Witches who really help. Where can I find a real witch or witch who can help? What about love spells then?

home Respect, mutual love, health of loved ones, career, money, luck and success - all these are simple human desires. But how many of us manage to achieve them all? Unfortunately no. Very often we explain our failures by our own laziness, immaturity, lack of perseverance - we say it’s not fate in such cases, and... we are deeply mistaken. I'll tell you terrible secret

: only a few of those who achieved success achieved this thanks to the strength of their character, intelligence and enterprise, while the rest took advantage of the possibilities of Magic to one degree or another. For some, a strong witch bewitched a girl with a dowry, who became a good wife, for others, she received good luck from the hands of a warlock or achieved prosperity through communication with otherworldly forces.

Yes, in our 21st century, the services of a witch who helps people not only improve their lives, but raise it to a higher quality level, are not an echo of the Middle Ages, but a real fact. And I am one of those who can take responsibility for your happiness.

I am a white master and sorceress with a huge 25 years of “experience” in official practice, and although I inherited my Gift from my ancestors, I had the most difficult 10 years of apprenticeship when I learned to interact with the forces of Navi. I literally can make 1001 love spells and know hundreds of spells for good luck and wealth. If you want to find a strong witch in Moscow to help, believe me, you have already found her! I can help you, my dear friends, in a lot of ways. Thanks to my spells, you can create a happy family with your loved one, get high paying job , establish own business

, see your own future. It is difficult to list all the conspiracies and rituals and even their directions that I can use for your benefit if you come to see me.

  • Love magic:
  • classic love spells and lapels;
  • harmonization of relations;
  • egylet;

karmic wedding

The witch’s help in a love spell and the choice of a specific ritual depends on many nuances: on your character and temperament, the combination of circumstances, the relationship that you have with the object of your interest at the moment.

  • Business magic:
  • working with competitors, conspiracies for their failure;
  • distraction, confusion, attracting clients, solicitations.

As long as you can cope with all the matters yourself, then you don’t really need the help of a witch, but if a difficult situation arises, I expect to hear from you. Believe me, no matter what happens, I will definitely help!

Defensive magic:

  • mental protection of all types: spherical, mirror, individual, family, charged talismans and amulets;
  • removal of evil eyes, damage, crowns, seals;
  • clearing negativity


  • Clairvoyance sessions;
  • Fortune telling with Tarot decks (I have over 30 working decks)
  • Lenormand layouts;
  • Fortune telling using coffee, beans, stones, etc.

I offer my services as a witch in Moscow and via remote communication. There is no need for the client’s personal presence during the ceremony, but if you want to become a participant in the magical action, I will be glad. Don't worry, the price of the appointment will not break your pocket. In addition, the money paid may become your most profitable investment. Aren't love and luck what you strive for?

The Mirt Magic Center offers uniquely effective services of magicians and parapsychologists.

Help a magician in any difficult situation in life.

Love magic. Let's restore the family, help you find happiness in love.

Money magic - we will solve financial problems, attract good luck in business and in life.

We will predict your fate and help you correct it.

We will provide protection from negative influences- evil eye, damage.

Let's remove the evil eye and damage.

Let's punish the offender with magic.

Let us help you achieve what you want.

Ready to help you:

Answers on questions

You cannot overdo it if you listen and do everything the magician tells you. His instructions must be followed. For example, if you are told to abstain from alcohol for a certain number of days, then it means you need to abstain.


I didn’t wait for the weather by the sea and took the advice in time loved one contact Adelaide. And let me tell you this: her tarot readings are better than any poker hands! Their multitasking and variability are simply unique in their truthfulness and clarity. It is immediately clear that the person has the ability and really wants to help, and not profit from someone else’s misfortune. I remain very impressed. It’s nice to know that there is a specialist who, if anything happens, you can always turn to and not make a mistake. I express my gratitude to you.

Anatoly S. Moscow

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I sincerely thank Adelaide for her care and patience. The fruits of her long work are obvious and indisputable. She unraveled the root of the problem, saw the essence and presented the truth as if she saw everything through my eyes, or even better! Not a single question was left unanswered. I came devastated and downcast, and left inspired and full of strength and confidence. And the following appeals only increased my energy! Thank you for correcting my destiny and making me realize and feel the whole ocean of hidden possibilities of my personality.

Alevtina, Moscow

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About career ladder I forgot when I stepped onto the career escalator. Truly, Adelaide works wonders. She is the most Real Magician and Seer. After diagnostics, I quickly found flaws in my energy channels and accurately identified the cause of business failures in the entrepreneurial field. After some time, I began, as if by magic, to come across people on the same wavelength as me, which led to the development of successful and profitable business connections. After all, if there is a goal and will, everything is achievable. But sometimes, success cannot depend only on our forces, and then otherworldly forces become an excellent ally. I am very grateful for the help provided to me. All the best to you and good luck.

Andrey, Moscow

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I'm enormously impressed by Adelaide's work. When communicating with her, I could only be surprised and mentally throw up my hands. How does she do it? How will he know? How is this even possible? How is it possible to see so clearly the essence of the problem, its root, invisible even to me. Adelaide's revelations removed the veil of ignorance from my eyes and made me deeply admire how truly multifaceted life is and how winding the paths of destinies are. Now I have no doubt who to turn to for advice to resolve life issues. Thank you very much.

Artem, Moscow

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I got lost in the darkness of my life... It sounds poetic, but in reality it’s exactly the opposite. On my own behalf, I will say that Adelaide does not just guess and predict. She sees. Sees the truth as if the fog of the past and future is transparent glass for her. Now the vector of my life is in line with the Universal Implementation. The potholes of the past are no longer scary to me, and dead ends are easily crossed. Thank you for working so successfully with my reality.

Anton, Moscow

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What was my horror and surprise when the ugly truth about the history of my country house. And what a good deal it was! And the location is good, and the price is extremely meager for such and such a plot, and the house is neat and built conscientiously. When selling a house, the realtor referred to the unstable situation of the real estate market and stagnation in sales country houses How main reason such a low cost, but did not mention the terrible event 20 years ago. In my worst nightmare, I couldn’t imagine what my family’s life could turn into after a happy housewarming. The husband became gloomy, taciturn, sometimes he suddenly boiled over at the same time, although he was always calm, like a boa constrictor. My son began to do poorly in school and get sick, and my daughter almost had wet eyes. My own state of mind left much to be desired. And the reason for everything is dreams. Me, my husband and children. From the third week of their stay, everyone began to have dreams with scenes of murders and family violence. At first I dreamed that my husband was killing me, then that I was killing him. The children dreamed that they were being killed or that they were killing each other. The last straw was a dream in which I kill my children. That same day I pulled myself together and began to seek help from psychics. The cause of all these nightmares was unmistakably determined by the witch Adelaide. The energy of the house was disrupted 20 years ago brutal murder wealthy parents at the hands of their own drug-addicted son when he was denied funds. It is incomprehensible to the mind that such devilry can happen in the real world! The ritual of cleaning and protecting the home from alien settlements and negative influences was carried out right at home on the day of treatment, and since then nothing has bothered us. Thank you for the life and mental well-being of my family.

Anna, Moscow

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Everything was resolved quickly and on time. The offender is punished, justice is restored, joy and serenity are found. And you don’t need more! Thank you, Adelaide. And all the best!

Marina Moscow

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I am an unbreakable materialist, and a skeptic to boot. Always relied on intellect, strict rationalism and the eye of reason. And how wrong I was! It all started when I fell in love. Uncontrollably, strongly and in the most completely incomprehensible way. All my pragmatic dogmas collapsed under the force of an irresistible craving for a person I barely knew. The tower was completely demolished. My friends and family didn't recognize me, and many thought I was addicted to drugs. But there was an enlightened person who was able to make the right assumption and brought me to the Mirt salon. Some part of me understood the unnaturalness and lack of reasonable reasons for such a strong love impulse, but this part gradually faded away. In contrast to this, the mind refused to believe in the untruthfulness of its feelings, and even more so - in their supernatural origin and the intervention of some sorcerers. But the witch Adelaide destroyed the shield of my doubts and mistrust and, after diagnosis, made a disappointing diagnosis: a black love spell. And she was even able to establish when, where and under what circumstances the ceremony was performed. It is this knowledge that is outstanding magical abilities the witches allowed me to break the dark spell cast on me and it was as if I had learned to see and feel again, as if I had woken up after a long sleep of ignorance. To be honest, this became a significant and turning point in my life, when from my own experience I realize the presence of secret forces around us that can help us or, on the contrary, destroy everything. It also turned out that the object of my recent affections became very ill, both physically and mentally. As it turned out, this was a consequence of turning to less than clean psychics who did not have the necessary strength and knowledge to handle dark magic. It’s simply mind-boggling how complex this world is. But I am extremely grateful for the help given to me. Thank you, Adelaide.

Kirill M. Moscow

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My husband and I have been together for 9 years. We have a wonderful family, two twin boys. I take care of the house and raising the boys. My husband works and earns money. At some point, the husband had a mistress. I didn’t suspect this, and in my worst thoughts, I couldn’t imagine that he would bring her to our house. The husband became not himself, as if he had completely lost his mind. He tried to move her things to the house, I cried, swore, tried to call him to prudence, but nothing helped. His parents and friends tried to reason with him, but he seemed to hear nothing and his eyes were empty and glassy. My mother-in-law took me to Mother Svyatoslava. At our first meeting, we learned that my husband’s mistress had bewitched him. Mother Svyatoslav performed the ceremony and turned her husband away from this girl. It was as if he had woken up from a dream. He still asks for forgiveness for causing so much pain. Of course I forgave him. Now everything is still good. Low bow to you! Thank you!

Elena Dmitrov

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I couldn’t even imagine that this would ever affect me. I never believed in magic and was very skeptical about these things. But fate decreed that in an instant I turned from a normal healthy man into a decrepit old man. I couldn’t sleep, lost my appetite, and didn’t pay any attention to women. For a long time I could not admit that something was wrong, until my wife almost by force dragged me to a consultation with Mother Svyatoslava. She said that I had a powerful evil eye on me. The work to remove the damage took a long time, it took several sessions, but after the first I felt positive changes. Tomorrow is the last one, and now I want to thank Mother Svyatoslava for literally saving my life. Thank you so much!!!

Mikhail, Moscow

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I am a young, pretty woman, but very for a long time I can't get married. I meet men, we date, but they all end in difficult breakups. After that, it took me a long time to recover and everything started all over again. I stopped believing that I could ever get married. Desperate, she decided to turn to Mother Svyatoslava for help. At our first meeting, she told me the reason for my troubles - the crown of celibacy. The work took quite a long time, 7 months. Since then, my life has changed, I met a man and he proposed to me. I'm happy! Thank you very much!

Marina Moscow

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Thank you Mother Svyatoslava for helping me restore my family and get rid of my rival. I despaired of fixing everything myself, and decided to turn to magic. I turned to you completely disillusioned with magic, since no one could help me before you. Now 2 weeks have passed and I am convinced of your strength and am very pleased with your work. You were able to bring my wife back and turn her away from her rival. You are conscientious, a strong specialist and simply good man. I am glad that I found you and that you helped me in such a difficult situation.

Vladimir, Moscow

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My sister brought me to Mother Svyatoslava. An eternal lack of money, lack of personal life, health problems began due to nervousness. Mother Svyatoslava, she is a bright and kind-hearted person! After just a few sessions, my life began to change for the better. I began to feel confident and calm. Somewhere my worries disappeared, my mood improved. I wanted to live! Thanks to your sessions, I learned to understand myself. Now I know who to turn to during difficult periods of my life. Good luck to you! Thank you!

Anna, Moscow

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My wife left me. I myself am to blame for this, I offended my wife, drank, lied to her a lot and even sometimes raised my hand to her. I understood all this after she left. My persuasion did not help, I thought that there was no way out of this situation. I had nothing to lose and I turned to Mother Svyatoslava. I don't believe in miracles, but the facts speak for themselves. She gave me my family back. Now we live very friendly, I realized all my mistakes and I don’t do this to my loved ones anymore. Many thanks to her!

Victor, Naro-Fominsk

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Some time ago, I was at a reception with Mother Svyatoslava. I periodically come to her to get answers to difficult questions. After solving my problems, she suddenly told me that I need to learn Italian language. I was very surprised, I didn’t know how to react to what was said. Several months passed, I went on vacation to Italy, and there I met an Italian. Now I married him, we had a girl. Since I don’t live in Russia now, I continue to communicate with Mother Svyatoslava via the Internet. I never tire of thanking you, thank you!

Olga, Rimini

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Mother of Svyatoslav! You told me my future. It was hard to imagine that the person sitting opposite me, a complete stranger to me, was telling me the details of my life in such detail. You told me that in a few months, I would meet the man with whom I would spend my whole life. I couldn't believe it when I actually met him. We've been together for a year now. Thank you, happiness and good luck to you!

Antonina Sergeevna, Vidnoye

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At the age of 45, I divorced my husband, I was very upset about our breakup, I thought that my personal life would be joyless, but a friend advised me to turn to Mother Svyatoslava, she helped me improve my relationship with wonderful person. Low bow to you.

Marina Vladimir

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Mother of Svyatoslav! I am immensely grateful to fate for bringing me together with you. I never believed in magic, clairvoyance and other esotericism until I met you. My sister brought me to the salon when I came to visit her in Moscow. The problem is that I started having serious problems in business, like some kind of black streak. Nothing worked, orders were disrupted, the number of clients sharply decreased, income fell by more than half. Because of all these problems, I started drinking. My sister repeatedly turned to you for help and always received it. At the reception, Mother Svyatoslava immediately saw that I was very seriously jinxed by the people to whom I had once refused funding. Mother Svyatoslava talked about my life, it was as if I was shocked, everything was right on point! After that, she cast spells on me and my affairs and removed the negativity.
After that, I went home to Novosibirsk. And after some time, miracles began! Orders rained down on me like from a cornucopia; there was no end to clients. And then, my wife announced that she was pregnant with her second child. This is just some kind of miracle! I am immensely grateful to you, Mother Svyatoslava, for everything. Thank you for my new life!!!

Anatoly, Novosibirsk

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I would like to express my gratitude to Mother Svyatoslava. I have a great family, a small chain of plumbing stores, and the business is growing successfully. When I have difficulties in resolving issues, I always turn to Mother Svyatoslava for help. Thanks to her gift of clairvoyance, she always tells me a way out of a difficult situation. And always to the point. Mother sees absolutely everything exactly. Low bow to you, all the best!

Konstantin, Moscow

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I'm attractive, smart, successful woman, but I have absolutely no luck with men. All my relationships end before they even begin. It’s very disappointing to see that all my friends are married and raising children. And I continue to be alone. I once read an article about the crown of celibacy and thought, maybe this is the root of my problems. Desperate, I turned to Mother Svyatoslava. During the consultation, she confirmed my fears and performed the appropriate ritual. A couple of months later I met a man. We started dating, and six months later, he proposed to me. Now we are preparing for the wedding. Thank you very much to Mother Svyatoslava for your help!

Svetlana, Moscow

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The lack of a personal life, a man’s shoulder, a person with whom you can talk about everything and trust – that’s what led me to Svyatoslav. Even though I had my own business, a chain of beauty salons, I could not arrange my feminine happiness. On the advice of a friend, I went to Mother Svyatoslava - in case she could help...
All my fears were confirmed. “Shroud of loneliness”, or as many often say, “Crown of celibacy”. Frequent meetings, dates, even the beginning life together... but it always ended in separation, disappointment and loneliness.
Just 2 weeks later I met the one and only one. We have a son. We are expecting a second child and are not even interested in whether it is a daughter or a son - the main thing is that we are together!
I thank you all the time, God bless you!

Witches, warlocks and magicians have enormous power that can work for both good and evil. But don’t be so afraid, sometimes life difficulties arise that only witchcraft can solve. can cure an illness when doctors shrug their shoulders, but it can also cripple. These are completely different rituals; they will not necessarily be performed by one person.

Magic can be white when it is aimed at healing, but it can also be black, the so-called damage and curses. Also black magic can also help in solving seemingly hopeless love problems. For such purposes, rituals such as, or. And the actions of a true strong witch depend on many factors.

A person's vulnerability to a strong witch

Every person has an energy shell. Many describe it as shaped like an egg or cocoon. It is quite strong by nature, but if you don’t take care of your spiritual and physical health, protection may weaken. An energetically leaky place appears, through which a real witch can very easily influence a person. This can be either a healing effect, from which a person recovers and gains strength, or black witchcraft.

A strong witch can cause damage, the evil eye, illness, bewitch and cast generational curse, help in solving business problems. It is more difficult to harm a person with protective amulet, but experienced sorceresses can bypass this obstacle.

Witches are able to find human weaknesses and use them to their advantage. Through an energy hole, a black magician can take away strength, attractiveness, youth, luck and even life.

A strong witch accumulates the energy of enormous power; this power cannot disappear without a trace after her death. Therefore, during his lifetime, every sorcerer is looking for a successor. It must be spiritual strong man with willpower. It is he who becomes the owner of the power that the witch transfers before leaving. It is impossible to take this power with you to the next world, so sorcerers die for a very long time and painfully if they did not take care of transferring their power in time.

The witch's disciples are often the closest relatives, but it may also be stranger, who happened to be nearby at the right time. Witchcraft also needs to be learned in order to be able to direct energy in the right direction. All comes with experience. Usually old witch tries to teach the young woman everything she knows. When she feels that she is becoming completely weak, she will tell magical power to his student.

The practice of teaching witchcraft can harm a weak psyche, so witches choose only strong personalities as successors. Such people are not afraid of anything and are ready to go ahead. The student must consciously take the gift, understanding and accepting the possible consequences.

Often, the inept actions of a novice witch can turn against her. Therefore, rituals require unquestioning fulfillment of all points, and this could be a trip to the cemetery at night, or some kind of action with the corpses of animals. Disgust and fear have no place here.

The magic of love spell

Performing love spells and spells is actually very dangerous. To carry out such rituals, you need to use the services of only proven black witches. Only real professionals are able to perform a ritual without harm to the customer.

Love is not always mutual; years may pass while waiting for reciprocal feelings. But not everyone is ready to wait that long, which is why they appeared love spells. They carry them out only or, under no circumstances should you try to perform the ritual yourself.

Rash actions can lead to tragedy. It is better to turn to a trusted witch, if there is one, you can search through friends.

There are situations when no one I know can recommend a good, proven witch. Then the Internet will come to the rescue.

How to find a strong witch

There are now a lot of websites where magicians and witches advertise their services. You can try to chat with the owner of the page and ask about his skills and abilities. If the witch’s abilities do not cause suspicion, you can contact her on a question of interest. There are also many forums where people share reviews about various sorcerers. But among these they can, so it’s still better to contact a specialist through your personal website.

The love spell must be performed by a black magician or a witch whose professionalism there is no doubt about. You can’t trust an amateur; the love spell itself has a strong effect magical influence on the sacrifice.

If a witch conducts a preliminary consultation, then you definitely need to thank her, because it’s spent on witchcraft. great amount energy. It can be not only money. If a true professional takes on a complex task, he himself will be interested in a favorable result.

To perform rituals, certain materials are often required. A strong witch can ask someone who seeks help to bring them, or she can make them herself according to a secret recipe.

Witch initiation process

Knowledge about the subtle world accumulates over years and decades. At the beginning of their career, witchcraft very often leads to loss of strength and health among magicians and witches. With experience, every knowledgeable witch tries to avoid this. It is very important to preserve your own energy, otherwise sooner or later it will lead to a complete loss of strength.

A hereditary witch receives a gift from a teacher, but there are also successful self-taught people who learned witchcraft thanks to special books. Every strong sorceress must undergo a rite of passage.

The ritual of initiation into the world of magic increases the witch’s power several times at once. It is carried out at a strictly defined time, usually at night. After this, the witch can connect people’s destinies, attract harmony and luck in life, and help solve problems in business.

Only after the initiation ceremony can a sorceress be called a real specialist. There are witches who can act energetically at a distance, but this largely depends on the complexity of the task.

Despite the fact that the Middle Ages are far behind us, the popularity of professional sorcerers is only gaining momentum every day.

A huge number of advertisements have appeared on the Internet calling for the use of the services of magicians and sorcerers. But, more often than not, people come across scammers who want to make big money from their troubles.

This does not mean that you should completely refuse the help of a sorcerer, because it is very easy to identify a real magician. In order not to be deceived by false sorcerers, let's look at what the rules of work of a real sorcerer are.

What does the help of a sorcerer look like?

A real wizard always looks very good. He never gets a hangover because he doesn't drink. If you intuitively feel something is wrong, it is better to immediately stop communicating with such would-be wizards.

For their services, real professionals charge a set price, which can hardly be called symbolic. In other words, if someone offers you love spell services for 50 rubles, know that you will only waste your precious time. The greatly inflated cost of magical services should also alert you.

There are situations when a sorcerer is nevertheless ready to step into the situation and provide free help to a person. At the same time, you are absolutely not obliged to purchase books on love witchcraft, icons or some strange potions. A self-respecting magician will never offer you this. The maximum that he can afford is to tell you that in addition a talisman or amulet can be made for you, which has nothing to do with the work carried out free of charge.
magical ritual.

A professional sorcerer will definitely give a guarantee for his work. It would never even occur to him to blame you for the fact that the love spell didn’t work because of your wrong actions.

Listen to your intuition

It may seem strange, but there are sorcerers who offer sexual contacts as payment for their help, explaining this, for example, by the fact that in love magic, the bed is the main conductor.

Trust your intuition - it seemed strange, don’t agree, but rather run away from such a wizard.

The black sorcerer will never exert his influence on you psychological pressure. He will not threaten you, thereby motivating you to use his services. He can tactfully make a recommendation, and it is up to you to decide whether to listen to his advice or not.

FOR ALL. Ritual of Inga Khosroeva

The formation of a witch occurs through very great losses and tragedies in life. Until the age of 40, a witch’s powers are tested very strongly. She suffers a lot of losses life problems, adversity. But thanks to all this, her own character is strengthened, the strength given to her from birth is multiplied, and experience is accumulated. Her thoughts become alive, her words are fulfilled in such a way that she herself becomes dangerous to people, and sometimes to herself. All the work that she does can come true even with one word. Witchcraft reaches perfection, which is called the demonic level. In this case, the witch already has the right to do what she considers necessary and fair. Witches are very reasonable and practical people. After death, witches become guardians of their clan, teach and guide their clan through life. The witch herself creates her own egregor, with the help of her knowledge, skills and what she does for people, who then bring her gifts, gratitude and their positive energy. All this builds a defense for this witch.
The ritual was created by the author to call upon the power of the witch for help. IN difficult moments life, you can turn to this ritual, which will help you, but you yourself will pay with your own energy - the energy of one day. And in this case, this will be fair, since you no longer make any material investments, but pay with what you have. The life question in which you turn to the ritual can be anything: being kicked out of work, fear of going to jail, injustice in business, and much more.
We will need: a black altar, two black candles (any dark ones can be used), one red candle, incense, a photograph of Inga Khosroeva, earth and water. The red candle should burn out after the ritual, either immediately, or you can light it every day before the photo until it burns out. After you read the ritual, the water must be poured into the ground and placed on the windowsill; after it dries, the soil can be poured somewhere on the street under a tree. Also, after your problem is resolved, you need to pour vodka under any tree and leave 13 coins, and say that you are paying off the powers of the witch Inga. Leave without looking back.
“I, who know you, respect your strength, honor your ancestors and your formidable guards, turn to your strength and ask your guards to hear me and, in the name of love for you, to help me in my work. I turn to the power and family of Inga and ask them to help me in my work. I recognize your strength, let your guards penetrate my life through temporary portals and hear my request. Show yourself to me with your power, penetrate my destiny and help me now (make a request). I let the power of the witch Inga into my life, I ask the guards of the witch Inga to help me, and in return I give a piece of my life force. The exchange is fair, the ransom will be paid, and my request will be heard and fulfilled. Her name is in a black book, written in black blood, and she has been given the power to help us. I conjure and call on the power of the witch Inga. I conjure with earth, water, air and fire, South, North, East and West. Let her powers help me, and in return take a piece of my strength as a ransom. Let it be done! I conjure. I conjure. I conjure."

What else to read