Karakurt spider destruction. The karakurt spider and its deadly “kiss.” Appearance and structural features

home In the summer, one of the most active dangerous spiders Karakurt or Black Widow
(black widow). Found in the desert zone of Kazakhstan, in the steppes Astrakhan areas, Central Asia , Iran, Afghanistan, along the banks Mediterranean Sea

and the Yenisei, in North Africa, Southern Europe and in the south of Ukraine (Crimea and the Black Sea region), on my balcony (found a couple of years ago). HOW TO RECOGNIZE A WIDOW'S BITE.
It is impossible not to notice the bite: pain immediately sets in at the site of the bite, as if pricked by a thorn; within 10-15 minutes it intensifies and spreads to the stomach, lower back and chest.
The poison spreads through the lymphatic system instantly. It penetrates not under the skin, but into muscle tissue. The bitten person's legs go numb, his head feels dizzy and hurts, he becomes mentally agitated, and fear of death appears. His face turns blue and his pulse slows. Convulsions and vomiting may occur. Without treatment, the victim may die within 2-3 days. If a person survives, then for 3-5 days severe pain deprives him of sleep, and weakness does not go away for even longer than a month. Therefore, after a karakurt bite, the first thing you need to do is call an ambulance (in the hospital the victim should be injected with anti-karakurt serum - this is the most effective treatment

from “black widow” bites), and at the same time, until the doctors arrived, to provide first aid. The most effective treatment is the administration of anticarcourt serum. An antidote serum against a Karakurt bite can be much more dangerous than the spider bite itself. The fact is that the complications that arise when the serum is administered are fraught with very serious consequences. These are various allergic and, God forbid, anaphylactic reactions. Up to anaphylactic shock
. And right up to the lightning-fast form, when split seconds decide. Even in medical institutions, with the fulminant form of anaphylactic shock, it is very, very difficult to cope with this. For lack of serum you can save yourself by using other drugs: it gives good results.
intravenous administration of novocaine, calcium chloride and magnesium hydrogen sulfate

Once again I am convinced that calcium chloride must be in a survivalist’s first aid kit.
Nobody has been working on the problem of poisoning spider population centers for a long time. Therefore, all vacationers and residents steppe zone the rules must be followed.

They are simple: you should not throw clothes on the ground, carefully inspect the shaded areas where you intend to lie down (it is best not to doze off in the middle of wildlife), close the windows and doors of cars and tents tightly, and always look at your feet. And the classic: before putting on your shoes, shake out your shoes.

The second name of this spider is “black widow”. This spider was nicknamed this because it is black in color (with red dots), and the females eat their partners after mating.
Karakurt loves to live in desert places, on the slopes of ravines, and in the steppes. With the onset of heat, “black widows” begin to migrate, looking for new safe places. During this period, females become aggressive and can bite people if disturbed. Widows especially do not like it if their nest is disturbed (usually they build it in the lower, shady half of the stone) or pressed against them.
The poison of karakurt is 15 times more poisonous than the poison of one of the most scary snakes- rattling, although for the most part different types Black widow venom is dangerous to varying degrees, the most dangerous poison being in the South American species.

First of all, the effect of its poison is aimed at paralyzing nervous system. The peak effect of the poison occurs in the twelfth hour after the bite. Karakurt is active throughout the summer; it is at this time that it begins to reproduce and becomes more irritable. The hotter the weather, the more aggressive the spider. But if he is not disturbed, he is, as a rule, not prone to aggression.

Rumors that the Karakurts became embittered and began to attack people are not true. The spider is not such a developed creature as to attack people out of hatred or revenge. It bites only when the person himself poses a threat to his life - the karakurt defends itself.
Why did the karakurt become closer to humans? Yes, because we ourselves create the conditions for its migration. We leave cans on the shore and create spontaneous garbage dumps. All this is an excellent home for a spider.
During the day they sleep in crevices and only leave their homes in the evening.

1. At the pre-medical stage, the first thing you need to do is wash the wound with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.
2. The second thing that can help is cooling the bite site. If you do this within 30 minutes, the absorption of the poison will slow down. A cold compress, ice or metal will work for this purpose.
3. The third thing to do is to fix the bitten limb in a motionless position. This may slow down the absorption of the poison.
4. If possible, immediately squeeze out, suck out the poison - but it is not recommended, since in this case the wound can become infected and the bitten person will also have to be treated for a secondary infection.
5. Take painkillers, drink plenty of water - the poison will be diluted in the blood and eliminated naturally, accordingly, intoxication will decrease.

1. There is no need to burn the wound with a match, as is often recommended by non-specialists: there is reliable evidence that the poison is destroyed by exposure high temperature, No.
2. There is no need to apply a tourniquet - poison already acts on the limb, and if its blood supply is disrupted with a tourniquet, the limb can become dead within a few minutes, and after removing the tourniquet, tissue breakdown products will poison the body stronger than poison.
3. There is no need to make incisions near the wound - this will only risk introducing an infection there.

Many consider the snake to be the most insidious and dangerous creature in the world. However, there lives on our planet a small spider whose bite is 15 times more poisonous than a bite snakes. This is a karakurt, which is considered one of the most poisonous spiders on earth, and therefore it is worth getting to know it better.

What is a karakurt spider?

The name of the spider is translated as “kara” (black) and “kurt” (worm). In Kalmyk language karakurt sounds like "black Widow". This name fully justifies itself. The thing is that after mating, spiders devour their partners, and this happens with each subsequent gentleman.

Females differ from males very much. The average size spider spiders are 10-20 mm, and the male is usually quite small, only 4-7 mm. They are black in color with thirteen red dots on the upper side of the abdomen. It is these spots that are their hallmark. Interestingly, upon reaching sexual maturity, these spots may disappear.

Karakurt spiders have very powerful " chemical weapons" - poison. They need it to hunt various insects. In addition, with its help they destroy steppe animals, for example, gophers, in whose burrows they then begin to weave their webs. If they are not disturbed, they will not attack, but in case of danger they begin to attack instantly.


Very often this spider can be found in the following places:

There are known cases of their discovery in the south of the Urals, in territories bordering Kazakhstan. Spiders began to be found in Azerbaijan, as well as in Rostov region. If the weather is very hot, karakurts can move to the northern regions, for example, in the Moscow region. They can be found at higher latitudes, but they live there only before the onset of winter. Ideal conditions for their living hot summer and warm autumn.

Karakurts live mainly in the steppes, in ditches, salt marshes, on the slopes of ravines, and in abandoned villages. They weave webs in cracks in the ground, in potholes, and rodent burrows, where they then attach web cocoons with clutches of eggs in July-August. After a week, the spiderlings hatch from the eggs, however, only next spring do they begin to crawl out of the cocoon. The air temperature at this time reaches 30 degrees. In autumn, all adult representatives of karakurts die.

These spiders feed on hedgehogs, wasps, and ichneumon beetles. Flocks of sheep often trample down their nests.


Karakurt spiders are highly fertile and every 10-12 years Their rapid proliferation is observed. To lay eggs, the female weaves a web in soil cracks, rodent burrows, and in the drains of ventilation systems. The spiderlings spend the winter in a cocoon and crawl out of it in April. In June, spiders become sexually mature. As soon as it comes hot weather, karakurts begin to look for protected places for mating. Then the females begin to look for places to lay eggs.

Why is a karakurt bite dangerous?

Considered the most poisonous sexually mature females, and males are not able to bite through human skin. July-August marks the peak of spider activity, when females begin migrating. Their poison is 15 times stronger than the poison itself poisonous snake. They move very quickly and can attack unnoticed.

Females never attack first. This only happens if she is accidentally pressed down, and she may bite in defense. This mainly happens at night while relaxing in nature, less often during the day.

At the site of the spider bite, a small red spot, but it disappears very quickly. The bite itself is not very painful, however, when the poison begins to act, severe pain occurs in this place. A person experiences strong mental agitation, panic and fear of death, spasms and suffocation. Victims with a heart condition may not be able to withstand this condition.

After 10-15 minutes, very severe pain occurs in the abdomen, chest and lower back, and the legs begin to numb. Vomiting appears headache and dizziness. The face becomes bluish, the pulse begins to slow down and arrhythmia occurs, and protein appears in the urine. After this the patient lethargy occurs, however, severe pain causes him great discomfort. After 5 days, rashes appear on the skin, and the condition improves slightly. Final recovery occurs after 3 weeks, and the patient remains weak for a month.


If help is not provided in a timely manner, the victim may die.

Fortunately, deaths from a karakurt spider bite are quite rare.


The karakurt spider can live in forest clearings, parks, squares, summer cottages. That is why, when going for a walk, you need to observe the following safety precautions:

  • If you know that such spiders live in the area, it is better not to spend the night in the open air.
  • Contact of sleeping areas with the inner walls of tents should be avoided.
  • If there is a need to stop for a rest or overnight, you should carefully scan the area.
  • If you find holes or depressions under stones where spiders can live, they should be covered with earth.
  • Clothes should have long sleeves, and the head should be covered with a scarf or other headdress.
  • If you have a night in a tent, before going to bed, you need to carefully inspect your sleeping area, as well as your backpack, clothes and shoes, where karakurt spiders can penetrate.
  • It is better to use a canopy, tucking it under the bed.
  • You can make small grooves around the tent.
  • You should always wear shoes that protect your feet from venomous bites.
  • If you suddenly find a karakurt spider on your clothes, you should not press it or pick it up. It is best to knock it down with a snap or simply shake it off to the ground.


The bites of karakurt spiders are very Every living creature suffers greatly, and horses and camels almost always die. When these spiders begin their intensive reproduction, livestock farming suffers great losses due to mass mortality of livestock. That is why, to destroy karakurt spiders, the soil is sprayed with hexachlorane and other poisons.

Should take precautions, when you need to go out into nature in places where karakurt spiders are very common. In case of a bite, you should immediately provide first aid and urgently contact a medical facility.

At all times, people have been wary of spiders. These mysterious insects are repulsive not only because of their appearance, many of them have the ability to kill (see). One of these spiders is the karakurt, or as it is also called. Having accidentally encountered a dangerous insect, a person risks losing his life. How dangerous is a karakurt bite and how to avoid death when attacked by a spider?

Karakurt belongs to the order of arthropod insects. This spider is particularly poisonous: a bite from a mature individual can kill an adult man. If the victim is not provided with first aid in a timely manner and is not transported to a medical facility, in most cases death occurs. Many people who encounter an arthropod die due to the fact that they cannot recognize the bite of a dangerous killer in a timely manner.

What does karakurt look like?

The spider is black in color, with red spots on the top of the abdomen, the number of which is almost always 13. Adult females are much larger than males, their body length reaches up to 2 cm, while males are 2 times smaller than females. The arthropod received the name “black widow” for its peculiar feature: after mating, the female karakurt necessarily kills and then eats her gentleman.

The spider's abdomen is spherical, has a cephalothorax, and 4 pairs of long legs. The karakurt jaw consists of 2 pairs (the upper jaw is chelicerae, the lower jaw is equipped with poisonous glands). It is the female spider that poses the greatest danger to humans; male spiders, as a rule, do not have a toxic substance in their teeth.

Find out whether it poses a danger to people and what to do if an insect attacks?

Read what is dangerous for humans and what to do when an allergy occurs.

Where is the spider found?

In Russia, the black widow lives in southern regions countries, it can often be found in Crimea. The spider also lives in Afghanistan, Central Asia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, northern Africa and southern Europe. There are cases when arthropods migrated to Rostov, Moscow, Volgograd and other regions of the country.

The black widow chooses for its habitat rodent burrows, various depressions in the ground, crevices, ditches, ravines, and steppes. Karakurts, as a rule, are not found in open areas. Spiders are considered the most dangerous in mating season, from July to August. At this time, the venom of females has a powerful toxic force, having a deadly effect on its prey.

Note! Black widows do not disdain to settle in people’s houses; for their shelter they choose dark attics and closets, abandoned barns. Karakurts especially like to settle in human housing with the onset of cold weather.

How to identify a black widow bite?

The poisonous teeth of a female spider can pierce not only human skin, but even nails. The bite of an arthropod is sometimes almost painless and feels like a mosquito puncture. What does a karakurt bite look like: a small red spot appears on the affected area, which disappears without a trace after a few minutes. The first signs of a black widow attack appear within a couple of hours. This is why a spider bite is considered dangerous: a person can simply miss precious time and die.

Some time after the karakurt attack, the victim feels the following symptoms of a bite:

  • feeling of aching throughout the body;
  • unbearable pain in the lower back;
  • weakness in the limbs;
  • heart rate increases;
  • feeling nauseous and;
  • lacrimation is observed;
  • pallor of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • acute pain appears in the abdominal area (symptoms are similar to an attack of acute appendicitis);
  • panic attacks and fear of imminent death appear;
  • there is an increase in temperature at the site of the bite;
  • pain in all muscles.

If the karakurt bite is obvious and the victim has characteristic symptoms, the person must be urgently taken to the hospital for timely treatment. Doctors' help consists of administering antitoxic serum.

First aid for a karakurt attack

It happens that if you are bitten by a karakurt, you cannot quickly get to a medical facility, what to do in this case? If it is difficult to transport the victim to the hospital after an insect attack, you must urgently begin providing first aid on the spot:

  1. The person must be laid horizontally and not allowed to make even the slightest movements. Physical activity will accelerate the spread of the toxin throughout the body.
  2. It is recommended to suck out the poison from the wound. If there is no special device for this, you can suction with your mouth. It is important that the person who will remove the poison does not have wounds, ulcers or other damage in the mouth, otherwise the toxic substance will enter the body of another person.
  3. Place ice cubes or a container of water on the bitten area. cold water. This will slow down the absorption of the toxin and pacify the pain.
  4. When the bite occurs on an arm or leg, a loose fixing bandage is applied just above the affected area.
  5. The victim is given an antihistamine to drink to prevent an allergic reaction.
  6. Requires constant watering big amount liquids, preferably strong sweet tea (see).
  7. It is forbidden to comb the wound, cut it, and especially cauterize it, as this contributes to the penetration of infection into the tissue and the development of the inflammatory process.

Important! When first aid is not provided in a timely manner, severe consequences for the victim develop as a result of a karakurt bite: decreased blood pressure, respiratory failure and death.

Spider bite prevention

When going for a walk in an area where karakurts may live, in order to avoid bites you must adhere to certain rules. It is not recommended to visit places where there are many rodent holes, a large number of stones and crevices, dry leaves, ditches. It is better to spend time in open areas.

Those who are going on an overnight camping trip should not place the tent directly on the ground; they must first equip any flooring made of durable material. In addition, the overnight shelter should not remain open all day. Clothes and shoes should not be left outside; it is best if things are stored inside the tent. Before putting on clothes and shoes, all personal belongings are carefully shaken out and inspected, as spiders can crawl into them.

When staying in nature at night, you cannot sleep on bare ground; for safety, it is better to lay a thick tarpaulin material or use an inflated mattress.

Find out what to do if: first aid.

What to do if: first emergency aid to the victim. complications after a bite.

Note to parents! : varieties, symptoms and treatment.

It is better not to walk barefoot on the ground, as the karakurt spider will definitely bite the person it meets on its way. In addition, when collecting branches, brushwood and dry grass for a fire, it is necessary to wear thick gloves, which will help avoid the penetration of poisonous insect teeth.

Before entering any shed, closet or attic, especially where there is no electricity, you need to protect yourself with thick clothing. Spiders living indoors must be destroyed: karakurt females are very delicate, and with the slightest pressure on the insect, the spider dies. Discovered webs and cocoons should be taken outside and burned.

  • The insect is called a black widow, since the female karakurt mercilessly eliminates her suitors after mating. With rapid movements of her paws, she entwines them with a web and applies fatal bite. Therefore, people compare the female karakurt to a widow.
  • At the beginning of the twentieth century, karakurt was considered a particularly dangerous insect, whose bites killed up to 400 people a year and about 350 heads of livestock.
  • Karakurt spiders, having hatched from eggs, live in a cocoon for about six months, and then leave their home. At the same time, they actively eat each other and in the end only the strongest survive.
  • Without medical intervention, the spread of spider venom in the human body for more than 3 days is fatal.
  • In order to protect itself from enemies, the black widow is capable of pretending to be dead in a split second, shrinking and falling to the ground from the web.

Despite the fact that karakurt is considered one of the most poisonous insects among I never thought that I would ever write about these spiders, but they have reached the Rostov region, where I live. My city is located on the coast Sea of ​​Azov, And recent years These three spiders simply do not give life to residents of the private sector located by the sea. Now every summer there is a walk in the coastal private sector special service, which catches these spiders, and their clutches of eggs are simply immediately burned out with fire. In our city there were cases when karakurts bit local residents, people were urgently hospitalized! Fortunately, everyone was saved, but the very proximity to these spiders is very unpleasant and dangerous! They spend the winter with us just fine; in short, they have taken root well!

Who's scarier in the world? rattlesnake? This is not a huge bear or a scary tiger - this is a small spider, the very name of which makes you shiver! Karakurt is from the family of black widows... its bite is 15 times more poisonous than the bite of a rattlesnake! Look at the photo of the karakurt spider and remember so as not to fall into its “web”...

The name of this eight-legged creature comes from the Turkic words “kara” (black) and “kurt” (worm). The scientific name of karakurt is Latrodectus tredecimguttatus. This bloodthirsty creature belongs to the order of spiders, the family of web spiders and is classified by scientists as a genus of black widows. This animal is considered one of the most poisonous spiders in Crimea. Having met him on a hot afternoon, it is better to run away from him, otherwise he will certainly want to get to know you better. By the way, the same applies to other animals of Crimea, for example -.

How to recognize karakurt among other spiders?

Adults of these poisonous arachnids are of average size.

Females are much larger than males. Compare for yourself: if the body length of males ranges from 4 to 7 millimeters, then females grow up to 2 centimeters!

The body color of karakurts is black. But there are a great many black spiders, you say, and not all of them are deadly poisonous! Karakurts have one distinctive feature- these are his spots. These inclusions are red in color, sometimes they are bordered by white rims. It is noteworthy that when the spiders become fully sexually mature, sometimes these spots disappear altogether... therefore, when vacationing in the Crimea, avoid all black spiders, just in case!

Where do karakurts live?

These dangerous creatures can be found in Asia, for example, in Kazakhstan. Karakurts also live in Europe, in particular in Ukraine. In our country, you can meet karakurt in Crimea. North Africa is also included in the habitat of these poisonous creatures.

Karakurt lifestyle

For comfortable living of these representatives of the black widow genus, warm autumn and hot summer are needed. But when in summer months temperatures rise above normal, karakurts can migrate to more northern areas.

Steppe areas are especially welcomed by these spiders. Karakurt likes to settle in wastelands, slopes of ravines, ditches, ruins, and salt marshes.

This black spider builds its home in animal burrows and cracks. earth's crust.

What does karakurt eat?

Insects such as grasshoppers and locusts can get on the “dinner table” of this predator. Sometimes karakurts also feed on other invertebrate animals.

Reproduction of karakurts

Karakurt, from the black widow family, is a real predator.

The breeding season for karakurts is July–August. The female lays eggs, “packed” in a cocoon, on the woven web. After a week, small spiders appear from them. It is noteworthy that young spiders never leave the cocoon until the spring of next year. They overwinter in this very cocoon.

Enemies of Karakurt - who are they?

These arachnids are attacked by ichneumon beetles. In addition, herds of sheep often trample, without knowing it, entire clusters of karakurts.

A karakurt bite - why is it dangerous, and what to do if the “kiss” does take place?

If you are bitten by this poisonous spider, then you may not even feel it right away. The feeling of pain comes only after 10 – 15 minutes. Strong pain instantly spreads throughout the body, and if timely assistance is not provided, such an unpleasant “surprise” can result in death for a person. The poison of one small karakurt is quite enough to kill an adult.

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