The company has established itself as a reliable partner. Letter of recommendation: sample for a company

The recruitment process is not an easy task: there is always a chance to hire a citizen who does not actually have the professional and business qualities that were declared by him at the preliminary interview. In turn, documentary evidence of previous professional merits and achievements is no less important for the applicant. In practice, these goals have long been successfully served by a document that does not have any legal significance, but allows you to get an idea about the applicant - a letter of recommendation. Letters of recommendation are also drawn up in the field production activities companies - as positive characteristic partner organization under an executed civil law contract.

Recommendation, or letter of recommendation - a written notice of the professional and personal qualities of a citizen as an employee, compiled by an employer for whom this citizen worked for some time, and addressed either to a specific new employer or to an indefinite circle of persons.

A variety of letters of recommendation - recommendations for an organization that has provided a service or performed work under a civil law contract. In such a letter, the customer company characterizes the performing company, gives arguments to other organizations in favor of cooperation with the characterized company.

As a thank you for positive experience cooperation, the contracting authority can provide recommendations to the implementing organization, which, in turn, will contribute to the successful continuation of the business of the latter

It should be remembered that a letter of recommendation is a document that does not have legal force: the fact of receiving such a letter does not oblige the addressee to anything. In accordance with its title, this document is advisory and characterizing. In this regard, quite naturally, the question arises about the differences between a letter of recommendation and a characteristic.

Differences from characteristics

At first glance, the types of documentation under consideration may seem absolutely identical. However, there are still some differences between them:

  1. A characteristic can contain both a positive and a negative assessment of the object being characterized. In the meantime, the nature of the recommendation suggests that such a document be drawn up only in cases where the object can be presented exclusively in a favorable light.
  2. letter of recommendation only applies to external documents. The characteristic is used both as an internal document of the organization (for example, a characteristic for an employee compiled for his certification), and a document for external use (provided to other organizations).
  3. The characteristic may contain only biographical data and information about the professional qualities of the employee, while the recommendation must include information about achievements, strengths worker. In a letter of recommendation, it would be useful to give arguments for the addressee in favor of cooperation with the characterized subject.

How to write and format

The business style of presentation implies the absence in the text grammatical errors and typos, lack of emotional coloring of the text, standardization of presentation and the use of language formulas, conciseness, unambiguity and uniformity of wording, the use of professional vocabulary and generally accepted abbreviations, etc.

The letter is written on the letterhead of the company. The main details of the recommendation:

  • in the upper right corner - the addressee (if there is awareness of him at the time of drafting the document);
  • in the center - the name of the type of document - a letter of recommendation;
  • by the width of the document in its central part - the main text of the document;
  • below in one line - the name of the position of the person who signed the document, signature, full name;
  • the date of the document is most often affixed during its registration in the upper left corner, however, it will not be a mistake to indicate the date on the left, below the name of the position of the person signing the letter;
  • in the lower left corner, according to the rules of some organizations, the name of the performer, contact phone number, case number in which a copy of the document will be filed, and the date of its compilation are indicated in small print.

The main text of the document when compiling it for the employee should contain:

  • biographical data - place of education, information about previous employment;
  • information about work in the organization that compiled the letter of recommendation - positions held, duties performed, successes and achievements;
  • information about the reasons for dismissal (optional);
  • direct recommendations - arguments in favor of the fact that the person being characterized can successfully perform work in a particular profession or specialty, the wishes of the recommender former employee and his future employer.
  • information about the form and duration of their own cooperation with the characterized company;
  • own assessment of the professionalism of the employees of the partner company, the quality of the services provided or the work performed, the ratio of cost and quality of the product obtained as a result of cooperation;
  • direct recommendations - arguments for the addressee in favor of cooperation with the characterized company, etc.

Sample letter for an employee

A letter of recommendation is an official form of assistance to a well-established resigning employee or partner company in their future employment or economic activity respectively. A letter of recommendation does not oblige either the author, or the addressee, or the characterized subject. However, it is likely that such a letter will become a decisive argument in making a good decision for an organization that is staffing or looking for a reliable counterparty.

A letter of recommendation to an employee is drawn up on the letterhead of the employing company and, as a rule, is signed by the immediate supervisor (less often, the head of the entire organization). Exactly personal supervisor has the opportunity to give an objective assessment of the labor qualities of his subordinate, to talk about his positive and negative aspects in his work.

In Russia, a letter of recommendation from an employer is not a mandatory document for employment. Also, in no case can it be regarded as a guarantee of approval of one's candidacy: a letter of recommendation only confirms the personal qualities that the applicant indicated in his resume, thereby providing additional chances for success. Also, this document makes it clear that upon dismissal, the employee left a good impression of himself, leaving without scandals and any squabbles.

Evaluating all candidates for a vacant position, the management of the new company cannot but pay attention to the applicant who is ready to provide letters of recommendation from all previous jobs. Such a person will be characterized as a non-conflicting, but at the same time, purposeful person who does not hesitate to ask management to evaluate him. professional quality on paper.

This document does not require certification in the generally accepted sense: in order for it to have legal force, it is enough to print it on the letterhead of the organization and sign it with an authorized person. It is also desirable to put a seal. If the organization does not have a form, then at the top of the sheet you need to indicate the name of the company and registration information (as a rule, PSRN, TIN / KPP, location). You can add bank details, but this is not required.

In order to dispel all doubts of the future employer regarding the validity of the letter of recommendation, it is advisable to indicate in the document the current contact details of the signatory.

The main purpose of letters of recommendation is to favorable impression for future leadership. Write in resume great amount many candidates can have their positive qualities, but confirming them is not an easy task. Letters of recommendation can convince the employer to accept the applicant at least for a trial period.

When compiling this document, it is best to adhere to the style business letter: do not use jargon, "philistine" expressions.

Describing the professional qualities of an employee, you can indicate that he:

  • possesses certain skills (for example, owns a certain sales technique);
  • completed additional training (attended seminars, trainings), has confirming diplomas and certificates;
  • has work experience in this position;
  • successfully conducts presentations and negotiations;
  • developed its own system for the implementation of plans;
  • systematically showed excellent planned indicators;
  • competently analyzes the market of consumption and production;
  • Submit completed assignments and projects on time.

Personal qualities should be directly related to the character of the applicant:

  • initiative;
  • hardworking;
  • punctual;
  • conscientious;
  • independent (or, on the contrary, executive - depending on the desired position);
  • easy to train (if the vacancy does not require work experience in this specialty);
  • pedantic;
  • responsible.

Expressions should be avoided: “cheerful”, “sociable”, “with a good sense of humor”, “decent family man”, etc. Such phrases are completely inappropriate in a letter of recommendation, in which it is important to reflect the qualities that will be useful in the job.

Letter #1: LLC is our partner in [field of activity]. During the cooperation "" confirmed its high professional status, competence and activity in solving the tasks. All works are carried out on time, within strictly stipulated terms and with proper quality. Employees of the company competently cope with their duties.

We are satisfied with the work "" and are ready to recommend this company as a reliable and responsible partner.

Petr Petrov

Letter #2:

Firm "" while working in 2013 year on LLC "New Solutions" carried out the work of [name of work] and established itself as an executive, highly qualified organization.

The work was carried out with high quality and on time. There were no complaints against the company during the period of work.

Petr Petrov

Letter #3: LLC is a partner LLC "New Solutions" during 5 years. For such a long time "" proved to be a reliable and stable partner, providing a flexible approach to the needs of the Customer, high efficiency and reliability, never missing deadlines. I recommend "" as a reliable supplier and conscientious partner.

Petr Petrov

Letter #4:

I hereby confirm that LLC has experience of cooperation with LLC "New Solutions" in the field [field of activity]. During the cooperation, the company's employees have shown high professionalism, creativity and efficiency in fulfilling the tasks.

We confirm that the services LLC correspond to a highly professional profile.

Petr Petrov

Letter #5:

Our cooperation with the company "" continues from 2010 of the year. During this period the company LLC has established itself as a sustainable enterprise and a reliable business partner. Due to the main principle of the company's work - the formation of partnerships with customers based on mutual cooperation and professionalism, it occupies, in our opinion, a stable position in the field [field of activity].

Petr Petrov

Letter #6:

By this letter, the company "New Solutions" reports that during the cooperation with LLC this company has managed to establish itself as a professional and reliable partner. hallmark work "" is the efficiency and high organization of the employees of the organization, the willingness to quickly respond to circumstances.

Based on the above, the company "New Solutions" I would like to note the high potential of the company "", focus on further successful development and prosperity.

Petr Petrov

Letter #7:

For the period of work with LLC employees of the enterprise have proven themselves on the positive side. Their work meets the given level, is performed qualitatively and strictly on time. I would like to note the efficient work of specialists and the efficiency of completing tasks, attentive attitude to the Customer.

Petr Petrov

Letter #8:

By this letter, we LLC "New Solutions", we confirm that LLC is our reliable and long-term partner. LLC actively and successfully working with 2008 year, providing a full range of services. During this period, we were provided with services at a good professional level. Professionalism of specialists "" ensures the high quality of the services provided.

Based on the above, "New Solutions" characterizes LLC as a professional and reliable partner in the field of [field of activity] services.

Petr Petrov

Letter #9: LLC, being a supplier of [equipment] for LLC "New Solutions" has established itself as a reliable supplier that fulfills its contractual obligations on time, with good quality.

The volume of supplies for the period [date] exceeded [amount] RUB.

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