Signs before the road: what not to do and what to do. Signs for the road - the secrets of a successful trip

home Since ancient times, people have been anxious about the road ahead. And it doesn’t matter whether the journey was long or short. For example, it was impossible to say where to go, and no one asked, because it was bad omen

. No one made plans about the upcoming road either; this was also considered a very bad omen. Therefore, the roots of road signs are very, very deep in time. But even now many signs are considered relevant.

Signs before traveling

  • Before you set off on the road, know that there are many signs and rituals that many take into account, believing that this will secure their path and make the road successful.
  • It has long been established that before leaving home you need to sit down on the path and be silent. It is useful to grab the corner of the table. This sign is quite logical, because a person once again goes over in his head whether he has brought everything he needs for the trip.
  • Don't let your keys fall before leaving the house. This will lead to failure. You need to get up on the road early. This is both a sign and helpful advice
  • our great-grandparents.
  • After the departure of a family member, the house cannot be cleaned for three days, so as not to cover its tracks and the journey goes smoothly.
  • But if you thoroughly wash the floors and stairs before leaving, the journey will be happy. If suddenly, just before leaving, someone from the family brings forgotten thing
  • - there will be no luck on the road.
  • Before a journey, no matter long or short, you cannot sew anything up; this also leads to failures along the way.
  • Despite everything, you should never look in the mirror before leaving; this is a sure help for the evil eye.
  • If it starts to rain suddenly, the road will be successful.
  • Oddly enough, washing your hair before a long journey is also not recommended. It's better to do this in a couple of days. It is unknown why and how to explain the sign that says: on Monday long journey

you can't go. Perhaps because no one likes this day of the week, because it is considered difficult. However, our ancestors also consider Friday to be unlucky for travel, so on this day, if possible, it is better not to take any trips.

Signs on the road

  • If you meet a person on the way with a full bucket, bag or package, the road will be fruitful and successful, but if with something empty, then the road will be empty and useless.
  • Returning halfway has always been considered a bad sign. But if you still had to return, you need to look at yourself in the mirror, smile or stick out your tongue. Then nothing bad will happen on the road.
  • Since ancient times, it has become so that meeting a woman first is not good, but if you meet a man, good luck will accompany you on the road.
  • Such a nuisance as meeting a funeral procession along the way is considered to be a very good omen.
  • If you really like the place and really, really want to come back someday, you just need to throw any coin into the nearest body of water.
  • On the way, stumbling upon a sharp object, such as a nail, means that there will be no luck.
  • If you stumble along the way, no matter which foot you fall on, someone will not respond very well.
  • It happens that along the way something always gets in the way and goes wrong. In this case, you need to stop and think carefully about whether you need to go to the intended place, whether you forgot to take anything with you, or whether you thought through the path well.
  • Meeting someone immediately on the threshold or porch is not a good omen and predicts an unsuccessful path. That is why it is believed that one should not say hello or pass anything to each other on the threshold - this leads to quarrels and conflicts.
  • When dressing for the road, you need to be extremely careful. It is believed that if any piece of clothing is worn on the left side, it will lead to a series of bad luck along the way.
  • Before going on a visit, it is also recommended to sit down at home. This is done so that guests are received well.
  • Of course, a black cat crossing the road promises bad luck for the person walking. What they don’t do here in order to avoid troubles: they hold on to a button, they throw a pebble, they spit over their shoulder three times, and they cross themselves. If a dog crosses the road, it is not considered a bad omen, but not a good one either.

This article is devoted to travel signs (also known as superstitions), which most of us still believe. Sit down on the road, sneeze, look in the mirror, etc.

The road is always present in a person’s life. In ancient times, being away from home, traveling or any other long trip was considered a serious test. Therefore, the road, the path is connected with numerous folk signs, in which people believe now, as in ancient times.

Since the road is a serious matter, the traveler must treat it responsibly. Some signs are associated with this:

  1. Surely, every person who wanted to go out or go somewhere heard the simple question “Where?” Nowadays people don’t think about the meaning of this sign, but in ancient times you couldn’t talk about your plans, otherwise they wouldn’t come true. Therefore, to the question “Where” you need to answer “To the Kudykin Mountains.”
  2. If you are going on a long journey, before leaving the house you need to hold on to the corner of the table a little. It is believed that this will bring good luck along the way.
  3. In order for the road to pass without incident, and the transport not to break down along the way, you should sit down for a few minutes, as people say, sit down on the path.
  4. Another sign that will bring good luck on the road is to turn all the chairs upside down before leaving the house.

Signs associated with travel time

Modern people Little do they think about which day is best to choose for a trip. And at work, when they go on a business trip, they don’t worry about it. But there are signs that tell you how to choose a favorable time to travel:

  • unlucky days - Friday and Monday;
  • unlucky numbers - 6 and 13;
  • It is not advisable to go on the road at night, and especially at midnight.

To ensure a smooth and unobstructed journey, it is better to leave mid-week or early in the morning on weekends. There is no need to travel on a new moon, full moon or when the moon is waxing.

Signs associated with the ban on the road

There are many signs that prohibit certain actions before the road or on the way.

  1. There is no need to wash your hair or cut your hair before leaving. As our ancient ancestors believed, hair contains the strength of a person, which will be needed on the journey.
  2. Clothes cannot be sewn. It is believed that you can sew up your own path, bring trouble and bad luck.
  3. On the day of departure you cannot lend money or any other things.
  4. You cannot wash the floors in the house so that the person leaving can return to it. Until a person reaches their destination, household members should not wash the floors either.
  5. You cannot look back at the house and at those seeing you off, otherwise longing for your relatives will not allow you to carry out your affairs successfully when you are away. Also, you should not wave goodbye, as this could lead to trouble. Mourners should not look long at those who are leaving, otherwise the meeting will never take place again.
  6. You cannot pick up objects found on the road: money, keys, jewelry.
  7. You cannot step over the threshold with your left foot. This sign means that you can attract attention evil spirits.
  8. You cannot say goodbye or hello on the threshold, through the threshold - this can lead to a quarrel.

Signs associated with a meeting on the road

It is believed that the path should be clean and smooth. Therefore, any meeting is assessed as a failure, as an obstacle. People believe that these failures can be avoided. When you meet someone on the road, you need to turn around from right to left three times.

  • meeting a priest means problems;
  • if you see a man, it means good luck awaits;
  • met a woman - there will be trouble;
  • a pregnant woman on the road - good news;
  • for luck - a meeting with a hunchback;
  • a funeral means good luck, a wedding means bad luck.

Perhaps the most common sign associated with a person crossing the road with empty buckets. According to this sign, the traveler will have no luck. A bad sign is also the case if a black cat or dog crosses the road.

Signs associated with return

Everyone knows that to return - Bad sign. It is connected with the belief that the guardian angel may not understand the owner and remain at home. But anything can happen: you can forget an important document, money, phone at home. How should you behave if you had to return?

  • if time permits, it is better to leave the house a little later;
  • you need to sit in front of the path for two or three minutes, silently;
  • look at yourself in the mirror before going out and do something: stick out your tongue, straighten your tie, comb your hair, put on lipstick.

Prosperous signs on the road

There are signs that certain circumstances developing before or during a trip can have a positive effect on its course.

  • a favorable omen is the presence of rain, symbolizing purity and purification;
  • if when leaving the house you tripped over right leg- be lucky;
  • If you are flying on an airplane, then before takeoff you need to put a coin between two seats, this will bring material success.

Bad omens on the road

Sometimes a traveler may see certain signs indicating that difficulties await him along the way:

  • trip over left leg;
  • forget something at home;
  • forget the glove;
  • dropping the keys while closing the house;
  • find money or jewelry, a nail or other sharp object on the road;

All these signs indicate that some difficulties may be encountered along the way, and luck will turn away.

What rituals exist for travelers? Today, as in the old days, travel and long trips are fraught with a number of dangers. To avoid them and make your journey easy, successful and safe, you can use well-known rituals and magic spells for travelers.

Signs before a long journey

The practice of “sitting on the path” has not lost its relevance and importance, so as not to encounter obstacles along the way. They sit down literally for a minute or two, sit silently, and then get up and be sure to say: "With God blessing!"

Just before leaving the house, you need to hold on to the edge of the table. The table symbolizes home, and thus the connection with it is maintained. Sometimes they also kissed the edge of the table and asked their home for blessings along the way.

To ensure a successful trip, they used to take dry wormwood on the road, which was believed to protect against evil spirits. Modern magicians add that other plants can be used as the same amulet: dill, oregano, violet, thyme, caraway seeds, mint.

Before a long journey, it is not recommended to wash your hair to avoid disaster. A lot of power has been concentrated in the hair, which is very necessary when traveling, and this power is washed away with soapy water, and individual hairs remain in the bath or on the comb, and with them a share of vitality. It is better to wash your hair a couple of days before departure.

When setting out on a trip, you should not step over the threshold with your left foot, so as not to be under the influence of evil forces. Returning halfway is also very bad. If you still need to do this, be sure to look at yourself in the mirror and stick your tongue out at your own reflection - thereby you will scare away the evil spirits that forced you to return.

On the day of departure, none of the traveler’s relatives should wash or sweep the floor - there is a great danger of sweeping the road for the departing person and making it extremely dangerous.

And on the day of departure, you don’t need to sew anything up - there will be no luck. By the way, this sign belongs to the category of often coming true.

Don't let your keys fall before leaving the house. This will lead to failure. If suddenly, just before you leave, someone from your family brings something you forgot, there will also be no luck on the road.

On the road, try to walk around all the lying sticks and other objects and under no circumstances step over them - otherwise there is a risk of encountering various obstacles. And it’s better not to pick up anything along the way, especially coins or sharp objects.

If on the way you meet an acquaintance who asks where you are going, the most correct answer is: “To Kudykina Mountain.” Previously, such an answer was not considered rude, but was a special magical excuse. The fact is that, having learned your plans, a person can put the evil eye on you, even unwittingly. Nowadays you can replace " Kudykiny mountains» in a more appropriate and neutral formulation - "on business."

Advice to those seeing off - if you want the person to return faster, then when leaving home from the station, be sure to turn around and look after the person leaving.

you can't go. Perhaps because no one likes this day of the week, because it is considered difficult. However, our ancestors also consider Friday to be unlucky for travel, so on this day, if possible, it is better not to take any trips.

There are a lot of road signs that can be useful to travelers - they will make them careful and attentive on the road. Such signs are signs that fate sends, warning of danger and problems along the way.

  • For example, see on the way earthworm crawling across the street - good sign. It promises success in the proposed business and good news.
  • But if the first person you saw when leaving the house was elderly woman or a priest, no luck on the road. In this case, you need to put a fig in your pocket to neutralize the trouble.
  • If you notice a coin on the road, it’s lucky, but if it’s a nail or a button, it’s a sign of trouble and even disaster. It is also considered unlucky to lose a glove on the road.
  • If you meet a person on the way with a full bucket, bag or package, the road will be fruitful and successful, but if with something empty, then the road will turn out to be empty and useless.
  • Meeting someone immediately on the threshold or porch is a bad omen and predicts an unsuccessful path.
  • If it suddenly rains, rejoice. This sign promises that your trip will be successful.

Spells for a safe and successful journey

We also bring to your attention several special road spells aimed at making the road safe and successful. As a rule, these conspiracies are read before leaving the house.

  1. Before leaving, you need to throw a few coins to the side and say: “All traces, all misfortunes, everything is left behind, but for me, God’s servant (name), a happy road.”
  2. This plot is read three times before leaving: “I will stand, blessing myself, go, crossing myself, and meet two angels. The Lord is on the way, Nicholas the Wonderworker, light the way. Amen".
  3. Or you can turn to your guardian angel: “My angel, come with me, go forward, show God’s servant (name) the way and remove all enemies from the road.”

If you see that there are some obstacles and obstacles along the way, sudden delays, then you should stop and think carefully about whether you need to go to the intended place, whether you forgot to take anything with you, whether you thought through the path well. It is quite possible that all the annoying misunderstandings along the way are warning signs of fate.

Many exciting moments are associated with this event. Anxiety and nervousness before traveling, joy from meeting family and friends upon returning home. What do the signs say for the journey?

1. Before a long journey, you need to hold on to the corner of the table in order to be sure to return to your home.

2. You need to set off on a journey in a good, calm mood, prepare and plan everything in advance, be sure to go to the bathhouse a day or two before leaving (a good omen); Immediately before the trip, you cannot wash your hair, or cut your hair.

4. Before traveling, you need to make and take with you a small bag of wormwood - it will scare away everything evil and unclean from you, then the road itself and temporary residence in another place will work out successfully, in your favor.

5. Whether you are going on a short trip or a long journey, there is a tradition before leaving the house to sit on a wooden surface and be silent for a couple of minutes. In this case, you will definitely return home, as you leave a piece of your warmth and transfer energy to the house through the tree. And vice versa, if you do not want to return to this house, you do not need to adhere to this sign.

4. When leaving the house, if you tripped on your right foot - good luck, on your left - to troubles along the way, lost a glove - also expect troubles.

5. If you meet someone along the way, the journey brings good luck, the wedding procession brings disappointment. In any case, there is no need to cross their path.

There are signs that are associated with your journey. If on the road you remember that you forgot something at home, you will definitely come back. Good travel companions will accompany you on the road if they fall off the table or. If you don't want anyone to disturb you, just knock on the table with cutlery.

Your actions after the departure (departure) of guests

  • You cannot wash the floor immediately after the guests have left. Wait for them to get there.
  • After guests leave, shake the tablecloth after them. This ancient superstition gave rise to the popular expression “good riddance” - the road home will be quick and easy.
  • When a person is on the road, think about him in a positive mood. The energetic relationship between you and the traveler will make his journey faster and easier, and the entire trip successful.

A short or long journey is always fraught with anxiety, but signs will help you along the way and make the journey enjoyable and the return home joyful.

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Vacation signs

The phrase “If a black cat with empty buckets breaks a mirror, it means trouble” always brings a smile. Meanwhile, almost all of us knock 3 times on a piece of wood, “so as not to jinx it,” and do not forget to “sit on the path.” Today we invite you to remember some signs that have been revered by the Russian people from time immemorial - and those that are relevant for travelers during the holiday period. So let's go!

Signs before the road

First of all, don't go on a trip on Friday - it won't be a good trip. In the old days, Friday was considered women's day, when women rested and did not do any business. Therefore, setting off on this day of the week means creating troubles for them, and a departure burdened with anxiety cannot be successful.
The day has been decided, now start cleaning the house. Yes Yes! After all, the trip will only be successful when the vacationer washes the house until it shines and, especially carefully, the stairs.
But if you need to clean the apartment, then under no circumstances should you wash your hair before a long journey. Otherwise, they say, you will get into trouble. People have always believed that hair contains the vital force that a person needs in life. long journey. And after washing your hair, some of the hair remains in the water, some remains on the comb, and with it comes strength. By the way, psychics claim that hair is an antenna that helps a person receive important information from the outside world, it will be very useful to you in a new place.
Are you finally ready? Now you need to sit down, be silent before the road and mentally ask higher powers good luck on your upcoming journey.
Are you leaving already? Don't forget to touch the corner of the dining table with your hand. Previously, the table was considered a symbol of the home. Therefore, when setting off on a journey, a person kissed the edge of the table, asking the house for blessings for a successful journey and a safe return. Later, this ritual began to be limited to touching the corner of the table.
Everyone knows that sewing in front of the road is a bad omen. But if on the day of departure you still had to pick up a needle when leaving home, read the spell: “I’m coming (my name), the Holy Spirit is with me, God’s seal is on me, and the enemy cannot take me. Amen".
If someone asks you “Where are you going?”, it is best to answer: “For Kudykina Mountain.” This is not rude at all. It is believed that if someone knows your plans, they can interfere with their implementation. To prevent this from happening, return the “unlucky” word “where” to the questioner, keeping the upcoming path a secret.

Signs on the road

When leaving home, was the first woman you met? Be extremely careful on the way, as it is believed that it is much easier for a woman to put the evil eye on a person than for a man.
On the way to the train station or airport, make sure that no one is following in your footsteps. To avoid troubles on the road, stop and let the pursuer go ahead. Since ancient times it was believed that the trace and shadow of a person have magical power. By following the trail you can not only learn the hidden secrets of the past, but also damage it and deprive it of vitality.
Don’t be upset if you get caught in the rain on the way - rainwater washes away all the negativity from a person, which means it creates a positive charge for a successful trip.
Signs with fallen knives/spoons are also effective on the road - in a train compartment or an airplane seat. If a spoon or fork falls on the floor, a woman will join you, and with good news; a knife fell - wait for a man to join you. If you don’t want to see unexpected companions, silently pick up the fallen device and hit it three times on the table. If you managed to say even one word, it will no longer help.
Some people have trouble finding their way around a new place and get lost on the way to, say, a vacation spot. According to the legend, you just have to change your clothes, turning them inside out, and the right path will immediately be found.

Signs on vacation

Well, you are at your destination. However, do not rush, forgetting about everything, to the nearest shops and souvenir shops. It is believed that if, when buying an item, you have used up everything that was in your wallet, then while you are wearing this item, you will not have enough money, and on vacation this is not good. But if you have a decent amount of money left, you will rest in abundance. Perhaps with the help of a new fan.
By the way, if you have struck up a pleasant relationship with your gentleman, and he arrived on the first date in a dirty car, then it’s unlikely that anything will come of this romance. But if the car is white or any light color, there is a chance to continue the acquaintance.

Svetlana Petrova

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