Greedy man. How to make a man generous? Teach a man to be generous

Most Full description in all details - a love spell on the generosity of a man to read on his own with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

From a letter: “... I have been dating for five years, I don’t know if it’s love or not, but the habit is already quite strong. It suits him, and me too, that we live separately. I have kids and he doesn't seem to like kids at all. I don't want such a family. So we meet three times a week. It's just a shame that from her children she has to feed and drink him. For five years he has not brought a dry peel into the house. He is very greedy, he saves everything for something. Now everything is expensive, a bag of coffee and then 1.5 rubles, and it needs sugar, bread, butter. Fry three eggs and then - take it out and put it in. Sometimes I don’t eat it myself, all the children give it to him. Once I got into a conversation with a neighbor. She told me that she would bring me a prayer and then he would carry everything to my house. She left for prayer, she comes in an hour. Everything, he says, rummaged through, I can not find it.

Someone will probably laugh at my letter. But I think that someone who was in my shoes with three children, but without money, will understand me, will not condemn me. Again, you can give me advice to leave him. And who needs me with children. And I'm only 35 years old."

There are such prayers, and I will now teach you two of them. But first contact thanksgiving prayer to our Creator Jesus Christ:

Your body is holy

Lord Jesus Christ,

Our God, may it be with us in eternal life, and the blood

Your honest for the remission of sins:

wake me this thanksgiving in joy,

health and joy; in a terrible life

and the second coming

Yours vouchsafe me a sinful position at the right hand of glory

Yours, with the prayers of the Most Pure Thy Mother

I pray to you, Holy Prophet Elijah,

Send me 12 angels

with white wings

with golden candles.

Surround them on the opposite side of the cross.

Let all 12 go, they will find the servant of God (name),

they will put three nails in his heart.

First, you can't be greedy

The second is a dear gift,

The third is a generous soul,

from the last penny to buy me everything I want.

The word is mine. The matter, Ilya, is yours.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Another conspiracy.

They take a stalk of hops, put it in their bosom and walk around their beloved. The stem speak like this:

You twisted, twisted, with your pole

did not part, clung to his pole.

Let the slave (name) not press, I have my own money

does not regret, pampers me and cherishes.

As a mother does not spare her daughter either bread or brocade,

slave (name) all my swords on the table ...

Carry, as the mother bird carries into the nest,

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love spell for generosity (for sugar)

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    Dear forum users, do not immediately throw slippers, this is the material of one of the "white" practitioners (alas, I don’t know the name, from notebook notes), in the original the appeal went to the saint. Not plagiarism of pure water, rather processing into a "dark style" What happened - I enclose + my personal comments in use, please discuss.

    Speak on sugar for three nights, during a meeting with an object, throw it into a cup to drink, you can add blood, but it will binarize. Redemption upon the fact made + redemption from the first gift. As an addition to the size of requests, put runes on sugar for generosity + gifts, respectively

    for me: Works one-time for large requests, or for small, but in large quantities

    A conspiracy so that a beloved man: a husband or lover gave money and was generous

    A loved one does not give money to fix this, magic and a conspiracy that reads on a husband or lover who is greedy and stingy with money will help. It happens that a beloved man counts every penny and you can’t get an extra ruble from him, but he always grumbles and swears for new and necessary purchases. Do not be afraid, magic will help remove greed from a person and immediately after reading the conspiracy, the beloved man will become generous and complaisant. The words of the spell must be memorized, and when a man comes to your house, closing the door (of a house or room) behind him, barely audibly say a conspiracy on the generosity of a man so that he begins to give you more money and not require a report :

    Like a good mother does not regret

    For their children no bread, no honey,

    No ringing money, no strength, no time,

    So would my husband and servant of God (name),

    Wouldn't be stingy, wouldn't be sorry for me

    Nothing and never, everywhere and always.

    So my words will come true and come true.

    This conspiracy allows you to breed men for money and gifts, and if you ask him for money, he will definitely give them in the right amount.

    A conspiracy for money and wealth is read on the night of Monday to Tuesday in the kitchen at home. On Monday after 10 pm but before midnight at the dinner table, spend the following magical rite which will attract money, wealth and good luck to your home and your life. You can perform this ritual no more than once a year, so try to win so that no one distracts you while reading the prayer conspiracy and thus does not interrupt the execution of the money ceremony. An interrupted rite cannot be redone during the year! Pour a full bowl of milk and put it on the dining table, cover the glass with a piece of black bread, say the words of the prayer conspiracy to attract money and

    Gypsies have money magic good plot- a spell for money, and if you perform a gypsy rite to attract money, you can quickly get a large amount of money and live in prosperity and wealth. On the growing moon, you need to go to the oak and take seven yellow acorns near it. Near the place where the oak tree grows, you need to find three white pebbles and a piece of moss the size of a palm. Moss must be necessarily a single piece. Put acorns and pebbles on the green side of the moss and wrap it around it with a red thread, this is done on the street, hiding from prying eyes. When you come home with moss, put the bundle under your pillow and go to bed. You need to sleep until midnight, even if you can't sleep, you need to lie down

    Vanga gave people practical advice for every day for good luck, money and prosperity so that life is filled with joy, good luck and prosperity. Today, conspiracies will not tell one very good conspiracy told by Vanga to attract money into your life, taking the poor and poverty away from your home. Following the advice of the Bulgarian clairvoyant, the money in your wallet will always be in abundance and you will not experience anything

    If a beloved man, husband or lover spares money for you, a special conspiracy will help fix this. Read a conspiracy so that a man gives all the money and is not stingy, cook meat on the bones, you can use chicken and say the following words for a treat to remove greed and stinginess from a person. Feed a greedy man a piece of meat and as soon as he tastes the food, his greed towards you will subside and he will become more talkative and loyal to your spending, giving more money for

    How to force the debtor to quickly and completely return the money borrowed. Magic will help repay the debt with the help of a rite for the debtor and reading a conspiracy - prayers for repaying the debt, how to do this with the help of magic, conspiracies on, today they will tell you in detail. If the debtor does not want to repay the money borrowed, this strong conspiracy to return debts and return borrowed money will help to make him pay his debts. Conspiracy - a prayer for the return of debts is read on a box of matches and a church candle of any color on any day of the week and convenient for you evening time at home. After waiting for the evening, read the Our Father prayer and wrap it with black thread previously bought in the church

    In white magic, it is customary to read a conspiracy for good luck and money so that they grow in growth on the growing moon, and now conspiracies will not tell you about one very strong money conspiracy - a magnet that will attract money and good luck to you in all matters, at home and at work. What conspiracies are read on the growing moon to make a love spell in the house, not many people know, but in vain. If at home you read a conspiracy for money, you need to read on the growing moon, then the ritual to attract money will work very quickly. After you have read the lunar conspiracy for money, you can get rich quickly by attracting good luck and wealth with the help of money magic, you just need to read the conspiracy on

    To attract constant good luck in any business, they read a conspiracy for good luck that will help you become more successful. Most old rite bringing good luck is done on a thing. You can speak any new things or objects, most often it is customary to read the conspiracy on jewelry that you will wear daily, this jewelry becomes an amulet that brings good luck to its owner. It is customary for magicians to speak a ring for good luck and wealth and wear it on the left hand without removing it. A thing spoken for good luck becomes the most the best talisman making its owner lucky, about which many say: “he was born in a shirt and that is why he is always lucky in everything.” But the secret of constant

    Money conspiracies for Easter have always been popular, and the poor and the rich all read conspiracies that attract money and wealth on Easter day in order to avert poverty and live in prosperity and wealth for a year. In the villages, to this day, Easter conspiracies for money are known, and every year with the advent of Easter they perform this easy rite to attract money and wealth to their home. Do you want to live richly and always have money in your wallet? On the Easter week“bright week” read this conspiracy for money in your wallet and all year long you and your family will not know the need, and wealth and prosperity will always be in your house. Early in the morning on Easter with no one to talk to

    All the conspiracies that need to be read for Easter really work and quickly give the expected result, subject to accurate execution and faith in the power of white Easter magic. Luck has always been not superfluous and so that it accompanies you all year a day happy easter you need to read the Easter plot for good luck. Like all conspiracies read on Easter, luck is attracted to a painted egg. Immediately after performing a ritual to attract good luck, a person becomes completely lucky, luck will literally accompany him in any business at home and at work. A person charmed for good luck will be able to receive such benefits that he could not even dream of. Easter is coming and it means it's time to have a good time

    If you read this conspiracy for Easter, then wealth and money will be found in your house all year. In ancient times, thanks to an Easter conspiracy and an easy ritual for money to attract wealth, people who knew the signs and customs got rid of poverty and lack of money in one day of holy Easter! Nowadays, everyone knows how important this day is in Orthodox world. white magic with rituals and reading Easter conspiracies on wealth really contribute to quick enrichment, so what is this mysterious conspiracy that attracts wealth and big money to life Orthodox person and what you need to independently conduct a magical ceremony for Easter and

    If you are looking for a real way how to quickly become a rich person with the help of magic and quickly get a lot of money, spend this magical ritual with reading strong conspiracy to call big money and wealth into your life. To conduct a ceremony to attract money, you need a bowl of natural clay, which should be placed on the floor near the door to your bedroom. From the moment the bowl is placed for six days every day at five o'clock in the evening, put a coin in the bowl yellow color of the same dignity while speaking a conspiracy

    A conspiracy for money must be read on a growing moon, reading is allowed money conspiracy and at full moon. Before reading the plot, you need to find a tree that you can easily hug completely and there should be leaves on the tree. Waiting for the right ritual to attract money and wealth lunar day, prepare a linen bag in which put ten white coins, ten yellow coins and any one paper bill. Sweep the edges of the linen bag with money yourself with red thread so that your money is not tempted devilry and did not jinx your monetary wealth. Come close to the tree noted earlier and close your eyes and hug the tree to the floor of your voice three

    To gain wealth and attract big money to yourself will help this strong conspiracy for wealth read on an egg from a “ripple chicken” - a brown chicken egg with white spots. You can find this on the market, but you have to walk around, although the most fortunate ones find such eggs very quickly and, having read the plot, quickly become rich and self-sufficient people, living all their lives in wealth and luxury. Having found such an egg on the market without bargaining, buy the entire ten from the seller and leave the entire change, if any, to the seller. At home, choose the egg that has an uneven coloring or has some inclusions on the shell and boil it for 5 minutes hard boiled. While the egg is hot

    A plot from poverty allows you to quickly find money and get rid of lack of money for a very short term. In difficult times, when there is not enough money even for the most necessary things, in the old days they read this good book. white conspiracy from poverty, which very quickly restored monetary prosperity by attracting and luring money from a variety of sources (excess change in the store, finding money on the street, and so on). A plot from lack of money should be read on a green scarf and wheat grains (one glass). Roast the wheat in a frying pan, reciting "Our Father" nine times while roasting. Remove the pan from the heat and cool the roasted wheat in it. At midnight on a full moon or on a new moon

    The desire to “squeeze” more resources out of a person is not considered noble, but nevertheless it is present in many women. Magic helps to realize it. Conspiracies about the generosity of a beloved man will inspire the object to generosity: he will spare nothing to please the conjurer.

    The ritual is performed at night during the full month.

    • photograph of a man;
    • flower pot;
    • earth and any seeds.

    It is required to open the window and settle on the windowsill. You should put a picture on the bottom of the pot (you can roll it up several times), fill it with earth and plant the seeds of any plant in the soil. Then it is recommended, looking at the moon, to pronounce a conspiracy:

    “In the palace, in the royal chambers, there are huge chests, precious stones lie in them - diamonds and rubies, sapphires and tourmalines, emeralds and garnets. As there are many royal precious stones in those chambers, so I receive gifts from (name) without counting and without end: from silk and silver, from gold and crystal, from overseas gardens and from distant cities. Open (name) a purse, open pockets, open chests that are in the house, that they keep different money - yes, spend coins on me, pamper me, please me, give gifts, do not know stinginess. I speak (name) of indefatigable generosity to me, true generosity to me, so that (name) will favor me, so as not to contradict, so as not to cancel my words. As this sprout grows, eat from the moon with light, so (name) be generous to me - in summer and winter, in cold and warm, in satiety and hunger! It will be so!”

    A pot with a planted seed should be left on the windowsill. As the plant develops, the spell will take effect. The first results are usually noticeable after two weeks. To ensure that the effectiveness of the ritual does not decrease, the plant must be carefully looked after.

    A quick conspiracy on the generosity of a boyfriend

    The ceremony is carried out at any time. It is necessary to look at the photo of the man and monotonously read the plot:

    “So that he loves, that he is generous, that he does not open his eyes, but only gives: any money, expensive gifts, attention beyond measure. So that he doesn’t skimp on me, so that he doesn’t press on the coin, so that the mind doesn’t listen to others, but he is generous to me: he presented the last, fulfilled all requests, appeased any prayer.

    A strong conspiracy for generosity on a candle

    It is preferable to conduct the ceremony during the growing moon. You need to light a candle, focus on the image of a man and, until the fire itself goes out, say:

    “As someone else’s hiccups descended on Fedot, so I will speak (name) for generosity, for taking care of me. To bring gifts to me, to throw them at my feet, to treat and dress like a queen, to take me around the world like a lady, so that I don’t know refusal, so that I don’t know sorrows, so that I don’t dirty my hands, so that I don’t shout with my voice, and to receive everything on a saucer - from (name), from a sweetheart and anyone who is generous with me, like a mother with a small child, like the sun with a distant land.

    The cinder is buried under the threshold of the object. In about a week, the spell will work. The ritual is safe and harmless, therefore it is recommended to repeat it periodically. As a rule, a fake is required no more than once every three months.

    Any conspiracy for generosity is effective way to push a man to beautiful deeds. The object of influence will forget about any restrictions, taking care of the contentment and happiness of the conjurer.

    Love spells at home for a man's love

    In this article, you will get acquainted with the collection simple love spells for love, which you can easily carry out on your own at home.

    In order for the love spells to take effect, it will be enough to pronounce a special conspiracy, which determines the target direction of the impact.

    I got all the love spell methods that are put together from a familiar village healer who has been practicing occult methods for solving heart problems for many years.

    Personally, I am firmly convinced that any love spells and spells are nothing more than an attempt to make a particular person live according to your rules.

    As a result of the work of the love potion, your loved one will turn into a law-abiding slave, in whose eyes the light will forever fade.

    Therefore, before deciding to perform a love spell, think about whether you need a person with a “dead soul”.

    Spell for a gift

    Buy a small trinket and give it to your loved one on the occasion of the celebration.

    Before giving a gift to a man, say the following love lines seven times:

    I give you a gift, I love you. Deck card, fly love spell. Take the bag and you'll be right there. You will sink into me like a worm in the earth. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Spell to meet a person

    Get up early in the morning and, looking to the east, say love spell to meet your loved one:

    I look to the east, God bless you. You will come to me, you will live in warmth. You will not go to another, you will follow me. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Very strong love spell at the crossroads

    Late in the evening, go to an abandoned crossroads and recite love words to the breath of the wind. After reading the love spell, without talking to anyone and without turning around, you return back. To strengthen the love spell, you need to go to the crossroads for three days in a row.

    Cross on the cross of the road, well-groomed feet. I call you, I curse enemies. I will brave my rivals, I will smear them in the face. I will call on the wind, I will increase love. All your life you will be near, under hard coal. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Love return spell

    If you want to return your former love by love spell, then read as often as possible the one below magical conspiracy. Bewitch the departed love should be within seven days, after which the return is guaranteed.

    As the servant of God (say the name) wakes up in the morning, it will come out for me. He will not be able to calm down, but will fall in love. Will return to the threshold, and remember the way. He won’t be able to leave, he’s exhausted for me. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Strong love spell for generosity

    Exactly at midnight, secretly secluded, you read seven times in a row from a sheet a magical conspiracy to love generosity. If you want the groom not to skimp on gifts, then try to attract irrepressible spending to him.

    You will receive a salary, not in stinginess, but in waste. Obediently give in, buy me a gift. You will give all the money, my will be a whim. There will be a lot of generosity, in full, not miserably. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Easter love spell

    On Easter, you read a love spell seven times on an unconsecrated Easter cake. After that, treat them to your lover. The spell starts working almost instantly.

    As God gave everyone a soul mate, so the servant of God (say the name) will suffer for me, but grieve, be satisfied with Easter bread, disown them, dry up to me, the age will be in a knot. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Eternal love spell

    In order for the eternal love spell to be realized, it is necessary to read seven times in a row on rotten egg occult plot on the grave with the name of your beloved. After reading the love phrases, you should stealthily bury the egg in the cemetery ground. Such a love spell, according to adherents, is never removed.

    Damp land and the dead man's power, I want to steal you without asking. Forever you will grieve for me, no one will dare to take you away. You will leave with longing, you will love forever, my happiness will have to be buried in the ground. Now forever I will lock up your life, no one will know what I hide. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Love spell for Christmas

    This love spell is done on Christmas Eve, namely the last night before the holiday. Speak love words on a photograph of a loved one, after which you hide it in a secluded place from prying eyes. After some time, the Christmas love spell begins to act, but as long as you keep the occult report secret.

    Eyebrows, eyes and a beloved face, so that you droop from anguish and suffering. As God was reborn and entered the souls, so you come to me, unlucky one. You will not be with another, you will forget all your friends, you will suddenly feel strongly attracted. No one will be able to drive a love spell, we will have a wedding, and somewhere, a divorce. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Love spell in the bath

    A love spell on bath water is considered one of the most powerful. Draw water into a basin and stealthily read a strong spell on bath water over it. When your loved one bathes himself in this water, the love spell will take effect almost instantly.

    Steam and heat, sweat and water, now you, my love, are with me forever. You will wash your mouth and sprinkle the edges, you will run to me like a helpless slave. Somleesh, fall asleep and wake up naked, forever now you are my beloved. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    These are just the most common love spells. In fact, there are many more. In order for any love spell to take effect, it is necessary to involve your own energy in its mechanism, which is a good help to a magical conspiracy.

    The material was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky.

    So that the lover's boyfriend is generous with gifts

    First, turn with a prayer of thanksgiving to our Creator Jesus Christ:

    Your holy body, Lord Jesus Christ,

    Our God, may it be with us in the eternal belly,

    and your precious blood for the remission of sins:

    wake me this thanksgiving in joy, health and joy;

    in a terrible life and your second coming, vouchsafe me a sinner

    Stand at the right hand of Your glory, with the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints.

    Conspiracy on the generosity of a man.

    A generous, attentive man is the dream of any woman. What to do if your beloved man is not generous? Try to regularly read the generosity plot. Soon you will see that your man has become more generous with gifts and money.

    So, the words of a conspiracy to the generosity of a man.

    "Be my words not for an hour,

    not for a day, not for a month, but

    For the whole century. Amen.

    I will go not by thresholds, not by doors,

    Not gates, not forests, but fields.

    There is a miser sitting in the clearing.

    Day and night gold guards its own.

    Doesn't let anyone near him.

    Does not give in the hands, does not show to the eyes.

    He sits and whispers: “I have no friends,

    No relatives, only my greed and stinginess.

    The miser sits on gold, and eats stale crust,

    Yes muddy water drinking down

    Do not spend every penny.

    God help me! On business

    Bless my words!

    How youth comes

    And then forever gone forever

    So let stinginess and greed

    The servant of God (name) will leave him forever

    And he won't find a way back.

    Key. Lock. Language.

    Amen. Amen. Amen"

    There are many love spells to separate a husband from a rival. One of those conspiracies.

  • /li>

    Dryness is small love plots, which do not require special training and execution.


    This conspiracy will help eliminate a rival from the life of your loved one. He is good in that he delivers.

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    The woman who buried her husband must burn her widow's handkerchief on the fortieth day, while reading a special plot. If she does not get rid of the widow's handkerchief, then it is possible that she will live out her life in solitude. The conspiracy is this:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I go out into the street through the bracket and up to the ceiling, I carry a handkerchief in my right hand. Go, my misfortune, with smoke, come back with a wedding crown, wedding ring. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

    To make it easier to get up in the morning

    To make it easier to get up in the morning, to make it easier for you to wake up, and not to fall asleep during the day, every time before you go to bed, drink a glass of water, reading a conspiracy on it 12 times:

    Sleep at night, get up in the morning. I'll get up briskly, I'll go briskly. Forces of the day, enter me, live in me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    Seven stones from seven troubles

    This summer rite will help you quickly get rid of many troubles. It is especially effective when it is carried out at sea, but any other body of water is also suitable - a river, a lake, a pond.

    Go to the water and collect seven stones along the way. Stand with your back to the water right hand over your left shoulder, throw stones in one movement into the water and say three times:

    “Seven stones will converge in a circle and take my misfortune. In this circle, everything is not so, in it my misfortune is a trifle! (Now in your own words, briefly in the affirmative, say what needs to be got rid of or what must be fulfilled.) So be it and so it will be!

    Come home to continue the ceremony - it must be completed in one day. Take a raw chicken egg, sit down at the table, put a new white candle and prepare everything that may concern your desire: photographs, things, documents (after all, we can talk about a company, court, exams, relationships ...) The choice of desires is unlimited. Hold the egg for a little while over the flame of the candle and start rolling over the items related to your problem. For at least five minutes, you tell the egg that you want to decide what result you want. Do not press hard on the egg. If you split it, the problem may not be solved for a long time!

    Now take a carnation or a needle and an egg and go outside. You need to find a tree with a male name - oak, poplar, maple, cypress (what you grow) and, having made a small hole, lay an egg in it. With a nail or a needle, after you sprinkle the “burial site”, circle this place and say the conspiracy three times into the sky: “Seven stones will converge in a circle and take my misfortune. In this circle, everything is not so, in it my misfortune is a trifle! (What a disaster…) So be it and so it will be!”

    We immediately throw a needle or a nail, we return home. Under no circumstances should you look back! At home, you need to rinse your hands under running water. cold water and forget to think about the problem. Everything is formed within 28 days.

    Ritual for love, prosperity and sweet life

    This ritual is done once a year at the crossroads of years. So, a week before the New Year, on the night of Thursday to Friday, on a sheet of A4 paper, you should write your three most cherished desires related to money, a good life and love, which you would like to fulfill in the coming year.

    Moreover, your desires should be connected only with you. That is, wanting a raise. wages to her husband or a happy marriage to her best friend in this ritual is not only not recommended, but forbidden. Simply put, the ritual will have no effect if the main actor you will not be in it yourself.

    After you have written down on the sheet your three most cherished desires, you should write under them: “So be it!” Next, you must put the following components on the wish list: a piece of black bread, a piece of sugar and one red rose, which must be bought by you personally, and not donated by someone.

    After that, the leaf should be picked up and whispered frantically, like a primitive priestess, for at least five minutes, that all your desires will be fulfilled within a year. All the above components - bread, sugar, a rose - you must roll into a leaf, and then wrap the precious bundle with red and green threads, and also seal it with white candle wax. By no means yellow! You must put the bundle under the mattress, where it must lie for two weeks (fourteen days and nights): one week before the New Year and one week after the New Year. In the event that you do not spend the night at home, then this night does not count in this ritual, and the time the bundle lies under your mattress increases by exactly one day.

    After the allotted time has elapsed, and you have slept on your package with wishes for fourteen nights, this package should be placed on your photo at the highest and open space in the apartment (wardrobe, sideboard, etc.) in such a way that other people could not see your magic bundle. This ritual is done for one year, that is, it works exactly one year.

    Ritual to bring a person home

    If you need to remind yourself of a person who does not make himself felt for a long time, and force him to return home, then resort to the help of this rite. If the person is alive, he will soon show up. The spirits sent for him will not leave him alone: ​​they will force him to call, write or return. Sending, or - in other words - return, is done in the following way. They take the dress or shirt of the one who is to return, tie it in a knot and hang it on a rope from the ceiling, then put the knife with a sharp end in the corner of the room and say:

    "Spirit, go! Bring the servant of God (name)! Until he comes to his house, He will not find peace in his heart. Through the burning candles he is tortured and suffering. Go home!"

    Having said this, the knife is rotated so hard that the blade creaks. After that, the apple is broken open, one half is immediately eaten, the second is placed next to the knife. They light a candle, and when it burns out, the next one, and so exactly forty candles.

    Rite of Establishing a Connection with Ancestors

    The first rite that you will need to perform is the Witch's Blessing ritual.

    The essence of the ceremony is to establish a spiritual connection with sorcerers, magicians, healers who lived before you; and if you had a sorcerer or witch in your family, then this is generally fine. For the ceremony, you will need 12 candles, a black cloth and water. The rite is performed on the growing moon and, as a rule, it is not necessary to fake it. The ceremony will need to be repeated if you do not feel a spiritual connection, but this time the conspiracy will need to be read not three, but twelve times. On the day when you will conduct the ceremony, you must fast, and also give up all kinds of fun, to set yourself up for the ceremony. Late in the evening, lay a black cloth on the table, put water in the center, and 12 candles around it. Read the Our Father three times and then the conspiracy three times:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. All who lived before me, did divination, knew the fates, healed with herbs and roots, now I call on you. I bow my knees before you, I bow my knees before you, I expect help from you. You will bless me for this work, protect me from the forces of darkness, save me from enemies. I speak these words in truth, and if I retreat, let the earth take me to itself, not one sorcerer will save me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    After that, you need to leave the water on the table until the candles burn out. After drinking water.

    Now you have help and shelter from another world. Before an important ceremony when you need help, read the conspiracy "Witch word before the rite" three times:

    “Children of witchcraft, Childbirth of healers, read this conspiracy with me and help me in business. Amen. »

    If we take the philosophy of this rite, then it is as follows: the church divides the saints into categories - prophets, martyrs, righteous people, great martyrs, pious kings, etc. Although the modern church does not recognize healers, but remember the Gospels, when Jesus was told that someone heals in his name and he said that they should leave him and let them heal. This is the essence of this rite to call for help the RIGHTEOUS souls of healers and masters, whom the Lord vouchsafed Paradise for their diligent merits, righteous deeds and all-night prayers. Why are they worse than saints? After all, we pray to the saints, martyrs, the righteous! The healers also fasted, spent days and nights in prayer and worked miracles in the name of the Lord, and therefore we can and will turn to them for help when we need it.

    Conspiracy for generosity

    “Your body is holy, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, and may it be with us in eternal life, and your honest blood for the remission of sins: wake me this thanksgiving in joy, health and gladness; in your terrible life and your second coming, vouchsafe me the sinful position at the right hand of your glory, with the prayers of your most pure Mother and all the saints.

    Then take a photo of a man or imagine his visual image, and read the plot:

    “I pray to you, Holy Prophet Elijah, God's servant (name). Send me 12 angels with white wings and gilded candles. Let all 12 go, they will find the servant of God (name), put three nails in his heart: the first - you can’t be greedy, the second is an expensive gift, the third is a generous soul, from the last so that a penny buys me everything I want. The word is mine, the deed, Ilya, is yours. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, amen, amen."

    Speak out of anger and temper

    On the flawed moon on a women's day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) for a woman, on a men's day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) - for a man in the morning, afternoon and evening, close the hook (latch) on the door and say:

    “My cross, my strength, the Cross is God's symbol. My Baptist is with me, my great Cross. The angel was holding him. The evil of the demon from the slave / slave (name) cast out. Conquered by God's word."

    Conspiracy against trouble

    “I am speaking, a slave (name), of my amorous young man (name) from a peasant sorcerer, from a raven karkun, from a sorceress woman, from an old man and an old woman, from a skhimnik, a skhimnitsa. I send from my dear friend everyone to walk through the forest, to take a needle case, according to his faith, and as long as he is alive, no one would have dishonored him or overlooked him. I am talking to a slave (name), my beloved young man (name) about saving on the road tightly, forever, for life. Whoever plucks and eats all the grass from the meadow, drinks all the water from the sea and does not get hungry, and he would not have overcome my word, my conspiracy has not been terminated. Who from evil people he will look at him, and look down, and bewitch, and spoil, then their eyes would be turned out of their foreheads into the back of their heads, and my beloved young man (name) will have a path and a path, good Health at my separation.

    How to teach a man to be generous?

    How to get him to give gifts?

    I started asking these questions at the age of sixteen. And certainly not in order to corny "profit" at someone else's expense. But then, to evoke even stronger and more obvious feelings in my man.

    I never liked bouquets of cut flowers, but passing by a flower shop, I shamelessly demanded that my future husband buy me another broom of roses. I understood that he had a modest salary and no extra money, but I also understood that they should always be on me. Let him spend on me, let him make it a habit to please me! There would be a desire - the means will arrive in time.

    Learn to ask the right way

    If you want to teach a man to be generous, the first thing you should be able to do is . Not everyone is able to ask shamelessly and at the same time delicately. This is best done by a spoiled child. When "their spontaneity" pronounces the unfailing: "Daddy, buy it!" - it is never taken vulgarly. The success of such a request lies in the fact that the child does not doubt the love of his parent, and is also sure that he really needs the required thing, that he deserves it. Therefore, when the “beloved child” asks, it does not feel fear that they will “send” it.

    In the process of such a relationship with daddy, a pleasant reflex is fixed - "asked - received." Thus, a fearless character is developed in the child, which is why they say: “Children must be pampered, then real robbers will grow out of them.”

    In contrast to this example, most women either do not know how at all, or do it, damaging their self-esteem, which fundamentally contradicts our postulate that men should be dealt with easily and without tension.

    So why have so many of you, so beautiful and smart, still not taught your men to be generous?

    The most popular answer: "To ask - pride does not allow - we want to be independent of men." If pride does not allow you to clothe your desires in verbal form, then!

    Regarding venality: one way or another, we all put ourselves up for auction. Whether we get a job, whether we are looking for a life partner, we always dream of being appreciated. And this is good, it means that they are present in us.

    You don’t have to be indifferent to the material side of life - you need to purposefully teach your man to be “giftable”, in the name of strengthening his own feelings.

    In fact, a “giving” man appreciates a woman who “takes with pleasure” more than one who loves him “for nothing”. The more time, money and effort is spent on a person, the further the giving side tends to go in their feelings. It's like building a house. He says: “I put my soul into it, how can I sell it!” The receiving party usually takes a more "cool" position.

    Nietzsche said it well: “Really just people are not gifted. They return everything back. That is why they cause disgust in those who love them.

    Demanding as a lifestyle

    2. Give gifts to men first, and they will definitely give back. And if not, then these are not your men.
    The greatest effect on a person is produced by gifts not “on occasion”, but at the “dictation of the soul”. If you do not know when to present such a gift, scroll through the calendar - there is a holiday indicated for each day. After all, there are days of trade workers, doctors and even astronauts! In addition, there are also name days - days when Georgiev, Andreev, Alexandrov and others congratulate everyone. He will appreciate your attention and sense of humor. In any case, in the eyes of your man, this will add points to you. After all, you see, not everyone would have thought of this. This is exactly the case when you can make the smallest monetary contribution, and make the maximum impression with your gift.

    In no case, do not spend a lot of money on a gift for a man, even if it is his birthday, it is better to do something with your own hands. It will be cute and exclusive at the same time. Expensive status items strong man he will buy for himself, and will not wait for a gift from a woman. Remember: a man does not appreciate material investments from a woman - he appreciates his own investments in her!

    3. Let the man understand that you need money not to satisfy your primary needs, but to receive various pleasures. Even if it really isn't. No need for these nauseating phrases: “Put it on my phone, otherwise I ran out of money” or “Buy me a bottle of mineral water, otherwise I forgot my wallet.” The rich man does not like to give alms, he likes to spend money tastefully. Show that you have this very taste, and he will gladly turn out his pockets and “shush” with you.

    4. Don't feel the false guilt of "mean father's daughter." Remember, spending your man's money with and without him is an honor for any woman. You are entitled to it. Because according to the law of attraction of two hearts, you are he. By doing this, you will only become closer to each other.

    5. Show the man that spending large sums on you is okay. How to show? Make it normal inside of you. If you “understand everything, but you can’t help yourself” - break the “Cinderella” stereotype: having discarded the embarrassment, go to your own daddy and treacherously turn out HIS pockets. If it works out with a father, it will be much easier with other men. Thus, you will honorably return all your father's "debts".

    6. From time to time remind yourself of an important thing: I am a gift in itself, I deserve not to be curry favors!

    P.S: When you start doing everything according to this article and you have success, you will ask yourself the question: “Does a woman need to work if men give everything anyway?” On this topic, we have a video on the site, which is called so?

    Soul and soul invested in this article personal experience. How personal experience affects the value of the proposed materials is described in the video

    Blog Manipulation-Female pickup- —

    How to make a man be generous? How to get him to give you gifts?
    This question worries girls from the age of 18. And the problems, in most cases, are due to the fact that we girls do not know how to ask correctly! Why are so many of us, so smart and beautiful, never taught our men to be generous? The most popular explanation is still: "Pride does not allow us to ask, we do not want to be dependent on men." We deceive ourselves! In fact, when we create a couple, we automatically become dependent on each other. But the point here is different - we subconsciously consider ourselves "unworthy" to accept. The prerequisite for this could be your dad's suggestion that you will receive the money, but you will have to work it out. This “condition” now prevents us from establishing a normal dialogue with a man and spreading him out in front of us with a slight wave of the hand. material values. Still probably each of us faced with "I did everything for you, but you are ungrateful." We stop believing in unconditional love and are forced to curry favor.

    Learning to ask a man correctly

    If we want to teach a man to be generous, Firstly we must - be able to ask correctly. You need to ask delicately and shamelessly, this is good for a spoiled child. Their direct: “Daddy, buy!” - is never taken vulgarly. The child asks so because he does not doubt the love of his parents, and that he really deserves it. When a "beloved child" asks, he has no fear that he will be "sent." Most of us either do not know how to ask at all, or do it in a way that damages our dignity.. If a man promised to do something for you, you need to look at him affectionately and thank him in advance. For us, women, this is a non-committal flirting, and for a man, it is a great incentive to continue to “appease” us not just with words.

    It is necessary not to be indifferent, but to purposefully teach a man to be generous, in order to strengthen his own feelings

    A “giftable” man appreciates more the one who “receives with pleasure” than the one who loves “for what, but in spite of”. How more man spends time and money on a woman, the more he enters into his feelings. Nietzsche said: “Really just people are not gifted. They return everything back. Therefore, those who love them are disgusted.

    Demanding is a lifestyle

    First of all, be generous! Teach a man to be generous and give you gifts! If a man tells you: “Ask for everything you want!”, “Wish” the most expensive, but within reasonable limits, of course. If a girl is used to cheap meals in cheap cafes, this is an indicator for a man !!!
    “How is it, we are not prostitutes to charge for our society, we are decent girls!”, You will say. About venality, one way or another, we all put ourselves up for sale. Getting a job, looking for a soul mate, we dream of being appreciated.
    It is not necessary to be beautiful, it is important to be well-groomed! Well-groomed is not a one-time visit to a beauty salon, it is a daily self-control. Demanding needs to be developed in relation to yourself and to your man. You should not hang around yourself with cheap trinkets, creating an image of “cheap”, it is better not to wear them at all. As noble ladies at court used to say: “You need to come for alms in your own carriage.” Our "carriage" is our mental attitude and our appearance. And if a girl agrees to wear cheap jewelry, diamonds will certainly not be presented to her.
    It all depends on the addressee, and not on the donor, because the same men behave differently with different women: when buying diamonds from one, they give a parallel lover a stainless steel ring. Men perfectly see where and with whom you can save! Gems Suitable for gold, but not for stainless steel!

    And so, how to teach a man to give gifts?

    1. You need to test the ground, for example, borrow a significant amount of money from him and pull with a return. If he reminds, we draw conclusions !!!

    2. We replace the word “buy”, this is very annoying for men, with “ want" and " need- Men listen to them more. Remind from time to time the desired thing with this “magic” word, as if you accidentally remembered it, but in no case allow whining. He should not get the impression that these words are addressed to him, as if you are voicing your desires out loud, without embarrassment and without begging. If he is not a miser, he will do everything for you, and if he does not have such an opportunity now, he will think about how to do his best. Thus, you can kill two birds with one stone - give a person a boost in development and get the desired thing.

    3. Make gifts to a man first, and they will be presented, and if not, then these are not your men. A gift produces a great effect on a person not “on occasion”, but “at the behest of the soul”. You don’t know how to present a gift - in the calendar you can always find the day of a lawyer, a doctor, and even Groundhog Day! There is also name days - days when they congratulate all Alekseev, Sergeev, Alexandrov and others. A man will appreciate your attention and your sense of humor. This is the case when you make the minimum monetary contribution and make the maximum impression.

    4. It must be made clear that money is needed to obtain various pleasures, and not to satisfy primary needs. Even if it's not. You shouldn’t throw up a man with phrases: “Replenish my phone, I’ve run out of money” or “Buy me a bottle mineral water I forgot my money at home. Rich people do not like to give alms, but like to spend money tastefully. You need to show the man that you have this taste, and he will turn out his pockets with great pleasure and “shush” with you.

    5. No need to feel false guilt "the daughter of a stingy father." It must be remembered that spending your man's money with or without him is an honor for any woman. You have a right to it, because according to the law of attraction of two hearts, you are him.

    6. Show a man that it's okay to spend large sums on you. But how? Yes, it's very simple - to make it normal inside yourself. If it doesn’t work out or you can’t do anything with yourself, you need to go to your own daddy and treacherously turn out his pockets, thus breaking the stereotype of a modest “Cinderella”. If it works out with dad, then with other men too. Thus, it will be possible to return the "debt" to the father.

    7. Always remind yourself: I am a gift in itself, I deserve everything I want!!!

    Ekaterina Kisel

    Every woman dreams of spending her life with a man who not only loves and surrounds with care, but also spares nothing for her. To make your lover generous, use effective proven conspiracies.

    Each representative of the fair sex needs love, care and affection of her beloved man. However, the generosity of the beloved is a rather pleasant bonus. Many women complain that a loved one either rarely gives gifts, or does not do it at all, and sometimes everyone dreams of such a sign of attention. If your chosen one is not generous or even stingy, use simple but effective conspiracies. With their help, you can save your beloved from greed, and soon your man will become generous and accommodating.

    Strong conspiracy for sugar

    Sometimes even subtle hints do not help a man understand that his beloved at least occasionally needs gifts. However, you can fix this with a strong sugar conspiracy. First you need to buy a full package of sugar, and then open it and say these words:

    “Just as a mother does not spare any money, food, or sugar for her children, so you (name) will never regret anything for me. I wish you not to be greedy and understand my requests perfectly. May my words come true and come true.

    You can add charmed sugar to liquid or food. The most important thing is to do this throughout the week. Soon your loved one will stop being greedy and will give you gifts much more often.

    An effective conspiracy for generosity

    Some women are in a constant "pursuit" of wealth, and such a desire is not noble, but on the contrary, is condemned by society. Many of the fair sex simply want to receive signs of attention from their beloved man more often. However, not always a man generously endows his beloved with pleasant surprises. In this case, you need to use an effective conspiracy.

    For the ritual you will need:

    • flower pot;
    • Earth;
    • seeds of any plant.

    In the evening after sunset, sit on the windowsill, put a photograph of a man on the bottom of the flower pot, cover it with earth and plant a plant. Then look up to the sky and say:

    “In the chambers of the palace there are golden chests. Precious stones lie in these chests. Diamonds and sapphires, diamonds and rubies. As many jewels lie in the chests, so (name) will give me many gifts. Will open the wallet, give me gold and silver. He will spare no coins or banknotes for me, and stinginess will not overcome him. I speak, (name), you, (name), to generosity, generosity, so that you love and spoil me. As a sprout turns into a flower, so you will become generous. May it be so!".

    The pot must be left on the windowsill. Do not forget to take care of the plant, and as soon as it sprouts, your lover will become generous and generous towards you.

    Husband's Generosity Conspiracy

    Probably, almost every woman was faced with the fact that over time, her man began to pay less attention to her, and, accordingly, there were significantly fewer gifts from him. To remedy the situation, use an effective conspiracy on the generosity of your husband.

    The ceremony is best done during the waxing moon. In this case, you will be able to enlist the support of lunar energy, which means that the result will appear much faster. To perform the ritual, you only need a candle and a photograph of your lover. At night, when your spouse falls asleep, retire to a separate room, sit at the table, light a candle and put a photograph of your husband in front of you. Drop a little wax on it with the words:

    “I speak to my beloved spouse (name) for generosity and kindness. So that he presented me with gifts, he threw jewels at my feet, as he dressed a queen. To carry around the world and give the most expensive gifts. To never refuse me anything, but only love and idolize. May my beloved be generous. Let it be as I say."

    This conspiracy is effective way push the spouse to beautiful and bright deeds. Soon you will notice how he will become more generous, and you will begin to receive gifts from him much more often.

    When love is unrequited, the feeling itself loses all meaning. Most often, it is the fair sex that suffers from unrequited love. Sometimes any attempts to win the heart of a beloved man are useless. The strongest harmless love spell will help you correct the situation. We wish you happiness, success and mutual loveand, do not forget to press the buttons and

    12.05.2018 04:39

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