Skyrim unique daggers. Best one-handed weapons in Skyrim - how to get unique daggers, axes, maces and swords. Best Skyrim Daggers

home There are dozens of different swords, varying in appearance, weight, and damage output. And looking at all this abundance of weapons, one might wonder, where to find the most powerful sword in Skyrim

. Below are the best swords with maximum damage. It is worth noting that the amount of damage of these swords will not take into account high wielding and improvement skills.

Dragon Sword (two-handed) By right dragon sword considered the best two-handed weapon
  1. in Skyrim (including DLC). Even without skill with this weapon, the Dragon Sword deals 27 damage. At the beginning of the game, finding such a sword will not be easy, because in order for you to come across it in chests or from enemies, you need at least level 40. But you can go the other way and try to forge a dragon sword, for this you will need the following:
  2. Three stripes of leather;
  3. Maximum level of blacksmithing;
  4. One ebony ingot;
  5. Ability to create dragon armor;

Four dragon bones.

Once created, a dragon sword can be improved on a whetstone, but this will require another dragon bone.

Daedric Sword (two-handed) Compared to dragon daedric sword is able to deal slightly less damage (26), but has less weight (23). Without taking into account the official DLC, the Daedric sword is considered the most powerful weapon in the game. But find this weapon
  1. not easy, because he appears only from level 46 and then extremely rarely. Basically, a Daedric sword can be bought or taken from a dead Legendary Dragon. Another option would be to forge a Daedric sword, for this you will need:
  2. The skill of creating Daedric armor;
  3. in Skyrim (including DLC). Even without skill with this weapon, the Dragon Sword deals 27 damage. At the beginning of the game, finding such a sword will not be easy, because in order for you to come across it in chests or from enemies, you need at least level 40. But you can go the other way and try to forge a dragon sword, for this you will need the following:
  4. Blacksmithing - 90;
  5. One Daedra Heart;

Five ebony ingots. In addition, the sword can be forged at the Atronach forge; to do this, you must take possession of the Sigil stone, the black soul stone, the heart of a Daedra, the core of a centurion generator and a two-handed ebony sword. You need to use this method only if you have level 90 Witchcraft, because you will have to go through the ritual of the College of Winterhold. But you don't have to own blacksmithing

and all related abilities.

You can improve a Daedric sword on a whetstone using an ebony ingot.

Miraak's Sword (one-handed) Undoubtedly It is considered the best of the one-handed weapons. The ancient sword, given to Miraaku by Hermaeus Mora, deals 17 damage and is capable of depriving its enemy of 15 points of stamina. It is impossible to make this sword; the only way out is to take it from Miraak’s corpse after completing the mission “At the Top of Apocrypha.” But Miraak’s sword can be improved with the help of a Daedra heart and an ebony ingot on a grindstone.

Summing up

Now you know, where to find the strongest sword in Skyrim. In addition to the presented swords, several more weapons can be noted: Radiance of Dawn (13 damage), Nightingale Blade(11 damage), Bloody Scythe and Strangler (both 14 damage), Dragon one-handed bone sword(16 damage), Daedric sword(15 damage), Stalhrim and Ebony swords (14 damage each).

The weapon definitely plays main role in Skyrim, and therefore from the very beginning of the game you should decide on the type of weapon, if you don’t know, then it happens:

  • One-handed (swords, short, daggers, axes)
  • Two-handed (axes, halberds, spears)
  • Small arms (crossbows, bows)

In the article WHERE to find the best weapons in Skyrim, we will consider in detail all the possible options for obtaining attacking types of weapons (small weapons are excluded, since on our website in the Bows and Crossbows section, you will find the same article about small arms).

Let's immediately clarify that this post is of a purely informative nature, that is, all your statements that are negative in nature will be ignored, since everyone has their own ideals.

We consider only original (vanilla) weapons, all unofficial mods and additions are not taken into account!

Where to find the best weapons in Skyrim - by stages

Beginning of the game

For those who want to “bend” enemies from the very beginning of their story, you should think about going through the storyline for the thieves guild, since at the end of all the main quests, you will be equipped Nightingale blade, Nightingale's bow, and Nightingale's armor, and not a small amount of money. And if you use this entire set, you immediately understand that it is simply ideal, as it has impressive charms.

The next exhibit will be sword " Phantom Blade» , which can be obtained by killing Ansilvund. Its feature is its complete ignoring of the enemy’s armor, that is, it does not matter how he is equipped, in heavy or light armor.

Also worth mentioning is the Okin ax and the Eduzh sword. With their help, you can easily defeat quite strong enemies.

Mid leveling

Now let's move on to more experienced players. Many people will like it Wuuthrad ax which can be obtained after completing a chain of quests for the Companions, since it is literally “killer”.

After completing quests for one of the Daedric Princes, you will receive Merenus' Razor. It has the shape of a dagger, and has a 5% chance of instantly killing an enemy. Especially if you take it in right hand, and used as an auxiliary one, then when attacking, for example, with a regular sword, without enchantment, you also have a chance to kill the enemy in one blow.

Peak pumping

After completing many quests, you will really need good weapon. For example, a staff Rose Sanguina will be very useful for those players who have not leveled up the magic tree, as it can summon Daedra who will fight on your side.

For those who like to hunt dragons, a weapon is well suited Dragon Scourge, since it has an additional bonus of 25 damage to them.

Another proven method is forging weapons. Has the most relatively good base damage Daedric and Dragon weapons. But to create them you need to have good Blacksmithing (from 90 to 100).

Video column on where and how to get the best weapons in Skyrim

Where to Get the Best Basic Weapons

Top 10 most powerful weapons (hard-core review)

The most powerful weapon

In the end, it must be said that for each you need to select the best weapon separately, and therefore, in order to say which weapon is really the best, let's say the following.

The best weapon in Skyrim is the weapon that has saved you more than once, or just choose a Daedric, upgrade it, enchant it and bend this whole multifaceted world! Thank you for your attention, good mood everyone!

Let's go, friend! In honor of the release Skyrim Special Edition, an updated version with HD textures, we are releasing a series of articles on this topic. The first will be an article about choosing and finding the best weapons and armor. And, since I prefer speed and lightness, we will start with one-handed weapons, shields and light armor.

So that you don't have any problems unnecessary questions, Skyrim Special Edition includes all the additions to original game, so all the items described below will be available to you.

The best one-handed weapon in Skyrim

Undoubtedly, the most powerful weapon with base damage is the dragon weapon, but it is also significantly heavier (except for daggers, where a dragon bone dagger is only 0.5 kg heavier). Conceding one unit of base damage, a Stalhrim mace or ax will be much lighter and overall better, with the exception of swords, where the vaunted Daedric blade has greater base damage and practically the same weight.

All of these weapons can be enchanted, but you can't enchant unique artifacts (in most cases), so some of the weapons below may only be good if you don't have that specialization.

Mace of Molag Bal
16 18
“Steals 25 units of magic and 25 strength per hit. Soul Capture."
The weapon is forged from ebony, it is 1 kg lighter than nameless samples, and has the base damage of a dragon. You can get a task with it in an abandoned house in Mokarte.
16 3
"Steals 15 strength per hit"
An incredibly light sword, only 3 kg and damage to the most powerful dragon weapons. Unfortunately, you can only get it at the end of the game, during the main storyline (taking into account the presence of the Dragonborn add-on).
Mehrunes' razor
11 3
"Instant death occurs with a 1.5% chance."
3.5 kg lighter than the dragon dagger, but 2 less base damage. Despite this, due to its effect, it makes a dagger good option for the left hand. You can start the quest by visiting the museum in Dawnstar.

The best light armor in Skyrim

The two most powerful light armor available from crafting sets in the game are Stalhrim (with the Dragonborn add-on) and Dragonscale. The difference between them is small, and if one element of armor is better, then the other is worse.

Stalhrim boots, bracers have the same base armor parameter as dragon armor.

Not everything is clear with the breastplate and helmet.

The breastplate is 3 kg lighter, but has 2 less armor. It makes sense to wear Elven gilded armor, the armor class is lower by 6, but its weight is 6 less.

The shield is undoubtedly made of dragon scales - the weight is 4 lighter, losing only 1 in armor.

The helmet is 2 kg lighter, but has 1 less armor. But in terms of armor, any other light helmet pales in comparison to the Masks of Dragon Priests. Krosis, Volsung or Miraak (Dragonborn) will suit you. You can collect all 8 main masks and go to the past, where you will awaken the heavy mask of the leader. Krosis is the best freely available, to get it go to Double-Headed Peak.

Legendary light armor of Skyrim

If you don't enchant armor yourself, then you will be interested in the legendary sets, and if you don't have the DLC installed, the best you can get is abuse from the Dark Brotherhood, or rather it old version in the factional quest “Find an Assassin from the Past”. Her kits have, if not the same parameters, then a little bit better.

Owners of the Dragonborn expansion will have access to two more powerful sets.

Becoming a legendary hero is much easier when you have a couple of powerful artifacts at hand. There are a lot of them, but which ones are the best of their kind? This guide contains the best one-handed weapons in the game, which are perfect for those who set out to master it on the Nintendo Switch!

Best One-Handed Equipment in Skyrim

Skyrim has so-called unique items that are really worth getting. They are almost never found on sale; to get hold of them, you will have to complete dangerous missions and go to the most remote areas of Skyrim.

If you are tired of going aimlessly, completing all the tasks in a row and getting some useless ones, then this guide is for you. In it we have collected the best one-handed weapons of different classes, and also included methods for obtaining them. A true guide for the treasure hunter and gunsmith enthusiast!

The best unique daggers in Skyrim

There are a lot of unique daggers in the game, but we’ll only focus on a couple of absolutely amazing ones. They will be useful to anyone who relies on stealth and lightning strikes from the shadows: Mehrune's Razor and Blade of Woe.

How to get the Mehrunes Razor weapon

A compact weapon that has very good base damage (11), but is valuable primarily for its magical properties. Each strike from Mehrunes' Razor has a chance to kill instantly, making this weapon superior to all others.

To obtain Mehrunes' Razor, you must complete the Pieces of the Past quest by killing Silus Vesuius. The quest itself becomes available only after reaching level 20. The courier will bring a letter in which Dovahkiin will be invited to the vicinity of Dawnstar. To start the task, you need to talk to the above-mentioned Sil Vesul.

How to get the Blade of Woe weapon

It has higher base damage (12), and the enchantment will be useful in any battle: each blow with the Blade of Woe absorbs 10 health from the enemy.

The Blade of Woe can be obtained from one of the game characters during the quest “Death Incarnate”. It is part of the Dark Brotherhood storyline.

By the way, you can get a dagger much faster if you start following the goals of the quest “Death Incarnate” even before officially joining the Brotherhood. It is enough to simply kill Astrid and take the Blade of Woe from her lifeless body. The downside to this fast way There is only one thing: after what has been done, it will be impossible to join the Brotherhood.

The best unique maces in Skyrim

IN The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has blunt weapons for every taste. You can find something cool for any situation, just unique maces there is enough in the game to arm a small army. But only one mace is good enough to deserve to be called the best - The Mace of Molag Bal.

How to get the Mace of Molag Bal weapon

This Daedric artifact is dangerous even without the magic it contains: the base damage is 16. Each blow with a mace burns 25 stamina and magical energy, which allows you to effectively fight against magicians.

But that's not all: if the enemy dies within 3 seconds after Moghal Bal's Mace hits him, then his soul goes into a soul stone, if he has one in his inventory.

The Mace of Molag Bal is a reward for completing the daeric quest “House of Horrors”. In the city of Markarth, near one of the houses, the Watcher Tyranus will contact Dovahkiin, asking for help in clearing an abandoned house from Daedra worshipers. The task will begin as soon as you enter the house. Then everything will happen quite quickly, but don’t wait for what will happen!

The best unique swords in Skyrim

Swords are the most popular weapon class, and there are more unique blades in the game than any other dangerous hardware. Among them there are both good and very good. And there are better ones. These are the ones we will be talking about: Miraak's Sword, Chillrend, Dragonbane, Strangler and Bloody Scythe(Soulrender and Bloodscythe), Gauldur Blackblade.

How to get the weapon Miraak's Sword

This sword was added in the latest official expansion - . And for true connoisseurs of edged weapons, this is almost a reason to fork out money. This weapon has a good base damage rate, as well as a powerful enchantment that absorbs the stamina of enemies.

To obtain the Sword of Miraak, you must begin the Dragonborn storyline by traveling to the island of Solstheim. Almost immediately after landing main character will encounter two cultists who will tell him about the very first dragonborn, and then try to kill him.

There will be many more adventures, and only at the end of the quest “At the Summit of Apocrypha” will Dovahkiin finally be able to take possession of the Sword of Miraak. The main thing is not to forget to search the body of the killed villain. Yes, it all takes a long time, but the reward is worth it!

How to get a weapon Cooler

A glass sword (sounds crazy, but standard logic in the world of the Elder Scrolls does not work), the blows of which cause cold damage. An excellent choice against adversaries who are vulnerable to this element. As another nice bonus, it has a chance to paralyze affected opponents. Well, the damage is good, you can’t argue with that.

The Cooler is the personal weapon of the head of the Thieves Guild, Mercy Frey. The easiest way to obtain the Cooler is to pick it up from Frey's house during The Pursuit. The dagger is in a locked box, so you will have to work with master keys.

By the way, the strength of the Cooler depends on the strength of the character. Therefore, you should not rush to complete the task, because you can get a weapon that in the future will turn into a useless toothpick. The power of the Cooler is determined the moment Dovahkiin first enters Mercer Frey's house.

How to get the Dragonsbane weapon

In The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim you often have to deal with dragons, so there is nothing better than getting a weapon that is “tailored” for battles with hefty winged reptiles. The Dragon Scourge enchantment deals additional damage to dragons and also strikes all enemies with lightning.

As with the Chiller, the power of this weapon depends on the character's level, so it may be worth pumping up a little before running for the Dragon Scourge.

The katana can be found in the Temple of Heavenly Harbor during the quest “Alduin's Wall”. The task is plot-based, so it will be difficult to miss it. The dragon scourge lies in the room, which is located a little further from the main hall of the Temple. You can also find Blades.

How to get the Strangler and Bloody Scythe weapons

Actually, these are two separate weapons, but only together do they deserve to be called one of the best swords in Skyrim. They appeared in the game with the release of the Dragonborn expansion and perform well when the character picks them up. Both the Strangler and the Bloody Scythe are excellent at absorbing magical energy and health, and also reduce the enemy’s physical and magical resistance.

To get both blades, you need to reach level 36, and then you will have to sail to the island of Solstheim, where the story of “Dragonborn” develops. All that remains next is to find the book “Deathbrand” in Tel Mithryn or on Raven Rock and complete the task of the same name.

How to get the Black Blade of Gauldur weapon

Another weapon, the effectiveness of which is determined by the strength of the character when he first enters the location of the acquisition quest. In the best case, the base damage of the Black Blade of Gauldur will be 36. This is very cool, and the sword can still be improved at the forge, having the perk for forging Dwemer equipment.

Also included with good combat power is an enchantment that restores the health of the blade owner.

You can get the Black Blade of Gauldur as a trophy at the end of the Forbidden Legend quest. To start the quest, you need to find the book “The Lost Legends of Skyrim,” which will tell you where you can find Gauldur, the famous Nord warrior of antiquity. The book itself can be found in almost any city.

If for some reason all copies of the book were lost, then you can find another one in Reachwater Rock. In the end, Dovahkiin will have to go to Folgunthur - the last abode of the dead Gauldur.

The best unique axes in Skyrim

Not as versatile as swords, axes are still very popular, especially among the wilder Nords. Among the heap of various rubbish, only two truly good axes can be distinguished: Okin and Rune Ax Dawnguard Rune Axe.

How to get Okin weapons

A very impressive looking ax in the Nordic style. It deals cold damage, burns the enemy's stamina, and has a base damage of 12. It's worth upgrading, since it only requires the perk for forging steel equipment.

To get Okin into your calloused hands, you need to complete the Silenced Tongues quest. You can take it at the very end of exploring the Volunruud mound. Actually, Okin is a reward for completing the quest. By the way, Okin has a related weapon - Eduj, but it is not as cool as it might seem at first glance.

How to get the Dawnguard Rune Ax weapon

As its name suggests, this piece of Tamriel's military brilliance is included in the expansion pack.

In the training quest, the future Dovahkiin avoids death on the chopping block, escapes from Alduin and leaves the destroyed Helgen through the dungeon. Intoxicated by the air of freedom, the hero stands on the hillside, wondering where to go. He doesn’t know his fate yet, but you, as a player, need to think about it.

The hero must not only choose a side in civil war and crush the rebel dragons, but also accomplish many other, smaller, but no less glorious, deeds. And on this path he will have to fight a lot, and for this he will have to find the most powerful weapon in Skyrim. Exactly how Dovahkiin will get rid of his enemies needs to be decided at the beginning of the game, since there are plenty of options.


Almost the only kind remote weapons. Only with its help can you fight dragons and other strong opponents from a distance. With developed skill and good equipment, your enemies will not even have time to get closer.

Archers should exercise a certain amount of caution and be alert at all times. In cramped dungeons teeming with bandits and undead, it is almost impossible to avoid close combat. Your advantage is good stealth and sharp arrows.

Choose heavily armed partners who can fight for you, and in a critical situation, forget about pride and run.

Fendal, a Bosmer from Riverwood, will teach you archery quickly, and if you approach the matter wisely, for free.

Two-handed weapon

Many people think that this is the most strong weapon in Skyrim, but at the same time it is the slowest in the game. A warrior with a two-handed weapon has nothing to hide and no one to fear; the most formidable enemy will collapse after a few blows. Forget about dexterity: You need heavy armor that restricts movement and provides good protection against enemy attacks.

At new levels, invest points in health and strength. Work in the forge; No one except you can improve your weapons and armor.

All Companions that you can join in Whiterun are armed with two-handed weapons. Their Heavenly Forge produces excellent weapons and heavy armor.

One-handed weapon

Fast and deadly. Together with this skill, depending on your tactics, it is useful to develop Blocking. A good blade or dagger will be an excellent help for magicians and archers.

Essentially, this is the most versatile weapon in the game, and as a secondary skill, everyone can use it.

If you are betting on a one-handed weapon, choose light armor or do without it altogether, developing the Change skill. Agility and speed are a priority, but we must not forget about defense. Developed stealth will give a good bonus to damage dealt from the shadows.

The best one-handed weapons in Skyrim and, at the same time, the fastest are daggers. Combined with the right shout and perks, they work wonders, besides, they weigh little and won’t take up much space in your luggage. Swords inflict more damage, but you won’t expect such a speed of attacks from them.

In general, each type of one-handed weapon has its own advantages and disadvantages, the choice is yours.


Walking around Skyrim without armor and with a single dagger in your bosom is not for the weak. In the magician's arsenal there is another, no less powerful weapon - his spell. Masters of the school of Destruction can literally incinerate the enemy, magicians of Illusion will force opponents to kill each other, and real Sorcerers will call dangerous assistants from other worlds to their side.

The set of spells known to Dovahkiin at the beginning of the game depends on his race. To learn new, more powerful spells, you will have to spend your septims from merchants. Fortunately, a magically gifted hero can always go to the College of Winterhold.

Upon admission, you can get hold of an enchanted robe for free and buy a random spell cheaply from Faralda, who guards the entrance. Then, completing missions for the faction of varying degrees of difficulty, Dovahkiin will obtain many enchanted jewelry, learn about the unique amulet of Gauldur, and in the end will be able to lead the College.

In the latter case, the hero will receive an archmage costume with a powerful enchantment, and will also be able to live in his chambers. The College employs teachers of all magical skills.

Dovahkiin will be able to take his “classmates” as companions.

If you think that magic is the most powerful weapon in Skyrim and prefer to choose it as your main weapon, increase your mana and speed up its regeneration in all ways. Choose or create enchanted clothes yourself, make sure that you always have the necessary potions in your inventory, and for critical cases, carry a staff and scrolls with you. As secondary skills, Restoration and Change will be useful.


Fighting dragons is the main purpose of Dovahkiin and an integral part of the game. By absorbing the souls of monsters and searching for walls of words, you can master a powerful weapon in the form of the mind. The cry will help out when your mana and health are running low.

The right mind can replace the missing magical abilities of heroes with a sword or inflict physical damage on the opponents of a weak Dovahkiin magician.

The hero will master the first cry during the main storyline, and he may not kill a single dragon: in the episode near Whiterun, you can hide in the Watchtower and let the guards deal with the monster. It’s not very pretty, but if you don’t get distracted by side quests and clearing out passing locations, then Dovahkiin will be very weak by the beginning of the first battle with the dragon. So hide your pride and after absorbing the soul of the first dragon, go to the Greybeards.

In High Hrothgar, the hero will be taught for free the remaining part of the "Ruthless Force" mind and the first word of another cry - "Swift Dash". To master the remaining useful minds, you will have to work hard.

We hope that after reading our article, you will be able to choose for yourself Skyrim is the best weapon.

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