What does it mean if a witch wins in a dream. Complete dream book of the New Era. The meaning of the image for a man

home For most people, a witch is an evil force. In books and feature films women owning magical abilities , most often act as negative characters. But few people know that in pagan times, witches were harmless healers who made potions from medicinal plants

who saved people from diseases and delivered babies. But in the Middle Ages, churchmen, instilling the Christian faith in the pagan population, denigrated herbalists and healers, persecuted them, and brutally executed them. But what does a witch symbolize in a dream? Is she a positive or negative image?

The appearance of a witch in a dream

A person who sees a witch in a dream craves adventure, extraordinary events, and noisy pastime. However, chasing adrenaline can lead to shame and disappointment. Both business and family relationships may suffer.

Meeting a healer in the forest in a dream means that you need to persistently move forward. Turning back is pointless and dangerous. And meeting a witch at a crossroads or fork in the road signals that you need to abandon your plan while there is time. If the dreamer watches a witch prepare a potion, then in reality he holds too much negativity in his soul. So depressed state of mind can lead to severe illness and serious problems. If the dreamer watches the healer collect healing herbs , then in real life

he forgot how to distinguish between good and evil, became insensitive, indifferent to human suffering.

The meaning of the image for a man A man who sees a beautiful and young witch in a dream is likely to have his relationship with his wife destroyed. But a dirty, old, scary witch warns of troubles in business sphere

or about conflicts with relatives. A man who sees a dead witch in a dream should give up promiscuity. If the dreamer flies on a broomstick with the sorceress, then in reality he experiences discomfort from psychological pressure

A witch who looks like a spouse or beloved woman predicts a short break in relations with her chosen one. But if the healer has the appearance of a mother-in-law, then in reality the man should keep his relatives away from his affairs. Most likely, relatives will begin to give advice that could lead to business failure and a significant decrease in profits.

If a man dreams that he himself has become a sorcerer, then in reality he will make an irreparable mistake that will turn life into suffering.

The meaning of the image for a woman

For a woman, a witch in a dream can have both positive and negative meaning. Usually the witch dreams of women who are tired of vanity, worries, troubles both in business and in family life.

A beautiful, young girl, dressed in expensive and bright clothes, the witch promises intimate relationships with a new guy. But you shouldn’t count on happiness; the relationship will not last long and will leave a bitter aftertaste.

For pregnant women, a dream in which a witch appears is extremely negative. While expecting a child, you need to take a closer look at your health and avoid suspicious people.

Flying on a broom in the company of a witch in a dream has positive value. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows marriage soon, and for a mature woman, the wedding of her daughter or son.

If a woman in a dream is herself a witch, then in reality she is mired in vanity. It is difficult for her to deal with everyday and business problems, and there are no helpers in her immediate environment.

An attacking witch in a dream means that in real life too many problems and conflicts have accumulated that are long overdue to be dealt with. The dream is a warning that the dreamer should not dramatize, panic, or bury himself in troubles. You need to take life easier, boldly go your own way, and then the problems will gradually recede.

  • Killing a witch in a dream

A battle with a witch in a dream foreshadows positive changes in real life. Moreover, the strength and importance of change can be determined by how fierce the battle with the witch is. If the dreamer manages to kill the insidious sorceress, then the changes in life will be extremely significant and positive. It is likely that health will improve significantly, painful diseases will disappear, and success will appear in the business sphere. But you need to take into account that if everything is good in the dreamer’s life, then the murdered witch symbolizes black envy on the part of people in the close circle.

  • Sabbath in a dream

An interesting meaning is a dream in which the dreamer encounters not just one witch, but many sorcerers organizing a coven. Such a dream reflects a person’s desire to expand his knowledge about the world order, understand his own nature, and move towards new achievements.

  • Black witch in a dream

If the dreamer asks for help from a black witch, then in reality he must be careful in his relationships with people. You should not trust unfamiliar personalities, otherwise there is a risk of becoming a victim of meanness and deception.

An old, angry, ugly healer brewing a potion predicts family quarrels. A break between spouses is likely due to jealousy.

  • White witch in a dream

If a white witch helps the dreamer, then in reality you can expect help from a fair and wise person.
A young, beautiful, kind sorceress, engaged in magical rituals, promises acquaintance with decent and interesting personalities. Possible romantic relationship with a good man. You can also expect a rise in the professional sphere.

  • Witch flying on a broom

Unfavorable dream. Predicts a meeting with a bad person who can cause many problems.

  • Fortune telling witch

Such a dream requires special attention. The dreamer needs to listen carefully to what the fortuneteller is telling him. Most likely, everything said by the witch in a dream will come true in real life.

If the dreamer allows the witch to perform some magical actions on himself, then in reality he is extremely unsure of himself and tries to join strong and influential personalities. However, you should not expect help and support from these individuals.

Are you afraid of nightmares? Nightmares are dreams associated with terrible and frightening events, characters, and phenomena.

Such dreams always leave an unpleasant aftertaste on the heart, excite and make you worry. But the wisest thing would be not to worry in vain, but to calm your nerves, relax, and check - what does such a dream mean?

After all, it is known that very often terrible dreams mean good things, joy, positive changes. So, who knows, maybe the happiness of a lifetime awaits you?

Witches and sorceresses are ancient characters; they were described in ancient books on demonology, bestiaries and myths. But witches were not always considered evil and harmful - this word itself comes from “to know”, that is = to know the truth, to have rare secret knowledge. Is it really worth fearing such a guest?

Of course, in a dream she could even take on a very frightening appearance, but don’t be afraid, be sober - this is just a sign. What he says, why the witch dreams - the interpreter will tell you.

Just to get a reliable answer that will help you get what you want in real life and avoid problems, you should carefully interpret the dream, do not forget the details and not confuse anything.

Variants of “witch” dreams are very different:

  • You just saw a witch in a dream.
  • A young witch or sorceress looked into the dream.
  • An old, ancient witch in her dreams.
  • She had a terrible, repulsive, ugly appearance.
  • A very beautiful witch or wizard.
  • She prepares a brew, a potion, in a cauldron.
  • Collects magical herbs in the forest or field.
  • You saw a lot of witches, or even a coven.
  • They approach you or surround you.
  • You met a sorceress in a dream.
  • The evil sorceress attacks you and rushes.
  • In your dreams, you were very frightened by this guest, you were afraid of her.
  • We ourselves were in such a role.
  • We fought with her.

These are all unique, most interesting dreams, and although they can be scary, they are of great value. Not everyone has to meet a witch in their dreams!

A witch can be a symbol of danger, can indicate the hidden mystical potential and spiritual powers of the dreamer, or can warn of the danger of straying from the right and bright path. Let's explain why a witch is dreamed of - a rare, unusual character who definitely promises something significant in reality.

I dreamed of a witch...

Let's say you dreamed of this person only from the side, like a vision - and there was no interaction between you. If so, remember the details - what exactly she was like, what she did - in general, all the nuances that were in the dream.

1. As the dream book indicates, a witch in dreams is a symbol of adventure and adventure. And what kind! You will get involved in something unforgettable, unconventional, even a little dangerous or risky, and you will be driven by an irresistible desire to experience the thrill.

Be careful - there is a possibility of being left with disappointment or hassle, so take control of the situation!

2. A mystical dream in which the witch turned out to be relatively young speaks of important things. Yours mental strength are not completely controlled, you do not control your powers (and they are great).

In addition, you are probably overly self-absorbed, and do not control or notice the events around you. In general, after such a vision it is worth thinking carefully.

3. It’s curious why you dream of an old, ancient witch, such a classic, generally accepted image of Yaga. This is a serious dream. He points you to your powerful mystical potential - in your soul great amount energy, and you can use it creatively!

4. A creepy dream where you met a scary, ugly witch - this is also important advice. The dream book says that you should think more about the good, not hold a grudge against the people around you, forgive and let go of the bad.

Learn this skill! Otherwise, bitterness will harm you and you will not be happy.

5. A sorceress of unearthly, mystical beauty is a direct indication of your hidden powers. You are strong! Know this. Now is the peak of your hidden potential, use it, apply it - but only in a creative way.

6. A dream in which a witch prepares a witch's potion, cooks something in a cauldron - this is important advice. The interpreter says that in this case the dreamer accumulates evil within himself, remembers all the grievances and petty squabbles, and cannot let it go.

This terribly destroys you from the inside - stop accumulating negativity! Forgive people and forget unpleasant situations.

7. If in a dream a witch-herbalist collects various witchcraft plants, you will soon feel calm, fearless of life, and even a bit of indifference. This is a good state, if in moderation - if it does not turn into complete indifference to everything.

8. Many witches in a dream are a sign of imminent unforgettable adventures and vivid experiences. Some unforgettable event awaits you in reality, but behave with dignity and don’t take risks!

Direct contact

It is curious and useful to know why a witch is dreamed of - in a dream where she not only appeared and appeared, but also came into contact with the dreamer. Here the very meaning and sensations of the dream change - and the meaning can be very unexpected.

Here it is important to consider and remember not only her appearance, but also more importantly, her actions, both the witch’s and yours.

1. If in your dreams a whole gang of witches approaches you, or even they surround you, do not be afraid. This dream says that you take simple everyday troubles too seriously.

There are no problems, but the troubles can be solved - take them easier. If worries are solved easily and playfully, then they will disappear quickly and almost unnoticed.

2. A dream where you met a sorceress on your way foreshadows some important decision that you have to make. It may seem simple and insignificant to you, but take this decision seriously, it will be extremely important in the future.

3. If an evil witch attacks you in your dreams, in reality your affairs and business will undergo minor trials and difficulties. You should pull yourself together and overcome all this without fear and without giving up.

Difficulties are given in order to be active, learn and gain experience - approach the problems in this way, and do not complain about fate. Everything will be decided and you will achieve success, just work with optimism and calm, positive self-confidence.

4. If in a dream you were very afraid of a witch, or experienced real fear or fright, be careful. Such a dream foretells you adventures, exciting events or some kind of adventure, something unusual and intriguing that you will want to take part in.

But this event will leave its mark - and a very unpleasant one, so you better think about whether it is worth participating in it? Maybe it's better not to take risks?

Moreover, as the dream book says, you will not get the emotions you expect - and you will be disappointed. It’s better to just give up this idea, and you won’t regret it.

5. I wonder if you yourself were a witch in a dream. This indicates your hidden powers that you are not using. It's time to use your talents, use your strong potential - maybe change jobs, or take your hobbies more seriously, turning them into a business...

6. If you fought with a witch in a dream, an internal struggle between dark and light is taking place in you. Let light and goodness win - so you will be happy!

A “witchcraft” dream - although it can be scary, is still interesting and unusual. Take the advice of the dream book very seriously - and make the right decision in the direction of goodness and light.

This is guaranteed to lead you to absolute harmony with yourself and the world, and real, bright happiness in life! Author: Vasilina Serova

Some of the most popular evil characters in fairy tales, cartoons and horror films are witches and witches. What if we saw these anti-heroes during a dream? Should we expect any negative consequences from such a dream or, on the contrary, should we expect good? We suggest asking the question “Why do witches dream?” to several of the most complete and popular dream books.

Dream book of Gustav Miller: witches and sorceresses in dreams

This dream book interprets a dream about witches as a harbinger of some fun events, parties with friends, which, however, will result in humiliation, disappointment and resentment for you. If in a dream witches attack you, then in real life your business may be in some danger.

Intimate dream book: why do witches dream

A dreaming witch warns you to be wary of casual acquaintances and rash actions that can lead to serious consequences. If the witch from the dream is especially scary and ugly, then it is quite possible that someone is planning something bad against you and is planning to resort to black magic. Also, a dream about a witch can symbolize the dreamer’s subconscious desire to stop following the norms of behavior accepted in society.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: witches and sorceresses in dreams

Answering the question about why witches dream, the compilers of this dream book they claim that such a dream promises the dreamer an acquaintance with a very cheerful company, in whose company he will spend a lot of time. However, you should always be on guard, since such entertainment can end very sadly both for your psychological health and for your financial condition. Why do you dream of a witch, a sorceress, into whom you yourself turn in a dream? Such a dream promises the onset of a critical situation, which will be extremely difficult for you to deal with and in which no one will come to your aid.

Universal family dream book: why do witches dream

According to the compilers of this dream book, a witch or sorceress seen in a dream predicts that the dreamer will participate in noisy fun, which will ultimately result in bitter tears.

Dream book for the whole family: why does a witch dream?

If a man dreams of a witch, then some bad news probably awaits him. It is also quite possible that someone will try to complicate your life with their obsessive actions. A witch who performs some kind of trick on you in a dream magical ritual, promises you a loss of self-confidence, as a result of which you will decide to seek help from an influential but very unreliable person. If a witch in a dream appears in the guise of your girlfriend or wife, then such a dream predicts a temporary cooling in your relationship. A witch in the guise of a mother-in-law promises someone's interference in your affairs, as a result of which you will not be able to realize your plans. If a representative of the fair half of humanity dreams of a witch, then she should be concerned about her own good name and reputation, since something threatens them.

The magic and mysticism of dreams has been confirmed by many researchers. Dreams are not just pictures or stories, they are real keys that can help you open the door of your future and find out what lies ahead. Therefore, you should treat your dreams with special attention and sensitivity.

Every image, every character or situation in night dreams is a symbol that requires solving. To do this, you need to contact dream books and dream interpreters; it is from them that you can find answers to all your questions.

From ancient times to this day, people have avoided even mentioning them, they are afraid and avoided, trying to protect themselves from witchcraft. In the Middle Ages, these women were burned at the stake out of fear, but today they are approached only on particularly important issues. Meeting a witch, both in reality and in a dream, is an extremely rare and very frightening event.

Let's try to figure out what a witch might dream about and what such a dream can bring to you. If you look in the dream book, you can see the following: a witch is a symbol that predicts many different events; they will be directly related to the appearance of the witch and her actions.

Therefore, in order to understand this dream and make a correct prediction, you will need to take into account all aspects of the vision. Try to record the entire dream in as much detail as possible. Here's what you shouldn't miss when analyzing a dream:

  • Was she good or evil?
  • Appearance of a woman.
  • What did you do?
  • Your actions and feelings.

Good or evil?

When understanding what a witch dreams about, it is important first of all to understand what power she was endowed with. If you dreamed of a good witch who owns exclusively white magic, then this means that you have nothing to fear, you are under the protection of higher powers. You have a good period ahead, and even if difficulties arise, you will always be supported and helped.

If the witch was evil, with a love of black magic, it means that some frustration awaits you. Do not indulge too much in emotions, accept all difficulties and vicissitudes with your inherent calmness, and thereby you will be able to drive away other problems from yourself.

Next, it is important to remember appearance witch: what she looked like and how she was dressed. If the witch was frankly scary, with an ugly, hooked hair, hunched over and gray-haired, then this means that someone is trying to intimidate you. There are people around you who want to disarm you, so be careful and attentive.

If you dream of a fortune teller grandmother surrounded by crystal balls and tarot cards, then such a vision suggests that something fateful and important awaits you. Be attentive to all events that will occur in the near future.

A young, beautiful witch with a sly squint and red hair suggests that love adventures await you. You will meet an influential man whose heart you will easily win with your chastity and dignified behavior. If a man dreams of such a witch, then, as he says, Modern dream book, he will meet a cunning and attractive woman.

Seeing a sorceress in a white dress and surrounded by elves in a dream indicates that it is time to make a wish. All your dreams and desires will magically come true in the near future. If in a vision you yourself were a witch in a pointed hat and on a broom, cutting through the air, then such a dream speaks of your magical abilities.


Next, in order to find out why the witch dreams, it is important to remember what she did in her dream. If in a vision a witch brewed some kind of potion, cast a spell over a cauldron and threw drugs into it, this means that your life will soon “spin.” Is waiting for you a large number of various events, many new and interesting people, as well as changes in your professional and personal life.

If your grandmother-witch told you fortune, then, as the Meridian dream book says, you should be more attentive to the events that are happening around you. It will also be good if you remember the cards that you were dealt, as they will answer the question of why you need this vision.

If you dream that a witch tried to feed you something and smiled slyly at the same time, know that there is a two-faced person in your circle. He strives to advance at your expense, so be careful and careful and do not share your plans with anyone in the near future. The Modern Dream Book also states that you should henceforth be more attentive to those people with whom you share important and confidential information.

If in a vision a witch attacked you, then this means that you are in danger. Something is threatening you, and the witch in the vision is a warning. Remember - perhaps in the recent past you “hurt” someone, and the person harbored a grudge, so apologize to everyone you did wrong, and trouble will pass you by.

If you dream that a good sorceress stroked your hair in your night dreams, then as she says Women's dream book, this dream promises you an addition to your family. The coming days will be ideal for conceiving a baby and continuing your family line.

A dream in which a witch flew over your house on a broom means that changes will soon overtake you. Most likely, as the Wanderer’s dream book says, you will have to move and change your place of residence.

Your feelings and actions

Further, when answering the question of why a witch or sorceress dreams, it is important to remember what you did in this dream. So, if you, too, were a witch and were flying to the Sabbath, then such a dream means that you will soon take part in a very interesting event. You may meet people who will have an impact on your life.

If you've been dreaming or running away from a witch, this means that in reality you are afraid to face your intuition. You need to understand that in our world there is something that does not fit into ordinary laws, and some of us are endowed with certain powers that simply need to be developed and used.

A dream in which you were a witch hunter and fought with them means that you are very serious and ready to go to the end to achieve your goal. Remember that sometimes you can move forward without a fight, but using other means, such as hospitality and kindness.

If your grandmother-witch was pleasant to you in a dream, and you talked warmly and calmly with her, then such a vision promises you a quick rest and family happiness. Also, to find out why you are having such a dream, you should look into Noble dream book, - as he says, you need connection with your family.

  • Fear at the sight of a black witch suggests that you avoid everything mysterious and mystical. You should not be afraid, as each of us is capable of resisting darkness.
  • Surprise suggests that this is the emotion you will experience in the near future.
  • Anger and anger indicate that you will soon be faced with a situation in which you can easily lose your temper, but you should not do this, because in the end your behavior will affect your reputation.

Dreams will tell you a lot if you pay attention to them. Analyze your dreams to know what they mean to you, and believe in miracles.

according to Loff's dream book

Meeting a person with supernatural powers or acquiring such powers in dreams occurs very often. In the case of a plot about the occult sciences, in a dream you see unique personal items that allow you to use your willpower against others or vice versa. Who is the occult person: you or someone else? It is important how these forces are used. If you use them against others, you may feel like your opponents have an unfair advantage and want to level the playing field. Another explanation for this dream is your desire to show the extent of your power. The third reason for such a dream is that you do not release anger directed at others to the surface. Another possibility is that you probably want to make someone romantically attracted to you. You may be projecting your power onto a stranger, who most likely represents someone you know or a part of yourself. If someone uses their power against you, then you probably believe that they are using their influence in your life or are conspiring against you. If you or someone else tries to take advantage, magical powers, are the spells successful or is something preventing them?

I dreamed about a witch

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing witches in a dream means that you and others will strive for adventure, noisy fun, but all this can suddenly lead to your humiliation, disappointment and resentment. Business and other affairs may suffer if you see witches attacking you. Household chores will also bring disappointment.

Why do you dream about a witch?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

treacherous woman; ugly - scandal; touches a sleeping person - an evil slander.

Expert answers


The dream was completely incomprehensible. The only thing I remember, and what scared me very much, was that some person and I killed a reincarnated witch in someone else’s guise, and then they finally killed her by burning her at the stake. And then we leave with that person. And all that was left of the witch was a skeleton smoldering in the fire. Why is this dream? (Katerina.)

For accurate interpretation there are no details, but burning a witch at the stake in a dream means that in reality you will have to give up some of your principles or get rid of some unpleasant character trait.


I dreamed that I walked into my room and there were two fortune tellers lying, one on one bed and the other on the other. One wanted to say something, but she was interrupted. She was lying on my place where I sleep. She said that my husband has someone else, he has changed a lot and doesn’t tell me anything and I will go crazy because of this. He left me, and immediately switched to my grandmother, my mother’s mother, who was cracking 4 or 5 eggs in the kitchen. Why such a dream? (Reduced)

A fortune teller in a dream reflects your anxiety and uncertainty in real life on the topic on which you are telling fortunes. Apparently, you suspect your husband of infidelity and are afraid that he might leave for someone else. As for grandma, she probably needs your help.

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