What kind of bell ringings are there? Bell ringing - what does it mean?

home The ringing of bells in the Orthodox Church sounds at certain moments of the Divine service, in

compliance with established canons, and has a special symbolic (in some cases, practical) meaning. The bell itself is a symbol of the Archangel trumpet, chanting the greatness of God, encouraging us to be alert in spirit and to unceasing prayer. One of the most ancient canonical ringings is the blagovest, announcing the beginning of the Divine service and calling the people to the service: “To us, to us, to us,” as if calling out the gospel bell, beating time with measured strikes. IN special cases

- before the start of the Divine Liturgy (except for the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts), as well as in the evening before holidays and Sundays, the gospel, as a rule, turns into trezvon, expressing joy for the glory of God. It is also customary to ring a trezvon at the end of these services. Before reading the Six Psalms at the all-night vigil, it is necessary to perform two short ringings with a short intermediate pause - the so-called double ringing. This ringing marks the transition from one part of the Divine Service to another, that is, from Vespers to Matins. Just as the six psalms preceding Matins are divided by “Glory” into two parts, so the ringing in this case is divided in two by a short pause (that’s why it is called “two ringing”). In a deeper sense, the double ringing symbolizes the transition from the milestone history of mankind to new history

- the era of the New Testament, the coming of the Savior into the world. During the polyeleos, before the reading of the Gospel, the polyeleos ringing sounds. It is also performed in the form of a peal, representing the joy of the Good News, for for a Christian there cannot be more joy

like hearing the Word of God. IN special days in the year - when removing the Cross of the Lord, the Shroud of the Lord or the Shroud Mother of God - the death knell sounds. Such a ringing begins with a chime - alternating strikes on all the bells from large to small, reminding us of how our Lord Jesus Christ from His Divine height descended to earth “for our salvation” and diminished, being born from Holy Virgin

It should be noted that when burying people, the bells alternate in the reverse order - from small to large. The first strike of the smallest bell reminds of the birth of a baby. Further successive blows indicate the entire earthly path of a person from infancy to old age. The final ringing of all the bells (simultaneously) means the end of earthly life. In all cases, the funeral bell ends with a trezvon, expressing the Christian faith in victory over death and the joy of the general resurrection.

Having fallen in love with the ringing of church bells, the Russian Orthodox people connected all their solemn and sad events with it. Therefore, the Orthodox bell ringing not only serves as an indication of the time of the Divine service, but also serves as an expression of joy, sadness and triumph. This is where they came from different kinds ringing and each of them has its own name and meaning.

Church bell ringing is divided into two main types: the good news and the ringing itself.

Blagovest are called measured blows in one big bell. With this ringing, believers are called to the temple of God for Divine services. This ringing is called the gospel because it announces the good news about the beginning of the Divine service.

The gospel is performed as follows: first, three rare, slow, drawn-out strikes are made (until the sound of the bell stops), and then measured strikes follow. If the bell is very large or huge, then these measured blows are made by swinging the tongue at both edges of the bell. If the bell is relatively small, then in this case its tongue is pulled with a rope quite close to its edge, a board is placed on the rope and blows are made by pressing the foot.

Blagovest, in turn, comes in two types:

1. Common or frequent- produced by the most big bell;

2. Lenten or rare- produced by a smaller bell on the weekdays of Great Lent.

If there are several large bells at the temple, and this happens when cathedrals, large monasteries, laurels, then large bells, in accordance with their purpose, are distinguished into the following bells: 1) festive; 2) Sunday; 3) polyeleous; 4) just everyday or everyday; 5) fifth or small bell.

Usually in parish churches there are no more than two or three large bells.

Actually ringing It is called ringing when all the bells or several bells are rung at once.

It comes in several types:

1. Trezvon- this is ringing all the bells, then a short break, and a second ringing all the bells, again a short break, and the third time ringing all the bells, i.e. ringing all the bells three times or ringing in three steps.

The trezvon expresses Christian joy and triumph.

In our time, trezvon began to be called not only ringing all the bells three times, but, in general, ringing all the bells.

2. Two ringing- this is ringing all the bells twice, in two steps.

3. Chime- this is ringing each bell in turn (one or several strikes on each bell), starting from the largest one to the smallest one, and repeating this many times.

4. Bust- this is a slow ringing of each bell once, starting with the smallest and ending with the largest, and after striking the large bell, they strike all the bells together at once, and repeat this many times.

BOU "Andreevskaya secondary school"

Bells ringing

Zhuravleva Ekaterina

Supervisor: ,

music teacher

academic year

Brief summary of the project

The relevance of the project is due to the need for a more in-depth study cultural traditions of the Russian people, education of musical culture in children, development of musical ear, as well as increasing the level of children's research activities.

Guiding Questions

Fundamental question:

What is bell ringing?

Study topic questions:

1. What is bell ringing?

2. What types of bells are there?

3. What types of bells are there?

4. When do the bells ring?

5. Work of the belfry and bell tower

6. The meaning of bells

Project plan

Preparatory stage:

· Selection of information resources on the project topic: encyclopedias, reference books, list of popular science and fiction literature, Internet resources

· Preparing a presentation to identify the ideas and interests of schoolchildren

Stage 1 – Immersion in the project:

* Performance introductory presentation

* Identification of preliminary ideas on educational issues

* Announcement of the creation of the exhibition “Bells” in the group

Stage 2 – Organization of activities:

* Joint planning of research and presentation of results. Choosing a form for presenting work.

* Analysis of problematic issues on research topics, putting forward hypotheses, defining research goals

Stage 3 – Implementation of activities:

* Group work on research topics: search, discussion of the information received

* Presentation of intermediate results

* Collection different types bells for exhibition

* Photographing children at work

Stage 4 – Presentation:

* Presentation of the final work

Stage 5 – Final

* Summing up the work on the project.

We explore

The bell according to its main function is musical instrument. In addition, it is a monument of history and material culture, a work of artistic casting, a monument of writing, and a mechanical system. All these aspects should be the subject of research by relevant specialists.

For many centuries, bells accompanied the life of the people with their ringing. They measured the course of the days, announcing a time to work and a time to rest, a time to watch and a time to sleep, a time of joy and a time of sorrow. They warned about the impending natural disaster and about the approach of the enemy, they convened men to fight the enemy and greeted the victors with a solemn ringing, gathered citizens to discuss important matters and called on the people to revolt during the years of tyranny. The sound of the veche bell was a signal for public meetings in ancient Russian feudal republics Novgorod and Pskov,” it was not for nothing that he called his magazine dedicated to the fight against autocracy “The Bell.”

TYPES OF BELL RINGSToday in Christendom There are three types of bell ringing, each of which has its own requirements for bells.

1. Orthodox ringing - it is based on rhythm with its inherent dynamics and interaction of timbres. Therefore, in bells, euphony (blessing) and richness of timbres are valued above all, and the absolute value of the fundamental tone does not play a role here. The number of bells in a belfry is usually from 5 to 12. Ringing is carried out by swinging the tongue, to which certain requirements are imposed. The euphony is achieved by the competent selection of bells and the skill of the bell ringer.

2.Catholic ringing - it is based on single or double strikes of a lightweight tongue against a swinging or rotating bell, which is usually equipped with a counterweight so that the center of gravity passes through the axis of rotation. The number of bells in a belfry is usually from 2 to 6. According to tradition, the bells are selected or cast to a certain fundamental tone with a limited number of overtones. Hence, the ringing itself is not so rich and depends on the number of bells, as well as the amplitude of their swing or rotation speed, so the qualification of the bell ringer special significance does not have. In some countries, along with traditional ringing, ringing by swinging the tongue is also practiced.

3. Cariol ringing - it is based on the bell ringer performing melodies from notes using a set of bells that make up a scale of 2 - 5 full octaves. The ringing is usually carried out by a keyboard device (resembling an organ keyboard). It drives the tongues or hammers of the bells through mechanical rods or electromagnetic drives. The bells are usually tuned exactly to the note, while trying to remove unnecessary overtones and reduce the time of its sound to 4 - 5 seconds, otherwise it will interfere with the performance of the melody. If the carillon is equipped with automatic program control in the form of a drum or an electromagnetic device, then it turns into chimes.

In the church there is a distinction 4 canonical chimes: bell, bust, chime and trezvon.

Blagovest - one of the most ancient bells of the Orthodox Church and is called so because it brings good, joyful news about the beginning of the Divine service. This ringing also announces the celebration of the sacrament of the Eucharist at the Liturgy and the reading of the Gospel in other services. Blagovest can sound either independently or as part of other bells.

Bust - or a funeral (funeral, wire) ringing expresses sadness and grief for the deceased and consists of two parts: directly canonical (as such a search) and free (trezvon).

Chime - more complex compared to blagovest and search. It also consists of two parts: canonical (i.e. the chime itself) and free (trezvon). Classically, chiming involves ringing each bell in turn (one or several times each), starting with the largest and ending with the smallest (sometimes with a full blow), and this is repeated many times.

Trezvon - the most complex in comparison with other canonical ringing, but is also the most musically striking expression of bell ringing, since trezvon in its form is not limited by church statutes and therefore differs both in the composition of the bells used and has various shapes performances, rhythm, texture and instrumentation.


Many churches usually have several bells, and they differ in size and strength of sound, and are combined according to these characteristics into three main groups:

Group I - BASS






Group II - TENOR AND ALTO (Called)

Group III - TRIPLE (Zinged)

In many temples the following bells are distinguished:




Just everyday (everyday)

Small (or fifth)

There are different bells. Church bells, musical bells, livestock bells, graduation bells, Last Bell bells

https://pandia.ru/text/78/176/images/image005_102.jpg" alt="The Bells of Tikhvin" width="335" height="301">!}

https://pandia.ru/text/78/176/images/image007_95.gif" alt="Pictures" width="302" height="251 src=">!}



healing ringing

We have already noted when and where bell ringing was and is used, and bell ringing is also a kind of healer.
Healing by bell ringing - Elena Zadubovskaya in the book “Healing by Bell Ringing” notes: “Russian researchers back in the 70s of the last century established that such ailments as causeless anxiety, fear, nervousness and insomnia can be perfectly healed by bell ringing.

The conclusions drawn (but not appreciated by the state) were simply stunning. It turns out that an audio recording of raspberry ringing has a calming effect even on the most nervous. And listening to musical works performed on bells cures the most severe types of depression and other mental illness. Perfectly cures insomnia and raspberry church bells." Highly recommends to healers, and to all people who care about their spiritual well-being use the bell ringing!

In general, it has been noticed that when a bell is regularly used in a church, the number of parishioners increases by 2-3 times! The therapeutic cleansing effect of such a service also increases significantly!


1. Efimenko on ethnography.., p. 168, 141

2. Israeli bells and ringing. M., 1884.
3. Tinsmiths of bells and bell foundry art. M., 1912, p. 42-43.

4. Smolensky St. About bell ringing in Russia. - Russian Musical Newspaper, 1907, No. 9-10, March 4-11, stb. 265.
5. encyclopedic Dictionary young musician. Moscow Pedagogy, 1985

types of bells. types of bells

  1. Blagovest is the first type of bell ringing. The gospel is performed like this: first, three rare, slow, drawn-out blows are made, and then measured blows follow. This ringing is called the Blagovest because it is with it that the good news about the beginning of the Divine Service is announced.

    The trezvon expresses Christian joy and is performed at the most solemn moments of the Divine service. Double ringing is ringing all the bells twice. Chime is a slow ringing of each bell in turn. It symbolizes the “exhaustion” or death of our Lord Jesus Christ for the sake of our salvation. Such a chime should be made only twice a year: on Good Friday and Holy Saturday, in a day death on the cross Lord and His free burial. Frequent ringing of each bell several times is a solemn ringing.

    A bust or funeral bell is a slow ringing of each bell once in turn, starting from the smallest to the largest, and after striking the large bell, they strike all the bells together at once, and repeat this many times.

    The number of bells, from the smallest to the largest, symbolizes the growing life of man on earth, from infancy to maturity, and the simultaneous striking of the bells means the end of earthly life by human death.

    This mournful funeral procession necessarily ends with a short peal, expressing the joyful Christian faith in the resurrection of the deceased.

    Red ringing occurs at cathedrals, monasteries, laurels, i.e. where there is a large number of bells It is performed by several bell ringers, five or more people.

    There are many monasteries in Russia, and almost each of them has its own unique beauty of bell.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embeddedv=JhS0eayxKWI Bells ringing

  2. Today in the Christian world there are three types of bell ringing: Orthodox, Catholic and carillon. Orthodox ringing is dynamic music that uses different timbres. In Catholic churches, single or double bells sound. The carillon ringing is performed according to the notes. In this case, a keyboard device is used that drives the tongues of the bells.
  3. Blagovest; Chime,
  4. TYPES OF RINGING AND THEIR NAMES: Orthodox bell ringing Bell ringing was divided into three main types: 1. Blagovest; 2. Chime, search; 3. The actual ringing. Blagovest is measured strikes of one large bell. This ringing announces to the believers good news about the beginning of worship in the temple. Blagovest can be festive, everyday and Lenten. Chime is a selection of bells from the largest bell to the smallest or vice versa with a different number of strikes on each bell. There are two main chimes: funeral and water-blessing. The ringing itself is a characteristic rhythmic ringing using all the main groups of the bell scale. The ringings of this group include: holiday ringing /trezvon, two-ringing/, everyday ringing, as well as ringings composed by the bell-ringer himself, which is the result creative work and self-expression of the bell ringer. Bells are one of the necessary accessories Orthodox church. In the “rite of blessing of the bell” it is said: “for all who hear its ringing, either in days or in nights, will be awakened to the praise of the name of Thy Holy One.” Church bell ringing is used in order to: convene believers to Divine services, express the triumph of the Church and her Divine services, announce to those not present in the church about the time of performing especially important parts of the Divine services. In addition, the people were called to the veche (national assembly) by ringing the bell. The ringing showed the way to travelers lost in bad weather. The ringing signaled any danger or misfortune, for example. , fire. In tragic days for the Motherland, the people were called upon to defend the Fatherland. The ringing notified the people of victory and welcomed the victorious return of regiments from the battlefield (war), etc.
  5. 1. Blagovest; 2. Chime, search; 3. The actual ringing
  6. Blagovest - single strikes on a large bell. The Good News announces upcoming start worship services.

    Trezvon - several bells ringing simultaneously. This ringing can be performed in one, two or three times (depending on which service of the daily circle it relates to). Before Vespers, a trezvon is made at one note. Before Matins, since this is the second service, there is a trezvon in two primas. Before the Liturgy, trezvon in three primas.

    Chime - successive strikes (from one to seven on each bell) from large to small.

    Bust - one hit on each bell from small to large.

    Bell names:
    Festive - used on great holidays and on some other, especially solemn occasions.

    Sunday - used for Sunday services.

    Ordinary or Weekday - ordinary, non-holiday days.

  7. Blagovest

The ringing of bells is the voice of the church and praise to the Lord God. By the way, in Soviet times, the first thing they did was blow up or dismantle the bell tower at the temple, first removing the bells. It is believed that the ringing of Orthodox bells drives away demons, gives a person moral and physical strength, that is, gives a person Grace.
The majestic ringing of bells, which is impossible not to hear, encouraged a person to break out of the whirlwind of earthly worries in order to turn to the eternal, to Heaven.

Whatever one may say, the ringing of bells is a reminder to people mired in vanity about God.

Clairvoyants (God forgive me) claim that when the bell rings, very strong energy is emitted.
Some scientists are confident that as a result of the sound of the bell, special microparticles that are smaller than an atom are formed in the surrounding air. By their direction they create a three-dimensional CROSS. They are the ones who have a purifying effect on the air and living organisms. It turns out that the sound, descending from heaven to earth, seems to baptize the area.
The ringing of bells contains a wonderful power that penetrates deeply into human hearts (this manifests itself differently for everyone). There is a belief that the ringing of bells is a symbol of purification, a source of some pure energy.

When do the church bells ring?

like hearing the Word of God. ancient times people didn't have watches. The ringing of bells notified people about the start of a service or about some other event.
Currently, church bell ringing is usually used for:
1) to call Christians to and to notify about the time of its beginning;
2) to announce to those not present in the church the moment of the most important prayers and sacred rites during the liturgy and other services;
3) to express the festive celebration and spiritual joy of Christians, on the greatest days - in addition to divine services.
It is worth saying that the ringing of a bell accompanies all life Orthodox man- the sacrament, wedding, funeral service is performed with the ringing of bells. When they defeated the enemy, the winners were greeted with joyful ringing.

What type of bell ringing is there?

Blagovest is when first three rare, slow, drawn-out strikes are made on one bell, and then measured strikes follow. Blagovest, in turn,
divided into two types: ordinary (private), produced by the largest bell; Lenten (rare), produced by a smaller bell on weekdays
days of Great Lent. The Blagovest occurs three times: at Vespers, Matins, and the hours before the Liturgy (before the early Liturgy).

Dvuznon This is ringing all the bells twice (in two steps).

Trezvon This is the ringing of all the bells, repeated three times after a short break. Treznon usually “calls” to the Liturgy and all-night vigil.

Chime this is the ringing of each bell in turn (one or several strikes), starting from the largest one to the smallest one, repeated several times.
It is performed at liturgy and on special solemn occasions.

Bust This is a slow ringing of each bell in turn, from smallest to largest. After hitting the big bell, they hit everything at once, and repeat this
many times. The bell is otherwise called a funeral bell; it expresses sadness and grief for the deceased. But the search always ends with a ringing sound like
a symbol of the Christian joyful news of the resurrection of the dead.

Alarm this is a very common one that occurs during anxiety.

Special bells and ringings accompany solemn prayers, blessings of water, religious processions. After the end of the festive and Sunday liturgy, the trezvon is started.

By the way, according to tradition, on Easter and bright week, (week after Easter), any Orthodox Christian can climb the bell tower and glorify the risen Savior by ringing the bells. People call this time the bell week or the time of birth of bell ringers.

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