Show daughter in Tokareva Natalya with children. Victoria Tokareva, daughter. – What time is the happiest for you?

home Valery Todorovsky became a worthy heir to his father, director Pyotr Todorovsky, and from his very first works declared his undoubted talent. The director's biography began in Odessa, where he was born on May 9, 1962, and in cinema he made his debut as a screenwriter, and only later did he declare his directorial abilities. Personal life of Valery Todorovsky is also divided into two stages. He met his first wife at VGIK - Natasha studied, like him, at the screenwriting department, only a year younger. They quickly found mutual language

, started dating and after some time got married.

In the photo - Valery Todorovsky and Evgenia Brik Their marriage lasted about twenty years, largely, according to Valery, thanks to Natalya’s incredible tolerance. She was a wonderful housewife, a caring wife and mother, who took upon herself all the everyday problems, because Valery always had no time for this - he was completely immersed in his work. They raised two children - son Peter and daughter Catherine, however, having met new love

, Todorovsky decided to leave the family. Valery Todorovsky decided to make such changes in his personal life because of the actress Evgenia Khirivskaya, who later took the name Brik as a pseudonym.

He met her at the casting for his film “The Law,” and although the actress did not get a role in this film, she received much more - the hand and heart of a famous director. After Valery Todorovsky’s second wife gave birth to his daughter Zoya, she moved to Los Angeles, so the director has to live in two countries, like his wife, who has to travel to Russia for filming. The director’s youngest daughter, born in 2009, like him once, is growing up in a cinematic family, and this may affect her future biography.

Valery Todorovsky cast his wife Evgenia in his film “The Geographer Drank His Globe Away,” and this role raised the popularity rating of the actress, who had previously played in his film “Hipsters” as Komsomol member Katya. Evgenia Brik also starred in her husband’s other films, such as “The Thaw”, “Count of Montenegro”, “Vise”.

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The director’s mother can’t find a common language with either her daughters-in-law or her grandchildren

The director's mother can't find a common language with either her daughters-in-law or her grandchildren

On May 8, director Valery TODOROVSKY, the creator of such film hits as “Hipsters” and “The Thaw,” celebrated his 55th birthday. Out now new job masters - "Big" - a film about the path to success of a ballerina Bolshoi Theater. We talked with Valery's mother Mira TODOROVSKAYA, the widow of the famous director Pyotr TODOROVSKY, who talked about her son and revealed some family secrets.

Valera is now on a business trip in Odessa, in the city where I gave him life,” Mira Grigorievna began the story. - By the way, Valera gave birth on the night of May 8-9 and always believed that it was his birthday on Victory Day. But it was officially recorded that he was born on the 8th. He grew up to be a hard worker, he has his father's genes. As a child, at my encouragement, he starred in the film “ Strange woman" But I didn’t like being an actor.

- Why did you call him Valery?

When our boy was born, my husband’s grandfather was just dying. Grandfather was very ill and could barely move his tongue. When the baby was brought to him, he began to say, barely audibly: “Va-le-ra.” Petya and I never thought of giving such a name to the child, but the last word Grandfather outweighed. They decided that this was a sign from above. The son was later not happy with our decision, but reconciled himself.

- How did he grow up?

Independent, a kind of hooligan excellent student. Petya and I worked a lot, so our child was often left to his own devices, hanging out on the street. I can’t say that my husband and I helped him a lot. He made himself, and the audience fell in love with his paintings. Of course, he took a risk, because he was alone Todorovsky I had already been to the cinema, but Valera was not afraid and won.

- Did you approve of his first marriage to Natalya Tokareva, the daughter of the writer and screenwriter Victoria Tokareva?

Natasha became pregnant, what could she do? She was 20, Valera was 23. However, her daughter-in-law, like her mother, Victoria Tokareva I love and respect you very much. I never approached Valera with advice, did not say: “Don’t get married,” or vice versa, “Get married,” this is not acceptable here. I am grateful to Natasha for her grandchildren Peter and Katya. The eldest is now 32 years old, he himself is already a father twice, raising Sergei and Anna, my great-grandchildren. True, Petya is more drawn to another grandmother - Victoria Tokareva, but does not often communicate with me and Valera. The second daughter of her son and Natasha is Katyusha, who is now 22 years old, too. Alas, Great love It didn't work out between us. We are all working busy people, so we don’t have tea parties every week.

- And with my current daughter-in-law, actress Evgeniy Brik,what is your relationship like?

There aren't really any. It turned out that I avoid my daughters-in-law and we don’t see each other at all. Zhenya (I don’t understand, by the way, why she took the pseudonym Brick instead of your last name Khirivskaya) gave birth to another child for my son - Zoya. She's eight. In the case of Evgenia, by the way, Valera, like a noble man, also got married because Evgenia became pregnant. My granddaughter also rarely communicates with me. I haven’t seen Zoya’s other grandparents, Evgenia’s parents, at all, apparently they don’t need it. I didn’t look for them, if they wanted, they could communicate, but so why do I need it?

- Which of your son’s marriages – your first or second – do you consider more successful?

He and his first wife were together for 20 years. She is very good, strong, wise, but they turned out to be too different. A wonderful woman, but not his. Of course, he is better off with his second wife, despite the fact that she is 20 years younger. And he behaves distantly towards me. I don’t know if there is crazy love between Valera and Zhenya, but they live - and thank God. For me, the main thing is that my son feels good. He is close person- he treats me tenderly and touchingly, this is enough for me, although I am an independent woman. I lived with my Peter for many years and realized that the most important thing in marriage is not to pull the blanket on yourself, but to try to be smart.

- Is your son a rich man?

First of all, talented. I never thought that he would have such business acumen and that he would also master the profession of a film producer. Valera is not a millionaire, I can’t call him very rich. As for me, I live in country house. Someday Valera will get it. But I’m in no hurry to transfer to it yet. This wooden house in my time Marina Vladi built. I really like her spirit. Then I built another house on the site, my son has an office there, he loves to be here.

- And I heard that he and his wife mainly live in the USA?

Not true. He lives in Moscow. And in America they sometimes work, many people do this, but they will never go there for permanent residence.

Calling ex-mother-in-law

I love Valera Todorovsky and I want to thank him that he has very beautiful and talented children, my grandchildren, who turned out well,” shared Victoria Tokareva. - I have known Valery since I was 19 years old. God's talent is not given to everyone, but it was given to him, so he shot with his films. Talent is like a floppy disk, God invests it in some people from birth, and not in others. He has been divorced from my daughter Natasha for more than ten years, each has their own life, their own path.

Victoria Tokareva's books are the main decoration of many home libraries. It’s not worth mentioning that some of her works were used to make legendary films. And the writer’s personal life is worthy of being described in a book, so much happened during the biography of the heroine of our article (by the way, as the writer herself admits, much of her personal biography was actually used for the plots of the books). But surely few people will doubt that, like for all women in the world, the main achievement in life is daughter of Victoria Tokareva Natalia.

In photo 1 - Natalya Tokareva, in photo 2 - Victoria Tokareva

Victoria Tokareva absolutely does not hide her pride in her daughter. According to her, Natalya is smart and beautiful, a self-sufficient person and a great housewife. Outwardly, the heir to Victoria Tokareva is a copy of her father. Today, the writer’s only daughter is 51 years old. She has a diploma from the screenwriting department of VGIK behind her (a completely logical and successful choice future profession for the daughter of a writer, who should have words in her blood) and a college of psychoanalysis. Despite the fact that her name does not appear in magazines or on TV screens, since Natalya Tokareva does not like publicity, she has also achieved success in the profession. It was from her scripts that “Kamenskaya” was filmed. Victoria Tokareva mentioned in one of her interviews that she tries not to interfere in her daughter’s personal life, limiting herself only to financial assistance.

In the photo - Victoria Tokareva with her granddaughter Katya

And this notorious personal life of Natalya Tokareva also began quite early, as did the famous mother. The affair with Valery Todorovsky, who later became her legal husband for twenty years, began with daughter Victoria Tokareva at the age of 16, at the beginning of her studies at VGIK. She gave him two children - son Peter and daughter Catherine, 10 years apart. Despite the fact that, according to her mother, Natalya Tokareva is a great housewife and simply an ideal wife, and still has no complaints against her former son-in-law, their family could not stand the test of betrayal. The marriage broke up when Valery Todorovsky decided to connect his life with actress Evgenia Brik. Although, if you believe the words of Victoria Tokareva (and you have to be content with only them, since her daughter remains completely silent on this matter), the decision to divorce was not made by him, but by Natalya Tokareva. By the way, the writer also said that her daughter now lives in civil marriage and she personally also likes her second son-in-law very much.

Valery Todorovsky is a Russian film director and producer who loudly announced himself back in the late 90s with the film “Country of the Deaf.”

Today he is the director of popular projects “Hipsters”, “Thaw”, “Bolshoi”. His works are not just fascinatingly told stories; each of them opens the door to a certain era or world of human relationships for the viewer.

Childhood and youth

Valery Todorovsky is a native Odessa resident. He was born in this southern city May 8, 1962 in the family of the already famous film director, and in the future a classic of the Soviet and Russian film industry and producer Mira Grigorievna.

Father with early years took my son to the set. Valera liked everything about the pavilions of the Odessa Film Studio: how to securely fasten the scenery, where to install the cameras correctly, where to hang the spotlights.

He also liked that his dad was so respected and influential: in the pavilion, the artists unquestioningly listened only to him. It is not surprising that in the end Todorovsky Jr. decided to become “just like dad.” But when the father found out about this, he warned that his son should not count on his help, he would have to achieve everything on his own.

And so it happened. Valery confidently, although slowly, walked towards his intended goal. The first attempt to enter the VGIK department of directing failed. But the young man was not upset and went to study at the screenwriting department theater university, to the course of the talented teacher and screenwriter Kira Paramonova.


Todorovsky's creative biography began in 1986. This year he made his debut as a screenwriter: in collaboration with his Latvian colleague Andris Kolbergs, he wrote the script for the film “The Double”. Valery also worked with the director: he wrote for his films “Gambrinus” and “Over Dark Water” original scripts, which brought the author fame.

In the perestroika 90s, when commercial studios began to appear, Todorovsky, together with two like-minded people and friends, created the TTL production center (Todorovsky, Tolstunov, Livnev). The debut production work of the Odessa resident was the film “Kix”. The director of the film was Sergei Livnev.

In 1990, Todorovsky's first film, Hearse, was released. This was his directorial debut. In the next film called “Love” they starred. They portrayed two friends on the screen, whose lives develop differently. Lovelace Vadim (Maryanov) marries the general's granddaughter, and modest Sasha (Mironov) is forced to part with his beloved, who leaves with his parents for Israel. After this picture, they started talking about the bright film debut of the little-known young actor Mironov.

It was not only this star that Todorovsky “lit”: with his light hand received a lucky ticket to the cinema, who played in the drama “Country of the Deaf”. And in 1994, in the film “Moscow Nights,” the director rediscovered her to the viewer, inviting her to act in film when the actress lived in London. The film, the genre of which the country's best critics could not decide on, brought its creators a number of national awards, including the Golden Aries and Nika awards.

Todorovsky's production work deserves special attention. Valery Petrovich's track record includes a number of masterpieces - the series "" and "Women in a Game Without Rules", "", the film adaptation of the novel "The Idiot", "Piranha Hunt" by Andrei Kavun, "Poddubny" by Gleb Orlov and others.

Director Valery Todorovsky

From 1995 to 1999, Todorovsky was a member of the board of the film studio named after. . During this period, he re-conquered VGIK. This time I tried to enroll in the Higher Directing Courses. And again he failed. But Valery did not lose heart: since he decided to become a director, then so be it. Since then, he began making his own films.

Todorovsky once admitted that, in addition to his work as a screenwriter, director, and producer, he likes to do editing.

So Valery Petrovich re-edited the series “Queen Margot”, making it the way the audience loved it. He also worked on Dmitry Meskhiev’s film “Women’s Property”, where they played the leading roles.

Valery Todorovsky at the presentation of the film "Hipsters"

Since May 2000, Valery Todorovsky has become a film producer for the Rossiya TV channel. Since August 2003, he has been an advisor general director TV channel for film and television projects.

In 2005, Todorovsky, together with Leonid Lebedev and Vadim Goryaninov, founded his own film company, Red Arrow. Among the studio's best films are "", "Swing" and "Oxygen".

Valery Todorovsky on the set of the series “The Thaw”

In the same 2005, Valery became a co-producer of the series "". The film immediately became mega-popular, with its release dispelling the dark myth about the impossibility of filming the most mysterious work.

One of the last most successful works in Todorovsky’s filmography as a director was the television series “,” which was first shown in December 2013. The heroes of the 12-episode film are Soviet filmmakers who lived in the 60s, when Valery’s father, Pyotr Todorovsky, began working.

Valery Todorovsky on the set of the film “Bolshoi”

The series instantly became popular and received many awards, including a special council prize Russian Academy cinematic arts "Nika" for 2013.

In 2016, the director began filming a film called "". This is a film about ballet, about the life of the Bolshoi Theater troupe and about 2 girl ballerinas and their fate in the period from 10 to 25 years.

The main roles were played by famous actors -, and, and the images of the students were recreated on the screen by ballerinas and.

Personal life

As Valery admits, in his life there is “only and only cinema.” The director avoids noisy social gatherings and does not like to go on vacation far from home. He claims that he has no hobbies or other interests other than cinema.

Todorovsky’s family and personal life are closed to prying eyes. The director says almost nothing on this topic. It is only known that Valery is married for the second time. He lived with his first wife Natalya Tokareva, the daughter of a writer, for 20 years. From this marriage there are two children - son Peter and daughter. Todorovsky was considered an exemplary family man, so the news that the producer decided to divorce and was leaving for a young actress shocked many.

Valery fell in love with his current wife at the casting of one of his TV series. Later, Evgenia starred in her husband’s film “Hipsters.”

In 2009, Valery Todorovsky and Evgenia Brik had a daughter, Zoya. The mother and the girl spend a lot of time in the USA. Zoya studies in Los Angeles. She combines attending school with classes at a music school and a dance studio; in addition, the girl tried herself as a TV presenter and even began acting. So far these are episodic roles, but, according to Evgenia, with the accumulated fees, by the age of 16 Zoya will be able to afford a car. Brik regularly posts photos and videos with his daughter on Instagram.

In an interview, Evgenia mentioned that she and her husband are ready for the birth of a second child and even came up with a name for a boy and a girl, but so far the busy filming schedule is preventing the implementation of these plans.

Valery Todorovsky now

In 2018, Valery Petrovich began work on the Odessa project. In addition to Moscow, filming took place in the southern region of Russia - the cities of Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don and Sochi. The genre of the film is defined as tragicomedy. The film tells the story of the quarantine introduced in the city due to the spread of cholera.

Valery Todorovsky on the set of the film “Odessa” in 2018

The plot centers on the story of the Jewish Davydov family. For the work, Todorovsky used 35 mm film, which will give the picture greater authenticity, since the events take place in the early 70s. The main roles will be played by Maria Mironova and.

In the fall, Todorovsky became one of the organizers of the A4 short film competition with prize fund 1 million rubles According to the terms of the competition, all participants were asked to write a short bright story in the genre of drama, comedy, science fiction or sports cinema and film it on a smartphone or camera. The jury assessed primarily the originality of the idea, and not the technical capabilities of the director.


  • 1990 - “Hearse”
  • 1991 - “Love”
  • 1994 - “Moscow Evenings”
  • 1998 - “Country of the Deaf”
  • 2002 - “Lover”
  • 2004 - “My Stepbrother Frankenstein”
  • 2007 - “Vise”
  • 2008 - “Hipsters”
  • 2013 - “Thaw”
  • 2017 - “Big”
  • 2018 - “Odessa”

For the first time, Valery Todorovsky married the daughter of screenwriter and writer Victoria Tokareva, Natalya. “Natasha got pregnant, what could she do? She was 20, Valera was 23. However, I love and respect my daughter-in-law, like her mother, Victoria Tokareva, very much. I never came to Valera with advice, I didn’t say: “Don’t get married” or on the contrary - “Get married”, this is not customary here. I am grateful to Natasha for her grandchildren Peter and Katya. The eldest is now 32 years old, he himself is already a father, raising Sergei and Anna, my great-grandchildren. True, Petya is more drawn to another grandmother - Victoria Tokareva. , and she doesn’t often communicate with me and Valera. The second daughter of her son and Natasha, Katyusha, who is now 22 years old, doesn’t work out well between us. We all work, we’re busy people, so we don’t have tea parties every week,” Mira Todorovskaya told.


Now Valery is happily married to actress Evgenia Brik. However, according to the director’s mother, she has no relationship with her daughter-in-law. “It turned out that I’m avoiding my daughters-in-law and we don’t see each other at all. Zhenya (I don’t understand, by the way, why she took the pseudonym Brik instead of her last name Khirivskaya) gave birth to my son another child - Zoya. She’s eight. In the case of Evgenia, by the way , Valera also got married like a noble person, because Evgenia became pregnant. I also rarely communicate with Zoya’s other grandparents, Evgenia’s parents, apparently they don’t need it, if I didn’t look for them. If they wanted to, they could communicate, but why do I need it?” – Valery Todorovsky’s mother quotes Eg.RU.

Mira appreciated both marriages of her offspring. “He was together with his first wife for 20 years. She is very good, strong, wise, but they turned out to be too different. A wonderful woman, but not his. Of course, he is better off with his second wife, despite the fact that she is 20 years younger. And behaves distantly towards me. I don’t know if there is crazy love between Valera and Zhenya, but they live - and thank God, for me, the main thing is that my son feels good,” Todorovskaya concluded.

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