Is it profitable to sell children's clothing? What goods are profitable to trade: an overview of profitable areas for trading


As long as money exists, or objects that can replace it, trade exists. Every day we run out of bread, butter, vegetables and fruits, we lack new clothes and shoes, and household appliances. The desire to get something new brings people to the market, where, after studying a wide range of products, they choose exactly what is needed in a particular situation. A purchase is made, as a result of which the seller receives the required amount of money, and the buyer receives the desired product. At first glance, the transaction is mutually beneficial and satisfies the interests of both persons, but in fact, an entrepreneur engaged in the market finds himself in more advantageous situation

, since it was he who was lucky enough to overtake competitors and get this buyer. The latter is important in running a trading business. The lack of buyers makes it unprofitable and leads to the closure of the outlet, which is what many novice businessmen fear most of all.

Trade has been and remains the most profitable business from the point of view of quickly making a profit. Main trade rule

– creating your own extensive customer base, as well as selling in-demand goods. With skillful goal setting, a small initial capital and strong confidence in your own luck, trading specific goods can become the main source of income and provide a 100% return. For example, as the owner of a retail outlet on the market that sells household chemicals, you can earn a solid income without worrying about damage to the goods and a decrease in their value. There is always a demand for goods such as potatoes, onions, peppers and other vegetables. People need clothes and shoes constantly and at any time of the year. Selling baked goods, not a single entrepreneur has ever lost money. The only thing about worth remembering

  • for a beginner businessman:
  • trade can be profitable only when the number of competitors is minimized;
  • everything depends on the buyers;

The investment will definitely pay off, so in an effort to save money, you should not overstep the boundaries. The ideal option is trading, in which all family members take part. In this case, the costs for the loader, the seller and even the accountant are reduced to a minimum, which allows you to save significant amounts on this item of expenditure, going to the family budget.

Features of organizing a retail outlet on the market

Having not yet decided on the product, but having an idea of ​​what type it will be, you should start search for a place under a retail outlet. The most advantageous places are considered to be places with a greater traffic of people - entrance, exit, first rows adjacent to them. Naturally, they are all occupied or rented out at inflated prices. Most often, newcomers are offered remote boutiques and pavilions, the rent for which is as low as the possible profit from sales from this location. In no case should you agree to this option; it is better to take a more expensive one, but near places with large crowds of people.

Having decided to organize a retail outlet, you should decide on form of doing business. The easiest way is to register as a s. Registration in this capacity will not cost more than 1000 rubles, which is initial stage important.

If you rent a place to sell goods, you should receive a new status, as this will greatly simplify relations with the market administration and future suppliers.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reports are generated automatically and signed electronic signature and is sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Selecting a product to sell

Trading always begins with the choice of goods to be offered for sale. The type, shape and name of the product occupy an important place in receipt. If possible, you should trade inexpensive but exclusive goods that are highly competitive and in demand among consumers.

Before looking for a supplier, you need to devote several hours to studying the retail assortment located near the trading premises of competitors' boutiques. Having spent very little time, a novice entrepreneur will be able to avoid mistakes and purchase exactly the product that is lacking in this market segment.

So, if in a neighboring pavilion they sell cleaning products for furniture, floors, stoves and bathtubs, washing powders and dishwashing detergents, it is advisable to stock various kitchen utensils and bath items in your own outlet: towels, dishes, shelves and plastic cabinets, mops and the like. If we're talking about about the sale of T-shirts and sweaters, then you should bring trousers, skirts and jeans to your own retail outlet. In addition, the choice of products may depend on the time of year and demand for it.

For example, in the winter season boots and outerwear are in great demand, in the summer - dresses, blouses, sundresses and sandals. You should also pay attention to fashion trends. Last spring-autumn season, sneakers were in great demand. This spring, the demand for them fell; buyers prefer shoes with wide heels or platforms.

Assortment analysis depending on location

Small city

In terms of trade, small cities have their advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, the population in such cities is small, which means that profits will be distributed extremely unevenly, which makes you think about carefully choosing the location of a retail outlet. On the other hand, it is possible to bring quite ordinary goods to a small town and sell them at high prices, due to the lack of competitors.

To this kind goods may include:

  • inexpensive but fashionable clothes and shoes this season;
  • household chemicals from foreign manufacturers;
  • confectionery;
  • alcohol.

The choice of goods is extensive and depends entirely on the location of the market. So, if the market is located in a residential area, it is advisable to start selling buns, bread, sweets and consumer goods, which people will not specifically go to the supermarket for, but will willingly buy when they go down to the entrance. Near gas stations you can sell spare parts for cars, oils, cigarettes and alcoholic drinks.

Big City

Large cities provide a lot of opportunities to choose the location of the market where you plan to open a retail outlet.

So, if you plan to sell clothes, shoes, or sports equipment, you should rent space at a clothing market. If trade is related to household chemicals, vegetables and fruits, you need to rent a trade kiosk at the food market. In addition, there are also construction and mixed markets. We should also not forget about the high popularity of wholesale markets, where goods can be sold not by grams, but by tens of kilograms at a time.

Planning to open a retail outlet selling accessories for mobile phones, earrings and other jewelry, it is advisable to place it near a university or school. Students and schoolgirls will become regular customers and bring in a good income.


When planning to open a retail outlet at a market in a village, you should carefully study the contingent local residents. The goods for filling the counter should be selected depending on the needs of customers, bearing in mind that most of the village residents are elderly people who do not need branded clothing and the latest modern technology.

Most Popular The village uses such goods as:

  • bread;
  • flour;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt;
  • matches;
  • sugar;
  • sweet water;
  • ice cream.

It is advisable to purchase a certain amount of washing powder and detergents, kitchen towels, clothespins, men's and women's socks, underpants, work gloves. Such goods always find their buyer; they are not perishable, so the benefits from their sale are obvious. Don't forget about alcoholic drinks too.

Center or outskirts

If we are talking about a retail outlet downtown, then you should understand that people go to the center for a specific purpose: to take a walk, go to the theater, cafe, meet friends. In the city center you can open a retail outlet with flowers, clothes and shoes, or a grocery store with an assortment of alcoholic and carbonated drinks, buns, bread, vegetables, fruits and sweets.

Nobody buys quality clothes and shoes on the outskirts, chemical trade, building materials and small equipment will also not be successful. The purchase of significant goods is always deliberate; the buyer wants to have a choice and therefore goes to the city center for shopping. On the outskirts it is allowed to open only a grocery store with a small cafe where you can order coffee, tea, breakfast or dinner.

Embankment and other recreation areas

When planning to open a retail outlet on the embankment, in parks, at bus and railway stations, near a parking lot and the like, you should understand that despite the large crowd of people, selling large and expensive goods will not be profitable.

Ideal products are considered:

  • seeds;
  • ice cream;
  • hod-dogs;
  • coffee Tea;
  • hamburgers;
  • pies;
  • sweet and sparkling water;
  • alcohol;
  • napkins.

Analysis of the assortment depending on the area


Planning to open your own retail outlet at the food market, you should understand that you should not expect large incomes at first. On average, no more than 6 thousand rubles are collected per day from one food outlet.

The assortment should be selected based on the information above; personal preferences should not interfere with the desire to earn money. It is most profitable to trade potatoes and other relatively perishable vegetables. Potatoes, carrots, onions and beets will always be in demand. It is no less profitable to trade meat. In the latter case, the business can become virtually waste-free.


The non-food sector of trade should include, first of all, the sale of things, chemicals, dishes, small household appliances, and electrical appliances. You should choose high-quality, but not expensive goods, the markup on which will not make the buyer want to pass by.


Selling construction products requires not only studying the market in order to find a free market, but also having certain knowledge in the construction field. Not all buyers can clearly explain what thickness of timber they need specifically, what quality of paint they expect and how many rolls of wallpaper they need. If the product supplier does not know this, the business will not work out from the very beginning.

Selection of products sold depending on the season

When trying to get the most benefit from trade, you should focus not only on the location of the market and the number of competitors, but also on the season, especially when it comes to trading vegetables and fruits. In winter, it is most profitable to trade potatoes, carrots and onions.

In the spring you can make good money selling strawberries, cherries and fresh vegetables. In summer, tomatoes, cucumbers, plums, pears, apples, peaches and apricots are in great demand. In the fall you can organize wholesale trade sweet peppers, eggplants and cabbage.

The same goes for clothes and shoes. The assortment of a retail outlet must change with the changing seasons, otherwise the entrepreneur will not benefit from the business he has started.

Typical mistakes of novice entrepreneurs in the field of trading on market squares

You should not count on the fact that by purchasing goods on the cheap, renting a retail outlet and finding several buyers, you can build a real business that you can pass on to your own children.

Many entrepreneurs stay afloat for only a few years, or even months, after which they close down, having come to the erroneous conclusion that such a business is unprofitable.

In reality, such problems arise due to numerous mistakes made during the trading process, here are some of them:

The listed reasons are far from the only ones, but in most cases they are responsible for negative impact for trading business.

The impact of the crisis on trading on the market

Successful trade largely depends on the purchasing power of citizens.

During crisis years, buyers have less money, and accordingly, they go to the market less often, which leads to a decrease in the number of sales and the closure of many retail outlets.

In crisis years the most profitable way to trade products and basic necessities. Clothing, shoes and small household appliances are in less demand, as are interior items. A crisis is detrimental to trade, but having extensive experience in this area, you can adapt to it.

Typically, novice entrepreneurs take into account investments in premises renovation, commercial equipment,
rent, but at the same time they forget about the product, hoping to take it for sale and get by with minimal expenses. This is their first serious systemic error, which puts an end to the very possibility of making the business profitable. Clothing for sale in most cases is given when it is impossible to sell it on an advance payment due to the price not matching the quality or season, and therefore it will not be in demand, and it will not be possible to make a high enough markup on it. And this is the second important rule:


It is a fairly common myth that the price should be as low as possible; it is better to make a smaller markup and make money on turnover. However, to earn the same amount at a lower markup, turnover must grow exponentially. For example: if you want to earn 10 thousand UAH of profit with a 100% markup, then the revenue should be 100 thousand UAH, and to earn the same amount of profit with a 50% markup, then the revenue should already be 450 thousand UAH. Now think about whether reducing the price by a quarter will give you a 4-fold increase in sales?! This leads to the third rule:


The experience of successful clothing stores testifies to an indisputable fact: they planned to buy goods on an advance payment basis, thereby receiving the lowest possible purchase price and increasing the markup. The costs of creating inventory make up the lion's share of all investments in opening a store and often reach 50-80% of this amount. Ignoring this truth and the eternal hope for “maybe”, characteristic of our compatriots, from the very beginning transfer the project into the category of stillborn. As the classic said: “Money in the morning, chairs in the evening.” If you want to sell a product, take the trouble to buy it first. If you do not have enough funding for this main article expenses when opening a store, it’s better not to open. But let’s say the financing problem is solved and you are ready to buy clothes. How much does it need to buy?


The law of the genre is the constant presence of sufficient remainders. It is unrealistic to sell goods “for zero”: a store cannot operate successfully with empty or half-empty shelves. A trivial truth, and the majority of already working entrepreneurs, having read it, will say: “Of course,” and move on to the next rule. But take your time: not everything is so simple. Let’s say, with a full display, you can display 100 pieces in your sales area. What do first-time entrepreneurs usually do? They buy just 100 pieces, promise the supplier to come in a week, and, happy, cut the red ribbon of the new store. Buyers on the first day buy 10 pieces, naturally the most interesting ones, the next 5 pieces, then 3 pieces... and trade stops. Why? Because the Pareto law comes into effect, which states: 20% of the assortment gives 80% of the profit. But you did not replenish the product display on the sales floor in a timely manner, and now buyers are forced to choose the best from the worst. And 20% of your retail space is idle. Conclusion: it is necessary to maintain the balance of goods on the floor every day, and for this you should have bought 150 or even 200 pieces, depending on how often you are able to receive new goods from the supplier. If you do not have a warehouse, it is better to fence off part of the sales area for it, but in no case reduce the exposure; bring in and lay out clothes every day to replace those sold. In addition, nothing prevents you from finding out the client's needs and offering him something special, especially for him, from the warehouse. Psychologically, this very well encourages the visitor to buy.


Systematically means preferably weekly. Your regular customers have already seen your collection and they will visit you as often as you update your exhibition. If they come to Once again and see nothing new, they will be disappointed. If they get used to the fact that you have, for example, an update every Thursday, then visiting your store will become a habit for them. And your new supply is almost guaranteed to sell out. In addition, to bring new models into the hall, you will have to change the location of old models, and most likely, your visitors will see them in a new light and purchase them along with the new product. Systematicity in this case ensures stable sales and high customer loyalty. If, by the time of your next purchase, for some reason you have not managed to sell what was planned, then you should still update your assortment. Typically, entrepreneurs do not do this and wait until something is sold out before making another purchase. As paradoxical as it sounds, such an attempt to stay within the budget has an extremely negative impact on future sales and the profitability of the project as a whole. And so that you are not afraid to go against what seems like common sense to you, but in fact is not, we will tell you about the sixth, strategic rule:


It is known that businessmen understand that money invested in store renovations is not returned. They also do not expect to sell the equipment at the purchase price if the store closes or moves and are ready to make a very significant discount in order to get rid of it. However, few of them realize that recovering their investment in inventory is almost as difficult. The structure and composition of product balances will constantly change, but their value will constantly grow due to the remains of new seasons. Some part will have to be written off, and some will have to be discounted. But selling your stock completely and immediately is only possible at a price several times lower than its cost. Otherwise, there is only one option left: to give these clothes to someone for sale without any guarantees. Therefore, when assessing your business, we strongly recommend making a reserve to cover losses associated with the markdown of the minimum inventory balance. We usually do not want to think that any store will have to close sooner or later, deluding ourselves into thinking that if this happens, it will not be soon. But life usually adjusts our plans without our consent, and those who are honest with themselves can avoid unnecessary disappointments. The practical benefit of this rule is as follows: when the season comes to an end, entrepreneurs begin to reduce prices and stop current purchases in order to finish the season with minimal balances and use the freed-up funds to buy clothes for the new season. Everything is logical and such efforts are necessary, but within reasonable limits. You need to understand that it is impossible to finish the season without leftovers, and that such attempts lead to a sharp and unjustified decrease in turnover. Moreover, the decrease will affect not only the current season, but also the next one. For example, if you finished summer season with balances equal to at least half of your product display, then in January-February, when winter sales begin to fall sharply, your visitors will be happy to purchase this summer product at a discount, which will help maintain trade turnover during the off-season. That is, the balances are not just not problem, and their availability in sufficient quantities is vital to ensure good sales throughout the year.

Exists great amount positions and directions in which the trading network can be developed. Some of them are attractive because of their large turnover, others because of their high percentage markup, others because of one-time profits, and others because of their relative stability. Many sellers are let down by the desire to get maximum profit without taking into account other significant factors. Meanwhile, it’s not just the numbers that need to be taken into account net profit from sales, but also requirements for storing goods, consumer demand, seasonality. In addition, a lot depends on the starting capital, which you can spend on purchasing the first batches of goods.

What store should I open?

You don’t always need to chase the possibility of a high markup. For example, in retail chains that sell food, the retail markup rarely exceeds 10%, however, due to the fact that the products are always sold well, even such a markup is quite profitable. Naturally, when planning to trade products, we must not forget that this is a perishable product that requires storage conditions. Therefore, you must take care of the warehouse space and get rid of excess goods in the warehouse in a timely manner. To some extent, this also applies to household chemicals, although the shelf life here is much longer.

Hygiene items and household chemicals are also products that are always in demand, but competition in this area is very high.

Unlike food products, clothing and footwear provide the seller with high profits due to the possibility of a significant (up to 200%) markup relative to the purchase price. Here, too, it is worth focusing on the average buyer, because luxury clothing brands, although they provide more one-time income, are much more difficult to sell. In addition, the start-up capital required to purchase clothing in the mid-price segment in the required range is much less than when working with the premium segment. An undoubted advantage of the clothing trade is the absence of expiration dates, but this comes at the price of seasonality. Special attention It is worth paying attention to children's things: it is profitable to trade in them, and buyers will come again and again as their children grow up.

As for low one-time profits, you shouldn’t be afraid of them if your product is popular enough to be bought in large volumes. For example, a package in a supermarket rarely costs more than one or two rubles, but given that its wholesale price does not exceed 20 kopecks, it turns out that the markup is up to a thousand percent. The main thing is to ensure the necessary demand.

Please note that certain types of activities are subject to mandatory licensing. In addition, you may need certificates for certain products.

Look for profitable options

In general, if there is sufficient consumer interest, you can find many “compromise” categories of goods, the cost of which is five to ten times lower than the selling price, and you do not need to sell several thousand units to ensure an acceptable income. In this regard, children are ideal consumers. Even a small retail outlet next to a circus or amusement park can bring huge profits. You can sell cheap Chinese toys, cotton candy or popcorn. For example, the cost of an average glass of popcorn is 4-5 rubles (of which 3 rubles is, in fact, a paper glass), and the selling price is about 50 rubles.

An entrepreneur engaged in trade dreams that his goods will not linger on the shelves, but will quickly find demand. But during a crisis, the financial situation of the population worsens. Accordingly, people are less likely to shop for non-essential goods. It would seem that those businessmen who trade clothes, they may not worry about this: they say, a crisis is a crisis, and every person needs not only to eat something, but also to wear something every day. However, changing conditions force them to be especially careful when deciding which clothes profitable to trade, and which one will almost certainly not find demand.


Approaching summer period of the year. Which clothes Is it worth trading so that it quickly finds demand and brings profit to the businessman? Look at this question from a basic point of view common sense. What clothes will people most likely buy, even in conditions when their financial situation has become noticeably more difficult? Of course, first of all - inexpensive. But the word “inexpensive” should in no case be synonymous with words such as “bad”, “outdated”, etc. That is, if a businessman focuses on inexpensive summer clothes - light trousers, shorts, shirts, blouses, light windbreaker jackets - and the clothes are of quite acceptable quality, his goods will almost certainly sell out quickly.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs think about opening a children's clothing store, but the business they start does not always bring profit and pleasure from work. In most cases, this is due to mistakes and misconceptions about this area of ​​business.

Is it profitable to open a children's clothing store?

Every experienced entrepreneur will say that it is beneficial if the store pleases with a large assortment, low prices and friendly service. But, as you know, this alone is not enough.

Many mothers complain that it is difficult to find beautiful and practical clothes for a child; one store has high prices, another has a small assortment. Children grow quickly, so, unlike adults, they need to update their wardrobe a lot more often.

The main task of a businessman who opened a children's clothing store is to listen to parents and children and try to fully satisfy their desires, only then will his favorite business bring profit.

The most important thing for a children's store at the planning stage is the idea and concept. This is where you need to start developing a plan and taking action. It is important to remember that a children's clothing store must please parents and children, therefore, it is worth inventing interesting name and design.

We need to answer the question: “What will be special in my store, what will make it stand out from competitive environment?. Usually at this stage the entrepreneur must come up with the name, style and concept of the future store.

The role of clothing segments and positioning rules

To decide on positioning, you must first select the children's clothing segment that will be presented in the store.

There are three of them: low, medium and high. Economy class clothing belongs to the low category, that is, the cheapest; the middle segment is occupied by most children's clothing market, and the high one is represented in boutiques and luxury shopping centers.

When positioning a low-segment children's clothing store, you need to focus on low prices And good quality. Prices for clothing in thrift stores are quite low compared to representatives of other segments, which attracts a fairly large part of buyers.

The middle segment is represented big amount manufacturers. Here, not only the price of the product matters, but also the manufacturer. Mothers often pay attention to the country of origin, and some give preference only to a certain company.

High-end clothing is less popular than children's clothing in other price categories. This is due to the high price; manufacturers produce elite collections, and stores sell them to regular customers.

When opening a children's clothing store It is advisable to select an age group, for which the product being sold is designed. Of course, you can sell clothes for newborns, older children, and schoolchildren in one store. But, as you understand, the larger the assortment of goods, the larger the space required.

There is no such problem in a store for adults, since clothing sizes are standard. Check out the article where you will find several useful ideas, which can also be used in a children's clothing store.

And, for example, in an online store you can display any number of products. Read the information about opening an online store, and then open your own clothing store for children.

Preparation of documents for a clothing store

Once the concept and idea of ​​a children's clothing store has been chosen, you need to think about the necessary documents.

Before opening, the following preparatory work should be carried out:

  • submit to tax documents to register an individual entrepreneur, and then send the necessary package of documents to the Pension Fund. Registration takes 5 working days, and documents can be submitted to the Pension Fund within 1 day;
  • rent a room, sign an agreement with the landlord, draw up documents for fire safety;
  • find suppliers and ask them to send all the necessary certificates for clothing;
  • create the necessary accounting documentation, hire an accountant or enter into an agreement with an agency providing accounting services.

How to choose the right location for a children's clothing store?

Once the idea has been developed and the individual entrepreneur has been registered, you can begin to search for suitable premises. Right choice retail space is 50% of success. Its area depends on the number of age groups that will be represented in it.

Sometimes the situation is exactly the opposite: there is already a room, and depending on its size it is necessary to decide on the assortment. In both cases, you need to adhere to the basic rules.

Often, a future entrepreneur thinks about where the store should be located: in a shopping center, residential building or in a separate building. Here you need to carefully analyze the area in which the premises are selected, for example, it would be great if there are schools, cultural centers, kindergartens, sections, etc. nearby.

But in no case should you make the most common mistake - opening a children's clothing store next to a circus, children's theater, entertainment complex, a zoo, since the main purpose of people visiting these establishments has nothing to do with shopping.

In a separate building or store located in a residential building, you can sell clothing of any segment, focusing on the wealth of families living in the area.

But the shopping center does not always agree to allocate space on its area. This is due to the policy of the shopping center; in some, in order to rent, you will need to provide a presentation of your project, the administration reviews it and makes a decision.

Important, so that the store does not deviate from the style and concept of the shopping center and was in the same segment with other products.

For example, if a shopping center sells clothing from brands such as TomFarr, Wojcik, Ceremony and other brands of adult and children's clothing, then administrators will not allow the sale of Ivashka knitwear, etc. nearby.

In centers focused on the low segment, it is also not worth opening a store with more expensive clothing models, since customers there are accustomed to different prices.

Selecting children's clothing suppliers

Unfortunately, this issue is one of the most problematic for all entrepreneurs involved in children's clothing. At the initial stage, it is better to conclude an agreement with 3-4 large ones, and then find new ones and update the assortment.

To prevent sales from falling, you cannot constantly buy the same thing, as this will bore customers. This is especially true for stores that are located in residential areas, where there are many regular customers.

All suppliers must be in the same price segment. It is highly undesirable to interfere with manufacturers' products different countries, this can reduce the authority of the store.

Decoration of a store premises

This is the next step that needs to be carefully considered in order to create a popular and profitable store.

The most important rule that applies here: everything should look nice and neat. If necessary, it is worth making repairs and choosing calm, light colors.

It is important to monitor the appearance of the product itself; it should not look careless, wrinkled or dirty. To properly decorate your store and create the perfect design for it, it is better to turn to professionals.

In order for the store opening to go smoothly, you need to plan all the steps in advance. The instructions “” and the article you are reading now will help you with this.

To analyze the profitability of a store, you can use EBITDA - what it is and the calculation formula.

For an online children's clothing store, consider using a courier service. Information on how to choose a courier service and the benefits of delivery outsourcing for business.

Coordination with relevant authorities

After the preparation of the store is almost completed and the long-awaited opening is approaching, you need to contact Rospotrebnadzor, the Trade Department and Gospozhnadzor, coordinate with them the opening of the store and obtain the relevant documents.

You can find out more about their requirements in the relevant documents, but you need to be prepared for the following:

  • Rospotrebnadzor will check compliance sanitary standards, which can be read in the “Laboratory Control Program”;
  • The fire inspection, if there are no violations, issues a permit to trade. It is important to remember that during trading activities it is necessary to conduct fire safety training for employees and keep a special log;
  • When checking, the trading department takes the “Trade Rules” as a basis individual species goods”, special attention should be paid to equipment when preparing the premises.

Personnel and marketing policy

Proper preparation and opening of a store is only half of a successful project; a competent marketing policy and qualified personnel are important.

The number of employees depends on the sales area, if the store is small, then you can hire one salesperson or sell it yourself, but for a large one you may need a whole staff: a manager, several salespeople and a cleaning lady.

IN Lately SMS newsletters have become widely popular, informing about the start of sales, the arrival of new collections, etc.

Don’t forget about such holidays as Knowledge Day, Children’s Day and New Year. On these days, you can invite animators, give each customer small gifts, or organize a lottery.

Opening a children's clothing store is a difficult and economically expensive undertaking, but with the right approach it can will be interesting and profitable. The main thing is to be confident, provide for all the features of the opening, and also carefully prepare for business activities.

What else to read