Equipment for the manufacture of PET bottle preforms. Plastic bottles: PET production. Technological line composition

The article will consider the features of compiling business plan for the production of plastic PET bottles... Plastic packaging has gained a large market share due to its strength and safety and has replaced glass and paper containers. Therefore, this type of business is profitable and relevant.

In order to ensure the full utilization of the plant, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances at the planning stage. This is best done within the compilation business plan, since this document, if properly drafted, can act as an excellent control tool, and also allows attracting additional financing from banks and the state.

Key features of the business plan for the production of plastic PET bottles

The procedure for drawing up a business plan for the production of pet bottles

Start compilation business plan necessary from the analysis of the production market plastic bottles... At this stage, it is important to study not only potential customers and their needs, but also to conduct a comprehensive competitive analysis. The order of pricing and factors influencing the development of the industry should also be assessed.

Another important section is the organization of production. Here it is necessary to dwell in detail on the technological process, the need for equipment and personnel, to clearly formulate the concept of the future enterprise.



The production activity results in a plastic bottle of various shapes and sizes. In addition, the following plastic containers can be manufactured:

  • Glasses;
  • Containers;
  • Banks, etc.

PET bottles are used for filling water, beer, milk, tea, lemonade, carbonated drinks, mineral water, juices, chemicals, oils, etc.

This diversity forms a large number of different groups of product consumers, for example:

  • Beverage factories;
  • Chemical industry factories;
  • Local manufacturers of certain liquids;
  • Retail and wholesale stores;
  • Individuals.

For each customer group plastic bottle production a list of marketing activities aimed at attracting them within the framework of business plan.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Investment volume for the launch of the production of plastic bottles

1.3. Results of work

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description / Properties / Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 - Personnel

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding plan

5.3. Plastic bottle production development sales plan

5.4. Expenditure plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of plastic bottle production

7 - Conclusions

The business plan for the production of plastic bottles is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, it is easy to do this in the section "Project Concept".

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and diagrams will immediately be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready ...

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who can work in MS Excel can adjust the model for himself.


Feedback from our clients

Feedback on the business planproduction of plastic bags

Getting a bank loan was vital for us, so we decided to draw up a business plan. It was necessary to convince the bankers that we have prospects. We turned to Plan-Pro for a ready-made business plan for a plant for the production of plastic bags and received a high-quality document that fully met our expectations. As a result, we received a bank loan in the amount of 45 million rubles. Thank you for your turnkey work!

Veronica Gerasimenko, St. Petersburg

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To launch and develop furniture production, our company needed a good business plan .. This was facilitated by two of its features: the first - the presence of a ready-made financial model of furniture production in the kit, which can be quickly changed and adjusted for yourself, the second - a significant discount on a ready-made solution, with the fact that the same analogs cost 35-40 thousand rubles. ... This is exactly what we needed: a simple, understandable business plan with the correct structure and ready-made calculations.

Marina Khanpira, CJSC "World of Furniture", Samara

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I am not used to writing reviews, I usually consider it a waste of time. However, the analyst site saved my time by putting together a great plan for investors. As a result, we achieved an investment of 50 million rubles for our project... Thank you very much from our entire team!

Nikolay Shulsky, Tyumen

Review of the business plan for the production of PET bottles

For the organization production of plastic bottles we needed a loan in the amount of 120 million rubles. After submitting the application, the bank demanded business plan... We found the Plan-Pro service and bought a ready-made business plan for the production of PET bottles. I liked the project because it has a convenient financial model and a clear logical structure. At the moment, we have received a loan from Sberbank, and we are still using the business plan, we control profits using a financial model.

Irina Gennadievna Trishina, Head, Moscow.

Analysis of the market of plastic bottles

In addition to studying consumers and their preferences, within the framework of business plan it is important to conduct a detailed analysis of competitors production of plastic bottles because the level of competition in this industry is high.

It should be borne in mind that, in addition to similar industries, there is a practice when potential customer plants independently produce packaging for their own needs. In this case, it makes no sense for them to purchase from outside.

In order to attract medium and small enterprises, it is necessary to work on the formulation of competitive advantages, which may include:

  • Price;
  • Free shipping;
  • Possibility of ordering a small batch;
  • Volume discounts;
  • Manufacturing according to individual design;
  • Deadlines;
  • Compliance with all standards and requirements - especially important for food packaging;
  • High quality, etc.

An alternative option for a startup is the production of bitumen emulsion. If you have not thought about this idea, then it will help you shed some light on this issue.

Raw materials for the production of plastic bottles

PET bottles are produced on the basis of polyethylene terephthalate, which is a granular thermopolymer.

You can purchase them yourself directly from manufacturers and subsequently process and create a finished product from them, or it is common practice to purchase not granules, but semi-finished products, the so-called preforms.

In this case, the cost of the process will rise, but the time will be significantly reduced, the productivity will increase and the initial investment will decrease, since you will not have to buy a piece of expensive equipment.

The chosen concept needs to be reflected in business plan for the production of PET bottles.

Algorithm for opening the production of a plastic bottle as part of a business plan

By launching production of plastic bottles, you will need to go through the following steps provided business plan:

  1. Analysis of the volume of demand, identification of consumer groups;
  2. Studying competitors, identifying a competitive advantage;
  3. Description of the concept of the future enterprise;
  4. Study of the technological process;
  5. Search for suppliers of raw materials;
  6. Determination of the required equipment;
  7. Calculation of the effectiveness of the project;
  8. Registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  9. Tax registration, choice of taxation system;
  10. Search for premises;
  11. Purchase of equipment and raw materials;
  12. Search and recruitment of personnel;
  13. Launch of the project.

At the planning stage, production, organizational, marketing financial plans are formed, which are combined within the framework of a business plan. We have created a ready-made business plan for the production of plastic bottles, which included all the necessary information and all calculations. It is suitable both for organizing control in the management process and for attracting additional funds from investors and creditors. The document is available for download at the link below.

Initial investment in the production of PET bottles as part of the business plan

V business plan the following investment items are provided for the launch production of plastic bottles:

  • Search and rent of premises - xxx rubles;
  • Purchase, installation and configuration of equipment - xxx;
  • Purchase of raw materials - xxx;
  • Marketing activities - xxx;
  • Stock of funds - xxx.

The total amount varies from 50 to 150 million rubles. depending on the concept and scale of the enterprise.

Equipment and features of the technological process for the production of plastic bottles

Manufacturing technology is reduced to internal blowing and shaping. In this case, the preform is first cast by heating the granules and blowing the bottle itself. The latter is the heating of the preform and the supply of air to it. After which the product is cooled.

To do this, within business plan the purchase of the following equipment for PET bottles production:

  • Injection molding machine;
  • Blow molding machine;
  • Water cooler;
  • Compressor.

In order to equip office and administrative premises, it will be necessary to purchase computers and furniture.

Take care of the installation of burglar alarms, video surveillance and fire protection systems in advance.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Plastic Bottle Manufacturing Business

The positive aspects of starting this business include:

  • Popular product with constant demand;
  • Easy processing and the possibility of using secondary raw materials for manufacturing;
  • There are no problems with the availability of raw materials;
  • Simple technological process;
  • Doesn't require a lot of equipment;
  • Opportunities for business development by expanding the range and increasing the capabilities of the enterprise;
  • Minimum transport costs due to the low weight of the goods.

If we talk about negative aspects, then these include:

  • High competition;
  • Established quality requirements;
  • The need for qualified personnel.

All this can be avoided with the right approach to planning and drafting business plan for the production of plastic bottles.

Income and expenses in the business plan for the production of pet bottles

Income and expense forecast production of plastic bottles is an integral part of the financial model business plan.

The operating costs of the production of plastic bottles in the business plan

To ensure normal functioning PET bottle production v business plan the following costs are foreseen:

  • Premises rental and utilities - xxx rubles;
  • Tax payments - xxx;
  • Salary - xxx;
  • Maintenance of equipment operability - xxx;
  • Marketing and Advertising - xxx;
  • Purchase of raw materials - xxx;
  • Transport costs - xxx.

The total amount from xxx rubles. monthly.

Calculation of profit in the business plan for the production of plastic bottles

The proceeds from the sale of products will be from xxx rubles. per month at an average price per unit - xxx and volume of production - xxx. In the case of selling preforms as a semi-finished product, it can increase to xxx rubles.

Then the profit production of plastic bottles calculated in business plan in the value of xxx rubles. monthly.

The need for the production of plastic bottles in personnel as part of the business plan

V business plan it is necessary to provide for the costs of recruiting, hiring and paying salaries for the following employees PET bottles production:

The structure of the financial model of the production of plastic bottles

The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - in fact, it is
a separate product designed for planning a business and calculating all of its
indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and available for

In the process of working on a business plan, we look through dozens of different sources
information. This includes data from equipment suppliers, and industry portals, and interviews with market experts, and data from official statistics - such a systematic analysis of data gives a complete picture of all project parameters: prices, equipment costs, premises cost, costs, etc. ...

Download a ready-made business plan for the production of plastic PET bottles with financial calculations and a financial model

A fairly simple production technology, combined with the presence of constant demand, will allow even a novice businessman to enter this market.

But for this it is important to draw up a detailed business plan and take into account all the nuances in it. Ready business plan for the production of pet bottles you can download from the link below and, without wasting time searching for information and calculations, go straight to the implementation of your idea. This document will be required for banks and investors. If necessary, we can prepare an individual turnkey business plan, where we will take into account all the features.

The business owner of the production of plastic bottles needs to pay special attention to the quality of products and reduce the percentage of rejects.

The production of plastic bottles is a profitable business. Manufacturing is carried out most often in large volumes, as it is in great demand in the market. Such packaging differs in that it is very convenient, cheap and profitable. A large selection of colors is also available. Another plus is that the product is recyclable.

On the sales market, the number of enterprises producing food, drinks, etc. is increasing every day. This growth increases the demand for packaging. Plants producing pet bottles are not located in every city. And manufacturers often have to buy containers in neighboring regions, which, of course, is very unprofitable.

This industry is very profitable in the market. The need for the use of plastic containers is growing every day. However, you should not immediately count on an easy start, since this industry is strengthening its positions every year. Compared to the last century, when few could imagine that milk, carbonated drinks and other products would be sold in PET packaging.

Due to low manufacturing costs, this type of business boldly crowds out its competitors - glass "brothers". Also another advantage is wear resistance and shock resistance. This makes it easy to transport, even over long distances.

Many factories have stopped buying plastic containers from third parties. They make the packaging themselves. This saves a lot of money and there is a prospect for expansion, and the resulting surplus can be realized.

What equipment to choose for the production of plastic bottles

PET is used to make plastic bottles. You can also call it - thermoplastic... It does not deform, and when reheated, it does not collapse because PET is a hygroscopic polymer. As the temperature rises, the water that remains inside hydrolyzes the polymer molecules. If such a process occurs, then the strength of the finished material decreases. To prevent this from happening, excess moisture must be removed.

For the production of plastic containers, special equipment is needed. One of the most important is the preform (a special small blank with a neck, obtained from granules). It is of three types:

  • with a thick wall;
  • with a shortened;
  • universal.

Each type produces bottles of different colors and shapes.

Various types of equipment can be purchased for production. The market is rich in assortment. Its cost ranges from 400 rubles to several million. Price depends on color, volume and other features. It all depends on the budding entrepreneur's budget.

The complete set of equipment can be completely different. A typical machine includes:

Plastic bottle production technology

In order to make a bottle, PET is exposed to high temperatures. When a certain viscosity index is reached, the resulting mixture is cooled. Then it is placed in a special mold, into which a steel rod is inserted. After that, air begins to flow under pressure. Thus, it is possible to shape the bottle. For stability, the bottom is made convex.

Manufacturing of PET bottles.

An important role is played by the pressure that is created in the process of manufacturing plastic containers. It should be the same. It can be achieved if you spend a minimum of time on the process. The melt should be distributed evenly along the walls. This reduces the risk of deformation of the final product.

The cooling process takes place by blowing with the same air as when creating a bottle. There are also options for using liquid carbon dioxide. At the last stage, all defects are removed. Of the total number of manufactured products, a quarter is defective and is re-processed.

So, the production of PET bottles is carried out in three stages. To begin with, the preform is warmed up. Heating takes place in a special oven, which is usually included in the package itself. And then the bottle itself is blown out.

Production can be:

As is characteristic of the latter type, the preform is much smaller in shape. This greatly simplifies the very production and storage of products.


Entrepreneurs involved in the production of glass containers know that it is unprofitable to turn on the conveyor at low capacities if the batch is less than a million pieces. But the technology for the production of plastic products allows you to turn on the machine for several thousand pieces.

Preforms for PET bottles.

If you calculate how much a glass bottle and a plastic bottle weigh, you can find out the difference in profit. It takes into account aspects such as transport costs and the cost of purchasing raw materials. Pet bottles do not break and do not require the cost of shipping boxes. Also, plastic is rich in a wide selection of colors. And it won't take much time and expense to change the shape.

Where to start a plastic bottle business

There is no need to buy or rent a large room to start production, as the machines are small. An average area will be enough (for more capacious equipment). But the building must have good ventilation, as well as it must be heated, have water supply and electricity.

Standard room requirements:

  • area - at least 30 square meters;
  • the ceiling height must be at least 4 meters;
  • concrete or tiled floor;
  • walls covered with non-combustible material.

How much money does it take to start a plastic bottle business

To get started, you need at least half a million rubles to start. The number of staff is selected individually, but sometimes two or three people are enough. Usually one per machine. The amount of equipment purchased must justify all supply and demand in the sales market. But if you start production, then all the costs at the initial stage will pay off in the next six months or a year.

Few people know that the equipment used requires a lot of electricity costs. Therefore, you should be prepared for big bills. If plastic bottles are used for products with a short shelf life, then it is worth paying special attention to the hygienic requirements for the equipment.

Depending on the weight of the preform, production technology costs may arise. A high quality product is considered if the weight of a liter bottle is less than 35 grams. The volume of your orders and the income of production in general will depend on this.

How much can you earn

By organizing work in 2-3 shifts per month, it will be possible to produce 500,000 plastic bottles. The average cost of one plastic bottle is 6 rubles. Thus, within a month, the production income will be 3 million rubles. We deduct expenses from this amount (rent, purchase of the necessary raw materials, staff salaries, taxes, etc.), the net profit will be from 800 to 900 thousand rubles.

What OKVED must be specified for the production of plastic bottles

Choosing a code for our production, we turn to section "C" - manufacturing production. In it, code 22.2 is suitable for us, which directly relates to the manufacture of various plastic products.

What documents are needed to open

Despite the fact that the legislation does not prohibit individual entrepreneurs from producing plastic bottles, nevertheless, the best option would be to register as a legal entity - a limited liability company. Despite the fact that it will take more time to register, but in this case, the advantages will be in the painless expansion of production and the ability to work with large legal entities. To register you will need:

  • application for registration of a limited liability company and the decision of the meeting of shareholders to open an LLC;
  • The charter of the company, which indicates the initial capital and information about the director of the company and the chief accountant.

In addition, it is necessary to provide information about the location of the company (legal address), pay a state fee for reviewing the submitted package of documents, open a bank account and register with the relevant government authorities.

Which taxation system to choose for the production of plastic bottles

It is best to dwell on a simplified system, where you will need to pay 15% tax on net profit (income minus expenses). However, this will require the provision of supporting documentation of the costs incurred by the company. If you choose 6% tax under the simplified taxation system, then you do not need to provide these documents.

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In this material:

The plastic bottle business is considered one of the most promising types of commerce in our country. Statistical calculations show that for every 1000 people in Russia, there are 300 kg of discarded plastic containers per month, a large proportion of which are plastic bottles of various sizes.

You can make money on plastic bottles by organizing their recycling or production.

Recycling of plastic bottles

In our country, the production of recycling plastic bottles is considered very promising. First, such a business solves several problems at once. The organizer allows you to make money using almost free raw materials. To the city - to solve the problems of waste disposal. Manufacturers of polyethylene products - find a cheap source of plastics.

Secondly, according to statistical studies, in Europe the percentage of recycled plastic containers reaches 80%, in Japan - 95%. In Russia, only 6% of bottles are recycled. This indicator clearly demonstrates the high growth potential of the business related to the processing of plastic containers.

However, the development of this business in Russia is hampered by many reasons. One of which is the need for significant investment in production. Calculations show that the organization of a modest-scale enterprise requires from 2 to 5 million rubles. For aspiring entrepreneurs, this is too much initial capital to start a business.

Manufacturing of plastic bottles

The production of plastic bottles requires several times less costs. According to experts, at the initial stage, investments will amount to 600 thousand rubles. As the business expands, additional investment may be required. The average payback period for production is 6 months. The profitability of production (the ratio of profit to the amount of costs) is 100%.

The production of plastic bottles has many advantages over the production of glass containers. A batch of 1,000 plastic bottles is already profitable, while glass bottles are profitable from a minimum order of a million.

The costs of transporting raw materials and finished products are also significantly less, since the plastic is lightweight and does not break during transportation. The need to change the color or design of the products is solved by changing the mold in the bottle injection machine.

There are always buyers for manufactured bottles. The number of enterprises producing drinks in PET containers is constantly growing. If large factories can afford to organize their own container production, then small organizations have to buy it on the side.

Business organization

The business plan for organizing the described business should take into account the costs of raw materials, equipment and premises for the workshop.

A special type of thermoplastic is used as a raw material for bottles - polyethylene terephthalate. The purchase of raw materials is carried out either at specialized enterprises of the chemical industry, or at enterprises for the processing of plastic bottles.

Full-cycle enterprises with the help of a thermoplastic automatic machine themselves produce blanks for bottles (preforms). The preform is a small bottle blank with thick walls and a completely finished neck.

Partial-cycle enterprises use ready-made preforms, which, with the help of equipment, are transformed into full-fledged products. The equipment for the production of plastic bottles consists of several machines:

  • apparatus for heating preforms;
  • apparatus for blowing bottles;
  • molds for the manufacture of products of a certain configuration.

Each device can be serviced by only one worker, so the enterprise does not require a large staff.

At the initial stage, it is recommended to open an incomplete production cycle without purchasing an injection molding machine. If production is planned on a large scale, it cannot be done without it.

The cost of domestic equipment, excluding the cost of the injection molding machine, starts at 400 thousand rubles. Chinese models are offered for 10-12 thousand euros. The best European lines for the production of plastic bottles cost 200-600 thousand euros. The price of the most expensive and high-performance model is 1.5 million euros.

Manufacturing facility

The business plan of the enterprise should include the costs of the production facility. The requirements for it are quite high:

  • minimum area from 30 sq. m;
  • minimum ceiling height from 4 m;
  • walls made of non-combustible materials;
  • concrete or tiled floor;
  • availability of an effective forced ventilation system with filters;
  • availability of running water, sewerage and electricity.

Such requirements imply that a business can be organized either on the basis of an existing production facility, or in a separate room adapted for production needs.

Up to 20% of production costs can be saved by locating the production of plastic bottles next to the bottling plant.

Features of production

Any business plan should take into account the specific features inherent in each type of production. There are a number of nuances in the manufacture of plastic bottles that are important to know.

First of all, this is the energy intensity of the manufacture of products. Depending on the performance of the equipment, its total capacity can be 30-50 kilowatts. The wiring in the production area must be able to withstand these stresses.

Secondly, any, even high-quality equipment does not exclude the manufacture of defective products. In the production of PET bottles, the scrap rate can reach 25%. Some of the defective products can be recycled, some will go to waste.

When choosing an apparatus for blowing bottles, it is recommended to prefer models with increased neck protection against overheating. They exclude damage to the thread on the neck when blowing products.

Also, when choosing a production line, it is recommended to pay attention to the weight of the preforms with which this equipment is capable of working. High-quality devices use preforms weighing 35 g or less, which can significantly reduce production costs and product costs.

Order a business plan

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PET bottles have become an effective alternative to glass and other types of packaging due to their lightness, transparency and strength. This container is based on a polymeric material, polyethylene terephthalate, also known as polyethylene glycol terephthalate, but most often referred to in abbreviated form as PET or PET. In addition, there are its commercial names - lavsan and mylar. Moreover, both names are synonymous, it is just that lavsan was developed in the USSR, while mylar was obtained by the American company DuPont.

Key properties and benefits of PET

Raw materials for PET bottles provide the following benefits:

  • Low tare weight compared to glass. This ensures a significant reduction in the cost of transporting packaged products.
  • The versatility of PET, achieved due to the chemical neutrality of the material. Suitable for packaging both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Can also be used for carbonated drinks.
  • High threshold of temperature resistance of PET. The material softens at a temperature of 245 ° C, which allows safe use of containers for bottling products directly on the production lines.
  • High wear resistance, durability, impact resistance. Unlike glass containers, which break every now and then, PET minimizes this overhead.
  • Good visual properties: full transparency (not inferior in this parameter to glass) and the possibility of coloring.

The only drawback of pure PET is the lack of barrier properties. The material does not sufficiently isolate the inner environment of the bottle from gas exchange. Gas comes out of the bottle, and oxygen molecules penetrate inside. Therefore, special technologies are used to increase the barrier properties, which involve the creation of multilayer composite bottles or the addition of special modifiers to the PET melt that increase the barrier properties.

PET bottle making process: fast and efficient

The indisputable advantage of PET containers is the technological simplicity of its production. Almost any beverage filling line can be supplemented by integrating additional equipment for the production of PET containers.

In this case, manufacturing can be carried out both from raw materials (granular polymer) and from blanks (so-called preforms). During the manufacturing process, a neck of a bottle with a characteristic shape with a "collar" is formed, behind which the mechanisms can then grip these bottles for further processing. Further, by blowing the preform, a bottle of the desired shape and size is formed, after which it can be almost immediately fed to the conveyor for filling with the product and sending it to the warehouse.

PET (short for Polyethylene Terephthalate) is a very popular material for packaging. Today it is used in the manufacture of containers for various food, chemical or perfumery products. These bottles have successfully replaced glass and traditional ones. Its main advantages are excellent physical properties and reasonable price.

PET was first used in food packaging in the late 1970s. Today they pack vegetable oil, sauces, fruit juices, dairy products, beer, etc. containers are widely used for packaging various types of household chemicals and perfumes. Such a container is endowed with a lot of advantages. First of all, it is the amazing lightness of the material itself. The classic 0.5 liter PET bottle weighs only 22 grams. For comparison: a glass bottle of the same volume weighs 350 grams. PET is a completely transparent material. Therefore, it can be easily used for bottling mineral and carbonated water. To protect products from exposure to direct sunlight, PET containers can be painted in different colors, for example, green or brown. At the same time, the appearance of the products is preserved as closely as possible to the needs of consumers.

Another indisputable advantage of this container is its durability. This indicator is extremely important during transportation and storage. It should be noted that PET, like glass, is completely recyclable. By the way, in the world practice, recycled PET is used for the manufacture of various durable products in such industries as construction, textile and automotive.

There is no need to use special boxes for this packaging. The container is packed in plastic wrap, equipped with or without simple cardboard pallets.

Preform making


DanaTentis / Pixabay

The configuration of the future bottle depends on the length of the preform, its color (transparent, green, brown, blue, etc.), the shape of the neck and weight. Thus, the weight of the preform for a 0.33 liter container will be about 20 g, for a 3-5 liter container - about 87 g. The wall thickness is also taken into account, which is selected in accordance with the pressure indicators that a bottle filled with liquid must withstand. For example, for lightly carbonated drinks, a wall thickness of 0.25 mm is sufficient, but when it comes to "strong gas" - already about 0.38 mm.

According to the configuration, PET preforms are universal, thick-walled and shortened. The former are the easiest to manufacture and, accordingly, are more in demand.

The dimensions of the neck of the PET preform are clearly standardized:

  • (PCO) - containers for carbonated drinks and beer;
  • Oil - bottles for olive, sunflower and other oils;
  • Bericap - bottles for still drinks;
  • "38" - containers for juices, juice and dairy products.

The PET preform manufacturing process includes a number of sequential stages:

  • gradual heating, melting and mixing of PET granules until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • preform molding;
  • cooling and removal of the finished product.
  • The sequence of obtaining caps and handles for PET preforms from polyethylene is approximately the same.

    The range of the resulting product depends on the specifics of the enterprise. If the manufacture of preforms is necessary, for example, to reduce the cost of produced beverages, a limited assortment is sufficient. When it comes to the wholesale of future bottles to consumers, you should take care of meeting the demand for different containers - with a volume of 0.33 to 10 liters and the possibility of developing a brand design.


    When choosing equipment, it is necessary to focus on the specifics of the enterprise. The composition of the line for the production of PET preforms in the maximum configuration may look as follows:

    • injection molding machine (injection molding machine) with a clamping force of 200 tons (on average 500-600 tons);
    • system for automatic loading of raw materials;
    • dye feed screw dispenser;
    • hot runner molds for the manufacture of two-component, handles and PET-preforms of different weights (42, 94 g, etc.) with a technologically justified number of cavities and a temperature controller;
    • cold-channel molds for making large preforms (for example, 720 g);
    • installation of after-pouring cooling of PET-preforms;
    • compressor equipment;
    • crushers;
    • mechanism for automatic preform extraction;
    • mixing equipment;
    • band conveyer;
    • platform with drying bin and dry air generator;
    • a complex of extrusion of liners for corks;
    • hoist for installation and dismantling of molds.

    The above set of equipment is approximate, since in each specific case the solution is developed according to the requirements of a separate production for the quality of finished PET preforms and other products. At the same time, it is important to understand that standard injection molding machines widely available on the market are not adapted to obtain high quality PET preforms, therefore, equipment should be purchased only from manufacturers specializing in the production of appropriate lines.

    The oldest manufacturers of equipment for the production of PET preforms are Husky (Canada), Netstal and the Krauss-Maffei concern. Their lines have long been considered the most productive and sophisticated in the world. Today there is a wide range of offers from various brands - both European and Asian. Among them are ZHAFIR, Thermo Electron (Karlsruhe) GmbH, ZHAFIR PLASTICS MACHINERY GMBH (Germany), Battenfeld (Austria), Hanyang Robotics (South Korea), JON WAI MACHINERY WORKS Co, Ltd, Cyber ​​technologies limited, Cyber ​​Technologies Co., Ltd ( Taiwan), PINGTONG PLASTIC MACHINE Co, Ltd, NINGBO HAIXIONG PLASTIC MACHINERY Co, Ltd, Promotional Partners Group Limited, Donghua machinery Ltd, QUANZHOU LIDA MACHINE Co, Ltd, NINGBO CHUANGJI MACHINERY Co, Ltd (China). High quality molds are available from Otto Hofstetter, Husky and MNT.

    If we talk about the cost of equipment for the production of PET preforms, it is determined as much by the pricing policy of the manufacturer as by the bundle. The dimensions of the molds, the number of cavities, the clamping force of the injection molding machine, the configuration of peripheral systems, and other factors are important.

    The turnkey price of the most productive complexes can reach one and a half million euros. However, equipment of this class is not in demand on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is considered optimal to buy a line with the number of cavities from 12 to 72 of average productivity. A fully ready-to-use line in the maximum configuration will cost about 30 million rubles. There are also cheaper offers - less functional, used and Chinese units. Most businesses do not need the full range of preform equipment capabilities - hence the savings on a set of options. In the case of used installations, there is a risk of equipment failure and an increased percentage of rejects, which, of course, will affect the profitability of production as a whole.

    Raw materials and manufacturing technology

    PET preforms are made from polyethylene terephthalate granules (thermoplastic). It is polymerized and then cooled to obtain the desired viscosity and color fastness. Thermoplastic holds its shape well, retains its characteristics when heated again. However, it is necessary to remove maximum moisture from the raw material before being fed for molding, otherwise the finished product will have defects. The color of the preforms and, accordingly, the future container is determined by the dye, which is introduced at the stage of creating the thermoplastic mixture.

    Granular polyethylene terephthalate can be primary and secondary. There is an opinion that the cheaper recycled material is practically not inferior to the primary material in terms of characteristics. However, in practice, the quality of the final product from the "secondary" turns out to be significantly lower (the effect of an exploded bottle). In addition, the current sanitary standards do not allow food products to be poured into such containers.

    You can buy a PET granule of both domestic and foreign production. The average price will be 120-130 rubles / kg in the case of primary granules and 30-50 rubles / kg - with secondary ones. Among European proposals, raw materials from Italy, Turkey, Hungary and Poland show themselves well. China is the world leader in the production of PET granules and the quality of these products is quite comparable to those in Europe. Its cost is on average 15% lower.

    Domestic PET granulate is produced by such companies as Alko-Nafta (Kaliningrad); POLIEF (Blagoveshchensk), Senezh (Moscow Region), Sibur-PETF (Tver). Moreover, in many respects, Russian products are superior to Western counterparts. This is evidenced by the fact that local representatives of such giants as Coca-Cola or Heinz use granules produced in the Russian Federation.

    Also, for the production of caps and handles for future bottles, it will be necessary to arrange supplies of polyethylene (PE). The range of prices here is similar to the situation with PET granules.

    Equipment for the production (blowing) of PET bottles

    There are two options for organizing the production of PET containers: single-phase and two-phase. Accordingly, different equipment will be required. If the enterprise works on ready-made preforms, it is enough to buy an automatic or semi-automatic blowing machine for PET bottles. The cost of such machines starts from 450-500 thousand rubles, and the completeness will include:

    • a PET preform heating oven, where the products, while rotating, are gradually warmed up and fed to the blowing zone;
    • a bottle blower equipped with a "protection" against overheating of the bottle neck;
    • a set of molds for the production of products of various configurations.

    Each of the listed devices will require 1-2 employees for service.

    If you plan to manufacture both preforms, it may make sense to purchase a single-phase type plant that allows you to produce preforms and PET bottles with one unit. Such equipment is optimal for small production volumes.

    As for the manufacturers of equipment for blowing PET bottles, there are a sufficient number of proposals on the market from various suppliers. Most of them are focused on finding individual solutions for a specific production, as well as the ability to manufacture unique molds.

    Blowing technology + Video

    Preforms are used as a raw material for the production of PE containers. After preheating, bottles are stretched and blown out of them. Note that preforms are obtained by molding from polyethylene terephthalate in granular form. The color and transparency of the future bottle are laid down at the stage of making a preform from granules.

    PET production is not a super complex process. But here, too, there are some nuances. So, the finished preforms, located in a conventional high-speed rotary SBM machine, are moved from its main feed hopper to the distributor by means of the movement of the elevator. In this area, the preforms automatically take the position that is necessary to feed them into the working system. After that, with the help of a spiral elevator, they move upward. And in this spiral passage, the preforms take the correct position in order to then be directed to the main working compartment of the apparatus, where the feed gear wheel begins to work on them.

    Each individual preform is gripped by special pins by the ring located on the neck. In an inverted position, it is fed to the heating carousel. This is how heating takes place over a special chamber, where it acquires the desired temperature. Due to this, the preform obtains the necessary softness for further blowing a full-size bottle.

    To achieve maximum uniformity, bottle preforms constantly rotate on their axis inside the heating chamber. After leaving the heating chamber, cool the heated preforms. To do this, they are kept for a certain time to equalize the temperature and only then are they fed into open molds intended for blowing bottles. The molds can be located next to or directly below the heating chamber. After closing the mold, the preform is instantly stretched during pre-inflation.

    Diagram of the main production process

    Stretching is a mechanical manufacturing process carried out by means of a special stretching rod. The rod is inserted into the neck and lowered down towards the bottom of the future bottle. As a result, the softened preform takes on an elongated shape. The depth of the rod stroke is also mechanically adjusted and adjusted according to the size and shape of the future bottle. The next few seconds are blown out at very high pressure. This is how the bottle gets its final shape.

    Video of the process of how PET bottles are made:

    At the end, the stretch rod is removed, the bottle is cooled, the mold is opened and the finished bottle is released.

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