Literary encyclopedia - interlude. Meaning of the word sideshow



Sideshow INTERMEDIA - comic scenes inserted between the actions of the main play. Through I., also called interludes (from the Latin word ludus - game), in the Middle Ages the secular principle penetrates into the mystery, gradually decomposing the plot of spiritual drama into an accusatory and buffoonish genre. Later, such disparate scenes are even combined into small comedic plays performed between the actions of a drama or opera. I. knew already in and the Russian school drama of the Kyiv Theological Academy, where they were called “amusing games thrown between them.” But they became especially widespread as a theatrical and literary genre in Russia in the 18th century, after a troupe of Italian comedians under the direction of Avolius visited St. Petersburg in 1733-1735, giving performances at the court of Anna Ioannovna (the public theater did not yet exist). “Their repertoire,” says P. O. Morozov in his History of the Russian Theater, “consisted of funny comedies and dramas, which the empress liked extremely, because they usually ended in a brawl and blows with a stick.” In Russian. Tredyakovsky translated them. For the empress herself, the libretto was compiled by Academician Shtelin in German. In the genre of I. there were scenes in the nature of commedia dell’ arte. In the “Notes on Vedomosti” of 1738, the following explanation is given for the appearance of I. in Italy: “To the local residents, who are always trying only for new fun, a perfect (serious - E.B.) opera seemed to be extremely important. It was necessary to invent something so that the caretakers, who are brought into a special feeling by imagined passions, could be somewhat calmed during the action itself and, during important reflections, be amused with some jokes. It was impossible to mix it into the opera itself without detracting from its beauty. For this reason, they invented a new performance, which is not at all suitable for an opera, but has a particularly cheerful content and can sometimes be divided into two, and sometimes into three parts. In such performances, usually only two people appear, namely buffo and buffa, who present some funny event with arias and recitatives and through this, both the caretakers and the opera players are given time to calm down from important performances. The genre of acting was most widely developed by English theater. “The word is interlude,” says Al. Veselovsky, - early became in England something like a synonym for drama in general; in privileges issued in different time traveling troupes of actors, as well as in the prohibitions often imposed on their craft, I. is referred to as a special kind of dramatic, namely secular works. At the court of Henry VII there was a whole troupe of actors who devoted themselves to performing only interludes; their distinctive name was "The players of interludes". In the patent given to Shakespeare and his companions in 1603, I. are still mentioned along with comedies, tragedies and “histories”. From the authors of ancient English I. XVI century. famous John Gaywood (q.v.). Currently, I. are called inserted scenes between acts of the main play (for example, I. in the production of Gozzi’s play “Princess Turandot” at the Moscow Vakhtangov Theater) or even during the course of the play itself in its text (for example, I.-pastoral “Confession” shepherdesses" in Tchaikovsky's opera "The Queen of Spades" or a harlequinade in Leoncovallo's opera "Pagliacci"). Bibliography:
Pekarsky P.P., History of the Academy of Sciences, vol. I, 1870, and vol. II, 1873; Veselovsky Al., Ancient theater in Europe, 1870; Morozov P. O., History of the Russian Theater, 1889; Sipovsky V.V., Italian Theater in St. Petersburg under Anna Ioannovna, “Russian Antiquity”, 1900; Peretz V.N., Italian interlude of the 1730s. in poetic translation; His, Italian comedies and interludes, presented at the court of Anna Ioannovna in 1733-1735.

Literary encyclopedia. - At 11 t.; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Fritsche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .


INTERMEDIA(interlude, entremeses in the old Spanish theater, “amusing games thrown in between” - in old Russian) comic scenes, sometimes a one-act comic opera, ballet, pantomime, or musical numbers inserted between the actions of the main play of the performance. The appearance of I. dates back to the Middle Ages, when in Europe it became a custom in the intervals between acts of a serious spiritual or historical drama, in order to provide the audience with relaxation and entertainment, to play humorous scenes in the style of farces. I.'s characters were representatives of the city or village street crowd (peasants, soldiers, artisans, etc.). I. were also called interludes (from the Latin word ludus game). In the 16th century in England, an independent dramatic type developed from I. - such are the interludes of D. Heywood, which represent the external expression of the real-life element in the ancient English theater and marked the beginning of folk comedy. Both in old Spanish, and especially in the Italian “professional comedy” (commedia dell'arte), I. is an obligatory part of the performance. As is known, Moliere also willingly inserted I. into his comedies, which was generally in the tradition of the then European theater. In spiritual drama of the 16th century, which makes up the usual repertoire of the southern Russian theater, I. were created under the influence of Poland. Under Alexei Mikhailovich, Gregory’s repertoire was also richly equipped with I. The constant character of Russian I. of the 17th-18th centuries are “foolish persons”, descending from The English Pickelgering tradition was generally the most influential for Russian I. Their performers performed not only acrobatic exercises and purely clown acts, but were also a kind of coupletists. Their I., written in rhymed prose, were distinguished by a very frank and often cynical content. , but, at the same time, they were the only response to everyday, and sometimes to political, issues of the day. The jokes of the “stupid characters” in I. had a purely folk tone and this distinguished I. from the endless series of poorly translated tragedies and comedies, alien to the understanding of the audience of the old Russian theater. I. is an obligatory part of the repertoire and theater of the era of Peter V. (in general, before the appearance of the Sumarokovsky drama).

About I. in the Middle Ages, see A. Veselovsky>>. "Ancient Theater in Europe". M. 1870; about I. in Russia: B.V. Warneke. “History of the Russian Theater” and in the articles by V. I. Ryazanov, V. V. Gengross and S. S. Ignatov in “The History of the Russian Theater”, Edited by V. V. Kallash and N. E. Efros. M. 1914

Yu. Sobolev. Literary Encyclopedia: Dictionary literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925


See what "Interlude" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Latin intermedium, intermediate, located between parts). A small theatrical performance between two acts. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. INTERMEDIA [lat. intermedius located... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Riturnelle, miniature, play Dictionary of Russian synonyms. interlude noun, number of synonyms: 5 intermezzo (2) ... Synonym dictionary

    - [te], interludes, female. (Italian intermedio) (theatre, lit.). A short comic play, usually performed between two acts of a dramatic performance. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - [te], and, female. A comic play performed between acts of a dramatic performance. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Female, lat. a small spectacular (theatrical) work written for performance in the middle of other two spectacles; it either serves as an introduction to another performance, or relates to the celebration being celebrated, etc. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Interlude, or intermezzo (Intermedio, intermezzo) is a small musical piece in a simple knee form, mostly of a cheerful nature. I. is often placed between plays written in a more extensive form and of a more serious nature. AND.… … Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Sideshow- INTERMEDIA (interlude, entremeses in the old Spanish theater, “amusing games thrown between them” in ancient Russian) comic scenes, sometimes a one-act comic opera, ballet, pantomime, or musical numbers inserted between actions... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    interlude- interlude. Pronounced [interlude]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    Sideshow- (from the Latin intermedius located in the middle), 1) not directly related to the plot of a theatrical performance (mystery, tragedy, comedy, opera, etc.) a short, usually comic, sketch or play with singing and dancing, performed ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    interlude- [te], and, f. 1) A small comic play or scene performed between acts of the main play. Play a sideshow. 2) music An intermediate, connecting episode between various works of a theme in a fugue. Etymology: From Italian intermedio (←… … Popular dictionary of the Russian language

Have you ever seen Tchaikovsky’s opera “The Queen of Spades” in the theater or on TV? If yes, then you probably remember the third scene of the opera Reception in a rich St. Petersburg house. The most notable and distinguished guests are expected. Among the guests are the main characters of the opera: the Countess with her granddaughter Lisa, Lisa’s fiancé Yeletsky, Herman. The action of the opera develops, some events directly related to it occur, and suddenly... “The owner asks his dear guests to listen to the pastoral under the title “Sincerity” shepherdesses,” you hear. And a charming pastoral begins, a kind of play within a play: the charming shepherdess rejects the rich man Zlatogor for the sake of her sweet friend, the shepherdess Milovzor. The pastoral, an elegant scene in the style of the 18th century, the characters of which are perceived as animated porcelain figurines, stops the main action of the opera and temporarily distracts from it. The more intense it will unfold in the following films. This is an interlude (the Latin word “intermedia” means located in the middle), that is, an insert play performed during a break in the main theatrical performance.
Once upon a time, such interludes were widespread in both drama and opera theaters. An entire genre arose from interludes - comic opera, which was initially not staged independently, but was performed during intermissions between the acts of a serious performance, the so-called opera seria. The word interlude has another meaning. This is the name of the part of a polyphonic piece - a fugue - between two adjacent themes. This meaning is close in meaning to another term: interlude (in Latin inter - between, ludus - game), which is also called a musical excerpt or a small piece, which is a kind of connection between two parts of a larger work.
Another related term is intermezzo, which comes from the Italian intermezzo - pause, intermission. This is the name of a play of intermediate significance, located in cyclic - multi-part - works between other, more significant ones. Her role is to set off their character and mood. Sometimes composers give the name intermezzo to independent plays that are not very significant in content.

View value Sideshow in other dictionaries

Sideshow- and. lat. a small spectacular (theatrical) work written for performance in the middle of other two spectacles; it either serves as an introduction to another presentation, or........
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Sideshow- (te), interludes, w. (Italian intermedio) (theatre, lit.). A short comic play, usually performed between two acts of a dramatic performance.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Interlude J.- 1. An independent skit (usually of a comic nature), performed between actions or in the middle of the action of a drama, opera, etc. // A short comic scene played out........
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Sideshow- [te], -i; and. [from lat. intermedius - middle, located in the middle]
1. A performance, usually of a comedic nature, performed between the acts of a play.
2. Small plug-in........
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Sideshow- - small, for the most part comic in nature, the play is performed between the acts of a dramatic play, often including musical and ballet numbers.
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Have you ever seen Tchaikovsky’s opera “The Queen of Spades” in the theater or on TV? If yes, then you probably remember the third scene of the opera Reception in a rich St. Petersburg house. The most notable and distinguished guests are expected. Among the guests are the main characters of the opera: the Countess with her granddaughter Liza, Liza’s fiancé Yeletsky, Herman. The action of the opera develops, some events directly related to it occur, and suddenly... “The owner asks his dear guests to listen to the pastoral under the title “ The sincerity of a shepherdess,” you hear. And a charming pastoral begins, a kind of play within a play: the charming shepherdess rejects the rich man Zlatogor for the sake of her sweet friend, the shepherdess Milovzor. The pastoral, an elegant scene in the style of the 18th century, the characters of which are perceived as animated porcelain figurines, stops the main action of the opera and temporarily distracts from it.

The more intense it will unfold in the following films. This is an interlude (the Latin word “intermedia” means located in the middle), that is, an insert play performed during a break in the main theatrical performance. Once upon a time, such interludes were widespread in both drama and opera theaters. From interludes a whole genre arose - comic opera, which was initially not staged independently, but was performed during intermissions between the actions of a serious performance, the so-called opera seria. The word interlude has another meaning. This is the name of the part of a polyphonic piece - a fugue - between two adjacent themes. This meaning is close in meaning to another term: interlude (in Latin inter - between, ludus - game), which is also called a musical excerpt or a small piece, which is a kind of connection between two parts of a larger work. Another related term is intermezzo, which comes from the Italian intermezzo - pause, intermission. This is the name of a play of intermediate significance, located in cyclic - multi-part - works between other, more significant ones. Her role is to set off their character and mood. Sometimes composers give the name intermezzo to independent plays that are not very significant in content.. 1990 .


Creative portraits of composers. - M.: Music

    - (Latin intermedium, intermediate, located between parts). A small theatrical performance between two acts. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. INTERMEDIA [lat. intermedius located... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Comic scenes inserted between the actions of the main play. Through I., also called interludes (from the Latin word ludus game), in the Middle Ages the secular principle penetrates into the mystery, gradually decomposing the plot of the spiritual drama... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Riturnelle, miniature, play Dictionary of Russian synonyms. interlude noun, number of synonyms: 5 intermezzo (2) ... Synonym dictionary

    - [te], interludes, female. (Italian intermedio) (theatre, lit.). A short comic play, usually performed between two acts of a dramatic performance. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - [te], and, female. A comic play performed between acts of a dramatic performance. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Female, lat. a small spectacular (theatrical) work written for performance in the middle of other two spectacles; it either serves as an introduction to another performance, or relates to the celebration being celebrated, etc. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Interlude, or intermezzo (Intermedio, intermezzo) is a small musical piece in a simple knee form, mostly of a cheerful nature. I. is often placed between plays written in a more extensive form and of a more serious nature. AND.… … Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Sideshow- INTERMEDIA (interlude, entremeses in the old Spanish theater, “amusing games thrown between them” in ancient Russian) comic scenes, sometimes a one-act comic opera, ballet, pantomime, or musical numbers inserted between actions... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    interlude- interlude. Pronounced [interlude]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    Sideshow- (from the Latin intermedius located in the middle), 1) not directly related to the plot of a theatrical performance (mystery, tragedy, comedy, opera, etc.) a short, usually comic, sketch or play with singing and dancing, performed ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    interlude- [te], and, f. 1) A small comic play or scene performed between acts of the main play. Play a sideshow. 2) music An intermediate, connecting episode between various works of a theme in a fugue. Etymology: From Italian intermedio (←… … Popular dictionary of the Russian language


  • Book of Songs, Heinrich Heine. St. Petersburg, 1893. Book publishing house Hermann Goppe. Illustrated edition. Drawings by P. Tuman. Owner's binding. The condition is good. The central work in the work...

→ → INTERMEDIA in the Dictionary of Foreign Words of the Russian Language




(Latin intermedium, intermediate, located between parts). A small theatrical performance between two acts.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N.,


[lat. intermedius - located in the middle] - theater. a small play, a sketch of comic content, performed between two acts of a dramatic performance.

Dictionary of foreign words. - Komlev N.G.,


lat. intermedium, intermediate, located between parts. A small theatrical performance between two acts.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D.,


1) a short lively theatrical piece played between two large ones; 2) break, interval.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F.,


1) interaction, small music. play of light content, performed. in the intervals between two large works and accompanied by singing or dancing, 2) a small theatrical play, cheerful in content, performed between two parts of the main performance.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M.,


[te], interludes, w. [it. intermedio] (theatre, lit.). A short comic play, usually performed between two acts of a dramatic performance.

Large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing house "IDDK",


(te), and, f. (Italian intermedio Latin intemedius located in the middle).

1. A short comic play performed between the acts of the play.

2. A short insert piece performed between acts in an opera.

|| Wed. intermission, interlude, intermezzo.

3. music A connecting episode that prepares the next theme in the fugue.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language,

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