Crispy fried onion. Crispy onions: uses and recipes. Crispy fried onions: an interesting snack recipe

home Did you know that fast food, so often criticized by everyone (it has already become fashionable), can also be homemade and tasty? We invite you to treat your family and guests to a quick and wonderful meal called “Danish hot dog”. Judging by experience, no one has ever refused this hearty snack. Especially when in nature, yes on fresh air

, and with a smoke - it just flies away!

Some features The cooking process itself and the composition of the components, which includes a Danish hot dog, are slightly different, but there are still some nuances. Some people think that the main thing is that this dish is famous for its crispy onions. However, for example, French and Danish hot dogs differ in their cooking technology. For the first one, take a grilled sausage and insert it inside a French roll heated using the same grill or toaster. We also add specially developed original sauces. For the second “fast”, first cut the bun with sesame seeds and put fried sausage and additives into it: ketchup, mustard, fried onion

(dried), pickled cucumber. An authentic Danish hot dog is made on the basis of Knakers or Medister sausages, as an option - sausages wrapped in bacon. So let's get started!


We will need: “French” sandwich buns (according to the number of servings), sausages (you can take “Viennese” - they are affordable and tasty, but if you want to get confused, then look for “Knakers” or “Medister”), 30 grams of mustard, but not too spicy, 100 grams of ordinary ketchup, a couple of onions, a few pickled cucumbers, breadcrumbs, a little milk, flour, spices - turmeric and ground paprika, black pepper, a little salt to taste. And for frying, we’ll take refined vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, olive, or a mixture).

We start with the crispy onions - let this be the distinctive component that gives this dish its own personality! Add 30 grams of sifted flour, a pinch of salt, a pinch of (black) and other spices to a convenient container. Mix all ingredients. Add a little milk and mix. Peel the onions and cut into half rings. Take a small portion of half rings and bread them in the resulting mixture. Heat the vegetable oil in a non-stick frying pan. until golden over medium heat. Place the resulting golden half rings on a napkin or paper towel to dry, remove any remaining fat and cool.


Sausages for a Danish hot dog, as mentioned above, can be taken, for example, from Vienna. However, for homemade According to a not too scrupulous recipe, any variety is suitable. The main thing is that they are natural, fresh and without a celluloid shell (otherwise it must be removed). If you want to do it according to all the rules, then look for the Knakers variety. Yes, and don’t forget to pre-fry this ingredient in a frying pan until golden brown. This is done in a well-heated frying pan in vegetable oil (you don’t need to spare it too much). We dip each sausage into boiling oil using special tongs - this is convenient - and periodically rotate along the axis. With the proper skills, the product browns very quickly on all sides. Then, using the same tongs, remove the sausage from the oil and remove excess fat using a kitchen towel or napkin.

Danish hot dog bun with sesame seeds

There is no particular point in preparing buns with your own hands, since they can be bought today in any supermarket, and the freshest. Each one must be cut lengthwise in the center, without cutting to the very end. In the hole of the uncut bun we put a cucumber, previously cut into long rings, and one browned sausage (by the way, for those who are afraid of excess fat: you can also use the boiled version). Season the Danish hot dog with mustard and ketchup to taste. And - the final chord - generously sprinkle with crispy, aromatic onions.

In principle, homemade fast food can be considered ready and served. If you are outdoors, you can use the grill option. Then fry the sausage on the grill, and heat the hot dog bun there. The rest of the recipe is the same as in the main version of the dish. This dish is very suitable for any picnic. Firstly, it is delicious, and secondly, it is prepared extremely quickly and simply. Bon appetit everyone!

Tsuntou Su (RTGS Hom Daeng Jieow), or Crispy onion, is an extremely popular seasoning in Taiwan and is no less popular in Thai cuisine. Crispy onions are especially good with braised pork, e.g., or with . This seasoning South-East Asia It is sold in stores, but any cook can prepare it on their own; there is nothing complicated here. You will receive both aromatic seasoning, which is perfectly stored in the refrigerator (naturally, in a closed jar), and no less aromatic oil in which the onions were fried.

Peel the onion and cut the onions first lengthwise, and then the resulting slices into 2-3 cm pieces (if the onions are very small, then just lengthwise).

Heat vegetable oil in a wok and fry the onion until golden brown. Fry, constantly watching, otherwise you will get “firebrands” instead of aromatic seasoning.

The finished onion should be immediately removed from the hot oil and the oil should be allowed to drain. It must be taken into account that even at this stage the onions may burn, because the oil does not cool down immediately.

The finished crispy fried onions can be stored in the refrigerator in a closed container or in a jar with a lid.

Onions are a product everyday use, we all know about him useful qualities, so we won’t focus on this. Everything is obvious. It’s better to pay attention to its correct and original preparation. Well-fried crispy onions are used to prepare many dishes. For example, ordinary boiled potatoes, sprinkled with a crispy product, can become a favorite dish on your table.

Many dishes are simply unthinkable without the use of crispy onions. It is widely used both in fast food and in the preparation of many gourmet dishes.

A well-fried onion until golden brown and crunchy will please everyone age categories. Let's look at how to fry onions so that they are crispy, tasty and healthy.

Crispy Fried Onions Recipe


  • onions – 250 g;
  • 5 tablespoons of flour;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

In the same way, you can prepare crispy onions in a slow cooker by selecting the baking mode. After frying, place the rings on a napkin so that it absorbs excess fat.

Rings of vegetables fried in flour can diversify the diet even of allergy sufferers whose bodies do not tolerate lactose and protein. This is due to the absence of eggs and milk among the ingredients. In addition, children will be able to indulge in such chips, which are much healthier for them than store-bought crackers of unknown origin.

In the oven and in breadcrumbs

Another recipe for making wonderful, golden and crispy rings in the oven. This dish can be served with beer, or as a side dish or main dish.


Cooking method:

  1. Preheat the oven, setting the temperature to 180 - 190 degrees.
  2. Peel and moisten the vegetable with water.
  3. Cut it into rings that are not thick, but not too thin.
  4. Divide them into rings.
  5. Prepare three small dishes for the flour, breadcrumbs and eggs.
  6. Beat eggs with salt and pepper.
  7. Pour flour and breadcrumbs into separate saucers.
  8. Prepare a baking sheet by greasing it or lining it with parchment paper.
  9. The prepared rings are first dipped in flour, then in eggs, followed by breadcrumbs.
  10. Place them on a baking sheet in one layer.
  11. Place in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes.
  12. Bake until golden brown.

Advice. Use only onions. And to make it crispy, be sure to preheat the frying pan, oven, or slow cooker. Choose large vegetables to make it easier to work with the dish.

Use in cooking

We notice the use of this product in cooking everywhere; In addition to its mass production by fast food companies, we often encounter it in stores where it is sold ready-made.

The advantages of this dish include the speed of its preparation, spicy taste and low calorie content. Its only drawback is that it causes discomfort during cleaning.

Crispy fried onions at home

In Asian cuisine, stir-fried vegetables are often used. If you like to delight your loved ones with exotic novelties from these countries, then you simply cannot do without the fried ingredient. It is clear that at the current pace of life it is not so easy to prepare culinary novelties.

You can save your time for cooking by making preparations at your leisure. Onion rings are no exception. They can be frozen either in ready-made batter or in the form of sliced ​​raw rings. The only thing is that they are crispy; you shouldn’t freeze them already fried.

Some tips on how to peel and cut vegetables:

There are many ways to help get rid of the smell of onions on your hands. One of them is to rub your hands with lemon. Then dry your hands well and apply liquid soap on dry skin. This will help get rid of the unpleasant odor.

Crispy onions in spices

It becomes clear that the use of fried vegetables in cooking is quite common. Many companies have managed to build successful business in its production, and chefs find new uses for it every day. What exactly to use crispy onions for and how to make them that way, the choice is always yours.

You can serve it as a main dish, as beer chips, use it as a condiment or simply add it as decoration, or fry, bake or dry it. Experiment with preparation and serving.

A selection of recipes for fried onions:

>> Onion fries


Onions - 3.5 kg, wheat flour - 60 g, vegetable oil or rendered animal fat - 150 g.

Cooking method:

The onion is cut into rings, breaded in flour and deep-fried for 1-1.5 minutes. Used as an additional side dish for meat and fish dishes.

A well-known food writer once told me that some publishers pressure writers to lie about fried onions at the beginning of recipes. As they say, “Fry the onions until they are soft.” These deceitful publishers, says my informant, tell authors that it will take two or three minutes, for fear that readers will tune out if they see such a mundane preliminary process taking longer. But any careful cook knows exactly what he's doing.

Two minutes after the onions began to sear, they were hot and somewhat pliable, but they still seemed raw. After four minutes, most were pliable but still crisp, the sharp edge of the flavor gone but still tasting essentially raw. After six minutes, the crunch became eerie and there was softness in the details; aroma, still spicy. Eight minutes: The onions can be called al dente and begin to cook. Only after 10 minutes they were really truly soft, felt beautiful and became sweet.

>> Onion rings in batter


Onions (large) - 4 pcs., egg - 2 pcs., water - 2 tbsp. l., flour -1 glass, lemon - 1 pc., vegetable oil - 50g

Cooking method:

Peel the onion and cut into rings. Beat eggs, add salt, add flour and water, stir.

After about 15 minutes they were a tangled, slightly sticky, amber mess, ready to receive whatever building was meant for their sweet foundation. Or seasoned and served as a condiment. Of course, there are other ways to fry onions. If you want them to stain as they soften, use high heat and stir constantly. Things will go faster if you use a thin, cheap panorama, but then you'll end up with a lot of charring.

The cruelty of these publishers and the detailed examination of several dozen cookbooks led me to formulate the onion test for determining quality in recipe writing. If a recipe says you can soften the onions in two to three minutes, be suspicious. If the time is not specified, the author is cowardly, lazy, or something worse. If you see the words “10 minutes” in the first paragraph, you know you're in good hands.

>> Fried onions


Onions - 250 g, flour - 60 g, fat (for deep frying) - 150 g.

Method of preparation: Sprinkle the onion, cut into rings, with flour and fry in very hot fat (deep fat) for 5-7 minutes until it turns golden. Serve it as a side dish, especially with fried meat. When serving, heat the fried onions in oil in oven or on the stove.

They are surprisingly difficult to make. They take time to slowly brown and caramelize. It's easy to burn them and easy to remove them from the oven before they actually do so. So we spoke with senior associate food editor Claire Saffitz in the test kitchen to find out the common mistakes people make when they try to make this deeply flavored concoction.

Thinly sliced ​​onions will burn faster and stick to the bottom of the pan. You definitely want the oil flavor in the onions, but the oil tends to burn. For insurance, use a combination of oil and oil that has more high temperature smoking. Depending on the consistency you want the onions, you can use more or less fat. Simply cover the bottom of your pan for jammy, soft caramelized onions, or add a little more for more textured, lightly charred caramelized onions.

Cooking method:

Cut the onion into thin slices, then separate them into rings and fry in a frying pan with butter in heated fat with the addition of sliced ​​fresh carrots, stirring all the time until the onion acquires a golden hue. Remove the finished dish with a slotted spoon to a sieve or colander and add salt. You can also fry diced bell peppers with onions and carrots. Eat it like this or serve it as a side dish for fried meat. It is believed that fried onions and carrots are a wonderful flavor combination.

You will eat well, and together we will take one step towards saving our generous planet. Use a mandoline or food processor to thinly slice the onion, then set aside in a bowl. Heat coconut oil in a small saucepan. Use a pot that is small enough for you to have at least 2 coconut oil. The oil should sizzle when you pour water on it, but don't smoke. Using a fork, drop some of the onion into the oil. Don't overload the pot with onions. The onion should begin to sizzle. Let the onions cook until they begin to brown. Remove from oil with a fork and place on a lined paper towel. Salt immediately. Repeat steps 5-7 with remaining onions.

  • Pour the milk over the onions until they are completely submerged.
  • Let sit for 20 minutes.
  • Using a fork, scoop the onion and dredge into the flour.
  • Shake out the excess flour and repeat with all the onions.
  • If flour falls off the onion, it will likely burn in the oil.
  • If the oil is burning, you need to toss it and start with fresh oil.
Crispy fried onions or birch bark are a basic onion-free preparation made for many Bangladeshi, Indian and Mediterranean dishes.

>> Fried leeks with apples


Apples - 500 g, leeks - 500 g, vegetable oil - 100 g, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

Wash the apples, remove the core, cut into slices and fry in vegetable oil. Wash the leeks, cut into thin rings, and sauté in vegetable oil. Combine everything, add a little salt and mix. Can be served with meat or fish.

Cooking birch bark or caramelizing onions to the point where the thinly sliced ​​onions are crisp is usually the first step in many vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. Thinly sliced ​​crispy fried onions are nicely flavorful and add crunch and flavor to the recipe. Dishes prepared from birch bark acquire an aromatic, sweet and smoky taste. Birch bark is often used as a garnish for biryani, pilaf, rice, meat and vegetarian recipes.

Therefore, it is much easier to make fried onions in bulk and store them in the refrigerator or freezer. However, none of these brands are as pure as the ones you make at home. Almost all have flour added to the onions, resulting in less aromatic berereta.

>> W imny salad with fried onions

>> Fried green onions in Indian

Instant Hot Green Hot Side Dish Recipe Stir-Fried Spring Onions from book Indian Food Made Easy by Anjum Anand.

Cool the birch bark completely before transferring the fried onions to a covered jar or zip-top plastic bag. Slow frying will make the onions very sweet and smoky. Stir the onions constantly on the stove to avoid burning. Stir the onions gently as they fry to evenly color them.

Crispy Fried Onions Recipe

Ingredients: 4 cups onion, finely chopped 1 cup oil or melted butter. Drain the onion slices. Microwave onions for 4 minutes. Remove bowl from microwave and stir onions. Cook for another 4 minutes microwave oven. Then cook the onions for 2-5 minutes and stir between intervals. When the onions begin to color, reduce the cooking time to 1-minute intervals until you have a crisp, evenly colored berresta. Transfer the onions to a paper towel to absorb any additional oil.


1/2 tsp. cumin, 1/2 tsp. turmeric, 1 tsp. ground coriander, a pinch of chili pepper; vegetable oil, a bunch of green onions, salt.

Cooking method:

Wash and chop the green onions (both white and green parts). Mix spices, heat oil in a frying pan. Place spices in a frying pan and stir. Place green onions in a frying pan and fry for 1 minute, stirring. Remove from heat, add salt. Can be served with fried fish and rice.

A selection of recipes for fried onions

Be sure to stir the onions after each cooking interval to avoid burning. Crispy onions are widely used in countless dishes in the kitchen. It has an intense and slightly sweet taste that adds a special touch to dishes as it contrasts with other ingredients, enhancing the taste of the preparations in which it is found.

How to make crispy onions?

It can be with any of these 3 flours, but the one that gives the best results is rice flour. Chop the onion into small cubes or thin strips as you like and place them in a container with a lid. Add rice flour and a pinch of salt, cover the container and stir well until the onions are coated with a thin layer of flour.

>> Pie “Onion”

Dough: 800 g flour, 30 g yeast, 2 cups water, 1/4 tsp. salt. Filling: 8 onions, 3/4 cup vegetable oil, 1/2 tsp. salt.
Cooking method:
Knead the dough from flour, water, yeast and salt. Let him come. Roll out the flatbreads thinly and bake. Top the flatbreads with finely chopped onion and fried in vegetable oil; bake everything in the oven.

Put a lot of oil to fry, make sure it is very hot and fry the onions in small batches, mix well with a spoon so they don't stick. You have to keep in mind that once the onions are fried in a matter of seconds, they can be completely burned, so be careful to get the gold on your own, but don't burn.

Once golden brown, transfer them to absorbent paper to remove excess fat. Once you have everything ready, let it cool and taste as you prefer, the truth is that they are divine, be careful that you risk eating them alone without even using them in any dish, how rich they are. You have the option that if you don't use them at all, you can store them in an airtight container where they can last a couple of weeks in great condition.

P.S. This is interesting:

> The Spaniards (in Catalonia) have a national dish - leeks baked on coals, and the ceremony of eating this dish is called “calçotada”.

>French onion soup uses caramelized onions.

> Another wonderful type of onion is sold in Sweden and France - crispy dried fried onions. They can be sprinkled on mashed potatoes, salads, added to soup, sandwiches, and so on. In Sweden it is called " rostad lok»


Crispy fried onions will be an excellent addition to many dishes and add some zest to their taste. This onion can be added to various salads and mashed potatoes. Fried onions can perfectly complement meat chops and everyone's favorite hamburgers. Even experienced chefs of cafes and restaurants do not forget about this recipe, constantly practicing it in culinary delights. Beginning housewives can also experiment with cooking fried onions and supplement their first culinary experiments with them.

  1. Onions - 2 pcs.
  2. Vegetable oil - 200 ml.
  3. Salt - 1 tsp.
  4. Flour - 2 tbsp.

Steps to prepare crispy fried onions:

Step #1: chop the onion

Let's start cooking. Take the onion and cut it in half lengthwise. Then we divide each half again into two equal parts, in the longitudinal direction. Now we cut the onion pieces crosswise the way I do it. Now we will do the same manipulations with the second onion. Look, in the end we should get these thin quarter-rings, which are the basis of the recipe.

Step No. 2: salt the chopped onion

Remove the chopped onion from the cutting board and transfer it to a separate clean container. Now add salt and cover the container tightly. Let's take our container in our hands and shake it well. Our task is to ensure that the salt is distributed evenly. Leave the dishes with the onions for a couple of minutes. During this time, the salt will be absorbed and the onion will release juice. We will see later that with the presence of juice, the flour sticks to the onion better.

Step #3: bread the onions

When the onion is saturated with salt and releases juice, we open the lid. Take the flour and pour it into the container with the onions. Now let's put the lid back on the bowl and shake it. At this stage, this is necessary so that the flour is evenly distributed inside the container and sticks to the onion quarter rings. Look what we got. Thanks to the released juice, the flour adhered well to the onion. In our case, flour plays the role of a standard breading.

Step #4: prepare and heat the oil

Place the saucepan on the stove and pour the vegetable into it. We use so much oil so that it covers the bottom of the pan and allows the onions to float in it as they cook.

Step #5: Remove excess flour from onion

So, our onion is almost ready to fry in a pan. There's just one final touch left. Pour the onion quarters into a sieve. Now, over the free container, we begin to gently shake our sieve in such a way as to remove excess flour.

Step #6: start frying the onions

The vegetable oil in the pan is hot enough, and we pour some of the onion into it. Make sure there is no excess flour left in the onion, otherwise it will burn in the oil. To prevent the onion from burning, do not forget to constantly stir it with a spatula. how gradually our onion acquires a beautiful golden hue. We now need to achieve such a result that the onion quarter rings are covered on all sides with an even golden crust. It is very important not to overdo it here, otherwise we will end up with an unpleasant taste and smell of burnt onions. Remember that the golden mean is literally important here. The golden hue should not be too dark, but at the same time, the onion should be fried on all sides. So, when the result is achieved, remove our fried onion from the pan and spread it evenly on a paper towel. After some time, the onion will cool down and the excess oil will be absorbed into the paper.

Step No. 7: transfer the cooled onions into a cup

Let's get back to the rest of the bow. Pour it into a pan with hot oil and also stir constantly with a spatula. Meanwhile, our onion has already cooled down, and the excess oil has been absorbed into the paper towel. Let's put it in a separate clean container. This is how we got a beautiful onion. In principle, it is already ready for use.

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