What Rospotrebnadzor checks in canteens. SES standards for cafes: requirements and documents

home Compliance monitoring sanitary legislation entrusted to Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being (Rospotrebnadzor), whose powers also extend to establishments Catering

- restaurants, canteens, bars and cafes.

When can I expect a check?

Inspections carried out by Rospotrebnadzor specialists can be both scheduled and unscheduled. At the same time, scheduled inspections can also be carried out jointly with other regulatory authorities. At the same time, the list of inspections planned for the year can be found directly on the website of the regulatory authority, that is, Rospotrebnadzor. In addition, no later than three days in advance, a warning about upcoming inspection activities is sent to the company being inspected. However, the inspection may also be unscheduled. The reasons for carrying it out may be different - these include appeals from citizens, legal entities

, authorities, and violation of consumer rights, and causing harm to health and life. In addition, the reason for an extraordinary inspection may be the expiration of the period allotted for eliminating previously identified violations. In any case, even about an unscheduled inspection, the authorized bodies must be informed no later than twenty-four hours in advance, that is, a day. The only exceptions in this case may be situations directly related to a threat to health and life, as well as non-compliance with competition law.

Show your documents!

In the event that your establishment, be it a cafe or bar, has become the object of such an inspection, you need to take care of checking the documents of the “inspecting party”. So, the main documents in this case will be the service certificates of employees of the state control body, as well as an order or order to conduct this very inspection. A document such as an order or an order to conduct an inspection must contain the date of its beginning and end, the actual subject of the inspection and the grounds for its conduct, the names of the responsible officials, as well as the name of the state control body.

During the inspection, not only a visual inspection is carried out, but also an analysis of documentation, as well as laboratory and instrumental research data. At the same time, information about the verification activities carried out must be recorded by private entrepreneurs or legal entities themselves in a properly executed log of control activities.

Upon completion of the inspection, authorized representatives of Rospotrebnadzor draw up a report in two copies, one of which remains with the specialists carrying out the inspection, and the second is transferred to the “object of inspection”. This document must contain information about the date, time and place of its preparation, as well as the verification carried out. In addition, the act indicates the names of the inspected legal entity and its authorized representative present during the inspection, information about the officials who carried out the inspection, information about the results of the activities carried out, etc. Also attached to this document are conclusions/protocols of examinations directly related to the inspection, acts on sampling of products and a number of other documents or their copies. Also, based on the results of the inspection and if a number of violations are identified, a protocol can be drawn up to bring a legal entity, official or company employees to administrative liability.

What violations?

Here is a list of fairly common violations that are recorded by Rospotrebnadzor specialists during inspections of public catering establishments. Such violations include:

  • Violation of the requirements for the ventilation device.
  • Permission to work for personnel who have not passed the mandatory medical examination procedure.
  • Failure to comply with sanitary requirements for cutting equipment, including the lack of labeling.
  • Acceptance of unmarked or all necessary documents(veterinary certificates, etc.) confirming the quality of the products.
  • Lack of control over the quality of food (grazing).

June 16, 2016, 12:15, question No. 1286027 Dmitry, Moscow

    Rospotrebnadzor inspection

400 price

the issue is resolved


Lawyers' answers (4)

    fee 33%

    Lawyer, Moscow

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    Perhaps there are some sets of rules necessary for such checks, combined into one document?

    Hello. In fact, all the acts by which you will be checked are consumer goods. will be required to indicate in the order for inspection (Federal Law 294)

    Are you particularly interested in the Sanitary and Epidemiological Conclusion?

    you don’t need it, it was canceled a long time ago for shops and catering

    Should it be and who is obliged to do it if the premises are rented to me: the Tenant or the Landlord?

    you don't need it. Sanpin rules are first and foremost observed by the owner, but this does not mean that you should not... in general, according to Sanpin, the one who conducts the activity complies (for most issues)

    It’s just that, for example, a lease agreement often differentiates responsibilities.

    Sanpin for catering - you must definitely comply (and not the landlord)


    pay attention to those regulations on nutrition - TR TS 021 on food safety. products

    if the products are for children, then the technical regulations for products for children and adolescents.

    16 June 2016, 12:20

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    Lawyer, Moscow

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    Should it be and who is obliged to do it if the premises are rented to me: the Tenant or the Landlord? What should be among the necessary documents, besides constituent documents, product certificates and a properly designed consumer corner?

    Good afternoon.

    No conclusion needed.

    Regarding requirements, the following must be taken into account:

    Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ (as amended on November 28, 2015) “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” Article 17. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the provision of food for the population
    1. When organizing food supply for the population in specially equipped places (canteens, restaurants, cafes, bars and others), including during the preparation of food and drinks, their storage and sale to the population, to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases and mass non-infectious diseases (poisonings), sanitary and epidemiological requirements must be met.

    2. When organizing meals in preschool and other educational organizations, medical organizations, health institutions and social service organizations, establishing food allowance standards for military personnel, as well as when establishing nutrition standards for persons in pre-trial detention centers or serving sentences in correctional institutions, it is mandatory to comply with scientifically based physiological standards of human nutrition.
    3. When establishing minimum social standards for the standard of living of the population, guaranteed by the state, the physiological norms of human nutrition must be taken into account.
    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2001 N 31 “On the entry into force sanitary rules» (with changes and additions)
    V. Requirements for the design and maintenance of premises
    5.1. Space-planning and design solutions for premises must provide for a sequence (flow) of technological processes that exclude counter flows of raw materials, raw semi-finished products and finished products, used and clean dishes, as well as oncoming traffic of visitors and staff.
    At pre-production organizations working on semi-finished products, work on raw materials is not carried out.
    5.2. The set and area of ​​premises must correspond to the capacity of the organizations and ensure compliance with sanitary rules and regulations.
    For temporary storage of ready-made meals before their sale, catering organizations must provide premises equipped with refrigerators and shelving.
    5.3. Technological equipment is placed in such a way as to ensure easy access to it and compliance with safety regulations.
    5.4. When fast service organizations operate with semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness, which use small-sized specialized technological equipment, dishes and disposable utensils, a single-room layout is allowed with the allocation of separate work areas equipped with equipment.
    When using tableware, teaware, and reusable cutlery, a dishwasher is installed.

    5.5. The walls of production premises to a height of at least 1.7 m are finished with facing tiles or other materials that can withstand wet cleaning and disinfection. The ceilings are plastered and whitewashed or finished with other materials. The floors are made of impact-resistant materials that prevent slipping, and have slopes towards the drains.
    Painting of ceilings and walls of production and auxiliary premises of confectionery shops is carried out as necessary, but at least once a year.
    5.6. The walls and ceilings of warehouses are plastered and whitewashed. Walls to a height of at least 1.7 m are painted with moisture-resistant paints for interior decoration.
    The floors are made of moisture-resistant materials of increased mechanical strength (impact-resistant) with sealing of the interface of building structures with fine-mesh metal mesh, steel sheet or cement-sand mortar with long metal shavings. Floors along the paths for loading raw materials and food products in warehouses and production premises should not have thresholds. The loading room is equipped with a platform and canopy.
    5.7. The decoration of dining rooms (halls) must be resistant to sanitary treatment and disinfection.
    The installation of decorative screens over registers of heating systems made of polymer and synthetic materials is not carried out. Decorative panels for these purposes are made of metal and easily removable.
    5.8. For interior decoration of premises, materials are used that are permitted by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the prescribed manner.
    Information about changes:
    By Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2011 N 29, paragraph 5.9 of these Sanitary Rules is stated in a new edition
    See the text of the paragraph in the previous edition
    5.9. In workshops for the preparation of cold dishes, soft ice cream, in confectionery shops for preparing cream and finishing cakes and pastries, in workshops and areas for portioning ready-made dishes, packaging and forming sets of ready-made dishes, bactericidal lamps are installed, which are used in accordance with the operating instructions .
    5.10. It is not allowed to store breakable objects, mirrors, houseplants.
    5.11. All premises of organizations must be kept clean. Routine cleaning is carried out constantly, in a timely manner and as needed.
    The production workshops are wet cleaned daily using detergents and disinfectants.
    The dining table must be cleaned after each visitor.
    5.12. At least once a month, general cleaning and disinfection are carried out. If necessary, disinsection and deratization of premises are carried out in accordance with the established procedure.
    5.13. For cleaning production, warehouse, auxiliary premises, as well as toilets, separate equipment is allocated, which is stored in specially designated areas, as close as possible to the cleaning areas. Toilet cleaning equipment is marked with a signal color and is stored separately.
    Upon completion of cleaning at the end of the shift, all cleaning equipment is washed using detergents and disinfectants, dried and stored in pure form in the place designated for it.
    5.14. In order to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases, cleaning of production, auxiliary, warehouse and household premises is carried out by cleaners, and cleaning of workplaces is carried out by workers at the workplace. Special personnel are assigned to clean toilets.
    Cleaners must be provided with sufficient cleaning equipment, rags, detergents and disinfectants.
    5.15. Organizations use detergents and disinfectants approved by the authorities and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the prescribed manner, which are used in strict accordance with the attached instructions and stored in specially designated places in the manufacturer’s containers.

    5.16. In public catering organizations, cosmetic repairs (whitewashing and painting of premises, preventive repairs of sanitary and technical and technological equipment) and painting should be carried out as necessary.

    Sincerely. Dmitriy

    Hello. In any legal system - Consultant, Guarantor, Code. I would recommend the Code, where access to documents is always open. But it’s not critical, another one is possible.

    You will have many NPAs, here are just a few:

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2001 N 31
    (as amended on March 31, 2011)
    “On the implementation of sanitary rules”
    (together with “SP 2.3.6. Public catering organizations. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food products and food raw materials in them. Sanitary and epidemiological rules”, approved by the Main State Sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation 06.11.2001)

    "GOST 30389-2013. Interstate standard. Catering services. Catering establishments. Classification and General requirements»
    (together with " Minimum requirements to catering establishments (facilities) various types»)

    According to this document, a public catering organization can be located in a residential building, but the premises must be non-residential in status.

    Commission decision Customs Union dated 09.12.2011 N 880
    (ed. dated June 10, 2014)
    “On the adoption of the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On food safety”
    (together with “TR CU 021/2011. Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. On food safety”)
    There is a GOST: “GOST 30389-2013. Interstate standard. Catering services. Catering establishments. Classification and general requirements" (together with the "Minimum requirements for public catering establishments (facilities) of various types"), it must also be observed. Otherwise, a license violation may be found.

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 09/07/2001 N 23
    (edited on 05/03/2007)
    “On the implementation of the Sanitary Rules”
    (together with “SP 2.3.5. Trade enterprises. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the circulation of food raw materials and food products in them. Sanitary and epidemiological rules”, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation 06.09. 2001)
    (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 28, 2001 N 2956)

    Plus, fire safety standards must be observed.

    “SNiP 21-01-97*. Fire safety buildings and structures"
    (adopted and put into effect by Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated February 13, 1997 N 18-7)
    (ed. dated July 19, 2002) - this is the latest edition.

    Are you particularly interested in the Sanitary and Epidemiological Conclusion? Should it be and who is obliged to do it if the premises are rented to me: Tenant or landlord

    I don't think it's necessary. The duty is not established in your case.

    Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ
    (as amended on November 28, 2015)
    “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population”

    Article 42. Sanitary and epidemiological examinations, investigations, surveys, studies, tests and other types of assessments
    1. Sanitary and epidemiological examinations, investigations, surveys, studies, tests and other types of assessments of compliance with sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic requirements may be carried out officials carrying out federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs accredited in accordance with the law Russian Federation on accreditation in the national accreditation system, and by experts certified in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, for the purposes of:
    (edited) Federal Law dated June 23, 2014 N 160-FZ)
    1) establishing and preventing the harmful effects of environmental factors on humans;
    2) establishing the causes and conditions for the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases and mass non-infectious diseases (poisonings) and assessing the consequences of the occurrence and spread of such diseases (poisonings);
    3) establishing compliance (non-compliance) with the requirements of this Federal Law of documents, buildings, structures, premises, equipment, Vehicle and other objects used by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs to carry out their activities, and the results of these activities.
    2. Based on the results of sanitary-epidemiological examinations, investigations, surveys, studies, tests and other types of assessments of compliance with sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements by the main state sanitary doctors and (or) their deputies give sanitary and epidemiological conclusions provided for in Articles 18, 20, 26 - 28 and 40 of this Federal Law.
    3. The procedure for conducting sanitary-epidemiological examinations, investigations, surveys, studies, tests and other types of assessments of compliance with sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements is established federal body executive power, carrying out the functions of legal regulation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.3809

    program production control, production results laboratory control for the reporting period: laboratory research protocol of an accredited testing laboratory in accordance with the nomenclature, volume and frequency of production control over the quality and safety of incoming food raw materials, ready-made meals, technological process production, as well as working conditions, compliance with personal hygiene rules for workers.

    a list of enterprise employees, approved by the head, certified by a seal, personal medical records of the established sample of enterprise employees;
    documents confirming the procedure for temporary storage and disposal of waste, contracts for carrying out sanitary-epidemiological and anti-epidemic measures, for conducting laboratory tests as part of the production control of the enterprise, for carrying out centralized washing of sanitary clothing, control charts for disinfestation and deratization work;

    documents confirming the quality and safety of food products and food raw materials - certificates of state registration, declarations of conformity, certificates of conformity, veterinary certificates, accounting

    book of reviews and suggestions;
    log of inspections of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, carried out by state control (supervision) bodies, authorities municipal control.
    menu, price list, technical and technological maps for ready-made dishes, price tags for goods;

    documents confirming special training, certification of workers whose activities are related to the production process of public catering products, job descriptions employees of the enterprise;
    quality log of frying fats, results log medical examinations employees of the enterprise, a journal of organoleptic assessment of the quality of dishes and culinary products.

    16 June 2016, 12:33

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    Sanitary standards are a very important part of the work of a single café organism; they ensure the health of visitors and, as a result, a good reputation for the establishment.

    The SES, in addition to sanitary standards and provisions on food safety, includes rules for the placement of equipment. Being responsible, the manager will make sure that the hired employees have fresh and relevant information, so the SES standards for cafes in 2017 need to be known and communicated to all employees.

    • The manager of any catering enterprise must ensure that the SES standards for cafes are, quite simply, in place.
    • The manager must also convey that compliance with these standards is mandatory for all employees.
    • Water supply sources and the water in them must meet the necessary requirements.
    • Process control and laboratory testing must be ensured.
    • Conditions must be created to make compliance with sanitary standards possible. All stages, starting from preparation and ending with the sale of food and drinks, must meet the quality and safety for the consumer.
    • An employee being hired must undergo the necessary medical examinations, the conclusions of which will enable him to begin work. And also have the skill of hygienic preparation before starting work.
    • Each employee must have a personal medical record.
    • All necessary tests and examinations must be done on time.

    SES requirements in a cafe

    In order to avoid fines, every manager or businessman must be familiar with the requirements and, moreover, comply with them in full. Otherwise, sanctions will be imposed on the cafe, without which the enterprise will not be able to stay afloat.

    The SES requirements in cafes are the same for all business owners in this area, and the state carefully monitors their implementation.
    The 2017 cafe security requirements do not have any significant differences with last year’s, and the changes most often concern terminology.

    Documents for SES when opening a cafe

    Preparation of documents is not a quick process and is very scrupulous. To do this, you need to study quite a lot of literature and sort everything out. In order to structure all the information in your head, there must be a list that includes documents for the SES, which you must have when opening a cafe.

    • First of all, the premises that you rent or plan to use as a cafe must meet sanitary standards. Therefore, studies are carried out to determine the purity of the water, noise is measured, and the quality of ventilation ducts is checked. Based on the data received, the SES issues a conclusion.
    • It is obligatory for the facility to have a sanitary passport, which records whether disinsection and deratization were carried out, where you can track the frequency of the activities carried out. The object's passport is issued in the consumer supervision department.
    • The consumer supervision department also agrees on a production control program; its essence is to monitor the application of sanitary rules in the cafe.
    • If the premises of an enterprise are being renovated, be prepared to have to obtain a new sanitary and epidemiological certificate. It is necessary if there was previously an enterprise or establishment on the territory that was engaged in other activities.
    • For the safety of visitors and employees, fire alarm equipment and fire extinguishers are installed, and a plan for the premises and evacuation actions in case of fire is drawn up.
    • Documents are required that indicate the conclusion of agreements on the removal and disposal of waste, on the disinfection of premises, on the washing of work clothes, etc.

    If the cafe sells alcoholic beverages, then according to the law, the enterprise must have a license (for alcohol with a strength of more than 15%).

    And to obtain it there are also necessary requirements:

    1. The total area of ​​the premises must exceed 50 square meters. meters.
    2. The facility must have a security alarm and other security measures installed if necessary. For example, a safe for documents and Money. The safe will also require a report from the Department of Internal Affairs.
    3. The premises must comply sanitary requirements and fire safety needs. All positive findings must be provided.

    SES permit for cafe price

    The total cost for all necessary permits adds up gradually. A competent specialist, having carried out necessary calculations will provide detailed lists and possible price ranges for services.
    Why possible? It all depends on the area of ​​the room, geographical location and many other factors.
    To begin with, in order to obtain permission from the SES for a cafe, it will be necessary to draw up a list of documents, and only after that the price will be calculated.

    In order to reduce time costs, you can contact the Dez Group company, which specializes in document preparation. She will help in as soon as possible obtain permission from the SES for a cafe, and eliminate the need to independently study a wide range of documents.

    SES check in a cafe

    In accordance with the law, SES checks in cafes are carried out in accordance with the schedule. Unscheduled inspections can be carried out only in two cases:

    1. The previously issued document on the execution of the order on violation of the requirements has expired.
    2. Or, if the control authorities received an application or appeal from citizens, legal entities, enterprises or self-government bodies.

    An SES check in a cafe must be agreed upon with the prosecutor's office; this is included in the basic requirements of such events.

    Inspection of a cafe by the sanitary and epidemiological station can only be carried out in work time. In addition, the inspecting inspector must belong to the unit that has control over the territory where the cafe is located. If these requirements are not met, you have the right to refuse the inspection.

    How to obtain an SES conclusion for a cafe

    In order to answer the question of how to obtain an SES conclusion for a cafe, you need to know that it is issued as territorial authorities Rospotrebnadzor and the Departments falling under their jurisdiction. It is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents and decrees of the government of the Russian Federation.

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