Fallout 4 weapon description. The best weapon. Parsons Psychiatric Hospital on a map of the Commonwealth



As you probably already understood from the name, this weapon uses garbage from the protagonist’s inventory as ammunition. Load up the kids' toys, baseballs, and then shoot!

You can find this weapon during the mission “Call to Arms” in the jet engine control center.

Righteous Lord

An excellent laser rifle that you receive early in the game (immediately after completing the “Call to Arms” quest) and can safely use it in later adventures. There is also a bonus that doubles the damage from critical attacks, and the rate at which the critical attack indicator replenishes is increased by 15%.

Vicious Power Knuckles

Go to Swan Pond on Boston Common (near Park Street Station) and defeat the Swan. Before the battle, stock up on explosives. All you have to do is keep your distance and shower the enemy with bombs. After the death of this boss, you will find the Furious Power Brass Knuckles, which deals 56 base damage, and if you also downloaded the perk iron fist , then you can inflict incredible damage in hand-to-hand combat

, but its main feature is the increase in damage with each subsequent attack on the same target.

Grognak's Ax

You can find this weapon of death in the Hubris Comics window. The ax deals 42 damage, causes bleeding on hit, and has a chance to stun enemies.

Kellogg pistol

Big boy That guy rare weapons

, which can be purchased from merchants. You can buy it at the Diamond City market from Arturo Rodriguez for 13,700 caps. Essentially, this is the same fat guy, but with a nice bonus - launching two projectiles at the same time. Before purchasing this beast, try to improve your trading skills in order to slightly reduce the offered price.

True friend

You can buy this item from the same Arturo for 2500. It has a very useful feature - it deals double damage to enemies with full health. Add to this a pumped up sneak attack, and your opponents will die before the battle even begins.

Shem Drawn's Sword

Made in the old style and causes radiation damage on hit. In general, there are better analogues, so either sell this sword or keep it for your collection.

Rockville Boxer

At the same Diamond City Market, you can purchase an unusual baseball bat. To the left of Arturo's shop is Mo Cronini's shop, where you can buy this miracle for 1064 caps. The bonus allows you to spend 40% less action points.

General Zhao's Revenge

The Drumlin' Diner is one of the first places you'll likely visit, and you can buy some good weapons there. In addition to the base attack of 58 units, it deals 50% increased damage against robots, which is sometimes much more effective than Grognak's axe. Purchased from Trudy for 2000 caps.

Started the song

Again bought from merchants, but this time in Good Neighborhood from KL-E-O. This rocket launcher is just a gift (although not free) against human bosses, as it deals 50% more damage human race. The price, of course, is a bit expensive (12,500), but you can always try to bargain.

Special kit for survival

To receive this weapon, you must be a member of the Brotherhood of Steel and complete their tasks. After some time, you will be assigned the task “Lost Patrol”. At the end of the mission, you will have three ways to get what you want: kill, steal, or persuade Brandis to return. The bonus is that the less health you have, the greater your damage. Alternatively, you can give it to a weak companion (like Piper) and it will be much more useful.


This pistol can be obtained immediately after completing the quest “Agent Work”, which can be taken from the Deacon in the Underground.

The peculiarity of this weapon is that it uses 10mm cartridges, increases the probability of hitting VATS and reduces the cost of action points by 25%.


Extraterrestrial pistol

Finding aliens in Fallout 4 is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The alien ship is located southeast near the Oberland station. There you will find green blood on the ground. We follow this trail to a mysterious cave, where you will have to kill the alien and take his weapon.

Press and pray

If you love submachine guns, then this weapon is for you. It can be purchased from the traveling merchant Cricket. You can find her near shelter 81, but if she is not there, then you can wait a little on the nearest bench.

Special offer from Technician Tom

This gun is suitable for fans of long-range combat. The peculiarity of this rifle is that before the start of the battle you have increased accuracy in VATS. If you also have leveled up your stealth perks, then the enemy will almost never see you, as a result of which you will be constantly using this bonus.

You can purchase weapons from Technician Tom from the Underground, but to do this you need to maintain at least good relations with them.

2076 World Series Baseball Cue

The store with this bat is located in the abandoned settlement of Jamaica Plain. First you need to get into the local church, but the door is locked. The building on the left will allow you to get inside through the roof. There is a corpse on a bench in the church. Search it and take away all the unusual things. After that, head to the city hall building (the large yellow building opposite the monument). On the lower floors you will find a basement. We go into it and go through it to the storage room. Inside the vault you will find a room with a vault terminal, and on the left on the display case there will be our bat.

The peculiarity of this sports equipment is that upon impact there is a small chance of launching the target into the air.

Virgil's carbine

The weapon can be obtained if Virgil dies. You can attack him without warning, or report that you haven’t found the serum ( this option possible with a high level of charisma), after which the mutant will ask you to kill him. The carbine allows you to deal increased damage to super mutants.

Get this sniper rifle for completing a small task from a Salem resident named Barney. Finding him is not difficult, since you will definitely hear his angry screams and firing at the swampers. After completing the quest, he will open a room in his basement, where our special weapon will lie on the table.

Big Jim

Now it's time to find a unique adjustable wrench that allows you to deal increased damage to your opponent's legs! We go to Walden Pond and go to a small lake where there is a drainage pipe. We pass along it and clear the cave from raiders. You will find the key in the room with the stairs. Climbing up it, you will see a toolbox, next to which our goal will lie.

Experiment 18-A


Northeast of Finch's Farm you will find pumping station. We go down to the remote control with buttons. We need to dial the combination “10 4 5 1”. After this, the door will open, and you will see a skeleton, next to which there will be a pistol.

According to merit

Can be purchased from Penny Fitzgerald in the Alliance settlement. When attacking, there is a chance to stun the enemy.

Le Fusil Terribles

In the Libertalia location you will find a makeshift tower built on the remains of a sunken ship. Go upstairs, where you will find the captain's cabin. Inside, on a wooden box there will be a treasured shotgun.

Gun Lorenzo

You receive this pistol after completing the quest The Secret of the Cabot House and killing Lorenzo. Come back a week later and Jack will give you this special weapon.

Wasteland Friend

You can buy a pistol that deals 50% more damage to limbs from Deb in Bunker Hill.

Shish Kebab

Nail gun

The most attractive weapon for many players. You can find it in Long John's junkyard. First you need to find an overturned blue trailer with a hatch in the floor (open the local map and you will see the entrance to a location called “Shelter”). You won’t be able to open it right away; to do this you need to turn on the electricity. We follow the wire from the hatch to the generator, where we lower the switch. Inside the shelter on the table you will find the Nailgun.

Pickman's Blade

You will find an unusual knife in the Pickman Gallery. It will be waiting for you there a whole army raiders, so be prepared. We clear the catacombs and save Pickman, who will give the key to his safe, inside of which the knife is stored.

Kremva's tooth

To find this sword you will have to try a little. To do this, we go to the “Danvic Drillers” quarry and clear it of raiders. After this we move deeper into the mines. You must reach a dead end with a small lake where you will have a vision. Before jumping into the lake, do not forget to take off power armor, otherwise you will not be able to get out of the water. We dive and find two nuclear charges and Kremv’s Tooth on the stand.

Powerful sword Chinese officer

During an encounter with ghouls, there is a chance to meet the legendary wild ghoul-devourer, who is armed with a powerful sword of a Chinese officer.

The game provides a wide selection of weapons for long-range and melee combat, from which you need to choose the best that comes to hand! And the developers have also provided for the possibility of modification, which will allow you to turn an ordinary weapon into a real beast!
We offer you a list of the most interesting and powerful tools that you should take into your arsenal. Of course, if you have favorite weapon, you can modify it as you wish. But we hope that our list will allow you to significantly increase your fighting power!

Shotgun "According to Merits"

The most powerful of all shotguns in the game, and even more so if you equip it with upgrades. You can get it already at medium levels. The shotgun costs 1,400 caps in the Covenant (Covenant) store.

The weapon, of course, is not the most powerful, but it’s definitely worth taking note of! “Jet Junk” stands out because it “feeds” on the junk that accumulates in your inventory. To obtain launcher, you need to complete Dance's quest. And you can find weapons on the table in the ArcJet Systems control room.

A naval gun that is convenient to walk around with and fun to shoot at passers-by! You can get it by completing the task “The Last Voyage of the Constitution Ship.”

Don't you need a rare barrel - an alien weapon? We believe the question will be rhetorical if we list its characteristics:

You can find this blaster on a crashed alien ship. And in order to make the ship crash, you need to complete the main quest of shelter 75, which is located next to high school Maldena.
Then use fast travel and get to the Forest Grove in the west. Next, follow the road until you reach an abandoned red truck. Then there will be a noise. Look at the sky: an alien ship is crashing! Follow him east.
Did you find the ship? Now it will lead you to the Alien Pistol green blood. Following the trail to the northern part, you will find yourself in a cave. The blaster will be there.

Sword "Revenge of General Zhao".

Not a sword, but just a sight for sore eyes! Such a wonderful blade can be obtained at the Drumlin restaurant, which is located southeast of the Freedom Museum. An NPC will give it to you, but keep in mind that you won’t be able to just take it for yourself: you will have to take part in the battle. However, make sure that the woman is still alive if you still want to buy a sword from her.

Laser rifle "Righteous Lord".

You can get it after completing the Brotherhood of Steel quest. The task will be given by Dance. True, as you progress through the game, the rifle’s capabilities will seem weak compared to other weapons, but it is still a rarity!

You won't believe it, but you can find it in the very first location you find yourself in when you start the game - in Vault 111! True, the cryo-gun itself will not throw itself into your hands: it is hidden in a box that will have to be opened. To do this, you need a lockpicking level of at least “Expert”.

Truly legendary weapon! And what’s especially nice is that you can find it in a couple of locations. But the most suitable one is a robot dump in the northeast of our hero’s hometown. Find him there and start mercilessly dealing with your enemies!

A very effective thing. Can deal double damage to an enemy with full lives. Recommended to combine with sneak attacks. You can buy this unit from Arturo.

Experiment 18-A

Define the most powerful weapon in Fallout 4 quite difficult, because all guns have their own advantages and disadvantages. But, traveling around the Commonwealth, you can find several interesting examples of weapons, and it is them that will be discussed in this article.


Enough cool weapon, which shoots a blast of cold at enemies. The most interesting thing is that you can see it almost at the very beginning of the game, searching Vault 111. But in order to get it, you will have to upgrade your hacking skill to “Expert” or use Kate’s help.

You can find this weapon during the mission “Call to Arms” in the jet engine control center.

A very powerful laser rifle. It will delight you with monstrous damage values ​​for critical attacks and accelerated replenishment of the critical attack indicator. You can receive it as a reward for the “Call to Arms” quest and use it even until the very end of the game.

, but its main feature is the increase in damage with each subsequent attack on the same target.

Ideal for lovers of close combat and melee weapons. This seemingly simple ax deals as much as 42 units of damage to enemies, and also has a chance to cause them to bleed and stun.

Kellogg pistol

If you like the Fat Man gun, then from Big boy you will simply be delighted. Its main feature is firing two projectiles simultaneously. The opponents certainly won’t survive this. You can buy it from the Rodriguez merchant in Diamond City.

Press and pray

With this submachine gun you can cosplay as a gangster, it looks the part. A nice bonus is that bullets explode when they hit enemies, causing area damage with a power of 15 units. You can buy it from the merchant Cricket, who likes to wander near shelter 81.

Of course, all the guns presented above cannot be called the best, because each player has his own favorite weapon and its choice depends only on personal preferences.

There are a lot of different weapons in Fallout 4, but which ones? best weapons in Fallout 4? A definite answer to this question cannot be given, since this degree depends on the situation, for example, an alien blaster is one of the best weapons in medium combat, but at long and close distances it loses its advantages. Below is a list of the best weapons in Fallout 4.

Alien blaster

Perfect for medium-range combat. This weapon arrived from space on an alien ship and belongs to the category of energy weapons. Clots of energy are capable of destroying an enemy in a couple of shots. However, it is very difficult to aim when shooting, which makes it unsuitable for long-range combat. The main disadvantage of the blaster is the lack of ammunition for it in the wasteland. All the cartridges that you took from the alien will need to be saved since there will simply be nowhere to get new ones. These are arguably the best weapons in Fallout 4.


You can find it at the very beginning of the game in Vault 111, but it is impossible to get it from under the lock, since you do not have a high hacking level. You have 2 options:

  • You can get it later
  • Take advantage of a bug in the game and ask the dog to bring it to you.

The cryolator shoots cryogenic clots that freeze the enemy and cause significant damage to his health. Excellent for combat at medium and close distances.

Power brass knuckles

Best weapon melee in Fallout 4. To get it you need to kill the Swan in Boston Common Park. This weapon is very useful in close combat, but in other cases it is useless. The main advantage is that it does not require any ammunition, and you can kill a weak enemy with one blow.

Non-automatic rifles tend to be highly accurate and do more damage than pistols or automatic weapon. Most of these rifles are affected by 3 ranks of the Sniper ability. All non-automatic rifles depend on the “Carbine Expert” ability, with 5 points invested, there will be a bonus that allows you to deal double damage and ignore 30% of the enemy’s armor, as well as increasing the chance of damaging a target’s limb with a shot. The article examines all the initial characteristics of carbines and some exotic weapons, as well as their individual modifications, which make excellent sniper rifles.

Short assault carbine

Damage: 30 The standard assault carbine has a good balance between damage and accuracy, making it good choice for various combat situations. Many of the available modifications will make this weapon suitable for automatic fire. And a properly modified assault carbine can become a good sniper carbine with a large magazine and a relatively high rate of fire.

They are often found in high-level super mutants and can also be found throughout the Commonwealth.

Ammo: 5.56
Rate of fire: 40
Range: 119
Accuracy: 72
Weight: 13.1
Price: 144

Short b weapon carbine

Short combat shotgun

Short double barrel shotgun

Damage: 110 The Gaus carbine is the master of lethality over accuracy. To inflict maximum damage, it is necessary to accumulate energy before firing by holding the trigger for a moment. It is best used from cover. The only weapon that uses a 2mm electromagnetic cartridge as ammunition, a properly modified Gaus Carbine can be a valuable addition to the arsenal.
Cartridges: 2 mm electromagnetic cartridge
Rate of fire: 66
Range: 191
Accuracy: 39
Weight: 15.8
Price: 228

Reconnaissance.50 sniper carbine

Damage: 64 Let's face it, not always the best option go with a gun at the ready against a crowd of enemies. This is a hunting rifle that has been modified to use .50 caliber bullets and is highly accurate at long ranges. The increased magazine capacity minimizes reloads, and the attached silencer will keep the shooter away from enemies. Keep a low profile and this conversion into a classic sniper rifle will allow you to finish firefights before they start.
Ammo: .50
Rate of fire: 4
Range: 185
Accuracy: 112
Weight: 19.2
Price: 212

Short institute carbine

Short laser carbine

Damage:30 (energy) The standard laser musket is not entirely accurate compared to other energy carbines, but produces b O Greater damage due to unique reload process. A standard capacitor supports a maximum of 2 charges, but more advanced options can hold up to 6 charges. The result is greater damage from the shot with significant ammo consumption.
Slightly modified laser muskets can be found outside of the Liberty Museum.
Ammo:Nuclear battery
Rate of fire: 6
Range: 71
Accuracy: 70
Weight: 12.6
Price: 57

Damage: - While regular weapons are used to deal direct damage, the injection carbine is used to hit enemies with detrimental effects. This weapon supports a wide selection of injection rounds, each of which can be crafted in a chem lab. Targets can be enraged, paralyzed, weakened, poisoned, etc.

There are several injection rifles scattered throughout the Commonwealth. They can be found at Medford Hospital, Massachusetts Blood Center, SANDY COVES Sanitarium, Massachusetts Bay Medical Center, Parsons Psychiatric Hospital, and various other locations. Also, the injection carbine is in shelter 81 and can be easily obtained by completing the quest "The Nook".

Ammo: Syringes
Rate of fire: 33
Range: 119
Accuracy: 72
Weight: 6.2
Price: 132

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