What to wear to work tomorrow. Pseudo-office style, or how to dress for the office


Some women's inability to choose the right clothes for the office can negatively impact their career. You need to take the choice of business clothes seriously. Here you can’t focus on convenience or your own style. In serious companies, it is extremely important to maintain business attire. Of course, good business clothes are quite expensive. However, you can get by with a small set of things that will allow a woman to always look good.

Each company has its own clothing code and usually coincides with generally known rules. Sometimes there are courses, meetings with stylists and makeup artists, and it still seems that some people are still guided only by their feelings. Although we are quickly catching up with Europe in various areas, we have a lag in this area. It's so hard to remember.

  • At work, although we don't have to like it, we tend to wear things in muted colors and classic necklines. The body, even the most attractive one, loses its beauty in the light of fluorescent lamps, so you shouldn’t highlight it too much against the background of photocopiers. We are usually seen as employees of a given company, and not every client likes piercings, ponies or shiny shirts at nine in the morning. Let's treat the clothes we wear at work as a uniform, not as a manifesto of our independence or a challenge to a fossilized tradition. Then even our canary striped suit will surprise your office colleagues at the party.
  • The office is not a fashion show or a party.
  • Let's save our after-hours preferences.
It is better to distinguish intelligence or creativity than avant-garde ties or plunging necklines.

If it weren't for them, our office life would be much simpler.

Dressing correctly for work: how to decide on a style?

If a woman is unsure of what to wear to work, it is best to dress conservatively. You need to think about how you want to present yourself and your company. Of course, there is no single standard for business clothing. However, there are a few simple rules. First of all, the clothes must be of sufficient quality. Secondly, you shouldn’t dress extremely fashionably for work. It is important to remember that clothing should be age and size appropriate. In addition, laws require a woman not to come to work two days in a row in the same outfit. At least one element must be changed.

We were not to allow anyone to pass through the door, to leave the chair, to refrain from telling light jokes. However, since we do not work in barracks or in a male-dominated environment, we have certain rules. Even if our office feminists criticize us for following them too closely.

Amazed by such Slavic gentlemen, foreigners will quickly get used to it, and their native friends will appreciate it. In the office, a simple handshake is enough, provided, of course, that the first woman gives us her hand! We also sometimes want to hear something nice about our appearance, hairstyle or clothes. If we feel more than a liking for a friend from work, we don't show her around the office, she may feel embarrassed or intimidated by comments from "kind" colleagues. It's better to wash your own coffee cup, replace your fax paper, or bring a supply of pens from a magazine than subject yourself to sexist comments about the suitability of our gender.

  • The passing of women is not a new custom.
  • Exaggeration may cause us to go instead of a gentleman to a peasant.
  • We leave our hands on family dinners with grandmas and aunts.
  • Compliments are not a desire to commit a crazy office romance.
  • We'll save risqué jokes for social gatherings.
  • In an office, it's not just the walls that have ears.
  • Let's not take it for granted that women love cleaning.
Office practices are the preoccupation of the workaholics and the timid.

Dressing correctly for work: neckline

At work, a woman should not wear a deep neckline. These clothes are more suitable for a party than for the office. Of course, male colleagues will be interested, but the bosses are unlikely to be delighted. Under no circumstances should your bra straps be visible. It looks vulgar and sloppy. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose your bra more carefully. You should not dress in such a way that the cleavage between your breasts and part of your breasts are visible to others. In the office this is considered tactless.

Managers don't like it either. Discussing important business issues with a funny employee usually does not bring the desired results. Fortunately, celebrations once celebrated at work are becoming a thing of the past. We don't bring cakes and herring; at best we offer a glass of wine.

You must win and live this dear day with dignity. Christmas parties are increasingly being held in restaurants. We are no longer absorbed in work, we can relax and meet the companions of disaster from a different, more interesting side. Let us remain vigilant as a revolutionary.

Dressing for work correctly: skirt length

A skirt that is too short is not suitable for the office. Hints of sexuality in a business setting are inappropriate. In this case, attention will be paid mainly to your legs, and not to your face. According to experts, while working, women should wear skirts that do not reveal too much space in the thigh area. This is especially important to watch out for when you are in a sitting position. The universal “business” style of the skirt is a straight skirt up to the middle of the knee. The shortest permissible skirt length is no more than 6 cm above the knee

There will always be someone “kind”, carefully watching and listening. Our “free” behavior can be perceived as disrespectful both to the company and to the boss himself. Remember that we are always at work when we are accompanied by people working with us. We can allow ourselves real freedom with a group of friends. It's better to knock than to find yourself in an awkward situation. Therefore, let's focus on work, let's not discuss the most important private matters in front of us, or rather the ears, the people who work with us. Even if we heard the entire conversation perfectly, we will pretend to be deaf and not know anything. It’s better to go to the kitchen or a specially designated room than to distribute victories in front of working colleagues. And besides, the smell of pizza sandwiches or egg pasta is not very good with the computer.

  • Unfortunately, we have no influence on this.
  • Commenting on telephone conversations will not make us sympathize with our colleagues.
  • They will be afraid that someday they will find themselves in a similar situation.
  • Maybe someone wants to share their impressions with us.
  • Food is not a shame, but that doesn't mean we can turn the table into a dining room.
They don't show their knees at work; the Dutch go to business meetings in T-shirts and jeans. and the French are always very elegant.

Miniskirts will distract the attention of male colleagues, but they will irritate female colleagues.

Dressing correctly for work: tight clothes

It is not recommended to wear clothes that are too tight to the office. Skirts and trousers should not be too tight. Blouses and blouses should not be tight-fitting. Firstly, it will look somewhat inappropriate. Secondly, such clothes will only emphasize such figure flaws as excess weight or big belly.

And how do Poles dress for work? In Poland, trends in business clothing are most often set by TV presenters. The lilac tie only entered Polish business meetings when it was first founded by Piotr Kraj. French and French are the epitome of business elegance.

We spend more time in front of the mirror, but we also spend more and more more money to equip our wardrobe. We want to present ourselves well at work. Experts from the labor market estimate that in today's clothing we are in this “better half” of Europe. Although we are still far from the French. Those who are characterized by an unusual insouciance still look great.

Dressing correctly for work: transparent clothing

Clothes that are too transparent are also not suitable for work. Before going to the office, it is recommended to stand in a lighted place. This will help check if the silhouette of the body is visible through the fabric. Of course, under no circumstances should you wear transparent blouses on your naked body. Jackets must be worn over them. As for skirts, they should have a non-transparent lining. According to style experts, white lining works best.

For the French, the region from which they come is a key issue. The younger ones dress either very fashionably or sloppily, but most often it is a sloppiness that has been studied. Older employees in their 50s dress quite smartly, no matter the occasion. However, don't expect the French from the south to wear a tie to a business meeting. Typically, this is a group that wears neither suits nor ties, but only loose, less formal clothing.

Although there are situations when even a minister wears jeans. German dress code - neckline at censorship. “Clothes make people” is the main rule in Germany regarding the dress code. In Germany they have to pay Special attention women. Ladies at work cannot reveal too much of their legs or cleavage. Heavy makeup or high heels above 6 centimeters are also not recommended. They cannot distract their employees at work.

Dressing correctly for work: jewelry

There should not be too much decoration in the work environment. This applies not only to jewelry, but also to expensive jewelry. Too many of them look vulgar. If a woman wears a thick chain, necklace or beads in several rows, then the earrings and bracelets should be smaller. Employees of serious companies should not have piercings or tattoos in visible places.

On the contrary, Italians and Dutch are opposites. The first can be recognized at a distance between many European countries. In business meetings, they can't even say a word, but after elegant clothes and perfectly chosen accessories, we know who we are dealing with immediately.

In turn, the Dutch, like the Dutch, are a great looseness. For the office or business meetings there is no difference for them. The most important thing is convenience. That's why the ideal combination for them is jeans, T-shirts and a neat jacket, but that's only for important meetings, says Ragan.

You should not use frankly cheap jewelry. This indicates poor taste. You should not wear a watch that is too large.

How to dress properly for work: neatness

All clothing should look neat. It must be absolutely clean and carefully ironed. Clothes that are too baggy, worn out or elongated are not allowed. Check to see if the seams have come loose, if there are any pulls on the stockings, or if a button has come off somewhere.

In Poland, it is believed that work and business meetings are not the time and place for a fashion show. Therefore, the attire must be consistent with the nature of the company we represent, in accordance with the duties we perform and clean. “More” can be used by representatives, e.g. advertising agencies. And, rather, those who are in “creative” positions.

The answer to this question is obvious to people whose employers have determined the dress code in a given company. However, in many companies the dress code is not specified. This raises the question of whether we can dress freely, but whether we have a certain style that we express in respect to colleagues, bosses and potential clients of the company.

Dressing correctly for work: shoes

She should always be in perfect condition. You should not wear shoes with too high heels to the office, much less stiletto heels. The ideal option would be dress shoes with medium heels. In the summer, even despite the very intense heat, you should never come to work in flip-flops, sandals or too open sandals. In the case of sandals, it is recommended to get a decent pedicure. Rough and athletic shoes are not allowed in the office. Patent leather shoes should be avoided during the daytime.

In my opinion, when working, we should not dress casually. Above all, we have neat clothing and a style that is on the verge of elegance and comfort. This is where the style known as sporty elegance works best.

Men can wear a sports jacket, shirt and pants in a different color than the jacket. Elegant turtleneck sweater with shirt and trousers underneath. It's better if they aren't jeans. Currently, many companies abandon the desire to impose a tie. In my opinion, this is good because it is a rather bulky and inconvenient addition, especially in the hot summer. As for summer shirts, however, avoid shirts with short sleeves because it doesn't show up well in business.

Makeup and manicure for work

It is clear that too bright makeup is not allowed in the office. Eyeshadow and lipstick in bright colors are not suitable. In addition, it is best if the lips are not shiny. Nails should not be too long or bright.

Dressing correctly for work: color scheme

Should be avoided bright colors and large inscriptions. Gray is considered a universal color for office clothes, because... he is not aggressive. Clothes in black and dark blue will also look good. It is best to choose blouses and knitwear in plain, pastel colors. They should not have bright ornaments. A business ensemble should not contain more than three colors and two types of patterns. You should avoid clothing in bright, fluorescent colors.

Ladies can wear a jacket plus a skirt or trousers, or a jacket plus a dress. Each part can be composed separately. Cardigan, blouse and skirt are also good. Clothes should not be gray and white. We can even introduce intense colors, provided they are chosen correctly.

Accessories and decorations must be in perfect harmony with the equipment. Shoes should also not be too open or have heels that are too high. Not only is this inconvenient, it doesn't suit our office attire. Avoid too much cleavage, sheer dresses or blouses, as well as skirts and dresses that are too short, trousers that are too tight and fabrics that are too patterned, as these may distract our colleagues. Instead of a large necklace, wear a well-tied scarf. Surplus jewelry is not in a good way for the elegant appearance man going to the office.

We dress correctly for work: stockings and tights

It's best not to come to the office with bare legs. Even in summer you should wear stockings or tights. At the same time, cheerful colors like flowers, checkered patterns or large mesh are not allowed. It is important to know that you should not wear stockings that are a shade lighter than your skin tone. In this case, the legs acquire an unpleasant earthy gray tint. It is advisable to wear flesh-colored tights.

In short, if we want to be well received there, it is enough to apply some of the above principles. Then both the boss and colleagues will respect us, and we will become a good example for others. Work outfits are real problem, but also perfect place for showing off. Work clothes shouldn't be boring! Let's remember that a style made even from very classic and simple clothes can look chic and original. What sets of clothes and accessories to choose are both fashionable and professional?

No models, but cool ones. Are you a fan of patterned pants or sweaters? Save them for less formal meetings. The office should generally wear sleek clothing, with no flashy designs or slogans. Even if your job does not have a strictly defined dress code, it is worth sticking to this rule - an unexpected meeting or business lunch may come at the least expected moment. However, we don't have to give up on projects altogether - it's worth putting on the trusty belts or plaid. Pack a white shirt or a plain tee with a tried-and-true jacket.

How to dress properly for work: handbag

It is best if the handbag is medium in size. Large soft bags should not be used. An office bag should not have large buckles, chains, embroidery or rhinestones.

Summer option

In the heat of summer, it can be difficult for women to decide on what clothes to wear for work. You should not wear sundresses and T-shirts. Shoulders should not be exposed. Shorts are not allowed. It is not recommended to choose clothes made of linen, because... she always looks slightly wrinkled.

With office style in our country big problems. Let's start with the fact that no one really knows what it is, so everyone puts in their own. On the one hand, under almost every post about clothes you can find a couple of dozen indignant comments saying that “you can’t go to the office like that! We have a dress code! (as possible without tights, as bright as possible, this is bad form, etc.).” On the other hand, for office wear (the same people, as I assume), they mistake a well-fitting sheath dress, often decorated with “modest” details in the form of ruffles, turn-down collars and puffed sleeves, a rather relaxed-looking blouse with a giant bow ( and sometimes the blouse is also transparent, and underneath it is a bra in plain sight) and a skirt with a playful flounce. And on your feet are hoof shoes on a hidden platform or ballet flats. On the third hand, representatives of the banking and financial industry (and the dress code rules there are some of the strictest, especially in Western companies, they have been developed for a long time and prescribed in special instructions) regularly appear in public, although in jackets, but in very elegant and “feminine” blouses and blouses. It seems that the majority of the working female population takes my favorite image of a “provincial secretary” as office style. I treat secretaries and everyone well geographical points, very metropolitan ladies, whose work has nothing to do with office work, can (and often do) dress like a “provincial secretary.” It's like a mask in Kabuki theater. You can be anyone, but dressing a certain way makes you look like a secretary in the eyes of others. There's nothing you can do about it. The only way out is to dress differently.

Secretary from the province

In all this mess, I see the following method of putting things in order.

First. We determine that Definitely does not apply to office style, whether he is strict or creative, or smart casual, or no one cares at all. It's pretty simple. The following should not be worn to the office:

Transparent clothing with underwear visible underneath.

Neckline (this does not mean a V-neck on a sweater, but a wide and deep neckline, flavored with push up).

Shoes with a hidden platform, as well as shoes richly decorated with gold, silver and rhinestones.

Ultra mini skirts worn on bare legs(not leggings or very tight tights, which is acceptable when you work in the creative industry). A tight mini is never acceptable. A-shaped, straight silhouettes - with closed legs.

Tops that don't cover your belly (well, that's probably pretty obvious).

Fishnet tights (also obvious).

Second. We determine what is included in the strictest office dress code, to which many somehow unconsciously appeal.

Pants (and even they are sometimes prohibited!)

Skirt just above or just below the knee

Shirt, blouse (only white or blue, no patterns)

Mid heel pumps

A sleek, understated bag.

This is all. You see, that's it. There are no dresses, no smart blouses, not even bags with logo prints. And even the color of the suit can be strictly determined. Blue or black. All. If you have a dress code like this at work, it’s almost impossible to make a mistake. In your closet you will have 5-7 almost identical suits and 10 shirts. Remember that a skirt that is tapered at the bottom often looks better than just a straight one (although it is more difficult to walk in it), and tapered trousers are more elegant than straight ones. And don't wear boots with skirts.

Third. And this is where the fun begins. It turns out that 99% office workers The dress code, of course, is not as strict as described in the paragraph above. You can have a blouse, you can have a longer or shorter skirt, you can have a dress, you can have a turtleneck, you can have without a jacket, you can have a print, and so on. Then why, for God's sake, why is it considered that an ugly knitted dress with a tight fit and a belt (and even without sleeves) is decent and belongs to office style, but a leather skirt is not? Why can’t you wear a sequin top with a white thick shirt, but you can decorate yourself with a miniskirt with a ruffle and a transparent blouse? All this is nonsense, of course. If you can wear a ruffled blouse to the office, believe me, you can definitely wear loafers or even slip-ons instead of “classic women’s shoes.”

Here are examples of what is mistakenly mistaken for “office style” or “business dress code”

Everything here is so bad that my heart rejoices. Boots cannot be worn with tight skirts and dresses. Or it should be high boots that are covered by a loose skirt or hem. Boots should not be too tight. A belt is not needed for any of the dresses presented. I won’t even mention what kind of slippers they offer us. Hoof shoes out there. A silk scarf on your head and gloves are wonderful. It was about 50 years ago, watch the Hollywood classic, it was filmed just then. Can you imagine under what circumstances and in what weather you would go somewhere wearing gloves and a dress with short sleeves? On the street? Around the office? And most importantly, sheath dresses are actually hard to find. Something that doesn't make you an orphan. All presented cases gravitate towards this, and very significantly.

Another orphan, whom lovers of such dresses take for a strict business woman, not, however, devoid of figure and charm.

And this is, apparently, a sexy kitty who complied with all the requirements of the dress code. The problem is that the cat is 100% visible here, but the professional is not visible at all. Although everything may be exactly the opposite, and the girl may sincerely wonder why she is not taken seriously. And this is either not an office outfit at all, if there is a dress code, or just a very unfortunate image, if the dress code is not strict.

A few more examples. Too tight dresses, bad fabric, a tight turtleneck with an “original” collar and a tight skirt with a belt, an incorrect, too thin cardigan, again, under the belt and again a giant bow.

And here is a list and examples of things that you can replace all the horror depicted above with and get a promotion simply because your boss or boss will finally accept you as “one of their own.” And we are not talking about any special sympathy and connections. You will simply visually enter their circle. Well, or you will see that you are not working where you could, and you will move to a higher class company.

So, wonderful and “rich” combinations:

tapered skirt (can be leather or suede) with a spacious thick cotton shirt

Tapered trousers + wide shirt + pumps or loafers or slip-ons

Spacious, honest oversize sweater dress

Straight, thick cardigan (not a rag that fits tightly to the body)


Loose Sweaters

Long jackets and blazers, also quite loose

On Fridays - a tapered skirt and a T-shirt, why not. This is if you don’t want jeans, but you can have them too, especially dark blue straight or skinny ones.

Look at the examples below and remember that if you can walk to the office like in the pictures above, then nothing and no one can stop you from walking like in the pictures below. Or, according to at least, what bothers you is not the dress code at all.

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