Virus of profanity. Class hour "profanity virus". Hide your own weakness


Classroom scenario for students in grades 3 - 4

There is a poster on the board: “Speech is an indicator of intelligence”

At the beginning of the lesson, the students answer the questionnaire in writing. (see Attachment)

What is profanity?

This is speech filled with indecent expressions, obscene words, and swearing. Derived from the word "filth".

Few of you realize that foul language, like rudeness, is a weapon of insecure people. Rudeness allows them to hide their own vulnerability and protects them. Swearing is not just a collection of obscenities. Such vocabulary indicates a person’s spiritual illness. After all, a word is not just a set of sounds expressing a thought. It can tell a lot about our state of mind . “As a man is, such is his speech” - words ancient philosopher Socrates.


The history of the emergence of foul language. The roots of this phenomenon go back to distant pagan antiquity. Bad words were included in spells addressed to pagan deities. ( slide

) Thus, swearing is the language of communication with demons. Our ancestors uttered these words, calling upon the demons of evil to help them. Witches and sorcerers used foul language in their slander, sending curses.

Therefore, by using swear words in conversations with friends and family, people, without knowing it, are performing a secret ritual, calling upon evil day after day, year after year, on their own heads and on the heads of their loved ones. The quantity of swear words turns into quality. First, people have minor troubles, then major ones, then health problems arise and, finally, life itself breaks down.

Foul language in Rus' until about the middle of the 19th century was not only not widespread even in the countryside, but was also criminally punishable. Socrates. During the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov It was simply impossible to hear swearing on the street. Severe punishment was imposed for the use of obscene words - up to.

death penalty

Foul language reflects the speaker’s paucity of vocabulary and inability to navigate situations of the highest emotional upsurge (joy and anger).

Foul language and health Under the influence of sounds, including human speech, water molecules(and our body is approximately 80 percent composed of it) begin to line up into complex structures. And depending on the rhythm and semantic load, these structures can heal or, conversely, poison the body.

In the 20th century, a Japanese scientist scientifically proved that water not only perceives information, but can change under the influence of words and even thoughts. By using the latest equipment he was able to freeze and photograph water under a microscope. What he saw on molecular level, he was amazed. Crystals appeared in the photo different shapes and clarity - very similar in appearance to snowflakes.

Before freezing, the water was spoken with different words in many languages ​​or influenced by music. It turned out that the shape of the crystals reflects the amazing properties of water. The scientist concluded that praise affects water better than a request or demand, and foul language is not capable of generating harmonious beauty (show photo of water crystals). (slides)

As you can see, words with a negative connotation do not even form a shape, but positively charged water has beautiful, clear crystals.

Just imagine, if thoughts and words can do this to water, what they can do to a person!

Exercise “Name-calling”: It is necessary to call each other fruits, vegetables, plants.

Foul language is harmful not only spiritual development, but also physical health person. Scientists Russian Academy sciences have come to the conclusion that with the help of verbal mental images, a person creates or destroys his hereditary apparatus. Any word spoken affects our DNA, which means our life and the life of our descendants.

Another group of scientists led by Dr. biological sciences I.B. Belyavsky spent seventeen years dealing with the problem of foul language. They proved that avid swearers live much shorter lives than those who do not swear, because age-related changes occur in their cells very quickly and various diseases appear.

A group of Russian physicists has designed special apparatus, which translated sound vibrations (speech) into electromagnetic waves. It turned out that almost all the plant seeds that were “cursed” with obscenities died, and the survivors became genetic monsters, unable to program development healthy life. In the second part of the experiment, the researchers “caressed” the most with gentle words Wheat seeds killed by radioactive irradiation. The result exceeded all expectations: the mutation process in the seeds was stopped, all chromosomes and DNA fell into place and were restored.

Unfortunately, swearing negatively affects not only those who swear, but also those who are forced to listen to swearing. But our ancestors knew for a long time that evil words kill. It is no coincidence that the curse struck to death. And with a word they raised the dead and healed the sick.

Exercise “Five good words”: say five good, affectionate words to each other.

Today we learned that a bad word contains enormous destructive power.

Probably, if a person could see what a powerful negative charge, like the shock wave of an exploding bomb, spreading in all directions from a bad word, he would never utter it. Let's think about the words we say! Now answer the question: are you ready to recover from the bad language virus?

So be healthy

Carry out a campaign: “A world without foul language - your recipe” - the topic of an essay or a poster.

Download the presentation from the server

Open lesson “Profanity Virus” Purpose: prevention of profanity. Objectives:  To promote the formation of a sense of shame in adolescents, the need to express emotions and feelings in a civilized manner;  Derive the rules of speech culture;  Expand students’ knowledge about bad habits(foul language);  Familiarize teenagers with the harmful effects of foul language on health. Equipment: Whatman paper, paints, brushes, felt-tip pens, sippy cup with water, Lesson progress 1. Organizing time: Exercise “Complement” The exercise that we use today as a warm-up is called complement. Clockwise, in turn, EVERYONE pronounces a compliment to their neighbor. The only thing you need to remember when you give a complement is to say the name of the neighbor to whom the complement is intended. Complement may be accompanied by nonverbal actions (gestures, imitation, etc.). Well done! Now pay attention to the faces of your neighbors, it seems to me that the sun has risen in our class and we all have smiles and a sparkle in our eyes. Do you feel as if the class has become happier, warmer, more pleasant? And if such words were heard every day, how would you feel? Children's answers... (good, great, we wouldn't quarrel with anyone, etc.) 2. Main part: But today's topic is not about those kind, kind words, from which you want to live, laugh, do good, but about the words from which

I want to cry. And today I want to talk to you about foul language and its impact on health. And I would like to know from you, what do you think foul language is? Children's answers... Yes, you are right, bad words, swearing, obscene language, insults - all this is foul language. And here is how this word is explained in dictionaries:  Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. Foul language is speech filled with obscene expressions, obscene words, and swearing.  Ozhegov's Dictionary. Foul language, obscene words; strong words, swearing, strong expressions, barking, obscenity, obscenity, swearing, swearing, strong words, slander, curses, black words, profanity, swear words, swearing, blasphemy, speech, obscene language, swearing, swearing, swearing, swearing, cursing, strong expressions, you're great! You know the meaning of this word, but do you know why people use bad words in their speech: Answers from children...... Well done!

And many psychologists and sociologists believe that swearing is used in speech in order to:     insult, humiliate a person; show aggression; show absence of fear; show the looseness and independence of the speaker. Listen to what scientists write about foul language:  Scientists have proven that those who use foul language live much shorter lives than those who do not use foul language;  Another scientist scientifically proved that water not only perceives information, but can change under the influence of words and even thoughts. And as you know, the human body is 80% water, so bad words also affect water molecules in the human body. Using the latest equipment, he was able to freeze and photograph water under a microscope. Before freezing, the water was told different words (good, bad), and the scientist concluded that words with a negative meaning do not even form a shape, and positively charged water has beautiful, clear crystals (snowflakes). If thoughts and words can do this to water, what can they do to a person!  Other Russian researchers watered wheat grains for experimental purposes: one water heard only curse words, and the other water heard only prayers. As a result, the seeds that were watered with the first water sprouted only in 49 cases out of 100. Those that were watered with water enchanted by prayers sprouted in 96 cases. If you read a prayer or swear over a glass of water, and then drink it, then the effect of this water will correspond to what you said: you will either be pleased, joyful, light, or you will experience anxiety, anger, anger. So it should be concluded that foul language harms not only the spiritual, but also the physical, mental, and emotional health of a person. And this once again proves that, unfortunately, foul language negatively affects not only the health of those who swear, but also those who are forced to listen to swearing. Now I would like to listen to you. Take turns, each of you, tell us, show us how you feel when you hear (or have heard) obscene words addressed to you? How did you feel? Children's answers...(offended, humiliated, I want to cry, anger, I want to hit, etc.). You have heard how obscene speech affects health (science has proven) and you have heard what feelings a person experiences when they say bad words to him, and knowing all this, I would like to do a little creative work with you.

2. Exercise “Who is HE?” You need to divide into 2 teams with the same number of participants. Each team is offered whatman paper, paints, brushes, markers, and a sippy cup with water. After drawing lots, one team draws a portrait of a person who uses foul language, the other team draws a portrait of a person who does not use swear words in his speech. You also need to provide a presentation of your portrait: the title, the most striking character traits, his future. Have a representative from each team come out and choose an envelope with an assignment. Well done! The teams have received their assignments, let's get to work. You are given 10 minutes to complete. Good luck! Time is up. We hang the work on the board (magnets), and each team presents its presentation. Children's answers: First team (a person who does not use bad words in his speech): SpongeBOB light, bright colors of paint. Cheerful, kind, gentle, honest, will not leave you in trouble, a true friend. He will be simply happy and loved. Second group (a person who swears): VASYA (with bruises and a cigarette in his hands, wearing tattoos) dark colors of paint. Rude, jailer, smokes, drinks, fights, swears. Lonely, wandering, most likely to end up in prison again. Wonderful! Everything turned out just wonderful, and you have such bright personalities and character traits. And please tell me, what exactly can await a person who uses foul language and swears? Children's answers......

Now, I hope, your desire to use obscene words in your speech has decreased? You don’t want to be like our VASYA. Of course not! 3. How to get rid of foul language? Let's make up rules!   don’t say bad words yourself copy others, don’t talk like everyone else, don’t try to be like someone else   train yourself to just speak politely and beautifully read more fiction Guys, now I’ll give you some pieces of paper, on one you will write good ones words, and on the other - bad, bad. So, let's read what words you consider good. Well done! Are you ready to get rid of bad words? We won't read them, we'll just throw them into the dragon's mouth! 4. I propose to plant a “Tree of Kindness”. In order for it to grow strong and healthy, you must fertilize the soil with kind words (children write the words with a marker), then each participant glues leaves. 5. And by the end of the lesson, I wanted to read you a poem, which contains both parting words and wishes for you, to the younger generation, which should be not only smart, intelligent, but also healthy physically, psychologically and intellectually. Do not say bad words, They, like a stench, defile everything around. And gradually the soul is killed, And everything holy is destroyed before our eyes. Do good, loving your neighbor. It lifts to heaven like a miracle. Do good, the world will be more beautiful,

Do good and you will save yourself. Be patient, goodbye and don’t get angry, don’t say rude words, don’t. For this, a reward has been promised from the Lord. Let the evil disappear, you always pray. Love your neighbors as yourself. Walk the hard path of salvation, And let there be no shadow of regret, Not a shadow of murmur, but only love in the eyes. M. Gareeva (Tuymazinsky district) 3. Final part Reflection Did you like the lesson? What was new or unexpected for you? What didn't you like? Would you like to continue the topic of the dangers of foul language? Thank you all very much! Goodbye! teacher - psychologist Merenkova Yu.N.


Head of the joint venture for water management

Eltysheva O.V.



Speech is an indicator of intelligence.

There is no music sweeter than angels

listen to the words they say.
Logan Pearsall Smith

Date of: 18.12.2013

Group 24

Prepared by: Vyaznikova E.N.

Target: Prevention of foul language among group students.


    Draw students' attention to the problem of slang and foul language, its impact on ethical behavior

    Discuss the reasons for the use of slang words and obscenities in speech and possible ways to eradicate them.

    To form an understanding that lyceum students are adults who have not only rights, but also responsibilities.

Form of conduct: discussion

KMO: multimedia presentation, sheets of paper.

Preparatory work: student survey, research “Jargonisms of our group”

Progress of the class hour.

    Organizing time. (Communication of the topic, purpose and plan of the event)

    Main part.

Classroom teacher:

Profanity is speech filled with indecent expressions, obscene words, and swearing. This phenomenon has many definitions: obscene language, unprintable expressions, swearing, obscene language, vocabulary of “bodily bottom,” etc. But since ancient times, swearing among the Russian people has been called foul language, from the word “filth.”

IN adolescence the problem of obscene language becomes especially acute, because in the eyes of a teenager, foul language is a manifestation of independence, the ability to disobey prohibitions, that is, a symbol of adulthood. In addition, it is a sign of linguistic belonging to a peer group and speech fashion. Sometimes this is imitation of youth idols, for example, popular TV presenters, actors, singers.

But few of the guys realize that foul language, like rudeness, is a weapon of insecure people. Rudeness allows them to hide their own vulnerability and protects them, because discovering weakness and uncertainty at this age is tantamount to complete defeat. In addition, high school students try to offend their parents with swear words, shock them, and infuriate them in order to measure their power over them and confirm their own emotional independence from them.

Swearing is not just a collection of obscenities. Such vocabulary indicates a person’s spiritual illness. After all, a word is not just a set of sounds expressing a thought. It can tell a lot about our state of mind. Socrates said: “As a man is, so is his speech.”

The history of foul language

The roots of this phenomenon go back to distant pagan antiquity. Bad words were included in spells addressed to pagan deities, and in pagan times the cult of fertility was widespread, so all bad words are associated with the sexual sphere. Thus, the so-called mat is the language of communication with demons. Our ancestors uttered these words, calling upon the demons of evil to help them. Witches and sorceresses used foul language in their slander, sending a curse.

The mechanism of influence of foul language on a person is connected with this. Mat awakens in his subconscious what he inherited along with gene memory psychoviruses. Using swear words in conversations with friends, family, modern people, without knowing it, they perform a secret ritual, calling upon evil day after day, year after year, on their own heads and on the heads of their loved ones. The quantity of swear words turns into quality. First, people have minor troubles, then major ones, then health problems arise and, finally, life itself breaks down.

A misconception is the generally accepted opinion that checkmate is Slavic tradition. Foul language in Rus' until about the middle of the 19th century was not only not widespread even in the countryside, but was also criminally punishable.

During the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, it was simply impossible to hear swear words on the street. And this is explained not only by the modesty and delicacy of our ancestors, but also by the policies pursued by the state. According to the Council Code, severe punishment was imposed for the use of obscene words, including the death penalty.

Then other times came. Harsh abuse sounded first in taverns, and then spilled out onto the city streets. In the 19th century, foul language gradually transformed from swearing into the basis of the language of factory workers and artisans.

Nowadays, the mat is used:
1) to increase the emotionality of speech,
2) emotional release,
3) insults, humiliation of the addressee of the speech,
4) demonstrations of aggression,
5) demonstrating a lack of fear,
6) demonstration of looseness, disdain for the system of prohibitions,
7) demonstration of belonging to “their own”.

But in fact, foul language reflects the poverty of the speaker’s vocabulary, the inability to navigate the situation of the highest emotional upsurge (joy or anger).

Foul language and health.

Under the influence of sounds, including human speech, water molecules (and our body consists of approximately 80 percent of it) begin to line up into complex structures. And depending on the rhythm and semantic load, these structures can heal or, conversely, poison the body.

In the 20th century, Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto scientifically proved that water not only perceives information, but can change under the influence of words and even thoughts. Using the latest equipment, he was able to freeze and photograph water under a microscope. What he saw at the molecular level amazed him. The photo showed mostly crystals of different shapes and clarity, looking very similar to snowflakes.

Before freezing, the water was spoken with different words in many languages ​​or influenced by music. It turned out that the shape of the crystals reflects the amazing properties of water. The scientist concluded that praise affects water better than a request or demand, and foul language is not capable of generating harmonious beauty. (Show the children photographs of water crystals.)

As you can see, words with a negative connotation do not even form a shape, but positively charged water has beautiful, clear crystals. Just imagine, if thoughts and words can do this to water, what they can do to a person!

Foul language harms not only the spiritual, but also the physical health of a person. Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences have come to the stunning conclusion that with the help of verbal mental images, a person creates or destroys his hereditary apparatus. It turns out that DNA is capable of perceiving human speech and readable text via electromagnetic channels. Some messages heal genes, others injure, like radiation. For example, kind words of prayer awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus, and curses and swearing cause mutations leading to degeneration. Any spoken word is nothing more than a wave genetic program that affects our lives and the lives of our descendants.

Another group of scientists led by Doctor of Biological Sciences I.B. Belyavsky spent seventeen years dealing with the problem of foul language. They proved that avid swearers live much shorter lives than those who do not swear, because age-related changes occur in their cells very quickly and various diseases appear.

Others tell us that foul language is far from a harmless habit. Scientific research. A group of Russian physicists has designed a special apparatus that allows transforming sound vibrations into electromagnetic ones. While studying the influence of the energy potential of words, including swear words, on plants, scientists found that almost all of the Arabidopsis seeds cursed at them died, and the survivors became genetic monsters, unable to program the development of a healthy life. In the second part of the experiment, the researchers caressed wheat seeds killed by radioactive irradiation with the most tender words. The result exceeded all expectations: in the blessed seeds the mutation process was stopped, confused genes, broken chromosomes and DNA strands fell into place and were restored!

Unfortunately, foul language negatively affects not only the health of those who swear, but also those who are forced to listen to swearing. But our ancestors knew for a long time that evil words kill. It is no coincidence that the curse struck to death. And with a word they raised the dead and healed the sick.

Not only religion, esotericism, but also scientific research have proven the harmful effects of foul language on the speaker himself and those around him. As a type of information, swear words negatively affect a person’s health, changing his consciousness and even genetics, heredity, shortening life and attracting diseases.

Classroom teacher:

Analysis of questionnaires.

A survey of students showed that everyone, without exception, uses swear words in their speech; it is reassuring that everyone thinks that this is bad. But everyone does not notice how these words “pop up” and does not know why he uses them. Everyone doesn't like it when someone else uses foul language.


Research “Jargonisms of our group”

Almost everyone in the group uses jargon. But there are certain jargon words that some students use. For example, a mouse bad person, babosy, candy wrappers, filk-money, pakur, cigi-cigarettes, yummy, spinach-nansvay, magmetki, festivalki-sports shoes.

3. Final part. Reflection.

Today we learned that a bad word contains enormous destructive power.

Probably, if a person could see what a powerful negative charge, like the shock wave of an exploding bomb, spreading in all directions from a bad word, he would never utter it. Let's think about the words we say!

How to deal with foul language?

    Example is the most important teacher

    Family speech culture is the basis for success

    Irony and sarcasm on the part of listeners when using foul language

    Demonstration of beautiful, competent speech

    Reading books

    Now answer the question (you can do it in writing), are you ready to recover from the bad language virus?

    Remember: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind.” This is especially important for you because you are preparing to enter the big life.

Questionnaire 'Farse language in my life'

1. Why do you think people use swear words and curse words in their speech? ______________________________________________________________________________
2. If you use swear words (swear words, curse words) in your speech, then explain why? ______________________________________________________________________________
3. How often do you say these words? ______________________________________________________________________________
4. In what situations does this happen? ______________________________________________________________________________
5. Do you think this is bad or not? ______________________________________________________________________________
6. How do you feel when you say these words? ______________________________________________________________________________
7. How do you think other people feel or think when they hear you say swear words? ______________________________________________________________________________
8. How do you feel when someone swears in front of you? ______________________________________________________________________________
9. From whom do you most often hear such words? ______________________________________________________________________________
10. What do you think needs to be done to prevent people (children) from using swear words? ______________________________________________________________________________
11. What needs to be done to stop you from using these words? ______________________________________________________________________________
12. Do you want your future children to use swear words in their speech? Why? ______________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your frankness!

Class teacher E.N. Vyaznikova

Conversation “Profanity Virus”

Kolchurina Lyudmila Yurievna,

primary school teacher

MAOU Egvinskaya basic secondary school

Kudymkarsky district, Perm region

Progress of the conversation

Speech is an indicator of intelligence.

if you don’t really listen to the words they say.
Logan Pearsall Smith

Before a class hour on the topic “The Virus of Profanity,” students are given the questionnaire “Profanity in my life.” The survey is conducted anonymously. (The questionnaire will help you find out how effective the event was and how many children really thought about this problem).

At the beginning of the lesson, the students answer the questionnaire in writing. (see Attachment)

Foul language is speech filled with indecent expressions, obscene words, and swearing. This phenomenon has many definitions: obscene language, unprintable expressions, swearing, obscene language, vocabulary of the “bottom of the body,” etc. But since ancient times, swearing among the Russian people has been called foul language, from the word “filth.” In adolescence, the problem of obscene language becomes especially acute, because in the eyes of a teenager, foul language is a manifestation of independence, the ability to disobey prohibitions, that is, a symbol of adulthood. In addition, it is a sign of linguistic belonging to a peer group and speech fashion. Sometimes this is imitation of youth idols, for example, popular TV presenters, actors, singers. But few of the guys realize that foul language, like rudeness, is a weapon of people who are insecure. Rudeness allows them to hide their own vulnerability and protects them, because discovering weakness and uncertainty at this age is tantamount to complete defeat. In addition, high school students try to offend their parents with swear words, shock them, and infuriate them in order to measure their power over them and confirm their own emotional independence from them. Swearing is not just a collection of obscenities. Such vocabulary indicates a person’s spiritual illness. After all, a word is not just a set of sounds expressing a thought. It can tell a lot about our state of mind. Socrates said: “As a man is, so is his speech.”

The history of foul language

The roots of this phenomenon go back to distant pagan antiquity. Bad words were included in spells addressed to pagan deities, and in pagan times the cult of fertility was widespread, so all bad words are associated with the sexual sphere. Thus, the so-called mat is the language of communication with demons. Our ancestors uttered these words, calling upon the demons of evil to help them. Witches and sorceresses used foul language in their slander, sending a curse. The mechanism of influence of foul language on a person is connected with this. Mat awakens in his subconscious the “psychoviruses” that he inherited along with his gene memory. By using swear words in conversations with friends and family, modern people, without even knowing it, are performing a secret ritual, calling upon evil day after day, year after year, on their own heads and on the heads of their loved ones. The quantity of swear words turns into quality. First, people have minor troubles, then major ones, then health problems arise and, finally, life itself breaks down. A misconception is the generally accepted opinion that swearing is a Slavic tradition. Foul language in Rus' until about the middle of the 19th century was not only not widespread even in the countryside, but was also criminally punishable. During the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, it was simply impossible to hear swear words on the street. And this is explained not only by the modesty and delicacy of our ancestors, but also by the policies pursued by the state. According to the Council Code, severe punishment was imposed for the use of obscene words - up to and including the death penalty. Then other times came. Harsh abuse sounded first in taverns, and then spilled out onto the city streets. In the 19th century, foul language gradually transformed from swearing into the basis of the language of factory workers and artisans.

Nowadays, the mat is used:
1) to increase the emotionality of speech,
2) emotional release,
3) insults, humiliation of the addressee of the speech,
4) demonstrations of aggression,
5) demonstrating a lack of fear,
6) demonstration of looseness, disdain for the system of prohibitions,
7) demonstrating belonging to “their own”.

But in fact, foul language reflects the poverty of the speaker’s vocabulary, the inability to navigate the situation of the highest emotional upsurge (joy or anger).

Foul language reflects the speaker’s paucity of vocabulary and inability to navigate situations of the highest emotional upsurge (joy and anger).

Under the influence of sounds, including human speech, water molecules (and our body consists of approximately 80 percent of it) begin to line up into complex structures. And depending on the rhythm and semantic load, these structures can heal or, conversely, poison the body. In the 20th century, Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto scientifically proved that water not only perceives information, but can change under the influence of words and even thoughts. Using the latest equipment, he was able to freeze and photograph water under a microscope. What he saw at the molecular level amazed him. The photo showed mostly crystals of different shapes and clarity - in appearance they looked very similar to snowflakes. Before freezing, the water was spoken with different words in many languages ​​or influenced by music. It turned out that the shape of the crystals reflects the amazing properties of water. The scientist concluded that praise affects water better than a request or demand, and foul language is not capable of generating harmonious beauty. (Show the children photographs of water crystals.)

As you can see, words with a negative connotation do not even form a shape, but positively charged water has beautiful, clear crystals. Just imagine, if thoughts and words can do this to water, what they can do to a person! Foul language harms not only the spiritual, but also the physical health of a person. Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences have come to the stunning conclusion that with the help of verbal mental images, a person creates or destroys his hereditary apparatus. It turns out that DNA is capable of perceiving human speech and readable text via electromagnetic channels. Some messages heal genes, others injure, like radiation. For example, kind words of prayer awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus, and curses and swearing cause mutations leading to degeneration. Any spoken word is nothing more than a wave genetic program that affects our lives and the lives of our descendants. Another group of scientists led by Doctor of Biological Sciences I.B. Belyavsky spent seventeen years dealing with the problem of foul language. They proved that avid swearers live much shorter lives than those who do not swear, because age-related changes occur in their cells very quickly and various diseases appear. Other scientific studies also tell us that foul language is far from a harmless habit. A group of Russian physicists has designed a special apparatus that allows transforming sound vibrations into electromagnetic ones. In the course of studying the influence of the energy potential of words, including swear words, on plants, scientists found that almost all of the Arabidopsis seeds “cursed” died, and the survivors became genetic monsters, unable to program the development of a healthy life. In the second part of the experiment, the researchers “caressed” wheat seeds killed by radioactive irradiation with the most tender words. The result exceeded all expectations: in the “blessed” seeds the mutation process was stopped, confused genes, broken chromosomes and DNA strands fell into place and were restored! Unfortunately, foul language negatively affects not only the health of those who swear, but also those who are forced to listen to swearing. But our ancestors knew for a long time that evil words kill. It is no coincidence that the curse struck to death. And with a word they raised the dead and healed the sick. Not only religion, esotericism, but also scientific research have proven the harmful effects of foul language on the speaker himself and those around him. As a type of information, swear words negatively affect a person’s health, changing his consciousness and even genetics, heredity, shortening life and attracting diseases. Today we learned that a bad word contains enormous destructive power. Probably, if a person could see what a powerful negative charge, like the shock wave of an exploding bomb, spreading in all directions from a bad word, he would never utter it. Let's think about the words we say! Now answer the question (you can do it in writing), are you ready to recover from the bad language virus?


Questionnaire "Profanity in my life"

Class_______ "___"

Gender m/f
1. Why do you think people use swear words and curse words in their speech? _____________________________________________________________________________
2. If you use swear words (swear words, curse words) in your speech, then explain why? _____________________________________________________________________________
3. How often do you say these words? _____________________________________________________
4. In what situations does this happen? _______________________________________________________
5. Do you think this is bad or not? ______________________________________________________________
6. How do you feel when you say these words? _______________________________________
7. How do you think other people feel or think when they hear you say swear words? __________________________________________________________________________
8. How do you feel when someone swears in front of you? ___________________________________
9. From whom do you most often hear such words? _________________________________________
10. What do you think needs to be done to prevent people (children) from using swear words? _____________________________________________________________________________
11. What needs to be done to stop you from using these words? ____________________________________

12. Do you want your future children to use swear words in their speech? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________

What else to read