat the dough with a whisk until fluffy foam is difficult, it will take a lot of time and effort.

It is advisable to use a detachable form for a biscuit. It is important to cover the bottom with parchment, otherwise the cake may stick. It is enough to grease the sides of the mold with a thin layer of oil; if necessary, they can be separated with a knife.

Biscuits are baked at a temperature of 170-180 ° C. The higher the cake, the lower the temperature should be. Time is selected individually. Most the right way determine readiness - pierce the cake with a toothpick, and then touch. The splinter should remain dry.

The cream in the chocolate cake can be of any kind, both in terms of the composition of the ingredients and in taste. It is important to remember one rule - only cooled cakes are lubricated. Ideally, the biscuit should lie down for at least 10 hours.

Chocolate sponge cake with sour cream

Delicious version of a simple sponge cake with a chocolate flavor. It is advisable to prepare the cream from fatty and thick sour cream so that it does not drip from the cakes and soak them well.


Flour 0.12 kg;

1 tbsp. Sahara;

2 tbsp. l. cocoa;

Eggs 4 pieces;

0.5 kg sour cream;

1 tbsp. powdered sugar;

1 tsp ripper;

40 g grated chocolate.


1. Separate the proteins, put them in a bowl, send them to the refrigerator. Add half the sugar rate to the yolks, beat for five minutes with a mixer.

2. We take out the proteins, throw in a pinch of salt, and begin to beat. The mass will quickly increase, thicken, we begin to add sugar in small portions.

3. Combine the protein mass with the yolks, stir gently, turn on the slowest speed of the mixer.

4. Stir flour and cocoa separately, add a ripper to them. It is advisable to sift all this together so that lumps do not form for sure. Stir in beaten eggs.

5. Pour the chocolate dough into a mold and bake. More about this is written above. Cool it down.

6. Cut the cooled cake into 2 cakes. If a small diameter mold was used, then three can be made.

7. Mix the powder with sour cream, coat with chocolate cakes.

8. Sprinkle the cake with grated chocolate, send it to soak in the refrigerator.

Chocolate sponge cake on boiling water

The recipe for an unusual sponge cake on boiling water for a chocolate cake. The cake according to this recipe always turns out to be soft and porous. Cream with condensed milk, but you can make any other option to taste.


1 tsp soda;

300 g flour;

250 g sugar;

200 ml of milk;

4 tablespoons of cocoa;

100 g butter;

200 g of boiling water;

1.5 tsp ripper.

A can of condensed milk, 100 g of chocolate and 350 g of butter in cream.


1. We take two bowls, one of them must be dry. We throw flour, a ripper into it, add sugar and add baking soda, at the end we throw cocoa. Stir vigorously with a dry spoon to get rid of any lumps.

2. Break eggs into the second bowl, beat for a minute, add milk, beat for another minute and pour in vegetable oil.

3. Now combine the ingredients of both bowls, stir until smooth. You can use a mixer, beat for a couple of minutes.

4. We take a glass of boiling water, pour it into the dough, all this time we continue to beat.

5. Pour the prepared mass into a mold with a diameter of about 23-25 ​​cm.

6. Bake until tender at 180. You can use a slow cooker, but the cake will be quite high.

7. While the biscuit is baking and cooling, prepare the cream. We soften the butter, beat well, gradually add condensed milk. At the very end, add melted but cooled chocolate.

8. The cooled biscuit from the dough on boiling water should be cut across into several layers, smeared with cream. We decorate to your taste, you can leave it like this or sprinkle with chocolate, nuts, coconut.

Chocolate sponge cake with kefir: an economical option

In fact, this is a very convenient recipe for which you can use not only kefir. The dough will turn out on fermented baked milk or yogurt, you can use it natural yoghurt.


Two eggs;

Standard ripper bag;

A glass of kefir;

1.3 cups flour;

2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;

160 g sugar.

For cream 1 can of condensed milk, you can take with chocolate flavor, a standard pack of butter.


1. We get the kefir in advance, let it stand a little.

2. Pour sugar, add eggs to kefir. Pour in cocoa right away. We take a mixer and beat the mass thoroughly, preferably at least five minutes. Maximum speed.

3. Pour flour into the dough and on top of it a ripper. Beat for a minute.

4. Pour into a split form or into a multicooker cup. We send the biscuit dough to bake. Cool it down.

5. Beat butter with condensed milk, send the cream to the refrigerator. You can add cocoa or melted chocolate to it, as in one of the recipes above.

6. Cut the cooled biscuit into two parts, coat the layers with cream.

"Drunk cherry" chocolate sponge cake

A variant of a gorgeous chocolate sponge cake with cherries marinated in cognac. Many have tried it, but did everyone cook? Berries can be used fresh or frozen.


4 tbsp. l. cocoa;

0.2 kg flour;

Six eggs;

Sugar - 250 grams;

The ripper is baking.


320 g of condensed milk;

100 ml of brandy;

Pack of butter;

300 g cherries.

For icing 120 g chocolate and 70 g butter.


1. Remove all seeds from cherries. Pour cognac, leave to marinate. Stir occasionally so that the berries are well saturated.

2. Sponge cake for this cake is better to cook high. Therefore, we use a mold up to 22 cm in diameter. Lubricate, prepare, turn on the oven at 170 degrees, let it warm up.

3. Making a regular biscuit. Whisk the whites and half the sugar intensively until firm. Then beat the yolks with the second part of the sugar. Mix loose ingredients, combine everything. Bake until tender, cool.

4. Beat butter with condensed milk. You can use a cream of fat sour cream with sugar for this cake, it also turns out delicious.

5. Squeeze the cherries, set aside the cognac with juice.

6. Cut off the top of the biscuit, select the crumb inside to make it look like a bowl. The depth of the groove is about a centimeter. We crumb the crumb, add to the cream, put the cherries there and mix everything.

7. Sprinkle the cakes with cognac and juice.

8. Fill the biscuit bowl made with cream, cover with the top cake, which acts as a lid.

9. Melt the chocolate with butter, cover the cake with icing.

Chocolate sponge cake with nutella

A variation of a very simple and quick chocolate cake that is made with a minimal set of ingredients. Nutella chocolate paste is used as a cream.


150 g flour;

A can of chocolate paste;

25 g cocoa;

170 g sugar;

1 glass of sweet tea.


1. Mix cocoa and flour, sift.

2. Beat eggs until stiff foam, gradually add sugar. Continue whisking until all grains are dissolved.

3. Add cocoa flour and stir. Pour the dough into a mold, bake the biscuit until tender.

4. Brew tea, season with sugar, cool. The cake also needs to be cooled, then cut in two.

5. Spill the bottom biscuit with tea, grease with chocolate paste.

6. Cover with the second cake on top, pour tea too, wait a bit until it is soaked.

7. Coat a simple cake on top and on the sides with pasta, you can sprinkle with nuts.

Chocolate sponge cake "Nut"

Awesome recipe for chocolate sponge cake with nuts. The cake turns out to be incredibly tasty and aromatic, while cooking is very simple.


4 tablespoons of cocoa;

1 tbsp. flour;

100 g walnuts

Ripper bag ordinary;

1 tbsp. Sahara;

For the glaze, you need a chocolate bar and 30 g of sour cream, for sprinkling nuts, about another 100 grams.


1. Chop nuts finely, combine with flour, sifted cocoa and a baker's ripper. We set aside for a while.

2. Put the eggs in a bowl, you do not need to separate anything, Beat at the highest speed until foamy. Then we begin to add sugar, in about 5-6 doses.

3. As soon as the sugar dissolves, take out the mixer, add flour with nuts. Stir the dough with a spatula and immediately transfer to the mold.

4. Put in the oven and bake. Cool it down.

5. Be sure to fry the nuts for sprinkling, chop them into small pieces or rub them.

6. Melt the chocolate with sour cream, you can take heavy cream instead. Grease the biscuit, sprinkle with fried nuts on top.

The biscuit will definitely rise and not fall off if you add a little baking soda or a ripper to the dough.

You can soak the cakes with any sweet liquid: syrup, tea, coffee, diluted jam. It will be tastier if you add a little cognac. It is undesirable to use fresh juices, they can ferment.

If the cream is prepared in advance, then you need to store it in the refrigerator. Otherwise, it will not only leak, but also deteriorate quickly.

The biscuit can be baked in advance, it is remarkably stored in the cold for several days, but grease chocolate cake cream is needed no earlier than 24 hours before the expected time of use.

Good evening, yesterday was grandma's birthday, my mother baked a simple chocolate cake. I found the recipe on your video channel, and on the website there is a full explanation. For the convenience of my mother, I printed it out on a printer. It turned out to be a very tasty cake, although it took a lot of time to prepare. In preparation, my mother adhered strictly to the recipe, poured it with chocolate icing and decorated it with butter cream flowers with the signature "For our beloved." There is a minus - we regretted that we made only one simple chocolate cake, since it was the center of attention on the table, each guest got a piece and everyone was delighted with the delicate taste and chocolate aroma of the cake. Thank you from my grandmother.
What could be tastier than chocolate, this noble taste with bitterness is appreciated not only by true gourmets, but also by ordinary sweet tooth. Everyone who writes simple chocolate cake recipes is a little tricky. A cake with chocolate as the main ingredient cannot be simple. All cooking processes should be so scrupulous, because the dough can be hammered with cocoa powder and the airiness of the chocolate biscuit can be lost, the cream can be interrupted and the creamy mass will exfoliate, and the chocolate icing should not be boiled or boiled over and the ganache on the cake will be liquid. So read carefully simple recipes chocolate cakes, and be careful when preparing them. Dear Emma Isaakovna, I think, thanks to you, chocolate lovers will pay tribute to their mothers and grandmothers, and they, in turn, will be grateful for your advice and recommendations.
Hello Emma and Danielle. The simple chocolate sponge cake recipe has proven to be very versatile. I have baked it many times already, I try to change the cream, depending on the cream layer, sometimes there is no need to soak the cakes. I really like the custard, it perfectly sets off the taste of chocolate cakes and complements them. The cake is tender and moderately wet. Thanks for this recipe.
Good afternoon, dear grandmother Emma and Daniellochka. Thanks to you, I have replenished my piggy bank of recipes for holiday desserts and everyday sweets. I love baking, I pay a lot of attention to decorating cakes and pastries. A special place my addiction is occupied by chocolate cakes. Simple recipes have not been interesting to me for a long time, because I think that I switched to new level in my confectionery skills and I want to learn modern and more complex techniques for decorating and decorating desserts. I learn from Danielle, see what tools she uses, how skillfully she copes with creams and icing, how chocolate decor elements are born from her hands. I watch the video, record something and emphasize something new for myself. Since, I believe that the same cake, but decorated in different ways, will even have a different taste. Danielle, thank you for sharing your skills, I admire your sweet masterpieces and always look forward to something interesting.
Video cooking, I walked through your site and was surprised, I have not yet met so many pastries and sweets for every taste in one place. Perhaps I did, but it’s so family-like and so glorious - only with you. I'm sure you take not only the recipes, but also the charisma. Nice and wise Emma, ​​beautiful and elegant Danielle, Leonid - manly serious, but at the same time such a direct person. Your family breathes warmth and kindness. Don't blame me, I think all your admirers will agree with me. I don’t know how to cook at all, this business lies on the fragile female shoulders of my wife, but I took note of your chocolate cake, a simple recipe - the wife must cope, and I and my grandchildren, I have no doubt, will highly appreciate the result. From SW. Michael.

I just love chocolate baked goods, I've tried all of your simple chocolate cake recipes. I don’t know how to decorate, I try to mostly icing the cake or sprinkling with almond petals or coconut. The other day I decided to try my hand at the author's recipe - Danielle's Chocolate Cake, she even made curls. Ohh, I'm just crazy about so much chocolate, and the nutty aftertaste in the cakes with the most delicate chocolate mousse - you can't describe it in words. On this moment- this gorgeous chocolate cake, albeit not simple, comes first for me. I will repeat it more than once. Thanks for your chocolates.

Hello my dear friends and comrades!

You often ask me about chocolate sponge cake and ask me for advice on which one is best for this or that cake.

I did a little marketing research on the vastness of our Internet and found out that there are not so many worthwhile recipes for chocolate biscuit.

With this in mind, I decided to collect for you in this article three of your most successful chocolate biscuits, which differ not only in taste and color, but also in texture, and, of course, in the method of preparation.

I can't even say which of these biscuits I like better. They are so different that you have to try ALL of them, #protects :)

Sponge cake No. 1. With chocolate.

Many of you are already familiar with this recipe. This biscuit is the oldest and most used chocolate biscuit. I often recommend it to you. Himself in again baked literally 2 days ago. It is so rich in itself that it does not require, in contrast to vanilla, a lot of "additional materials". Here, for the last cake, I just soaked it in syrup and layered it with mascarpone cream. It turned out in a simple and brilliant way.

Now his recipe will be here.

We need:

  • dark chocolate, 55-60% - 140 gr.
  • butter - 75 gr.
  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • sugar - 180 gr.
  • flour - 100 gr.
  • starch - 50 gr.
  • baking powder - 16 gr.


Sponge cake number 2. On boiling water

Thanks to the addition of coffee, this type of chocolate biscuit turns out to be very rich in taste and color, but at the same time incredibly delicate.


  • cocoa powder - 85 gr.
  • flour - 200 gr.
  • sugar - 225 gr.
  • soft brown sugar - 200 gr.
  • baking powder - 1 ½ tsp
  • soda - 1 ½ tsp
  • salt - ¾ tsp
  • eggs, large - 2 pcs.
  • kefir - 235 ml
  • sunflower oil - 120 ml
  • vanilla extract - 2 tsp
  • boiling water - 235 ml
  • instant coffee - 1 tsp


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Grease a mold with a diameter of 23-24 cm, cover the bottom with parchment and grease it again.
  2. Put all dry ingredients (except coffee) into the mixer bowl: cocoa, flour, sugar, baking powder, soda and salt. Stir at low speed of the mixer for 2 minutes.
  3. Pour boiling water over instant coffee and stir until dissolved.
  4. Then we add all the remaining liquid ingredients (along with hot coffee), and mix for another 3 minutes until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  5. Pour the dough into a mold and bake for 60 minutes or until skewered dry.
  6. Cool the finished biscuit in the mold for 5 minutes, then turn it over onto the wire rack, remove the paper and leave it to cool completely.
  7. After the biscuit has cooled, cut off the dried top from it.

Classic sponge cake with cocoa

This is an analogue of mine. When you asked me how to make chocolate from this vanilla biscuit, I usually advised you to just replace some of the flour with cocoa. But in fact, from the same course, I still have a recipe for a chocolate biscuit, which is prepared a little differently.

I'm telling you.

For this chocolate biscuit we need:

  • butter - 25 gr.
  • eggs - 225 gr.
  • sugar - 135 gr.
  • salt - 1 gr.
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • flour - 50 gr.
  • starch - 50 gr.
  • cocoa - 25 gr.


  1. Melt the butter and leave it aside to cool.
  2. Preheat the oven to 150º... Cover the bottom of a split form with a diameter of 24 cm with baking paper.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine flour, starch and cocoa.
  4. Put eggs, salt, vanillin in the mixer bowl and beat until foam appears.
  5. Then gradually add sugar and continue to beat until a fluffy light, but not very thick mass is formed, 5-10 minutes.

    I whip on my 500 Watt high speed about 10 minutes.

  6. Sift the cocoa flour into the beaten eggs and gently mix with a metal slotted spoon or a silkon spatula using folding movements from bottom to top and from the edges to the center.
  7. Separate a couple of tablespoons of chocolate dough into the bowl where we had the flour and mix it with the cooled butter.
  8. Return this mixture to the main dough and mix gently again until smooth.
  9. Pour the dough into the prepared mold and bake in the preheated oven for 35 minutes.
  10. We check the finished biscuit by pressing the finger in the center of the cake: if the shape of the biscuit is restored after pressing, then the biscuit is ready.
  11. Take out the biscuit and leave it on the wire rack until it cools completely. Then we separate the biscuit from the walls of the mold with a knife and take out.

If you plan to cut your chocolate biscuits into cakes, then it is better to let them dry for a few hours beforehand by wrapping them in plastic wrap.

And since many have already begun to ask which cream is better to choose for these biscuits, here is my article to help you. My favorite is with mascarpone.

And in conclusion, you can see my last video video for making chocolate biscuit dough:

Good luck, love and patience.

Today there will be a recipe for a delicious festive dessert - chocolate sponge cake garnished with chocolate and chocolate cream. I'll give you an advice right away: divide the preparation of a sponge cake into two days. In the first, bake a biscuit, it should be infused and dry. The second day - making chocolate cream, soaking the cakes, assembling and decorating the cake. And plus the time to soak a ready-made biscuit cake. For a long time? Hard? Well, not to say that it is fast, but there is nothing difficult, and not as laborious as it seems.

If this is your first time making a biscuit chocolate cake, choose a biscuit recipe that is not the most complicated one. It is not at all necessary to bake it classic recipe, there is an easier solution - to prepare a biscuit base for the cake from the dough with the addition of baking powder. This will not affect the taste in any way, the biscuit will turn out to be tall, fluffy, porous, it will be perfectly saturated with syrup and will hold the cream. However, even the simplest biscuit requires compliance with certain rules:

✍ Wash and dry the utensils for whipping.

✍ When separating the yolk from the protein, do not allow a drop of the yolk to get into the protein mass.

✍ Adding a pinch of salt will help to whisk the whites faster into a dense, fluffy foam.

✍ Be sure to sift the flour, preferably two or three times to enrich it with oxygen and separate it from impurities.

✍ Do not open the oven for the first 20-25 minutes, do not make noise, carefully remove the form with the biscuit and do not slam the oven door - the biscuit may lose volume and settle in this way.

I hope you remember these simple rules, and my detailed step by step recipe chocolate sponge cake will help you prepare delicious dessert for the holiday. I chose chocolate cream for him, based on butter with the addition of condensed milk and cocoa powder.

To make a chocolate sponge cake you will need:

  • Wheat flour of the highest grade - 1 glass;
  • fine sugar - 1 glass;
  • medium-sized eggs - 6 pieces;
  • cocoa powder - 30 g;
  • fine salt - a pinch;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. l;
  • melted butter - 2 tbsp. l;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp.

Chocolate sponge cake cream, ingredients:

  • Unsalted butter - 200 g;
  • condensed milk - 0.5 cans;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l;
  • icing sugar - 3 tbsp. l;
  • cognac, brandy or liqueur (optional) - 1 tbsp. l.

for impregnating cakes- syrup from peach or apricot jam.

for cake decoration- dark chocolate.

Recipe for a chocolate sponge cake with a photo, cooking step by step

We take two clean, dry bowls: one for the yolks, the other for the whites. We immediately put the dishes with proteins in the refrigerator, they are not needed yet. Add half a glass of fine sugar to the yolks, but not all at once, but in parts, adding during the whipping process. Beat with a mixer at maximum speed to get a fluffy homogeneous mass of almost white color.

Add a pinch of fine salt to the cooled proteins. We begin to beat at medium speed, gradually adding sugar (half a glass). Whisking the proteins with sugar, gradually increase the mixer speed to the maximum, beat the proteins until they become a lush dense mass of snow-white color. When removing the corollas, sharp peaks will remain on the surface of the protein mass, and if the bowl is turned over, the proteins will not fall out of it. Beat them to this consistency.

Adding one or two tablespoons of the yolk mass, mix the whites and yolks.

We do this very carefully and carefully, prying from the bottom up and, as it were, wrapping inward.

Pour starch and baking powder to wheat flour, sift two or three times. Add cocoa, sift again. Pour the flour mixture in parts to the lush egg-sugar mass. Gently mix it from bottom to top so that air bubbles remain in the biscuit dough.

Melt the butter in advance, pour it along the wall into the biscuit mass. Carefully interfere with it with movements from the bottom up.

We line the bottom of the form (22 cm) with a circle of oiled paper, I also grease the walls with oil. Pour out the biscuit dough, put in the oven with a temperature of 170 degrees. The biscuit will be baked for 40-45 minutes, the match or splinter will come out dry. The photo shows how well the biscuit rose, it almost "ran away", even went a little over the edge of the form. We leave the baking in the form for half an hour, then we take it out, remove the paper from the bottom, cool it on the wire rack. I left it overnight, it dried out a little and cut very well into three cakes.

To make butter chocolate cream for a chocolate sponge cake, you need to take a good tasty butter, unsalted, if possible with high percentage fat content. Beat with a mixer, first without powdered sugar.

When the oil becomes more elastic, we begin to add powdered sugar (2 tbsp. L), beat everything into a fluffy mass, creamy, dense.

Pour in condensed milk in a thin stream, continuing to beat the cream mass at high speeds.

Gradually add the cocoa powder mixed with a spoonful of powdered sugar. At the end, pour in cognac (optional). The color of the cream will turn out to be lighter than the cakes for a chocolate sponge cake, the layers in the finished dessert will be clearly visible.

With a sharp knife with a thin long blade, cut the biscuit in a circle, divide it into three cakes. It is more convenient to use a knife with teeth. To make a delicious chocolate sponge cake, the cakes should not be dry, they should be soaked in some kind of sweet syrup. I used peach jam syrup.

We coat the cakes for the chocolate sponge cake with a layer of cream. We level the surface with the flat side of the knife. Do not forget to leave some of the cream for decorating and coating the sides of the cake.

After completing the assembly, using a culinary spatula or a knife with a wide blade, apply the cream to the sides and top cake. Align until smooth.

We can say that that's all, the preparation of the chocolate sponge cake is over. You can decorate it after the dessert has stood in the refrigerator, all layers are held together and soaked. To prevent the top layer from drying out, I sprinkled the cake with a layer of grated chocolate and put it in the refrigerator overnight. Decorated with the remains of chocolate cream: made a rim and small flowers.

It is better to cut the cake chilled; a knife must be thin, long, so that it can easily cut through all the layers of the cake.

The section clearly shows the layers and structure of the biscuit after impregnation: the chocolate biscuit cake turned out to be textured, beautiful and very tasty!

What else to read