Recycling of polymers. "Recycling of polymer materials in Europe: new and proven solutions" Plastic processing technologies


Provided by INVENTRA, a member of the CREON Group and which organized this event, which brought together leading industry representatives in the Russian capital on February 17. Polymer recycling, so developed in European countries

, in Russia is still in its infancy: separate waste collection has not been established, there is no regulatory framework, there is no infrastructure, and there is no consciousness among the majority of the population. However, market players look to the future with optimism, placing hopes, among other things, on the Year of Ecology, which was declared in the country in 2017 by presidential decree. Third international Conference"Polymer recycling 2017"

, organized by INVENTRA, took place in Moscow on February 17. The event partners were Polymetrix, Uhde Inventa-Fischer, Starlinger Viscotec, MAAG Automatik, Erema and Moretto; support was provided by Nordson, DAK Americas and PETplanet. The information sponsor of the conference is the magazine “Polymer Materials”. “The current situation is not inspiring, but its improvement is a matter of time,” said the Managing Director of the CREON Group in his welcoming speech Sergey Stolyarov

. – With high prices for primary raw materials, the demand for processed polymers and products made from them will grow. At the same time, the emergence of domestic raw materials will shift the structure of primary consumption towards fibers and films. In this regard, the use of secondary polymers becomes especially promising.” At the end of 2016, the global collection of PET for recycling amounted to 11.2 million tons, said consultant PCI Wood Mackenzie Helen McGeough . The main share fell on Asian countries - 55%, in Western Europe

17% of the global volume was collected, in the USA - 13%. According to the expert's forecast, by 2020, PET collections for recycling will exceed 14 million tons, and in percentage terms, the collection level will reach 56% (currently 53%). The main growth is expected to come from Asian countries, in particular China. On this moment

According to Ms. McGee, from the PET collected in 2016 (which, recall, is 11.2 million tons), production losses amounted to 2.1 million tons, respectively, 9.1 million tons of flakes were obtained. The main direction of further processing is fibers and threads (66 %).

By 2025, Europe will recycle 60% household waste, in 2030 this figure will increase to 65%. Such amendments are planned to the Waste Framework Directive, said Kaspars Fogelmanis, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nordic Plast. Now the level of recycling is much lower - in Latvia, for example, it is only 21%, on average in Europe - 44%.

At the same time, the volumes of plastic packaging produced in the Baltics are growing annually; the most common recycled polymers are LDPE film, HDPE and PP.

In Russia, at the end of 2016, consumption of recycled PET (rePET) amounted to about 177 thousand tons, of which 90% was domestic collection. As reported Konstantin Rzaev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of EcoTechnology Group of Companies, almost 100% of imports were PET flakes for the production of polyester fiber. The largest supplying countries are Ukraine (more than 60%), as well as Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Lithuania and Tajikistan.

Konstantin Rzaev noted that last year the collection level exceeded 25% for the first time, and this suggests the emergence of a full-fledged industry in Russia that is already of interest for investment. Today, the main consumer (62% of the total volume) and price driver is still the recycled PET fiber segment. But changes in legislation and the trend towards priority use recycled materials As part of the Sustainable Development strategies of transnational manufacturing companies (TNPs), they provide fertile ground for the development of another key segment of rePET consumption – bottle-to-bottle.

No new ones have appeared over the past year large productions consuming rePET, but its use in the sheet segment is gradually increasing.

However, already in 2017, the opening of new production of recycled PET fiber and the expansion of existing ones is expected, which, together with the ruble exchange rate, will be the main factor influencing the market balance and prices for rePET.

However, there are many other areas - still undeveloped, but quite promising, where recycled PET is also in demand. As the honorary president of ARPET said Victor Kernitsky, these are threads for furniture fabrics, car upholstery and various types geosynthetics, foam materials for heat and sound insulation, sorption materials for wastewater treatment, as well as bitumen-reinforcing fibers for road construction.

According to the expert, there are many new processing technologies and applications, and the goal is public policy There should not be a restriction on the use of PET, but rather the collection and rational use of its waste.

Continued the topic Lyubov Melanevskaya, executive director of the RusPEC association, who spoke about the first results of the introduction of extended producer responsibility (EPR) in Russia. It came into force in 2016, its goal is to create a constant, solvent and growing demand for the recycling of product and packaging waste. After a year, it is already possible to draw some conclusions, the main one being that there are a number of problems due to which the mechanism for implementing the EPR often simply does not work. As Ms. Melanevskaya said at the conference, there is a need to change and supplement the existing regulation. In particular, when declaring goods, including packaging, manufacturers were faced with a discrepancy between the product packaging codes and the codes specified in the adopted regulations, as a result of which many manufacturers and importers were unable to submit declarations, because did not find themselves in regulation. The solution was to abandon codes and propose to switch to packaging identification based on materials.

In the future, RusPEC believes, it is necessary to adopt a single end-to-end terminology for all elements of the EPR and define unambiguous, understandable and transparent conditions for concluding contracts with waste management operators. In general, the association supports the EPR law as necessary and positive for the industry.

When introducing and popularizing PET recycling in a country, the availability of modern technologies (as a rule, they are provided by foreign companies) is of great importance. Thus, Polymetrix offers modern solutions for recycling PET, in particular, SSP technology for recycling into food-grade polyethylene terephthalate bottles. There are currently 21 such lines operating in the world, he said. Danil Polyakov, regional sales manager. The technology involves processing bottles into granules for food containers. The first stage is washing, when complete removal paper fibers and surface contaminants, as well as labels and adhesives. Next, the bottles are crushed into flakes, which are sorted by color. Then comes the removal of impurities (wood, metal, rubber, colored flakes) to a level of less than 20 ppm.

According to Mr. Polyakov, the extrusion process can produce a variety of granules: cylindrical or spherical, amorphous or crystallized.

Viscotec offers its consumers technology for processing PET bottles into sheets, says a company representative Gerhard Osberger. Thus, solid-phase polycondensation reactors viscoSTAR and deCON are designed to purify and increase the viscosity of PET granules and flakes. They are used after the granulator, before production extrusion equipment, or as a stand-alone unit.

The ViscoSHEET line is capable of producing tape that is made from 100% rPET and is completely food grade.

Erema company representative Christophe Viosse spoke about the continuous production of food plastic bottles from PET flakes. The VACUREMA® inline system makes it possible to process flakes directly into finished thermoforming sheet, bottle preform, finished packaging tape or monofilament.

Summing up the results of the conference, its participants identified the main factors hindering the development of polymer recycling in Russia. They named the main one as the lack of regulatory documents:

“However, there is another factor that we cannot ignore: public consciousness, says the conference director Rafael Grigoryan. – Unfortunately, our mentality today is such that separate waste collection is perceived more as pampering than as the norm. And no matter what progress we observe in other areas, it is necessary, first of all, to change the thinking of our fellow citizens. Without this, even the most modern infrastructure will be useless.”

These were the results of the industry conference “Polymer Recycling 2017”. A detailed list can be found in our calendar.

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IN modern world The problem of recycling polymer waste is considered quite urgent. Millions of tons of products are collected in landfills every year of this type. And only a small part of polymers is recycled. As a result of this, high-quality raw materials are obtained, suitable for the production of new products.

What are polymer products?

Every year the volume of production polymer materials increases by approximately 5%. This popularity is due to their many positive properties.

This product is primarily used as packaging. It increases the service life of products that are inside the packaging. Also, polymers have excellent appearance and long service life.

Modern industry produces the following types of products of this type:

  • polyethylene and materials made on its basis – 34%;
  • PET – 20%;
  • laminated paper – 17%;
  • PVC – 14%;
  • polypropylene – 7%;
  • polystyrene – 8%.

What products are suitable for processing?

Not all polymers are recycled.

Thermoplastic synthetic materials which, when exposed to high temperature able to change their shape, most often used for recycling.

Therefore, for this purpose, the following types of waste are collected and prepared in a special way:

  • materials that remain during the plastic production process. Most often these are all kinds of segments. Products of this type are of high quality because they contain no impurities. They arrive at processing plants already sorted, which greatly simplifies preparatory stage work. Up to 90% of all industrial waste is usually recycled;
  • post-consumer polymers. They are also called household waste. These are bags, disposable tableware, plastic bottles, window profiles and many other products. A feature of these materials is their contamination. To process polymers of this type, a lot of effort and resources must be spent on sorting and cleaning waste.

What is the main problem of recycling polymer waste?

At the moment, only a small part of all existing waste is recycled. The development of this area is slow, despite its relevance. This is due to the following:

  • the state does not provide all the necessary regulatory and technical standards that could ensure high quality recyclable materials. That is why there are no powerful production facilities supplying the market with processed waste with optimal characteristics;
  • since they are not used to carry out the processing process modern technologies, huge financial resources are required to maintain it;
  • due to the lack of government support, the level of waste collection among the population and small enterprises is low;
  • the resulting recyclable materials are not sufficiently competitive;
  • There is no campaigning among the population that would encourage them to separate waste disposal. Most people do not understand that using recycled materials allows you to limit the consumption of other resources - oil, gas.

How is recyclable material collected for recycling?

Recycling of polymers occurs after all stages of raw material preparation have been completed:

  1. Special points are opening that are engaged in the collection and primary sorting of the received products. They cooperate both with the population and with industrial enterprises of various types.
  2. Collection of polymers from household waste storage sites. Usually special companies do this.
  3. Raw materials enter the secondary market after preliminary sorting at special waste processing stations.
  4. Processing companies purchase recyclable materials from large industrial complexes. Such materials are less contaminated and do not require such careful preparation for processing.
  5. A small part of recyclable materials is also collected thanks to a special program that involves separate waste collection.

How is polymer processing carried out?

After collection and primary sorting, polymer waste is processed in the following way:

  1. Grinding of raw materials. It is one of the important stages in the preparation of polymers for further processing. The degree of grinding of materials determines the quality characteristics of products that will be manufactured in the future. To carry out this stage of work, modern plants use a cryogenic processing method. It allows you to get from polymer products powder with a degree of dispersion from 0.5 to 2 mm.
  2. Separation of plastics by type. To carry out this operation, the flotation method is most often used. It involves adding special surfactants to water that can act on certain types of polymers and change their hydrophilic properties. Dissolving raw materials with special substances is also very effective. Subsequently, it is treated with steam, which allows the necessary products to be isolated. There are other methods for separating polymers (aero- and electrical separation, chemical methods, deep freezing), but they are less popular.
  3. Washing. The resulting raw materials are washed in several stages using special products.
  4. Drying. Materials are first removed from water in centrifuges. Final drying takes place in special machines. The result is a product with a moisture content of 0.2%.
  5. Granulation. The prepared material enters a special installation, where it is compacted as much as possible. The result is a product that is suitable for the production of polymer products of any type.

Recycling plastic bottles

Standard list of equipment for a waste recycling plant

Recycling of polymer waste is carried out using the following equipment:

  • washing line, where raw materials are cleaned with minimal labor costs;
  • extruder - used to give the plastic mass the desired shape by extrusion;
  • belt conveyors - to move raw materials in the desired direction;
  • shredders – designed for primary crushing of materials. They are able to work with almost any raw material;
  • crushers – are actively used for more thorough grinding of raw materials after using a shredder;
  • mixers and dispensers;
  • agglomerators – necessary for processing thin polymer films;
  • granulators - used to compact processed raw materials;
  • dryers;
  • refrigerators;
  • sinks;
  • press and others.

What is the cost of waste in the relevant market?

Having analyzed prices on the market, it is clear that the cost of waste stored in landfills is 3-6 times lower than the price of recyclable materials (relative to primary raw materials 7-10 times). If we analyze pricing using the example of polyethylene film, we can understand the following:

  • the price of landfill material from intermediary companies is 5 rubles per 1 kg;
  • after washing and sorting, the cost of the film increases to 12 rubles/kg;
  • raw materials in the form of agglomerate or granules have an even higher cost - 25-35 rubles / kg;
  • the price of primary polyethylene varies from 37 to 49 rubles/kg.

Such a big difference in prices is not observed for all products. For example, it is almost imperceptible with PVC, polypropylene, polystyrene and ABS plastic. In the case of PET, the cost of landfill raw materials differs from recycled products by only 2-3 times. This is explained by the peculiarities of its processing, as a result of which flakes are obtained by grinding.

Where are the received recyclables sold?

Companies that recycle waste most often send the resulting product for sale. If such factories have their own equipment, they can produce polymers from the resulting raw materials. But this is not always economically profitable

Manufactured plastic products are most often of the same type, which makes it difficult to sell them in large quantities.

Most often, such companies are engaged in the production of sewer pipes, building materials or some car parts. There is a great demand for this type of product in the market.

Third-party recycling of polymer waste is also very popular. This service consists in the fact that the interested company gives its waste to the plant, which, after recycling, returns the finished recyclables to it. The owner of polymer waste pays about 8-10 rubles/kg for their processing, which is considered a very profitable deal.

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In Russia, the level of production and consumption of polymer materials is relatively low when compared with other developed countries of the world. Polymer processing is carried out on only 30% of the total volume of material. This is very little, considering the total volume of waste of this type.

A little about polymer products

Almost half of all polymers come from packaging containers. This use of polymer materials is determined not only by the aesthetic appearance of the product, but also by the safety of the product in the packaging. Polymer waste are formed in significant quantities - about 3.3 million tons. Every year this number increases by about 5%.

The main types of polymer waste are represented by the following materials:

  • Polyethylene materials – 34%
  • PET – 20%
  • Laminated paper – 17%
  • PVC – 14%. Polystyrene – 8%
  • Polypropylene – 7%

Disposal of the bulk of plastic involves burial in the soil or incineration. However, such methods are not acceptable ecological point vision. When materials are buried, soil poisoning occurs due to the presence of harmful substances in the composition. Also, when burned, toxic substances are released into the atmosphere, which all living things subsequently breathe.

The processing of polymer materials using new technologies is developing poorly for the following reasons:

  1. The state lacks the necessary regulatory and technical conditions and production facilities for the creation of high-quality secondary raw materials. For this reason, secondary polymer raw materials created from waste are characterized by low quality.
  2. The resulting products have low competitiveness.
  3. High cost of recycling plastics - a price assessment for this activity showed that approximately 8 times more processing costs are required than for household waste.
  4. Low level of collection and processing of such material due to the lack of economic conditions and legislative support.
  5. Lack of information base regarding the issue of recycling and separate waste collection. Few people are aware that polymer recycling is a great alternative oil in production.


There are 3 main types of polymer waste:

  1. Technological – include two groups: removable and irremovable. The first type is represented by defective products, which are subsequently immediately processed into another product. The second type represents all kinds of waste during the production of polymers; they are also eliminated through recycling and the manufacture of new products.
  2. Public consumption waste – all waste related to Everyday life people, which is usually thrown out with food waste. Introducing the habit of collecting garbage in separate bags and throwing it away separately could greatly facilitate the solution to the recycling problem.
  3. Waste industrial consumption– this type contains secondary polymers suitable for processing due to low level pollution. These include all packaging products, bags, tires, etc. - all of this is written off due to deformation or failure. They are readily accepted by processing enterprises.

Chain of extraction and processing of recyclable materials

Extraction and processing of polymer waste is carried out according to the specified technological chain:

  1. Organization of points that accept secondary polymer raw materials. At these points, primary sorting and pressing of raw materials are performed.
  2. Collection of material from landfills, legally or illegally, by companies involved in the processing of secondary raw materials.
  3. The release of raw materials to the market after preliminary sorting at special waste processing stations.
  4. Purchase of material by processing companies from large shopping complexes. Such recyclables are less contaminated and subject to minor sorting.
  5. Collection of recyclable materials thanks to the implementation of a program necessary for separate waste collection. The program is being implemented at a low level due to the lack of citizen activity. People without a fixed place of residence carry out acts of vandalism, which involve breaking containers intended for separate waste collection.
  6. Pre-processing of polymer waste.

Polymer processing begins in the processing plant. It consists of a number of actions:

  • Performing rough sorting for mixed waste.
  • Further grinding of recyclable materials.
  • Perform separation of mixed waste.
  • Washing.
  • Drying.
  • Granulation process.

Not all residents Russian Federation aware of the benefits of recycling. Polymer materials will not only bring a small income if you regularly take them to recycling plants, but will also save environment from hazardous substances, released during the decomposition of polymer materials.

Equipment for processing polymer waste

The entire complex for processing the necessary raw materials includes:

  1. Washing line.
  2. Extruder.
  3. Necessary conveyor belts.
  4. Shredders – crush almost all types of polymer products and belong to the first stage.
  5. Crusher - they are classified as the second stage of shredders and are used after using a shredder.
  6. Mixers and dispensers.
  7. Agglomerators.
  8. Screen substitutes.
  9. Granulation lines or granulators.
  10. Machine for post-processing of finished products.
  11. Dryer.
  12. Dosing device.
  13. Refrigerators.
  14. Press.
  15. Sink.

Currently, the production of crushed polymer materials, so-called “flakes,” is especially important. For their production, a modern installation is used - a polymer crusher. Most entrepreneurs do not even think about purchasing equipment for processing, considering this service

expensive. However, in reality it pays for itself in about 2-3 years of use.

Recycling technology The most common technology for processing polymer waste is extrusion.

This method consists of continuously pressing molten raw materials through a special forming head. Using the output channel, the profile of the future product is determined.

  • Thanks to processing using this method, the following is obtained from recycled materials:
  • Hoses.
  • Pipes.
  • Siding.
  • Insulation for wires.
  • Capillaries.

Through extrusion, polymer raw materials are recycled, as well as granulation. Polymer granulation makes it possible to effectively use secondary raw materials in various fields human activity. Polymer waste drives market penetration large quantity new products made through recycling of recyclable materials. To carry out the extrusion process, special equipment is used - a screw extruder.

The technology for processing waste polymers is as follows:

  • Melting of the polymer material in the extruder.
  • Plasticization.
  • Injection into the head.
  • Exit through the forming head.

To process plastics in production, different types of extrusion equipment are used:

  1. Screwless. The mass is pressed into the head using a specially shaped disk.
  2. Disk. Used when it is necessary to achieve improved mixing of the constituent components of the mixture.
  3. Combined extruders. The working device combines the screw and disk parts of the mechanism. Used to create products that require high precision geometric dimensions.

The use of waste polymer materials as secondary raw materials helps not only to reduce the volume of waste stored in landfills, but also to significantly reduce the amount of electricity consumed and petroleum products used to manufacture polymer products.

To effectively resolve this issue, the authorities need to inform citizens about the benefits of separate waste collection and recycling of all types for the purpose of further production of products necessary for various purposes, including household ones.

The widespread use of polymer material implies timely disposal of raw materials and recycling for subsequent use. To carry out these actions it is necessary the following types equipment: agglomeration devices, crushing mechanisms and granulating devices.

Environmental conditions dictate the need for waste-free production of polymer-type goods in order to avoid polluting the environment. For this reason industrial production annually increases production capacity due to secondary and subsequent processing of polymers.

Agglomerators, as a result of their operation, convert the polymer into an agglomerate. This device is a mechanism for processing used polymer products. The process occurs due to the sintering of finely crushed particles into granular components. The resulting granulated raw material is reused in the production of polymer products, in the form of a main or auxiliary element.

Polymer processing technology

Polymer processing involves preliminary operations in the unit sector, using appropriate knives. Further, the processing of polymers continues with heat treatment (under the influence of high temperature regime there is frequent contact of crumbs of polymer raw materials).

When operating temperatures reach one hundred degrees, the container is filled with water. The created liquid medium promotes the formation of agglomerate. The formed granular components, through a special shutter valve, are moved into a tank chamber for temporary storage and subsequent removal.

Granulators are devices that are used for... Granular processing of polymers is achieved through microcrushing operations and the formation of uniform polymer or plastic granules. The resulting granulate is used as a feedstock in the production of cast and extruded polymer substances.

As a rule, granulators are a rather complex structure, consisting of several synchronized units. The design of the equipment is presented in the form of an extruder for melting the crushed mass, a strand head for filtering the polymer solution, a bath for cooling the finished product, a device for cutting granules, and a hopper for collecting granular particles.

Equipment for polymer processing

For secondary operations, polymer processing provides equipped with directed action mechanisms - crushing and grinding production lines. With their help, the preliminary preparatory process of waste polymer products for extrusion and sintering operations occurs. There are three types of different power crushing lines.

Depending on the technical equipment of the model used, shredding devices can perform sifting functions to separate small-sized elements, automatically wash and dry polymer materials. They are also equipped with moving conveyor belts, metal detectors, and noise protection, which greatly simplifies the process of processing recycled polymer mass.

Polymer processing is also a necessary environmentally friendly activity that requires costs for special equipment. The greatest economic effect, as a rule, is achieved by processing enterprises equipped with modern, high-performance plants. High-quality operation of the equipment is the key to an excellent result, obtaining a high-quality product in the form of raw materials for further use in the production of polymer products.

Recycling of polymers is an industry that is extremely poorly developed in our country. The traditional and most common method for recycling polymer waste in Russia is its burial and storage in landfills. While in developed countries Recycling plants are working hard, we are drowning in our own waste.

Polymer waste represents different types of used products and materials made from synthetic polymers. The production of the latter is carried out at industrial enterprises, while from simple substances(monomers) through polymerization and polycondensation reactions, various polymer (high molecular weight) products are obtained.

Of course, products made from polymers have a lot of advantages related to the properties of the material and the economic feasibility of its use. However, synthetic high-molecular compounds are extremely difficult to biodegrade, which has a negative impact on the environment.

Waste polymers in a huge number are formed during the manufacture of plastics and products made from them. Industrial polymer waste includes, for example, parts of plastic pipes, residues remaining during the production of plastic (PVC) windows, etc.

The largest share is made up of household polymer waste. This broad group consists of:

  • plastic bottles;
  • polyethylene packaging;
  • polymer film;
  • buildings different types equipment (household, garden, etc.);
  • plastic boxes and other plastic containers;
  • window profiles, etc.

The share of household polymer waste from the total volume of this type of waste is over 60%.


Polymer recycling includes various ways, differing not only technological process, but also by the degree environmental safety and profitability. Let's list the main methods.

Burial. This method of waste disposal is still the most popular. Involves the use of large land areas. Plastic waste cannot be biodegraded, which is why more and more areas allocated for disposal are needed. The implementation of this method has an extremely negative impact on the environment.

Burning. It does not require sorting of raw materials and does not involve large areas. However, in the process of burning polymers, toxic gases are released into the atmosphere, which make a significant “contribution” to the formation greenhouse effect and the formation of ozone holes. To minimize such phenomena, you can implement expensive types equipment for cleaning combustion products, but in this case, disposal by incineration will most likely be unprofitable.

Pyrolysis. The process of decomposition of polymer compounds is carried out under conditions of high temperature and lack of oxygen. The pyrolysis of plastic results in gaseous, liquid and solid products. The former are used, for example, for heating. The resulting liquid components can be used in the production of coolants, solid ones - in enterprises producing protective lubricants, emulsions, impregnating compositions, etc.

Pyrolysis of polymer materials provides fuel and raw materials for different areas production. To get more detailed information We recommend reading a detailed article on the topic.

Breakdown of polymers to produce products with lower molecular weight. The process of decomposition of polymer molecules is carried out when high values temperature and pressure, as well as in the presence of various compounds: water and catalysts (hydrolysis), glycols, methyl alcohol(methanolysis), etc.

Recycling of polymers. The most modern and rational method, implemented in a number of developed countries. Technology and processing of polymer waste involves the use of different methods.

Interesting fact! The benefits of recycling plastic waste are obvious. Example: the price of 1 ton of compressed PET bottles is $100, peeled and crushed is $300, plastic granules are $1000, threads used in the textile industry are $2500/t.


The work of most plants for processing polymer waste is based on one principle. Let's look at the stages of the process in more detail.

Note! Not all types of polymers are suitable. The enterprises process thermoplastic synthetic materials, among which the most common are polyethylene, PP, PVC, PS and ABS plastic.

Processing technology

To obtain raw materials from polymer waste for different areas of production, the following is carried out:

  1. Preliminary. Polymers are roughly classified according to the type of plastic, its color, shape and size. Usually this stage of processing is done manually. Foreign components are removed from the polymer mass.
  2. Grinding. An extremely important stage. The degree of grinding determines the characteristics of the resulting product. Knife crushers crush polymers into a loose mass with particle sizes of 0.2-0.9 cm. An innovative method is the cryogenic grinding method, which provides polymer crumbs with a diameter of only 0.05 - 0.2 cm.
  3. Separation of a mixture of polymers. Here they use different ways, the most popular of which is flotation: surfactants are added to water with a plastic mixture, ensuring a change in the hydrophilic properties of polymer materials.
  4. Washing and drying. The crushed mass is washed with special detergents in industrial washing machines. Using a centrifuge, the raw material is initially dried, bringing its humidity to 10-15%. Final drying (up to 0.2% moisture) is carried out in a drying unit.
  5. Granulation. The prepared raw material is compacted in the granulator, which facilitates subsequent processing of the material and ensures averaging of its characteristics. The final product is granules suitable for the production of new products and materials.


The equipment complex for processing polymers (into granules) consists of:

  • washing lines;
  • crushers;
  • extruders;
  • belt conveyors;
  • shredders;
  • agglomerators and granulators;
  • mixers and dispensers.

All of these types of equipment can be purchased separately. It is also possible to purchase a complete line for processing polymer waste into granules.

Additional Information! In the Republic of Tatarstan, today the Zelenodolsk Plant - ERA operates, processing polymers into materials for the production of children's toys and furniture.

Where to recycle

Reception of polymers is carried out in special points, which are in everyone major cities. You can also directly contact specialized companies to dispose of plastic waste (their addresses are easy to find on the Internet). “Suppliers” of polymers can be both individuals and organizations, and it is possible to get a good amount of money for the delivery of recyclable materials. Among other things, our country is beginning to practice separate waste collection, which means that plastic products must be thrown into a special container with the appropriate marking.

This video explains how the process of producing granules from plastic waste is carried out at one of the enterprises, and the importance of recycling polymer materials.

Polymer recycling is not a “tired topic” in our country. This is a free business niche, the opening of which will not only have a positive impact on the environment, but will also bring profit to the businessman. Plastic recycling is considered a profitable business, but government support is required for its successful launch.

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