Capable of killing coma cancer cells. How and why do people die from cancer? Immunity and nutrition


The growth of hair and nails continues after death, firstly, because these so-called skin appendages do not have such a high degree of organization as is inherent in other organs. And after biological death they continue to function autonomously. We can say that the metabolism continues to function by inertia.
These processes continue, and they do not affect important organs, because first of all the brain and heart die, the kidneys and liver are switched off, but these tissues and simple organs continue to function. The duration of these processes depends on the storage conditions of the body. If the corpse is in cool conditions, this may last a day or two. And if the body is stored in warm conditions
, then the processes of decay begin quite quickly, and after a few hours the growth of these tissues stops. Similar changes occur in the body of animals after death, so lengthening of fur or claws can also be found in them, although some processes in them generally proceed faster than in humans.
In ancient times, these processes probably had some mystical explanations associated with cult things, but, of course, when science began to explain the processes of growth of nails and hair after death, all mystical and paranormal explanations moved aside. There really is nothing mystical here: the cells remain alive, although the body is already dead, and they still continue to exist autonomously. Different parts of our body die in different ways: the brain, for example, only needs ten minutes without oxygen, and its cells begin to die. Other tissues, such as hearts, can survive without oxygen for almost an hour, during which time the heart can be harvested for transplantation. And hair and nails are so primitive that they can exist autonomously for a much longer time, but then this also stops.
It is necessary to emphasize one more important and interesting point. If all organs died at the same time, if some organs or tissues did not continue to function for some time after death, then organ transplantation would be impossible. After all, after death they can take a liver or kidneys for transplantation; now they have learned to transplant both lungs and hearts - all precisely because the process of tissue death is extended over time. First, consciousness is switched off, then vital organs, but at the same time they still retain their viability, so they can be transplanted. Otherwise, transplantology as a field of medicine would not exist, and organ transplantation would be impossible.

There is a common myth that nails and hair grow even after a person dies. Is it true? And what influenced the formation of such public opinion? A dermatologist practicing in a New York hospital answers these questions.

The short answer to the question of whether it is possible for hair and nails to grow after death is no, although to an outside observer they may appear to grow a little longer. This is because after death the human body undergoes dehydration, as a result of which the skin changes its structure. This causes parts of the nails and hair that were once under the skin to become visible, but from the outside it appears as if they have become larger. Dr. Doris Day, a dermatologist and attending physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, talks about this.

What is necessary for the growth of new nail and hair cells

Typically, fingernails grow by about 0.1 mm per day. But in order to grow, they need glucose, a simple sugar that helps fuel the body. After a person dies, there is no glucose left in his body. Thus, new skin, hair and nail cells can no longer appear. In addition, hair and nail growth is directed by a complex of hormonal regulation, which is not possible when a person dies, according to a 2007 study.

Nothing more than a common myth

Despite this, Mass culture often misperceives this fact. For example, in the book “On Western Front no change" main character imagines his dead friend's nails growing even after his death. Moreover, even the famous American journalist, presenter and director Johnny Carson interpreted this fact incorrectly when he said that for at least three more days after death, a person does not stop growing hair and nails.

The human body consists of a large number of cells. Hair and nails are no exception. But there is a significant difference between the cells of hair and nails and the cells of the entire body. When we cut or break them, we do not feel pain because they are formed dead

The human body consists of a large number of cells. Hair and nails are no exception. But there is a significant difference between the cells of hair and nails and the cells of the entire body. When we cut or break them, we do not feel pain because they are formed by dead cells, despite this, hair and nails grow.This happens thanks to the growth zone located at the base of each hair and nail. Here cells are actively dividing. Living small cells produce a lot of keratin protein, which prevents parts of the cell from interacting with each other, causing the cell to die. New cells formed in the growth zone push out dead ones, as a result of which their growth occurs.
The nail growth area is located under the skin at the base and is called the matrix. It is thick and long, so a wide and thick nail plate grows from it. The cells of the nail are arranged in layers, between them there are layers of water and fat. Hair grows from a small round sac - the hair follicle, so it turns out long, thin and round in cross-section.
The fact is that at the very base of each hair and each nail there is a growth zone where cells are alive and actively dividing. The “daughters” of these cells - at first living small cells - produce a lot of the structural protein keratin, so much that the cell is almost completely filled with it. Keratin is a strong, waterproof protein; it does not allow parts of the cell to “communicate” with each other, and as a result the cell dies. New cells formed in the growth zone push dead cells forward, and as a result, hair or nail grows.

Incredible facts

Many of our body's functions continue to function for minutes, hours, days, and even weeks after death. It's hard to believe, but incredible things happen to our body.

If you are ready for hard-hitting details, then this information is for you.

1. Nail and hair growth

This is more of a technical feature than an actual feature. The body no longer produces hair or nail tissue, but both continue to grow for several days after death. In fact, the skin loses moisture and pulls back slightly, which reveals more hair and makes your nails appear longer. Since we measure the length of hair and nails from the point where the hair emerges from the skin, it technically means that they "grow" after death.

2. Brain activity

One of the side effects modern technology is the erasure of time between life and death. The brain may shut down completely, but the heart will still beat. If the heart stops for a minute and there is no breathing, then the person dies, and doctors declare the person dead even when the brain is technically still alive for several minutes. During this time, brain cells try to seek out oxygen and nutrients to support life to such an extent that most often it leads to irreparable damage, even if the heart is made to beat again. These minutes before complete damage can be extended with the help of certain medications and under the right circumstances, up to several days. Ideally, this would give doctors a chance to save you, but this is not guaranteed.

3. Skin cell growth

This is another function different parts our body, which fades away at different rates. While loss of circulation can kill the brain in minutes, other cells don't need a constant supply. Skin cells that live on the outer layer of our body are accustomed to receiving what they can through a process called osmosis, and can live for several days.

4. Urination

We believe that urination is a voluntary function, although its absence is not a conscious action. In principle, we don’t have to think about this, since a certain part of the brain is responsible for this function. The same area is involved in regulating breathing and heart rate, which explains why people often experience involuntary urination if they get drunk. The fact is that the part of the brain that keeps the urinary sphincter closed is suppressed, and very a large number of alcohol can disable the regulation of respiratory and heart functions, and therefore alcohol can be truly dangerous.

Although rigor mortis causes the muscles to stiffen, this does not happen until several hours after death. Immediately after death, the muscles relax, which causes urination.

5. Defecation

We all know that during times of stress, our body gets rid of waste. Some muscles just relax and an awkward situation occurs. But in the event of death, all this is also facilitated by the gas that is released inside the body. This can happen several hours after death. Considering that the fetus in the womb also performs the act of defecation, we can say that this is the first and last thing that we do in our lives.

6. Digestion

7. Erection and ejaculation

When the heart stops pumping blood throughout the body, the blood collects in the lowest place. Sometimes people die standing, sometimes lying face down, and therefore many people understand where blood can collect. Meanwhile, not all muscles in our body relax. Some types of muscle cells are activated by calcium ions. Once activated, cells expend energy by extracting calcium ions. After death, our membranes become more permeable to calcium and the cells do not expend as much energy to push out the ions and the muscles contract. This leads to rigor mortis and even ejaculation.

8. Muscle movements

Although the brain may die, other areas nervous system may be active. Nurses have repeatedly noticed reflex actions in which nerves send a signal to the spinal cord rather than the brain, leading to muscle twitching and spasms after death. There is even evidence of small movements of the chest after death.

9. Vocalization

Essentially, our body is filled with gas and mucus supported by bones. Rotting occurs when bacteria begin to act and the proportion of gases increases. Because most of bacteria is inside our body, then the gas accumulates inside.

Rigor mortis leads to the stiffening of many muscles, including those that work on the vocal cords, and this whole combination can lead to eerie sounds emanating from the vocal cords. dead body. So there is evidence of how people heard the groans and creaks of dead people.

10. Birth of a child

It's a terrible scene to imagine, but there have been times when women died during pregnancy and were not buried, leading to the coining of a term called "posthumous fetal expulsion." Gases accumulating inside the body, combined with softening of the flesh, lead to expulsion of the fetus.

Although such cases are very rare and the subject of much speculation, they have been documented in the period before proper embalming and rapid burial. This all sounds like something out of a horror movie, but these things really do happen, and it makes us Once again be glad that we live in the modern world.

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