Harvesting sorrel for the winter - greens for the whole year! How to close sorrel for the winter in jars - the best recipes from my collection

Many housewives prepare sorrel for the winter in their own way, which does not always keep the leaves fresh and tasty. Therefore, we will talk about ways to harvest sorrel for the winter, which will not require you to high costs time or money.

The easiest and time-tested way to prepare sorrel for the winter is drying. There are two ways to dry the leaves: in the air or in an electric dryer.

After collecting, carefully sort out the leaves, remove rotten or damaged ones. Rinse with water if dust has settled on the sorrel. To dry the sorrel in the air, you need to collect the greens in small bunches, tie with a thick thread and hang in the shade.

Important! The sun's rays should not fall on the sorrel, otherwise the leaves will discolor and begin to crumble.

When creating bunches, remember that the leaves in it must dry out equally. If you knit too thick a bunch, then the sorrel in the center will not dry out, but will sag. Therefore, try to stick to a thickness of no more than 5-7 cm. Also ensure good ventilation if the leaves are dried indoors.

If drying in bundles is inconvenient, then you can decompose green leaves on paper or on a sieve. Remember that the thinner the layer, the faster it dries. Even if you have very little space for drying, then you can’t spread sorrel in a layer more than 15 cm thick, as the leaves can rot.

Sorrel can be dried in an electric dryer. This method is faster, but not suitable for everyone. Before drying, the sorrel should be finely chopped. To begin with, try drying a small portion so that you know for sure that you like the quality and taste of the finished product. After a few attempts, you will know exactly how long the leaves should be in the dryer.

Ready dry sorrel should be dark green in color. When pressed, the leaves should crumble into small pieces. At the same time, pay attention to whether the leaves are completely dry or only at the edges. After drying, the sorrel is stored in opaque jars with a twist. Banks should not be placed in a very humid place so that the sorrel does not deteriorate (even the tightest lid allows moisture to pass inside the jar).

Important! Worth mentioning is oxalic acid, which can aggravate kidney-related diseases. People with high stomach acidity should also eat dishes with sorrel in small quantities.

Freezing sorrel

Many housewives thought about how to keep sorrel fresh in the refrigerator. . Dried sorrel does not have much freshness or taste, so you can try freezing the leaves to keep them soft and juicy. Before freezing, sort through the sorrel to get rid of grass or spoiled leaves. Next, the sorrel is washed in cold water and immersed in boiling water for a minute. The sorrel will darken a little, becoming an olive color.

Important! Sorrel color change after hot water does not affect the taste and vitamin composition.

After heat treatment, the sorrel is left for a couple of hours to dry and cool. If you put wet sorrel in the freezer, then you end up with just a lump of ice that will take up extra space. After the leaves are dry, they need to be laid out in bowls or plastic bags which can be easily opened.

When you need sorrel in winter, do not defrost it prematurely. Still frozen leaves are thrown into soup or borscht, which will quickly melt and give the dish its taste.

There is another way to freeze, which requires a blender. Peeled and washed leaves are crushed in a blender to a puree state, laid out in bowls and frozen. This method is a little inconvenient, since you will have to use the entire product when defrosting. Therefore, crushed sorrel can be put in ice molds. This way you can use as much frozen sorrel as you need.

Sorrel is frozen for the winter not only to preserve taste or vitamin composition. This is done so that the leaves do not deteriorate (as when dried) or are not very salty (as when salted). Freezing preserves the primary taste of the product, so you can not be afraid that the preserved product will spoil the dishes.

Did you know? Due to the high content of tannins in sorrel, the roots of many species are a valuable raw material for tanning leather. They are used as yellow and red dyes.

Our great-grandmothers also knew how to store sorrel: for this, they salted it for the winter in jars. This method will never outlive itself, as it does not require much effort or some kind of technique.

Before salting, estimate the amount of sorrel and prepare jars. It is best to salt the product in half-liter or liter jars. Before salting, sorrel must be cleaned and washed. If the sheets are large, cut them, but do not grind them. After that, put the sorrel in a container and sprinkle with salt at the rate of 15 g of salt per 0.5 kg of sorrel. Mix the crushed leaves with salt and let them stand for 2-3 hours.

After the sorrel has stood and let the juice flow, it must be transferred to sterilized jars. Banks do not need to be rolled up, just screw the lid tightly and put it in the refrigerator or cellar.

We answered the question of how to properly pickle sorrel. Now let's talk about a few tricks when using it:

  • when adding sorrel to a dish, use 3 times less salt;
  • salt sorrel with dill or spinach in equal proportions to enjoy a "vitamin cocktail" in the cold season;
  • for salting, use young sorrel so that the product stands longer and retains its taste.

Important! Salted sorrel can be stored for about 7-8 months in a cold place.

Another interesting the method of storing greens is in their own juice. The advantage of this method of preserving sorrel is that you can do without adding salt or sugar. This method is very useful for dishes that are prepared strictly according to the recipe, and excess salt or sugar can spoil the taste. At the same time, there is no need to roll up jars or boil for a long time, sorrel, due to its acid, is perfectly stored even without the addition of vinegar.

First you need to prepare the sorrel: remove dry leaves, remove grass and other debris, rinse from dust and dirt. Take the largest saucepan, fill it halfway with water and put it on the fire. Prepare half-liter (in extreme cases - liter) jars and fill them with sorrel leaves. You can cut the leaves or put them whole, depending on your preference and the size of the leaves.

After you have filled the jars, they need to be placed in a pot of water. As soon as the sorrel begins to “sit down” under the influence of temperature, add more. When you notice that the oxalic juice has risen to the neck of the jar, the process is completed. Sorrel jars need to be cooled a little and closed with silicone lids. Then you can place the jars either in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

This method does not take as much time as conventional preservation. At the same time, you can not be afraid that the banks will “shoot” or the sorrel will turn sour.

Canning sorrel for the winter

“If a product can be preserved, then it must be preserved,” many housewives will say so, and they will be right. The process of preserving sorrel for the winter is not much different from rolling vegetables or fruits, but you need to take into account your own characteristics in order to get tasty and juicy greens for borscht.

First, let's prepare our greens for conservation. To do this, clean the sorrel from debris and pour cold water for 20 minutes. This is done in order to completely get rid of dirt. We sterilize the jars and put them neck down on a towel. Also, do not forget about the sterilization of the lids (for 5 minutes you need to pour only boiled water). After washing, the sorrel is cut and placed in jars. It is not necessary to completely discard the stems - they contain a little more acid than the leaves, and it will only help with preservation.

After you have filled the jars, you need to fill them with boiling water to the top and release the bubbles (for this you can just put a spoon on top and wait a bit). As soon as all the air has come out, add water to the neck and roll it up with an iron lid.

Sometimes in winter you also incredibly want to taste green borscht. But how to save sorrel until winter. I don’t like frozen, it loses all its juiciness and individuality. canned sorrel for the winter without salt is the best recipe for harvesting sorrel for the winter.


For a 0.5 liter can:

  • A large bunch of sorrel;
  • cold water.

Step by step recipe forcanned sorrel for the winter without salt

  1. Rinse the sorrel, let the water drain. Go through it removing thick stems. Cut the sorrel, put it tightly in a jar and fill it with cold water. Roll up. And All.
  2. Sorrel keeps well at room temperature.

Canned sorrel for the winter without salt, it turns out as fresh, retains all its properties and acid.

Delicious preparations for you, and bon appetit!

I enjoy life together with my son Nikitka, he is 5 years old. He is my inspiration, helper and friend. I cook every day (I started cooking and cooking for the whole family from the age of 9). More than anything, I love family dinners at home. I always bake sweets for the weekend, I love it when the house smells like baking! It's so cozy! I love to travel and bring recipes from all over the world! The culinary project “I love to cook” has become a part of my family for a long time. This is not only my job, but the place where I share the most intimate, what my relatives adore - the recipes of our family.

Young juicy sorrel everyone associates with the first May green borscht. Throughout the summer, we are happy to bake pies and cook soups with this sour, tasty herb, which contains a large amount of nutrients. And of course, I want to repeat these dishes in the winter. Therefore, many housewives harvest sorrel different ways. It can be frozen, salted, but how to close sorrel for the winter without salt? It turns out it's simple. Oxalic acid itself is an excellent preservative, so you can easily make blanks without adding salt.

Recipe for canned sorrel "Elementary"

Indeed, this method is extremely simple. We tamp the sorrel tightly into a sterilized jar, after washing it well and sorting it out. It can be laid whole leaves or cut. Fill to the top with cold boiled water, roll up or simply close with a tight nylon lid. Store preferably in a cool place.

Canned sorrel for the winter in a hot way

The difference from the previous method lies only in the temperature of the water with which the sorrel is poured. In this recipe, pour the washed chopped sorrel with boiling water. We wait a bit until air bubbles come out, tamp the contents, add water to the very top and roll up the jars.

This method is preferable for residents of apartment buildings, since such sorrel can be stored at room temperature.

Recipe for canned sorrel with sugar

The proportions of sugar and sorrel are 1:5. Pour the washed chopped sorrel with sugar and place it tightly in sterilized jars. We close the lids and send to storage in cool place.

Sorrel with dill, recipe without sterilization

We sort out the greens, wash. Separately cut the sorrel and dill. We sterilize jars. Tamp the sorrel tightly, pour dill on top. Pour everything with cold boiled water, close, store in the cold. We take dill no more than ¼ of the amount of sorrel.

Sorrel puree: an excellent blank for fillings and side dishes

Sorrel puree is an excellent addition to many dishes.
It can be added to side dishes, first and meat dishes, and even baked goods. You just need to be careful in proportions so as not to make the dish too sour.

So, we sort out the sorrel leaves and blanch for 5 minutes. Then grind in puree with a blender, bring to a boil, put in jars and sterilize for about an hour. Let cool, store in a cool place. You can make pies and pies, add to soups, etc.

There is another method: after blanching, the sorrel is passed through a meat grinder with a fine grate or a blender, and stewed, stirring constantly for about 10 minutes. Then add citric acid(1 teaspoon per 10 liters). Fill sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down and wrap. Leave for self-sterilization until completely cooled. Such blanks are quite suitable for storage in a non-hot pantry in an apartment building, not necessarily in the cellar. There is only one minus of this method - with insufficient experience of the hostess, there is a high risk of damage (swelling of lids, mold, etc.). The way out is to make 1-2 jars for a start, no more.

It turns out that there are many ways to close the sorrel for the winter without salt, without really bothering yourself. From now on, your menu will always contain fragrant green dishes with a pleasant sourness, regardless of the season.

Sorrel is undoubtedly very popular in countries former USSR. It does not require special care, it grows for years in the same place, and preparations for the winter allow you to quickly and economically cook a lot of delicious meals on cold days and snowstorms.

Canning sorrel. Sorrel recipe - preparations for the winter May 12th, 2011

I have already started doing preparations for the winter y. First on the list for canning I always go sorrel. It so happens that I always close it in May - early June, while it is young, beautiful and green.

Canning sorrel. Sorrel recipe - preparations for the winter

I have several ways canning sorrel for the winter: very simple. The most time-consuming in this process is obtained - it is to sort out and cut the sorrel. Once I came across a recipe on the Internet, in which sorrel was offered to be sterilized. Honestly, it made me laugh. After sterilization, you will get just porridge-baby. You need to know that there is enough acid in sorrel, which perfectly preserves it without any additional heat treatment.

As I wrote in one of my articles "Products are werewolves, or what harm to health causes food" greens retain a lot of viruses and bacteria that can get into food along with the soil contained on greens. That is why its preliminary and thorough processing before use is important.

First of all, fill the sorrel with cold water and leave for half an hour. This is necessary so that all the dirt is washed off the leaves and stems.

We sterilize the jars in advance and leave them on a clean towel with the neck down.

We carefully sort out the sorrel to remove all weeds.

Then we cut the sorrel arbitrarily, i.e. How do you like. I cut the leaves themselves and grab half the length of the stems, since it seems to me that they contain the largest number acids.

Some of my friends even close the sorrel with whole leaves. But it seems to me that it’s not very convenient, it’s better to tinker first, and then use the finished product: when you open a jar and immediately pour the contents into borscht.

Pour the canning lids with boiling water for 5 minutes.

We put the chopped sorrel in a jar, tamping as desired.

It remains only to fill them with water and roll up the lids.

Here are a few ways to preserve sorrel for the winter:

1. Sorrel canning hot water : pour boiling water into a jar of sorrel, wait a bit for the bubbles to come out, add water to the neck and simply roll up the lid. You can add half a teaspoon of salt to each jar. In this case, the sorrel immediately changes color.

2. Canning sorrel with salt. This is the easiest way. We put the sorrel in jars and sprinkle the layers with salt and pour cold water. You can simply pour cold water mixed with salt. We roll up the jars with lids. But I don’t like this method, because the sorrel turns out to be salty and you need to remember this when you cook.

3. Canning sorrel with chilled boiled water. My favorite method, which I often always use. For this method, boil water in advance and cool it to room temperature.

We prepare jars, lids and sorrel, as described above. We put sorrel in jars. Add a couple of pinches of salt to the jar and fill with boiled chilled water. We roll up the jars with lids.

I have canned sorrel for several years without exploding.

Bon appetit and easy and tasty canning!

Last year, harvesting sorrel for the winter without salt was a real discovery for me. It turned out that fresh herbs can be put into jars without heat treatment, and they are perfectly stored, and borscht turns out to be just as tasty and fragrant as in summer. So today I will share a proven and reliable way to prepare sorrel for the winter without salt, vinegar, blanching, how to keep it fresh. The recipe is very simple, no more difficult than . It is quite possible to deal with a large batch of green leaves in an hour by preparing several jars for winter borscht and soups.

Recipe for harvesting sorrel for the winter

We will need:

  • bunches of young sorrel;
  • jars with screw caps;
  • boiled chilled water;
  • sharp knife.

Sorrel for the winter without salt, recipe with photo

Only leaves will go into this blank. I cut off the stems immediately, without untying the bundles. You can grind the stems with a blender, freeze the puree and add to the finished soup before turning it off. That's it non-waste production. Take note of this advice, sorrel puree wonderfully acidifies first courses and sauces.

I fill the sorrel leaves with water, change three or four times, until all the dirt is gone with the water. I spread it in a colander, shake it. I let it run.

I collect a large bunch, cut into strips as usual for green borscht or soup.

I keep the jars over the steam, although probably in this case sterilization is not necessary. But just in case, I warm it up for a few minutes. Then I take a handful of chopped greens, pour it into a jar, tamp it down, stuff it very tightly. I fill it to the brim so that there is no void.

Before you close the sorrel for the winter, you need to add water to the jar, it will go in quite a bit. I boil water in advance, I cool it. I pour in a thin stream, crushing the sorrel to fill all the voids and cover the leaves on top, flush with the rim. I close the lid immediately.

I put a few jars in the fridge most sent to storage. Last year, the blanks were stored at room temperature, nothing spoiled, there was no foreign smell or taste. You open it - and the greens are fresh! You can also put dill for flavor, but do not mix with sorrel, but pour a layer on the bottom.

It's so easy to close the sorrel for the winter at home. If you make different seamings, then each one needs to be signed in order to know where everything is and not to spoil the soup when cooking. They say that you can store sorrel in jars without salt for two to three years, because a large number natural acid, it does not need any preservatives. I can’t say if this is so, I didn’t check it, we used up everything, by the spring there was nothing left. From my own experience, I can say that harvesting sorrel for the winter without salt is exactly stored for several months.

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