Find statements about the Russian language with the authors. Statements about the Russian language, quotes and aphorisms about Russian literature. Phrases of great people about the Russian language. What Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin wrote about the language

Language is a prearranged path or pattern of thought.
Edward Sapir

Human language is flexible; there is no end to speeches in him.

Don't let your tongue get ahead of your thought.

For the knowledge of the mores of any people, try first to learn its language.
Pythagoras of Samos

Language is the weapon of the writer, as is the weapon of the soldier. The better the weapon, the stronger the warrior ...
Maksim Gorky

It is tricky to write only about what they do not understand.
Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

The Russian language in skillful hands and in experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious.
Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture ... That is why the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle occupation with nothing to do, but an urgent need.
Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

There are no sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which no precise expression could be found in our language.
Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

Say what you like, but the native language will always remain native. When you want to speak to your heart, not a single French word will enter your head, but if you want to shine, then it's another matter.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Beware of exquisite language. The language should be simple and elegant.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

At all times, the wealth of language and oratory went hand in hand.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

But what a disgusting bureaucratic language! Based on that position ... on the one hand ... on the other hand - and all this is unnecessary. “Nevertheless,” and “to the extent,” the officials wrote. I read and spit.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The greatest wealth of a people is its language.
Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov

We speak the great language of consciousness and reason, before which the language of religion is powerless.
Henri Barbusse

The boundaries of my language mean the boundaries of my world.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

We are fighting with the tongue.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Lack of confidence in grammar is the first requirement for philosophizing.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Our language can be viewed as an ancient city: a labyrinth of small streets and squares, old and new houses, houses with extensions from different eras; all surrounded by many new neighborhoods with regular straight streets and standard houses.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

No sentence can say something about itself. A person has the ability to build languages ​​that allow you to express any meaning, without knowing how and what each word means.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

What kind of object something is is given by grammar.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

The printed line looks and runs differently than a series of arbitrary hooks and curls.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Everyday language is part of the human device, and it is no less complex than this device.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

To understand a sentence is to understand the language. To understand a language means to master a certain technique.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

You learned the concept of "pain" along with the language.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

The proposal is a model of reality, as we think of it to ourselves.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

A sentence can convey new meaning with old expressions.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

The sentence shows what it says; tautology and contradiction show that they say nothing.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

The proposal itself is neither likely nor improbable.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

A sentence is true when what it represents exists.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

The confusion that preoccupies us arises when the tongue is idling, not when it is working.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

He who has a language "has" the world.
Hans Georg Gadamer

Writing is the abstract ideality of language.
Hans Georg Gadamer

Where translation is required, one has to put up with a discrepancy between the exact meaning of what is said in one language and what is reproduced in another language.
Hans Georg Gadamer

There is nothing that is not audible thanks to language.
Hans Georg Gadamer

That which can be understood is language.
Hans Georg Gadamer

The requirement of fidelity to the original, which we present to the translation, does not remove the fundamental difference between the languages. Any translation that takes its task seriously is clearer and more primitive than the original.
Hans Georg Gadamer

Language is an environment in which “I” and the world unite.
Hans Georg Gadamer

Not an investigating science, but a creative language gave birth to both the word and the concept.
Johan Huizinga

We share intelligence and language, but in reality there is no such division.
Gustav Gustavovich Shpet

The people use the language, not knowing how it was formed, so it seems that language is not so much a manifestation of conscious creativity, as an involuntary outflow of the spirit itself.
Gustav Gustavovich Shpet

Language is, as it were, an external manifestation of the spirit of peoples - their language is their spirit, and their spirit is their language.
Gustav Gustavovich Shpet

The existence of people is tightly linked by language.
Georges Bataille

The function of the language is not to inform, but to invoke views.
Jacques Lacan

Analogy is not a metaphor.
Jacques Lacan

I have always taken up a new language in order to master a new working tool.
Mircea Eliade

The emergence of speaking is the mystery of language.
Paul Ricoeur

For us speakers, language is not an object, but a mediator; language is that thanks to which, with the help of which we express ourselves and things.
Paul Ricoeur

The ultimate openness of language is its victory.
Paul Ricoeur

Only at the level of a phrase does the language say something; outside of a phrase, he does not say anything.
Paul Ricoeur

Everything that language only touches - philosophy, humanities, literature - in a certain sense is called into question anew.
Roland Barthes

Jargon is imagination embodied.
Roland Barthes

We choose a language not because it seems necessary to us - we choose a language for ourselves and thereby make it necessary.
Roland Barthes

Language has become for us both a problem and a model, and perhaps the hour is near when these two "roles" of it will begin to communicate with each other.
Roland Barthes

Language is the very essence of literature, the world where it lives.
Roland Barthes

The omnipotence of language is to speak of words.
Gilles Deleuze

The language is either given in its entirety, or it is not at all.
Gilles Deleuze

It is language that must simultaneously set limits and transcend them.
Gilles Deleuze

To observe is to be content with seeing. Natural history is a contemporary of language.
Paul Michel Foucault

Sciences are well-organized languages ​​in the same way that languages ​​are not yet developed sciences.
Paul Michel Foucault

Language is not an external manifestation of thought, but thought itself.
Paul Michel Foucault

There is something, something really is outside the language, and it all depends on the interpretation.
Jacques Derrida

An idiom is not a stone. The idiom is not the border with the policeman at the gate.
Jacques Derrida

To speak one's own language means to demand translation, to cry for translation.
Jacques Derrida

This is the fate of the language - to move away from the body.
Jacques Derrida

Language cannot do without spatial metaphors.
Jacques Derrida

An unfolded sentence says more than an undecomposed one. When a sentence is as complex as its meaning, it is completely decomposed.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Language is a part of our organism, and no less complex than this organism itself.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Language disguises thoughts.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Language is a labyrinth of paths.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Every language has its own silence.
Elias Canetti

Language, taken as a system, goes numb.
Elias Canetti

Language itself is symbolism.
Alfred North Whitehead

All paths of thought, in a more or less perceptible way, mysteriously lead through language.
Martin Heidegger

For East Asian and European peoples, the essence of the language remains completely different.
Martin Heidegger

Learning a foreign language is expanding the scope of everything that we can learn at all.
Hans Georg Gadamer

Understanding someone else's language means not needing translation into your own.
Hans Georg Gadamer

Since ancient times, people have had wise and wonderful sayings; we should learn from them.

An unrestrained tongue is the worst of evils.

From a small spark to a fire
The language brings people ...

A short mind has a long tongue.

What is multiplied by tongues is the cause of troubles.

Above all, learn to restrain your tongue.

A language that is wise with knowledge will not stumble.

There should be no errors in the language of nannies.

Knowing the laws is not about remembering their words, but about comprehending their meaning.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Wanting the truth, do not hold back your tongue.
Publius Sire

An evil tongue is a sign of an evil heart.
Publius Sire

A person always has one thing on his tongue and another on his mind.
Publius Sire

Be quiet, my tongue, there is nothing more to talk about.

An evil tongue betrays the reckless.

Whose country is the language.
Unknown author

Language is the enemy of men and a friend of the devil and women.
Unknown author

A meek tongue is a tree of life, but an unbridled tongue is a broken spirit.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will partake of its fruits.
Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

Be firm in your conviction, and let one word be. Be quick to listen, and give your answer deliberately. If you have knowledge, then answer your neighbor, and if not, then let your hand be on your lips. In speeches - glory and dishonor, and the language of a person is a fall to him. Do not be known as an earpiece, and do not deceive with your tongue: for on a thief is shame, and in a bilingual one is an evil reproach. Do not be unreasonable in anything large or small.
Old Testament. Sirach

A restraining tongue will live peacefully, and one who hates talkativeness will diminish evil.
Old Testament. Sirach

Free curiosity is much more important for language learning than formidable necessity.
Aurelius Augustine

Language is the best medium for establishing friendship and harmony.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

Language is the most dangerous weapon: a wound from a sword heals more easily than from a word.
Pedro Carderon de la Barca

Experienced people in language recognize the pulse of the spirit, it was not for nothing that the sage said: "Speak, if you want me to recognize you ..."
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

The tongue protects the head.
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Experience too often teaches us that people have so little power over anything as over their language.
Benedict Spinoza

Just as a person can be recognized by the society in which he moves, so one can judge him by the language in which he is expressed.
Jonathan Swift

Sword and fire are less destructive than chatty tongue.
Richard Steele

Knowing many languages ​​means having many keys to one lock.

Language is also important because it helps us hide our thoughts.

Language is the clothing of thoughts.
Samuel Johnson

The accent is the soul of the language, it gives it not only feeling, but also authenticity.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

When the language is not embarrassed, everyone is embarrassed.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

The beauty, grandeur, power and wealth of the Russian language are quite evident from the books written in past centuries, when our ancestors did not know any rules for writing, but they hardly thought that they were or could be.
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

Charles the Fifth, the Roman emperor, used to say that it is decent to speak Ishpan with God, French with friends, German with an enemy, and Italian with the female sex. But if he had been skilled in the Russian language, then, of course, he would have added to that that it is decent for them to speak with all of them, for he would find in him the splendor of Ishpansky, the liveliness of the French, the strength of the German, the tenderness of the Italian, moreover, wealth and strong in images. the brevity of the Greek and Latin languages.
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

The language that the Russian state commands in the great part of the world, by its power, has natural abundance, beauty and strength, which is not inferior to a single European language. And for this there is no hesitation, so that the Russian word could not be brought to such perfection, which we are surprised at in others.
Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

The perception of someone else's words, and especially unnecessarily, is not enrichment, but the deterioration of the language.
Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov

If a person's language is lethargic, heavy, confused, powerless, indefinite, uneducated, then this is probably the mind of this person, for he thinks only through the medium of language.
Johann Gottfried Herder

In the midst of the worst of all, the tongue is prickly.
Johann Friedrich Schiller

How beautiful the Russian language is! All the advantages of German without its terrible rudeness.
Friedrich Engels

It is impossible to create a language, because the people create it; philologists only discover its laws and bring it into the system, while writers only create on it in accordance with these laws.

To use a foreign word when there is a Russian word equivalent to it is to offend both common sense and common taste.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Language is a tool; it is almost more difficult than the violin itself. You might also notice that mediocrity on one or the other instrument is intolerable.
Petr Andreevich Vyazemsky

You marvel at the jewels of our language: every sound is a gift: everything is grainy, coarse, like the pearl itself, and, really, a different name for the thing itself is even more precious.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Language is the age-old labor of a whole generation.
Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl

Language will not keep pace with education, will not respond

modern needs, if they do not allow it to work out from its juice and root,

ferment on your yeast.
Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl

The Slavic-Russian language, according to the testimony of the foreign aesthetics themselves, is not inferior either in courage to Latin or in fluency to Greek, surpassing all European ones: Italian, French and Spanish, even more so German.
Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin

Tongue and gold are our dagger and poison.
Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

New words of foreign origin are introduced into the Russian press incessantly and often completely unnecessarily, and - what is most offensive - these harmful exercises are practiced in those very bodies where the most ardent advocate for the Russian nationality and its characteristics.
Nikolay Semenovich Leskov

As a material for literature, the Slavic-Russian language has an undeniable superiority over all European ones.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland - you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language!., You cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

The language of the people is the best, never fading and eternally blossoming color of all its spiritual life.
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

Language is not always able to express what the eye sees.
James Fenimore Cooper

The Russian language is a language created for poetry, it is unusually rich and is notable mainly for the subtlety of shades.
Prosper Merimee

The main advantage of language is clarity.

The language was given to a person in order to hide his thoughts.
Charles Maurice Talleyrand (Talleyrand-Périgord)

It is good, and even you need to know the neighbor's speech, but first of all you need to know your own.
Francis Kazimirovich Bogushevich

The language that is dearest to my heart is the one in which, my dear, you once said to me, bringing a flower: "I love you!"
George Meredith

We only feel the beauty of native speech when we hear it under someone else's heaven!
George Bernard Shaw

There is no truth in a person who is unable to control his tongue.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

The struggle for purity, for semantic accuracy, for the sharpness of language is a struggle for a cultural instrument. The sharper this weapon, the more precisely it is directed, the more victorious it is.
Maksim Gorky

If you don't know how to hold an ax in your hand, you can't eat a tree, and if you don't know the language well, it's beautiful and understandable to everyone, you can't write it.
Maksim Gorky


The Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world.
Who, if not the classics of our literature, know about!
On this occasion, they expressed and wrote a lot of reflections. In the quotes below, our selection of statements by famous writers and poets about the value, self-sufficiency and wealth of the Russian language.

Language, our magnificent language
River and steppe expanse in it,
It contains the rattles of an eagle and a wolf's roar,
Chant and ringing and incense of worship.
Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont

Let there be honor and glory to our language, which in its most native wealth, almost without any alien admixture, flows like a proud, majestic river - rustles and thunders - and suddenly, if necessary, softens, gurgles with a gentle stream and sweetly flows into the soul, forming everything measures that are only
in the fall and rise of the human voice!

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin - Russian historian, writer and poet

True love for your country is unthinkable without love for your language.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky - writer

Our beautiful language, under the pen of unlearned and unskilled writers,
quickly tends to fall. Words are distorted. The grammar fluctuates.
Spelling, this heraldry of the language, changes at the will of each and every one.

You marvel at the jewels of our language: every sound is a gift: everything is grainy, coarse, like the pearl itself, and, really, a different name for the thing itself is even more precious.

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol - prose writer, playwright, poet, critic, publicist

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland - you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! If it weren't for you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home?
But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

Pushkin also talked about punctuation marks. They exist to highlight a thought, bring words into the correct ratio and give the phrase lightness and correct sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notes.
They hold the text firmly and prevent it from crumpling.

Language is the history of the people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. That is why learning and saving the Russian language is not an idle hobby.
from nothing to do, but an absolute necessity.

Use a foreign word when there is a Russian word equivalent to it,
- means to offend both common sense and common taste.

The Russian language in skillful hands and in experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin - writer

Language is a ford across the river of time, it leads us to the home of the departed;
but one who is afraid of deep water cannot come there.

Vladislav Markovich Illich-Svitych - comparative linguist

Prostrate in enriching the mind and embellishing the Russian word.

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov - scientist, writer, historian, artist

Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors! Treat this powerful weapon with respect; in the hands of the skilled, it is capable of performing miracles.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev - poet, translator; Corresponding Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the category of the Russian language and literature

Only having mastered the initial material in the possible perfection, that is, the native language, will we be able to be in the possible perfection
learn a foreign language, but not before.

Ugly, discordant words should be avoided. I do not like words with an abundance of hissing and whistling sounds, I avoid them.

The word of the Briton will echo with the knowledge of heart and wise knowledge of life; the short-lived word of the Frenchman will flash and scatter with an easy dandy; ingeniously thinks up his own, not everyone's cleverly thin word accessible to everyone, a German; but there is no word that would be so ambitious, boldly, that would burst out from under the very heart, would seethe and vibrate as vividly as the aptly spoken Russian word.

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol - prose writer, playwright, poet, critic, publicist

The language that the Russian state commands in the great part of the world, by its power, has natural abundance, beauty and strength, which is not inferior to a single European language. And for this there is no hesitation, so that the Russian word could not be brought to such perfection, which we are surprised at in others.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov - writer, historian, scientist, artist

Our Russian language, more than all new ones, is perhaps capable of approaching classical languages ​​in its wealth, strength, freedom of disposition, and an abundance of forms.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov - literary critic, publicist

That Russian is one of the richest languages ​​in the world,
there is no doubt about that.

Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky - literary critic, publicist.

The main character of our language lies in the extreme ease with which everything is expressed in it - abstract thoughts, inner lyrical feelings, "running around life", a cry of indignation, sparkling prank and tremendous passion.

Alexander Ivanovich Herzen - writer, publicist, philosopher, revolutionary

Nothing for us is so ordinary, nothing seems so simple as our speech, but in the very being there is nothing so amazing, so wonderful, as our speech.

Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev - writer, philosopher, poet, revolutionary

Among the great qualities of our language, there is one that is completely amazing and subtle. It consists in the fact that in its sound it is so diverse that it contains the sound of almost all the languages ​​of the world.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky - writer

The Russian language opens up to the end in its truly magical properties and wealth only to those who deeply love and know "to the bone" their people
and feels the innermost beauty of our land.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky - writer

There is one remarkable fact: we are on our
unsettled and young language we can transmit
the deepest forms of spirit and thought of European languages.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky - writer, thinker

The natural wealth of the Russian language and speech is so great that without further ado, listening to the time with your heart, in close communication with a common man and with a volume of Pushkin in your pocket, you can become an excellent writer.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin - writer

The Russian language, as far as I can judge about it, is the richest of all European dialects and seems to have been deliberately created to express the subtlest nuances. Endowed with wonderful conciseness, combined with clarity, he is content with one word to convey thought, when another language would require whole phrases for this.

Prosper Mérimée - French novelist and short story writer

The beauty, grandeur, power and wealth of the Russian language is evident enough from the books written in the past, when our ancestors did not know any rules for compositions yet, but they hardly thought that they were or could be.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov - writer, historian, scientist, artist

Our speech is predominantly aphoristic,
differs in its compactness, strength.

The Russian language is inexhaustiblely rich and everything is enriched with an astounding rapidity.

Maxim Gorky - writer, prose writer, playwright

Perception of other people's words, and especially unnecessarily,
there is not enrichment, but corruption of the language.

Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov - poet, writer, playwright

I do not consider foreign words to be good and suitable, if only they can be replaced by purely Russian or more Russianized ones.
We must protect our rich and beautiful language from damage.

Nikolay Semenovich Leskov - writer

There is no doubt that the desire to dazzle Russian speech with foreign words unnecessarily, without sufficient reason, is contrary to common sense and common taste; but it does not harm the Russian language and not the Russianliterature re, but only to those who are obsessed with her.

V Isarion Grigorievich Belinsky - literary critic, publicist

Our native language should be the main basis and our general education
and the education of each of us.

Petr Andreevich Vyazemsky - poet, literary critic

We must love and keep those samples of the Russian language,
which we inherited from first-class craftsmen.

Dmitry Andreevich Furmanov - writer

Language is important to a patriot.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin - writer, publicist and historian

In relation to each person's attitude to his language, one can absolutely accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky - writer

Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture ...
That is why the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle occupation with nothing to do, but an urgent need.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin - writer

Knowledge of the Russian language, a language that in every possible way deserves to be studied both in itself, for it is one of the strongest and richest living languages, and for the sake of the literature it reveals, is now not such a rarity ...

Friedrich Engels - German philosopher, one of the founders of Marxism

The beauty of our heavenly tongue will never be trampled upon by cattle.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov - writer, historian, scientist, artist

As a material for literature, the Slavic-Russian language has an undeniable superiority over all European ones.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - poet, playwright, prose writer

There are no such sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple, -
for which there would be no precise expression in our language.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky - writer

To deal with the language somehow means, and to think somehow:
approximately, inaccurate, incorrect.

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy - writer, poet, playwright, publicist

Language is an image of everything that existed, exists and will exist - everything that onlycan embrace and comprehend the mental eye of a person.

Alexey Fedorovich Merzlyakov - poet, literary critic

Language is the confession of the people, His soul and life is native.

Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky - poet, critic

The Slavic-Russian language, according to the testimonies of the foreign aesthetes themselves, is not inferior to Latin either in courage, Greek or in fluency, surpasses all European languages: Italian, Spanish and French, not to mention German.

Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin - poet

What is language? First of all, it is not only a way to express your thoughts, but also to create your thoughts. Language has the opposite effect.
A person who turns his thoughts, his ideas, his feelings into language ...
he is also, as it were, permeated by this mode of expression.

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy - prose writer, playwright, publicist

It's not scary to lie under the bullets dead,It is not bitter to be left homeless,And we will save you, Russian speech,Great Russian Word.We will carry you free and cleanWe will give it to our grandchildren, and we will save from captivityForever.

Anna Andreevna Akhmatova - poet, writer, literary critic,
literary critic, translator

But what a disgusting bureaucratic language! Based on that position ... on the one hand ... on the other hand - and all this is unnecessary. “Nevertheless,” and “to the extent,” the officials wrote. I read and spit.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - writer, playwright

Follow the rule stubbornly: so that words are cramped, and thoughts are spacious.

Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov - poet, writer, publicist

There is nothing sedimentary or crystalline in Russian;
everything excites, breathes, lives.

Alexey Stepanovich Khomyakov - poet, artist, publicist, theologian, philosopher

The greatest wealth of a people is its language! For millennia, countless treasures of human thought and experience have been accumulating and eternally living in the word.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov - writer, public figure

The Russian language is inexhaustiblely rich, and everything is enriched with amazing speed.

Maxim Gorky - writer, prose writer, playwright

The richer the language in expressions and phrases, the better for a skilled writer.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - writer, poet, playwright

Beware of exquisite language. The language should be simple and elegant.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - writer, playwright

Tongue and gold are our dagger and poison.

Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov - writer, poet, playwright

The language of the people is the best, never fading and forever
the newly blossoming flower of his entire spiritual life.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky - teacher, writer

The Russian language is quite rich, however, it has its own shortcomings, and one of them is hissing sound combinations: -vsha, -lice, -vshu, -shcha, -shey. On the first page of your story, "lice" crawl in large numbers: a worker, a speaker, a newcomer.
It is quite possible to do without insects.

Maxim Gorky - writer, playwright

Charles V, the Roman emperor, used to say that it is decent to speak Spanish with God, French with friends, German with an enemy, Italian with a female sex. But if he knew Russian, then of course he would add to that that it is decent for them to speak to everyone, tk. I would find in him the splendor of Spanish, and the liveliness of French, and the strength of German, and the tenderness of Italian, and wealth, and a strong depiction of Latin and Greek.

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov - scientist, writer, historian, artist

Say what you like, but the native language will always remain native. When you want to speak to your heart, not a single French word will enter your head, but if you want to shine, then it's another matter.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy - writer, thinker

The Russian language is the language of poetry.
The Russian language is unusually rich in versatility and subtlety of shades.

Prosper Merimee - French writer

You can work wonders with the Russian language!

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky - writer

The old syllable attracts me. There is a charm in ancient speech.
It is more modern and sharper than our words.

Bella Akhatovna Akhmadulina - poet, writer, translator

Take care of the purity of the language as a sacred thing! Never use foreign words.
The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev - poet, translator; Corresponding Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the category of the Russian language and literature

The importance of the Russian language is difficult to overestimate, since it is not just a means of communication for people in Russia, but a real asset of a nation with a rich history and vast roots. Many famous writers praised the Russian syllable both in their works and in simple sayings, which later became winged or turned into quotes about the Russian language. They are relevant to this day: none of the judgments about the speech of compatriot thinkers has lost its significance. The statements of great people about the Russian language should be remembered when analyzing literary works.

In almost all of the work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, the Russian people occupy a central position - their character, way of life, cultural and moral principles. In his novels, the writer paid special attention to the description of the Russian mentality, his customs, and also often turned to descriptions of the nature of Russia.

Turgenev became the first writer who received recognition not only within his homeland, but also abroad, as he traveled: Ivan Sergeevich spent especially a lot of time in French lands. The most popular works of Turgenev include "Notes of a Hunter", "Asya", "Fathers and Children".
The prose writer talked a lot about the greatness of the language, its special significance in public culture. The author notes:

The writer often called for the protection of the Russian language as a tremendous value, the dignity of Russians, speaking of it practically as a living being:

Turgenev speaks of Russian with respectful reverence. In his opinion, the language is one of the greatest wealth in Russia, which must be treated with caution.

What Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin wrote about the language

Kuprin, a master of landscape descriptions, also spoke about the speech. Lovers of literature especially remembered the writer for the works "Pomegranate Bracelet", "Duel", "Moloch". In his work, Kuprin pays great attention to detail, developing each character, each natural description, each animal in such a way that every little thing acquires depth and meaning.

Kuprin is one of the writers with the most ambitious storytelling style. The writer in his works often addresses the problems of love-hate, strength-weakness, despair and the will to live, combining opposite qualities at the same time in a single hero.

Kuprin speaks about the language:

The writer speaks respectfully of the language culture, noting that the Russian language does not tolerate dismissive use:

Statements by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

According to some critics-contemporaries of Gogol, Nikolai Vasilyevich became the discoverer of a new direction in the history of literature - the "natural school". The writer influenced the work of many other authors who worked in satirical directions - Chernyshevsky, Nekrasov, Saltykov-Shchadrin. The most famous are the works of Gogol "Dead Souls", "Overcoat", "Inspector General", "Notes of a Madman".

Gogol turned to the topic of language after Pushkin. This idea was not the least important in all of his work. The writer fought to preserve the purity of the syllable, its originality, considering the Russian language euphonious, valuable:

Gogol compared Russian with other common foreign dialects, emphasizing its greatness and complexity:

Words by Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Belinsky is not so much a writer as a literary critic, recognized as one of the most demanding of the quality of the analyzed works. His activity was distinguished by some revolutionary orientation, since he considered their nationality to be the leading principle of the analysis of novels.

For the first time, the critic divided all literature into ideal and real - the latter, in his opinion, reflected life as it is, while the ideal gave an incorrect reflection of reality. Belinsky openly admired the works of Gogol, as well as Pushkin. One of the most ambitious essays by Belinsky can be considered a cycle of 11 articles on the works of A.S. Pushkin.

The critic loved speech, considered the language self-sufficient, not tolerating substitutions:

The writer assessed the Russian language as rich:

Quotes by Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov

Lomonosov plays a key role in the development of linguistics and rhetoric in Russia, since it was he who created the "Russian grammar", where he introduced the concept of word transcription, parts of speech, spelling. Mikhail Vasilyevich was the first person who spoke about the style and techniques of artistic expression of speech.

Lomonosov was the first person to establish a clear distinction between secular and ecclesiastical dialects. The thinker dealt with the problems of Russian linguistics and stylistics almost all his life. In addition, Lomonosov paid much attention to the study of Russian dialects characteristic of representatives of different localities and regions of Russia.

What Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said about the Russian language

Similarly, Pushkin spoke about the meaning of speech in Russia - "the sun of Russian poetry." The poet made an invaluable contribution to the development of literature. The poet was able to see the essence, the mentality of different eras and nations, which made it possible to find for them the most psychologically accurate prototypes in his works.

Among the significant works of the writer, one can note the cycle of Belkin's stories, the novels "The Station Keeper", "The Young Lady-Peasant". To this day, the works "The Queen of Spades", "The Covetous Knight", "Dubrovsky", "Gypsies", "Eugene Onegin" are widespread and loved.

Pushkin could not help but appreciate the importance of the Russian language, as well as its wealth with greatness. The poet knew many other dialects at the level of understanding, fluently spoke French, while describing Russian as the most extensive language he knew:

"As a material for literature, the Slavic-Russian language has an undeniable superiority over all European ones."

The writer also noted the versatility of speech in Russia, using short but succinct phrases:

"The richer the language in expressions and phrases, the better for a skilled writer."

Pushkin became not only a world-famous writer, but also the ancestor of completely new trends in literature. The poet had a strong influence on the work of Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov. The writer's work is known both in Russia and abroad.

Words by Maxim Gorky

Maxim Gorky significantly influenced the formation of Russian literature during the revolutionary years. Through the novels, the writer managed to create a special mood of the working class associated with social transformations. Alexey Peshkov (the real name and surname of the writer) was able to accurately reflect the mentality of the proletariat during the years of radical social changes.

The writer also became the founder of a new children's literature, the main goal of which was to educate people with:

  • an extensive knowledge base about the structure, functioning of the world;
  • developed will;
  • great abilities.

Among the popular fairy tales of Gorky are "Samovar" and "Sparrow".

Maxim Gorky could not help but appreciate the power of the Russian style, its importance for the formation of a person's worldview, outlook on reality. The writer noted that Russian is laconic, but accurate:

"Our speech is predominantly aphoristic, distinguished by its conciseness, strength."

Peshkov also spoke about the dynamics of the language - according to the writer, the Russian language has many prerequisites for expansion, development, its structure is being transformed and improved constantly, very quickly:

"The Russian language is inexhaustiblely rich and everything is enriched with an astounding rapidity."

Quotes by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

Paustovsky gained wide world fame as an author capable of looking at the world from a lyrical point of view. The writer paid special attention to the description of high human ideals in his works, such as love, friendship, loyalty.

Paustovsky is noted by critics as a prose writer who loves and appreciates the nature of Russia. Through landscape motives, the author creates a special unique atmosphere of his works, carrying moral ideas through abstract concepts.

Paustovsky is a children's author. The most famous works of the writer for kids include the fairy tales "Hare paws", "Cat-thief", "Badger nose".
The prose writer could not help but admire the Russian style. Paustovsky noted its organic nature, diversity:

The writer drew attention to the punctuation of Russian, highlighting its special significance in the formation of written thought:

Quotes by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov showed a talent for writing in his first year at medical university. His studies played a decisive role in all of his literary activities - many of the heroes of Chekhov's stories were healers.

In stories and plays, the author raises the problem of universal human values ​​- love, honor and freedom. At the same time, there is no idealization of reality in his work - all events are reflected as they actually appear. Chekhov succeeded in both prose and drama, which could not but affect his work: prose acquired the laconicism, scenic and brevity characteristic of plays. In the dramatic works, purely prosaic features were used, which gave the plays an innovation.

A distinctive feature of Chekhov's works is their brevity - the writer's style is short, but precise and bright. The author himself noted the importance of such a quality as simplicity of speech:

“Beware of exquisite language. The language should be simple and elegant. "

Chekhov was also attentive to the purity of the language - the writer believed that the euphony of speech consists of the euphony of the pronunciation of the words themselves that make up the text:

“Ugly, discordant words should be avoided. I do not like words with an abundance of hissing and whistling sounds, I avoid them. "

Among the most widespread works by Chekhov, in which one can trace the author's manner of speech, one can name the plays "The Seagull", "Anniversary", "Wedding", "Ivanov", "Bear" and "The Proposal". The writer has published many short stories in prose, for example, "Ward No. 6".

Words by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Dostoevsky adhered to the ideas of realism in the narrative. The central theme of Dostoevsky's novels was the reflection of the life of a little man who was under the yoke of social reality. The writer's work is psychological: Dostoevsky delves into the psychology of the people he reflects, trying to identify the motives of their behavior.

The author believes that a small person should not suffer from social transformations, many of which put such people in a position of poverty. Dostoevsky often turned to spiritual philosophy, raising the philosophical, anthropological, religious, ethical and historical problems of the era.

Among the iconic novels of the writer are the works "Crime and Punishment", "Poor People", "Idiot", "Teenager", "The Brothers Karamazov" "Demons".

Dostoevsky considered the study of a language, especially his native one, a very important aspect of a person's life. According to the writer, an attempt to study foreign languages ​​is meaningless until a person masters completely his own:

Great writers often turn to the linguistic theme in their memoirs, essays, and novels. Their work is permeated with a sincere love for their native language. The authors urge to preserve the Russian language as an invaluable heritage, as well as an important aspect of culture. The statements of great people about the Russian language show the significance and importance of our native language.

The collection includes wise sayings and sayings about the Russian language of great people said by Russian writers, scientists and philosophers, as well as representatives of other peoples:

  • The beauty of our heavenly tongue will never be trampled upon by cattle. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov
  • Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors! Treat this powerful weapon with respect; in the hands of the skilled, it is capable of performing miracles. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
  • The language of the people is the best, never fading and eternally blossoming color of all its spiritual life. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky
  • Take care of the purity of the language as a sacred thing! Never use foreign words. The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
  • Language is the confession of the people, His soul and life is native. Petr Andreevich Vyazemsky.
  • The greatest wealth of a people is its language! For millennia, countless treasures of human thought and experience have been accumulating and eternally living in the word. Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov
  • In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland - you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! If it weren't for you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people! Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

  • Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture ... That is why the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle occupation with nothing to do, but an urgent need. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin
  • The perception of someone else's words, and especially unnecessarily, is not enrichment, but the deterioration of the language. Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov
  • Language is the history of the people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. That is why the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle hobby of having nothing to do, but an urgent need. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin
  • I do not consider foreign words to be good and suitable, if only they can be replaced by purely Russian or more Russianized ones. We must protect our rich and beautiful language from damage. Nikolay Semenovich Leskov
  • Let there be honor and glory to our language, which in its very native wealth, almost without any alien admixture, flows like a proud, majestic river - rustles and thunders - and suddenly, if necessary, softens, gurgles with a gentle stream and sweetly flows into the soul, forming everything measures which are only. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (Our collection includes 3 statements about the Russian language from Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin)
  • There is no doubt that the Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
  • You marvel at the jewels of our language: every sound is a gift: everything is grainy, coarse, like the pearl itself, and, really, a different name for the thing itself is even more precious. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
  • To use a foreign word when there is a Russian word equivalent to it is to offend both common sense and common taste. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
  • Knowledge of the Russian language, a language that in every possible way deserves to be studied, both in itself, for it is one of the strongest and richest living languages, and for the sake of the literature it reveals, is no longer such a rarity ... Friedrich Engels.
  • There is one significant fact: in our still unsettled and young language, we can convey the deepest forms of spirit and thought of European languages. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
  • True love for your country is unthinkable without love for your language. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
  • Ugly, discordant words should be avoided. I do not like words with an abundance of hissing and whistling sounds, I avoid them. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
  • Say what you like, but the native language will always remain native. When you want to speak to your heart, not a single French word will enter your head, but if you want to shine, then it's another matter. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • The word of the Briton will echo with the knowledge of heart and wise knowledge of life; the short-lived word of the Frenchman will flash and scatter with an easy dandy; ingeniously thinks up his own, not everyone's cleverly thin word accessible to everyone, a German; but there is no word that would be so ambitious, boldly, that would burst out from under the very heart, would seethe and vibrate as vividly as the aptly spoken Russian word. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.
  • The beauty, grandeur, power and wealth of the Russian language is evident enough from the books written in the past, when our ancestors did not know any rules for compositions yet, but they hardly thought that they were or could be. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov
  • You can work wonders with the Russian language! Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
  • We must love and keep those samples of the Russian language that we inherited from first-class masters. Dmitry Andreevich Furmanov
  • The Russian language, as far as I can judge about it, is the richest of all European dialects and seems to have been deliberately created to express the subtlest nuances. Endowed with wonderful conciseness, combined with clarity, he is content with one word to convey thought, when another language would require whole phrases for this. (In our article, there are 2 statements about the Russian language from Prosper Mérimée - a French writer and translator, one of the first masters of the short story in France)
  • Our Russian language, more than all new ones, is perhaps capable of approaching classical languages ​​in its wealth, strength, freedom of disposition, and an abundance of forms. Nikolay Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov
  • The Russian language is inexhaustiblely rich and everything is enriched with an astounding rapidity. Maksim Gorky
  • There is nothing sedimentary or crystalline in Russian; everything excites, breathes, lives. Alexey Stepanovich Khomyakov

  • The Russian language in skillful hands and in experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin (Wise sayings about Russian)
  • There are no sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which no precise expression could be found in our language. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky.
  • Our native language should be the main basis of our general education and the education of each of us. Petr Andreevich Vyazemsky
  • But what a disgusting bureaucratic language! Based on that position ... on the one hand ... on the other hand - and all this is unnecessary. “Nevertheless,” and “to the extent,” the officials wrote. I read and spit. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
  • Our beautiful language, under the pen of uneducated and unskilful writers, is rapidly falling into decline. Words are distorted. The grammar fluctuates. Spelling, this heraldry of the language, changes at the will of each and every one. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
  • In relation to each person's attitude to his language, one can absolutely accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
  • Follow the rule stubbornly: so that words are cramped, and thoughts are spacious. Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov
  • To deal with the language somehow means, and to think somehow: approximately, inaccurate, incorrect. Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • Prostrate in enriching the mind and embellishing the Russian word. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov
  • Nothing for us is so ordinary, nothing seems so simple as our speech, but in the very being there is nothing so amazing, so wonderful, as our speech. Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev
  • The Russian language is the language of poetry. The Russian language is unusually rich in versatility and subtlety of shades. Prosper Merimee
  • There is no doubt that the desire to dazzle Russian speech with foreign words unnecessarily, without sufficient reason, is contrary to common sense and common taste; but it does not harm the Russian language or Russian literature, but only those who are obsessed with it. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
  • The Russian language is quite rich, however, it has its own shortcomings, and one of them is hissing sound combinations: -vsha, -lice, -vshu, -shcha, -shey. On the first page of your story, "lice" crawl in large numbers: a worker, a speaker, a newcomer. It is quite possible to do without insects. Maksim Gorky
  • Our speech is predominantly aphoristic, distinguished by its conciseness and strength. Maksim Gorky
  • The Russian language opens up to the end in its truly magical properties and wealth only to those who deeply love and know "to the bone" their people

The Russian language in skillful hands and in experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious
A. I. Kuprin

We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.
K. G. Paustovsky

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland - you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language!., You cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people! I. S. Turgenev

There is nothing sedimentary or crystalline in Russian; everything excites, breathes, lives.
A. S. Khomyakov

The Russian language is inexhaustiblely rich and everything is enriched with an astounding rapidity. M. Gorky

It is especially worth noting the poetry of Russian speech:
The Russian language is a language created for poetry, it is unusually rich and is notable mainly for the subtlety of shades.
P. Merimee

Many Russian words themselves radiate poetry, just as precious stones radiate a mysterious brilliance ...
K. G. Paustovsky

I really like Gogol's statement about the Russian language, since with his brightest speech he seems to illustrate his words:
You marvel at the jewels of our language: every sound is a gift: everything is grainy, coarse, like the pearl itself, and, really, a different name for the thing itself is even more precious. N.V. Gogol

Many great people worried that the Russian language was clogged with foreign words: Pushkin, Turgenev, Lenin, Belinsky.
Our beautiful language, under the pen of uneducated and unskilful writers, is rapidly falling into decline. Words are distorted. The grammar fluctuates. Spelling, this heraldry of the language, changes at the will of each and every one.
A. S. Pushkin

We spoil the Russian language. We use foreign words unnecessarily. And we use them incorrectly. Why say "defects" when you can say gaps, shortcomings, shortcomings? Isn't it time to declare war on the use of foreign words unnecessarily?
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Take care of the purity of the language as a sacred thing! Never use foreign words. The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us.
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

To use a foreign word when there is a Russian word equivalent to it is to offend both common sense and common taste.
V. Belinsky

On the careful and reverent treatment of native speech:
In fact, for an intelligent person, speaking ill should be considered as indecent as not being able to read and write.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

To deal with the language somehow means to think somehow: approximately, inaccurate, incorrect.
A.N. Tolstoy

Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language - this is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors! Treat this powerful weapon with respect.
I. S. Turgenev

And here is one more subtle remark of A. Tolstoy:
What is language? First of all, it is not only a way to express your thoughts, but also to create your thoughts. Language has the opposite effect. A person who turns his thoughts, his ideas, his feelings into language ... he is also, as it were, permeated with this way of expression.
A. N. Tolstoy

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