Maria Konchalovskaya: life before and after the accident. The recovery of Yulia Vysotskaya's daughter is proceeding at a very slow pace. How is Vysotskaya's daughter doing?

UPDATE: A few months after Yulia Vysotskaya decided to have a frank conversation about the condition of her daughter in trouble, reports began to come in that the girl was on the mend, and doctors are monitoring the positive dynamics. True, in the future, Yulia vowed to raise this topic publicly, explaining this by the fact that she had no moral strength left to talk about what had happened. True, at the same time, the actress and TV presenter noted that the restoration work is underway, albeit very slowly. And not so long ago, StarHit talked to the mother of the star, who told how the tragedy affected her daughter's relationship with her husband, Andrei Konchalovsky.

A year and a half has passed since the terrible accident, the participants of which were the family of Andrei Konchalovsky. On October 12, 2013, a Mercedes rented by the director, driven by Andrey Sergeevich himself, collided with another car in the south of France. The fourteen-year-old daughter of Konchalovsky and Vysotskaya Masha was in the car. The girl was not wearing a seat belt and received a serious head injury. The child was instantly taken by helicopter to a hospital in Marseille, where he was placed in a superficial coma. For many months, doctors have been fighting for Masha's life, and her parents continue to stubbornly believe that everything will certainly work out.

For a long time, the parents of the injured girl did not comment on the family tragedy. There were only exceptional cases when Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya spoke about what had happened, but they did this in order to protect their beloved daughter from the excessive attention of journalists. In May 2014, on the director's official Facebook page, there was a call to ignore other people's speculation and a statement that "Masha is gradually but steadily coming out of a severe injury." In November of the same year, a video message appeared on the Web in which Yulia Vysotskaya thanked the public for their support.

More complete information Konchalovsky and Vysotskaya did not give information about the whereabouts of their daughter, her condition and the process of treatment. For the first time, the actress and TV presenter decided to talk in detail about the family tragedy in an interview. magazine Tatler. In a conversation with a journalist, Yulia told how her life has changed since the day of the ill-fated accident, how she revised her views on the environment, social media and in general on own life.

The actress admitted that in her new life there was practically no place left for old acquaintances, accustomed to seeing her joyful, smiling and far from any problems. According to Julia, she would like to preserve and protect her world from prying eyes. “People don't want to look callous. But many of them are part of the life that ended for me, ”Vysotskaya said frankly. - Additional reminder. My wound has not closed and will never close.”

In the life of the actress, there are only four closest friends who are invariably aware of everything that happens in her family. These people help her every day. All four took turns at the bedside of her daughter Masha during the period when Yulia needed to play performances. The actress chose to isolate herself from other acquaintances. “I never managed to restore a lot of connections,” Yulia continues. “I understand that I should thank you for your support, help, but I don’t have enough strength.”

In a completely unexpected light, Vysotskaya, according to her confessions, saw Nikita Mikhalkov. The director showed Special attention to the tragedy of the family and surrounded Masha's parents with support and care. “I have never seen her and her brother treat children like that – they were always not up to them. And now Nikita Sergeevich comes to Masha, sits down near her bed, kisses her, tickles her mustache. For her husband, he is probably looking for some words, he just hugs me well, ”admits Yulia Vysotskaya.

The actress speaks very carefully about the state of her daughter, trying not to go into details. Vysotskaya cannot answer unequivocally whether Masha is conscious. According to her, this is a very difficult question. “No doctor will answer it,” explains the 41-year-old mother of the girl. - The state of coma is ambiguous and everyone proceeds differently. There are moments when she is with me, it happens that I do not understand anything. Something seems to be happening that we are very happy about. We are waiting for a repeat, but it is not. But something else happens. Everything is going… slowly. We were told from the very beginning that the recovery would be very, very long. And this is an endless work - both Masha and ours ... It's hard to understand if there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am constantly working on myself to see it. And convince everyone that he is. You can never broadcast despondency anywhere! Everything within a radius of five kilometers from the Machine Room should be filled with the energy of creation.

Interestingly, the celebrity chose to remain silent about the whereabouts of her daughter. The actress is sure that she must protect her family from excessive attention of strangers. “I would like to keep it a secret. Understand, I'm worried that the people who surround us will start to get information by any means. Why provoke them to the manifestation of base instincts? - explains Vysotskaya.

In the interview, Yulia paid special attention to the conversation about her spouse. It's no secret that at the time of the accident it was he who was driving the car. The actress admitted that it is difficult for her to talk about whether Andrei Konchalovsky feels guilty, but she knows for sure that if it were not for work, it would be much more difficult for him to cope with what happened. “I have no right to be responsible for my husband, to judge his guilt. I think I'm much more frank with him than he is with me, - continues the director's wife. - Probably, this is female nature: to define your condition with words and it seems to become easier. His masculine personality is not like that. He is a closed person, even from himself. But he works hard, insanely hard. Sleeps for three or four hours. One project after another. Three scenarios at the same time. He lectures endlessly to students. He has always been a workaholic. Today he is interested in cultural studies, man, Chekhov and so on. If not for work, it would have been harder for him, of course. Do I blame him? He is a unique person. I don't think his wisdom is acquired. He doesn't even a wise man, namely that the wise soul. I can hear and understand him well. He influences me a lot. If there was another man around, perhaps I would have behaved differently. Here there is no place for senseless reproaches and the search for feelings of guilt.

This year, the actress and director will celebrate 19 years life together. According to Vysotskaya, at one time she married a very large-scale, unique person. The TV presenter is sure that with Konchalovsky she herself becomes different. “In general, he is one of those men who do not get tired,” says Vysotskaya about his wife. - He's not primitive. He doesn't blur his eyes. Maybe thirty years ago he was different. But now, if I look good, he will say five times a day: "How beautiful you are." And if I'm tortured, she can say: "Send everyone to figs, you need to sleep." He sees everything. He is interested in everything. Or maybe it's just love. This year we have been together for nineteen years.”

The artist also noted that after the family tragedy she revised her views on her own life. Vysotskaya admitted that she regrets that she had previously been active in social networks, telling strangers about their joy, about the state of happiness and family well-being. At one time, it was customary for the star's subscribers to see such hashtags in her posts as #today is the best day of my life or #it never happens. However, the era of Instagram for Vysotskaya is over. The artist made a lot of conclusions in this regard. “Then it sincerely seemed to me that a healthy, cheerful, normal family is good,” Vysotskaya explained. She's a part of me, I can't imagine myself without her. I was ready to share it. She starred in the corresponding advertisement - juice producers wanted a family halo. But now, I think, the topic of the family is closed forever - regardless of the light at the end of the tunnel, about which I still know that it exists. I even told my friends: “You don’t have to run Instagram. You don't have to tell how good you are. If this is marketing, then act from the point of view of marketing. I missed the moment when I had to stop giving joy. It was better to leave it to yourself. I've lost the edge of where I belong and where I don't. Universal accessibility… In the media space, it needs to be filtered. But for this you need to be a very experienced person. My experience has come at a serious cost."

Now the time of Yulia Vysotskaya is still occupied by work. The actress and TV presenter is actively working on her own projects, trying to distract herself and convince herself that life has not stopped and now more than ever it is necessary to believe in the best. Julia resumed her Bikram yoga classes, which she became interested in a few years ago, got a dog named Krug and continued to work on her own restaurant business. According to the actress, she had to draw a lot of conclusions, think carefully about how she used to behave and what she said to other people. “Everything that happened to me seems to me today the answer of fate to my phrases and actions,” Yulia said frankly. - I constantly catch myself thinking: “I shouldn’t have said this, I shouldn’t have done this.” And also this famous Chekhov phrase “One must live ...” Three years ago, Andrei Sergeevich asked the artists to say on camera what they think about Chekhov, about their roles. There is a recording where for some reason I say in a trembling voice: “When I hear at the end of the play that one must live, I think: one must live.” There was no one happier than me at that moment. It's inexplicable. Rather, it only says that ... One of my close friend recently spoke with an astronaut. And the cosmonaut told him that there, at the top, "there is definitely someone there." On the one hand, this is disturbing. On the other hand, it gives hope. Need to live…"

This autumn it will be exactly 5 years since the daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya fell into a coma. Andrei and Yulia do not comment on anything that happened to their daughter. However, Yegor Konchalovsky said that his sister is now in Moscow and still continues to fight for her life.

How it happened. In the fall of 2013, Andrei Konchalovsky collided head-on with another car, Andrei and Yulia were not injured, but their daughter Masha received a serious head injury, which immediately fell into a coma.

The accident happened in France, so Masha was immediately taken to the Marseille hospital, and the doctors had to send Masha into an artificial coma. After several years, doctors wanted to turn off Mary's life support. However, the Parents did not allow it, and took their child to Moscow

Daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya: interview with brother Yegor Konchalovsky

Not so long ago, the elder brother of Maria Vysotskaya, Yegor Konchalovsky, was invited to the program “The Fate of a Man”, which will be introduced by Boris Korchevnik, and he said that his sister is now in Russia, and her treatment continues. Now she is almost out of her coma and has begun to breathe on her own, her brain beginning to perceive tactile sensations. She can even hear and distinguish the voices of her relatives.

Doctors say that Masha is recovering slowly, in 2018 they hope that she will come out of a coma

Daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya: TV presenter spoke about her daughter's illness

Masha's parents, Andrei and Yulia, did not comment on what happened for a long time. They tried in every possible way to get away from talking about Masha with reporters. Only 2 years later, when Yulia's daughter was brought out of an artificial coma, she told reporters: “As it turned out, life can be divided into two components: before and after. What used to seem important has lost its meaning, and what I didn’t even want to think about before has become important and valuable. ”

For Yulia, there is still a very sore subject about her daughter, namely about her recovery and rehabilitation. The recovery of the girl is going very slowly.

We will believe in the best, and hope for success in the recovery of Masha Vysotskaya

Daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya: meeting of Andrey and Yulia in Sochi

In total, Andrei Konchalovsky had 5 marriages, he has been in the last one for 16 years. He is married to Yulia Vysotskaya, she is 36 years younger than him. Andrey has 7 children and 8 grandchildren from previous marriages. Andrey and Yulia met in Sochi at the Kinotavr festival. Actress Yulia Vysotskaya was just starting her career and came from Belarus.

They fell in love with each other instantly. Nothing prevented them then, not age, not Andrey's wife. After 2 years they got married. They now have 2 children.

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A serious accident that happened on October 12, 2013 turned the life of the family of Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky upside down. Their daughter Maria is still in the hospital.

traffic accident in France

The accident happened in France. The famous director Andrey Konchalovsky, while driving a Mercedes-Benz car, which he rented, admitted head-on collision at high speed with an oncoming vehicle. Both cars were badly damaged by the impact, practically turning into a pile of metal.

The French pensioners, who were driving in the opposite lane, escaped with fright and minor injuries. They were first hospitalized, but after the examination they were released home. The culprit of the incident and his wife managed practically without injuries.

The most affected was fourteen-year-old Maria Konchalovskaya, who received a head injury and almost immediately fell into a stroke. As it turned out, the girl was sitting next to her father in the front seat and was not wearing a seat belt.

Tragic day for the family

The twelfth of October can be called a tragic day for the Konchalovsky family. It turns out that it was on October 12, in 1988, twenty-five years ago, that the director's mother, Natalya Petrovna Konchalovskaya, who was a children's poetess and translator, died. She came from a family of artists. by her grandfather maternal line was a famous Russian artist Vasily Surikov.

Natalya married Sergei Mikhalkov, at that time an aspiring children's writer. By the way, she was older than husband for 10 years. Both sons of this married couple, Andrei and Nikita, became famous directors.

The tragedy on the road happened when the family was returning from the commemoration of Natalia Konchalovskaya. As a result, her granddaughter, Konchalovskaya Maria, was seriously injured. The accident endangered the happiness of the famous family.

Fateful meeting in Sochi

The eldest son of the Konchalovskys, Andrei, turned out to be not only a talented director, but also a very loving person. He had five wives, with whom he has seven children and eight grandchildren.

WITH last wife, actress and popular TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya, the director has been married for 16 years. By the way, he is 36 years older than Julia. The couple met at the Kinotavr festival in Sochi, where the actress came from Belarus. Her actor career started right there. By the time she met Konchalovsky, Yulia was a member of the troupe of the Belarusian National Theater named after Yanka Kupala, and also played several roles in the cinema - in the films Go and Never Return, Bewitched, Imagination Game. On Belarusian television, she hosted the program "Bazon".

love between these creative people flared up with lightning speed. She was not prevented by either distance, or greater, or the fact that Andrei was married. Less than two years later, Yulia became Konchalovsky's wife.

The couple had two children: first a daughter, Maria, and then a son, Peter. It was with this girl that the tragedy happened.

young talent

Maria Mikhalkova-Konchalovskaya was born on September 28, 1999. She can safely be called a young actress. She first had a cameo role in the film The Deal in 2006. At the age of eight, Masha starred in her father's film Gloss, where leading role played by her mother, Julia Vysotskaya. The next role of the girl was in the film "Moscow, I love you!", And a rather successful role. This is a film almanac, which consists of 18 short stories shot by various Russian directors. Maria Konchalovskaya played in the short story "In the center of GUM at the fountain." The film was presented to the audience in 2010.

Before the accident, Maria studied at a French school, in a closed educational institution. She almost never appeared at public events. Parents tried to protect their children from excessive media attention. Yulia Vysotskaya admitted that she communicates more with children via Skype than live. After all, she is very busy man like her husband. However, the accident made drastic changes in the life of this family.

By helicopter - to Marseille

The severe condition of the girl injured in the accident did not allow her to be transported to the hospital in an ambulance, so Maria Konchalovskaya was taken to the intensive care unit of the Hospital de la Timone in Marseille by helicopter, which had special equipment on board.

Immediately began the struggle for the girl's life. It continues today, although seven months have passed. However, just now there has been a definite shift in better side in a sick state.

Parents all this time alternately were on duty at the bed of their daughter. They lived in a rented apartment near the hospital and for a while they forgot about all their creative projects.

Recently improved

Back in early April, things were different. Doctors even wanted to turn off life support machines. Maria Konchalovskaya, it would seem, did not react at all to the efforts of doctors. Doctors have already begun to fear irreversible brain changes. After all, the girl was in a deep coma for a very long time.

But a miracle happened. Let slowly, but the patient went on the mend. Maria began to breathe on her own, she no longer needs an artificial respiration apparatus. In the brain of the victim, medical equipment records processes that indicate that the girl hears and even recognizes the voices of her relatives, feels touch.

And although Maria Konchalovskaya had not yet regained consciousness, her coma passed into the category of superficial ones. Doctors state the positive dynamics of recovery.

Masha's parents started working again

Everyone hopes that the predictions about the impending disability of the girl will not come true, and the young body will cope with the consequences of the injury.

Of course, the rehabilitation period will be difficult. In order for Maria Konchalovskaya, the daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya, to be able to lead a normal life in the future, it will take both great efforts of doctors, their ability to choose the right set of rehabilitation measures, and large financial resources to provide everything necessary.

But about what star parents girls will be able to earn money for the treatment of their daughter, there is no doubt. Having overcome their concern about Masha's condition, they have already returned to work.

Andrei Konchalovsky continued shooting his new film "White Nights of the Postman Alexei Tryapitsin", which tells about the Russian village. Julia Vysotskaya decided to return to her culinary show and master classes in Italy.

Recently in London, the famous director presented two plays "Uncle Vanya" and "Three Sisters". The performances ran for two weeks. Julia Vysotskaya played in several performances and received a very good feedback theater critics.

As soon as Maria Konchalovskaya went on the mend, the paparazzi's photo of the girl from the hospital in Marseille was already posted online. You can't comment positively on this fact. You have to be tactful in dealing with someone else's grief. However, most people sympathize with the Konchalovsky family and sincerely wish their daughter Maria a speedy and complete recovery.

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