Weight gain in pregnant women. Weight gain during pregnancy: weekly gain norms, pathological values, recommendations for the expectant mother. During multiple pregnancy


When we discussed the issue of belly growth during pregnancy, we did not discuss the issue of weight gain that is acceptable during pregnancy. And this question always worries expectant mothers due to many circumstances - worries about the baby’s health, and about the upcoming birth, and, of course, about the further restoration of previous forms. Of course, during pregnancy, weight naturally increases, if only because the child grows and gains weight, and along with it the uterus also gains weight. But body weight depends not only on the child’s weight and size.

Why is control needed?

When the question arises about a woman’s weight gain, almost all pregnant women worry, because many have heard that excess weight is harmful to the child, some worry about the appearance and the possibility of losing weight after childbirth, especially when the gain exceeds 15 kg or more. But are the extra pounds gained during pregnancy really very serious and is it sometimes even necessary to go to the hospital? Is it possible to independently regulate weight and gain, how much a woman can gain during pregnancy, so that doctors don’t swear at her? And will the figure return to normal after the baby is born? When a woman first crosses the threshold of the office of an obstetrician-gynecologist at a antenatal clinic or medical center

, she undergoes a number of mandatory procedures, including measuring her height and weight. If a woman registers already in the late stages of pregnancy, she must be asked about her weight before pregnancy. Then, at each further visit to the doctor, the measurement procedure will be repeated and the weight will be carefully monitored. This is necessary to monitor the woman’s health and the level of development of the baby. The health and well-being of both depends on weight gain, and in addition, weight gain affects further childbirth and even signals some complications and diseases. You can control your weight on your own between doctor’s appointments, but you need to do this in the right way to avoid possible errors. Must be observed– weigh yourself at the same time, it is better to do it in the morning on an empty stomach, after waking up and going to the toilet. It is also worth weighing yourself without clothes, in underwear, and be sure to weigh yourself on an empty stomach. This will be your most accurate weight, which will allow you to control your condition. Get yourself a notebook or piece of paper where you can write down your weight measurements weekly, and then show this piece of paper to your doctor at each visit. This is a very useful practice, since it is not always possible to objectively assess a pregnant woman’s weight at a doctor’s appointment. If everything is fine during pregnancy, your measurements will be quite sufficient, but if there is swelling, a tendency to increase blood pressure, health complaints or weight loss, your doctor may recommend that you weigh yourself more often - even monitoring your weight daily.

How much can you add?

During pregnancy, women gain weight in different ways: from 10 to 20 kg or even more, and this depends on the course of pregnancy, the lifestyle of the expectant mother, her condition and well-being, the presence or absence of toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy, edema and problems during pregnancy. second half. However, it is a reliably known fact that both insufficient weight gain and excess weight during pregnancy have a harmful effect on the health of the mother and baby. If you are underweight, both may lack nutrients, minerals and vitamins, and if you are overweight, there may be problems with blood pressure, kidneys, maybe diabetes and complications such as preeclampsia.

Doctors observing pregnant women adhere in their work to certain and average standards for weight gain in the first and second half of pregnancy. On average, this is about 250-300 grams in the first 20 weeks, and then half a kilo per week in the second half of pregnancy. Summarizing these data, the average pregnant woman gains weight during pregnancy from 12 to 16 kg, but the gains vary greatly from the initial body weight. Today, doctors use special indices to assess gains, calculated based on body height and weight. In this case, you need to divide your initial weight before pregnancy by your height in meters, and then square the resulting number. According to this index, women are divided into three groups:
- women of average build, with indexes from 19 to 26,
- women with underweight and index less than 19,
- women with excess weight, and indexes over 26.

For women with average indices, gains are based on the statistical average; they can gain from 10 to 16 kg during the entire pregnancy; if they are underweight, they can gain from 13 to 20 kg; if they are overweight, they can gain a maximum of 10 kg. More accurate data is given in weight tables based on body mass index.

Why can't you not gain weight at all?

The answer to this question is simple - even if your body does not add a single gram of fat, the baby and its surrounding tissues will add additional weight. Let's look at what causes so much weight to be added. First of all, the body height and weight of the child himself - by the time of birth he can be on average about 3-4 kg. There is still on average about 1-1.5 kg of amniotic fluid around the baby, plus the weight of the placenta will be pulled by about a kilogram - this is already an average of 6-8 kg, add to this the weight of the uterus - this is about 1-1.5 kg, plus here The increase in circulating blood volume is about another kilogram - a total of 8-10 kg. During pregnancy, a little fat is always stored in reserve on the back, hips and buttocks, arms and chest, to be later spent on milk - this is about 2 kg, plus the weight of the breast itself - about another 1 kg. So, on average, the amount of gain is 10-12 kg.

In addition, there may still be edema, which greatly affects the final weight, as well as fat deposition where before pregnancy, according to the body, there was not enough fat.

For plump women with a high body mass index, the only increase left is for the baby and his tissues; she has fats initially, so the increases should be minimal. But for a skinny woman who can barely support her own skeleton, it’s possible to gain weight. After all, strength will also be needed after childbirth, when you need to breastfeed the baby - there calories will be actively consumed, and the thrifty body will store them in subcutaneous fats.

Is it possible to influence weight gain?

Yes, of course, but up to a certain limit. If a woman exhausts herself with diets for the sake of a slim figure in the future, of course the weight will gain to a minimum. But this will affect the health of the child and herself, and this is not the best option. The child will still take his own from the mother’s body and the placenta, uterus and he himself will grow, but they will “suck” the strength and nutrients from the woman’s body. If for a plump expectant mother, getting rid of excess fat is good, then for a skinny mother it is a chance for strong metabolic changes in the future, which can seriously impair health after childbirth.

Basically, weight fluctuates due to caloric intake and amount of fluid; a woman can and should control these parameters. And, if everything is not so simple with fluid consumption, and doctors’ opinions on its limitation vary greatly, then with regard to nutrition everything is simpler. Recommendations about eating for two during pregnancy are erroneous and harmful; a child up to 3-4 kg in size does not need the same amount of nutrition as eating “for two.” He needs food for his weight, and this is one additional meal per day from his mother.

In matters of nutrition, it is best to focus on your appetite, of course, within reason. If you want a cake, eat a piece, you don't have to eat the whole cake at once. If the body receives more calories than it expends, it begins to store them in reserve without removing them from the body, then excess weight will form. But you don’t need to starve either; you need to eat normally, as you always do, adjusted for your mass index. If you are plump, reduce the amount of your usual food by a quarter or a third, replacing most high-calorie foods, fresh vegetables, fruits, light dairy products - both taste and benefits. What a pregnant woman definitely needs is proteins, the baby’s body organs are built from them, and their deficiency greatly affects its development. But carbohydrates and fats can be somewhat limited, fats in favor of vegetable oils, carbohydrates in favor of complex cereals in the form of starch.

It is better to consult a doctor about fluids that cause weight gain; restricting fluids during pregnancy does not always help in treating edema, but it is difficult for pregnant women to tolerate. Therefore, the issue with liquid is ambiguous. On average, you need at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid for metabolism, that is, you don’t need to sit completely without water, but you shouldn’t drink liters of it either - there is a lot of water in foods, especially soups, dairy dishes, vegetables and fruits, you want drink - you can eat an apple or a cucumber, this often helps. But usually swelling does not arise from drinking, but from hormonal imbalance, salt retention and the characteristics of the pregnant body. Closer to childbirth, most women notice weight loss and swelling, which means that the wise body, at the moment when the fluid is no longer needed, begins to expel it itself.

Many pregnant women experience stress before their next appointment with the gynecologist, because the doctor will again “scold” them for the extra pounds they have gained. Is it really that bad?

Normal weight gain during pregnancy

By the end of pregnancy, a woman’s weight will change by an average of 10-16 kg with a plus sign. This occurs due to a gradual increase:

  • own body weight;
  • child's weight;
  • amount of amniotic fluid.

Own body weight. During pregnancy, a woman's blood and lymph volume increases, fluid accumulates in the tissues, the mammary glands swell, and the size of the uterus and fetal membranes increases. In addition, the pregnant woman’s body makes a “fat reserve,” thereby providing the woman with the strength to feed the child in the future, since the fat layer is calories, and therefore energy.

Table 1 - Components of a woman’s own weight by the middle and end of pregnancy

Child's weight During pregnancy, it grows unevenly: in the first trimester, the formation of all organs occurs, and from the second, their further development and weight gain occur. Therefore, until the 14th week, the weight of the fetus is not noticeable and the weight gain of the expectant mother is small, amounting to about 2 kg.

The amount of amniotic fluid. The volume of amniotic fluid gradually increases, and by the end of pregnancy it is about 1 liter. Before birth, the amount of amniotic fluid is often reduced to 800 ml.

Summing up all the components of a pregnant woman’s weight, we get the following rate of increase:

  • in the first trimester an average of 2 kg of the initial weight;
  • in the second trimester approximately another + 4 kg;

The total increase will be equal to 6 kilograms from the initial weight.

  • in the third trimester somewhere else + 4 kg.

In total, the weight gain will be about 10 kg over the entire pregnancy period.

Doctors, for greater accuracy, when determining optimal weight gain during pregnancy:

1) determine the woman’s weight group - underweight, normal or overweight;

To do this, they use a formula developed by a Belgian scientist to find the so-called body mass index (BMI).

Body mass index = weight (in kilograms) / height (in meters) 2

For example, a woman’s weight before pregnancy is 60 kg, and her height is 168 cm (or 1.68 m). Then BMI = 60/(1.68∙1.68) = 60/2.8224 = 21.2585 ≈ 21.3.

According to the table compiled World Organization healthcare, the calculated BMI is the norm (see Table 2).

Table 2 - Interpretation of BMI indicators according to WHO

2) compare the result obtained with the duration of pregnancy, and accordingly find out the rate of weight gain during pregnancy;

3) analyze whether the existing weight gain corresponds to the norm or not.

Table 3 - Norm of weight gain during pregnancy by week

Remember that weight gain during pregnancy is often an individual matter. Someone can eat for seven, but the weight gain will be slow, lagging behind the norm, but the child will be born large and healthy.
For some, on the contrary, their appetite may decrease, and weight gain will still occur at an accelerated pace, regardless of the amount of food consumed.

There is no need to worry about this, the main thing is to control the portion size, adjust the frequency of meals, and review your diet (it should be balanced, complete and healthy).

With childbirth, a woman loses about 6 kilos gained, which includes the weight of the newborn, placenta and amniotic fluid. After some time, the volume of circulating blood decreases and is excreted excess liquid from a woman's body. Thus, about 4 more kilograms are consumed.

What are the dangers of being overweight during pregnancy?

Practice has shown that in 76% of cases, the danger is caused only by an increase in weight gain of twice or more than the norm. What does such a deviation from the norm promise?

  1. Excess weight creates a colossal additional load on the pregnant woman’s body, on her spine and internal organs.
  2. Excess weight contributes to the development of diseases such as varicose veins, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and other cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous system. Many of them can negatively affect the child’s health.
  3. A significant layer of fat makes it difficult to visualize during an ultrasound, which prevents the doctor from more accurately determining whether the baby is developing normally.
  4. If you are overweight, there is a high risk of miscarriage early pregnancy, and premature birth in the third trimester due to premature rupture of amniotic fluid.
  5. Excess weight is fraught with weak labor, which is the cause of post-term pregnancy or forced caesarean section. Heavy weight can cause difficulties during surgery.
  6. The postpartum rehabilitation period takes longer, and negative consequences are possible.
  7. Extra pounds contribute to the appearance of swelling and stretch marks on a woman’s body (due to excessive stretching of the skin).
  8. Excess body weight provokes earlier aging of the placenta and the development of late toxicosis, which poses a threat to the baby’s health.
  9. Excess weight in an expectant mother can contribute to the development of fetal hypoxia, neuralgic diseases and obesity in the future.

Buns and cakes, fried potatoes with sausages, a fatty chop with pasta and “mayonnaise” salad, a sandwich with dry sausage or pizza, half a loaf of bread with a spoonful of borscht, pickles and canned food - these are unhealthy foods for pregnant women.

“Eat whatever you want and as much as you want” is a standard phrase of Soviet-trained obstetricians and gynecologists or those who studied at a medical university in outdated program according to textbooks, methods of the 90s.

You can eat anything, but within reason. Half a loaf of milk can be eaten for an afternoon snack, provided that the breakfast was hearty and healthy, and there will be only healthy food for lunch and dinner.

And shish kebab eaten in nature with vegetable salad, it will be beneficial if such picnics occur no more than once a month, and the rest of the time the woman’s diet is rich in vitamins and contains only natural products.

With fractional nutritious meals, a pregnant woman will not gain extra pounds. Everything will go where it is needed and for what it is needed.

If your weight increases rapidly with proper four meals a day, you need to reduce the portion of what you eat. During pregnancy, there is no need, as they say, to “eat for two”; it is enough to increase the normal portion by just half a fist. The child needs vitamins, minerals and a balanced supply of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

You can eat it for breakfast oatmeal with dried fruits and candied fruits, drink a glass of natural juice or compote. Or make an omelette with herbs and tomatoes, eat it with a piece of bread and drink a glass of berry juice.

An afternoon snack can be light - a banana, a muesli bar or a handful of nuts; or more satisfying - a couple of small pieces of rye bread with butter and a slice of cheese, green tea with three squares of your favorite chocolate, apple.

Lunch could be like this: soup with meatballs and a slice of black bread, or rice with a steamed cutlet and vegetable salad, and for dessert - natural yogurt with fruit or curd cake with fermented baked milk.

For dinner, boiled chicken with garlic or cheese sauce, country-style potatoes (from the oven) and fresh vegetables, cocoa with milk and gingerbread.

Extra pounds are not always that way. If before pregnancy a woman’s own weight was less than normal, then excessive weight gain during pregnancy is quite normal; the body simply replenishes the missing fat deposits to prevent miscarriage. This is how nature intended it.

And I read how your baby develops every week, then you are probably interested in another question - how do you grow?

Our pregnancy weight gain calculator calculates your weight gain rate for each week.

Weight gain during pregnancy is a very individual process. All women gain weight differently during pregnancy. This depends on the build of the expectant mother and her tendency to be overweight, on the size of the fetus, and on a number of other things. physiological characteristics. However, the process must have certain boundaries. And they are! Russian obstetricians-gynecologists adhere to the following reference values: total weight gain during pregnancy should be 10-12 kg, gain in the first half of pregnancy - 300-400 grams per week, gain in the second half of pregnancy - 250-300 grams per week. Moreover, such an increase is typical only for women with normal body weight.

Not everyone grows the same

For women who are overweight or underweight, the numbers are completely different. With insufficient body weight, weight during pregnancy should increase by 12-15 kg (and again, it is important to know how much underweight the woman had before pregnancy). With excess body weight - up to 8-10 kg during the entire pregnancy. All these figures, as practice shows, are completely approximate and, as already mentioned, individual, but you need to focus on them. Otherwise, you can gain too much, and then it will be difficult for you not only to give birth, but also to get rid of extra pounds after pregnancy, or gain too little, and then the child may slow down its intrauterine development from lack of nutrition.

It is better to compare with the “correct” values ​​and monitor weight during pregnancy week by week, this way you can notice a dangerous trend in changes in body weight earlier. Our “Pregnancy Weight Calculator” will help with this. If your gynecologist gives recommendations that are very different from the calculation results, write to us.

Questions for the article

I haven't gained any weight during pregnancy, all the tests are good, is it worth...

And now my weight is 66.7 kg. This is fine?...

My weight is 60.800. Is this too much? I eat a little. If I’m overweight, what’s it like...

At 9 weeks, the weight was 59.100, yesterday I saw the doctor and the weight was 59.700, is this normal?...

Weeks? Pre-pregnancy weight 59-60 kg (depending on the time of year), in...

Although there is no swelling and I have always been a water spinner, and the tests are normal, and...

This is fine? The doctor said there was nothing to worry about. But I'm worried...

Weeks, weight was 59,300 with a height of 153. Now weight is 67,800. Before pregnancy...

Height 150cm. I'm currently at 21 weeks. I seem to have gained weight. But interesting...

One week into pregnancy my weight is 79,600. Initially, when I got up...

Only 8.9 kg. I discovered with horror that instead of the required 68.9 kg....

Pregnancy and weight 75 kg. Is this a significant increase?...

They want to admit you to the hospital for weight loss, while your stomach is in clothes...

For a week I weigh approximately 56 kg. Is this normal or is it desirable for me...

At week 11, when I started counting, I weighed 55.3, and now I’m on the 22nd...

Pregnancy weight 68.3 kg. This is fine?...

Pregnancy. At the time I registered (9 weeks) I...

Pregnancy weight was 56 kg, height 168, I did strength training...

I weigh 62.3 kg and gained 4.5 kg in 4 weeks. Tell me how not to type like that...

70.6 kg with a height of 168 cm. Tell me, have I gained a lot? And what should I do...

Weight is 92 kg. I was registered with a weight of 83 kg. My height is 165 cm. I don’t know what...

I lost almost 5 kg (severe toxicosis), is this not dangerous for the child? ...

According to your program, week 25 and I should weigh 60-60.3 kg maximum. And I...

Now it’s week 16, I got on the scales and the weight is already 68.3. Tell me, is this...

57.8...Is this quite a lot? The doctor is silent....I eat 4 times a day, before pregnancy...

Pregnancy weight was 54 kg, now the pregnancy is 12 weeks, for this...

I'm now 28 weeks and I weigh 74.4 kg. The doctor says that's a lot. I...

I weigh 63 kg for a week. The work is not sedentary, I eat no more than 2000 calories and my weight...

I'm gaining weight, although I don't eat everything I want. At 21 weeks I weigh 67, although...

140. I am currently 14 weeks pregnant and weigh 62.10. Who knows, I gained a lot of kilos in 14...

For registration, I weighed 53.5 kg, today I was at the reception, my weight was 63.5 kg. Doctor...

Obstetrics. Before pregnancy, I weighed 70 kg (+-300 - 500 grams). During...

Today 64.1 kg, but I weigh 65.9 - how bad is it and how can I...

I went to the doctor, they weighed me in my clothes, I had recently eaten and the weight was...

61.5 kg. Doctors scold for excessive increase I see "fat" in weight...

Weight 66 kg 800 gr. Over the past two weeks I have gained 1 kg 600 grams. The doctor is very...

Severe toxicosis began... I couldn’t eat anything at all... and...

I gained 2 kg, now I’m 23-24 weeks old and I weigh 54.2, is that too much for me?...

The period is 17 days, the approximate total weight should now be 55.6 kg, but...

I feel great. I lost 2 kg in the first trimester. Weight was approximately 53.9....

(I’m roaring) weight 57 kg, tell me, is it all fat? Please tell me what...

Thin. I'm currently 16 weeks pregnant and my weight is...

Sports, now 19 full weeks my weight is 63.500...

And for an ultrasound. Treatment was prescribed. I'm very worried whether this will harm...

Ferrum lek and folic acid are taken, but so far the effect is not significant. Injections...

Showed these numbers 11.3, tell me this is very low and is it worth it...

It's a lot. During pregnancy, I specifically began to limit...

The moment I gained 8.7 kg, now my weight is 52.9, the doctor said...

I wanted to gain 9 kg, but the problem is that I had already gained 12 kg, which...

174. Should you lose weight? It increased evenly, and...

Due to toxicosis, at 13 weeks I weighed 66.5. I'm 18 weeks now and my...

The calculator should weigh 60.9 kg. That's what I have. but the gynecologist...

Proizoshel kakoy to sboy i v 22 week bilo uje 68 kg (dumau chto organizm prosto kompensiroval poteryannie kg)))....

This is fine?...

83,200. This is fine? All tests are good, no edema, blood pressure...

Now 24 weeks. and weight 56kg. The doctor thinks it's overweight. no forms...

Approximately 64-65 kg, now I weigh 66,200. Height 162. According to your calculator, I...

Was 50-52 kg. tell me if I can lose weight or limit...

Women always watch their weight. But there comes a time when doctors begin to monitor this indicator. And the aesthetic side of the issue does not bother them.

Until the 28th week of pregnancy, if everything goes well, the doctor examines the patient once a month, and then 2 times a month. Weighing becomes a mandatory procedure for every visit to the gynecologist and part of the “ homework" Carry it out better in the morning, on an empty stomach and in the same clothes, so that the obtained indicators can then be compared.

Weight gain during pregnancy

In the first 2 months of pregnancy, while the baby and mother are just adapting to mutual coexistence, the woman usually does not gain weight. In addition, at this time she may be worried about toxicosis, which often leads to weight loss. So, in the 1st trimester of pregnancy there is no intensive gain; the expectant mother usually gains 1-2 kg. The main events occur later, because the body weight of the expectant mother increases mainly in the 2nd half of pregnancy, when the weekly weight gain averages 250-300 g. If the process goes faster, this may mean the appearance of a problem - hidden, and then obvious edema (hydropsis of pregnancy).

let's consider general rules, which are accepted among doctors to calculate possible weight gain during pregnancy. So, during the entire 9 months of pregnancy, the expectant mother should gain 10-12 kg. It is believed that starting from 30 weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s weight increases by about 50 g per day, by 300-400 g per week and by no more than 2 kg per month.

To more accurately determine acceptable weight gain and take into account all additional circumstances, the doctor can use the table (see below). In addition, the doctor has at his disposal a scale of average physiological weight gain in the last 3 months of pregnancy. The calculation is as follows: weekly weight gain should not exceed 22 g for every 10 cm of height. This means that with a height of 150 cm, a woman can gain 330 g in a week, with a height of 160 cm - 352 g, and with a height of 180 cm - 400 g.

How many kilograms the expectant mother will gain during pregnancy depends on many reasons.

The first one is age. The older the woman, the greater the tendency to be overweight.

Initial body weight(that is, before pregnancy). It is curious that the greater the weight deficit, the more kilograms the expectant mother has the right to add.

Weight loss due to early toxicosis. The fact is that, having survived the events of toxicosis, the body will try to compensate for the loss of kilograms

Features of the constitution. In this case, it is important whether the woman has a tendency to be overweight or thin.

Child size. If the patient is expecting a large baby (more than 4000 g), then the placenta will probably be larger than average. Consequently, a woman has the right to gain more weight during pregnancy than if she were expecting the birth of a small child.

Increased appetite. It happens that during pregnancy the expectant mother has an uncontrollable desire to eat, and if she cannot restrain it. Problems arise with excess weight.

Now let's see what those 10-12 kilograms of weight acquired by the expectant mother are used for. Indeed, if she gained 12 kg during pregnancy, as recommended, and gave birth to a child weighing 3 kg 300 g, then where is everyone else? They are distributed like this:

  • child – 3300g;
  • uterus - 900 g;
  • afterbirth – 400 g;
  • amniotic fluid – 900 g;
  • increase in circulating blood volume – 1200 g;
  • mammary glands – 500 g;
  • adipose tissue – 2200 g;
  • tissue fluid – 2700 g.
Total: 12,100 g.

And what can cause “overkill”? Our calculation shows that excessive weight gain depends on various circumstances: the weight of the child (large fetus), the amount of adipose tissue (weight gain with initial deficiency), amniotic fluid (in case of polyhydramnios) and tissue fluid (if fluid is retained in the body) . If the first two circumstances are normal phenomena, then the last two are deviations from the norm and require the attention of a doctor.

It happens that the expectant mother decides to follow a strict diet in order... not to gain weight. Some people are afraid of ruining their figure, while others (mostly women with narrow pelvises) believe that eating restrictions will lead to the birth of a small child. In both the first and second cases, these arguments are erroneous. If a woman gains 10-12 kg during pregnancy, then with the help of a reasonable diet and exercise, she will definitely regain her previous size. Think about it, for example, ballerinas quickly get back into shape after giving birth, although they usually gain up to 18-20 kg during pregnancy!

You can calculate the acceptable weight gain yourself. To do this, you need to know your height and initial weight, which then turns into the BMI (body mass index). Calculate your BMI: BMI = weight (kg)/[height (m2)]. Results:

BMI< 19,8 – women of thin build;

BMI = 19.8 – 26.0- women of average build;

BMI>26 obese women.

Height – 1.60 cm, weight – 60 kg, BMI = 60/ (1.60)2 = 23.4

It turns out that the woman has an average build, which means that at 30 weeks the optimal weight gain for her will be 9.1 kg, and at 40 weeks - 13.6 kg.

Table of weight gain by week of pregnancy

Week of pregnancy 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Weight gain
BMI< 19,8 0,5 0,9 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,7 3,2 4,5 5,4 6,8 7,7 8,6 9,8 10,2 11,3 12,5 13,6 14,5 15,2
BMI=19.8– 26.0 0,5 0,7 1,0 1,2 1,3 1,5 1,9 2,3 3,6 4,8 5,7 6,4 7,7 8,2 9,1 10,0 10,9 11,8 12,7 13,6
BMI>26 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,4 2,3 2,9 3,4 3,9 5,0 5,4 5,9 6,4 7,3 7,9 8,6 9,1
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The rate of weight gain during pregnancy is very important parameter, by which you can determine whether the fetus is developing correctly.

Weight gain norms may not be applicable for all pregnant women, since the gestation period proceeds differently for all women.

Some people gain more weight than required, while the shape of other pregnant women changes very little.

Childbirth in women with large mass bodies often pass with complications.

Excess weight is also alarming because it could be caused not by overeating or a tendency to be overweight, but by swelling.

- this is a dangerous manifestation of late toxicosis, sometimes leading to very sad consequences.

With edema, fluid stagnation occurs in the body. Moisture accumulates in organs and tissues, which causes an increase in body weight.

All women experience swelling during pregnancy, but hidden accumulations of fluid can pose a serious threat. They are indicated by the absence of complete urination.

What should be the weight gain during pregnancy: table

Your doctor will monitor the dynamics of weight gain from the first appointment at the antenatal clinic. Only by keeping records from the very beginning of pregnancy can you determine whether progresses at a pace kit.

Weight gain has its own rules for each trimester. Again, they will be individual for everyone.

Some women notice from the first weeks of pregnancy that their curves have become more appetizing, while others begin to get better only from the middle of the second trimester.

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Body weight increases not only due to the increasing size of the fetus. 25-30% of all gained kilograms are fat deposits necessary for proper lactation. 10% is occupied by amniotic fluid, the same amount by the growing uterus.

The basic principles of weight gain will be:

  • During the first half of the term, a woman’s weight increases by 40%, during the second - by 60%;
  • During the first trimester, the set should be up to 200 g every week. True, with toxicosis, many mothers even lose weight;
  • By the second trimester, weight gain reaches 2-3 kg;
  • Starting from the 4th month, when toxicosis has already subsided, the growth rate increases to 300-400 g in 1 week;
  • On recent months the increase becomes less noticeable: the body is preparing for childbirth, excess fluid is eliminated.

The optimal weight gain for each case is calculated in accordance with the initial indicators. The less the expectant mother’s body weight was before conception, the greater the weight gain is considered normal.

If a woman was overweight before pregnancy, her “ interesting situation"may only be noticeable at the end of the term. For expectant mothers suffering from chronic obesity, the weight gain will be only 6-8 kg over the entire period.

With normal weight, the weight will increase by no more than 14-16 kg, with multiple pregnancy– up to 18-20 kg.

For more accurate calculations, you need BMI - body mass index. To calculate it, you need data on the woman’s weight and height before pregnancy.

To get your BMI, you need to use the following formula: body weight divided by height (in meters) squared.

If the expectant mother weighed 60 kg and was 170 cm tall, the result would be: 60/(1.7*1.7) = 20.8 BMI.

Knowing your BMI (BMI), you can use the table of weight gain during pregnancy by month:

How not to gain weight during pregnancy?

1 Treating constipation. Retention of food masses in the gastrointestinal tract is one of the main reasons for severe weight gain. Due to infrequent bowel movements, not only does body weight increase, but also deteriorates general state body.

Due to constipation during pregnancy, slagging occurs internal organs and systems, so the expectant mother begins to feel worse.

You can fight constipation without using laxatives, which are allowed only in the most extreme cases. You can avoid constipation by including white cabbage salad and prunes in your diet.

2 We don’t overeat. The statement that a pregnant woman should “eat for two” is completely biased.

A large amount of food will not be beneficial for either the mother or the child: there should be as many nutrients as the body can absorb.

Large portions of food are more likely to cause constipation, bloating and heartburn.

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The pregnant woman's body really needs more energy than in the normal state, but the increase will be small: up to 200-300 calories daily.

Moreover, these figures will not apply to mothers who are prone to obesity and suffer from diabetes. In such cases, the calorie content of the menu will be calculated individually.

3 We arrange fasting days. They should be carried out no more than once a week. Unloading will help the body take a break from high-calorie foods and restore digestion processes.

The concept of a fasting day should not be confused with fasting. The meal schedule remains the same, but familiar dishes should be replaced with low-fat cottage cheese, fermented milk products and fruits.

4 We are physically active. Pregnant women should never lead a sedentary lifestyle, even if their health leaves much to be desired. Go for a walk every day; if possible, it is better to walk in a park area.

Fitness, yoga or swimming will also not be superfluous during the period of pregnancy.

5 We follow a diet. No strict mono-diets are suitable for pregnant women, and a specially selected menu will allow you, if not to lose weight, then at least to keep it within acceptable limits.

Include porridge, whole grain bread, seasonal vegetables and fruits in your menu. Meat and fish are not limited, but it is better if their varieties are dietary: pike perch, tuna, rabbit and turkey fillet.

Store-bought baked goods, puff pastry products, all kinds of rolls, cakes and cookies - all these delicacies are unacceptable. They contain a lot of heavy fats; when baking them, healthy butter is almost always replaced with extremely harmful margarine.

Small weight gain during pregnancy: what to do?

While the majority of expectant mothers dream of not gaining weight during pregnancy, for others, losing weight becomes real problem. Recommendations for expectant mothers who have too little weight during pregnancy will be as follows:

  • Portions can be reduced, but you should eat more often. 3-4 meals can be spread over 5-6 times;
  • Don't skip meals, even if you experience symptoms of toxicosis. Open the window when you have breakfast, or eat on fresh air: this way nausea will be less noticeable;
  • For walks or work, you can take a nutritious snack with you, for example, bananas, cheese, dried fruits or nuts;
  • Good option for breakfast - peanut paste. This product is very tasty, rich in protein and carbohydrates;
  • Increase your intake of healthy fats: salads can be dressed with olive oil or sour cream, main dishes can be cooked in butter. On the contrary, mayonnaise and sauces based on it should be excluded from the diet;
  • In addition to plain water, use kefir or fermented baked milk as a drink.

The appearance of fat deposits during pregnancy is inevitable, and to the expectant mother no need to worry about this.

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