Convenient positions for tank destroyers. Map of the Steppe in World of Tanks: positions for tanks, tanks, tank destroyers, tank destroyers. Positions for ST


The steppe map refers to open locations, where the outcome of the battle will depend largely on light tanks. There are no standard drives for all vehicle classes, so those positions will be shown in which teams win more often.

Positions for LT

  1. There are 3 comfortable positions from the lower base.
  2. This position is too risky, but productive. Having reached it, you can actively help the team. The peculiarity of this place is that you can hide behind a stone, thereby blocking shots not only from tanks, but also from artillery. In this case, you can regularly expose equipment in this area.
  3. position for passive reconnaissance mode. This place has rock and bushes, and that's all a light tank needs. Having taken a position at the beginning of the battle, the tank will illuminate the moving vehicles and the tank destroyers occupying positions. Such a convenient and productive place in the center of the map is only available from the bottom base.

This is not a position, but an area where you need to constantly be on the move. Small vegetation will allow moving equipment to be visible towards the right flank, but if there is light, you need to move down the hill. After some time, you need to repeat the steps.

Positions for ST

  1. STs can occupy 4 positions.
  2. This is the most common position for ST. There is a lot of terrain in this area, so you can play from the tower. However, from the side of the upper base there may be enemy anti-tank installations, so it is not recommended to drive openly on hills.
  3. The second route is suitable for medium tanks, which have a good viewing radius and an accurate weapon. Enemy vehicles may try to drive towards the stone on a hill, so you can easily block them from this position. This is rather a temporary position that needs to be taken in the first seconds of the battle. A large number of
  4. stones can save you from mass shelling. Here it is comfortable to cause damage to enemy vehicles, which will be illuminated by an allied light tank. This position is occupied by both light and medium tanks. A medium tank will be more comfortable here, since it has a more powerful gun and is correspondingly taller firepower

. At this position, you can constantly monitor enemy movements, thereby forcing allied tanks to change tactics.

Positions for heavy tanks

  1. Heavy tanks with good side armor usually move to this position, since there is a direct shot towards the enemy base. The most important thing is to have time to get to this zone at the beginning of the battle.
  2. The 2nd position is located next to the 1st, but a strong tower is needed here. Because of the long hillock, you can only stick out the tower. As a standard, heavy tank firefights take place in this zone. With fire support from your allies, you can advance, taking cover behind a hill, thereby pushing back enemy tanks.
  3. More dynamic tanks are moving to the right flank, along with the ST. The turret's armor and elevation angles will also play a big role here. However, this zone is easily shot through by enemy tank destroyers from the side of the base and from the bushes located along the road. More often, it is on the right flank that mass skirmishes and breakthroughs occur.

Positions for tank destroyers

There are 4 comfortable positions for tank destroyers.

  1. This route will be comfortable for anti-tank installations with low dynamics. Here you can hide among the stones and fire at the light of an allied tank. This place is also convenient because it is close to the base. Tank destroyers with weak engines often go to break through some flank, but the parallel flank has been broken through by enemy vehicles, and as a result, you may not have time to return and stop the capture of the base. This position is universal, since it is possible to block the passage of tanks from the flanks and center.
  2. This position is located on a hill, so it will be possible to fire in all directions, however, due to the lack of vegetation, the anti-tank installation may be exposed.
  3. On the right flank there is a hill with vegetation. A tank destroyer with good camouflage and large vertical aiming angles will be comfortable here. In this position, tanks can hold back enemy breakthroughs to the flank from the center, as well as passages to the base.
  4. This position is located on a hill and will only be useful when enemy tanks are approaching the base en masse. There is vegetation here, so the camouflage factor will be high.

Upper base

Steppes is one of the few maps without specularity. Travel from both bases is different in many ways, which makes the gameplay non-linear.

The steppe map refers to open locations, where the outcome of the battle will depend largely on light tanks. There are no standard drives for all vehicle classes, so those positions will be shown in which teams win more often.

Traveling from the upper base is less comfortable for LT, but a few are worth noting.

  1. This position is not as secure as from the lower base, but it is very important since reconnaissance in the center of the map is necessary. The route is rather temporary, since it is under fire from many tanks from the enemy base. It is necessary to conduct reconnaissance and change position. After some time, it is recommended to return and re-monitor the central area.
  2. The second position is the most comfortable for light tanks. There is rock and vegetation in this place, so you can dodge and hide here. Reconnaissance mostly takes place on the right flank. Here you can illuminate anti-tank installations from the side of the enemy base, as well as block enemy passage along the hill to the flank.
  3. This position is more suitable for medium tanks, but light tanks can also be used. The dynamics will allow you to immediately drive to the stone and hide behind it. In this position you can help your allies with firepower.

This is not a position, but an area where you need to constantly be on the move. Small vegetation will allow moving equipment to be visible towards the right flank, but if there is light, you need to move down the hill. After some time, you need to repeat the steps.

The upper base provides medium tanks with many convenient positions.

  1. This position is suitable for fast and maneuverable STs, since you will have to often drive out to shoot and quickly drive behind a stone. Vegetation can hide a tank with good camouflage, but up to the 1st shot. Medium tank in this position, it will be more likely to distract the enemy.
  2. This is the standard route to the ravine. Medium tanks with good gun depression angles and armored turrets will feel comfortable.
  3. Here the tank can block enemy passages in height. The position is also comfortable when defending a base.
  4. One of the best positions. Here you can not only monitor the enemy, but also block passage, both at the bottom of the map and at the top. However, this is a one-way road, so if there is a defeat on the flank, there will be nowhere to retreat.
  5. This is a position for medium tanks with accurate guns and good camouflage. Here you can shoot through almost the entire map. This place is also convenient when breaking through enemy equipment from the right flank.

Positions for TT

The routes of heavy tanks from the upper base are similar to the route of heavy tanks from the lower base. On this map, the melee gameplay unfolds only along the flanks, so the positions will be corresponding.

  1. This position requires a strong tower. Here you can comfortably conduct firefights from the terrain. The comfort of this place also lies in the fact that artillery will not be able to shoot through this area because of the stones.
  2. This position is more active, since from this place it will be necessary to contain 2 directions. Here the artillery sweeps the entire zone, so you need to move more often.
  3. On the right flank you can also play from the relief. This flank is more comfortable for mass breakthroughs. The purpose of a heavy tank is to push through the enemy’s defenses and cover the allies with its corps.

Positions for tank destroyers

Open maps have always been comfortable for anti-tank installations, and “Steppes” is no exception.

  1. It is recommended to go to this place with a tank destroyer with good wheelhouse or turret armor. A powerful weapon with great armor penetration will be effective as fire support and deterrence of enemy attacks.
  2. Standard bushes for “cardboard” anti-tank installations. Here you can shoot through almost the entire map. However, the convenience of this position depends on the allied light tank conducting reconnaissance in the center. If central part the card is not visible to anyone, then it is better to change position.
  3. Similar to the 2nd position, however, here you can cover allied vehicles and block passages in the center.
  4. This is a risky position as the tank can be quickly destroyed. Here you only need tank destroyers with excellent camouflage. This place is needed for cover and counter fire.
  5. The position is in an open area, so a high camouflage coefficient will be required. The convenience of this location is that distance will come into play here. The further away the enemy equipment is, the safer it will be for the tank to be in this position.

Let's look at positions for tank destroyers in World of Tanks. As you know, pt-shki is a defensive technique. Used to hold back the onslaught of heavily armored tanks.

Hence, the main tactical positions of tank destroyers in WOT are the breakthrough lines of the main enemy troops. In general, on every map in the game there are lines along which opponents move. Most often there are two or three such directions, less often one or four.

Choosing a place to get up on a Fri Sau

For selection best place where to place the tank destroyer, you should decide on the distance at which you will open fire on opponents. There are two options for the development of events, which we will talk about in more detail. The essence of choosing a location comes down to the distance to the target. The presence of cover, be it bushes or natural and man-made obstacles such as rocks or buildings, is important, but not the main thing.

First option. Long range installation of tank destroyers. So, if you plan to hit tanks at maximum distance, you should choose straight, smooth, even terrain surfaces throughout the entire visibility of the area being shot. A distance of 500-700 meters is perfect for this option. The installation of the tank destroyer is carried out directly behind the bush. Tactical calculation to help allies in detecting enemies in the firing direction.

Advantages when choosing a location for a tank destroyer for long-range shooting:

  • The ability to maintain the strength of a combat vehicle;
  • The smallest percentage of the enemy targeting your tank destroyer;
  • Shooting from cover without exposure;
  • Causing unrequited damage from tank destroyers;
  • High survival rate.

Disadvantages when installing tank destroyers for long-range shooting:

  • Low percentage of armor penetration;
  • High probability of receiving damage from enemy self-propelled guns in case of exposure;
  • Difficulty aiming;
  • The need for allied assistance in detecting targets.
  • Low DPM due to the high probability of non-promotions and rebounds.

Second option. Close-range installation of tank destroyers. This option is more difficult to implement, but if implemented skillfully, it will bring much greater results. To decide where to stand you need to hurry. After the start of the battle, you should take a position as close as possible to the middle of your half in the area of ​​movement of the main forces heavy tanks enemy. Please pay Special attention to the position of the tank destroyer. Yours fighting machine in WOT should stand at least 15 meters behind bushes or trees. You should not place a tank destroyer directly into a bush. As soon as you open fire, your equipment will be detected. Place it away from the bush so that it covers your position from the enemy’s side. By placing the combat vehicle at a distance from the bush, your shots will not detect tank destroyers and you will be noticed only when the enemy approaches directly to your vehicle. This will give you certain advantages at the beginning of the battle.

Advantages when installing a tank destroyer for firing at close range:

  • High DPM due to armor penetration and lack of ricochets;
  • Tank destroyer gun aiming accuracy;
  • The ability to hit modules, disabling enemy vehicles;
  • Being close to the enemy will allow you to illuminate distant targets and knock out key, weakly armored forces at the beginning of the battle;
  • Map control of most of the map and providing greater opportunities for regrouping allied forces, greater maneuverability in the rear;
  • Good overview of enemy positions and movements.

Disadvantages when firing from a tank destroyer after being installed at close range to the enemy:

  • Low survival rate;
  • With this choice of location for tank destroyers in WOT, a large number of hits will fall on your combat vehicle;
  • High probability of detection by the enemy;
  • Statistically low probability of surviving the middle of the battle;
  • Limited ability to maneuver without taking damage;
  • The difficulty of executing the second option is due to the need to quickly take a position and place a jewelry tank destroyer 15 meters from the bush, without being afraid to stand in the open.

What should you pay attention to when placing tank destroyers in WOT?

Let's list the events and features of installing a tank destroyer in better position on the battlefield. To do this, we will identify all the factors influencing the correctness decision taken where to stand to ensure maximum efficiency when playing for birdie in World of Tanks. We will try to remember the identified factors and take them into account each time when choosing a position for this class of combat vehicles (TF). Here key factors, events and features that affect the outcome of the battle and the correct installation of pts:

  1. Distance to target. Consider where the enemies should be when you open fire on them. Choose narrow places that are inconvenient for enemies. Open, well-crossed areas. Be patient, do not try to open the position of your tank destroyer first.
  2. Availability of shelter. This is very important if you want to shoot without detecting your combat vehicle. The main shelters for tank destroyers in wot are bushes, stones, and buildings. Rarely are such types of shelters used when installing tank destroyers, such as trees, tall grass, cars, as well as terrain: holes, depressions, slides, crevices, windows, openings.
  3. If a tank destroyer is spotted, you should leave the selected position and cease fire. Try to immediately start moving in reverse, then maneuvering to the right and left, without stopping driving backwards. This will ensure the fastest exit from exposure and keep the tank destroyer safe. Even if there is a target in front of you - an illuminated enemy vehicle, try not to shoot at it while it is illuminated. Otherwise, you risk being exposed and quickly losing your entire potential in the number of hit points. Try to stretch the battle over several stages without putting everything you have into one attack.
  4. The lack of movement dramatically increases the cover factor. When choosing a place to stand on the WOT map, pay attention to the places where you can stand for a long time without setting the tank destroyer in motion. This guarantees greater survivability.
  5. Having a clear line of sight and no obstacles in the line of fire improves the quality of shooting and the chances of inflicting more damage. Provide a place for the tank destroyer with a direct line of sight at least 500 meters ahead.
  6. At the beginning of the battle, do not hesitate. The majority of game locations in World fo Tanks have open starting positions. Try to leave them immediately, choose the most suitable place and move to it as quickly as possible to ensure surprise of the attack and increase the tactical component in the battle.
  7. Remember, the tank destroyer class in WOT does not fight effectively on the front line. In this regard, take a place in the second line, giving up the first positions to heavy tanks.
  8. Finish off your opponents. Your position on the map should provide good support for your allies. Tank destroyers are a class designed to finish off wounded fighters. Put main goal in your position - to completely disable unfinished tanks.
  9. Protect your anti-tank self-propelled gun from enemy artillery. Often tank destroyers have a flat and at the same time wide hull outline. The upper part of these combat vehicles is the least protected. Direct hits from self-propelled guns can easily destroy your tank. Keep this in mind when choosing a shelter.
  10. Provide an escape route. Agree with your allies for help in repelling enemy light tanks. It is better that when choosing a place for a tank destroyer, someone else covers your stern.
  11. Remember the breakthrough potential of tank destroyers. In the middle and late stages of the game in WOT, your combat vehicle can provide a quick breakthrough to the enemy’s rear. When choosing a place to install the PT, remember to ensure the possibility of rapid movement forward. Do not stand on a mountain in front of a cliff or behind a water hazard.


We looked at two main options for placing tank destroyers in WOT. We analyzed the advantages and disadvantages when choosing each option for installing a combat vehicle on the battlefield. We assessed the effectiveness of using PT at long-range and close range location. We listed 11 factors that influence the choice of a place to stand up for a PTSA and revealed their essence.

Developers never cease to amaze players with interesting mods. Thus, a modification has become available that will display excellent positions on the map for light tanks, artillery and self-propelled guns. To do this, a lot of information was analyzed, a survey was conducted among the best players who noted the most successful positions. You can use the mod not only in random battles, but also in clan battles.

Each profitable position is marked with a specific icon:

  • triangle – important for tank destroyer players,
  • square – displays the ideal point for artillery,
  • binoculars - places are allocated from where passive light can be provided on a light tank.

This mod has another positive side. After installing it, you will be able to find the enemy much faster.

In general, quite useful mod, which you must have in your arsenal. The mod is especially useful for beginners, who often get lost on various maps and don’t know what position to take.

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