Alexander Roslyakov. What is known about him? Alexander Roslyakov: biography, personal life Alexander Roslyakov show secret millionaire


The General Director of the Onego Shipping company has been a fan of Zenit since his studies at the Makarov Academy - support for the Leningrad club traditionally unites tens of thousands of sailors across the country. Now Alexander Evgenievich manages maritime transport, builds pipelines and ports, and has managed to visit the North Pole and almost all the seas of the world's oceans. And almost everywhere he met those for whom Zenit’s support remained a symbol of connection with their hometown. Sailors support Zenit not only in St. Petersburg, because the guys go to different cities

. Count how many people support the club, for example, in Murmansk. My whole life is connected with the sea and, I think, this makes us and Zenit in common. In addition, the team colors are nautical, which means they are dear to us. We, graduates of the Admiral Makarov Academy, never stopped communicating with each other: neither when we went to sea, nor when many of us got other jobs or businesses. And then they discovered that they began to meet constantly at the stadium. I entered the Makarov Academy in 1987, when it was almost impossible to get into the JCC for football or a concert. But to ensure security at the stadiums, soldiers, sailors and military school cadets were constantly involved. We, according to the rules, walked around the city exclusively in uniform - and even though we belonged to the merchant fleet, it was possible to distinguish us from military sailors only by the design on the shoulder straps. Or rather, knowledgeable people we saw the difference from afar - in the merchant navy a certain laxity was accepted; we, unlike the military, did not fasten all the buttons and often walked with our hands in our pockets. And while on furlough, we sometimes spent the night in Summer Garden

or on the Champ de Mars, if you didn’t have time to get to the bridges after a walk in the center.

We had a training ship on which we sailed around Europe. And when entering the port, they often played matches with a local amateur team - usually teenagers from a football school. It was very difficult for us cadets who had served in the army before the Academy to play against nimble guys who also had decent equipment. We ran in sneakers, black army trousers and bare torso, since we couldn’t find matching T-shirts. At the same time, they usually tied homemade Zenit scarves or just some kind of ribbons suitable colors- they specially took them with them to the sea. And during the matches we called ourselves “Zenit players”.

At the Academy, our main disputes arose with the guys from the Baltic states, who argued that basketball and volleyball were more entertaining than football. Well, with the Muscovites who supported Spartak. There was little information then, it was possible to watch matches from time to time, so almost all conversations were based on rumors and guesses - arguments ended very quickly.

It was difficult for us to object to anything, because Zenit did not show outstanding results at that time. Then we divided into two teams: “Zenit” and “Sparta”, took boxing gloves and fought in the corridor on the concrete floor. And I must say that even though I myself am a former boxer, I flew away very decently a couple of times!

In the 1980s, many excellent students and medalists studied at maritime academies, one might say nerds - after all, it was not easy to enter there. But they all transformed in the blink of an eye and were ready to fight if someone, for example, touched their city or their favorite football team.

At sea we caught the results of matches on the radio, and sometimes we might miss something. But on the other hand, there were a lot of our classmates in steamships: the Makarov Academy trained two hundred people every year for navigators, mechanics and radio operators. When you saw a Russian steamship in Havana, Mogadishu or Vietnamese Vung Tau, you simply approached it and asked to call one of the recent graduates of Makarovka. This is how information was exchanged: what was heard, who played what? In football, suffering and joy come together for the fan.

For some, it replaces a casino - a person is simply worried about where to crucial moment the ball will fly or roll. Some people fulfill their need for competition by watching football and supporting the team. Some, as a fan, can show their understanding of the essence of the game, while others, on the contrary, allow themselves not to think too much about what is happening, but simply divide the world into black and white during the match - theirs and others. There are people who simply enjoy cursing at the “22 ballerinas” who took to the field. It was football that turned out to be the most universal sport, weaving millions of human destinies into a single whole for one and a half to two hours.

During a match, a fan may feel that he himself scored or missed a goal, that he was knocked down at the moment of a dangerous attack. He lives every moment with the players, taking on their roles. After all, everyone played football in childhood and remembers those feelings. Probably, mass participation is another reason that this particular sport has become dear to us. That’s why your favorite team is perceived as your own family.

Alexander Roslyakov is a very extraordinary person and the owner of a substantial fortune. He has never been a public person, but unexpectedly gained nationwide fame after participating in the famous TV show “Secret Millionaire.”

Childhood and adolescence

The future Alexander Roslyakov, whose biography began in small town in the Republic of Moldova, on the banks of the Dniester River, he grew up in a military family, which determined his future life path and choice of specialty. They passed it there school years. After graduation high school Alexander moves to St. Petersburg, where he successfully passes the exams and enters the well-known State University sea ​​and river fleet named after. S. O. Makarova for a civilian specialty.

Their student years Alexander Roslyakov spends time studying the basics of shipping and maritime affairs, and also enjoys traveling on a training ship around Europe, where he receives his professional education.

Career path

After successfully graduating from university, Alexander begins his professional path long voyages on sea ​​vessels. Gradually, as his career grows, he begins to engage in logistics and cargo delivery, without ceasing to travel, reaching the limits of Antarctica.

The real breakthrough in his career comes with the creation of the Onega Shipping LLC campaign, which we’ll talk about in more detail. Alexander takes over general director in the company structure.

LLC "Onega Shipping"

The dynamically developing company is already widely known in the market. Main area activity is logistics, transportation and delivery of goods to anywhere in the world and to any distance, including territories with severe meteorological conditions and areas of the Far North.

The latter became available thanks to high-quality selected qualified personnel, the selection and training of which is priority direction companies. We also monitor and timely repair ultra-modern equipment, which always meets technical parameters and is kept in perfect condition.

The company has several foreign offices in many countries around the world and is currently engaged in the construction of ports and other necessary maritime infrastructure facilities.

Participation in the TV show "Secret Millionaire"

Alexander gained unprecedented and instant fame among the general public through his participation in a popular TV show on the Friday TV channel, called “Secret Millionaire.” The main idea of ​​the TV program is the survival of the rich and famous people for five days in an unfamiliar city with a small amount of money. As planned by the producers of the project, the participants of the show are given unremarkable clothes, and the audience watches the further course of events.

In one of the latest episodes of the TV show “Secret Millionaire,” Alexander Roslyakov became a participant. The entire action of the television program took place in the small town of Vladimir. Following the rules of the show, Alexander Roslyakov dressed up as a homeless person and, adhering to the legend invented for him, must hold out in this unusual role for several days. Based on previous episodes of the popular TV show, we can conclude that such a transformation is very difficult.

All viewers noted that, despite the fact that Alexander Roslyakov dressed up as a homeless person, he retained his charm and fortitude. Right after leaving the airport, I had lunch with homeless people from a common pool and found a place to stay for the night. Then he went in search of work. It is worth noting that there is not much choice in work for the homeless. Thus, Alexander worked in an animal shelter, looked after other people’s children, worked in a warehouse, etc. The businessman passed all the tests with dignity and produced favorable impressions on the audience.


The producers made the main idea of ​​the TV show a charitable subtext, i.e., according to the rules, the project participant must, after completing the tests, thank the people who provided support during this difficult period. This is where Alexander’s generous soul made itself known. In total, he gave the city, namely the people who helped him survive these difficult five days, about twenty-three million rubles. He provided gifts in cash and in the form of real estate, winning the hearts of all Russian television viewers and leaving them believing in a miracle.

It is worth noting that Alexander Roslyakov, a businessman, is involved in charity work not only as part of a television show. Every year he transfers very significant sums to various charities and society not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Feelings after participating in a TV show

After participating in the show “Secret Millionaire,” Alexander Roslyakov admitted that his worldview had radically changed. Having become familiar with the life of the lower strata of society, he realized a lot. He added that gossip and speculation about PR with the help of a popular television show does not bother him, since the goals were initially completely different.

The businessman noted that he doubts his return to the town of Vladimir in the near future. He also spoke about the flow of people's correspondence in his office, the main objective of whom - gratitude for generosity and requests for financial assistance from a kind businessman from a variety of segments of the population.

Alexander, very busy man, initially re-read all the letters arriving at his work address. But later he noted that this is distracting and takes a lot of time, so currently he stores all people’s correspondence in his office.


Due to its professional activity, as well as his chosen specialty, Alexander devoted a lot of time to traveling to different parts of the planet. While still a student, he sailed to Europe on a training ship, and after graduating from university, he continued to sail on ships on long voyages. As part of various expeditions, the businessman visited many areas with difficult meteorological conditions, which also included regions of the Far North. There is no doubt that this way of life strengthened his character and fostered a strong willed spirit.

Hobbies and interests

Alexander is a very multifaceted personality; in addition to professional interests, he has a lot. For example, he is very inspired by the work of the Leningrad group, and the leader of this famous rock group, Sergei Shnurov, is a long-time friend and acquaintance of the businessman. Therefore, the island of Bali, where a famous businessman and his family currently live, becomes an annually visited place for a friend. Also, on a friend’s birthday, the group has been giving a free concert on the island for several years.

It is worth a special note that Alexander loves football and has always been a fan of the Zenit national team since his student days. He loves to remember his first voyages to Europe on a training ship, when he and the local population played football, calling themselves “Zenit” and using the attributes of his favorite team. Not everyone at the university had a football uniform, so they played mostly bare-chested, and tied blue scarves and ribbons of a matching color in honor of their favorite football team.

Alexander mentioned that he loves football because it unites people. He himself often attends season games and friendly matches; he is always happy to cheer for his favorite team.

Among other things, Alexander loves playing golf, and also skates professionally, and is even a member of international association surfers.

Family and personal life

Alexander Roslyakov is not a public figure and does not like to talk about his personal life. From publicly available information, it is only known that the businessman’s first marriage broke up. The first wife gave the businessman three children, whom Alexander never ceases to take care of.

Currently, Alexander is happily married for the second time. He and his young wife live most of the time on the warm island of Bali, where they are raising their son.

Alexander Roslyakov and wife Maria do not appear in public and do not maintain accounts on in social networks. Therefore, TV viewers first met Maria Roslyakova when the businessman became a participant in the popular TV show “Secret Millionaire” on the “Friday” TV channel.

The businessman’s wife captivated TV viewers with her natural beauty, calm character and sweet smile. She told viewers of the TV show about the features of their life together, endlessly admired and praised her husband, while looking very happy and confident.

From Maria's stories, it became clear to us that Alexander shows love and care for his family, and also loves to please his loved ones with spontaneous holidays and parties.

Millionaire Alexander Roslyakov, dressed as a homeless person, spent five days in the city of Vladimir without housing or money, wandering among good people. The game of dressing up brought unexpected results - the oligarch made half the city happy, spending about 23,000,000 rubles on generous gifts. Almost six months have passed, “KP” learned how the lives of these ordinary people and the millionaire himself.

Three apartments for poor families, a mansion for a homeless shelter, and so on “little by little” - a million for everyone who deemed it necessary - these are gifts from a generous businessman. The rumor about him, the great and good Alexander Roslyakov, still excites the minds of Vladimir residents: “What if he returns?” And how many candles are lit in his honor in local churches... Roslyakov himself says that his life after such an experience will never be the same - he understood a lot, and looked at some things differently.

But, as it turned out, one more person was left without a gift - homeless watchmaker Sergei Kazantsev. Alexander ordered to find him " Komsomolskaya Pravda" His modest gift is waiting in the wings in our editorial office.

Fairy tale, true story and reality show

Hope for a miracle is always present in the soul of a Russian person. Many of our folk tales are based on the plot of a poor man taking off his last shirt to help someone. But in the end, this someone turns out to be a good wizard who, with the wave of his wand, solves all problems. But what kind of fairy tales can there be, since this is the 21st century? And it turns out that they exist. Albeit in the form of a reality show “Secret Millionaire”.


Alexander Roslyakov, 47 years old. Owner of a transport business, engaged in oil transportation. He graduated from the Maritime Academy in St. Petersburg, from a simple family. Alexander says that he earned his first personal briefcase with Berezka checks and dollars at the age of 19. Now he is the owner of a large transport company"Onego Shipping." Its branches are open all over the world: England, Holland, China, Greece, Japan, etc. He is married and has four children. Spends the winter on the island of Bali. According to the plot of the reality show “Secret Millionaire” (TV channel “Friday”), a rich man comes to an unfamiliar city for five days, with only 1000 rubles in his pocket. He needs to find a roof over his head and food on his own. At the end of filming, according to the rules, the hero must find and thank at least three people.

A real oligarch!

Alexander Roslyakov is a real millionaire! And in general, he is real, I saw him and talked to him. Although many TV viewers thought that this was all a fabrication for the sake of filming.

Alexander is an extremely busy person. Still would! Owner of factories, newspapers and ships. He is expected at major forums, famous businessmen dream of meeting him. For the sake of participating in the show, where he actually went “weakly,” Alexander arrived from Bali to the cold, March, provincial Vladimir. But he still found time for “KP” in his busy schedule and made an appointment on a weekday evening in his office on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg.

We chatted for a long time about everything, including the consequences of participating in this show for him personally. Looking ahead, I will say that they exist, but more on that a little later. Having talked enough, I went to Vladimir, where Alexander had not been since that very March and is unlikely to ever be again. We agreed that I would send him everything I saw.

Royal gift to the homeless

“You won’t believe it, but literally a week before Sasha appeared in our shelter, my wife and I were sitting and writing an application to participate in the distribution of presidential grants,” says Denis Tsoi, the director and founder of that same shelter for the homeless “Everyone Is Dear.” “We really wanted to win it and eventually buy our own premises.” I no longer had the strength to wander around rented apartments with our charges. This is such a torment, because not everyone wants to rent out their apartment to homeless people. Often I even had to lie.

Denis and his wife Lena devote all their energy to their brainchild - the shelter.

— I moved to Vladimir 5 years ago during the most difficult period of my life. I don’t want to tell you the details, but I remember I took off my one-room apartment, prayed to God and asked him to help me understand who I was and why I came into this world,” Denis recalls. “After some time, three homeless people asked to stay with me for the night. I let them in on the condition that it was only for one night. So they stayed with me. Then, in my free time from work, I started going to the station with hot food; there were more and more homeless people. I rented a two-ruble note, then a three-ruble note. Then he got married and my wife and I moved to separate rented housing, and stayed in a three-room apartment in a shelter. By the way, Sasha spent the night there.

Secret millionaire Roslyakov, in the guise of an unlucky labor teacher, spent only one night among the homeless. As soon as I got off the Moscow-Vladimir bus, I immediately found myself handing out free food at the station. I ate from a common pot and agreed to spend the night.

— Aren’t you embarrassed that a cameraman with a camera goes everywhere with him, who seems to be homeless? — I asked Denis.

— Well, not really, they’re filming a lot now, and there are a lot of bloggers. I rather took it as a chance to tell at least someone about our shelter. So I'm on Sasha special attention and didn’t pay attention. Homeless and homeless, no better and no worse than others. He fed me and offered me a place to stay for the night. I remember he kept walking between the beds and repeating: “Oh, it’s cramped here.” I was still surprised, why the hell, others don’t complain. In the morning he left. And five days later he calls me, come, he says, to such and such an address. Well, I went.

And there a royal gift awaited Denis - a mansion renovated for 7.5 million rubles.

“I just couldn’t believe my eyes.” I don’t even remember how I got to Regpalata, tears were welling up.

Now all the residents of the shelter live in this mansion and have already forgotten about the cramped, rented apartments. There are plans to plant a vegetable garden, maybe set up a small carpentry shop so that the men have a job. Denis took me for a long time around his new mansions.

“You know, it feels like this house was built especially for us,” Denis never tires of repeating. — The former owner wanted to organize a mini-hotel here. As a result, there are four separate blocks, each with its own bathroom. I don’t know if there are still homeless shelters so that every 10 people have their own toilet and shower? And here we have it, thanks to Sasha and the TV crew. In general, with his gift, he hit the bull's eye, it was our home that we needed most of all, and just like this. Although I was afraid to imagine something like this even in my dreams, it’s too luxurious.

An elderly man in a neat tracksuit sits down on the sofa, picks up a guitar and begins to sing: “Let the pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles.” A sad congratulatory song from a children's cartoon performed by this person sounds dissonant. Not surprising, since we are in a homeless shelter. All these people know firsthand what it means to be left without a piece of bread and a roof over their heads. This week Russia celebrated Homeless Day. Its goal is to draw attention to the problems of those who are left homeless.

The organizers of the fund for social support and adaptation of citizens “Everyone is dear” - spouses Denis and Elena Tsoi - began helping the homeless about seven years ago, using their own funds. According to the coordinator of the foundation, Elena, the idea of ​​​​helping people rejected by society came to her husband’s mind when he met several homeless people at the station.

They had nowhere to stay the night, it was freezing. They called and asked. I only let them in for one night on the condition that they would leave tomorrow, but two left, and one remained - Sergei. He had absolutely nowhere to go, he had problems with his leg, and he began to live with me,” Denis Tsoi explained.

Today Sergei Grinkov himself helps the homeless. In the shelter he is the commandant and administrator. My past life he remembers reluctantly: black realtors “helped” him to lose his home in Dzerzhinsk about 20 years ago.

This was back in the 90s, during that “golden” time, when many were deprived of their apartments. There’s nothing special to talk about here, everything is the same as everyone else’s. It’s good that they weren’t buried in a snowdrift somewhere,” the man said.

According to Sergei, the most difficult thing for a homeless person is to find a roof over his head again and get back on his feet. At the same time, it is almost impossible to get out of the bottom of life on your own, without outside help.

This is completely unrealistic on your own; it’s a vicious circle: to get a job, you need a residence permit. To get a residence permit, you need a job, you won’t get out of this until someone gets you out of there, says Sergei.

For a long time, the Tsoi couple did not have their own shelter space - the guests had to be placed in rented apartments. And then a miracle happened.

One rich man, a millionaire, gave us two cottages with land, and we moved safely. We wandered around the apartments, we had a problem with the building. Many people asked to join us, but we could not take them due to the fact that there were not enough places. When we received this cottage, we, of course, modernized it, because it was intended for living ordinary family. We landscaped it so that it would be convenient to accommodate such a large number people,” said Elena Tsoi.

The man who gave the shelter a truly royal gift is businessman Alexander Roslyakov. The owner of a large transport company took part in the “Secret Millionaire” project in 2017. According to the terms of the reality show in Vladimir, he had to spend five days without housing and money. One of the first people he met at the station was Denis Tsoi, who just at that time brought food for the homeless. Alexander Roslyakov spent only one night in his shelter, but did not forget those who gave him shelter.

Now there are 47 people in the shelter, whose lives are structured according to a routine. Everyone has their own responsibilities: homeless people cook, clean, and organize their leisure time. There is also a small farmstead - a vegetable garden and a chicken coop.

We try to accept everyone, the main requirements are sobriety and compliance simple rules our routine. There must be employment so that a person not only sleeps and eats here. We motivate our guests to take part in the life of our organization. One cleans, another does laundry, the third distributes things. Someone prepares food for the homeless people we feed at the station and goes there to feed them. That is, the point is for a person to be involved in the activity and remember how people live in a normal environment,” explained Denis Tsoi.

Each guest has their own story. Some people blame themselves for all problems, others blame circumstances. Housing is often lost due to addiction- addiction to alcohol.

It's my fault that I ended up here. When I was young, I didn’t think about what would happen ahead, I didn’t think that the time would come that I would be left alone. And so I was left alone, I thought that no one needed me, and I started drinking alcohol. I sold the apartment and drank it away. “I made mistakes, I was convicted,” admitted one of the guests, Oleg Andreyanov.

Everyone has their own dreams. Oleg Andreyanov from Vyazniki would like to restore relations with ex-wife and daughter, whom I have not seen for 20 years. Sergey Veselov, originally from Murmansk, came to Vladimir by accident. While I had the strength, I worked at a construction site. But now due to health reasons he can no longer work. He will soon turn 60. He often changed jobs, worked without paperwork, so he will most likely only be able to claim a minimum pension. Not long ago, all of a man’s documents were stolen; only his passport was recovered. Now he is going through the authorities, trying to apply for a disability pension, but it is difficult for a person without a fixed place of residence to protect his rights - officials usually refuse.

It is in such shelters that people at the bottom receive hope and understand that they have a future.

It is necessary to hope and believe that everything will work out, and it is this organization that provides the incentive that people gain faith in themselves and that they are not yet lost to society, noted Oleg Andreyanov.

The organizers of the “Everyone Is Dear” foundation believe that it is not enough to feed the homeless; they must receive comprehensive support.

We did not immediately create the fund. At first they just helped. But then they realized that the problem of homelessness must be solved entirely. Conventionally: feeding a person and giving him socks will not solve the problem. He will eat this food, stain his clothes, and then what? It is necessary not only to help on the street, but also in the shelter, that is, to restore documents and establish relationships with relatives. In addition, a person himself must feel that someone needs him, Denis Tsoi is convinced.

According to various sources, there are from 3 to 5 million homeless people in our country. And only a third of them, having received help, are able to return to normal life.

The Tsoi couple plan to develop the shelter. They welcome any help and are looking for people who are not indifferent to the misfortune of others. The shelter for the homeless of the “Everyone is dear” foundation is located in the Yuryevets microdistrict at the address: st. Noyabrskaya, 118. Detailed information about how to help the homeless can be found in

Participant name: Alexander Roslyakov

Age (birthday): 14.01.1970

City: Dubossary (Moldova), Bali

Education: University of Paris

Job: CEO and founder of Onega Shipping

Family: married, four children

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Alexander Roslyakov was born on January 14, 1970 in the city of Dubossary in Moldova. His family was military. After graduating from school, Sasha decided to go to study at the Naval Academy.

Alexander served in the navy. After returning home, he left again and entered the University of Paris to study management. After receiving his diploma, he began working as a director in one of the construction companies.

Alexander Roslyakov performed well in the position of director. After a while, he became the head of an organization specializing in transporting goods by water.

Roslyakov holds the position of General Director of Onega Shipping and is the founder of the organization. The main specialization of the company is transportation in the oil sector.

Hobbies and personal life of a modest millionaire

Alexander Roslyakov is in his third marriage and has a son with his young wife. This is not the businessman’s first marriage; the first wife gave Roslyakov one child, the second two children.

He lives in Bali with his wife Maria. He is passionate about football: he not only often attends matches, but also plays himself. One of Roslyakov’s best comrades is the vocalist of the Leningrad group Sergei Shnurov.

Participation in the show “Secret Millionaire”

Alexander gladly accepted the organizers’ offer to become a participant in the project. For a couple of days he needed to pretend to be a beggar and feel all the “delights” of the life of a homeless person.

The businessman admits that it was not easy to face the indifference of some people towards you when you also do not have money in your pocket.

“Uncle Sasha” made many new discoveries after participating in “The Secret Millionaire.” After returning to his familiar environment, he began to work more actively, made the company more successful and richer, and expanded the range of its activities. Went to travel to different places globe where I have never been before.

Alexander was remembered by the viewer as a kind, honest and positive-minded person. He only had 1,000 rubles for five days, and he had to pretend to be a migrant worker. He was able to get into the role. In total, Roslyakov donated about 23,000,000 rubles for his benefactors.

Alexander gave a spacious apartment and money for the treatment of a child to one family. He helped a mother with many children with money and housing. He gave a homeless writer an apartment, a laptop and a contract with a publishing house to publish a book.

Generous gifts from Roslyakov went to not only new acquaintances. In the most touching episode of the season, the millionaire helped the Homeless Relief Fund “Everyone is Dear” and the Animal Relief Fund “Valenta”.

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