Margot robbie before and after plastic surgery. Margot robbie without makeup. Margot Robbie without makeup and photoshop

Age affects everyone in different ways: some have gray hair and deep wrinkles by the age of 30, while nature gives a smile and posture to a twenty-year-old even at 50. Therefore, among the peers there is always a couple, one of whom will look younger or older than the other. We offer you a comparative selection of photos of famous peers.

(14 photos total)

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1. Jamie Lee Curtis and Madonna (56 years old)

Comparing these two stars may not seem entirely correct (after all, they have different lifestyles and different target audiences), but they can serve as a vivid illustration of the fact that you can age in different ways. Jamie Lee Curtis undoubtedly looks elegant and well-groomed, accepting herself and her age. While Madonna in every possible way seeks to "smooth" age-related changes, resorting to various beauty tricks and the services of plastic surgeons.

2. Lisa Kudrow and Elle Macpherson (51 years old)

Despite the fact that the star of the series "Friends" will forever remain in our hearts extravagant Phoebe, it is impossible not to notice that in her 50s, Lisa has lost ground. The actress practically does not appear on the screen and looks tired and exhausted.

But her contemporary, supermodel Elle Macpherson, knows exactly the secret of youth and beauty. However, there is no secret here. Only a healthy lifestyle, good habits and a very balanced diet.

3. Courtney Love and Monica Bellucci (50 years old)

Both celebrities will celebrate their 50th birthday this year. However, it is quite obvious that Courtney Love's stormy youth and her unhealthy lifestyle did not affect the singer's appearance in the best way.

Is it possible now to believe that Love is the same age as the luxurious Bellucci? Against the backdrop of faded Courtney, the burning Italian looks full of life and color. A seductive figure, smooth skin, thick shiny hair: for many men, 50-year-old Monica remains a symbol of sexuality and feminine attractiveness.

4. Halle Berry and Robin Wright (48 years old)

Sean Pen's ex-wife, actress Robin Wright, was certainly once very attractive. Robin has two grown children, and her film career was not as brilliant as she dreamed. All this may have affected the appearance of the actress.

Halle Berry, by contrast, has had a successful career in Hollywood. And more recently I became a mother for the second time. At the same time, Holly remains slim, like twenty years ago. A short haircut with a mischievous bangs only adds to the actress's youthfulness.

5. Lucy Liu and Naomi Watts (46 years old)

At 46, Australian actress Naomi Watts has accomplished much more than her age-old Lucy Liu. However, Naomi's wrinkles are much more. With all due respect to this talented actress, it is impossible not to notice that age has affected her.

Lucy, of course, was lucky: perfect skin, a healthy complexion and a stunning figure. However, as you know, Asians often look younger than their European peers.

6. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Gwen Stefani (45 years old)

These celebrities, although they are the same age, are completely different from each other. By the age of 45, they came in different forms. Katherine, apparently, is seriously interested in plastic surgery, and because of this, the actress's face looks very unnatural.

Gwen Stefani, according to experts, also underwent plastic surgery, although she denies this fact. However, the singer's appearance did not suffer, but only won. Gwen's unique style and ability to combine bright makeup and unusual hairstyles also have a positive effect on the perception of her image.

7. Amy Adams and Hilary Swank (40 years old)

Everyone knows that not only the way of life, but also the type of face affects how we look among our peers. A striking example of this is the actresses Hilary Swank and Amy Adams. Hilary has a rather unusual face for an actress: a large nose and a heavy chin. Therefore, the role she often gets "serious" and characteristic. Amy Adams is perceived quite differently. Snow-white skin, open blue eyes and honey-colored hair make Amy more like the heroine of a romantic comedy, who is barely thirty.

8. Evangeline Lily and Noomi Rapace (35 years old)

Another example of how facial features can "age" or "rejuvenate" is Noomi Rapace and Evangeline Lily. As gorgeous as Noomi looks, she will always appear older than Evangeline's freckled, pretty face.

9. Khloe Kardashian and Avril Lavigne (29 years old)

Believe it or not, Avril Lavigne, a lover of T-shirts with skulls and pink skirts, turns thirty this year. The reason for this is the stage image of an "eternal schoolgirl" and a rather fragile physique.

But Khloe Kardashian, on the other hand, in her 30s looks much older. If you put Chloe and Avril side by side, I'm afraid the reality star will look like the mom of a teenager Avril Lavigne.

10. Christina Aguilera and Gisele Bundchen (34 years old)

Another "enemy" of youth is decorative cosmetics. Take at least the same age as Aguilera and Bundchen. Christina is too fond of makeup: several layers of tone are much darker than her natural complexion, false eyelashes, bright shadows. Top model Giselle adheres to natural makeup, and therefore looks an order of magnitude younger than her peer.

11. Amber Heard and Lindsay Lohan (27 years old)

Another star victim of a bad lifestyle is Lindsay Lohan. Addiction to drugs and alcohol has led to the fact that at the age of 27, Lindsay has age spots, and her complexion looks unhealthy. At the same age, actress Amber Heard looks flawless.

12. Emma Stone and Adele (26 years old)

Voluminous hairstyles, bright makeup, black outfits, coupled with curvaceous forms, add more than one extra year to the 26-year-old singer. This is all the more noticeable in comparison with the smiling Emma Stone, who looks youthful and bright.

13. Emma Watson and Margot Robbie (24 years old)

Margot prefers seductive outfits and spectacular looks. Sexuality and femininity are associated with the name Margot. Emma, ​​on the other hand, always makes a choice in favor of classics and naturalness. Plus, her name evokes a strong association with Hermione - the heroine of the Harry Potter films.

14. Selena Gomez and Kate Upton (22 years old)

It's hard to believe that both celebrities will turn 22 this year. Of course, it's not only about looks, but also about a different approach to style. Recently, Kate has been choosing elegant, but often too pretentious images - high hairstyles, bouffants, accessories ... All this adds a few extra years to the model.

Selena, on the other hand, chooses girlish looks. However, the pop singer, despite the efforts of recent years, will be associated with the Disney channel for a long time.

The name Margot Robbie in Hollywood appeared relatively recently, but in a short period of time the blonde from Australia managed to do an incredible amount. She acts in several films a year, her partners on the set are the best men: Leonardo DiCaprio, Will Smith, and Margot herself is called one of the sexiest actresses. Well, in honor of this beauty's 25th birthday, we decided to find out if she really is that good.

2. Margot has bright blue eyes, and the girl's height is 168 centimeters.

3. The full name of the actress is Margot Eliza Robbie.

4. The girl uses Instagram and often pampers fans with photos from life and from the shooting (

5. Most of her childhood, Margot spent on the farm of her grandparents.

6. She began her acting career with independent Australian films.

7. Over time, the girl was offered a role in the popular Australian TV series "Neighbors".

8. As a result, the role in the series even brought the girl two nominations for the Australian Television Award.

9. In 2010, Margot left Neighbors to conquer Hollywood.

10. Arriving in America, Robbie quickly found herself. The girl was offered a role in the TV series "Peng American", which tells about the flight attendants.

11. The debut on the big screen took place in 2013. Starring in the movie "Boyfriend from the Future", the actress gained popularity.

12. A little later, the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" was released with Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role. It was after this film that the actress began to be considered one of the main seductresses in Hollywood, because in the film she was deftly able to turn Leo's head.

13. By the way, while auditioning for the role in the film "The Wolf of Wall Street", the actress hit Leonardo DiCaprio. Margot told herself that she only had 30 seconds to either get this chance or lose it. During the audition, she yelled loudly at Leo, sent him and hit him. Well, when else would she manage to kick Leonardo DiCaprio himself off ?! Keep it up, Margot!

14. Before shooting the bed scenes with Leonardo, the actress drank three shots of tequila at 9 am.

15. The girl played the main role in the film "Focus", where Will Smith became her partner, and the actress was also able to charm him.

16. The British Academy nominated Margot as a rising star, but the actress did not receive the award.

17. She was also nominated for Golden Popcorn for her role in The Wolf of Wall Street, but Will Poulter won the Breakthrough of the Year award for We Are the Millers.

18. In 2016, a new film "Tarzan" is released, and Robbie got the role of smart and beautiful Jane. The role of Tarzan will be played by the charismatic Alexander Skarsgard.

19. The girl loves to dress up in different costumes. So, once on Halloween, Margot dressed like the hero of James Franco in the movie "Razor Holidays".

20. The girl loves hockey and even plays in an amateur team.

21. In life, Margot's heart is busy. The girl meets with the assistant director Tom Eckerley.

22. One of the most anticipated films of 2016 - the super villainous action movie "Suicide Squad" - will tell about the main enemies of Batman, Superman and other heroes. Margot Robbie will play Harley Quinn, the girlfriend of the well-known Joker.

23. In addition, this is not the first time the girl auditioned for a film based on comics. Not so long ago, a new version of Fantastic Four came out, and Margot auditioned for the role of Sue Storm. As a result, the role went to Kate Mara.

25. Margot Robbie appeared on the 20th anniversary cover of Vanity Fair alongside other talented actors such as Lupita Nyong'o, Julia Roberts, Jared Leto, George Clooney and more.

25 interesting facts proving that this blonde did not come to Hollywood for nothing. She has a great future ahead of her, don’t you agree?

Without makeup, the star of the film "Tarzan. Legend "Margot Robbie rarely appears on walks, in stores, and just in public. The 26-year-old star knows that her face is her calling card, and therefore not only needs impeccable care for it, but under any circumstances it must look perfect.

Margot Robbie without makeup and photoshop

No matter how the star tried to hide her life from the ubiquitous paparazzi, reporters still managed to capture the beauty of Margot without makeup. What can we say, but the 26-year-old actress looks no less impressive without a make-up than with him. Her radiant smile, ever-shining eyes give the girl even more charisma and attractiveness. Even in a home stretched T-shirt, shapeless jacket, without spectacular make-up and with something incomprehensible on the head of Margot Robbie, and feminine. This once again confirms that even without makeup, she will not go unnoticed on the street - her thick eyebrows, plump lips and gray-blue eyes radiate some kind of magnetism.

It is interesting that procedures aimed at improving skin texture help the actress to look well-groomed without make-up:

  • cleansing the skin, which she spends twice a week;
  • toning the skin by rubbing it with ice cubes;
  • application of face creams in accordance with the season (in winter - nourishing products, in summer - moisturizers with protection from the sun).

In addition, the skin of the face shines with well-groomed thanks to the star's proper nutrition, in the diet of which vitamins of groups B, E, C, and A are necessarily present. Although in one of her interviews the girl admitted that it is sometimes difficult for her to give up burgers, french fries and beer.

In addition, even without makeup, Margot Robbie looks bright, elegant. It is important here to choose clothes so as not to look like a gray inconspicuous mouse in it. And therefore, when the actress was a brunette and a brown-haired woman, she always went out in such stylish outfit that she always looked charming.

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The secret to the natural appeal of a Hollywood star

She starts each morning with light exercise to help her get in the mood for work. When free 10 minutes appear in the actress's diary, she tries to devote them to meditation. In her free time, Margot is engaged in surfing and hockey. And when choosing cosmetics, the girl prefers an organic line that takes care of her skin as efficiently as possible.

“The concept of a reference appearance changes every era. Each generation has its own beauty standards. Especially actively aesthetic guidelines replace each other in recent years in connection with the emergence of the media, TV, social networks. By the way, in our observations we start from the "beauty formula" of the golden section, which was formulated by Leonardo da Vinci: the distance between the inner corners of the eyes should be equal to the width of the optic fissure itself. To this day, plastic surgeons adhere to this rule of proportions.

So, let's take a closer look at the appearance of the main beauties of our days.

Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid's face is close to ideal in proportion and symmetry. It is no secret that the girl underwent several plastic surgeries - rhinoplasty, removal of Bisha's lumps for the relief of the cheekbones, and enlarged her lips and chin. Today she has a beautiful triangle of her face, the so-called V-shape. The proportionality is evidenced by the frontal region, the area of ​​the nose and chin, which are comparable in size. For you and me, this means one thing - such a person is considered proportional, and therefore attractive.

Doutzen Croesus

Doutzen Croesus is undoubtedly a very beautiful woman, but a plastic surgeon can see some of the nuances of her appearance. The Dutch model has a fairly wide contour of the oval of the face due to hypertrophy of the masticatory muscles, and this is a violation of proportionality and symmetry. However, sometimes such nuances do not spoil the appearance at all.

Irina Shayk

Irina Shayk is practically flawless - the parameters of her face are so perfect that even the upper lip, which should be thinner in proportion to the lower one, looks completely organic.

Margot Robbie

Margot Robbie is the most beautiful woman in Hollywood. However, a professional look can note a slight disharmony - a high forehead in relation to the middle and lower parts of the face. In the minds of most people, the upper, middle and third parts of the face should be equal - such a face will look proportional to us.

Tina Kunaki

Tina Kunaki's appearance is unique: high cheekbones, pronounced chin, proportional facial features. In my opinion, the European features and dark skin give a special appeal to her appearance.

Hailey baldwin

The most fashionable girl in the world - Hailey Baldwin is certainly beautiful, but there is one nuance that I still noticed - this is the width of the base of the wings of the nose and the very back of the nose. That is, if we are talking about ideal proportions, then the nose is narrow. Let's return to the golden ratio of Leonardo da Vinci, according to which the width of the base of the wings of the nose should be equal to the distance between the inner corners of the eyes. Our girl's nose is a little narrower, which does not look very proportional.

Amber Heard

But Amber Heard's appearance is absolutely unique. Harmonious, symmetrical - this is almost ideal in terms of proportions. It is no coincidence that today it is her face that is taken as the standard by all plastic surgeons in the world.

Summary: The most beautiful women in the world, as our rating shows, most often have a V-shaped face - this is a type of inverted triangle, where the chin and cheekbones are expressed. By the way, the peculiarity of our selection of stars is that almost all girls have rather low eyebrows. But there is a persistent misconception that "high eyebrows" are a sign of youth. What women do not do today: raise their eyebrows with botox, threads, etc. At the same time, the beauties from our rating have their eyebrows set low enough, which creates the effect of a languid look. "

Actress Margot Robbie conquered the world with her doll beauty. She is often compared to a Barbie doll for her regular facial features, a white-toothed smile, large expressive eyes and light, well-groomed curls. And how exactly does the actress take care of herself? About this in our article.

Margot Robbie became widely known after one of the main roles in the film "The Wolf of Wall Street". In it, viewers saw a spectacular blonde who was not shy about acting nude in an erotic scene, and her wardrobe consisted of tight-fitting dress in bright colors that revealed slender legs, shoulders and chest.

But the 29-year-old Margot spent her childhood in Australia on a farm, and at the age of 10 she knew how to chop wood and milk cows. The actress is familiar with physical work and sports since childhood: she played softball, went in for dancing and surfing. This has always helped her to maintain good physical shape, because Margot loves to eat deliciously. “I love beer, fries, burgers, but when I need to prepare myself to appear on the beach in a bikini, I eat carrot sticks for three days. But I don't like to regulate my diet. I become unhappy if I don't eat, ”she admitted in an interview.

Also, Margot believes that her diet helps to stay slim. She does not eat breakfast, drinks smoothies closer to 12 o'clock, and a couple of hours later she has a hearty lunch. The actress believes that if you actively move instead of breakfast, your metabolism accelerates.

As Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad, Margot wore a revealing outfit that showed off her figure. For this role, the actress had to monitor the diet and learn the basics of jiu-jitsu, and at the same time learn a couple of circus tricks. However, Margot's trapeze flights have been familiar since childhood, when she attended a circus school.

Harley Quinn's character, by analogy with Harlequin, has blond hair dyed in different colors: one tail is pink, the other is blue. After the film, many girls repeated her image for photo shoots or Halloween.

However, despite the fact that Margot is naturally blonde, she does not like that everyone perceives her as a stunning and narrow-minded blonde. After the outings of "The Wolf of Wall Street" she dyed her hair chocolate, retaining her natural beauty. The opinions of the fans were divided: someone believed that Margot was more going to be a brunette, others voted to return to a blonde.

In makeup, Margot Robbie also likes to experiment. With her correct facial features, different looks look equally good - from natural "nude" to neon, in the style of the 80s.

In ordinary life, the actress loves the emphasis on the eyes: her favorite style is smoky eyes, she highlights the contour of the eyelashes not only with black, but also with colored eyeliner. For vivid photos or going out, Margot can emphasize her lips with red lipstick, but most often she resorts to translucent gloss. Among her beauty favorites are NARS and Giorgio Armani, and her favorite mascara is Oscillation from Lancome.

Robbie has perfect skin, but it's not just genetics - the actress prefers Dr. Lancer and Australian Qi Beauty, Kora Organics and Aesop. Margot has a problem with bags under her eyes, which she copes with in one interesting way: she dips a spoon in cold tea and applies it to her eyes to cool the blood vessels and remove signs of fatigue. In general, tea plays a big role in the life of an actress. She loves to drink tea with milk and sugar - up to 10 cups a day!
Until recently, Margot did not wear perfume, preferring to put a drop of lavender oil on her wrist. She now uses Calvin Klein's Deep Euphoria fragrance, which she became her face in 2016.

The actress does not forget about it during travel and flights. But because of the annoying paparazzi, she has to put on makeup on the road, and wash it off on the plane. She is assisted in this by Johnson & Johnson wipes and Peter Thomas Roth Complexion Correction Pads.

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