Riddles on the theme “Autumn. Trees. Riddles about autumn material (senior group) on the topic Easy riddles about autumn for children

Children's riddles about autumn. Riddles for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

Autumn riddles for children with answers

Leaves fly off the branches,

Birds fly away to the south.

“What time of year is it?” - we’ll ask.

They will answer us: “This is...” (autumn)

Our beds are empty.

The vegetable garden is in order.

You, earth, still give birth.

We have collected... (harvest)

The leaves are spinning in the air,

They lie down quietly on the grass.

The garden sheds its leaves -

It's just... (leaf fall)

It started to get cold at night,

The puddles began to freeze.

And on the grass there is blue velvet.

What is this? (Frost)

The wind will call the cloud,

A cloud is floating across the sky.

And on top of gardens and groves

It's drizzling cold... (rain)

It became gloomy outside the window,

The rain is asking to come to our house.

The house is dry, but outside

Appeared everywhere... (puddles)

Low in the gray sky

The clouds are moving close

They close the horizon.

It will rain.

We took... (umbrella)

The boy is almost seven years old.

I have a backpack behind me.

And in my hands there is a large bouquet,

There is a blush on the cheeks.

What holiday date is this?

The branches in the park rustle,

They shed their outfit.

He is near the oak and birch trees

Multi-colored, bright, catchy. (Leaf fall)

It flows like an oblique wall

And knocks on our windows.

It's cold, pouring,

And the gazebos in the garden get wet.

The autumn leaf circles for a long time,

To then go down into the puddle. (Autumn rain)

In autumn it is often needed -

If the rain hits the puddles,

If the sky is covered in black clouds,

He is the best helper for us.

Open it above you

And arrange a canopy for yourself! (Umbrella)

In September and October

There are so many of them in the yard!

The rain has passed and left them,

Medium, small, large. (Puddles)

The autumn leaf circles for a long time,

And Varvara dries it.

And then we are together with Varya

We make it at home... (herbarium)

Riddles about autumn

The fields are empty, the ground is wet,
Does it rain when does it happen?

The days have become shorter
The nights have become longer
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly...

Leaves are falling from aspen trees,
a sharp wedge rushes in the sky

I bring the harvest
I am sowing the fields again,
I send birds to the south,
I strip the trees
But I don’t touch pine trees and fir trees.
I - ...

Came without paints
B without brush
And repainted all the leaves.

The forest has stripped
Ask the sky

This time of year is...


I bring in the harvests, I re-sow the fields,
I send the birds south, I strip the trees,

But I don’t touch pines and fir trees, I...


There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky,
The wind is harmful and prickly,
It's blowing like this, there's no escape!
What's happened? Give me the answer!
(Late autumn)

Red Egorka
Fell on the lake
I didn't drown myself
And he didn’t stir up the water.
(Autumn leaf)

Who beats on the roof all night
Yes he knocks

And mumbles, and sings, lulls you to sleep?

The lanky man walked and got stuck in the damp ground.

It became large and frequent, and wet the whole earth.

He walks and we run
He'll catch up anyway!
We rush to the house to take refuge,
He will knock on our window,
And on the roof, knock and knock!
No, we won’t let you in, dear friend!

Without a path and without a road
The longest legged one walks
Hiding in the clouds
In the darkness
Only feet on the ground.

The field, forest and meadow are wet,
City, house and everything around!
He is the leader of clouds and clouds,
You know this is...

The clouds are catching up,
Howls and blows.
Prowls the world

Sings and whistles.

It's not a bird that flies,
Howls, not an animal.

Autumn has come to visit us
And she brought with her...
What? Say it at random!
Well, of course...
(Leaf fall)

Yellow leaves are flying,
They fall, they spin,

And under your feet just like that

How they lay down a carpet!

What is this yellow snowfall?

It's just...

(Leaf fall)

Not prickly, light blue
Hanged in the bushes...

Not snow, not ice,
And with silver he will remove the trees.

    Where do butterflies hide in the fall?Into the bark of trees

    Guess the folk riddle. This month is the dear grandson of September, the son of October and the father of winter.November

    What is called “silent hunting” in the fall?Mushroom picking

    Who, according to the famous proverb, is counted in the fall?Chickens

    In what autumn month does such a phenomenon as freeze-up begin (the process of formation of a motionless continuous layer of ice)?In November

    Continue folk wisdom: it will rain, there will be...mushrooms

    When does autumn begin according to the popular calendar?September 14

    What day is called the day of the “autumn equinox”?September 23

    Before the decree of Peter I New Year in Rus' it was celebrated on this day.September 1

    In what month does autumn begin in Australia?In March

Riddles about autumn will teach children to see beauty in the autumn rain, in the falling leaves, and in everything else that happens in nature during this truly “golden” time.

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly...

Came without paints and without a brush
And repainted all the leaves.

The fields are empty, the ground is wet,
Does it rain when does it happen?

The days have become shorter
The nights have become longer
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?

Leaves are falling from aspen trees,
a sharp wedge rushes in the sky.

The field became black and white:
It rains and snows.
And it got colder -
The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.
The winter rye is freezing in the field.
What month is it, tell me?

I bring the harvest
I am sowing the fields again,
I send birds to the south,
I strip the trees
But I don’t touch the pines and fir trees.
I - …

When does this happen
Short summer?
We are waiting for him
And we call it a woman’s!

Who beats on the roof all night
Yes he knocks
And mumbles, and sings, lulls you to sleep?

Without a path and without a road
The longest legged one walks
Hiding in the clouds
In the darkness
Only feet on the ground.

The collective farm garden was empty,
Cobwebs fly into the distance,
And to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes arrived.
School doors opened.
What month has it come to us?


The clouds are catching up,
Howls and blows.
Prowls the world
Sings and whistles.

The face of nature becomes increasingly gloomy:
The gardens have turned black,
The forests are becoming bare,
Bird voices are silent,
The bear fell into hibernation.
What month did he come to us?

Yellow leaves are flying,
They fall, they spin,
And under your feet just like that
How they lay a carpet!
What is this yellow snowfall?
It's just...

Leaf fall

Riddles about autumn are based on all familiar images - colorful, falling leaves, a gloomy sky, the beginning of school, harvesting, flying cobwebs, bird migration, the gradual preparation of nature for winter, and also on how the sun does not want to say goodbye to us, giving the last opportunity to warm up during the days of “Indian summer”. We have collected in the online section the best, not very complicated and interesting children's riddles about autumn, which even kids can do. A riddle is an amazing short poem that tells everything you need in a figurative form. Your baby will definitely recognize this truly amazing time.

We, making sure that he not only remembers what he knows, but also discovers something new, suggests introducing the child to the following information.

  • People born in autumn, as a rule, have stronger immunity, good health and a greater chance of becoming long-lived.
  • Wet leaves falling in autumn increase stopping distance vehicles by 10 percent, so at this time it is better not to rush to cross the road.
  • According to statements by psychoanalysts, autumn brings a person a feeling of calm, readiness for radical changes in life, while dulling the feeling of fear.
  • If you collect all the leaves that fall in Russia in September, October and November, you can cover the entire territory of Moscow with a layer of 1 meter.
  • In Ireland, the beginning of the “golden” time is considered not September 1, as is customary in other countries of the Northern Hemisphere, but August 1. This is explained by the simple tradition of seeing off summer while celebrating the Lughnasad holiday, which arose in this country in the 20th century.
  • There are many autumn signs by which our ancestors judged what the next year would be like. For example, snow that fell early in the fall promised an early spring, leaves that fell “inside out” promised a warm winter, and the first snow dusting the dry ground promised a good summer.
  • In painting, autumn landscapes can be found in the works of M. G. Kozell, S. I. Osipov, M. A. Kaneev, N. M. Pozdneev, V. I. Borisov and others.
  • Autumn leaf fall is not just a beautiful phenomenon, but also very important for the life of the forest, because fallen leaves not only protect the roots from severe winter frosts, but also, when they rot, become an ideal fertilizer for the plant that shed them.

Everyone has a favorite season, but not everyone, unfortunately, loves autumn. But this time is so necessary for people and nature to ease the transition from warm to cold weather. Remember how beautiful it can be in the fall, when the sun is shining brightly and it is not raining. These children's riddles will allow educators and parents to introduce and make children fall in love with this amazing time of the year - autumn.

In children's riddles about autumn in game form you will help children learn autumn signs and phenomena. And besides, you will significantly expand your child’s horizons, train his imagination and have fun.

Following August comes,
Dances with the falling leaves
And he is rich in harvest,
Of course we know him!
Answer: ( September)
The collective farm garden was empty,
Cobwebs fly into the distance,
And to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes arrived.
School doors opened.
What month has it come to us?
Answer: ( September)

The ever darker face of nature:
The gardens have turned black,
The forests are becoming bare,
Bird voices are silent,
The bear fell into hibernation.
What month did he come to us?
Answer: ( October)

Our Queen, Autumn,
We will ask you together:
Tell your children your secret,
Who is your second servant?
Answer: ( October)

The field became black and white:
It rains and snows.
And it got colder -
The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.
The winter rye is freezing in the field.
What month is it, tell me?
Answer: ( November)

Who doesn't let us in warmly,
Does the first snow scare us?
Who calls us to the cold,
Do you know? Of course yes!
Answer: ( November)

They grow - they turn green,
If they fall, they will turn yellow,
If they lie down, they will turn black.
Answer: ( Leaves)

Red Egorka
Fell on the lake
I didn't drown myself
And he didn’t stir up the water.
Answer: ( autumn leaf)
Came without paints
B without brush
And repainted all the leaves.
Answer: ( Autumn)

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly...
Answer: ( Autumn)

I bring in the harvests, I re-sow the fields,
I send the birds south, I strip the trees,
But I don’t touch pines and fir trees, I...
Answer: ( Autumn)

The days have become shorter
The nights have become longer
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?
Answer: ( in autumn)

Empty fields
The ground gets wet
The rain is pouring down.
When does this happen?
Answer: ( in autumn)

There's already a smell of rain in the air,
It's getting colder every day.
The trees change their outfit,
The leaves are slowly losing their leaves.
It’s clear to everyone how twice makes two -
Answer: ( Autumn time)

There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky,
The wind is harmful and prickly,
It's blowing like this, there's no escape!
What's happened? Give me the answer!
Answer: ( Late autumn)

Orange, red
sparkle in the sun.
Their leaves are like butterflies
spinning and soaring.
Answer: ( Trees in autumn)

Who beats on the roof all night
Yes he knocks
And mumbles, and sings, lulls you to sleep?
Answer: ( Rain)

Without a path and without a road
The longest legged one walks
Hiding in the clouds
In the darkness
Only feet on the ground.
Answer: ( Rain)
He walks and we run
He'll catch up anyway!
We rush to the house to take refuge,
He will knock on our window,
And on the roof, knock and knock!
No, we won’t let you in, dear friend!
Answer: ( Rain)

The field, forest and meadow are wet,
City, house and everything around!
He is the leader of clouds and clouds,
You know this is...
Answer: ( Rain)

It's not a bird that flies,
Howls, not an animal.
Answer: ( Wind)
The clouds are catching up,
Howls and blows.
Prowls the world
Sings and whistles.
Answer: ( Wind)

Yellow leaves are flying,
They fall, they spin,
And under your feet just like that
How they lay down a carpet!
What is this yellow snowfall?
It's just...
Answer: ( Leaf fall)

Autumn has come to visit us
And she brought with her...
What? Say it at random!
Well, of course...
Answer: ( Leaf fall)
The cold scares them so much
TO warm countries fly away
They can't sing and have fun
Everyone gathered in flocks...
Answer: ( Birds)

Despite the fact that autumn is the time when nature fades, it gives us a lot positive emotions: beautiful landscapes, swirling leaves, calm rustling of rain. It is important to teach children to love autumn time, see her charm and understand natural processes associated with this time of year. The mystery genre can help with this.

In this article we will give examples of riddles on the theme of autumn for preschoolers.

In ancient times, this verbal genre was a way of recognizing a person's wisdom. Today, mystery is considered entertainment. In fact, this is not entirely true. The riddle genre encourages the child to guess the object or phenomenon being described, and therefore forms intelligence. A riddle requires knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality.

Thus, thanks to this, it is possible in a relaxed playful way to consolidate children’s knowledge about the signs and phenomena of autumn, expand their horizons, strengthen their imagination, and form logical thinking. But for guessing to be useful, you need to know how to solve riddles.

Riddles about autumn for children with answers

They can be offered to kids during a children's party dedicated to the arrival of autumn. They also provide good variety for walks. For example:

Leaves fly off the branches,

Birds fly away to the south.

“What time of year is it?” – we’ll ask.

They will answer us: “This is...” (autumn).

I bring the harvest

I am sowing the fields again,

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees

But I don’t touch the pines and fir trees,

I – ... (autumn).

Walked through meadows, forests and fields,

She prepared supplies for us.

She hid them in cellars and bins.

She said: “Winter will come for me” (autumn).

After the kids solve the riddles, discuss with them what is so special about autumn? Let them now answer in their own words. Next, you can ask them what else they know about this time of year. You'll have an interesting conversation.

Using the following riddles, explain to children what leaf fall is and why the leaves turn yellow in the fall.

Sits - turns green,

falls - turns yellow,

lies - turns black (leaf).

All summer they were whispering about something above us,

By winter, they rustled (leaves) underfoot.

Tell the kids that autumn is very diverse and goes through several stages. The following riddles will help you discuss the features of each month with your children:

August is a busy month -

Apples and plums are ripe,

Peaches and pears are ripe.

Just have time to eat them,

And here are the maples in the yard

They fall in... (September).

The ever darker face of nature:

The gardens have turned black,

The forests are becoming bare,

The bear fell into hibernation.

What month did he come to us? (October)

The gloomiest month of the year

I want to go home -

Soon sleepy nature

Will meet winter (November).

In a group, you can diversify the presentation of riddles with the help of illustrations. Offer children pictures of different phenomena autumn nature. Discuss what they show. Now let the kids listen carefully to the riddles and show the picture that corresponds to the correct answer.

Here are the following examples of riddles about autumn for preschoolers with answers:

It started to get cold at night,

The puddles began to freeze.

And on the grass there is blue velvet.

What is this? (frost)

The wind will call the cloud,

A cloud is floating across the sky.

And on top of gardens and groves

It's drizzling cold... (rain).

In September and October

There are so many of them in the yard!

The rain has passed and left them,

Medium, small, large (puddles).

Tears are dripping from the clouds -

The unlucky master is crying.

Gloomy autumn artist,

Squishes through puddles... (rain).

Here's the old lady from the lodge

Mud spreads on the path.

The wet bast shoe gets stuck in the swamp -

Everyone calls the old lady... (slush).

Please note that in some of the examples given, the answers rhyme, which makes guessing much easier. Therefore, for older children, offer riddles about autumn, where the answers do not rhyme. Here, preschoolers need to be more attentive, be able to think logically and think about the correct version.

You can diversify with more riddles

We offer several examples of riddles about autumn for preschoolers that will help them relax and take a little break from serious activities.

It has become gloomy outside the window (the kids are doing body turns, hands on their belts),

The rain is asking to come to our house (they move their tassels, pretending to be raining),

The house is dry, but outside (join hands above head in the form of a roof),

Appeared everywhere... (puddles) (walking rhythmically).

The leaves are spinning in the air (the children are spinning)

They lie down quietly on the grass (lower their arms and squat).

The garden sheds its leaves (shakes with tassels) -

It's just... (leaf fall) (the kids shout out the answer and clench and unclench their fists).

Don't forget that in the fall many delicious fruits appear. You can organize a game with the kids. Blindfold them, tell them a riddle and offer to taste a fruit or vegetable. Now let the kids say what they ate, whether the riddle was about this product, and explain their answer. By the way, the riddle can also be about an inedible object - then the game will be more varied and fun.

Here are a few more examples of riddles about autumn for preschoolers with answers:

He's big

Like a soccer ball!

If it’s ripe, everyone is happy!

It tastes so good!

What is this? ... (watermelon)

And green and thick

A bush grew in the garden bed.

Do some digging:

Under the bush... (potatoes).

It turned green in the spring,

Sunbathed in the summer

I put it on in the fall

Red corals (rowan).

There is a green tail above the ground,

Underground red nose.

The bunny deftly devoured...

What's her name? ... (carrot)

The leaves are spinning in the air,
They lie down quietly on the grass.
The garden sheds its leaves -
It's just...
(leaf fall)

Who beats on the roof all night
Yes he knocks
And mumbles, and sings, lulls you to sleep?

Autumn has come to visit us
And she brought with her...
What? Say it at random!
Well, of course...
(Leaf fall)

The branches in the park rustle,
They shed their outfit.
He is near the oak and birch trees
Multi-colored, bright, catchy.
(Leaf fall)

Red Egorka
Fell on the lake
I didn't drown myself
And he didn’t stir up the water.
(Autumn leaf)

Yellow leaves are flying,
They fall, they spin,
And under your feet just like that
How they lay down a carpet!
What is this yellow snowfall?
It's just...
(Leaf fall)

The wind will call the cloud,
A cloud is floating across the sky.
And on top of gardens and groves
It's drizzling cold...

The lanky man walked and got stuck in the damp ground.

It became large and frequent, and wet the whole earth.

It's not a bird that flies,
Howls, not an animal.

Low in the gray sky
The clouds are moving close
They close the horizon.
It will rain.
We took... (umbrella)

He walks and we run
He'll catch up anyway!
We rush to the house to take refuge,
He will knock on our window,
And on the roof, knock and knock!
No, we won’t let you in, dear friend!

It became gloomy outside the window,
The rain is asking to come to our house.
The house is dry, but outside
Appeared everywhere... (puddles)

The clouds are catching up,
Howls and blows.
Prowls the world
Sings and whistles.

Leaves fly off the branches,
Birds fly away to the south.
“What time of year is it?” - we’ll ask.
They will answer us: “This is...” (autumn)

The boy is almost seven years old.
I have a backpack behind me.
And in my hands there is a large bouquet,
There is a blush on the cheeks.
What holiday date is this?
Answer me guys!
(September 1, Knowledge Day)

Not prickly, light blue
Hanging in the bushes...

The fields are empty, the ground is wet,
Does it rain when does it happen?

The days have become shorter
The nights have become longer
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly...

Leaves are falling from aspen trees,
a sharp wedge rushes in the sky

The ever darker face of nature:
The gardens have turned black,
The forests are becoming bare,
Bird voices are silent,
The bear fell into hibernation.

Autumn is glorious with leaf fall -
The leaves are swirling in the breeze.
The earth is wet with that gold
Covers like a carpet.
Forests stand without leaves,
The bird voices have died down,
The bear fell into hibernation -
What month did he come to us? (October)

There's a maple leaf on the branch,
Nowadays he is just like new.
The day will pass - he will fall,
The wind will carry him away.
The last leaf at dawn
Our maple will drop in... (October)

The school will open in September
Doors for cheerful children,
The animals have their own lesson -
Stock up on food for future use.
We will collect everything from the fields
Before meeting with... (October)

The gloomy wind drives the clouds
For fields and meadows.
And in the dark sky
The moon moves gloomily.
After sunny weather
September and October
Soon gloomy nature
Waiting for arrival... (November)

The field became black and white,
It rains and snows.
And it got colder -
The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.
The winter rye is freezing in the field.
What month is it, tell me? (November)

Who doesn't let us in warmly,
Does the first snow scare us?
Who calls us to the cold,
Do you know? Of course yes! (November)

The sun doesn't warm us anymore
The drifting snow is blowing cold!
The breeze blew into the puddle
And he chained her...

Squirrel in autumn without haste
Hides acorns, nuts,
The mouse collects grains,
The mink is stuffed tightly.
This is a warehouse, not a hole -
A mountain of grains has grown!
What are the animals doing?
Guess what, guys!
(Stocks for the winter)

Hundreds of birds, gathered in flocks,
During the autumn day they fly away.
And they fly there
Where it is always, always warm.
Birds, where are you in a hurry?
Tell our children!

Under the bushes
Under the sheets
We hid in the grass
Look for us in the forest yourself
We will not shout to you: “Ay!”

He was hidden deep
One-two-three - and he went out,
And he stands in plain sight.
White, I will find you.

What are these yellow sisters?
Hidden in the thick grass?
I see them all perfectly,
I'll take it home soon.
Very clean delicious mushroom -
Both the cook and the mushroom picker are happy.
These yellow sisters
They are called...

He stood in the forest
Nobody took him
In a fashionable red hat,
No good.

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these -
Adults and children know -
They grow on stumps in the forest,
Like freckles on your nose.
(Honey mushrooms)

Looks down -
Hands to the sides.
Beautiful and important -
Nobody needs it.

I don’t argue - not white,
I, brothers, am simpler.
I usually grow
In a birch grove. (Boletus)

I'm growing up in a red cap
Among the aspen roots.
You'll see me a mile away -
My name is... (Boletus)

There is no oil in me at all,
I edible mushroom and that's all.
Someone called me that
So that you can guess right away. (Oil Can)

Along the forest paths
Lots of white legs
In multi-colored hats,
Noticeable from a distance.
Pack, don't hesitate!

What else to read