Experience of fighting in Syria: how the Russians taught Syrian tank crews to fight. In Syria, Russian tanks showed all their unique characteristics Russian tanks in Syria

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forced military experts to reconsider their views on the strategy and tactics of warfare. Moreover, the conclusions that were drawn seem paradoxical at first glance; it is too early to melt down old equipment.

What has changed over the past 20 years. All last wars , which are ongoing on the planet, have become conflicts of a new type. Direct clashes between technologically advanced powers are unlikely today. Now the clarification of relations between them has turned into hybrid conflicts of low intensity, when the standard situation is confrontation regular army and combat mobile guerrilla groups coordinating their actions thanks to modern means

communications and armed with portable but highly effective weapons systems. For example, ATGMs with a tandem warhead today weigh less than 30 kg (and some less than 20 kg) and are capable of fighting even tanks equipped with dynamic protection. Moreover, today neither thick composite armor nor even the system can guarantee the invulnerability of a modern tank..

active protection

New weapons also led to the emergence of new combat tactics. And even to the emergence of new “armies”.

The first signal of change was the Israeli army's operation against Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006. The Israelis in their Merkavas were never able to break the resistance of the Shiite partisans. Then came the time for Libya, Iraq and Syria. The armies of the local “opposition” that appeared here as if from nowhere were able to very effectively fight the regular troops, who were not helped by the absolute superiority in heavy weapons

, nor the presence of aviation. Mobile and numerous enemy groups penetrated the army's positions and inflicted short and sensitive blows on it, which it could not counter.

Libya fell after a short and heroic struggle. Iraq was luckier. “IS” (banned in the Russian Federation) managed to inflict complete defeat

regular army, but it stumbled over the ethnocultural map of the region, and even more so over the plans of its puppet masters.

But Syria was less fortunate. Bashar Assad did not suit either Washington or other countries of Western “democracy” as the leader of the state, and he did not want to leave on good terms. That is why the worst of the war broke out here. last years war.

Stepping on a rake

Bashar al-Assad's army had to die. This is how it was destined for her on the Washington headquarters maps. This would definitely have happened if those “damned” Russians had not intervened, who came to the aid of the legitimate government at such an inopportune time. But not only the new forces that came from the north, and new technology, which sailed from the same place, decided the outcome of the Syrian battle. The most important reason Bashar al-Assad won the war was his army's retraining and acquisition of the skills needed to survive on the battlefield in the 21st century.

Just don’t think that everything happened at once and suddenly. No, in the beginning everything was very difficult. The first ones offensive operations The Syrian army at the end of 2015 showed that if nothing is done with battle tactics, there will not be enough strength to further win the war.

The offensive operation north of Hama already on the first day resulted in large losses of troops, and then it completely stalled in the enemy’s defense.

The completely ineffective tactics of warfare in urban areas were combined with the straightforwardness of Arab military thinking, which only led to losses and extremely weak progress.

There are no small things in war

The Russians quickly explained to their Syrian allies that in war there are no trifles. That there is no need to wait for some superweapon that can quickly solve all their problems. They already have everything themselves, they just need to generalize their combat experience and apply their head, and what they don’t have can easily be imported from big land(not without this, of course).

Even before October 2015, Syrian tanks began to be “scalded” with nets, and on old T-55s began to appear dynamic protection and new electronic filling. Yes, there are no trifles in war. The experience of fighting, including in the Donbass, was fully used in Syria. Protecting the sides with a grille has already created problems for the enemy. He equipped his combat vehicle with additional protection, albeit not completely effective, and has already reduced losses by half, which means he has saved equipment and crews and thereby sharply increased the combat potential of his troops. You see, in just six months, the “saved” dozens of combat vehicles and thousands of soldiers will turn the tide of an important battle in your favor.

Nice tank, it’s in Africa too good tank

Of course, Syria could not do without new and modernized old Soviet equipment. Russian T-72, T-80 and T-90 latest modifications were tested in real combat conditions and performed well. No matter how much progress has been made in the development of anti-tank weapons, the filling modern tanks also didn’t freeze in the 90s. Tank builders were able to equip modern tanks with new equipment, which allowed them to remain the main force on the battlefield today. impact force.

As they say, for every cunning “javelin” (though they have not yet been delivered to militants), you can always find an equally cunning “curtain”, “arena”, ... “Afghanite”.

But here we get very interesting situation. The same new electronic hardware installed on such old tanks as the T-55 and T-62 makes these vehicles a formidable weapon in the hands of their crews. They have sometimes become more effective weapons in Syria than their younger counterparts.

For example, the smaller and more accurate rifled 100 mm gun of the T-55 tank was much more appropriate during urban battles than the long-barreled 125 mm gun of the T-72.

That is why the “oldies” that were not finished off in the previous years of the war, having received new, more powerful engines, not only did not disappear, but, dressed up in dynamic protection and armed with active protection systems, modern fire control systems and other stuffing necessary for today, they became very popular among the troops (especially considering their price).

If you have a good tank, learn how to use it

The tank itself is not a weapon. Without a crew who knows how to operate it, it is just a very expensive pile of metal. Put a chimpanzee at its levers, the result will be about the same. The training of the crew and the ability to use all the capabilities of the vehicle is another factor in increasing the efficiency of the vehicle. If you look at how the Syrians used their equipment in the initial period of the war, you can only be surprised at one thing: how they weren’t all burned before the Russians arrived.

Tank attacks ahead of infantry, riding alone, unnecessary stops in the wrong place filled with an excessive amount of anti-tank weapons. As soon as the Syrian tankers brought their final defeat closer! I think they would have succeeded in this if the Russians had not appeared and explained to them that this is not what normal tank crews who want to return to their families do. A certain amount of tenacity, perseverance and some kind of “mother” - and the Syrian army was simply unrecognizable.

It would seem that the people in it remained the same, and the technology was largely the same, but the result was completely different.

For example, already in 2016, a certain previously undetected T-72 took and deceived the “opposition” ATGM. You fire rocket after rocket at him, but he dodges, you know, he doesn’t want to die. Syrian tank crews were also taught to work alone. You watch the newsreel and see how two or three tanks, covering each other, solve a task that previously seemed impossible for them. And then there were simply masterly operations. Sometimes it even seems that it is not the Syrians who are fighting at all, but aliens from Mars:

By the way, Turkish tank crews still haven’t learned this simple truth. And that is why they lost so many tanks in the vicinity of Al-Bab a year ago. And neither modern filling nor armor saved them. But they don’t help if you don’t have any brains.

There is a joke in the army. A tank's protection increases in direct proportion to its speed of movement on the battlefield. But there is no joke here.

Instead of an afterword

According to the federal target program “Industrial recycling of weapons and military equipment for 2011-2015 and for the period until 2020,” it was planned to destroy approximately 10 thousand units of “outdated” Soviet-made armored vehicles. But today, according to the head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Lieutenant General Alexander Shevchenko, this decision revised. No more than 4 thousand units are subject to disposal. It was decided to restore the rest and transfer it to the RF Armed Forces or transfer/sell it to allied countries.

The experience of the Syrian battles, as well as this decision made on their basis, suggests that it is too early for the old Soviet tanks to “rip off their horseshoes.” In today's troubled world, they will still have the opportunity to distinguish themselves on the battlefield more than once and prove that there is still gunpowder in the flasks.

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- another of the newest models of equipment in service Russian army. Reports about this appeared in the Turkish and Iranian media, and the presence of the T-90 in Syria was confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Thus, in a report by the Turkish pro-government newspaper Yeni Shafak, whose reports regarding the situation in Syria are advised by experts to be treated with caution, citing a certain commander Mahmut Hasan, it is stated that “the Russians attacked them with more than 80 T-72 and T-90 tanks " It is alleged that in areas north of Aleppo, the Syrian army, supported Russian aviation and Kurdish armed groups are approaching the Turkish border step by step. Assad regime forces are reported to have taken control of the cities of Nubul and Zehra, north of Aleppo. Their goal is to gain control of the “security zone” between the Syrian border cities of Azaz and Jarabulus. “Turkey has called Azaz-Jarabulus a red line and warned that it will open fire on any militant group that tries to cross it,” the report said.

According to the newspaper's sources, a senior Russian military officer held two meetings with Kurdish authorities in the cities of Qamishli and Afrin and agreed to "fight together to blockade the border towns."

Meanwhile, the Iranian army reported the use of the T-90 by the Syrian army, “for the second time,” in the Aleppo area on February 2. T-90 tanks are said to have been deployed around the town of Khan Tumen, south of Aleppo, after the Syrian army regained control of it in December.

“Using the superiority of T-90 tanks, the Syrian armed forces and their allies surrounded the important cities of Khan Tumen and Al-Qarassi near the Aleppo-Damascus highway,” said an informed military source. Joint offensive by Syrian troops national forces self-defense and the Iraqi military began last Monday and led to the liberation of the villages of Hardatnin, Duwair al-Zaytun, Tal Jabin.

Meanwhile, the first reports of the receipt of Russian T-90s by a mechanized division of the Syrian army appeared on November 29, 2015. Any statements Russian side then it didn’t follow.

Russian agency sources RNS Only on February 5 did they explain that at the end of 2015, a large batch of Russian T-90A tanks, which had previously been used by the Russian army, were delivered to Syria. Syrian military personnel were trained at Russian training grounds. The agency reports that the T-90A tanks delivered to Syria were first used by the Syrian army near the city of Aleppo. It is noted that combat vehicles ensured the advancement of assault groups of the Syrian army.

Russian battle tank T-90A adopted into service in 2004. T-90A is a modernized version of the T-90 tank, created in the 1980-1990s on the basis of the T-72B. He received the name “Vladimir” in honor of the main designer of the tank, Vladimir Potkin. The main difference between the T-90A is the engine, turret and the presence of thermal imaging equipment. The engine power of the car reached 1000 hp. at 2000 rpm. The tank is equipped with a third-generation dynamic protection complex, which ensures resistance when fired by 120-mm armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles M829A2 and DM43A1, which are included in the ammunition load of the M1 Abrams and Leopard-2 tanks. Important, that

The T-90A tank protection kit is capable of protecting it from the latest anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) such as TOW-2A and HOT-2.

According to the Iranian agency Fars, in four and a half years civil war Syrian militants were supplied with more than 9 thousand American anti-tank systems TOW and portable anti-tank grenade launchers M-79. Their successful use against obsolete Syrian T-55 and T-72 tanks became main reason problems in the advancement of Syrian troops until they receive the latest T-90s.

As Alexey Ramm, a military columnist for the Military-Industrial Courier newspaper, explained to Gazeta.Ru, it was the T-90 tanks that were delivered to Syria, and not, for example, the T-72B due to the presence of dynamic protection complex "Shtora". And since we are talking about the supply of tanks to Syria from the Russian Ministry of Defense, as evidenced by their coloring in the form of three-color camouflage, this would require modification of the T-72 and special installation this protection is on them. The need for such a complex, according to the expert, is largely due to the “high saturation” of the opposition and militants with modern anti-tank weapons banned in the Russian Federation, in particular TOW ATGMs.

The protection system of the T-90A tank is designed in this way: several receivers are placed along the tank hull laser irradiation, and there are also two spotlights next to the cannon.

“These receivers scattered throughout the hull detect laser radiation aimed at the tank and give the crew a command that an ATGM is being used against them,” says the specialist, clarifying that in this case the crew can independently evade.

The presence of a warning system with a laser radiation indicator greatly simplifies the life of a tank driver.

“There is an option when the smoke screen systems are activated - smoke grenades are fired. The third option is when infrared spotlights start working in the direction of the radiation and blind and clog the control channel. In theory, the laser radiation in which the missile travels can be clogged with powerful infrared interference, but this is a rather controversial method against TOW,” explains the interlocutor.

The T-90A is equipped with a 125 mm smoothbore gun - launcher 2A46M-2 with a barrel length of 51 calibers. Maximum sighting range armor-piercing sub-caliber and cumulative shells is 4000 m, with high-explosive fragmentation shells - up to 9600 m. Maximum range direct shot at a target 2 m high - 2120 m.

The use of Russian tanks in Syria, according to the expert, can be very active, and these vehicles are available there “not in single quantities.” He explained that the terrain allows

“to fully use tanks in the areas of Aleppo, Idlib, Hama, Homs, but the main efforts are now focused on two directions: Aleppo and up to Latakia.”

“Now the main efforts are concentrated in the Latakia province area. the main task- eliminate the threat to the western regions: two provinces - Latakia and Tartus. If Latakia falls or fighting starts there, it will be a serious blow to the positions, it will complicate the actions of the Russian air group,” says Ramm.

"Security Zone" declared by Turkey


“And in order to prevent further Turkish influence, we must take Aleppo. Aleppo is a more level terrain that allows the use of tanks,” the source added.

In addition, there is an attack on the so-called Salma enclave, and in this area it is not easy to use tanks, since it is a rugged mountainous area where infantry is needed with the support of aviation and artillery. “If you take Salma, drive out and defeat the militants and take Aleppo, then all Turkey’s efforts to supply the militants will come to naught. After this, you can safely talk to the militants from a position of strength,” he explained.

The use of Russian T-90A is also evidenced by Syrian posts on the Internet.

« Islamic State*" for the first time managed to take possession of a Russian T-90A tank, capturing it from Syrian government forces. This vehicle is the most advanced armored vehicle available to ISIS. Will terrorists be able to take advantage of this? Russian weapons and if so, how exactly?

In Syria, Islamic State terrorists on Wednesday captured a T-90A tank, which was supplied by Russia to members of the Syrian army. The tank fell into the hands of terrorists during battles east of the city of Mayadin.

This is not the first time Russian armored vehicles, delivered to the government forces of the Syrian Arab Republic, falls into the hands of ISIS*. In particular, on last week The Syrian agency SANA published a video showing weapons and military equipment (WME) that was captured by ISIS from the Syrian army, but was then recaptured. And in the video, among other weapons and military equipment, you can see the T-55 and T-62 tanks.

IN this moment ISIS is armed with about 30 old Soviet T-55 tanks, several T-62s, and around 5-10 more modern T-72s. There were also rumors that militants had captured two or three American M1A1 Abrams tanks.

The militants did not understand which tank they had captured

But the T-90A falls into the hands of the Islamic State for the first time. This is a modification of the Russian main battle tank T-90, which has been produced since 2004. It was in it that the car began to be equipped with a V-92S2 engine with a power of 1 thousand hp. s., which, with a weight of only 47 tons, allows it to reach a speed of 70 km/h.

In addition, the T-90A began to be equipped with a welded turret instead of a cast one, the armor of the upper frontal part was strengthened, and new system fire-fighting equipment, thermal imaging sights have been updated. The automatic loader was improved, and a new gun was installed - 2A46M-5.

SANA showed those captured from ISIS soviet tanks

It is curious that the militants were not even able to realize the fullness of their “happiness”, mistakenly mistaking the captured tank for a T-72. “The T-90 was created as a deep modernization of the T-72. Sometimes they are confused, but still there are differences,” military expert Alexey Leonkov told the Vzglyad newspaper.

“The first difference is in the weapons complex. For the T-90, a slightly different gun was developed than that found on the T-72. Secondly, the T-72 was equipped with Kontakt dynamic protection, and the T-90 was equipped with Kontakt-5. And when modifications to the T-90AM began, they started installing “Relic”. The difference is also in the fire control system, the source explained. “But the most important difference is in the tower and in the defense of this tower.” The T-72 has a cast turret with a round shape, while the T-90 has a welded turret, it is angular, because the protection complex gives it such angularity.”

Islamists are unqualified

ISIS managed to capture the T-90, but will they be able to use it?

Militants are actively using tanks, Andrei Frolov, an expert at the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, told the VZGLYAD newspaper. " It's about about several modifications of tanks: T-72, T-55, T-62. “Abrams” was also captured by them, but they did not use it, it is too complex and expensive to operate,” he pointed out. “Tank crews in the ranks of ISIS militants can be recruited from the Syrian government army, as well as from those who came with similar experience from other countries,” the expert emphasized.

However, can any tanker control the T-90? “To master a tank, you need to be able to work with various instruments, navigation, and a fire control system. For example, on the front roller of the tank there is a special sensor that allows the tank to fire while moving. Need correct setting sensor so that the tank can drive at a speed of 5–10 kilometers targeted shooting“, Leonkov noted. In his opinion, ISIS is unlikely to be able to do this: “They will not be able to use all the capabilities of the tank. It is intended for qualified professionals."

If this is the first time that the T-90 has fallen into the hands of ISIS, then other groups have already managed to capture such tanks. In 2016, the Harakat Nuriddin al-Zinki group captured a T-90A near Aleppo and then sold it to Jabhat al-Nusra for half a million dollars. Al-Nusra captured another T-90 independently in the same year. Subsequently, the Syrian army recaptured one tank and destroyed the second.

“The Islamists did not master the T-90 captured from the Syrian troops that year. He simply moved and shot, and not while moving, but stopped and shot. The advantages of the tank were not used,” Leonkov emphasized.

What will ISIS do with the tank?

“There is no risk that the tank fell into the hands of the militants,” Frolov noted regarding the possible leak of Russian technology. The Islamists themselves do not have the resources to copy the tank. In addition, the T-90A is still one of the early modifications and most of the systems installed on it have not been secret for a long time.

As for the options for using the machine, they are varied. “Who knows in what condition the T-90 came to them? They can use it as a tank, or they can remove the turret, fill it with explosives and use it as explosive device. They have already used the T-72 in this way. In any case, being hit by one tank will not give them any advantages,” the source added.

Selling this tank is also unlikely, Leonkov is sure. “In order to sell it somewhere, you need to organize logistics. Suppose they decide to sell it to the Americans, then a whole operation needs to be carried out, which will be more expensive than the tank itself,” he pointed out.

There are no anti-theft systems on the tanks, Leonkov noted. However, he still has some protection from being tackled. “The hatches on the tanks are locked with a special key; they can be locked. The problem is that for some reason Syrian tank crews believe that the tank’s hatch should always be open,” the expert said, suggesting that for the Syrians this is an indicator of special coolness.

However, the tank is unlikely to stay with ISIS for long. “They will either find him and return him, or they will kill him,” Leonkov pointed out.

* An organization in respect of which the court made a decision that has entered into legal force to liquidate or prohibit its activities on the grounds provided for by the Federal Law “On Combating Extremist Activities”

“The Iraqis, who five years ago said they would never take Russian tanks, took them – this is an absolutely amazing moment.” With these words, experts comment on Iraq’s plans to conclude a “deal of the decade” to purchase a large batch of Russian T-90s. What made the Iraqi government change its point of view?

Presidential Assistant for Military-Technical Cooperation Vladimir Kozhin confirmed on Thursday: Russia will supply Iraq with a batch of T-90 tanks this year. “A decent contract for a large batch,” Kozhin told the Izvestia newspaper. However, he refused to disclose any more detailed details of the contract.

“The fact that the Iraqis, who five years ago said they would never take Russian tanks, took them – this is an absolutely amazing moment.”

What volumes can we talk about?

Although official data is still kept secret, there have already been reports that the Uralvagonzavod Corporation (UVZ) plans to supply Iraq with 73 T-90S/SK tanks (the export version of the first modification of the tank). However, we can talk about where large quantities. 73 tanks are only the first batch, RIA Novosti believes.

Experts share a similar opinion. Director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Ruslan Pukhov expressed the opinion to the newspaper VZGLYAD that we could be talking about hundreds of tanks. More like 200, he guessed. The total amount of the contract, according to the interlocutor, could be about $1 billion. This is a sensational contract, says Pukhov, and adds: “I would not be afraid to call it a contract of five years or even a decade.”

If the expert’s assumptions are confirmed, this will be one of the largest deliveries of T-90s abroad. On this moment Only India (about 1 thousand) and Algeria (around 300) were sold more.

What is the meaning of the contract?

It is clear that any contract for the supply of military equipment has great financial significance. However, the matter is not limited to money.

An important factor for the defense industry remains the utilization of production capacities. “The fact is that Uralvagonzavod is in difficult economic situation"- Pukhov explained. This is due to the decline in the railcar market, as well as the general economic situation. Receiving a new contract will help the plant feel much better, he added.

The contract is beneficial not only for financial reasons and from the point of view of providing work for Uralvagonzavod and related enterprises, military expert Viktor Murakhovsky emphasized in a comment to the VZGLYAD newspaper. It is very important that the order once again confirms the high combat effectiveness of Russian-made tanks.

It is also extremely significant that the tanks will be supplied specifically to the Iraqi market. “I would like to remind you that in Soviet times a lot of weapons were supplied either on credit or at some preferential prices. There were only two countries that paid full price during Soviet times. Iraq and Libya,” Pukhov emphasized. However, he pointed out, after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and the American occupation of Iraq, it seemed that it would never become our market.

The first miracle, Pukhov adds, happened several years ago, when Iraq bought our attack helicopters(he was the first customer of the Mi-28) and Pantsir-S1 self-propelled anti-aircraft missile and gun systems. “But then the Iraqis simply openly declared that they would buy aviation equipment and air defense from the Russians, but would never take Russian tanks,” the expert pointed out, emphasizing that they explained this by saying that “Russian tanks are bad, they are easily hit, they worse than their Western counterparts, and their towers always come off (there was such a propaganda cliché).”

“And the fact that the Iraqis, who five years ago said that they would never take Russian tanks, took them – this is an absolutely amazing moment,” Pukhov said.”

Have Russian tanks suddenly become good for Iraq?

It is worth noting that Russia is now actively supplying weapons to Iraq. The Iraqi Air Force acquired 17 Su-25, 15 attack helicopters Mi-28N " Night Hunter", 28 Mi-35M transport and combat helicopters. The ground units of the Iraqi army received 12 heavy flamethrower systems "Solntsepek" (TOS-1A). In addition, since 2012, Iraq did acquire several T-72B tanks, but this was rather the exception. The main tank of the Iraqi army is still the American M1A1 Abrams.

However, when Baghdad had to urgently deploy a front against the Islamic State* movement, the Abrams, according to Pukhov, turned out to be not as invulnerable as they had claimed. And the German “Leopards”, which are used by the Turkish army and which are considered almost the best tanks in the world, in recent battles near the city of El-Bab, they suffered serious losses - and there were torn off towers, the expert notes. “But the T-90 has proven itself to be a very effective, survivable machine,” Pukhov emphasizes.

In March of this year, the chief of staff ground forces USA Lieutenant General John Murray: Russia, like Great Britain and Israel, has tanks of the same level as the Abrams. The T-90 tank is "probably very close" to the Abrams, Murray admitted.

So the purchase of the T-90 by Iraq is not a political move, Murakhovsky believes. “It simply means that the Iraqi commanders who are fighting the militants really need such a tank,” the interlocutor emphasized.

Syria has proven the superiority of Russian tanks

How could a Russian tank hit the Iraqis so much? “Our tanks are distinguished by the highest reliability in the most different conditions, including in difficult terrain conditions in Iraq and Syria, where there is high dust content and large thermal loads on all tank systems,” Murakhovsky emphasized. Another factor is ease of use.

“The tank does not require too much preparation and maintenance. And it has fairly simple algorithms for working with its systems,” the expert explained. He also highlighted the ability to launch through the barrel as an important advantage, along with conventional shells guided missiles. This is especially important in desert or semi-desert, where the line of sight range reaches 5–6 km. A rocket, unlike shells, can be fired more accurately from a greater distance, and can also hit low-flying air targets.

Thus, due to its ease of use, reliability and survivability, the T-90 outperforms its foreign counterparts. This became clear in Syria, where the tank performed well. As the newspaper VZGLYAD already noted, the SAR army, which used the T-90 in battles, noted that the Russian tank was superior in its characteristics to its foreign counterparts.

Murakhovsky, in particular, recalled famous case, when, in the battle near Aleppo, the frontal part of the T-90A turret was hit by militants with an American-made TOW-2B ATGM with a tandem warhead, which was developed specifically to destroy modern tanks. “Nevertheless, the tank remained in service, the crew was not injured,” the interlocutor emphasized.

Tank will continue to build on its commercial success

“T-90 is an absolute world bestseller. The best-selling tank over the past 20 years, both in terms of the number of tanks sold and the money raised. This is objective reality,” Pukhov emphasized.

The T-90 was supplied, in addition to the mentioned India, Algeria and Syria, to Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Uganda. In addition, exports to Kuwait, Egypt and Vietnam are already planned, and the delivery of a new batch to the Indians is also being discussed. In addition, experts believe that several more large contracts can be expected. After the Syrian successes, the T-90, as Pukhov noted, is very interested in Russian tanks Saudi Arabia.

* An organization in respect of which the court made a decision that has entered into legal force to liquidate or prohibit its activities on the grounds provided for by the Federal Law “On Combating Extremist Activities”

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