International Olympiads for students. Online Olympiads for students in English. Solution of tests for students on the Sunshine portal

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(Speaker Certificate) Teaching staff of any level can take part in the conference. educational institutions (average educational institutions ; institutions of primary, secondary vocational education ; correctional educational institutions; institutions additional education

children), students of pedagogical universities. Conference participants will receive diplomas for speaking at the conference immediately after posting the article on the website.

home Web conference

This event is over and the winners have been announced. Award materials in the teacher’s personal account.

children), students of pedagogical universities. Conference participants will receive diplomas for speaking at the conference immediately after posting the article on the website.

Pedagogical workers of any educational institutions (secondary educational institutions; institutions of primary, secondary vocational education; correctional educational institutions; institutions of additional education for children), students of pedagogical universities can take part in the conference. Conference participants will receive diplomas for speaking at the conference immediately after posting the article on the website.

home Acceptance of applications and completed work: 01.12.2016 – 30.06.2018

children), students of pedagogical universities. Conference participants will receive diplomas for speaking at the conference immediately after posting the article on the website.

(Certificate of participation)

home Acceptance of applications and completed work: 01.12.2016 – 30.06.2018

Acceptance of applications and completed work: 01.11.2016 – 30.06.2018

children), students of pedagogical universities. Conference participants will receive diplomas for speaking at the conference immediately after posting the article on the website.

Pedagogical workers of any educational institutions (secondary educational institutions; institutions of primary, secondary vocational education; correctional educational institutions; institutions of additional education for children), students of pedagogical universities can take part in the conference. Conference participants will receive diplomas for speaking at the conference immediately after posting the article on the website.

home Acceptance of applications and completed work: 01.12.2016 – 30.06.2018

Acceptance of applications and completed work: 01.11.2016 – 30.06.2018

children), students of pedagogical universities. Conference participants will receive diplomas for speaking at the conference immediately after posting the article on the website.

Pedagogical workers of any educational institutions (secondary educational institutions; institutions of primary, secondary vocational education; correctional educational institutions; institutions of additional education for children), students of pedagogical universities can take part in the conference. Conference participants will receive diplomas for speaking at the conference immediately after posting the article on the website.

Pedagogical workers of any educational institutions (secondary educational institutions; institutions of primary, secondary vocational education; correctional educational institutions; institutions of additional education for children), students of pedagogical universities can take part in the conference. Conference participants will receive diplomas of participation in the conference immediately after posting the article on the website. The activities of a teacher involve constant professional development and exchange of experience with other teachers. If for students in a good way

To join the speakers, you need to register on our website, make a payment and send a prepared article on the topic of the correspondence pedagogical conference. The materials used are posted freely on the portal of our center and included in electronic collections.

The scientific and practical conference is an opportunity to improve your portfolio for certification along with. At the end of the event, participants receive certificates.

International Olympiad in English language"English communication"

The International Olympiad in English "English communication" tests the level of intercultural communication (communication in English) and knowledge of colloquial clichés. The International Olympiad in English "English communication" consists of 10 questions in test form.

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International Linguistic and Regional Studies Olympiad "Travelling to Britain"

The International Linguistic and Country Studies Olympiad "Travelling to Britain" is intended for students of 1-5 years and represents tasks aimed at generalizing and systematizing knowledge of the country of the language being studied. The Olympiad consists of 15 questions in test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International Olympiad for students in English "Perfect Grammar"

The International Olympiad for Students in English "Perfect Grammar" is intended for students of 1-5 years and is aimed at testing and enhancing knowledge of English grammar. The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

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International English Quiz "Britain Holidays"

The international English language quiz "Holidays of Great Britain" is intended for students of 1-5 years and is aimed at broadening their horizons, enhancing knowledge of the culture and regional studies of Great Britain, and developing interest in learning the English language. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

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International English Quiz "English Traditions and Customs"

The international English language quiz "English traditions and customs" is intended for students of 1-5 years and is aimed at broadening their horizons, enhancing knowledge of the culture and regional studies of Great Britain, and developing interest in learning the English language. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

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International English Quiz "Amazing English"

The international English language quiz "Amazing English" tests your knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar. The international English language quiz "Amazing English" consists of 10 questions in test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

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Web Quest in English "Around the UK" is intended for students of 1 - 5 years. Webquest combines project-based learning, problem-based learning and search learning - all three learning methods are closely related to the processes of searching, comprehending and processing information. Web Quest in English "Around the UK" is a problem task with elements of a role-playing game, for the implementation of which information resources of the Internet are used.

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Web Quest in English "Discover British Literature" combines project-based learning, problem-based learning and search learning - all three teaching methods are closely related to the processes of searching, comprehending and processing information. Web Quest in English "Discover British Literature" is a problem task with elements of a role-playing game, for the implementation of which information resources of the Internet are used.

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Web Quest in English "Window on Modern Britain" combines project-based learning, problem-based learning and inquiry learning - all three teaching methods are closely related to the processes of searching, comprehending and processing information. Web Quest in English "Window on Modern Britain" presents is a problem task with elements of a role-playing game, for the implementation of which information resources of the Internet are used.

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International Olympiad in English "Management Words"

The International Olympiad in English "Management Words" tests knowledge of vocabulary on a given topic and colloquial clichés. The International Olympiad in English "Management Words" consists of 10 questions in test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

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The International Olympiad in English "Valentine's Day" is presented in WebQuest format. The International Olympiad in English "Valentine's Day" is a problem task with elements of a role-playing game, for the implementation of which information resources of the Internet are used.

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International Olympiad in English "Culture and Arts"

The International Olympiad in English "Culture and Arts" is intended for students of all areas of study, aimed at developing lexical skills, testing knowledge of culture and arts: music, literature, etc. The International Olympiad in English "Culture and Arts" consists of 10 questions in test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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The International Olympiad in English "Business English" tests knowledge of vocabulary on a given topic and colloquial clichés. The International Olympiad in English "Business English" consists of 10 questions in test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "Planning a Business"

The International English Language Olympiad "Planning a Business" tests knowledge of vocabulary on this topic. The International Olympiad in English "Business English" consists of 10 questions in test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "Jobs" and Work"

This Olympiad tests students’ vocabulary on the topic “Work and Professions” and contains questions about various types works, professional terms, etc. The International Olympiad in English "Jobs and Work" consists of 10 questions in test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "Modal Verbs"

International English Olympiad "Modal Verbs" tests knowledge of English grammar: usage modal verbs. The International Olympiad in English "Modal Verbs" consists of 10 questions in test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "Technical English"

The International Olympiad "Technical English" is intended for students of 1-5 years of technical specialties and is aimed at testing, enhancing and expanding vocabulary on the topics studied. This Olympiad develops interest in learning English, allows you to identify and eliminate gaps in knowledge. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International Olympiad in English "Medical English"

The International Olympiad in English "Medical English" is intended for students of 1-5 years of medical specialties and is aimed at testing, activating and expanding vocabulary on the topics being studied. This Olympiad develops interest in learning English and allows you to identify and close gaps in knowledge. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International Olympiad in English "Language and Culture"

The International Olympiad in English "Language and Culture" is intended for students of all areas of study and is aimed at developing intercultural communication, testing knowledge of the culture, holidays and customs of other countries. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International Olympiad in English "Ecological problems"

The International Olympiad in English "Ecological problems" is intended for students of 1-5 years and is aimed at activating and expanding vocabulary on the topic " Ecological problems", fostering a caring and caring attitude towards surrounding nature. In this Olympiad you need to watch a video clip and answer 10 questions.Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "English Grammar Test"

The International Olympiad in English "English Grammar Test" is intended for students of 1-5 years and is aimed at generalizing and systematizing knowledge of English grammar. The Olympiad includes all the main grammatical topics studied by students (English Tenses, Pronouns, Adverbs, Articles, Passive Voice, Direct and Indirect Speech). This Olympiad develops and helps to identify and eliminate gaps in knowledge. The assignments consist of 15 questions in test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International Olympiad in English "Listening Skills"

The International Olympiad in English "Listening Skills" is intended for students of 1-5 years and is aimed at testing the development of listening skills. Listening is one of the most important learning skills foreign language, as it teaches you to perceive speech by ear. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Lexical Olympiad "English Vocabulary Test"

The International Lexical Olympiad "English Vocabulary Test" is intended for students of 1-5 years and is aimed at testing, activating and expanding vocabulary. This Olympiad develops interest in learning English and allows you to identify and close gaps in knowledge. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International Olympiad in English "Business English"

The International Olympiad in English "Business English" tests the development of the ability to effectively construct a speech statement within the framework of foreign language business communication. The International Olympiad in English "Business English" consists of 15 questions in test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "English learning"

The International Olympiad in English "English Learning" is intended for students of 1-5 years and is aimed at activating and expanding vocabulary, generalizing and systematizing knowledge of English grammar. This Olympiad develops interest in learning English and allows you to identify and close gaps in knowledge. Award documents can be received immediately after payment.

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International Olympiad in English "My Vocabulary"

The International Olympiad in English "My Vocabulary" is intended for students of 1-5 years and presents tasks aimed at activating and expanding vocabulary. The Olympiad consists of 15 questions in test form. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "All about Britain"

The International Olympiad in English "All about Britain" is intended for students of 1-5 years and consists of 15 questions. This Olympiad is aimed at testing knowledge about the country of the language being studied, the sights of Great Britain, and its culture. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

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International Olympiad in English "Word Formation"

The International Olympiad in English "Word Formation" is intended for students of 1-5 years and consists of 10 questions. This Olympiad is aimed at generalizing and systematizing knowledge about the rules of word formation in English using suffixes and prefixes, and at activating and expanding vocabulary. Award documents can be received immediately after payment. The cost of processing award documents is 100 rubles.

in history in life safety in traffic rules in political science in jurisprudence in nursing in regional studies in the Federal State Educational Standard in physical education in chemistry in economics in ecology other Olympiads

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Our Olympiads have passed 1,000,000 times, total participation 300,000 people

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in literature in speech therapy in mathematics in pedagogy in psychology in Russian language in physics in philosophy in ethics

Many Olympiads for students

Many students have been familiar with subject Olympiads since school. At school, every student strives to demonstrate his knowledge and receive an attractive diploma for it, which will remind the student of his victories. Often, a good result at the All-Russian Olympiad opens a “ticket” for admission on a budgetary basis to any university without passing certain tests and without competition.

The Olympics are not only school education, participation can also be created to reveal the talents of higher education students educational institutions. The desire to participate in student-type Olympiads is not getting less, everyone can try their luck in the competition and prove themselves in various test tasks. In order to prepare well for the Olympiads, little knowledge acquired at school, little knowledge acquired in classes, you need to carefully study each section and repeatedly test your knowledge. For check in the best possible way Online tests in various disciplines may be suitable.

Olympiads for students 2018-2019

The pedagogical portal “Sunshine” provides an opportunity for beginning students or students of various courses to prove themselves in exciting Olympiad tests. Tests serve as self-assessing tools. If you want to check the material you have covered, or prepare for real Olympiads, then you won’t find a better online Olympiad. Online tests really help to prepare well for taking real Olympiads. The student education program has more complex and in-depth sections, however, they also need to be carefully studied, read more information on these sections, and read the material not only from the university books provided, but also take information on various sections from other sources.

Online tests 2016-2017 for students are created in the same way as, by and large, all Olympiads for students are presented. The questions may also be similar in some ways, although it all depends on what program you are studying in and at what university. Despite this, most of the questions presented in our tests will be able to encourage you to look for answers, and if any question presented in this section comes across to you on the test, then you can easily pass it.

Solution of tests for students on the Sunshine portal

Our portal presents numerous tests that have the ability to fuel students’ knowledge, stimulate a greater desire to learn and develop, and have an assessment system that will be useful to all students who want to pass the Olympiad with a high score. All tests presented in this section are designed for middle and high schools. Each test consists of 10 questions, and answers are also provided. It will be useful for young and talented students to remember the old school sections, prepare even better and pass the Olympiads with a bang!

Our international pedagogical portal “Sunshine” provides the opportunity to express oneself in various test tasks and creative competitions. On our pedagogical portal you will find interesting tasks that are studied in school curriculum with recess. Each test gives you the opportunity to independently develop yourself and evaluate your strengths.

Each student receives a personalized diploma

Even though you are a university student, you can use the tests presented in this section to train your memory. Using our portal, you can perfectly prepare for the presented Olympiads, and you also have the opportunity to receive an award in the form of a diploma.

You are left to create your diploma yourself. Thus, you have a chance to gain unlimited experience in creating diplomas. You receive rewards upon completion of the test, having previously paid the registration fee before creating it.

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