Public holidays of the DPRK. The most grandiose holiday in the history of North Korea. Failed provisional government

home Last weekend, North Korea celebrated 100th anniversary of the birth of the country's founder - Kim Il Sung

. This event became the largest and grandest celebration for the entire existence of the DPRK. The current leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, the youngest head of state in the world, who was recently announced, addressed the nation for the first time from the podium. supreme commander in chief

" People were genuinely crying. During the holiday, a large-scale military parade took place in Pyongyang, and everything ended.

colorful fireworks and fireworks

Many foreign journalists were invited to the celebrations, but one must understand that photographers were strictly limited in their actions, and they were only allowed to shoot approved stories from certain angles. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters): Waiting for grandiose spectacles, simple people

and the artists sang songs about how Kim Il Sung did not sleep at all at night, but worked so that the Koreans could live better. , April 16, 2012. (Photo by Vincent Yu | AP): On April 15, 2012, a large military parade was held in the capital of the DPRK, Pyongyang, which demonstrated the power of the country. The parade hosted a new great leader

Comrade Kim Jong-un. (Reuters Photo | Stringer):

North Korean soldiers, Pyongyang, April 15, 2012. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images): On the main capital square of Pyongyang held mass dances in which ordinary people

, April 16, 2012. (Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP): 170 meter Monument to the Juche Ideas

in Pyongyang, where the fireworks display was at its apotheosis, when powerful volleys flew from the monument in different directions. April 15, 2012. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

Before the start of a military parade in honor of Kim Il Sung's 100th birthday in Pyongyang, April 15, 2012. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

“Superiority in military technology is no longer the exclusive monopoly of the imperialists,” North Korea's new leader said in his address. (Reuters Photo | KCNA):

Military parade on the central square of Pyongyang, April 15, 2012. (Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP):

During the parade, 5 MiG-29 fighter jets flew over the central square of Pyongyang, causing a storm of delight, April 15, 2012. (Photo by Ng Han Guan | AP):

All the people were delighted with what was happening... (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

...without asking what is relevant for poor country question: how much does it all cost? (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

The scale of the military parade was amazing. Most of demonstrated military equipment was of Soviet and Russian production. (Reuters Photo | KCNA):

(Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

From the podium, the current leader of North Korea, the youngest head of state in the world, 28-year-old Kim Jong-un, addressed the nation for the first time: “The power of our country is limitless and this parade is proof of that.” (Photo by Pedro Ugarte | AFP | Getty Images):

North Koreans dream that their ideas will sooner or later take hold of other countries. Many people sincerely cried during Kim Jong-un's speech. Pyongyang, April 15, 2012. (Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP):

Meanwhile, the military parade continued. The outstanding role of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il was emphasized in every possible way, thanks to whom the Korean army turned “into an invincible armed force.” (Reuters Photo | Stringer):

A soldier in the stands with a bunch of medals. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

Some journalists managed to film residential areas that did not fit into the grand celebration in Pyongyang, April 12, 2012. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

The Pyongyang metro, which is one of the most deepest subways in the world: some stations are located 110 meters underground, which makes it possible to use the subway as a shelter. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

Deserted streets of Pyongyang and the famous 20-year long-term construction - the 105-story Ryugyong Hotel, April 12, 2012. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

The opening ceremony of two large monuments to Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang, April 13, 2012. In the middle of the photo - new chapter DPRK Kim Jong-un. (Photo by Bobby Yip | AP):

When photographing monuments, journalists must under no circumstances copy his pose by lifting up right hand. You should also not take photographs where the images will be cropped (for example, “amputation” of legs). (Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP):

And songs praising Kim Il Sung. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

A festive concert in front of a portrait of the founder of the DPRK Kim Il Sung, Pyongyang, April 16, 2012. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

(Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP):

The grandiose celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of the country's founder, Kim Il Sung, have come to an end. Pyongyang, April 17, 2012. (Photo by Vincent Yu | AP):

Until the beginning of the 20th century, Korea was a monarchical state - a vassal state of Qin China. After Russo-Japanese War Japan imposed its protectorate on Korea and annexed it in 1910.

In 1943, at a conference in Cairo, Roosevelt, Churchill and Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek agreed to create a unified and independent Korean state. The USSR, USA and Great Britain also agreed on this issue at the Tehran Conference in 1943 and the Yalta Conference of the Allies in 1945. On August 8, 1945, the USSR entered the war against Japan. Korea, which bordered the USSR, fell into the zone of action of Soviet troops.

“Soviet troops entered Korean territory because it was then part of the Japanese Empire,” explained a senior researcher at the Institute Far East RAS Evgeniy Kim. — In Korea at that time there was the so-called 17th Front of the Japanese Army, transferred to operational subordination Kwantung Army. There were about 600 Japanese planes, about 100 thousand military personnel, and the Kwantung Army was supplied through Korea. To ensure the defeat of the Manchu group, we needed to cut off the supply routes for Japanese troops through Korea.”

Concerned that all of Korea might fall under Soviet control, the Americans developed a plan to divide the peninsula into Soviet and American occupation zones along the 38th parallel, dividing the peninsula almost in half.

“The 38th parallel was chosen as the line dividing the areas of responsibility of Soviet and American troops. It was a temporary line, purely military,” said Alexander Vorontsov, head of the Korea and Mongolia department at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in a conversation with RT.

The capital of the country, Seoul, was within the American occupation zone. The Soviet Union accepted the American proposals.

“Stalin might not agree, since there were no Americans anywhere near Korea,” says Kim. “But we were allies, and he didn’t want to quarrel with them.”

As a result, in 1945, the Korean Peninsula was occupied by the USSR and the USA. On August 14, 1945, the Red Army entered Korean territory from the north. On September 8, 1945, the Americans landed at Inchon in the south of the peninsula.

“Soviet troops actually fought in Korea, there were fleeting but bloody battles, but the Americans landed in Korea after the surrender of Japan,” Vorontsov notes.

In total, 4.5 thousand soldiers and officers of the Red Army died during the liberation of Korea.

Different policies

On September 12, 1945, the Korean People's Republic was proclaimed in Seoul by supporters of Korean independence. It was headed by left-wing nationalist Yo Unhyun. The government under his leadership relied on a network of people's committees created in the north and south of Korea. However, the American occupation forces refused to recognize the Korean government people's republic and people's committees and outlawed them in December 1945.

The reason is in the politics of the people's republic: left-wing activists took an active part in the work of the people's committees, and among the goals they set for themselves were nationalization railways, communications, banks and mines, as well as an 8-hour working day and free distribution of land to peasants. The rightists preferred to focus on the “government” located in Shanghai, created by migrants from Korea. However, the United States did not recognize him either. Very soon, the Americans banned the activities of the Korean Communist Party in the south of the country.

They relied on the former chairman of the provisional government of the Republic of Korea in exile, Syngman Rhee, who had lived in the United States since 1925. In October 1945, he arrived in Seoul on the personal plane of the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces in Japan, General MacArthur. Syngman Rhee began active activities in Korea, claiming the role of the main politician of the south.

  • Lee Seung Man
  • Keystone Pictures USA

“Some South Koreans from the bourgeoisie and the feudal-landlord class welcomed the Americans,” Kim notes. “But by that time the people’s committee, the Communist Party, was already operating there, and the general mood of the population was in favor of socialism.”

The USSR pursued a different policy, trying to rely on people's committees. They were recognized by the Soviet leadership as legitimate. The United States declared from the very beginning that only its military administration had power in the south of Korea.

The Korean communists were an important pro-Soviet force. However, the communist forces in Korea were then fragmented, and it was necessary to unite them: in the south, the so-called ingroup communist underground fighters who did not leave the country during the years of occupation and war. The "Yan'an" group operated in China, but the closest to the Soviet military command was the "Manchurian" (or "partisan") group - communists who participated in guerrilla warfare in northern Korea and Manchuria.

A significant part of them were pushed back to the territory of the USSR during the clashes with the Japanese. The 88th separate unit was created from Korean and Chinese partisans rifle brigade The Red Army, which took part in the liberation of Korea. Red Army captain and former guerrilla commander Kim Il Sung turned out to be the highest-ranking Korean in this brigade on North Korean territory.

  • Kim Il Sung in Seoul, June 1950

Already in December 1945, Kim Il Sung replaced Comintern veteran Kim Yong Bum as head of the North Korean Bureau of the Communist Party of Korea.

Failed provisional government

In December 1945, the Moscow Conference of the Foreign Ministers of the USSR, USA and Great Britain was held, at which it was decided to introduce a trusteeship regime over Korea with the prospect of creating a single independent state and a single Korean government in five years. The United States sought to ensure that all power for the duration of the trusteeship regime was concentrated in the hands of a joint commission of allies under the leadership of the commanders-in-chief of the USSR and the USA in Korea. However, Moscow insisted that power pass to the provisional democratic government of Korea. On December 29, 1945, this decision, approved by the United States, was made public.

Although the idea of ​​trusteeship was first voiced by US representatives, the Americans carried out a kind of information operation, presenting the situation in the eyes of the Koreans in such a way as to place all the blame for postponing Korean independence on the USSR.

Two days before the start of the conference, information appeared in the Seoul East Asian Newspaper that it was the USSR that insisted on introducing a trusteeship regime over Korea, while the United States allegedly demanded immediate independence. Syngman Lee did not stand aside either.

“On December 19, Syngman Rhee spoke on Seoul radio and accused the Soviet Union of introducing the idea of ​​​​trusteeship over Korea, and this is the deprivation of Korea’s independence. And he began in every possible way to agitate the Koreans against the Soviet Union. And this was even before our response to the US proposal of December 17 was given,” Kim explained.

As a result, mass protests against the guardianship regime took place in the country. The prospect of creating at least a temporary but common Korean government was blocked due to the incompatible demands of the USSR and the USA regarding the composition of this government.

“The Americans understood that if they allowed the masses to elect who they wanted, a people’s democratic regime would emerge in Korea,” says Kim.

Negotiations on the creation of a temporary government were unsuccessful, and both sides headed for the creation of their own administrations in their occupation zones.

Self-government of the North

In 1946, the Workers' Party of Korea was founded, absorbing the New People's Party created by former Korean emigrants from China and Communist Party Korea. The leader of the new association was Kim Doo Bong, the head of the New People's Party. All those who acted in North Korea political parties- Democratic, Labor and Religious Party of Young Friends of the Heavenly Path - became part of the United Democratic patriotic front, an umbrella organization led by communists.

The Provisional People's Committee for North Korea was created to replace the Five Provinces Administrative Bureau, the provisional Korean government that acted alongside the Soviet occupation authorities in North Korea. The new government was headed by Kim Il Sung.

The North Korean leadership set a course for socialist reforms: the nationalization of enterprises, the distribution of land among peasants that belonged to large owners and pro-Japanese collaborators. A significant portion of those who collaborated with the Japanese or were affected by reforms in the north fled to American zone occupation.

On February 17, 1947, the first congress of representatives of the people's committees of cities, provinces and counties was held in North Korea, who elected supreme body state power - the People's Assembly of North Korea, which was supposed to govern the territory of the Soviet occupation zone until the creation of a unified government of Korea.

The South is falling apart

IN South Korea dissatisfaction with the American administration was growing. In the autumn of 1946 in largest cities in the south there were mass protests and clashes with the police. Local “advisory bodies” collaborated with the American occupiers: legislature and the government. The latter was headed by Syngman Lee. However, all power in the south belonged to the American military administration.

To find out the mood of the population, the Americans conducted a public opinion poll in July 1946, and it showed that 70% of respondents were in favor of socialism. Therefore, a course was taken to establish a right-wing authoritarian puppet regime behind the screen of democracy.

“They began to deliberately prepare for the creation of a separate government in the south of Korea and, accordingly, the split of the country. And so that they would not be disturbed, they began to physically eliminate politicians who could interfere with this. 1946, 1947 and 1948 were the years of large-scale murders of political figures in South Korea,” the expert notes.

In 1948, the United States initiated elections for a Constitutional Assembly in the southern Korean Peninsula. Opponents of the elections staged mass protests because they feared that, with a boycott from the north, they would perpetuate the division of the country. In April 1948, an uprising under communist slogans began on the island of Jehujo in South Korea, which lasted almost a year. During its suppression, government troops killed, according to various sources, from 14 thousand to 60 thousand inhabitants of the island. Despite the protests and boycott of leftist parties, in May 1948, elections to the Constitutional Assembly were held in South Korea, in which the leaders of pro-American bourgeois parties won.

On July 17, 1948, the Constitution of the Republic of Korea was approved. On July 20, the Constitutional Assembly elected Syngman Rhee as the first president of the new state - the Republic of Korea.

“The initiative for the split was in the south, among the Americans, because they were the first to proclaim a separate government of South Korea,” says Vorontsov.

Final separation

The North did not recognize either the elections to the Constitutional Assembly or Syngman Rhee as the head of Korea. Very quickly the new regime showed all the signs of an authoritarian right-wing dictatorship. Opponents of the president were persecuted or killed on the orders of Syngman Rhee. Among the killed political opponents are Yo Unhyun (the head of the People's Republic of Korea), Kim Gu, Seung Man Rhee's rival in the presidential elections of the Republic of Korea, as well as a number of other North Korean politicians.

In North Korea, in response to the elections in the south, it was decided to hold elections for the Supreme People's Assembly on August 25, 1948. In the north, elections were held officially, in the south - secretly. On September 8, 1948, the Supreme People's Assembly approved the constitution, and on September 9, it proclaimed the creation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The formal leader of the state was the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Kim Doo-bong, who headed the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly. Kim Il Sung became the head of the country's government.

“The Supreme People's Assembly included 316 deputies from South Korea and 260 deputies elected from the North, giving them the basis to claim that they have created a republic that represents all Koreans,” Kim notes.

As a result, two governments were formed in liberated Korea - socialist in the north and capitalist in the south. Each of them claimed to rule the entire country.

  • US landing, Korea, 1950

South Korea had a constitution that, despite all its Korean specifics, was copied from Western models - primarily from the American one. At the same time, North Korea copied the 1936 USSR Constitution. The two governments - in the north and south of the Korean Peninsula - not only did not recognize each other and were guided by different political and economic models, but also did not hide the fact that they were going to solve the problem by military means.

“The split has become a fact. Two states emerged, and the 38th parallel turned into a border,” Vorontsov noted.

Unfinished War

In 1948-1949, Soviet and American troops were withdrawn from Korea. As Kim notes, this contributed to the outbreak of war between the two Koreas - the factor of deterring aggression disappeared. And although the Korean War was formally started by North Korean troops on June 25, 1950, it was preceded by almost a year of intense fighting on the border of the two state entities and statements on the part of the South Koreans about their intention to suppress the North by force of arms.

“From April 1949 to July 4, 1950, 1,400 military clashes took place on the border between North and South Korea, involving up to two battalions on each side every day. In fact, the military conflict has been going on continuously since 1949,” Kim emphasized.

Syngman Rhee and the South Korean generals did not hide the fact that they were going to resolve the issue of Korean unification by military means, preparing a throw to the north.

  • Korean War, 1951

As a result of the Korean War of 1950-1953, in which the USA, China, the USSR, and Great Britain were involved, neither side, despite serious losses, was able to achieve a final advantage. As a result, a military demarcation line was established along the 38th parallel, where the front stabilized by July 1953.

On July 27, 1953, representatives of the US armed forces, the DPRK and the “Chinese volunteers” (the latter were actually units of the People's Liberation Army of China) signed a truce that is still in force. Representatives of South Korea refused to join him. The peace treaty, despite several attempts by the DPRK, was never signed.

“The United States is not going to sign it, because if a peace treaty is signed, then why are Americans needed there... But they don’t want to leave, because South Korea is a convenient springboard against China and Russia, South Korea is not signing a peace treaty because that then they will have to recognize North Korea,” Kim concluded.

Now it is South Korea, according to experts, that is most strongly pushing the idea of ​​unifying the peninsula. North Korea is still considered " extremist organization", expression of sympathy for which is prohibited by law. The South Korean government to this day appoints and maintains the governors of the five provinces that are de facto part of the DPRK, along with all the necessary apparatus, so that in the event of the capture of the north, they can immediately begin governing these territories.

“The South proceeds and has proceeded from the position: “We are stronger, time is on our side,” notes Vorontsov. — Seoul - because the unification of Korea will take place according to the German scenario, when the Republic of Korea will simply absorb the DPRK. But North Korea, despite all the difficulties, survives. Moreover, they have entered a trend of positive economic growth. And plus more successes in the nuclear missile sector.”

The North, in turn, proposes the idea of ​​the Koryo Confederation - the creation of a supranational entity that would cover both Korean states without changing the specifics of each of the regimes that were formed over almost 60 years, according to a model similar to the Chinese principle of “one country, two systems” applied during the integration of Hong Kong into China.

“As for the unification, I believe that they have passed the point of no return,” says Kim. “We need to calm down and admit that they live in different countries, each of which has formed its own special style and even colloquial different. We must discard all ideas about unification. This is a long-term prospect."

September 9, 1948 broke out bright Star in Northeast Asia, which heralded the creation of a new socialist a state that showed third world countries a practical way to fight for their independence, for the legitimate right of every people to independently choose their historical path of development.

The creation of the DPRK was a significant milestone in the history of the Korean nation, the beginning of the independence and independence of the Korean state, created for the benefit of the working people, for the benefit of their interests and the real improvement of life common man. After the liberation of Korea from the Japanese colonial yoke in 1945, under the leadership of the Great Commander Comrade Kim Il Sung, the Great Leader did a great deal of work towards the unification of the Korean nation, divided territorially into two parts by the Americans who occupied the south of Korea in the final period of World War II and refused to leave the territory Korean Peninsula after its completion. Unfortunately, the issue of unification remains on the agenda due to the criminal, hostile, misanthropic policy of the United States, which in every possible way opposes this unification, contrary to the wishes and aspirations of the entire Korean people.

In the newly born Socialist Republic, the creation of an independent and self-sufficient economic base began. The country has set a course for training its intelligentsia and scientific and technical personnel. The adopted development plans for the country set goals that were always successfully implemented by the heroic people of the DPRK. Over the past 63 years, the DPRK has become a country with universal literacy, where every 4th person has higher education, where a high potential of science and culture has been created. But personnel, as you know, decides everything. Therefore, it is not surprising that in response to constant threats, direct blackmail and various provocations from the United States, the DPRK was created by domestic scientists and scientific and technical personnel reliable protection peaceful labor of citizens, in the form nuclear weapons, from the threat of a preventive attack on the country from the United States, distraught with permissiveness. And no matter what anyone says, it is the presence nuclear shield is today the only guarantee of maintaining peace in Northeast Asia and on the Korean Peninsula, in particular.

Achievements in the field of economic development, science, growth in the welfare of the people, constantly improving medical care in the most remote areas from the capital, large-scale residential construction, both in cities and in rural areas, speak volumes. Today, the DPRK has a highly developed industry and advanced Agriculture. It is very difficult to build socialism in the DPRK due to the constant interference of the United States in all affairs on the Korean Peninsula and the corruption of the changing South Korean puppet governments, their subordination and servility to America. But, despite these enormous difficulties, the constant suffocating economic blockade of the DPRK, the country not only has not weakened, but has grown, matured and continues to confidently move forward, has received recognition from almost all states of the planet (established diplomatic relations). The basis of all achievements is the heroic work of the people of the DPRK, their monolithic unity around the Leader and the Party. Armed forces The DPRK, the people of the DPRK, not only vigilantly guard the gains of socialism, but also take an active part in its further construction. It was the unity of the people around the Leader and the Party that created that monolith that no one was given the power to destroy.

Today, 17 years after the death of the Great Leader, the worthy successor of his work, Comrade Kim Jong Il, is at the helm of the country. He enjoys great love and trust from the people.

His re-election to the post of Chairman State Committee Defense of the DPRK September 3, 2003 testifies to his services to the country and people and his extraordinary abilities as a politician, ideologist, wise statesman, and talented commander. It is no coincidence that the people of the DPRK call him the Great KIM JON IL.

Now the people are preparing to celebrate the centenary of the birth of the Great Leader in the coming 2012 with new labor successes.

We heartily congratulate the courageous and hardworking people of the DPRK on the 63rd anniversary of the founding of their Socialist state, and we wish them to continue their path to the top of a highly developed, prosperous socialist state as firmly and confidently as possible.

On the day of the 63rd anniversary of the founding of the DPRK, congratulating the Koreans on this holiday, we sincerely wish happiness to every family and new success in strengthening the power of their Socialist state.

Every year this date is celebrated in the north of the Korean Peninsula as a public holiday.

In 1910, one of the oldest countries in Asia, Korea, was forcibly annexed by Japan. On August 22, 1910, the country was officially incorporated into the Empire of Japan and remained a Japanese colony for 35 years. Administration was carried out by the governor general.

According to the decisions of the Cairo Conference of the Allied Powers (December 1, 1943), Korea was to gain independence after the end of World War II. This decision was confirmed by the Potsdam Declaration of July 26, 1945.

After the announcement Soviet Union war of Japan and with the beginning of the defeat of the Kwantung Army in August 1945, the Emperor of Japan announced surrender and implementation of the decision Potsdam Conference. By agreement between the allies anti-Hitler coalition In Korea, two temporary zones were designated to accept the surrender of the Japanese army: the Soviet one - north of the 38th parallel and the American one - south of it.

The Soviet-American agreement on the temporary administration of Korea, signed in December 1945, assumed that the divided country would not remain divided for long - until a new government was formed. However, under the conditions " cold war", which began between the USSR and the USA almost immediately after the end of World War II, the 38th parallel.

In the northern part of Korea, immediately after liberation, the Japanese bodies of the colonial apparatus were liquidated, land reform was carried out, industry, transport, communications, banks, etc. were nationalized. At the same time, the Soviet military administration contributed to the creation of a party and state power in the image and likeness of the model that existed in those years in the USSR. On the other hand, in the south of the Korean Peninsula, the United States, having declared its commitment to the principles of parliamentarism and democracy, in fact contributed to the establishment of an authoritarian regime dependent on Washington.

The joint Soviet-American commission on Korea, created at the Moscow meeting of the foreign ministers of Russia, the United States and Great Britain in December 1945, was never able to develop an acceptable formula for the formation of a Korean state.

In 1947, the issue of creating a single state in Korea at the initiative of the United States was submitted for discussion to the UN, which decided to hold elections under the supervision of a UN commission.

In May 1948, elections to the national assembly were held in South Korea and a South Korean government led by Syngman Rhee was formed. On August 15, 1948, the formation of the Republic of Korea was proclaimed with its capital in Seoul.

Having declared this act illegal, the North Korean authorities, with the support of the Soviet military administration, carried out similar work in the north. On September 9, 1948, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was established with its capital in Pyongyang. Following the formation of the DPRK, Pyongyang achieved the unification of the party organizations of the North and South into the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK). Kim Il Sung was appointed Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the DPRK, and he also headed the Workers' Party of Korea.

Both governments intended to unite Korea under their own rule, which was proclaimed in the Constitutions adopted in 1948.

In 1948, all Soviet troops. The Americans withdrew their troops in the summer of 1949, but left about 500 advisers in South Korea. Military advisers to the USSR remained in the DPRK.

Military-political contradictions between states with different socio-political systems led to the outbreak of war in 1950. Contingents of the US Armed Forces and 15 other countries operating under the flag of the UN multinational forces took part in the hostilities on the side of the Republic of Korea, and contingents of the Armed Forces of China and the USSR took part in the fighting on the side of the DPRK. On July 27, 1953, the DPRK and the Republic of Korea entered into an Armistice Agreement.

According to the Armistice Agreement, North and South Korea are separated by a military demarcation line, on both sides of which there is a demilitarized zone with a total width of 4 kilometers.

In July 1972, the Joint Statement of the North and the South was signed, which set out the basic principles of unification - independently, without relying on external forces; in peaceful way; based on the "great national consolidation".

In 1991, the DPRK and the Republic of Korea entered into an Agreement on Reconciliation, Non-Aggression, Cooperation and Exchanges, and in 1992 they adopted a Joint Declaration on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

Formally, the war in Korea is not over yet. After President Moon Jae-in came to power in South Korea, between the North and the South. In 2018, two summits of the leaders of the republics were already held at the Panmunjom negotiation point in the demilitarized zone. The previous two inter-Korean summits were held in Pyongyang in June 2000 and October 2007.

In North Korea, Republic Day is celebrated. In previous years, test explosions of nuclear charges and launches of their potential carriers, ballistic missiles, were also timed to coincide with the anniversary of the founding of the DPRK.


On major holidays, North Korea organizes picturesque festive processions. The events are accompanied by the organization of the famous “living paintings”. Thousands of people instantly create incredibly detailed and picturesque canvases of gigantic proportions from colored sheets of paper.

If you are going If you want to go to North Korea during any holiday or festival, please start filling out all the documents very early in advance - there are not enough places in hotels and on planes for everyone.

List of the main and especially widely celebrated holidays in North Korea.

date Holiday Special Events
16.02 Comrade's birthday Kim Jong Il. Flower exhibition of Kim Jong Il. Performance.
15.04 Day of the Sun Comrade's birthday Kim Il Sung. Flower exhibition of Kim Il Sung. Performance. Mass dance of youth in the square. Festival of Friendship.
01.05 Labor Day. Folk games. Performances by artists. Friendship meetings.
01.06 Children Protection Day Special children's concert.
08.07 Kim Il Sung Memorial Day Performances by artists. Friendship meetings. Floral exhibition.
15.08 Renaissance Day
25.08 Songun Politics Day Activities are being confirmed.
28.08 Youth Day Folk festivities on the streets. Mass dance of youth.
09.09 Republic Day Performances by artists. Mass dance of youth in the square.
10.10 Workers' Party Day of Korea Mass dance of youth in the square. Festive concert.

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