Topic copybook first textbook. Goal setting of the section (stage) of the pre-literary period, the educational task of the lesson. What is shown below in the foreground

home Copy - first workbook

. Drawing in writing. - Lesson objectives: reply

to the teacher’s questions about the purpose of the copybook; Get your bearings

in the first study book;

Correctly position the workbook at the workplace, demonstrate the correct position of the pen when writing; Play based on visual material

(illustrations in copybook, posters, etc.) hygienic rules for writing.

    During the classes

Organizing time.

    Dear children! In this lesson we will begin to learn how to write. You have pens on your desks and notebooks - this is what you need to start learning to write. But for now we won't touch them. First, you will look at what is on my screen and what I will show you.

Updating knowledge. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Slides No. 3-5.

(Show Khokhloma painting, Vologda lace, Zhostovo trays. Children say why they liked this or that product.) What kind of hands do you think should be in the hands of the people who created these creations that have not left our hearts indifferent?

(kind, warm, affectionate, can do everything, golden). And now I will show you the copybooks of former first-graders.

(You can distribute notebooks in rows, ask them to pass them from desk to desk, so that at the same time they learn to handle things carefully and work together).

Did you like the notebooks and how they were written?

Can you say about the guys’ hands that they are also golden? Why?

Would you like to learn how to write just as beautifully?

    Physical exercise.

1) Work on the topic of the lesson.

2) -So let’s learn, so that in the future your hands can also be called golden. We will learn to weave lace. But our lace will be extraordinary - lace made from letters. - Such magical lace, with the help of which you can bring joy to your parents, teacher, friends, yourself, you can weave with the help ballpoint pen And .

notebook sheet You see how many different letters there are in the notebooks. All notebooks are filled with lace letters. This is a whole magical land of letters. And this country has a fabulous name - BOOKVOLANDIA.

(colored letters)

Slide number 6. This word is similar to the name of some real countries, also distant to you and me, unknown, yet like a fairy tale. Has anyone heard of a similar country name?

    Formulating the topic of the lesson.

It is to this fabulous country that we will go on a journey, where we will get acquainted with its beautiful inhabitants - letters. We will find out how they are written, and learn to write them beautifully with our own hands, so as not to offend the beautiful inhabitants of Bukvoland.

Ultimately, you yourself - each in your own notebook - will create your own fairy-tale country, LITTERLAND.

So, let's go. But I also want to say that we will encounter difficulties along the way. Aren't you afraid of difficulties?

Let's overcome them together, we won't be discouraged, we'll help each other and wait for someone who suddenly falls behind, right?

But first of all, let's look at the path in your copybooks along which we will move when learning to write.

Consider the copybook, we must understand, understand for ourselves what a working line is, where it is located in our copybooks. This will be our path along which we will go on a journey, overcoming difficulties that we will definitely overcome. (Explain and show the purpose of horizontal lines in the copybook.)

And so, on our way along our line-paths to the fairy-tale country of LITERALLY LANDSCAPE.

    Familiarity with the words.

What are our copybooks called? Why?

Who is featured on the cover?

Why do you think they rush to the old forest man?

So we, too, will hurry after him to the Miracle Copy.

Do you think it’s easy to write?

    This is written about in a poem by L. Fadeev - page 3

(The teacher reads the first time, during the second reading the children perform certain movements)

Is it easy to be a student? Why?

What did the schoolchildren fail to do? Why?

6) Hygienic rules for writing. Landing, position of the copybook, handles.

I'll open my notebook

And I’ll put it in the right way.

I won’t hide it from you, friends,

I hold my pen like this.

I'll sit straight, I won't bend,

I'll get to work.

Slides No. 7-9.

    Testing students' knowledge.

Well, now let's see what you can write. - With. 4/1.

Now draw a drawing that you can do beautifully and accurately. – p.4/2.

    Lesson summary. Reflection.

Did you like our 1st writing lesson? How?

What trip did you take?

What will we learn in writing lessons?

What rules should you follow when writing? For what?

Why was it previously believed that scribes had “golden” hands?

Will you try to achieve the same? How?

You all did a good job. The path to LITERALLANIA is open!

Page 3

Copy - the first textbook.
(p. 3-6)
Planned results (subject): Independently perform diagnostic tasks on manual motor skills (drawing simple patterns, graphic dictation); get acquainted with the history of the formation and development of writing, the first accessories for it, the rules of sitting when writing, handling a pen (pencil)
Personal results: Accept and master the social role of the student; understand the motives of learning activities and understand the personal meaning of learning; show emotional responsiveness, understanding and empathy to peers when they fail to complete tasks and exercises; use motivation for creative work, to work for results
Universal learning activities(metasubject):
Regulatory: accept and maintain the goal and objectives of educational activities, search for means to achieve them; evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; adequately perceive the assessment.
Cognitive: independently perform tasks and exercises to develop manual motor skills (drawing simple patterns, graphic dictation); get acquainted with the history of the formation and development of writing, the first accessories for it, the rules of sitting when writing, handling a pen (pencil); control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the assigned task and conditions of implementation; build reasoning.
Communicative: listen to the interlocutor, recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their own point of view
During the classes
I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson
The teacher and students greet each other. The teacher checks readiness for the lesson
II. Control and diagnostic.
History of the formation and development of writing. The first teaching materials for writing. Rules for handling a pen (pencil) when writing.
The teacher shows a subject picture depicting a hero who will accompany the children throughout the lesson - a cheerful Pencil.
- Who is this? (Pencil)
- Why does Pencil smile? (Because he is happy. He sees his friends - us.) - Can we call Pencil our friend? (Yes)
– The pencil introduces us to interesting facts from the history of writing, which goes back into the distant past. Open “Copybook 1” on p. 4–5. Look at the illustrations. What do you see on the pages?
– Which writing tools and objects do you know? (Notebook, pen, pencil.)
– Why did people turn to the letter? (Not to forget important information)
– Previously, they wrote (scratched letters) on birch bark letters with a sharpened stick.
The teacher draws students' attention to the illustration at the bottom of “Copysheet 1” on p. 4
Rules for sitting when writing
– It was a very labor-intensive and long process, and therefore they began to use goose feathers, and then fountain pens, dipping the tip into a jar of ink (inkwell). They wrote important information on paper, let the ink dry, sealed it and sent it to their destination. Pen writing required a certain amount of diligence.
The teacher draws students' attention to the illustration at the top of the copybook on p. 4.
– More than a hundred years ago the typewriter was invented. The female typists quickly typed the required information text.
The teacher draws students' attention to the illustration at the bottom of p. 5.
– Fountain pens have been replaced by ballpoint and automatic pens.
The teacher draws students' attention to the illustration at the top of p. 5.
– It has become easier and faster to write. Now almost all of you have computers and laptops on your desks that have wide functionality.
The teacher draws students' attention to the illustration at the bottom of p. 5 (if possible, the teacher demonstrates objects and tools for writing).
– In order to write beautifully and maintain correct posture, it is necessary to follow the rules of sitting when writing. Look at the illustrations of students sitting at desks writing on p. 4–5.
- Where is the notebook? (The notebook lies at an angle.)
– The notebook should be positioned at an angle of 45°, with the right corner pointing upward. How are the hands positioned? (Hands rest completely on the table. The non-working hand holds the notebook.) – How should you hold your back, legs, head when writing? (You should keep your back straight, slightly tilting your body forward. Legs should be straight, with your feet touching the floor, at an angle of 90°. Your head should be tilted slightly forward.)
– Please note that your fist should fit freely between your body and the edge of the table. Therefore, the chair must be moved to the table at an appropriate distance. The light source should fall from the side where it is located writing hand. Sit correctly.
Students demonstrate correct sitting position at the table.
– Tell me how to hold a pen (pencil) correctly when writing.
If necessary, the teacher focuses the students’ attention on the fact that the pen (pencil) is placed on middle finger holding the working hand with the thumb, the index finger is placed on top of the pen (pencil).
– Show how you will hold a pen (pencil) while writing.
Students demonstrate the correct position of the pen (pencil).
– Our friend Pencil offers you to complete tasks and exercises that will help you determine how you use a pencil and act according to instructions. Do you think endurance, finger strength, patience, attentiveness, and diligence are important for performing exercises with a pencil? (Yes)
Physical education session with a “magic” pencil
1) Rolling a pencil in your palms.
Hold the pencil between your palms. Execute forward movements with your hands, gradually increasing the pace, without letting the pencil fall, for 3–5 s.
2) Rotate the pencil with your fingertips.
3) "Bridge".
Take a pencil. Put it on your fingertips right hand, then your left hand and hold in this position for several seconds. The fingers are closed and tense. Repeat 2–3 times
Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson
– Open your workbooks on p. 6. Look and say what elements of letters we will write in class.
– And our friend Pencil suggests tracing objects along contour lines, shading different types, drawing patterns and borders.
– Remember what is necessary for the job to be completed successfully
III. Reflective-evaluative
– What did you do in class? (During the lesson we completed tasks and exercises.)
– What were the tasks and exercises aimed at? (Tasks and exercises are aimed at developing the fingers: their endurance, strength, coordination of movements, pencil skills.)
– Where can endurance, strength, and coordination of finger movements come in handy? (By doing various jobs: writing, drawing, sports exercises, playing musical instruments.)
– What qualities helped you in completing tasks? (Patience, mindfulness, willpower, concentration)
– What task caused you difficulty?
– Who is satisfied with their work in class? Show the red signal card.
At home, talk about what you did in class.

Lesson #1.

Topic: Copywriting - the first textbook.

Objectives: to form in students the concepts of “written and oral speech”, “sound”, “question mark”; develop attention, monologue speech, phonemic awareness, independent learning skills; introduce the textbook “ABC”, the manual “Copywriting”; instill interest in the subjects being studied - reading and writing.

Formed UUD: acquaintance with the textbook, its elements and content (cover, title page, symbols - helper signs); the ability to evaluate the activities of classmates.

Propaedeutics: the concept of “above”, “below”, “in the middle”, “under”, “behind”, “above”, “below”, “next to”.

During the classes:

    Inclusion in educational activities.

Before class, introduce the rules for greeting the teacher.

Guess the riddle and tell me the name of the building in which we are located.

This is an unusual house

They don’t live in that house.

Who will enter it?

Uma will gain. (School)

What is the name of the room in which we begin our lesson? (Cool room)

What are the names of all the boys and girls in this classroom? (Students)

You will study and learn a lot of interesting things. Tell me, what are the school activities called? (Lessons)

Well done boys! School activities are called lessons. But there are breaks between lessons - these are changes. Changes are needed so that you can rest and prepare for the next lesson. The bell rang, you must all stand upright near your desks, this way you greet the teacher and show that you are ready for the next lesson. Let's imagine that the bell rang for class. What will you do? (Students show). In addition, we have one more rule: if an adult comes into the class during a lesson, you must stand up, so you show that you greet him. (Practice show).

On September 1, we talked about another rule. This rule is called the "Response Rule". In order to answer. You need to raise your hand. After the teacher allows you to answer, you stand up and answer. The other guys are listening to you carefully. (show virtually).


There is a book on your table. What colors did the artist choose to design the cover?

What do these colors remind you of? (Sun and grass, garden, sand, etc.)
-What mood are you in?

How many of you know what these marks are on the cover? (These are letters)

Who knows what ABC is?

What do you think you will learn from this book?


- Let's get up. Exercise for an hour.

Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

We live in a world of sounds and signs. How do you understand this? (Signs are what we see. Sounds are what we hear).

We see the signs. Can we see sounds? How do we perceive them?

There are concepts of “oral speech” and “written speech”. If, for example, one person writes a letter to another, what kind of speech will it be?

Everything we say is speech. Speech is called oral because we use our mouth(s), we can see how our lips work. We use oral speech when we talk, listen, and ask. We hear and pronounce oral speech. In writing, the sound we speak is indicated by a letter.

- Say the tongue twister: the hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a squeeze. (Works on understanding the tongue twister, memorizing it).

What we just talked about is oral speech. But there is speech that is contained in books and newspapers. It is written, indicated by letters. This is written speech. We will learn to write and read written language.

-Where do you think we should start teaching writing?

Look carefully at the cover of the Recipe and tell me what is shown on it? (The name of the notebook is Recipe, number 1, which indicates the class and an indication that this is part 1).

Open the Recipe page, which shows the following number at the bottom (get the number 3 from the cash register). Tell me where you can find the page number? (Bottom, middle, in the red square)

-You see all 33 letters of the Russian alphabet. How are they written? (Beautiful, neat, clear)

-Circle with a green pencil those letters whose spelling you already know.

-Circle the letters whose spelling you like best with a blue pencil.

It’s also beautiful and you’ll be writing by the time we fully study the ABCs. Do you want to learn to write?


-Turn the copybook page. What is the boy doing? What is the girl doing? How do they sit at the desk?

(Children learn the rules of sitting, handling a pen, pencil. A poster “Sit correctly when writing” hangs on the board)

Now look at the poster that will remind us for all 4 years how to sit at a desk. Why do you think it is necessary to sit correctly at a desk while writing? (This is important in order to maintain health (posture and vision))

Near the boy are writing objects that were used in ancient times. The first people used tree bark for writing, on which they carved letters using shelves. Afterwards, people began to write with pens and ink. Near the girl there are writing objects that are used throughout recent years: This is a pen, pencil. Until recently, a typewriter was used for writing, but now a computer is used instead.

What is shown above the boy's head? And in front of him? At the bottom of the page? What is shown to the right of the boy?

-What is to the left of the girl? And on the right? What's at the bottom of the page?

Now compare what you see on the right side of the page on which the girl is depicted? What is located in relation to you on the left side of the page?

-CONCLUSION: what is on the left of the girl will be on the right in relation to them and vice versa.

Turn the page. A cheerful Pencil will help us in our work. It shows where to write letter elements or trace drawings. What is shown on p.6?

-Trace the outlines of the drawings with a pen. Shade them in with colored pencils.

Look at your neighbors' copybooks. Please note that the task was the same, but your shading colors were different. Why did this happen? (Choose your favorite color, but it’s different for everyone)


To make writing comfortable, you need to hold the notebook at an angle.


Guys, tell me what is shown on the board (OVAL, HALF-OVAL, STICK WITH A TILT). Let's write ovals and semi-ovals, sticks with a slope.

The writing of each letter consists of several elements. Before learning to write letters, we will learn to write the elements of letters. Open the copybook on page 6. Write the elements of the letters according to the model in narrow lines under the pictures.


-The first letters of the Old Russian alphabet were called “Az” and “Buki”. What word does this remind you of? (ABC).

-In ancient times, the proverb “First az and beeches, and then science” was born. How do you explain this?

Open the textbook to page 3. Look at the illustration and make up a story based on it.

The illustration resembles a window that students are looking through. A wonderful world of new, unknown, bright and beautiful will open before us.

-What is shown in the center of the picture? (Forest and suburbs with clouds floating above)

-What is shown in the upper left corner? (The growing month towards which the space rocket is flying).

-How many of you know the name of the first cosmonaut of our country? (Yuri Gagarin)

-It was he who was the first person in the world to fly into space.

-What is shown in the upper right corner of the page? (Sun)

-What is shown in the lower left corner? In the lower right corner?

-What is shown in the background, above the helicopter?

-What is shown below, in the foreground?

What do you think in the picture is fairy-tale and what is real? (Fairy-tale - the moon and the sun are smiling, have eyes and a mouth. Real - a forest, river, helicopter, etc.

-When do we use spoken language?


-Game “World of Sounds” (I call one, he imitates).

- The child is crying, the dog is barking, the bee is buzzing, the clock is ticking.

-Have you seen the sounds being spoken?

We pronounce and hear sounds. To make sounds visible, letters were invented. (HANGING THE ALPHABET)

Guys, tell me, what is in front of you now? (Alphabet)

Do you think letters are needed to convey written or oral speech?(Written)

What sounds convey speech?

That's right, sounds are used to convey spoken language, and letters are used to convey written language.


I suggest you play. I will show or pronounce, and you will say this letter or sound.


Help me finish this sentence:

    All we say is…..(speech)

    Speech can be .... (oral and written)

    We can see the letter, but we cannot see….(sound)

    In writing, a sound is indicated by….(letter)

-What new did you learn in the lesson?

-Why do we need to know this?

Books will help you make your speech correct and rich. We have a bookshelf from which you can take books, read them or just look at pictures.

Copy - the first textbook.

(p. 3-6)

Planned results (subject): Independently perform diagnostic tasks on manual motor skills (drawing simple patterns, graphic dictation); get acquainted with the history of the formation and development of writing, the first accessories for it, the rules of sitting when writing, handling a pen (pencil)

Personal results: Accept and master the social role of the student; understand the motives of learning activities and understand the personal meaning of learning; show emotional responsiveness, understanding and empathy to peers when they fail to complete tasks and exercises; use motivation for creative work, to work for results

Universal learning activities (metasubject):

Regulatory: accept and maintain the goal and objectives of educational activities, search for means of achieving them; evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; adequately perceive the assessment.

Cognitive: independently perform tasks and exercises to develop manual motor skills (drawing simple patterns, graphic dictation); get acquainted with the history of the formation and development of writing, the first accessories for it, the rules of sitting when writing, handling a pen (pencil); control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the assigned task and conditions of implementation; build reasoning.

Communicative: listen to the interlocutor, recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their own point of view

(illustrations in copybook, posters, etc.) hygienic rules for writing.

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson

The teacher and students greet each other. The teacher checks readiness for the lesson

II. Control and diagnostic.

History of the formation and development of writing. The first teaching materials for writing. Rules for handling a pen (pencil) when writing.

The teacher shows a subject picture depicting a hero who will accompany the children throughout the lesson - a cheerful Pencil.

- Who is this? (Pencil)

Why does Pencil smile?(Because he is happy. He sees his friends - us.)

Can we call Pencil our friend?(Yes)

The pencil introduces us to interesting facts from the history of writing, which goes back to the distant past. Open “Copybook 1” on p. 4–5. Look at the illustrations. What do you see
on the pages?

Which writing tools and objects do you know?(Notebook, pen, pencil.)

Why did people turn to writing?(So ​​as not to forget important information)

Previously, they wrote (scratched letters) on birch bark letters with a sharply sharpened stick.

The teacher draws students' attention to the illustration at the bottom of “Copysheet 1” on p. 4

Rules for sitting when writing

This was a very labor-intensive and lengthy process, and therefore they began to use quills and then fountain pens as writing instruments, dipping the point into a jar of ink (inkwell). They wrote important information on paper, let the ink dry, sealed it and sent it to their destination. Pen writing required a certain amount of diligence.

The teacher draws students' attention to the illustration at the top of the copybook on p. 4.

More than a hundred years ago the typewriter was invented. The female typists quickly typed the required information text.

The teacher draws students' attention to the illustration at the bottom of p. 5.

Fountain pens have been replaced by ballpoint and automatic pens.

The teacher draws students' attention to the illustration at the top of p. 5.

It has become easier and faster to write. Now almost all of you have computers and laptops on your desks that have wide functionality.

The teacher draws students' attention to the illustration at the bottom of p. 5 (if possible, the teacher demonstrates objects and tools for writing).

In order to write beautifully and maintain correct posture, it is necessary to follow the rules of sitting when writing. Look at the illustrations of students sitting at desks writing on p. 4–5.

- Where is the notebook? (The notebook lies at an angle.)

– The notebook should be positioned at an angle of 45°, with the right corner pointing upward. How are the hands positioned? (Hands lie completely on the table. The non-working hand holds the notebook.)

How should you hold your back, legs, head when writing? (Your back should be kept straight, with your body slightly tilted forward. Legs – straight, feet touching the floor, at an angle of 90°. Head tilted slightly forward.)

Please note that your fist should fit freely between your body and the edge of the table. Therefore, the chair must be moved to the table at an appropriate distance. The light source should fall from the side where the writing hand is located. Sit correctly.

Students demonstrate correct sitting position at the table.

Tell us how to hold a pen (pencil) correctly when writing.

If necessary, the teacher focuses the students’ attention on placing the pen (pencil) on the middle finger of the working hand, holding it with the thumb, and placing the index finger on top of the pen (pencil).

Show how you will hold a pen (pencil) while writing.

Students demonstrate the correct position of the pen (pencil).

– Our friend Pencil offers you to complete tasks and exercises that will help you determine how you use a pencil and act according to instructions. Do you think endurance, finger strength, patience, attentiveness, and diligence are important for performing exercises with a pencil? (Yes)

Physical education session with a “magic” pencil

1) Rolling a pencil in your palms.

Hold the pencil between your palms. Perform forward movements with your hands with a gradual increase in tempo, without allowing the pencil to fall, for 3–5 seconds.

2) Rotate the pencil with your fingertips.

3) "Bridge".

Take a pencil. Place it on the fingertips of your right hand, then your left hand and hold in this position for several seconds. The fingers are closed and tense. Repeat 2–3 times

Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

Open your workbooks on p. 6. Look and say what elements of letters we will write in class.

And our friend Pencil suggests tracing objects along contour lines, shading with different types, drawing patterns and borders.

Remember what it takes to get the job done successfully

III. Reflective-evaluative

What did you do in class?( During the lesson we completed tasks and exercises.)

What were the tasks and exercises aimed at?( Tasks and exercises are aimed at developing the fingers: their endurance, strength, coordination of movements, pencil skills.)

Where can endurance, strength, and coordination of finger movements come in handy? ( When performing various work: writing, drawing, sports exercises, playing musical instruments.)

What qualities helped you complete tasks?(Patience, mindfulness, willpower, concentration)

What task caused you difficulty?

Who is satisfied with their work in class? Show the red signal card.

At home, talk about what you did in class.

Copy - the first textbook. Drawing in writing.

. Drawing in writing.- reply to the teacher’s questions about the purpose of the copybook;

to the teacher’s questions about the purpose of the copybook; in the first study book;

Correctly position the workbook at the workplace, demonstrate the correct position of the pen when writing;

Reproduce, based on visual material (illustrations in copybooks, posters, etc.), hygienic rules for writing.

(illustrations in copybook, posters, etc.) hygienic rules for writing.

    During the classes

Dear children! In this lesson we will begin to learn how to write. You have pens on your desks and notebooks - this is what you need to start learning to write.

    Physical exercise.

1) -So let’s learn, so that in the future your hands can also be called golden. We will learn to weave lace. But our lace will be extraordinary - lace made from letters.

2) -So let’s learn, so that in the future your hands can also be called golden. We will learn to weave lace. But our lace will be extraordinary - lace made from letters. - Such magical lace, with the help of which you can bring joy to your parents, teacher, friends, yourself, you can weave with the help ballpoint pen And .

notebook sheet You see how many different letters there are in the notebooks. All notebooks are filled with lace letters. This is a whole magical land of letters. And this country has a fabulous name - BOOKVOLANDIA.

Slide number 6. This word is similar to the name of some real countries, also distant to you and me, unknown, yet like a fairy tale. Has anyone heard of a similar country name?

    Formulating the topic of the lesson.

It is to this fabulous country that we will go on a journey, where we will get acquainted with its beautiful inhabitants - letters. We will find out how they are written, and learn to write them beautifully with our own hands, so as not to offend the beautiful inhabitants of Bukvoland.

Ultimately, you yourself - each in your own notebook - will create your own fairy-tale country, LITTERLAND.

So, let's go. But I also want to say that we will encounter difficulties along the way. Aren't you afraid of difficulties?

Let's overcome them together, we won't be discouraged, we'll help each other and wait for someone who suddenly falls behind, right?

But first of all, let's look at the path in your copybooks along which we will move when learning to write.

Consider the copybook, we must understand, understand for ourselves what a working line is, where it is located in our copybooks. This will be our path along which we will go on a journey, overcoming difficulties that we will definitely overcome. (Explain and show the purpose of horizontal lines in the copybook.)

And so, on our way along our line-paths to the fairy-tale country of LITERALLY LANDSCAPE.

    Familiarity with the words.

What are our copybooks called? Why?

Who is featured on the cover?

Why do you think they rush to the old forest man?

So we, too, will hurry after him to the Miracle Copy.

Do you think it’s easy to write?

    This is written about in a poem by L. Fadeev - page 3

(The teacher reads the first time, during the second reading the children perform certain movements)

Is it easy to be a student? Why?

What did the schoolchildren fail to do? Why?

6) Hygienic rules for writing. Landing, position of the copybook, handles.

I'll open my notebook

And I’ll put it in the right way.

I won’t hide it from you, friends,

I hold my pen like this.

I'll sit straight, I won't bend,

I'll get to work.

Slides No. 7-9.

    Testing students' knowledge.

Well, now let's see what you can write. - With. 4/1.

Now draw a drawing that you can do beautifully and accurately. – p.4/2.


    Lesson summary. Reflection.

Did you like our 1st writing lesson? How?

What trip did you take?

What will we learn in writing lessons?

What rules should you follow when writing? For what?

Why was it previously believed that scribes had “golden” hands?

Will you try to achieve the same? How?

You all did a good job. The path to LITERALLANIA is open!

What else to read