When Hitler and Napoleon were born. Hitler - Napoleon. Who are they? Strange coincidences of biographies

home Napoleon III (Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte)

was born in Paris on April 20, 1808 and was the nephew of Napoleon I. Since 1815, he was forced to leave his homeland along with the other Bonapartes. After the death of his son Napoleon I, he was considered the legitimate contender for the French throne. Twice Napoleon tried to seize power in France, but was imprisoned in the fortress of Gam. He managed to escape from prison and go to England. In 1848 after February revolution

Napoleon returned to the country and achieved his election as President of France. Four years later, on December 2, 1852, as a result of a military coup, he proclaimed himself Emperor Napoleon III.

The newly-crowned emperor acted in the interests of the big bourgeoisie, while simultaneously flirting with the working population (a policy of maneuvering characteristic of Bonapartism). Conducted moderate liberal reforms. In foreign policy he waged wars of conquest against Austria, Indochina, Syria and Mexico, but they were unsuccessful. The empire was on the verge of collapse. During Franco-Prussian War

On September 2, 1870, at Sedan, Napoleon III surrendered to Prussian troops. After the end of the war, he was released from captivity and lived the rest of his life in England. Adolf Gitler

, one of the most odious figures in world history, was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria-Hungary, in the city of Braunau am Inn in the family of a shoemaker.

From childhood, Adolf showed an ability to draw, and in his youth he made a living from it. During the First World War he took part in hostilities and received several awards. Germany's defeat in the war and the overthrow of the Kaiser had a strong impression on him.

In 1918, he joined the German Workers' Party, and a year later became its leader (Führer) and renamed it the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP). This party quickly gained authority in Bavaria. On January 30, 1933, Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor, i.e. head of government. Hitler established a totalitarian regime in the country, banned radical parties, and in 1934 he became the sole ruler of Germany, concentrating political and military powers in his hands. Hitler called his state the Third Reich. In 1938, Germany annexed Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia, Poland and Lithuania. In 1939 he unleashed the Second, in which human civilization was brought to the brink of extinction. Hitler's goal in this war was world domination.

When Germany's defeat in the war became obvious, Hitler shot himself and his wife Eva Braun on April 30, 1945. Many historians dispute this fact, considering Hitler's death a hoax

Alexander Ivanovich Lebed born April 20, 1950 in Rostov region in a working family. After graduating from school, after working at a factory, in 1969 he entered the Ryazan Higher Airborne School. After graduating from college, he served there as commander of a training platoon and company.

After participating in the Afghan events in 1981-1982, he entered the Military Academy them. M.V. Frunze and graduated with honors in 1985. He was appointed deputy commander of the parachute regiment, then commander of the parachute regiment in Kostroma. In 1986-1988 he was deputy commander of the airborne division in Pskov, and since 1988 - commander of the Tula airborne division.

In 1990, Lebed was awarded the rank of major general, in the same year he was elected a delegate to the XXVIII Congress of the CPSU and the founding congress of the Russian Communist Party, and later a member of the Central Committee of the RCP. In February 1991, he was appointed deputy commander of the Airborne Forces for combat training and universities. Participated in the August 1991 events near the White House in Moscow, preventing bloodshed. In June 1992, he arrived in Tiraspol to eliminate the armed conflict in the region.

In June 1995, with the rank of lieutenant general, he was transferred to the reserve, and in December of this year he was elected to the State Duma.

In 1996, in the presidential election campaign as a candidate for President of Russia, he took third place as an independent candidate, gaining 14.7% of the votes.

In June 1996, he was appointed Secretary of the Security Council and Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation for National Security. While occupying the post of Secretary of the Security Council, Lebed signed Khasavyurt agreements with Aslan Maskhadov on the “Chechen problem”, being authorized representative President Russian Federation in the Chechen Republic.

In May 1998, A. Lebed was elected governor Krasnoyarsk Territory. As governor, he was known for his loud statements on the situation in the region and the country as a whole. Among the population he received the nickname “Governor General”.

He died on April 28, 2002 in a plane crash - the helicopter on which he was flying along with administration employees to the opening of a new ski slope crashed.

Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Fetisov born on April 20, 1958 in Moscow. He was brought up in a children's sports school and graduated from the Leningrad Military Institute of Physical Culture.

In the 1980s he was a player in the legendary Larionov hockey team. Fetisov is the owner of all possible titles and titles in world hockey. He is the world champion in 1978, 1981, 1983, 1986, 1989 and 1990, multiple European champion, Olympic champion 1984 and 1988, champion Soviet Union from 1977 to 1989, winner of the European Cup, Canada Cup in 1981 and Stanley Cup in 1997 and 1998.

Vyacheslav Fetivos has been officially inducted into the National Hockey League Hall of Fame.

In 2002-2004, he served as Chairman of the Russian State Committee for physical culture and sports, in 2003 he became Acting State Advisor of Russia, 1st class.

Since 2004, Vyacheslav Fetisov has been director Federal agency in physical education, sports and tourism.

Fetisov is a member of the Founding Council of the World Anti-Doping Agency. In 2008, he became a member of the Federation Council from the Primorsky Territory. In the same year, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kontinental Hockey League.

Pavel Borisovich Luspekayev born on April 20, 1927 in Lugansk, his father was from Nakhichevan Armenians, his mother was a Don Cossack. In the early 1940s, Pavel entered the Lugansk vocational school and worked as a mechanic.

Soon the war broke out. As a fifteen-year-old teenager, he ended up in one of the partisan detachments, participated in combat operations as part of a partisan reconnaissance group. During one of the battles, Pavel was wounded. After recovery, he was assigned to serve at the headquarters of the partisan movement of the 3rd Ukrainian Front.

In 1944, Luspekayev left military service and settled in Voroshilovgrad - he was enrolled in the troupe of the local drama theater. During the two years he was there, he played several roles, among which the most notable were: Alyoshka in the play “At the Lower Depths” by Maxim Gorky and Ludwig in the production of “Under the Chestnut Trees of Prague” by Konstantin Simonov.

In the summer of 1946, Luspekayev arrived in Moscow and submitted documents to the M. S. Shchepkin Theater School. He successfully completed it and went to work at the Tbilisi Theater. A. Griboyedova. Here Luspekayev was rightfully considered one of the most notable actors. His fame reached the ears of filmmakers, and in 1954-1955 he received two offers from the Georgia Film studio to act in films. Luspekayev agreed. Thus began his cinematic destiny.

Although Luspekayev played few roles in films, his powerful temperament and extraordinary acting talent do not leave the viewer indifferent, and the actor is organic and convincing in almost all of his roles.

Among the most memorable films with Luspekayev’s participation are “Republic of SHKID” (1966), “Baltic Sky” (1961), “Three Fat Men” (1966). The actor gained national fame and the love of millions of viewers in one of his last film roles, which absorbed everything best qualities heroes of Luspekayev, - customs officer Pavel Vereshchagin in legendary film Vladimir Motyl “White Sun of the Desert” (1970).

Afterwards, he began acting as Willie Stark in the television film “All the King’s Men” directed by Mikhail Kozakov, but on April 17, 1970, the talented artist passed away... Willie Stark was later played by another actor, and how powerful this role could have been when performed Pavel Luspekayev, it remains to be judged only by the few frames remaining in the television archive...

CLI – critical ischemia lower limbs- this is how the disease from which the great died is called in scientific literature Soviet actor. In “White Sun of the Desert,” the actor had already acted legless – in the late 1960s, his feet were half amputated. However, the audience had no idea about this...

I was very surprised. Let's read.

Napoleon - Hitler Napoleon was born in 1760 Hitler was born in 1889 (129 years difference)

Napoleon came to power in 1804. Hitler came to power in 1933 (129 years difference)

Napoleon entered Vienna in 1812. Hitler entered Vienna in 1941 (129 years difference)

Napoleon lost the war in 1816. Hitler lost the war in 1945 (129 years difference)

Both came to power when they were 44 years old. Both attacked Russia when they were 52 years old. Both lost the war when they were 56 years old.

Lincoln - Kennedy Lincoln was born in 1818 Kennedy was born in 1918 (100 years difference)

Lincoln became US President in 1860 Kennedy became US President in 1960 (100 years difference)

Both were killed on Friday. Both in the presence of their wives. Both were shot in the head. Lincoln was assassinated at the Kennedy Theater. Kennedy was killed in a Lincoln car. Shortly before his death, Lincoln visited the town of Monroe, in Maryland; Kennedy, shortly before his death, had an affair with Marilyn Monroe. Both are southerners. Both are Democrats. Before becoming president, both were U.S. senators.

John Wilkis Booth, who shot and killed Lincoln, was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot Kennedy, was born in 1939. (100 years difference) Both names in English spelling (John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald) consist of 15 letters. Booth escaped from the theater and was captured in the attic. Oswald escaped from the attic and was arrested at the theater. Lincoln's successor after the assassination is Johnson. Kennedy's successor after the assassination is Johnson. The first, Andrew Johnson was born in 1808. The second, Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908 (100 years difference)

Such mysterious, even, one might say, mystical coincidences make one shudder and think that we live in a world where nothing happens by chance, and all events are planned in advance By Higher Powers

Taking a close look at the dates that mysteriously fill our lives, you can see how we walk through the labyrinths of fate, which twists in a spiral, each time bringing new oddities into life.

Having carried out short calculations, you can see that soon world history will be replenished with two big names, the same as Hitler and Kennedy, or Lincoln and Napoleon... Considering that the difference between the births of Napoleon and Hitler is 129 years, and between the birth dates of Lincoln and Kennedy is a century, we can predict the birth of the following personalities of similar magnitude.

Hitler was born, as mentioned above, in 1889.

We add 129 years and get 2018 - which means this is the year of birth of the next Napoleon-Hitler.

But this is not the most interesting, I dare say that this year will be the beginning of more significant event, since the next Lincoln-Kennedy will be born in the same year! Since Kennedy was born in 1918. Let's add 100 to this number and see the already familiar 2018. From here we can deduce all other dates: in 2060 the future Kennedy will come to power, followed by the future Napoleon in 2062. You can also calculate all other significant dates. Of course, this simple mathematics does not predict anything, but who knows...

Maybe this pattern should not go unnoticed... Here's another thing: in 1838, the American writer Edgar Allan Poe wrote “The Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym.” It tells how, after a shipwreck, four survivors found themselves on the open sea. Driven to despair by hunger, three of them kill and eat the fourth. In the book his name is Richard Parker. In 1884, the Magnonette was shipwrecked. The four survivors, like Poe’s heroes, ended up in the same boat. After many days of wandering across the sea, maddened by hunger, three kill and eat the fourth. The name of this fourth turned out to be Richard Parker.

Another example of this kind. Everyone is well aware of the Titanic tragedy that occurred in 1912. But few people know that in 1898, the Mansfield publishing house published a novel by the little-known writer Morgan Robertson, “Futility,” which did not arouse the slightest interest among contemporaries. The action of the novel took place on the Titan ship, which has the following characteristics: length 243 meters, displacement 70 thousand tons, engine power 50 thousand horsepower, speed 25 knots, 4 pipes, 3 screws. On a cold April night, the ship hits an iceberg and sinks. Setting off on its first voyage fourteen years later, the real Titanic was 269 meters long, displaced 66 thousand tons, had a power of 55 thousand horsepower, moved at a speed of 25 knots per hour, had 4 pipes and 3 screws... On a cold April night, the Titanic collides with an iceberg and sinks. The coincidences are amazing. The writer foresaw almost all the circumstances of the disaster: both in the book and in life, these ships were considered unsinkable. In both places there were not enough lifeboats during the tragedy. There were three thousand passengers in both real and fictional life. From a logical standpoint, this case is simply impossible to explain.

In a relatively observable and reliable history, our country twice fought bloody wars on its territory: the invasion of Napoleonic and Hitler’s troops.

Napoleon and Hitler. It is not surprising that many are interested in whether these historical characters have something in common.

Type the phrase “Napoleon Hitler” into any search engine and you will learn about incredible “coincidences” that roam the Internet sites like a great revelation:

Napoleon was born in 1760.
Hitler was born in 1889.
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon came to power in 1804
Hitler came to power in 1933.
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon entered Vienna in 1812.
Hitler entered Vienna in 1941.
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon lost the war in 1816.

(difference 129 years)

Both came to power when they were 44 years old.
Both attacked Russia when they were 52 years old.
Both lost the war when they were 56 years old.

This is followed by conclusions like:
“Such mysterious, even, one might say, mystical coincidences make us shudder and think that we live in a world where nothing happens by chance, and all events are planned in advance by Higher Powers... Having carefully looked at the dates that mysteriously fill our lives, you can see how we walk through the labyrinths of fate, which twists in a spiral, each time bringing new oddities into life.

Having made some quick calculations, you can see that soon (born in 2018) world history will be replenished with big names, just like Hitler and Napoleon...”

Here are the impressions of the gullible, semi-literate public:
“To be honest, it’s creepy, I’m afraid the world can’t stand another Hitler...”

But let's figure it out:

Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769
Hitler was born on April 20, 1889.
(difference 120 years)

Napoleon came to power on November 9-10, 1799, committing coup d'etat and establishing a dictatorship in the form of a Consulate.
On January 30, 1933, President Hindenburg appointed Hitler Reich Chancellor (head of government)
(difference 143 years)

On October 14, 1809, a peace treaty was signed at the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, according to which Napoleon annexed almost all of Western Galicia to the Duchy of Warsaw, giving Russia only the relatively small Tarnopol district.
Hitler: Annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany in 1938
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon lost the war in 1815 (Waterloo)
Hitler lost the war in 1945.
(difference 130 years)

So, we have the following “mystical” series: 120, 143, 129 and 130. What kind of coincidences are we talking about?

But let’s not fall into premature despair and continue the calculations:

"Both came to power when they were 44 years old"
However, on November 9, 1799, Napoleon was fully 30 years old.

"Both attacked Russia when they were 52 years old"
Alas, Napoleon in 1812 was 43 years old

“Both lost the war when they were 56 years old.”
Is it okay that Napoleon died on May 5, 1821, before his 52nd birthday?

Truly, it is easy to be a prophet in a semi-literate country!

This would seem to be the end of the topic of coincidences between the two super-aggressors. But no, whoever seeks will always find:

Hitler began his campaign, like Napoleon, in the days summer solstice(June 22 - June 24). The spring thaw has ended, the day is almost never ending - the best conditions of the year for a breakthrough. Is there any place for mystical coincidence here?

But! In the diary of one of Napoleon's associates, Dedema, there are the following lines:
"... I approached a group of generals belonging to the main apartment of the emperor. A dead silence reigned among them, resembling gloomy despair. I allowed myself to say some kind of joke, but General Caulaincourt ... told me: “They don’t laugh here, this is a great day." At the same time, he pointed with his hand to the right bank, as if wanting to add: "There is our grave."

One of Hitler’s generals wrote in his diary on the day the invasion began: “... this is the beginning of our death.”

Their premonitions did not deceive them...

“... fleeing from Moscow, the French took with them everything they had plundered. Napoleon also took his own tresor with him."

The Nazis, as you know, also did not limit themselves to anything like that.

If so, then such coincidences cannot be counted between any pair of soulless tyrants.

Coincidences with famous people
Napoleon - Hitler

Napoleon was born in 1760.
Hitler was born in 1889.
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon came to power in 1804.
Hitler came to power in 1933.
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon entered Vienna in 1812.
Hitler entered Vienna in 1941.
(difference 129 years)

Napoleon lost the war in 1816.
Hitler lost the war in 1945.
(difference 129 years)

Both came to power when they were 44 years old.
Both attacked Russia when they were 52 years old.
Both lost the war when they were 56 years old.

Lincoln - Kennedy

Lincoln was born in 1818.
Kennedy was born in 1918.
(100 years difference)

Lincoln became President of the United States in 1860.
Kennedy became US President in 1960.
(100 years difference)

Both were killed on Friday. Both in the presence of their wives. Both were shot in the head.
Lincoln was assassinated at the Kennedy Theater. Kennedy was killed in a Lincoln car

Shortly before his death, Lincoln visited the town of Monroe, in Maryland; Shortly before his death, Kennedy had an affair with Marilyn Monroe.

Both are southerners. Both are Democrats.
Before becoming president, both were U.S. senators.

John Wilkis Booth, who shot Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot Kennedy, was born in 1939.
(100 years difference)

Both names in English spelling (John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald) consist of 15 letters.

Booth escaped from the theater and was captured in the attic. Oswald escaped from the attic and was arrested at the theater.

Lincoln's successor after the assassination is Johnson.
Kennedy's successor after the assassination is Johnson.
The first, Andrew Johnson, was born in 1808.
The second, Lyndon Johnson, was born in 1908.
(100 years difference)

Such mysterious, even, one might say, mystical coincidences make us shudder and think that we live in a world where nothing happens by chance, and all events are planned in advance by Higher Powers... By carefully looking at the dates that mysteriously fill our lives, you can notice how we walk through the labyrinths of fate, which twists in a spiral, each time bringing new oddities into life.

Having made some quick calculations, you can see that soon world history will be replenished with two big names, the same as Hitler and Kennedy, or Lincoln and Napoleon...

Considering that the difference between the births of Napoleon and Hitler is 129 years, and between the birth dates of Lincoln and Kennedy is a century, it is possible to predict the birth of the following personalities of similar magnitude.

Hitler was born, as mentioned above, in 1889. We add 129 years and get 2018 - which means this is the year of birth of the next Napoleon-Hitler. But this is not the most interesting thing, I dare say that this year will be the beginning of a more significant event, since the next Lincoln-Kennedy will be born in the same year! Since Kennedy was born in 1918. Let's add 100 to this number and see the already familiar 2018. From here we can deduce all other dates: in 2060 the future Kennedy will come to power, followed by the future Napoleon in 2062. You can also calculate all other significant dates. Of course, this simple mathematics does not predict anything, but who knows... Maybe this pattern should not go unnoticed...

In 1838, the American writer Edgar Allan Poe wrote The Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym. It tells how, after a shipwreck, four survivors found themselves on the open sea. Driven to despair by hunger, three of them kill and eat the fourth. In the book his name is Richard Parker. In 1884, the Magnonette was shipwrecked. The four survivors, like Poe’s heroes, ended up in the same boat. After many days of wandering across the sea, maddened by hunger, three kill and eat the fourth. The name of this fourth turned out to be Richard Parker.

Another example of this kind. Everyone is well aware of the Titanic tragedy that occurred in 1912. But few people know that in 1898, the Mansfield publishing house published a novel by the little-known writer Morgan Robertson, “Futility,” which did not arouse the slightest interest among contemporaries. The action of the novel took place on the Titan ship, which has the following characteristics: length 243 meters, displacement 70 thousand tons, engine power 50 thousand horsepower, speed 25 knots, 4 pipes, 3 screws. On a cold April night, the ship hits an iceberg and sinks.

Setting off on its first voyage fourteen years later, the real Titanic was 269 meters long, displaced 66 thousand tons, had a power of 55 thousand horsepower, moved at a speed of 25 knots per hour, had 4 pipes and 3 screws... On a cold April night, the Titanic collides with an iceberg and sinks.

The coincidences are amazing. The writer foresaw almost all the circumstances of the disaster: both in the book and in life, these ships were considered unsinkable. In both places there were not enough lifeboats during the tragedy. There were three thousand passengers in both real and fictional life. From a logical standpoint, this case is simply impossible to explain.

(c) not mine. honestly stubborn. I’m not sure that everything is true.. otherwise my hair starts to move...

Hitler Napoleon

Napoleon was not French, but an Italian from Corsica, which became part of France. Hitler was not a pure German, but an Austrian. Napoleon used impact force, created French revolution, and relied on the power of France. Hitler used the power of Germany.

Napoleon, a child of the revolution, waged many wars and conquered all the countries of Europe one after another. Hitler followed in his footsteps. England was Napoleon's main target and he was ready to launch an invasion from Boulogne. Operation Sea Lion of 1940 was nothing more than a threat designed to achieve political goals.

The French fleet was defeated by the English, and Napoleon's dream of conquering England became impossible, so the emperor decided to cause damage to the island kingdom by creating a system of continental blockade. Most European countries were forced to implement this measure of Napoleon, and only Russia hesitated. This was one of the main reasons that forced Napoleon to declare war on Russia. Hitler began the war with Russia, intending to conquer living space for Germany, destroy Bolshevism and become the master of Europe.

Both Napoleon and Hitler believed that their wars in Russia would end as quickly and successfully as many others they had fought before. They both had the wrong idea internal forces and the size of Russia. Both of them were insufficiently prepared for the war and did not take into account the difficulties of supplying their armies in this huge country. Many of Napoleon's marshals and generals did not approve of his war plan in 1812. The same was true of Hitler's war plan in 1941.

In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia with an army of more than 600 thousand people (among them were more than 200 thousand Germans, Flemings, Poles, Swiss, Spaniards and Portuguese), 1,400 cannons and 180 thousand horses. Napoleon led the army of all Europe against Russia. Hitler tried to do the same. Although he was not able to fully implement this, his soldiers included Romanians, Hungarians, Italians, Slovaks, Finns, a Spanish division and a legion of French volunteers. On June 21, 1812, Napoleon addressed his troops with a pompous order. Before the start of the 1941 campaign, Hitler also gave a similar order. On the evening of June 22, 1812, the emperor watched his soldiers crossing the river. Neman near Kovno. Hitler's armies crossed the Bug on the same day, exactly 129 years later. Napoleon began hostilities on June 24. In both cases, the war in the East began too late.

Both in 1812 and in 1941, the war was delayed by an unforeseen pause. The French emperor lost several precious weeks due to negotiations with the Russian Tsar. Napoleon resumed his attack on Moscow relatively late in the year, as did Hitler, on October 2, 1941.

In 1812, the Russians retreated with stubborn, bloody fighting, luring Napoleon deep into Russia and prolonging the war into winter. In 1812, the French emperor captured Moscow, but the war did not end there. On the contrary, from the Russian point of view, the war was just beginning. Hitler was unable to take Moscow, and only after that the enemy began to wage war for real. When Napoleon was forced to leave burning Moscow, he suffered his first major defeat. A similar situation arose in 1941. In both cases, at this stage, the Russians launched a powerful counteroffensive, and in both wars partisans played a large role.

In 1812, Napoleon believed that by retreating through the snow and ice, he could save his army. However, the opposite happened - the retreat led to the defeat of it Great Army. In December 1941, Hitler ordered that there should be no retreat under any circumstances. With gigantic efforts, the front was held, and the crisis was eventually overcome. Other historical parallels can be found, but as we noted above, they should be treated with great caution.

1812 . and 1941 proved that using such an old-fashioned vehicle like a horse, impossible to a short time conquer vast spaces of Russia. Neither Napoleon's rather strong cavalry nor Hitler's motorized formations were large enough to seize and control the vast Russian territory.

Before starting the war, Napoleon made one last attempt to convince the Tsar to accept his demands. Count Narbonne was sent to Vilna to Tsar Alexander I. The Tsar told the ambassador the following: “I am not blinded by dreams; I know to what extent Emperor Napoleon great commander, but as you see, space and time are on my side. In all this hostile land for you, there is no corner so remote that I would not retreat, there is no point that I would not defend before agreeing to conclude a shameful peace. I will not start a war, but I will not lay down my arms as long as at least one enemy soldier remains in Russia."

Stalin's determination in 1941 was no less than the Tsar's in 1812. A big difference between the two wars is that the emperor personally led his army to Moscow and back, which Hitler did not do.

At the Russian military council in 1812, the question of whether or not to leave Moscow was discussed. Prince Kutuzov then said: “Russia is not lost with the loss of Moscow. I make it my first duty to preserve the army and get closer to those troops that are coming to reinforce us. By the very concession of Moscow we will prepare the death of the enemy. As long as the army exists and is able to resist the enemy, Until then, there will be hope to happily end the war, but after the destruction of the army, both Moscow and Russia are lost.”

One can definitely believe that if the Germans had taken Moscow, the Soviets would have acted in exactly the same way.

It is interesting to recall that on October 21, 1812, Marshal Mortier received an order from Napoleon to blow up the Kremlin before the French retreat from Moscow. Hitler intended to do the same if he succeeded in capturing Moscow.

The great difficulties of supplying troops in 1812 and 1941 have already been pointed out above. In 1941, the main problem was supplying troops with ammunition and fuel. In 1812 it was very difficult to provide horses with fodder. Napoleon's 180 thousand horses could not survive on the meager feed to which the Cossack horses were accustomed. The cavalry of the French emperor suffered heavy losses in the battles, and during long marches the loss of horses continuously increased.

After the battle of Borodino, the famous cavalryman Murat said, reproaching his generals, that the cavalry attacks were not energetic enough. To this, the cavalry general Nansouty replied: “The horses are to blame for everything - they are not patriotic enough.

Our soldiers fight brilliantly even if they don’t even have bread, but horses don’t move without hay.”

There is a famous painting that depicts Napoleon, immersed in thoughts, on horseback. Along the sandy Russian road he travels east ahead of the columns of his guard. Under the picture are the words: “They grumbled - and yet they followed him!” This best description not only 1812, but also 1941, for there is no doubt that German troops also did everything they were capable of.

General Gunther Blumentritt

Collection “Fatal Decisions”

Hitler Napoleon

Instead ofP. S. About Borodino 1941...

“...The four battalions of French volunteers operating as part of the 4th Army turned out to be less resistant. At Borodin, Field Marshal von Kluge addressed them with a speech, recalling how, during the time of Napoleon, the French and Germans fought here side by side against a common enemy. The next day, the French boldly went into battle, but, unfortunately, they could not withstand either the powerful attack of the enemy or the severe frost and blizzard. They had never had to endure such trials before. The French legion was defeated, suffering heavy losses from enemy fire and frost. A few days later he was withdrawn to the rear and sent to the West.”

General Gunther Blumentritt

Collection “Fatal Decisions”

French legionnaires swear allegiance to the Reich

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