Dynamic Internet connection. Correctly setting the router connection type. How to find out the type of Internet connection

home This type

We will mention connections purely out of respect for history: dial-up access was relevant at the end of the last millennium. To ensure communication, a telephone network and a modem were used, which connected to the station’s modem. The maximum possible speed was less than 58 Kbps, and the tariffs were extremely limited.

It is necessary to talk about xDSL mainly from a historical perspective, since at one time this technology was breakthrough, but today it is of little relevance for residents of large cities. The maximum speed available to a dedicated line user is 24 Mbit per second. Compared to dial-up access used before XDSL, the progress is obvious. The advent of technology led to the transition from limited to unlimited tariffs.

FTTB (ETTH) FTTB is the next technology after xDSL, on this moment

most widespread throughout the civilized world. The principle of operation is simple: a switch is placed in the entrance, which is connected to the station of the Internet service provider. A twisted pair cable is installed into the apartment, which connects to a PC or a special router. The main advantage is the favorable ratio between Internet speed and cost. The maximum possible speed is 1 Gbit per second. The most progressive and modern way of the existing ones, which involves organizing a gigabit channel with Tripple Play services. To ensure the connection, a special optical cable is installed and connected to the appropriate equipment; converters, sfp module, optical terminals are used. In fact, xPON technology is gradually replacing FTTB, and the business Internet is often used by companies whose work involves the need to transmit large quantities

information. Since almost every person today has a modern smartphone, Mobile Internet enjoys wide distribution. It is pointless to discuss its advantages in detail due to their obviousness; the main advantage is the ability to have an Internet connection literally “at hand”, the main disadvantage is limited limits. Behind the speed has increased significantly: if previously GPRS and 3G were in use, today they have been replaced by 4G technology. The maximum speed of the latter is 300 Mbit (theoretically); in reality it is usually significantly lower. To organize the connection, USB modems and routers are installed.

Satellite Internet is another progressive branch, divided into two subtypes: one-way and two-way. The first - it is also called asymmetric - involves using communication with the satellite exclusively to receive information, while regular communication is used for transmission. The second - symmetrical - is more progressive, since it also allows for the transfer of information, however, to implement such a connection, expensive equipment will be required; the tariffs are also quite serious. The only, albeit extremely significant, advantage is the ability to gain access anywhere in the world (even to the depths of the taiga).

The vast majority of modern devices - TVs, phones, smartphones - have a built-in Wi-Fi module, which provides a stable connection to the Internet within a certain area. Large ones are carried out mainly in major cities and in places of congestion large quantity of people. There is an emerging trend towards WiMAX, which will replace conventional telecommunications due to its ease of deployment and scalability.

The Internet has long been included in the list of natural conveniences. It has turned from a luxury into a necessity that can make life much easier for each of us.

There is no longer any special need to buy magazines/books/newspapers, because as soon as you turn on your PC and launch your browser, hundreds of materials will appear in front of you, crowding into the columns of search results in the hope of attracting your attention.

The Internet is a collection of servers located around the world and connected by data transmission channels. Local network of enormous scale.

You might be wondering how it all works? Where and in what ways do all these tons of varied information end up on our PCs? There are many ways to connect to the global Internet. Surely, you are interested in learning about them with all the advantages and disadvantages.

So let's get started.

Dial up connection

The most “ancient” and accessible method of connection. Access to the Internet occurs through a telephone line channel and a modem. The phone is always busy while using it. The speed is ridiculous in our times - 56 kbit/s. In general, it is a relic of the past and is seen simply as a fragment of history.

Leased line

The most relevant and common type of connection today. Fast and relatively cheap Internet, with virtually no restrictions for the end user. Comfortable surfing, downloading large amounts of data, online games - everything, as they say, “flies”.

Most often in cities, it is implemented with FTTB technology: optics are installed in an apartment building, and twisted pair cables or also fiber optics (FTTH) are sent from the local switch to the users’ apartments. Speeds range from 1-1000 Mbit/s, traffic packages are usually unlimited.

Definitely a good option. No additional equipment is required - just a PC and a cable from the provider. Connection is also usually free or symbolically small. It’s just important for you not to make a mistake when choosing a provider - so that both the size of the monthly fee and the quality of the Internet/technical support please you.

ADSL connection

ADSL is a fast connection type. Not as popular as before, but still holds its place in the ranks. To implement communication, you need two modems - one from you, the other from the provider. The transmission channel is a telephone line, which is not very good. The capacity of the new telephone cable is 24 Mbit/s. And those that have been serving for 30 years will hardly exceed 10 Mbit/s. However, this is not a bad speed. In addition, while using the Internet, the phone continues to work, unlike Dial Up.

This connection is enough for high-quality voice and video communications, faxing and surfing. It is beneficial to use where FTTx providers have not reached (usually private sector or small villages).

Satellite Internet

A relatively exotic thing for the average user. The high cost and small number of providers until recently made VSAT the choice of units.

The last few years have changed the situation in the communication services market, making satellite Internet, although not cheap, but accessible. It is used where there is nothing else. Roughly speaking, he can work in the desert or on the top of a mountain, where there are no communications.

Exists in 2 variations:

· One-way: signal transmission occurs through terrestrial channels, and reception through satellite;

· Two-way: signals travel in both directions via satellite channels.

The first connection method is more common and cheaper. The second is usually used by organizations for remote offices. The speed of such Internet can reach 20 Mbit/s. An obvious disadvantage is the high cost of equipment and the size of the monthly fee, as well as possible interference in bad weather.

Radio Internet

Access to the network is provided by connecting the antenna installed at the user’s location with a wireless access point organized by the service provider. The antenna is placed on a hill (pole, roof), and its horn must be precisely aimed at the signal source. Range – up to 50 km.

Like VSAT, this option is used as a last resort. Equipment costs are high and bad weather can cause interference. However, this approach provides mobility and excellent access speeds (up to 1 Gbit/s).

Mobile Internet

Type of communication implemented through mobile phone using GPRS and EDGE technology. The only clear advantage of such a connection is good coverage of the territory by mobile providers and mobility.

The disadvantages include the relatively low speed and high cost. Can be used in conjunction with a PC. Again, this option is good if there is nothing else.

3G modem and GSM modem

Technologies are used to connect GSM and CDMA. Speed ​​depends on the provider's equipment and tariff. The method is not much different from connecting via a mobile phone - the pros and cons are the same.

3G will be able to provide speeds of up to 3.6 Mbit/s. This modem is inserted into the USB port of a PC, and you can buy it from any mobile operator. There are limited and unlimited tariffs.


A type of wireless connection based on the connection provided by the provider to a PC and a router - a multifunctional access point. This is a great option for covering small areas. High speed, low cost and convenience. The disadvantages include a strong dependence on the proximity of the access point and on the presence of obstacles in the path of radio waves.


The most preferable for use in home/office environments are Ethernet networks implemented using FTTx technology. They provide users with inexpensive and very fast Internet. At the same time, the choice of providers is very wide.

If such a connection is not possible, you should take a closer look at wireless technologies (3G is a priority) or ADSL if a telephone line is available.

The cost of network access depends on the type of Internet connection. In the very general view types are divided into wired and wireless. The first group includes all connection methods associated with pulling a cable to the subscriber’s apartment. The cable can be a telephone cable or intended only for the Internet; such a line is called a dedicated line. A wireless connection is setting up network access through a special antenna. In the article we talk about the listed options in more detail and advise which type of Internet connection is best to choose.

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What are the types of Internet connections?

Dial-up access

This is a modem connection via the telephone network. To set up, you need to have a home phone and a telecom operator whose equipment is powerful enough to provide access to the network.

The disadvantage of dial-up communication is that the connection to the network occurs through the same line as dialing. Therefore, simultaneous use of the Internet and telephone is impossible. In addition, on average, such a connection allows you to access the network at speeds of up to 56 Kbps. Few online games work with this connection, and downloading files can take several weeks.

Nowadays, dial-up connections are common in areas where population density or territorial features do not allow for broadband Internet.

Connection via asymmetric digital subscriber line

It is otherwise called ADSL. This is another type of modem connection. It also requires a telephone line, but a digital modem allows you to dial up and access the network at the same time. The line capacity with this type of Internet connection is higher than in the method described above. It provides the subscriber with enough high speed network access – on average up to 24 Mbit/s. The load on the line is distributed asymmetrically - the incoming connection is faster than the outgoing connection (speed up to 1.4 Mbit/s). Because of this, it takes longer to upload files to the server.

Connection via cable TV

This is the type of access that is provided according to the DOCSIS standard - data transmission via television cable. It is usually used if there are no Internet providers in the house. With its help you can get speeds from 27 to 50 Mbit/s. To set up access, you must have cable television in your home and a special modem.

Access via Ethernet cable

Ethernet – dedicated line. It is used to connect a computer to the network directly or through a Wi-Fi router. The capacity of such a channel is higher than in the case of ADSL or television cable. Data transfer speed from 50 Mbit/s in both directions - both from the computer to the server and back. You can connect only if there is broadband Internet in the subscriber’s home.

Connection via GPON

GPON is a technology for setting up network access through a personal fiber optic line. It is carried out from the provider’s equipment directly to the subscriber’s apartment. This type of network connection setup provides maximum speed data transfer – up to 1 Gb/s. To connect, you need to pull from common line cable to the subscriber's apartment and install an optical modem. The technology is not yet available in all regions.

More common than GPON are fiber optic and twisted pair connections. In this case, the optical cable is pulled to the apartment building, and the Internet is distributed to subscribers using twisted pair cables. The capacity of such a channel is lower.

Setting up access via antenna

This group includes radio, mobile, satellite Internet. To set up access using the listed channels, antennas are required.

Radio Internet operates through an access point provided by the provider. The signal from it spreads over a certain radius and arrives at the subscriber’s equipment through an antenna installed in the apartment. Then, using a modem, the signal is sent to the computer. If the access point is far away, the signal may be too weak. In this case, in addition to the antenna, signal amplifiers are used.

Mobile communications work through antennas installed in cell phones or USB modems; no additional equipment is required. This type of Internet connection is the most accessible, but has low bandwidth compared to wired connection over a dedicated line.

Satellite communication is established through street antennas aimed at the satellite. Due to the large distances the signal must travel, it usually arrives with a delay. Other disadvantages of the connection include low connection speed, unstable operation in bad weather, high cost of equipment and subscription fees. However, in some areas, satellite communication is the only connection available.

How to find out your Internet connection type

If your device is connected to a network, you can find out the access method through the settings. Just go to Network and Sharing Center on Windows computers or Network for Mac. There will be information about the available connection options and the current connection method. If the Internet is not working at the moment or you need more detailed information, contact your provider's technical support service.

What type of Internet connection to choose

Much depends on the carriers available in your home and your needs. Dial-up provides a slow connection speed and is inconvenient to use. This can only be selected if other types of network settings are not available to you.

If you want to connect to the Internet via your phone, ADSL is more suitable. Through this channel you will receive a speed sufficient for normal surfing: launching most online games, downloading movies, watching online videos. If you plan to use the technology " smart home"and want to set up digital TV via the Internet, find out about the possibility of replacing the telephone cable with fiber optic using GPON technology, with simultaneous connection of telephone, Internet and television. This will cost more, but all three services will be provided through one cable. The throughput of such a line is much higher than that of its analogues.

If you do not have the opportunity to run a wire into your apartment, consider radio Internet or mobile communications. The disadvantage of the first is the need to install an antenna at home, the disadvantage of the second is the low connection speed.

Satellite access should only be considered if you have no other way to connect to the network.

How to Determine the Type of Internet Connection Available in Your Home

Use the form to select a provider by residential address on our website. Enter the city name, street and house number. The system will automatically select a list of available telecom operators for you. You can view their tariffs, get advice about the service and sign up for a connection.

The Internet has long become not only the norm, but even a necessity in our lives. A lot of things depend on the use of the World Wide Web. But it is impossible to connect to it by simply plugging the cord into an outlet. Let's look at what types of Internet connections exist.

Over time, outdated Internet technologies are replaced by more advanced ones

Cable connection

Twisted pair and optical cable

This is the most popular connection type. A cable is installed in your apartment or office through which the Internet signal is received. There are two connection options: twisted pair and optical cable.

In the first case, from the service provider to the home or distribution box a high-bandwidth fiber optic cable is laid, and a twisted pair cable is installed into the apartment itself, which is a copper wire with in a special way crimped end that plugs into the computer or router. The connection speed in this case most often does not exceed 100 Mbit/s.

In the second case, an optical cable is installed in the home and connected to a distribution device. Among its advantages are much higher speeds, up to 1 Gbit/sec. Using this cable you can simultaneously receive Internet, telephone and television services - that is, one cable instead of three. Cable connection has two options for organizing a network: local and virtual.

The local network

The essence local network is that the provider assigns you a separate IP address. All computers, by and large, form a large network that has access to the Internet through a provider. There is access with dynamic and static IP.

Dynamic IP

This is the simplest type of communication for you. All settings for each connection are assigned by the provider, and you do not need to configure anything additional. You simply plug the cable into your computer or router and start using the Internet.

Static IP

With this type, the user needs to enter into the settings of the network card or router the parameters that are issued by the provider and which are unchanged during each communication session. This is quite convenient for online services that ask you for a permanent IP address. You can find out the type of connection in the provider’s technical support, on the service provider’s website, or in the contract. When using a router, most models can detect the connection type automatically.

Virtual VPN

VPN stands for "virtual private network" This technology encrypts data exchange between the subscriber's computer and the provider's server, significantly increasing security.

The most popular type of VPN connection. To use you only need to know your login and password. operating system Windows treats this connection as a high-speed dial-up connection.


Less popular types of VPN connections. In addition to your login and password, you need to find out the server address provided by your telecom operator. The only difference between them is the encryption method, which is selected in the additional connection settings. The most famous provider working with this standard is Beeline.

Combined connection

Combines several types of connections for accessing the Internet and provider resources. VPN is used as the main connection type, dynamic or static IP - as an additional one. The difference between them is the manual entry of a local address or its automatic determination. This connection is considered the most complex and is therefore rarely used. You can find out the parameters from the technical support of a specific service provider.

Phone line

Despite the fact that in Lately Cable connections dominate; in many areas it is not economically feasible to run a separate Internet line. In this case, it helps to have a telephone line; you can only connect to the Internet through it. There are two types of connection: ADSL and Dial-Up.


Modern standards provide access to the Internet at speeds of several tens of megabits, which is quite enough for most tasks. The bottom line is that with the help of a splitter the signal is divided into different frequencies: low - for voice communication, high - for the Internet. Accordingly, you can make calls and use the Internet at the same time.

A modem is used to organize communication. The connection diagram is quite simple: the telephone cable, which is brought into the room, is connected to the splitter, and the home telephone and ADSL modem are connected to it in the corresponding connectors.


This type of connection has come to us since the nineties of the last century. It is very outdated because when used, the telephone line remains busy and average speed is about 56 kilobits. By today's standards this is very little. However, in some areas this type of connection is sometimes used.

It works as follows: the modem is connected to the telephone line and to the computer, and the modem pool number is added to its settings. The modem calls this number, and after the connection is established, the subscription gives you access to the Internet.


This type of connection provides Internet via television cable. Undoubtedly, it is much more convenient to pay for the Internet and TV to one company. The cable is inserted into an apartment or house, and with the help of a splitter the signal is distributed to television and Internet. The Internet signal is sent to a cable modem connected to a PC or router.

Modern standards allow Internet speeds of up to 300 Mbit/sec. Despite the relatively low popularity of the technology, telecommunications service provider AKADO connects subscribers in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg using it.

Mobile Internet

The development of 3G and 4G standards allows you to use the Internet at a speed comparable to a home connection. In many Russian cities, the 4G standard is available with speeds of up to more than 100 megabits. Where it is not available, 3G operates at speeds of up to 40 megabits.

Recently, unlimited tariffs have been offered, albeit rather conditional ones. No wires are needed and you can connect relatively cheaply anywhere where coverage is available. You can use a USB modem, mobile router or smartphone/tablet as a modem. Built-in software can also determine network parameters.

Satellite Internet

The most expensive, but at the same time the most ubiquitous. Allows you to access the Internet even far from communications, even in the middle of the taiga. The only condition is visibility of the satellite.

Everyone is familiar with satellite television. Antenna dishes can be seen in almost every home and a huge number. The same dish is used to access the Internet. There is one-way and two-way satellite Internet.

With one-way access, outgoing requests are transmitted over a terrestrial communication channel, for example, through a mobile network, and incoming data comes from the satellite. With two-way access, all exchange occurs via satellite channel. To do this you will need an antenna with a transmitting head.

Access speed reaches several tens of megabits. The main disadvantage is the huge price for a set of equipment and rather high tariffs.

WiMax and Wi-Fi

Almost everyone is familiar with Wi-Fi; almost everyone has a router at home, and in many in public places Free hotspots are available. WiMax allows you to cover those areas where it is difficult to provide a cable connection in every home. This is applicable in the private sector or cottage communities. To provide coverage, base stations are used to provide coverage within a radius of several kilometers.

To connect, you need to have a special receiver, and when moving away from the station, an amplifying antenna. The technology is not widely used, since it still requires a cable connection to the village. It is much more expedient to use the mobile Internet.


We have listed everything possible types Internet connection. If you live in a city, most likely your provider will connect you via cable. This is the cheapest type of connection in multi-storey buildings. Hardware setup will vary depending on various types connection, you can find out more about this issue in our article How to connect the Internet on a laptop. In addition, never hesitate to contact the service provider's technical support to find out your network access parameters.

What type of connection do you use? Are you satisfied with the quality of communication? Write to us in the comments.

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