Family exhibition of high technologies. SMIT is a high technology exhibition for the whole family. Ticket prices on weekends

home MOSCOW, December 22. /Press service of the exhibition/. On January 2, 2017, the Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art will openEpicenter of high technology SMIT.SPACE

- an interactive exhibition for the whole family, where you can plunge into the world of technological entertainment: quests in mixed reality, films and games in virtual and augmented reality, bright and current innovations in the digital world, light and video installations, projections and four photo zones where you can take the best family time selfie in your life. The motto of the exhibition is “Today comes tomorrow.”

SMIT is the world's first interactive space for innovative technologies for adults and children. This is a kind of “Laboratory of Tomorrow” in the center of Moscow, where they show the most interesting developments from the world of technology. On an area of ​​more than 2 thousand square meters. m there is the main exhibition, an educational center, an event site, a B2B zone, the epicenter of technological institutes, a children's zone and a market zone. Professional guides and animators will help you navigate among high technologies. Some exhibits can be purchased. IN main exhibition more than 10 attractions and solutions from modern world virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) for both adults and children; VR films; generative graphics; interactive light installations; objects total immersion and interactive, as well as games and quests in mixed reality. The children's area will feature radio-controlled robots, interactive games

, kinetic sandbox, coloring using augmented reality.

  1. Among the unusual exhibits that will be of interest to the whole family, the organizers highlight the following:
  2. The Belgian company will present in Russia for the first time a table with projections, among which will be the famous little chef preparing steaks: Guests sitting at the table will witness a humorous mini-mapping that has conquered Youtube.
  3. A fully immersive mixed reality quest, the COMPLEX is an interactive multimedia space for exciting adventures without helmets or external devices: motion sensors track the position of players and allow natural interaction with the game world. Seamless projection on the floor and walls of the space will leave an unforgettable visual impression and provide the opportunity to truly immerse yourself in an amazing virtual world. During the game you will have to come into contact with extraterrestrial civilization.
  4. Arena with robots controlled via mobile devices, including the gaming robot MiP from the world famous company Wowwee. MiP works in conjunction with smartphones running iOS and Android. The Spero SPRK droid allows you to purchase game form- by setting commands for the robot - programming skills no matter what age you are. The hit of the children's zone will be the newest robots "Ozobots", which drive along paths drawn with a marker. And also the favorite robot racing and robo-football.
  5. Quest for four people from the company using GearVR. According to the plot, in the future the USSR is a superpower, but with attributes inherent to the Soviet era, such as a carpet on the wall in the captain's cabin. A team of four - captain, medic, engineer and cook - on spaceship trying to solve a puzzle consisting of nine parts.
  6. Children will be interested in the interactive sandbox from the iSandBOX company for 10 people, where several projection scenarios are implemented at once. This revolutionary equipment, which is based on augmented reality technologies, opens up new horizons in the field of education and in the entertainment attractions market. Real textures are projected onto the sand water bodies, mountains, volcanoes and many other surfaces. As a result, the sandbox gives you the opportunity to create your own world with your own hands, which can be changed in an instant.
  7. “Shining Dream” is a light electroxylophone from “Varenye Organizma”, consisting of ten keys - tubes that respond to any touch, push, touch or vibration with a wave of sound and lighting. Each key is configured differently. The object tends to accumulate inertia, and even after you finish playing with it, it will continue to shine, but according to the laws of conservation of energy.
  8. Selfie zone: here you can take photos with the effect of falling and being sucked into a portal, you can become part of the matrix - a projection of numbers onto a person (I am part of the matrix), a waterfall falls on a person and goes around his silhouette (I am outside the matrix) - or a hero installation by F. M. Dostoevsky's novel "The Double".

“Today comes tomorrow” is much more than a slogan, says Dmitry Shmelev, producer of the exhibition. - Imagine, we will make the future closer than ever for three whole months! Our entire team believes that visitors will feel like they are in such a futuristic fairy tale as we felt when creating the exhibition. To open a real laboratory of tomorrow, we tested literally every exhibit on ourselves, examined every activity and even the most unusual and controversial technologies. We want residents and guests of Moscow to take a break from their routine for one day in favor of real technological miracles happening around us every day, to see and test everything that will only become the norm tomorrow Everyday life. In creating the exhibition, we looked at the worlds of the future created by directors, writers and artists, and compared them with today."

The concept of the technological space implies maximum interactivity of what is happening: laboratory assistants need visitors as a focus group. The laboratory presents those items that already exist, but are not for mass use. And perhaps, thanks to the viewers and participants of the project, these objects will become an integral part of our lives tomorrow.

At the high technology school in a short time, everyone will be able to gain basic knowledge of programming and computer animation. Those especially interested will be offered in-depth training (classes from 1 to 2 months) in the following areas: programming, 3D modeling, robotics, animation in practice on the territory of Smit.Space. Children and teenagers will have the opportunity to learn how to create their own home robots and new generation equipment, develop computer games, professional special effects and cartoons.

B2B zone presented by a series of free events. Throughout the entire period of the exhibition, two days will be devoted to round tables with the participation of market leaders, presentations of new products from exhibition partners and testing of new developments. Partner of the MIXAR zone - non-classical conference on the latest technologies. At this stage, the topics and dates of the round tables have already been identified:

  • "Blue Oceans of VAMR Technologies" - February 6, 2017;
  • "VAMR unicorns. Investments in augmented and virtual reality" - February 20, 2017;

The organizers plan that more than 50 thousand people will visit the exhibition in three months.

“Imagine that the technologies of the future have become available to everyone. Imagine that instead of drab high-rise buildings, Russian families now have eco-friendly smart houses, and cars rush through megacities in the sky without smog or traffic jams. We have stopped fighting for environment, because they stopped being its destroyers. We are smarter than ever - the world we have created is proof of that. All this will definitely happen to us in tens and hundreds of years. But today, for just two months, enthusiasts will open a temporary portal, and speakers - opinion leaders will talk about tomorrow and technologies that will become an important part of our lives," the organizers promise.

Place: House of Princess Volkonskaya (Winzavod)

Exhibition work

Monday, Tuesday - closed

from 11.00 to 20.00 weekdays

from 12.00 to 21.00 weekends

Ticket prices on weekdays

Adult ticket - 400 rub.

Child ticket (3-12 years old) - 300 rub.

Group ticket for three - 900 rubles.

Ticket prices on weekends

Adult ticket - 500 rub.

Child ticket (3-12 years old) - 400 rub.

Group ticket for three - 1000 rubles.

Benefits and discounts

Children under 3 years old - free

Disabled people and veterans - free

An interactive technology space will open at Winzavod Smit.Space.

On January 2, 2017, the Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art will open High technology epicenter SMIT.SPACE— an interactive exhibition for the whole family, where you can plunge into the world of technological entertainment: quests in mixed reality, films and games in virtual and augmented reality, bright and current innovations in the digital world, light and video installations, projections and four photo zones where you can take the best family time selfie in your life. The motto of the exhibition is “Today comes tomorrow.”

SMIT is the world's first interactive space for innovative technologies for adults and children. This is a kind of “Laboratory of Tomorrow” in the center of Moscow, where the most interesting developments from the world of technology are shown. On an area of ​​more than 2000 square meters there is a main exhibition, an educational center, an event site, a B2B zone, the epicenter of technological institutes, a children's zone and a market zone. Professional guides and animators will help you navigate among high technologies. Some exhibits can be purchased.

SMIT is the world's first interactive space for innovative technologies for adults and children. This is a kind of “Laboratory of Tomorrow” in the center of Moscow, where they show the most interesting developments from the world of technology. On an area of ​​more than 2 thousand square meters. m there is the main exhibition, an educational center, an event site, a B2B zone, the epicenter of technological institutes, a children's zone and a market zone. Professional guides and animators will help you navigate among high technologies. Some exhibits can be purchased. IN more than 10 attractions and solutions from the modern world of virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) are presented for both adults and children; VR films; generative graphics; interactive light installations; fully immersive and interactive objects, as well as games and quests in mixed reality. The children's area will feature radio-controlled robots, interactive games, a kinetic sandbox, and coloring books using augmented reality.

, kinetic sandbox, coloring using augmented reality.

  • The Belgian company Scullmapping will present in Russia for the first time a table with projections, among which will be the famous little chef (Le Petit Chef), who cooks steaks. Guests sitting at the table will witness a humorous mini-mapping that has conquered Youtube.
  • The Leap Motion gesture recognition system, which is a hundred times more accurate and faster than Kinect, can be tested on an interactive installation, drawing intricate pictures with your hands. Depending on the number of fingers involved, the picture will change.
  • A fully immersive mixed reality quest, the COMPLEX is an interactive multimedia space for exciting adventures without helmets or external devices: motion sensors track the position of players and allow natural interaction with the game world. Seamless projection on the floor and walls of the space will leave an unforgettable visual impression and provide the opportunity to truly immerse yourself in an amazing virtual world. During the game you will have to come into contact with an extraterrestrial civilization.
  • An arena with robots controlled via mobile devices, including the gaming robot MiP from the world famous company Wowwee. MiP works in conjunction with smartphones running iOS and Android. The Spero SPRK droid allows you to acquire programming skills in a playful way - by setting commands for the robot - no matter what age you are. The hit of the children's zone will be the newest robots “Ozobots”, which drive along paths drawn with a marker. And also the favorite robot racing and robo-football.
  • Quest for 4 people from the company using GearVR. According to the plot, in the future the USSR is a superpower, but with attributes typical of the Soviet era, such as a carpet on the wall in the captain’s cabin. A team of 4 people - a captain, a medic, an engineer and a cook - on a spaceship are trying to solve a puzzle consisting of 9 parts.
  • Children will be interested in the interactive sandbox from the iSandBOX company for 10 people - where several projection scenarios are implemented at once. This revolutionary equipment, which is based on augmented reality technologies, opens up new horizons in the field of education and in the entertainment attractions market. Real textures of water bodies, mountains, volcanoes and many other surfaces are projected onto the sand. As a result, the sandbox gives you the opportunity to create your own world with your own hands, which can be changed in an instant.
  • “Shining Dream” is a light electro-xylophone from Varenye organism, consisting of ten keys - tubes that respond to any touch, push, touch or vibration with a wave of sound and lightning. Each key is configured differently. The object tends to accumulate inertia and even after you finish playing with it, it will continue to shine, but according to the laws of conservation of energy.
  • Selfie zone: here you can take photos with the effect of falling and being sucked into a portal, you can become part of the matrix - a projection of numbers onto a person (I am part of the matrix), a waterfall falls on a person and goes around his silhouette (I am outside the matrix) - or a hero installation by novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Double".

“Today comes tomorrow” is much more than a slogan, says Dmitry Shmelev, producer of the exhibition. - Imagine, we will make the future closer than ever for three whole months! Our entire team believes that visitors will feel like they are in such a futuristic fairy tale as we felt when creating the exhibition. To open a real laboratory of tomorrow, we tested literally every exhibit on ourselves, examined every activity and even the most unusual and controversial technologies. We want residents and guests of Moscow to take a break from their routine for one day in favor of real technological miracles happening around us every day, to see and test everything that only tomorrow will become the norm of everyday life. In creating the exhibition, we looked at the worlds of the future created by directors, writers and artists, and compared them with today.”

The concept of the technological space implies maximum interactivity of what is happening: laboratory assistants need visitors as a focus group. The laboratory presents those items that already exist, but are not for mass use. And perhaps, thanks to the viewers and participants of the project, these items will become an integral part of our lives tomorrow.

At the high technology school in a short time, everyone will be able to gain basic knowledge of programming and computer animation. Those especially interested will be offered in-depth training (classes from 1 to 2 months) in the following areas: programming, 3D modeling, robotics, animation in practice on the territory of Smit Space. Children and teenagers will have the opportunity to learn how to create their own home robots and new generation equipment, develop computer games, professional special effects and cartoons.

B2B zone presented by a series of free events. Throughout the entire period of the exhibition, 2 days will be devoted to round tables with the participation of market leaders, presentations of new products from exhibition partners and testing of new developments. Partner of the MIXAR zone is a non-classical conference on the latest technologies. At this stage, the topics and dates of the round tables have already been identified:

  • Blue Oceans VAMR Technologies - February 6, 2017;
  • VAMR unicorns. Investments in augmented and virtual reality - February 20, 2017;

The organizers plan that more than 50,000 people will visit the exhibition in three months.

“Imagine if the technologies of the future became available to everyone. Imagine that instead of gray high-rise buildings, Russian families now have eco-friendly smart houses, and cars rush through megacities in the sky without smog or traffic jams. We stopped fighting for the environment because we stopped being its destroyers. We are smarter than ever - the world we have created is proof of that. All this will definitely happen to us in tens and hundreds of years. But today, for just two months, enthusiasts will open a time portal, and opinion leader speakers will talk about tomorrow and technologies that will become an important part of our lives.” - the organizers promise.

Place: House of Princess Volkonskaya (Winzavod)


Monday, Tuesday - closed

from 11:00 - 20:00 weekdays

from 12:00 - 21:00 weekends

On January 2, 2017, the Epicenter of High Technologies SMIT.SPACE will open on the territory of the Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art - an interactive exhibition for the whole family, where you can plunge into the world of technological entertainment: quests in mixed reality, films and games in virtual and augmented reality, bright and the latest innovations in the digital world, light and video installations, projections, holograms and four photo zones where you can take the best family selfie of your life. The motto of the exhibition is “Today comes tomorrow.”

SMIT is the world's first interactive space of innovative technologies for adults and children. This is a kind of “Laboratory of Tomorrow” in the center of Moscow, where the most interesting developments from the world of technology are shown. On an area of ​​more than 2000 square meters there is the main exhibition, educational? center, event site, B2B zone, epicenter of technological institutes, children's zone and market zone. Professional guides and animators will help you navigate among high technologies. Some exhibits can be purchased.

“Today comes tomorrow” is much more than a slogan, says Dmitry Shmelev, producer of the exhibition. - Imagine, we will make the future closer than ever for three whole months! Our entire team believes that visitors will feel like they are in such a futuristic fairy tale as we felt when creating the exhibition. To open a real laboratory of tomorrow, we tested literally every exhibit on ourselves, examined every activity and even the most unusual and controversial technologies. We want residents and guests of Moscow to take a break from their routine for one day in favor of real technological miracles happening around us every day, to see and test everything that only tomorrow will become the norm of everyday life. In creating the exhibition, we looked at the worlds of the future created by directors, writers and artists, and compared them with today.”

The concept of the technological space implies maximum interactivity of what is happening: laboratory assistants need visitors as a focus group. The laboratory presents those items that already exist, but are not for mass use. And perhaps, thanks to the viewers and participants of the project, these items will become an integral part of our lives tomorrow.

“This is not an exhibition in the usual sense, it is a laboratory in which people continue to work,” says Dmitry Shmelev. - The exhibition site is another important emphasis. Center Contemporary Art The winery is an ideal place in terms of energy and atmosphere to create a laboratory of the future. After all, technology and art are inextricably intertwined with the lives of each of us.”

The main exhibition features more than 10 attractions and solutions? from the modern world of virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) for both adults and children; VR films; generative graphics; hologram; interactive light installations; fully immersive and interactive objects, as well as mixed games and quests? reality. The children's area will feature radio-controlled robots, interactive games, 2 kinetic sandboxes, and coloring books using augmented reality.

At the high-tech school, in a short time, everyone will be able to gain basic knowledge of programming and computer animation. Those especially interested will be offered in-depth training (classes from 1 to 2 months) in the following areas: programming, 3D modeling, robotics, animation in practice on the territory of Smit Space. Children and teenagers will have the opportunity to learn how to create their own home robots and new generation equipment, develop computer games, professional special effects and cartoons.

The B2B zone is represented by a series of free events. Throughout the entire period of the exhibition, 4 days will be devoted to round tables with the participation of market leaders, presentations of new products from exhibition partners and testing of new developments. Partner of the MIXAR zone is a non-classical conference on the latest technologies. At this stage, the topics of the round tables have already been identified:

Blue Oceans VAMR technologies;

VAMR technology how the new kind entertainment;

VAMR unicorns;

Investments in augmented and virtual reality;

GAMEDEV in the field of VAMR technologies;

360 film industry.

The organizers plan that more than 50,000 people will visit the exhibition in three months.

“Imagine if the technologies of the future became available to everyone. Imagine that instead of gray high-rise buildings, Russian families now have eco-friendly smart houses, and cars rush through megacities in the sky without smog or traffic jams. We stopped fighting for the environment because we stopped being its destroyers. We are smarter than ever - the world we have created is proof of that. All this will definitely happen to us in tens and hundreds of years. But today, for just two months, enthusiasts will open a time portal, and opinion leader speakers will talk about tomorrow and technologies that will become an important part of our lives.” - the organizers promise.

Time: January 2 – March 19
Social network:

On November 1, the first Moscow Biennale of High Technologies SMIT opened at the Museum of Moscow. The museum's single space contains the most promising developments future and technological gadgets.

For two and a half months, the Museum of Moscow will turn into a futuristic city, consisting of unique inventions that will very soon change our lives and the appearance of the capital. Visitors to the biennale will walk along technological streets, feel like the owners of a “smart” home of the future, see a flying skateboard, as well as a real ballet of quadrocopters and a hologram show created exclusively for the SMIT project. One of the key areas at the exhibition will be the BEELINE FUTURE CENTER. An innovative light cube immerses visitors into the worlds of virtual reality, leading them through “time portals” using high-speed 4G+ mobile Internet from Beeline. Dive into virtual space with the help of new technologies is available to every guest of the Biennale!

The entire SMIT space is divided into several key areas: city and transport, home, clothing, sports and medicine. You can go through all the exhibits and take part in technological shows in exactly one hour according to the “60 minutes to tomorrow” scheme. Professional guides and animators help you navigate among high technologies.

In the city and transport area, visitors can see a skateboard from the movie “Back to the Future 2” and an electric motorcycle that accelerates to 120 km/h and operates for more than a day without recharging. NISSAN provided its innovative electric car LEAF exclusively for the Biennale. Guests of the event can not only learn about how modern electric transport functions, but also control it from their own mobile devices.

IN sports section Biennale visitors will try on sneakers with a navigator, which guide the runner using vibration; pedal an exercise bike that turns your workout into a ride through mountainous terrain.

Fashionistas are invited to try on clothes that change color depending on their mood and look in the mirror, which will not only recommend the best makeup, but also tell you about the weather forecast outside the window and traffic jams.

Several platforms give SMIT guests the opportunity to immerse themselves in the virtual world. The latest virtual reality technologies turn anyone into a paraglider, an airline pilot or a real bird. For maximum immersion, the smallest details are important, so in addition to helmets with 3D technology, there are special cockpits, platforms and structures with wings.

Modern city dwellers need a “smart” home more and more. SMIT presents the most effective home control systems that you could only dream of before. For example, automatic watering of plants or a “smart” pet food bowl. The “smart” refrigerator independently analyzes its contents and sends an order to the online store when the stock of a particular product is running low. A cutting board will be a real boon for the housewife in the kitchen.

allowing you to strictly follow the chosen recipe and cut the ingredients in the required volume up to grams.

Alina Saprykina, director of the Museum of Moscow: “For the Museum of Moscow, holding the first high-tech biennale is a very important step, because our museum is dedicated not only to the history of the city, but also to its future, to all the transformations that will very soon completely change our lives.”

Nikolay Gorely, SMIT project manager: “The exhibition is designed to show the full range of the most interesting and unique solutions in the field of consumer electronics and do this in an interactive form, where every visitor will be able to test, see and understand how the world they know will change in the next few years. Everything that will be presented on the site will be of interest not only to the geek community. The interactive space zones are built in such a way that guests who are not related to technology can easily understand all the exhibits on display.”

Irina Lebedeva, director of mass market marketing at VimpelCom PJSC: Beeline is a technology leader in Moscow. We are developing a network so that our clients have access to the most modern developments, a wide range of which will be presented at the Biennale. Many technical innovations work using the mobile Internet and we, as an operator cellular communications, we strive to provide each of our clients with high-quality and affordable Mobile Internet. Today, our LTE network covers 99% of the capital’s territory, and 4G traffic is provided free of charge to all subscribers of the “ALL” tariff plans. This way we can look confidently into the future and be confident that these solutions will help the most modern technologies become part of everyday life."

Ticket prices (ticket is valid for 60 minutes only):

Weekday - 590 rub. / 450 rub.

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