Folk signs for August. Folk signs of August Folk beliefs, signs, proverbs and sayings of August

home August - the last month of summer. At this time, field work, harvesting, preparing food for the winter, and preparing children for school are actively underway. The nights are getting cooler. No wonder they say: “In August before lunch it’s summer, after lunch it’s autumn.” In common parlance this month is called “stubble”. In addition to sayings, there are also folk signs of August, with the help of which natural phenomena

, the behavior of animals can determine the upcoming weather.

  • Signs about the weather in August
  • If the weather is constant in the first week of August, then the winter will be long and snowy.
  • The fog does not dissipate for a long time - to clear weather.
  • August without rain means a warm and dry autumn.
  • Frost fell in August - a sign of an early, icy winter.

Lots of thunderstorms in August - for a long autumn.

  • Signs about nature in August If in August a lot of yellow leaves
  • , then autumn will be early.
  • Warm and damp August means a mushroom harvest.
  • If cranes gather in flocks at the end of August and fly south, then winter will also be early.

In August, the oak tree is rich in acorns - for the harvest. In August the days are still hot, but it gets dark much earlier. In Vladimir province August was called “thick”, considering it a nourishing month. They also called him “the daycare worker.” In August, blueberries and lingonberries are collected and people go into the forest to pick mushrooms. “Honey mushrooms appear—summer is over.” Majority medicinal herbs didn't lose ours medicinal properties

. The water in ponds and rivers is getting colder. Swallows predict rainy weather: they swim in the water and constantly fly into the nest. Rain can be expected if “the leaves show their undersides” and “the frogs croak loudly during the day.”
August 1. Macrin's day. Mokrins
The women made it rain. Special rituals were common in which women born on August 1 took part.
It will rain on Mokrina - autumn will be damp and cool. “The mokrina is wet - and autumn is wet.”
Rain on Mokrina means a harvest of rye and nuts next year.

From this day onwards they began to collect boletuses.
August 2. Elijah's day
This holiday was dedicated to Elijah the prophet.
You can already feel the breath of autumn, although summer is still going on. “For Ilya, it’s summer before lunch, and autumn after lunch.”
On this day they tried not to work in the fields so as not to anger the prophet Elijah. The churches asked Elijah for the fertility of the grain.
On Elijah’s day, cattle were not allowed into the meadow, because they believed that snakes, evil spirits and predatory animals could offend and injure them.
It is believed that there will definitely be a thunderstorm on this day.
They believed that thunder drove out the evil spirits that had inhabited them from wild animals.
It was believed that after Elijah's day you should not swim in the river. “Ilya cooled the water.” “Before Ilya, the man bathes, but after Ilya he says goodbye to the river.”
What is the weather on this day, is the same on September 27th.

August 3rd. Onufry the Silent
They worked in silence that day.
The day is suitable for putting the outbuildings in order.
Heavy dew means a bad flax harvest.

August 4th. Maria Yagodnitsa
Women washed their face with dew in the morning to keep their skin white and clean.
On this day, jam and compotes are made.
“If there is a thunderstorm, there will be hay behind your eyes.”
Lightning was feared that day.

5th of August. Trofim Bessonnik
“Sleep too long and you won’t see any good.”
“Work is going on - I don’t feel like sleeping.”

August 6. Boris and Gleb
The memory of Saints Boris and Gleb is celebrated.
On this day, no one went to the fields, as it was believed that the August thunderstorms set the haystacks on fire. “Don’t rely on Gleb and Boris for bread.”
Bird cherry berries are collected.

August 7. Anna Letnyaya
Saint Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary, is honored.
This day defines winter. If the matinee is cold, then the winter will be frosty. “What is the weather before lunch, such is the winter until December. Whatever the weather is like in the afternoon, that’s what it’s like after December.” Rainy weather means warm and snowy winter, and a clear day - a frosty winter is expected. Ants build large anthills - for the cold winter.
We cooked early potatoes.

8 August. Ermolaev day
In Rus', before the Apple Savior, apples were collected, but not eaten.
“Ermolai - tidy up the bread.”
Herbs on this day have healing powers. Traditional healers celebrated this day as a good day for collecting medicinal herbs.

August 9. Panteleimon the Healer, Panteleimon the Headed
In Rus' they prayed to the saint for healing. On this day, healers collected herbs and cast spells.
It was not recommended to work in the fields on this day, as thunderstorms were to be avoided.
In churches, ears of corn from the fields were illuminated. Then they were brought home and stored for a long time.
On this day they kept last year's cabbage and baked pies with it.

10th of August. Prokhory-Parmeni
Blacksmiths were celebrated. They were considered special people, possessing not only great physical strength, but also able to tame metal.
This day is considered unlucky for all people involved in any type of trade. “Prokhory-Parmens - don’t start bartering.”
Dig up tulip bulbs.

11th August. Kalinnik
“If ripe oats turn green again, autumn will be stormy.”
Happen morning frosts and cold fogs.

12th of August. Silouan and Sila
The rye is ripening, its ears are bending towards the ground.
Even weak people feel strength on this day. “The powerless hero lives.”
Cows were guarded on this day so that witches would not drink their milk.
The stars twinkle strongly at dawn - heavy rain will do.

August 13. Evdokimov day
Previously, on this day, the harrow was spoken of so that its teeth would not break.
Turnips were boiled and steamed for pies and porridges.

August 14. First Spas, Honey Spas, Poppy Spas, Spas on the Water
The Assumption Fast begins.
In some provinces the First Spas was called the Wet Spas. They swam in the blessed waters.
On this day, honeycombs were broken.
Beekeepers illuminated honey in churches.
They baked poppy seed buns on this day and treated their neighbors to them.
There was a belief that witches would not get into the house if at Poppy Spas the entrance to the hut was sprinkled with poppy seeds.
The fields were plowed for winter crops.

August 15. Stepan Senoval
The whole family collected flowers for Stepanov’s wreath. The wreath was hung in the hut in the red corner. When illness came to the house, they brewed a bunch of herbs and flowers so that the spirit of summer would help.
Families had a silver coin that fathers passed on to their sons. She was lowered into spring water, which the horses were given to drink. The coin was fed in a secret place in the stable. It was a very interesting and complex ritual, after which the horses became docile.
The weather on this day is indicative of the weather in early September.

August 16. Anton Vikhrovey
Strong wind, especially with whirlwinds - to a snowy and harsh winter.
“As Vikhrovey is, so is October.”
If it rains on this day, it will rain for a long time.

August 17. Avdotya Malinovka, Borage, Senognoika
It often rains on this day. They asked: “Don’t go where they mown, but go where they ask.” Or: “Don’t go where they reap, but go where they reap.”
This day indicated the weather in November.

August 18. Evstignei Zhitnik
It was believed that on this day it was beneficial to eat bread with raw onions and salt, and wash it down with kvass. Onion bunches and braids were hung in the rooms.
This day determined the weather for December.
At sunset they listened to the echo. Distant echo - to sunny day, close - to rainy weather the next day.

August 19. Second Savior. Apple Spas
In Rus', the Apple Savior was widely celebrated.
Before the Second Savior, apples (and grapes) were not eaten.
Apples were illuminated in churches on this day. Markets were set up where apples were sold from carts.
The nights are getting colder.
“The Second Saved a fur coat.”
The weather on this day indicated the weather in January.

August 21. Miron Vetrogon
Blackberries were collected in the forests. Its leaves were dried to brew for colds.
On this day the winds are raging.
Carminative clarifies the weather in January.
A calm, windless day means a clear and sunny autumn.
Frost - for a good harvest next year.

August 22. Matthew Snakesucker
Cows were protected from snakes so that they would not attach themselves to the udder. Milk was milked behind closed doors. It was believed that on this day it was easy to jinx cattle.
The autumn rains begin.

August 23. Laurentian day
At noon we looked at the water. Quiet and calm - for a windless autumn, a calm winter.
“Autumn and winter live well if the water is calm and it rains.”

24 August. Evpatiy Kolovrat
People were afraid of this day. According to legend, in a battle with the Tatars, Batu killed a hero on a white horse. Since then, his horse has been galloping through the swamps in search of a rider. At night, the horse tears apart graves, looking for its owner. The souls of dead warriors and drowned people wake up from his crying. All over the cemetery, will-o'-the-wisps light up.
On this day the sheep are sheared.

25-th of August. Fotya Povetenny
On this day, it is customary to restore order in utility rooms. Especially where horse utensils, plows and harrows are stored.
It is usually rainy.
Clear weather means an abundance of porcini mushrooms.

August, 26th. Tikhon Strastnoy
On this day, the cellars and barns were put in order.
Quiet winds mean good weather in the coming days. Strong wind - September is rainy.
If there are a lot of mushrooms, then next year will be fruitful. “If it’s mushroomy, it’s bready.”

August 27. Mikhei Tikhovey
Weddings take place, matchmakers come to the bride's parents.
On this day, masons are congratulated.
On this day, the wind is observed. Calm weather means sunny autumn; the wind is blowing - a stormy autumn is expected. Storm - a stormy September is expected.
The cranes are moving south like a wedge - the frost will hit in October. Birds do not take wing - the autumn will be protracted.

August 28. Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The beginning of the young Indian summer.
On this day, the peasants organized fundraisers. Wealthy people give food to the poor.
At the Assumption, cucumbers were pickled.

August 29. Third Savior. Walnut. Savior Not Made by Hands
On this day, the peasants prayed to God, then the men went to the field to sow grain.
They started selling linens and canvases. “In the First Spas they stand on the water, in the Second Spas they eat apples, in the Third Spas they sell canvases.”
We were cleaning wells.
If the cranes fly away by this time, it will be frosty on Pokrov (October 14).

August 30. Miron Vetrogon
On this day, widows and orphans were helped.
If there is dew and fog in the morning, then there will be good weather.

August 31. Flor and Laurus. Horse holiday
Flora and Lavra are revered in Rus' as patrons of horses.
On this day the horses were given rest. They were looked after and then sprinkled with holy water. They fed me treats.
Cookies are baked in the shape of a horseshoe.
They celebrated the end of sowing winter crops.
Women gathered in the evening with needlework in their hands. We discussed our lives.
The roots of wormwood were used to judge the harvest for the next year. Thick roots - the year will be fruitful.

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Martyr Seraphim, who suffered during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Hadrian (II). Martyr Theodotia and her three daughters (III). Martyr Callinicus (III-IV).

Common name:

Kalina, Kallinik, Komelnik, Kalinin day, Serafima, Fedotya.

Signs and customs

Morning frosts, which were not uncommon at that time, were popularly named after Saint Callinicus. The peasants were afraid of them, because there was still grain in the fields, but a frost would strike in the morning and destroy the entire harvest. Therefore, they prayed to Saint Callinicus, asking him to preserve the harvest. Frosts were especially feared in northern regions, that’s where the saying came from:

“Lord, sweep away Kallinikos with darkness (fog), and not with frost.”

From St. Callinicus, birds gather in flocks, preparing to fly to warmer climes.

If there are fogs in Kallinika, save your scythes (or bin) for oats and barley.

If ripe oats turn green for the second time, autumn will be stormy.

Callinic troubles are an unfavorable time for bees; In the dark the bee can't move.

On Kallinika, fog means a good grain harvest.

Seraphim collects lightning in the field, and the reapers collect rye and wheat.

If there are a lot of berries and nuts, but few mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.

Name day on August 11th is celebrated by:

Alexander, Basilisk, Benjamin, Virius, Kallinikos, Constantine, Kuzma, Mamant, Mikhail, Roman, Seraphima, Theodosius, Theodotia.

August brings summer to a close, but it doesn’t look much like summer anymore. The nights become cooler and the days are not so hot. People say about August nature: “The night is long, the water is cold.” The main occupation of people in August for centuries has been harvesting. It’s not for nothing that August was nicknamed the thick-eater, the thick-eater, the generous hospitable person. And today farmers take care of timely harvesting of grain.

In this topic:

Gardeners rejoice at the tomato harvest, and gardeners enjoy the sight of plump apples. Everyone involved in agricultural work will benefit from the signs of August, which unobtrusively give instructions related to harvesting and preparing the land for the next season. Many folk signs for August allow you to find out the weather in autumn and even winter.

August traditions

August - time to clean up

U last month Summer was a lot of work for the farmer. They began the grain harvest, dug early potatoes, collected medicinal herbs, berries, mushrooms, carried out the second haymaking, and sowed winter crops. Every step fed the whole year.

Delay could lead to famine in winter. Therefore, the whole family tried, involving all family members in economic affairs. Every Orthodox holiday made his own adjustments to life.

Signs about weather and nature

Knowing the folk signs of August about the weather and nature, you can prepare in advance for the surprises that fall and winter have in store. The following signs that give weather predictions are very popular:

Signs about animals and birds

Many weather signs for this August were based on the behavior of animals, birds and even insects.

  • Cranes are trying to leave their native places - to the rapid onset of winter frosts.
  • Before the rain, songbirds fall silent.
  • The bees begin to actively buzz in the hive - before a good, clear day.
  • Mosquitoes cluster and fly in heaps, grasshoppers chirp loudly on fine days.
  • If it’s rainy, cloudy, and the owls start crowing, it means dry weather will set in.
  • If in the rain the chickens behave calmly and do not try to hide, and the spiders calmly continue to weave webs, it means that the precipitation will soon stop and several days of clear weather will set in.
  • Frogs jump out of the water before the rain.

In the past, this is known: pigeons hide under cover, the cuckoo flies low, seagulls spend all their time swimming - also in anticipation of rain.

Signs by day

The knowledge collected by the people is distributed according to the days of the calendar. Each day corresponds to some religious holiday, installed Orthodox Church or coming from more ancient, pagan times. This combination made the agricultural calendar part of the Orthodox calendar, which mentions all the Saints and the days of their veneration. The people have always respected the traditions of venerating the Saints, skillfully combining in their minds prayers to the Saints for help and appeasement of Domovoy, Leshiy, and Ovinnik.

Listed below are the main traditions of each day of August and the folk signs that were observed on this day.

  1. Macrids. Macrin's day. It marked the end of summer work and the beginning of autumn work. The weather on Makrid was used to judge the weather for all days of August. Rainy weather made for a scary August. But she promised a rye harvest for next year.
  2. Elijah the Prophet. Many signs are associated with the day of Elijah. They stop swimming in ponds, watch the weather, and begin harvesting. Ilya sets the weather for a month and a half.
  3. Day of Onesimus. They sowed winter crops and carried out the ritual of “letting cats into the huts,” the purpose of which was to get rid of rodents. There was heavy dew at this time bad sign, who did not promise a good flax harvest.
  4. Mary Magdalene, Berry. Flower growers traditionally remove flower bulbs from the soil on Mary. We went into the forest to pick out berries - red and black currants, blueberries. The signs of August on the 4th believed that the morning fog ensured the dominance of windless weather until the evening.
  5. Theophilus, Trofimus, Day of the 13 Martyrs, Kalinniki-Malinniki. This period has many names. If the morning sun is in a short time stopped shining, and the weather remained windy for 24 hours.
  6. Boris and Gleb. Thunderstorms usually prevented work in the fields during this period of the month. Thunderstorms were accompanied by lightning, so the peasants tried not to go out into the fields and postpone harvesting. We continued to collect currants and bird cherries. They made jam and juice from the berries. There was an active harvest of birch brooms for the bathhouse.
  7. Anna Kholodnitsa. Cold morning on Winter Index - to frosty winter. The weather conditions before lunch indicated the weather patterns before the New Year. The afternoon foreshadowed frosts or a calm winter during the New Year holiday.
  8. Yermolai Day. The apple picking began, but they were only picked and stacked; they could not be eaten. After all, the Apple Savior has not yet arrived. Early potatoes from the new harvest were fried into pancakes and added to vinaigrette and okroshka, which was an indispensable dish during the time of need. Folk traditions advised starting to collect medicinal herbs, which accumulated many useful substances during this period of the month.
  9. Panteleimon the Healer. This is a lively holiday. They were engaged in harvesting oats, collecting herbs, and the collected ears were blessed in churches. The consecrated spikelets were kept in the house.
  10. Smolenskaya. Parmen and Prokhor. On August 10, many signs and proverbs were based on the glorification of blacksmiths. The productivity of the farmer’s labor depended on their skill. The day was generally considered negative, so they tried not to leave home or organize fairs. People slowly worked in their gardens, picking pears in the orchards.
  11. Kalinnik. We started collecting viburnum, dried it, and cooked it different dishes. Often the first frosts began in the morning. To prevent frost from destroying crops, people asked to send them troubles - fogs instead of frost. It was believed that if fog appears in the evening, it means... At this time, mushrooms began to grow in the forests.
  12. Strength and Siluyan, John is a warrior. They hoped to receive strength from the Force to work in the field. The more you work during this time, the stronger you will become. So everyone tried their best. Winter rye was sown. The cloudy weather on Sil had nothing to do with rain. Superstitions advised to get rid of pain in the legs by applying three burdocks, plucked from three bushes, to the sore spots.
  13. Evdokim. Preparation for the Assumption Fast. If the night before Evdokim was windless, the weather will be good. But during the day, hearing the frequent knock of a woodpecker means bad weather.
  14. Makovei. Honey Savior. They begin to cut off the honeycombs. Honey was illuminated in the church. A treat is prepared from the fresh harvest and served festive table. they treated everyone, including the poor. The Assumption Fast began, but people did not have to starve, because vegetables, bread and mushrooms were in abundance. The Makovei martyrs were commemorated in the church. On Makovey procession of the cross they went to the rivers and blessed the water. And then they bathed themselves and the livestock, protecting themselves from diseases and the evil eye for a year. On August 14, all the signs advised us to determine the weather on December 28 based on the weather of the day. Swallows begin to fly away to warmer climes.
  15. Stepan Senoval. In the middle of the month, they began to mow the grass that had grown back after the first haymaking for the second time. The first thing they did in predicting winter weather was look at August 15-19. The weather these days is similar to the weather in mid-January.
  16. Anton Vikhrovey, Isaac. The first thing the day foreshadowed was violent winds and eddy currents. If this happened, they were afraid of winter with cold and snowstorms. The weather on October 19, which coincided with this day, was also determined. We could recognize winter weather by the wind. Each wind had its own meaning. The north wind promised a fierce winter, the south - a mild one.
  17. Avdotya Ogurechnitsa, Malinnitsa. The housewives were collecting the last cucumbers of the year. And the girls went into the forest to pick raspberries. If you manage to collect a lot of it, next year you will be able to enjoy the grain harvest. The beginning of the rains can destroy the hay.
  18. Evstignei Zhitnik. The ritual of invoking stubble was practiced. People in the field turned to the land asking for help. Singing in the field was prohibited so as not to distract the land. At home they ate bread and salt; kvass could be used as a drink, paying tribute to the cornfield. The first kneading of dough from fresh flour was ritual. Bread baked from it was stored until spring as a talisman.
  19. Apple Spas. It's time to collect apples and consecrate them. the signs on the Savior on August 19 did not allow eating fruits until that time, but on the Second Savior they broke their fast with blessed apples and welcomed autumn.
  20. Marina. The raspberries were completely gone. Storks were used to judge what autumn would be like. Their departure heralded the cold autumn days.
  21. Myron Vetrogon. The cold was actively manifesting itself. Based on the weather, Miron was judged to be in January.
  22. Matthew. The rain no longer looks like summer, it looks more like autumn. Cows were not allowed out of the house so that snakes would not suck their blood.
  23. Lavrentiy Zorechnik. At noon we watched the water. If it is calm, then autumn will remain smooth and calm, and winter will delight you with its softness.
  24. Evpatiy Kolovrat, Fedor and Vasily. The swamps at this time were considered a place of rampant evil spirits, so they did not go there. Drinking alcohol was forbidden, because a drunk person is the first desire for evil spirits, because drunk people are very easy to overcome.
  25. Holy Fire Day. Fotya Povetenny. We need to put things in order in the villages. After all, the time was approaching to change the harness and put away the tools for storage until spring. So first. What needs to be done is to remove the garbage, sort everything, put it in its place.
  26. Tikhon Strastnoy. Organized cleaning of barns, cellars, and entryways. To drive out evil spirits, they used spells. They walked around the house with the “Passionate” icon, and prayed to Saint Tikhon for deliverance from misfortunes.
  27. Mikhei Tikhovey. Masons and other builders who participated in the construction of churches and temples were revered. At the end of the month, the autumn weather was determined by the winds. The raging winds promised a windy autumn.
  28. Dormition. We saw off the summer and celebrated the harvest. The day was also called Dozhinki. A wreath woven from the last ears of corn was brought into the hut. The Assumption Fast was ending.
  29. Nut (Bread) Spas. The nuts ripened, they were collected and blessed in the church along with the ears of corn. Pies were made from the fresh harvest. From that day on, they began to sell canvas and grain, and clean wells.
  30. Miron. The beginning of leaf fall. Signs on Miron on August 30 said that by this time the sowing of winter crops should be completed. There is another name - “Widow's Help”. Everyone tried to help widows as much as possible and give gifts to their children. To understand the future weather, they looked into the chimney. If the soot falls off in pieces. This means bad weather is ahead.
  31. Frol and Laurus. Horse holiday. Since the Holy Saints Frol and Laurus can only be depicted on icons together with horses. On this day, these animals were given Special attention. They weren't harnessed anywhere. The horses needed to rest. They were fed intensively and given something tasty. Thoroughly cleaned and bathed. According to legends, this will protect horses from diseases. There were logical reasons for this: the agricultural season had ended, and now the horses could rest.

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