Renewal of ROH's permit: just manage to pay money. How to get a permit for hunting weapons, documents, storing a rifle New Roch permit

The mechanism for issuing permits for the storage, carrying of hunting, firearms and edged weapons (ROHA) was introduced by the Federal Law No. 150-FZ of 13.12.1996 as a tool for protecting citizens and ensuring law and order in society. The document is necessary for members of hunting organizations, as well as employees of paramilitary and security structures, who, due to their professional activities, need to use firearms.

For an attempt to use or transport firearms (edged weapons) without the appropriate approvals Article 20.8 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation its seizure is envisaged with the imposition of a fine on the offender up to 5 thousand rubles... or placement under arrest up to 15 days.

What does the ROX license cover?

The document is required for the legal exploitation of several categories of weapons:

  • Hunting knives and other knives not classified as tourist, collectible, sporting blades or household appliances
  • Rifled Sport Rifles
  • Hunting rifles with a smooth, rifled combination (interchangeable) barrel
  • Pneumatics with muzzle energy up to 25 J

IMPORTANT! When buying a knife, ask the seller for a "Information sheet" (Certificate) of the product indicating its type. The form will help you understand whether you need a permit for a blade, as well as avoid problems with law enforcement when wearing household or decorative knives.

Hunters have the right to use the ROCh license only during the periods provided by law for tracking and hunting game. The admission, issued for official purposes, is valid all year round.

Required documents

To initiate the procedure for issuing a license of the ROHA, the applicant should have in his hands:

  • 4 matte photos 3 × 4
  • 3 copies of passport
  • Medical certificates No. 002-О / у, No. 003-О / у
  • Conclusions from a narcologist and a psychiatrist on the absence of contraindications for using a weapon
  • Completed by the precinct Acts on the state of the place and conditions of storage of weapons
  • Receipts for payment of state fees
  • Hunting ticket

Procedure for obtaining permission

Those who intend to buy and use weapons should obtain a ROH license. To complete the document, you will have to run around government agencies. The stage-by-stage execution of the document is shown in the table:

Stage No.

Place of appeal

List of documents to be submitted

What to get your hands on

2 matte photos 3 × 4

2 photocopies of your passport

application for a hunting ticket

primary password for registration on the portal of public services

hunting ticket

Psychoneurological dispensary,

Narcological dispensary,


Typical application for the issuance of certificates for guards, hunters and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs + analyzes

HTI results according to form No. 454 / u-06 (in special cases)

certificate No. 003-О / у

certificate No. 002-О / у

Gun shop

Safe for storage

Safe Handling Training Courses

(for the initial registration of the ROHA license)

2 matte photos 3 × 4

certificate No. 002-О / у

original and photocopy of passport

Certificate of completion of the courses

Knowledge Testing Act

Local Office of Licensing and Permitting Work (LPRR)

receipt of payment of state duty

application for the purchase of weapons from the list of ROH

application for the purchase of OOOP

Act on checking the conditions of storage of weapons by the precinct

references and documents collected in the previous stages

Licenses for the acquisition of weapons and ammunition for it

Gun shop

Local FRR

application for the issuance of an ROH

application for registration of ROC for OOOP

Weapon registration certificate


ROHA on weapons

IMPORTANT! The list of training centers accredited to conduct educational activities in terms of the safe handling of weapons is given in the online register of Rospotrebnadzor

The law provides for the possibility of online submission of documents to the FRRD (7th item of the table). To exercise this right, the applicant must register on the public services portal. Account identifiers are e-mail, SNILS and cell numbers. The primary password of the resource user is issued by the MFC. After authorization of the record, it can be changed.

The online application procedure includes several steps:

IMPORTANT! Employees of state special forces are required to provide a certificate of assignment of service weapons, and private ones - an RSLA card

The appeal will be considered by the territorial department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the order of the general queue. The status of the application can be tracked in the personal account of the user of the public services portal. The time for consideration of an appeal is on average 10 days, but no more than 14 days from the date of filing a petition.

At the appointed time, the applicant must appear at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The applicant must bring with him the originals of the documents presented in electronic form, as well as a weapon in a case, the quality characteristics of which meet the requirements of the law. Typically, this is a manufacturer's holster, case or box.

Location of master data on permission

The license looks like a blue laminated card. On the back of the form, the type and number of units of acquired weapons are recorded. In the center of the upper part of the front side of the document, the name of the permit, the series and the number of the ROC are indicated.

Do we all know about the permits that give us the right to acquire weapons? In a number of sources, you can find general rules for obtaining a license for a weapon. What is meant by this if there are several types of such licenses? Let's delve into this topic together.

Basic names and abbreviations

Permits are divided into several groups. One of them allows you to buy weapons, the other - to store them, and the third - to store and carry. In the instructions for the work of the internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of weapons, more than a dozen licenses are defined, which have their own designation. The abbreviation for the name is mainly used.

Citizens who do not delve into the decoding of these abbreviations often receive the wrong document that they would like, as a result of which they have to reissue all documents.

Every hunter wants to receive a document that allows him not only to store, but also to use hunting weapons. In our articles, we often mention the permission of the ROCH, but not everyone understands the meaning of this name and why this type of document is called that way.

In fact, this intricate name means permission to store and carry hunting weapons of pneumatic and firearms type. The abbreviation does not include all the letters of the document, but it is in this form that this permission is defined in the above instructions. In this form, it gained popularity among hunters.

Other types of licenses only allow you to purchase or only store weapons of different types. Here are some of the designations.

  • Loa - allows you to store and carry self-defense equipment, which includes traumatic weapons.
  • RKSa - a permit for a traumatic pistol and other short-barreled weapons.
  • RNOa is practically the same as ROCh, only this document prohibits the carrying of weapons.

The complete list does not include a license for edged weapons. Its wearing and storage is permitted by ROH. Any knife that is not considered a household knife, with the permission of the ROH, will be defined as a melee weapon.

There are separate licenses for the transportation of weapons or their export abroad. This is, for example, RTY - a license defined for legal entities.

Stages of preparation for obtaining a license from ROH

To calmly go hunting without thinking about the legality of your actions, you need a license from the ROCH. It is issued by the department of licensing and permitting work after the submission of the established list of documents. But to get them, you will have to go through several stages beforehand.

  • Passing a medical examination.
  • Registration on the portal of state services.
  • Passage of training.
  • Obtaining a hunting ticket.
  • Buying a safe.

All these steps will allow you to collect the necessary list, with which you will have to visit the licensing department. Before that, it is advisable to register on the public services portal. Although personal submission of an application is provided for under Russian law, the department's employees sometimes refuse to unregistered users. It is better to fulfill their demands here than to prove your case.

You can register on the portal at the MFC. Self-registration still implies a visit to the MFC after checking the data, so it is better not to waste time and use the help of the center's staff.

We undergo medical examinations in any clinic or private medical center. Need help on form 002-O / y. In addition to her, it is imperative to get a mark from a psychiatrist and a narcologist, as well as pass a urine test for chemical composition. Certain difficulties will already arise here, since these specialists are accepted only in dispensaries, where you will need to go. All services are paid, and the analysis is quite expensive, so a certificate will cost a couple of thousand rubles.

The training program is designed for two days of classes.

  1. On the first day, legal issues are considered, as well as general issues of safe handling of weapons.
  2. On the second day, the listener will even be able to shoot with real weapons. These classes will become very valuable in the accumulation of experience, therefore, for training, you need to choose a center that has a serious material base for such activities.

The exam consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theory is submitted in the form of answers to ticket questions. In practice, the listener must fire several shots from a set distance.

You can get a hunting ticket for free; it is better to implement this procedure through the MFC. To do this, you need to take a couple of trivial steps.

  • Contact the employee who will complete the application.
  • Provide a 3x4 photo.
  • Get a ticket to the FRR.

Many people mistakenly assume that a safe can be bought over time, but this opinion immediately falls apart when, when you visit the department, you are required to submit an act signed by the district police officer. It is advisable to buy a safe in advance, at the stage of preparing documents. You will have to go to the district police officer on your own and ask him to conduct an examination and draw up an act.

Requirements for the safe to be screwed to the wall have not been defined since 2012. However, not every district police officer is aware of these innovations. If you do not want to waste time proving your innocence, then secure the safe by screwing it to the wall and / or to the floor.

How to get permission

There are three algorithms for receiving government services in the licensing department. We will consider the most practical, which will spend the least time.

When registering on the portal, the basic data is indicated in the questionnaire. These include the series and number of the passport, registration, SNILS. Having started the procedure for obtaining an electronic service, you will notice that all these data have already been entered in the application form. All that remains is to attach the scanned documents. However, this cannot be relied upon, since the department does not have enough technical means to print the documents. You will be asked to provide originals and photocopies.

  • 2 photos;
  • copies of the passport;
  • hunting ticket;
  • certificate of passing the exam;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • medical certificate.

The district police officer must provide an act of inspection of the storage conditions for weapons at the request of the FRRR staff, but we recommended that you contact the inspector yourself, so we won a decent time here.

After a few days, unless there are compelling reasons for the refusal, you will receive a permit. Without it, it will not be possible to buy a gun, they will not even talk to you in a gun store. However, the purchased gun should be registered as soon as possible.

Immediately after the purchase, you must provide the weapon to the department. Information about the barrel is recorded in a special journal, but this does not at all indicate that you can use the weapon. It must be kept at home until the ROH is received, which takes several weeks. But with such a document, which stands for permission to store and carry hunting weapons, you can hunt for five years without any problems, observing the established rules.

By the way, RH, the decoding of which implies only storage, does not give the right to issue a rifle permit (LNa) in five years. Recall that in order to buy a rifled weapon, a citizen, among other things, must own a smooth-bore weapon for five years, and since possession means both storage and carrying, it is necessary to have a license from the ROCH.

What will happen for the lack of a license

The absence of a license is interpreted by law as illegal arms trafficking, which is prohibited in Russia. Moreover, there are two degrees of violation of the law. If there was a delay in the license or the citizen did not begin to draw up permits on time, then his actions are qualified as a violation of the registration deadlines, which entails a fine of 2,000 rubles. The collection amount can be reduced to 500 rubles.

The complete absence of ROH is fraught with more severe punishment. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, a penalty of 3,000 rubles is imposed on a citizen and weapons can be confiscated.

Getting a good weapon by the start of the 2020 season is a top priority for a hunter. The assortment in our stores is quite wide. There is an opportunity to buy a smooth-bore and rifled gun, a Russian manufacturer or a foreign company, serial production or handmade. But getting the right to your own weapon is possible only with a license, and the cartridges will not be sold unless a permit is issued (RoHa). To collect permits, you need to get a hunting ticket. In order not to be unarmed by the beginning of the hunting season, you will have to take care of everything in advance, since the registration process can be delayed.

Algorithm of the necessary actions (relevant in 2020)

  1. Get a hunting ticket;
  2. Prepare a place for storing weapons and ammunition;
  3. Undertake training in order to learn the rules of safe handling of weapons and the acquisition of skills for safe handling of weapons (for those who apply for a license for the first time);
  4. Study and pass Okhotminum;
  5. Obtain a license to purchase hunting smooth-bore or pneumatic weapons, as well as cartridges for them;
  6. Buy hunting weapons and register them with the National Guard;
  7. Obtain permission to store and carry hunting weapons.

After that, you can already buy cartridges, a knife and other things the hunter needs. Obtain a permit for the extraction of hunting resources and a permit (when hunting in designated areas). Find a fun company and go to the opening.

Advice. Register on the State Services website and confirm your identity in order to use all the services. This will save you a lot of time.

Getting a hunter ticket in 2020

A hunting ticket is a document of a unified state standard, which confirms the right of a citizen to hunt throughout the country. Without a hunter's certificate, a license for a weapon cannot be obtained. It is drawn up after submitting an application of the established form to the authorities authorized to solve the problems of your region in the field of ecology and nature management. You can submit an application through the website of the State Service or in person.

In addition to the application itself, you should provide:

  • copy of your passport;
  • color or black-and-white photo 30 × 40 mm (1 pc.)

After registering with the State Services and choosing a service, it may turn out that it is impossible to apply for a hunting ticket electronically in your city. Then you have to go yourself.

The authorities are given 5 working days to decide whether to issue or refuse to issue a hunter's ticket. The following facts may serve as the basis for a negative decision for the applicant:

  • the applicant is underage or legally incapacitated by the court;
  • reporting false (erroneous) or incomplete data;
  • the application was submitted before the end of the deprivation, if the person was previously deprived of the right to hunt;
  • outstanding / unexpunged conviction for a crime committed intentionally.

The hunting license of the 2020 model is provided free of charge. Its action is not limited in time. To receive a ready-made document, you must personally appear at the appointed place and time, present your passport.

We buy a safe

The storage conditions for civilian weapons are regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation" No. 814 of July 21, 1998 (as amended on May 17, 2017).

Ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation, that is, you and I, must store weapons and ammunition at the place of residence in compliance with conditions ensuring their safety, safe storage and excluding access to them by unauthorized persons, in lockable (padlocked) safes, safe cabinets or metal cabinets for storing weapons, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron.

At the same time, local internal affairs bodies have the right to check the storage conditions for weapons registered by them.

Please note that there are no other requirements (bars on windows, alarms, a mandatory second lock, screwing the safe to the wall) in the Resolution.

But there is GOST R 56367-2015 “Safes and metal cabinets for storing civilian weapons and ammunition. General technical conditions ”. Adopted on January 25, 2017, entered into force on January 1, 2019

According to GOST, a weapon safe weighing less than 100 kg must have anchor holes for fastening. The safe must be fitted with a crossbar system capable of locking the door in at least three directions. The safe must be equipped with a lockable compartment for storing ammunition.

Conclusions - take care of the safe to create conditions for safe storage and completely exclude unauthorized access to your weapon. If it's easy, screw it to the wall. You will be calmer.

We go through training - we get skills of safe handling of weapons

According to the Law on Weapons, Article 13, a Russian citizen who purchases a hunting smooth-bore weapon for the first time must undergo training to learn the rules of safe handling of weapons and acquire the necessary skills.

The training is carried out by certified training centers. Theory + passing the exam + practical shooting. Everything seems to be simple.

Cost ~ 4 - 5 thousand rubles.

Registration of a license for the acquisition of hunting weapons

The Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation is in charge of granting a license for hunting rifles, permits for storage and transportation. Now the most convenient way to submit an application is through the State Service website.

The name of the service in the State Services: License for the purchase of hunting smooth-bore or pneumatic weapons, as well as cartridges for it

You will need:

  • application (filled in electronically);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a photocopy;
  • photographs 3 × 4 (2 pcs.);
  • a certificate for weapons in the form No. 002-О / у, together with extracts from drug and neuropsychiatric dispensaries received at the place of permanent registration, you will need to undergo an eye test (have glasses, if you wear them, or lenses), in addition to the above, you will need to get a certificate having passed tests for the absence of narcotic and psychotropic substances and their metabolites
  • document on the surrendered hunting minimum
  • hunting license of the unified federal sample

Possible reasons for refusal:

  • do not have a permanent place of residence (registration);
  • have not reached the age of 18;
  • have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for a crime committed intentionally;
  • have committed repeatedly within a year an administrative offense that infringes on public order and public safety or the established management procedure, or an administrative offense in the field of illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues and consumption without a doctor's prescription;
  • deprived of the right to acquire weapons by a court decision;
  • be registered with health care providers for mental illness, alcoholism or drug addiction.

To obtain a license, you need to appear at the National Guard's licensing and permitting center and bring the originals of the documents specified in the application.

The term for consideration of the application after verification of documents is no more than 30 days. During the reconciliation in the National Guard, you will be given details for paying the state duty - in 2020 its size is 2,000 rubles.

With a state license in hand, a novice hunter gets the right to purchase a smooth-bore firearm hunting rifle. Due to its technical characteristics, this type of weapon is suitable for various types of hunting.

A rifled hunting rifle, in contrast to a smooth-bore, has protrusions inside the barrel - twisted rifling. Rifle is characterized by higher accuracy. The bullet twists and flies much farther than a bullet fired from a smooth barrel. So a rifled gun at a large animal provides the ability to shoot at 500 meters. A beginner will not be able to obtain a license for it. It is possible to purchase a rifle if hunting is a profession, therefore, when submitting documents for a hunting rifled / combined weapon, you must attach a copy of the order on official appointment.

An amateur hunter can get the coveted permission for a rifled gun if he has five years of legal experience in possession of a gun at the time of submitting a package of documents. The decision to grant a license for hunting smooth-bore / rifled weapons is made by the authorities within a month from the time the application is submitted. A citizen pays a license fee (smoothbore - 100 rubles per unit, rifled - 200 rubles, 2017).

We got a license, now you can think about buying and storing a gun

The license is valid for six months from the date of issue. During this period, it is necessary to acquire ownership of the weapon. You can buy it in a specialized store or from a private person. The license is valid only upon presentation of a civil passport. The number, system, caliber of the gun are entered into the buyer's hunting ticket. When buying a gun from a gun store, the seller must fill out a license and leave a third of it to the buyer.

If the seller is an individual, the license is filled out in the OLRR (department of licensing and permitting work), where it was obtained. This is how the re-registration to a new buyer is carried out. The purchased hunting weapon (smooth-bore, combined, rifled) is registered in the regional FRR within two weeks from the date of purchase. You must submit an application and attach a part of the license left by the seller of the gun shop.

Storage permit and the right to carry a rifle (ROHA)

To freely transport and carry the gun for hunting purposes, you will need to obtain a special permit. In the State Services, it is called "Permission for the storage and carrying of sporting long-barreled firearms, hunting long-barreled firearms used for sports, sporting pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of over 7.5 J and cartridges for it."

Here is a set of documents that are prescribed to be collected, you can submit them personally to the territorial department of the licensing and permitting service of the National Guard or through the state portal. services in 2020:

  • an application of the prescribed form (fill out on the website);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • photographs 3 × 4 (2 pcs.);
  • a copy of the license with a mark of sale or with a mark-confirmation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the transfer from another owner.
  • copy of the registration certificate for the hunting rifle (if rifled, then the control shooting protocol).

The cost of the service is 500 rubles, the term of consideration is 14 days.

Until the permit is issued, the owner does not have the right to own a weapon. For this period, the barrel should be placed in a safe and not moved anywhere. Finally, permission has been obtained. Now you can go hunting with your own gun, transport it freely and buy cartridges for your gun.

Remember, the person who owns the gun is responsible for the proper storage of the barrel and ammunition. The owner is responsible for the consequences arising from non-observance of the rules for the storage and operation of weapons. The law prohibits the sale of hunting rifles or the transfer of trunks to others, unless permission is obtained from the authorities to do so.

If you are refused permission

If the granting of a license for a weapon is denied, the applicant must be given a written notification - a reasoned opinion with a full indication of the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation and legal regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the violation of which was the reason for making such a decision. Why can they refuse ?:

  • age under 18;
  • provision of inaccurate data or an incomplete set of documents, for example, the absence of a medical certificate of the established form, the state registered in a neuropsychiatric or narcological dispensary;
  • there is no documentary evidence that the applicant has completed the appropriate training;
  • lack of permanent registration;
  • there is an outstanding / unexpunged conviction for a crime committed intentionally;
  • deprivation of the right to own a weapon by a court;
  • repeated offenses of an administrative nature within a year, or a single offense related to narcotic and psychotropic drugs;
  • lack of prescribed conditions for storing weapons.

If a citizen considers the refusal to be unjustified, then he has the opportunity to appeal this decision of the authorities in the court at the place of his registration. You must have a waiver notice on hand. If they refuse to provide the notification, contact the prosecutor's office. The court is provided with all certificates confirming your right to a license. For example, a certificate of clearing a criminal record from the information center of the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if the refusal is motivated precisely by this circumstance. As practice shows, it is not easy to obtain a license in this case. The severity of the article probably influences. Officials are reluctant to take responsibility and issue a permit for the possession of a weapon to a person convicted of a serious offense, for example, for robbery with causing grievous bodily harm. Although legally this refusal is illegal.

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Comments (1)

  1. Sergey

    Useful information. I will soon be 18 years old and I will finally be able to transfer from a spectator to a participant in the hunt. And then the father, on the hunt, only allows for the time being to help in matters not related to weapons.

  2. Sasha

    The material is well presented, but I live in Ukraine. Is there an article on your site about the neighboring country? I would be very grateful.

  3. Sanya


  4. Valera

    In our country they hunt even without permission, if there were money. I was convinced by the example of good friends.

  5. Alexey

    Can I get a permit if I am disabled from childhood and walking on crutches?

  6. Alexander

    Good afternoon. I registered a smoothbore shotgun at a temporary registration address in the Moscow region, and now I want to transfer it to a permanent registration address in Moscow. What is needed for this?

  7. Gennady

    Hello! the question is, is it possible to have a homemade weapon safe, or just buy it in a store?

  8. Stas

    A license to purchase weapons is not issued to citizens of the Russian Federation:
    3) who have an uncleared or outstanding conviction for a crime committed intentionally, or who have a cleared or canceled conviction for a grave or especially grave crime committed with the use of a weapon;

  9. Marat Nurgaliev

    Hello. I bought a gun but did not understand how to apply for public services. there are 3 options for individuals. :

    Issuance to a citizen of the Russian Federation of a permit for the storage and use of sports short-barreled firearms with a rifled barrel and cartridges for it at a shooting facility

    Re-issuance of a permit issued to a citizen of the Russian Federation for the storage and use of sporting short-barreled weapons with a rifled barrel and cartridges for it at a shooting facility

    Extension of a permit issued to a citizen of the Russian Federation for the storage and use of sporting short-barreled weapons with a rifled barrel and cartridges for it at a shooting facility

    which one ??? I did the first option when I applied for green paint

  10. Igor


  11. Evgeniy

    Good day! I received a certificate from narcology form 454 / y-06 in November 2016, and went to issue a license in January 2017, the inspector of the LRR refused to accept my documents, arguing that some new form of certificate was in force from 01/01/2017! Is the refusal legal? Thank you in advance!

  12. Evgeniy

    And another question to the inspector lrr says that an application for a license must be submitted on the website of state services! I don’t understand really can’t write an application for a license from an inspector of lrr?

  13. Dmitriy

    From January 1, 2017, the forms of medical reports N002-О / у and N003-О / у are introduced
    No site contains complete information on obtaining a purchase license. Even public services are not updated information.

  14. Sergey

    Please tell me you need to pass exams for the purchase of 2 barrels

  15. Denis

    If there are fines for speeding, can they also refuse?

  16. Alexander

    Hello! And if there is neither a military ID nor a mark in the passport about the passage of service. I am 30, did not serve and was not called up. Can a weapon permit be obtained.?

  17. Taisya

    Please tell me, if the husband is a rowdy, can he have a weapon at home ... ??

  18. a lion

    Hello! If I overdue when moving from one city to another, before that I had a smooth barrel, can I get a rifle license? At the same time, the period for a smooth one is more than 5 years and a year has passed since the moment of registration in a new place and payment of a fine for the delayed time and how much time can be delayed when moving ..?

  19. Oleg

    Because of his youth, everything was and was tried for a fight in 2008, and was deprived of 1 time. 2012.
    So no options?
    Thank you in advance for your reply.

  20. Stas

    Previously, I had a hunting ticket, in 2000, I would like to get a new one, whether it is necessary to take at least a second hunt, and in general what documents are needed. (old hunting ticket on hand)

  21. Yuri

    Hello, I want to buy a small gun, will they give me, as a beginner, permission for a small-caliber rifled weapon, or do you need 5 years with a smooth-bore?

  22. Anatoly

    Tell me please! What do I need to get permission to buy two more guns if I have already owned one for 2.5 years?

  23. Anatoly

    if you do not submit an application through state services, it will be accepted in the LRO upon the provision of documents specifically to them in the department ???? ... I brought a full package of documents to the LRO, he told me you applied through government services, I say no, it's easier for me to bring them here than via the Internet, he sent me to apply through government services. but all the documents were accepted exactly, but no one did not give a coupon for accepting documents, no time did not say that yes, I don’t understand this crap. Who stumbled with this ????

  24. Alexander

    Hello! This is my third year with a hunting rifle. At the moment I want to sell it and then buy another gun. Question 1. Do I need to undergo a medical examination for a new gun and 2. If I sell a gun and while I am looking for an option, will the 5 years experience for a rifled weapon be interrupted?

  25. Stanislav

    I'll tell you how I first obtained a license in 2017.
    Here many are pouring quotes from laws, but they can be found in the public domain anyway and

    our life.
    To apply to the licensing and permitting department (through public services) we are asked

    provide several documents:
    - passport (that's clear)
    - honey. conclusion (in fact, there are 3 different pieces of paper hidden here: a psychiatrist, a narcologist, and

    routine medical examination)
    - a document on the preparation and testing of knowledge of the use of weapons (everything is done in one place for

    - hunting ticket (done in a week through government services)
    Here is such a small list and it seems that there is nothing complicated in it.

    For myself, I built the following order of receipt: submitting an application for a hunting ticket, receiving

    medical certificates, purchase of a safe, training in the use of weapons.

    1. Hunting ticket. The simplest of all of the above. The application will be generated in

    public services, fill out an electronic form, attach a photo, choose a date

    visits to spoil the finished hunting ticket (usually 1 week). Arriving at the appointed

    Time for a hunting ticket I was asked for 2 photos. I said that I applied them to

    application for public services in electronic form. I was told that they do not have a printer to

    foresaw something similar (I even had photocopies of my passport prepared, but they did not

    were needed, they were able to print the questionnaire). We get a ticket, no hunting minimums

    You do not need to rent, you do not need to pay any fees, everything is absolutely free.

    2. Medical report. You can get it in any clinic at least for free, at least at

    paid. Everyone writes about the 046 form, but it is outdated and now there is a different form, so not

    try to search for something, download and print, all forms will be issued locally.

    When contacting the clinic, simply say that you need a certificate for a weapon and they will immediately understand you (if

    you will call the help form, then some may be stupid and do not understand what kind of help

    speech). Before the general examination, you will be sent to a psychiatrist and a narcologist (without a referral, but

    they will simply say “go first to a psychiatrist and a narcologist and then to us for a medical examination”).

    These specialists are not in clinics, but in appropriate institutions - psychiatric

    dispensary and narcological dispensary. In our city with a population of 500k people, only

    1 to such an establishment.
    The hardest thing for me was the psychiatrist - the queues for him are incredible, there is no prior appointment

    exists. He came several times, looked at the queue, turned around and left. On

    the fourth time I was lucky - there were only about 10 people in the queue, I served an hour and ended up on

    reception. The psychiatrist also simply says that we need a certificate for the weapon (it costs about 400 rubles,

    paid at the box office in the same dispensary), issued instantly. I got it

    a hitch with a psychiatrist in the fact that the article on which I was not spelled out in the military card

    limited validity and she issued me a request to the military registration and enlistment office to give me a certificate with the number

    articles. I had to go to the military registration and enlistment office and back to her, the second time I skipped the line saying

    that again, I don’t know if it’s possible or not ... (on this I lost 2 days, to write about delirium in

    I will not be at the military registration and enlistment office, I just defended a 2-hour queue there).
    Expert in narcology. Everything is simpler there, but more expensive. We are going to a narcological dispensary, we ask for a certificate on

    weapons, we are sent where necessary, we bring in 1500r to the cashier, write to a jar and after 2 days

    we take the result.
    And now, with 2 certificates in hand, we go to the general commission. I recommend to a paid clinic, there

    there are fewer queues and a certificate costs about 400-500r. I passed this commission in 15 minutes.

    One doctor measured my blood pressure, checked my eyesight and that's it. They were given 3 certificates stating that

    that I have no contraindications to gun ownership.
    3. Safe.
    I won't write a lot about choosing a safe, whoever wants what he is and buys. Let me remind you

    there are just certain requirements for a weapon saife. I bought in the store for 4000r

    for 2 barrels, with a passport of compliance with the requirements (since I did not know for sure it would be

    to be checked or not, later it turns out that documents for the safe are not required).
    4. Training in the use of weapons.
    We have at least 2 such institutions in our city, I chose where the exam is retaken

    is free. According to reviews in another institution, it was necessary to enter the cashier for 500 rubles for each

    So, training and exam take place in 1 day, it costs 3000r and 2 photos. We came 3

    person. First, they read us the law on weapons for 2 hours, then they took us to the shooting range for the exam. There

    there were already our ready-made certificates (2 pieces of paper - about training and about successful completion

    exam) and whoever wanted could take it and be free, but I stayed to shoot.

    Well, the lion's share of the red tape has been passed, now we submit an application through state services for

    obtaining a license. 2 days after submitting the application, I received a call from the LRO (licensed

    permitting department) and invited to drive up to them to hand over the originals of documents.
    Although the reception is carried out only 2 days a week, there is no queue at all, but the printer also has

    they are not there either, we are giving away 2 more photos and all our hard-to-find references. There we are given

    details for paying the duty 110r and ask for an act from the district police officer at the place of storage of the weapon.

    Now I will make a small digression about the place of storage of weapons, it will be useful to many. Myself

    I am registered at the place of permanent residence in the same city on an apartment

    parents. In fact, I live in my wife's apartment, without even having a temporary registration in it,

    I am going to store the weapon at the place of my actual stay - in my wife's apartment. Vobros was in

    volume - do I need to issue a temporary registration at the place of actual residence through

    FMS. But in the LRO I was told that it was enough that I indicated my place in the questionnaire

    actual residence and where I am going to store weapons. And an act from the district police officer is required

    exactly the area where the weapons are stored.

    So, we are asked for an act from the precinct about the storage conditions. And again, on public services about

    this is not a word, but I'm not going to get into a splinter, for this we have a lot of old characters,

    savoring conflicts and posting them on YouTube. I'm looking for where my precinct is and food

    to him - it's faster. You can find out where your district police officer is by calling the ROVD

    your area, it is often located there. Arriving at the reception hours, they drew up an act for me

    without visiting the apartment, just looked at the pictures from the phone what the safe looks like and where it stands

    (I made the pictures in advance, anticipating something like that). We receive the act in our hands absolutely free)

    Now we take the act and the check on payment of the state duty to the LRO and wait for a few weeks for a call about

    ready-made pieces of paper.
    Let's calculate the total costs:
    psychiatrist - 400 rubles
    narcologist - 1500r
    medical examination - 500 rubles
    training - 3000r
    safe - 4000r
    duty - 110 rubles
    6 photos 3 * 4 - 250r

    TOTAL: 9760 rubles. (collecting all the papers took 2 weeks at a leisurely pace, not counting

    waiting for a license from LRO for about 30 days)

  26. Anonymous

    The duties have increased by an order of magnitude! for smooth-bore or rifled 2000. through the portal of state services 1400 (discount applies). permit fee for 500 hazel grouses)

  27. Anonymous

    but that was previously tried I can get a permit for hunting smooth-bore weapons

  28. Andrey

    Tell me, I have been registered in a military unit for more than 5 years, and I live in an apartment. Can I get a permit for the purchase and storage of hunting weapons in the apartment?

So, the next term for extending the permit of the ROH has approached me. I note right away that the described situation is taking place in Moscow, since I am registered in the capital of our Motherland. To simplify communication with officials and fight corruption, the portal "Gosuslugi" works in Belokamennaya and even has a mobile application.

Using it, I went to the desired section, read the necessary information.

The application indicated a list of documents that can be photographed immediately in the program and sent to the Russian Guard.

All documents were available, except for the certificate "f-046" indicated in the list.

Okay, I'll go and make an inquiry, I decided, and went to the local clinic. Going into the doctor's office, he asked for a referral for me to undergo a medical commission.

To which the doctor informed me that this form of certificate for obtaining or re-registering weapons was abolished and instead of them there are now two forms "002 -O / y" and "003 -O / y".

She referred to the order of the Ministry of Health dated June 30, 2016, No. 441-n and gave him permission to read it.

"Good! Let's get a referral, I'll start going to doctors, ”I kindly asked the doctor.
“Alas, we cannot issue you these certificates, we do not have a license to issue them.

You need to go to a narcological dispensary, take a certificate from them that you are not registered with them, and pass the drug-free test there. Then visit a neuropsychiatric dispensary and take a certificate from them that you are not registered. "

"And then can I go to the Russian Guard?"

“No, with these certificates you need to go to a private medical center and get the coveted forms“ 002 ”and“ 003 ”!

That is, the local state polyclinic refused me. Calling the nearest medical center, I found out that the cost of each certificate is 1,100 rubles.

Wanting not to overpay for services, I dialed the hotline of the Ministry of Health and asked where I can get these certificates on a budgetary basis. To which I received the answer that ANYWHERE.

The operator explained that these forms are amateur and the MHI insurance policy does not cover the costs. That is, these certificates can be obtained in Moscow only on a paid basis.

Having visited a narcological dispensary, I successfully passed a test for the absence of ten drug compounds, worth 1100 rubles, and a "examination" by a doctor, and in real life a check for the absence of my data in the database costing 700 rubles.

After that I went to the mental hospital. There was the same "punching on the base." Three minutes at the doctor's office cost 950 rubles.

All the necessary extracts were on hand, and now the private medical center issued the coveted forms "002" and "003" on the basis of three previously received certificates.

Examination in a private medical center was reduced to measuring blood pressure. Forms were issued, each costing 1,100 rubles.

Then I went to the licensing system. After submitting all the documents in full, I received a receipt for payment of the state duty in the amount of 500 rubles (the amount increased from 01.10.2017), paid, waited 10 working days and received a new ROC form.

Taking into account the cost of photographs, payment for transport and commissions for making payments, the amount turned out to be about 6 thousand rubles per weapon. Is it a lot or a little? For me personally, it is noticeable, but what can we say about retired hunters ...

And maybe it’s nothing, but these innovations, in fact, have not changed anything. Previously, requests to dispensaries were sent by the police themselves, which is quite logical. There were no medical examinations, and they are not.

In reality, all that was added was only a drug test. And everything else is seen as just another, as always, relatively honest way of taking money from citizens.

What else to read