Species of monkeys. The largest monkeys in the world Where do great apes live?


Monkeys are cute and charming creatures that you can admire forever. They belong to the higher primates. You've probably heard this word more than once, but do you know its meaning? The word "primate" can be translated as "first", although monkeys are superior to other animals only in their better intelligence. As for dexterity, smell, vision and hearing, in many other species they are at a higher level.

Basic information about monkeys There are many different types

these animals, but they are similar in many ways. They all have a pair of arms and legs (like a human), a tail or something similar to it. Monkeys' thumbs are located at a decent distance from the rest, thanks to which they can easily climb trees. Almost all of these animals are omnivores, but they eat a lot of things that a human (also a primate, by the way) wouldn’t like. These include insects, fruits, bird eggs, grains, leaves, and grass. There is also evidence that they even eat crustaceans.

and habitats

How long do monkeys live? It depends on the species. Some live only up to 20 years, while others live up to 60. In this they are very different, but what else do they have in common? The first thing that comes to mind is that all monkeys, without exception, can deftly move from one branch to another. Just imagine: some species do not leave the tree their entire lives. For example, the royal guerilla, which lives in Africa, can only eat flowers and leaves. What a completely healthy diet.

Where do monkeys live?

They mainly live in Asian, African and South American subtropical and tropical regions. As for South America, the territory inhabited by primates stretches from the northern part of Argentina to the southern part of Mexico. It is impossible not to remember also about Africa, where monkeys live. This country (especially just south of the Sahara) is simply teeming with them. Contrary to popular belief, monkeys do not live in Madagascar, only lemurs live there. Let's talk about Asia. There, most monkeys can be found in the southeastern and southern parts. The range extends up to Timor and Japan. One species of monkey (magot) also lives in Europe, and more specifically, in Gibraltar. It is believed that he was brought here by people.

As you already understand, most monkeys live among trees, mainly in forests (any kind: mountainous, wet, etc.). Some species live both on branches and on the ground, such as the gelada.

Where do snow monkeys live?

There is an opinion that all these animals adore warm climates and cannot live in the cold. If we talk about the vast majority of monkeys, then this is true. But don't forget about exceptions.

On large island Snow monkeys live in Honshu, Japan. We can say that they are very hardened - they are not afraid of the cold.

Snow monkeys live in Igodukani (so called famous nature reserve). If we translate this name into Russian, it will mean “Hell Valley”. This area is notable for its great natural diversity: there is both ice and hot water, and geysers. The monkeys living here have a very impressive thick coat of hair, which makes them seem quite thick and powerful, although this is not the case.

These animals do not suffer much from the cold, but freezing is, of course, unpleasant for them, and therefore they plunge into a hot spring and sit there for quite a long time. Where monkeys of this species live, there are areas where steam comes out of the ground; in some ways, such a place resembles a bathhouse. Primates love to sit there and bask. Only in the late afternoon, when it gets a little warmer, do the animals climb out of the water and move away from the steam to dry out. They also eat at this time.

Snow monkeys love to dig into the fur of their relatives, thanks to which it dries faster. But other species often do the same thing. From the outside it seems that they are choosing fleas, although this is not true. Monkeys are clean, they don't have these insects in their fur. In fact, this action is a demonstration of gratitude and love to their relatives.

What do these animals eat?

What do snow monkeys eat? After all, fruits don’t grow in snow. Well, the monkeys are used to doing without them. They trample paths in the snow and walk along them in a line, taking roots, berries, leaves, and insects from the snowdrifts. They also eat pine needles, tree buds and bark.

Now you know where monkeys live, what they eat and how they behave.

It’s not for nothing that monkeys are called four-armed mammals. Most representatives of this species live in the crowns of trees, deftly moving from branch to branch. In the dense equatorial forests there are primates that never come down to earth. For example, royal guerres, which live in Africa from Senegal to Ethiopia, spend their entire lives in the crowns of trees. They are excellent jumpers and cover long distances by jumping from branch to branch.

Large and medium-sized monkeys often descend from trees to the ground. Some, such as baboons, live exclusively on the ground, completely ignoring trees. They gather in large groups and, moving together, are able to withstand even such large predators like leopards and lions.

Most monkeys live in warm climates and do not tolerate cold well. However, some species have adapted to living conditions in the cold. Thus, Japanese macaques live on the northern island of Honshu, where the average winter temperature is –5°C, and snow cover can remain for up to four months a year. The bodies of these animals are covered with thick and long hair, which reliably protects them from cold winds. In addition, snow macaques have learned to take advantage of the geological features of the Japanese islands - most They spend time basking in the water of hot springs. Also, some species of monkeys living in the mountains of China and South America successfully tolerate sub-zero temperatures.

Monkey habitat

Primates are mainly found in the tropics and subtropics of Africa, South America and southeast Asia. Africa is almost entirely inhabited by various species of monkeys, with the exception of the Sahara Desert. Among the many primates found on the continent, the great apes, chimpanzees and gorillas, are of particular interest. On the island of Madagascar, contrary to popular belief, there are no primates. But their more primitive “relatives” – lemurs – live here.

In Asia, the habitat of monkeys includes the entire Indo-Malayan region, most of China, the south of the Korean Peninsula, numerous islands of the Indian and partially Japanese islands. Orangutans, large apes, are found in Kalimantan and Sumatra.

In South America, the greatest diversity of primate species is found in the Amazon basin. Here you can meet the smallest monkeys from the marmoset family. The forests of Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Venezuela are also home to howler monkeys, saimiri and different kinds capuchins.

Primates have always interested people more than other animals. This is largely due to Darwin's theory and anthropological data on certain species. Next, let's look at where monkeys live, their varieties and life cycle features.

general information

There are several hundred species of primates in nature, the most famous of which are apes. The length of a monkey's body can vary from a few centimeters to two meters. As a rule, these animals lead an arboreal lifestyle and live in groups. Omnivorous animals are active during the day. Preferences in plant or animal food depend on the habitat. Where do monkeys live? Let's look at their living environment by family.

Marmosets and galags

The Marmoset family belongs to the smallest species of primates. They are very active and mobile, live in trees, perform all important tasks during the day, and sleep in tree hollows at night. The main food is fruits, seeds, birds and insects. Habitat regions: Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Colombia.

The nocturnal animals of galagos are very active jumpers. The main diet is fruits, other fruits, and invertebrates. Habitat - Africa. These can be either dry regions with thorny bushes or places with a tropical climate.

Family of apes

Next, let's look at where do monkeys that are most similar to humans live and what do they eat? These animals can be short, medium or tall. The mass of animals is, depending on the genus and species, from five to three hundred kilograms. Distinctive features- massive build of the body, long front and short hind limbs. The head is round in shape with a prominent facial part. They also have a well-developed brain.

Mostly great apes live in tropical forests, lead a diurnal lifestyle and spend a lot of time in trees. Habitat regions - Equatorial Africa, Southeast Asia and adjacent island territories. Food: fruits of trees, parts of bushes, insects, birds, small animals.


This family is characterized by the following features:

  • body length - from 450 to 900 millimeters;
  • body weight - from 8 to 13 kilograms;
  • original structure with particularly elongated forelimbs;
  • primates have an ischial callus;
  • animals have thick hair;
  • The color of the animals varies from cream to black or brown.

Gibbon families live primarily in tropical forests in trees, feeding on leaves and fruits. Habitat: Kalimantan, Sumatra, Java, Indochina, Thailand, Burma.

Where do dwarf lemurs live?

The largest individuals of these animals reach 460 grams. They live in eastern tropical forests and western drylands. Depending on the region, the animals have a red-brown color or a gray tint. Many of these primates live on the island of Madagascar. Unlike most other monkeys, lemurs are night look life, mainly in trees. They build nests in the form of balls of leaves and use natural hollows as homes. The animals usually feed on fruits and roots.


Below we describe where (in which country) monkeys of the tarsier family live, which are a transitional link between lemurs and lower species. Features of these animals:

  • small size - from 280 to 400 millimeters with a tail 6-25 cm long;
  • weight - 150 g (maximum);
  • The animals have a relatively large and very mobile head, which can be rotated 180°.
  • shortened muzzle;
  • eyes - large bulging;
  • well-developed heel section;
  • the wool is velvety, reddish or gray in color;
  • the long elastic tail has a tassel at the end;
  • diet - vertebrates, insects, lizards, birds and eggs.

Habitat: Southeast Asia. In this case, a certain species occupies a specific territory (the islands of the Philippine, Sunda and Malay archipelago).


This family is represented by one species and is listed in the Red Book. Individuals are small in size, have a slender and somewhat elongated body, a rounded head, and a shortened facial part. Monkeys have rough, brown or black fur.

Where do monkeys of this family live? Their main habitats are bamboo and mangrove thickets, as well as jungles. Primates are active at night, lead an arboreal lifestyle, sleeping in tree hollows or in their crowns. The main food is insects and larvae. This rare species can only be found in Madagascar.


Features of this family:

  • the category includes eight genera of primates;
  • some of them are tailless;
  • the body type is different - from an elegant light body to a massive and heavy body;
  • hind limbs shorter than front legs;
  • the hairline is long and silky;
  • hair covers the entire body, including the ischium, soles and hind legs.

Where do monkeys live? In the jungle, on open plains, rocky places. Mangroves are the main habitats of apes. Some of them lead an arboreal lifestyle, others move on the ground. During the day, animals are active; at night, they roost in caves or tree cavities. Population regions - Southeast Asia, Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Gibraltar.


This is the most numerous species of primates (11 genera). The animals are medium to small in size and have a long, hairy tail. Some individuals can use it as an organ of touch. The hair of prehensile-tailed primates (capuchins) is thick and uniform in color. The facial part of the head is shortened, the nostrils are clearly separated, and the large eyes have pronounced eyelids.

These representatives of primates are excellent at moving through trees, feeding plant foods, however, they do not disdain insects, bird eggs and other small animals. Capuchins hold prey with the help of their front paws; their muzzle is capable of expressing some emotions. Habitat: South and Central America, Argentina, Mexico.

Where does the spider monkey live?

This category of primates lives on tree branches and moves along them with the help of prehensile limbs. Animals live in families of up to twenty individuals, which are also divided into groups of 4-5 representatives. They lead a diurnal lifestyle, feeding on plant and animal foods.

Depending on the species, the coat color of arachnid primates can vary from gray to black. Main habitat - Peru, Central, South America, Brazil, Bolivia. Above we looked at where many, many wild monkeys live. It is worth noting that, despite the beauty and visual good nature of some representatives of primates, in fact they can be cunning and very dangerous. In our country, you can see monkeys in zoos located in large cities.

Chimpanzee in their usual habitat they are found every year in smaller numbers. Relatively few populations can now be found in the tropical forests of Africa.

The weight of an adult representative of the species reaches 60-80 kilograms, while height varies depending on gender - females - up to 130 centimeters, males - up to 160. There is separate speciespygmy chimpanzee, whose parameters are much more modest.

The entire body of primates is covered with thick brown hair, except for some parts, namely the fingers, face and soles of the feet. Chimpanzee in the photo You can see the sly brown eyes. At the same time, the growing representatives chimpanzee genus have a small area of ​​white hairs on the coccyx, which are later replaced by brown ones.

Such a seemingly trifle plays important role in the development of primate behavior - as long as the hair on the tailbone remains white, the baby is forgiven all the pranks and is lenient towards his failures. Once the hair darkens, it is perceived as equal to the rest of the adults in the group.

Character and lifestyle of chimpanzees

Mostly chimpanzee monkeysforest dwellers. Eating vegetation, they lead a leisurely, measured life, moving between trees, communicating with each other and resting in nests. The only situation that can take this calm flow out of its usual channel is the appearance of an enemy.

As soon as one of the group notices the approach of a predator, she begins to scream and squeal, giving her relatives information that everyone is in danger. A group of primates reaches maximum excitement and horror, on the way of which even a small snake is encountered. Relationships between representatives of the same group are the key to a peaceful life chimpanzee. Which social status which monkey occupies is an important question.

Through communication, they can protect each other from danger, search more fruitfully hot spots for eating. Young animals learn by carefully observing the behavior of adults. Girls will learn how to properly feed and protect the cubs, boys - what gestures and movements can achieve respect in the group.

Thus, through imitation, young animals learn basic norms of behavior, which they first perceive as a game, and then gradually move into adulthood with a full set of “rules of etiquette.”

Living in a group not only helps chimpanzees more efficiently obtain food, defend themselves and raise offspring. Scientists have proven that monkeys living alone have a worse metabolism, decreased appetite, and overall health indicators are much lower than those in communities.

Chimpanzees and humans get along well together

It is precisely because of the social nature chimpanzee and human can easily live together. If a primate comes into a human family as a baby, he easily accepts all the behavioral habits of people, and learns to behave the same way.

Chimpanzees can be taught to drink and eat using utensils, and to dress, walk, and gesture like humans. In addition, scientists believe that individuals who have spent their entire lives in close surroundings with people are able to easily perceive human speech and even communicate with people using sign language.

That is, it is quite possible to meet a talking monkey, only it will express itself with the help of movable fingers. You can find a lot on the Internet chimpanzee bots, which generate monkey speech using computer program, however, these are just bots; they have nothing in common with living primates.

Pictured is a baby chimpanzee

In terms of upbringing and ease of learning, male chimpanzees are considered more pliable and intelligent; at the same time, it is males who can pose a hidden threat to humans, since no one has canceled the instincts of dominance. Females are considered less intelligent, but more loyal.

Chimpanzee nutrition

The main food products of chimpanzees are fruits and green parts of plants. At the same time, the fruits juicy fruits— root parts and vegetables are eaten only in times of extreme need. Given the large weight of primates and the food they consume, they need to eat most of the time to stay in shape.

This is exactly what they do - moving nimbly among dense trees, chimpanzees look for fresh fruits. If a group representative stumbles upon suitable tree, he informs the others about this. Depending on the season, the time a monkey spends eating ranges from 25 to 50% of the primate's total waking time.

In addition to the green parts and fruits of plants, chimpanzees can eat the soft bark and core of stems; in addition, in the spring, primates large quantities absorb flower petals. As for nuts, most chimpanzees are not fans of them, although, of course, there are individual exceptions.

Scientists have different opinions regarding the consumption of live food. Thus, some experts adhere to the theory that chimpanzees eat small animals and insects, however, in small quantities and only in the fall. Others believe that such delicacies are constantly present in the diet of primates.

Reproduction and lifespan of chimpanzees

Chimpanzees do not have a static breeding season - this can happen on any day at any time of the year. The female's pregnancy lasts about 230 days, that is, 7.5 months. In most cases, the female gives birth to one calf and is actively involved in protecting and raising it.

Considering that she is born almost defenseless, she has no chance of surviving without her mother’s care. In this respect, primate behavior is very similar to human behavior. The baby is born with light, sparse fur, which only changes to dark over time.

The mother is closely connected with the cub and for the first few months does not let him out of her arms, carrying him on her back or stomach. Then, when the little monkey is able to move around on its own, the mother gives her some freedom, allowing her to play and frolic with other children and adolescents, or with adults in the group.

In this way, their relationship is built for several more years, until the cub is fully matured. Females usually become adults, that is, ready for mating, in the period from 6 to 10 years, males - at about 6-8 years of age.

IN wildlife average life expectancy of a healthy chimpanzee- up to 60 years, although such long-livers are rare, since the forest is full of dangers, and the older the monkey, the more difficult it is for it to avoid them.

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