What to do with salt after a conspiracy. Salt: cleansing with salt, magic, spells, conspiracies. A simple ritual against envy and evil

home Black quaternary salt is a special product with a mass useful properties . It is prepared in Maundy Thursday

, are consecrated in the church, and then used to improve health, attract love and prosperity, preserve youth and beauty. Thursday salt differs from ordinary salt not only in its rich black color. It is special because it has healing and magical properties

. Therefore, it is an ingredient in folk medicinal potions, an attribute of white rites and rituals.

Salt is prepared on Maundy Thursday and then blessed in church. It is advisable to prepare a large supply so that it lasts for a whole year. You can do this yourself, or you can purchase sacred salt at the church store.

  1. Classic recipe:
  2. Salt is fried in a frying pan or placed in a Russian oven. Sometimes a little rye flour is added
  3. Then wait until the mixture acquires a rich black color. After this, add a little kvass grounds, evaporate excess liquid
  4. (dry in the sun)

And finally, crush the black lumps using a wooden mortar

To make the consecration ceremony even more effective, put some salt in a bag and go to church, read a prayer in front of the icons. And then keep this bag at home, in a secluded place.

Watch the video about Thursday salt:

Conspiracies and rituals There are many conspiracies using Thursday salt

. Let's talk about the most common ones.

This plot is read on the morning of Maundy Thursday. You need to pronounce the words three times. Pour the charmed salt into water, which then needs to be poured into the ground.

There is a very simple conspiracy against alcoholism - you must wait until the alcoholic falls asleep, sprinkle salt on his body and say the magic words: “Vodka is bitter, just as people don’t salt it, it doesn’t captivate you. Let it be so".

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The economic crisis, the availability of any information and the increase in the number of mental disorders have created a paradoxical situation when, in the technological era, knowledge about magic and witchcraft becomes relevant again. Life becomes more complicated, and it is not always possible to rely on yourself, family, and society. People are looking for simple solutions. What’s easier than turning to otherworldly forces for help? Now anyone can find a hundred ways to cast a love spell, turn a spell, or cast a spell. And there are more and more such people. It doesn't matter how much such magic really works. It is difficult for a person who has found salt under a threshold or in his pocket to remain calm without understanding what is happening. Anxiety, excitement, fear arises. And if this tension is great, health problems may arise without witchcraft, but due to psychological reasons. Therefore, it is useful to know how salt, the cheapest food product, is used in magical rites.

There was a quarrel with a neighbor that was her fault. In the morning I got up and went outside: Salt was carefully poured near the gate. After this, at 12 o’clock at night, my husband became very ill. What signs are associated with salt?

A symbolic thing is a thing that, in addition to its everyday purpose, has a deep meaning for all people. spiritual dimension. Likewise, salt has a much greater meaning than other seasonings. It does not spoil on its own and has antiseptic properties, killing putrefactive bacteria and preserving food. Hence the idea of ​​salt as a symbol of incorruptibility, eternity and immortality, its magical ability resist the forces of evil.

The man himself is salty. Have you tasted blood or tears? What do doctors do if there is severe vomiting or intestinal upset? Restore water-salt balance. Saline solution (0.9% water solution sodium chloride) is used in resuscitation; it is used to dilute medications for injections and droppers. We, like all herbivores, have an instinctive need for salt. In animals, a deficiency of this mineral affects strength and reaction; in humans, it affects performance. With it, dishes taste better, we eat more, and get more calories. That's why salt is a symbol of vital energy. Salt also has a negative side. It corrodes, spoils. Harms the soil, destroying the fertility of the land. Symbol of death, harm, damage.

It is precisely because of its deep symbolism (spiritual, not everyday meaning) that salt is a universal apotropaic. This is what amulets are called. Signs, objects, words and phrases, sounds, smells, actions, states, substances that protect a person, home, household from evil forces, the evil eye, damage, witchcraft. Translated from ancient Greek (άποτροπή) means “averting trouble”, “rejecting evil”. It is believed that salt repels and repels evil. The evil spirits do not like her and avoid her.

How salt is used to protect against evil forces

A selection of stories - from funny to scary - about modern practices and rituals associated with salt as a talisman against evil. According to modern witches, salt can absorb negativity, cleansing it, and send it to a source trying to harm you.

“Salt, like a crystal, even if small, screens and sends the negative to the author. Coarse crystalline salt is an excellent carrier and “absorber” of information. In combination with St. John’s wort, wormwood, and juniper - a brush for the human energy shell.”

So as not to jinx it

“My grandmother, in situations where there is no way to avoid communicating with an unpleasant person or you cannot cancel a visit to a negative place, advised... to salt the top of your head. That is, take regular salt(the simplest one, not extra, but cheap, with crystals), literally two or three crystals and put them on the top of your head, hide them in your hair. Upon returning from a public place, take a shower and wash off the negativity. Tested, it works."

“In the village where my grandmother lived, there lived a witch. By at least Everyone called her that and was afraid of her. My mother and uncle claim that they personally saw how she turned into different animals (a cat and a pig), these animals ran and laughed in her voice. Of course, it’s funny to me and I don’t believe in these fairy tales, but this granny not only did damage, but on the contrary, removed it. I still remember how she said: “If you pass by people who treat you poorly or who may wish something bad in their hearts, you must mentally say “salt in your eyes, broom in your teeth.” When she was dying, she suffered for a very long time, because... she had to convey her gift and to do this, take someone’s hand. She died only after a hole was cut in her ceiling at home. And she also complained about her gift, saying that she had to do something bad, otherwise she herself would get sick. And in order not to spoil people, she “experimented” on birds, and they fell dead. Here is a story, just like in a scary fairy tale. You can laugh and not believe in all this nonsense, but I myself witnessed some things (except transformations).”

“Today I went to a small store that sells yarn and buttons. I hear a conversation. The woman asks the hostess: “Why is that salt standing near your doorstep?” “Yes, from the evil eye.” I look, and right next to the door there is a mountain of boxes and half a pack of salt open on the floor.”

To remove the evil eye

“If your child is jinxed in a crowded place, then lick his forehead, spit over his left shoulder and say: “Salt and water in all of your eyes.” And wash your house according to the rules.”

“Salt in your eyes, ashes on your tongue.” “Tip your tongue” also applies to defensive phrases.”

"Walked around the perimeter summer cottage, sprinkling salt. In her own words she stated something like: “Where it came from, go back there, don’t stay here.” I didn’t see my neighbor after that. I can’t say what she’s doing, since there’s a long fence.”

“Salt on my tongue so as not to jinx it.”

“Salt does not let the evil eye pass. I don’t use it myself, but my mother did. Sprinkle a little on the top of the child’s head if there may be people nearby who have a bad eye.”

“My mother taught me that if they start praising you, you should always say “salt in your eyes” or keep it inconspicuous for others... This applies to things and to children, to everything else.”

Spell on salt so that the dream does not come true

"If you are afraid that bad dream will come true, then turn it on cold water, dial in left hand coarse salt and, remembering the dream, say, slowly dissolving the salt: “As the salt melts, so the dream melts, salt-salt, take out the evil from the dream, leave the good.” Do this 3 times. The good will remain, the bad will go.”

Cleansing things from negative energy

“Buy sea salt if there is no sea, and keep the item in the solution in the sun for at least three days. All negativity is removed. Three tablespoons of sea salt per two liters of water - and go!

“In salt for 7 days... you will remove all the bad things from the gold...”

“Put the suspicious thing in a bag and literally cover it with coarse salt, at least for 3 days. Carefully shake off the salt then into a bag, tie the bag, pack it and, with the words of return, throw it into the river or under a dry tree, the first is better. And tidy up the thing.”

Cleansing the house of negativity

“One grandmother taught us how to clean an apartment. We invited a priest more than once, before we cleaned it with salt. It didn't help us. The child slept restlessly, his leg ached endlessly, first one, then the other. The doctors shrugged their shoulders, which prompted us to turn to our grandmother. I must say where we have been, but that’s a different story. We ended up with my grandmother alone, who lives in the region. Treats children with prayers from the evil eye and other things. In general, she told us the method of cleaning with salt. Pour about four tablespoons of salt into a frying pan (I used half a glass), heat this salt until it smokes, well, heat it very well. Place a few pieces of incense on the frying pan, take a candle, naturally a church candle, light it and walk around the apartment with the “Our Father”, looking into all corners, exactly 3 times.. Personally, by the end of the third time, I had the feeling as if I was not a frying pan I’m carrying it, but the hippopotamus and its entire brood were very hard. The frying pan is small and light, 4 tablespoons of salt, all together the weight will be 200 grams. But my arms were tired, both of them as if they were carrying weights. I flushed the salt down the toilet, but it took on all the negativity. The candle smoked black, especially 3 times. I also began to confuse the words of the prayer at the end, although I’ll tell you the Lord’s Prayer without hesitation in my sleep. In general, I really felt physically ill. I just “went away” for about 30 minutes; I had no strength. And I also felt very scared, even terrified. Then in the evening, something boomed in the room, they thought the war had begun... No, everything was quiet, that’s what it was? The swearing stopped, and our child slept well from that time on, but before that he complained that his leg hurt; sometimes we didn’t sleep all night.”

Cleansing a person from negativity

“Salt is a very strong energy structure; it absorbs negativity. You can clean it with salt. Buy a new pack of salt (not iodized), buy according to the rules: on account, or don’t take change. Take 3 handfuls of salt and heat it in a cast iron frying pan with a thick bottom. Carefully! The salt is hot, and the frying pan is hot, don’t forget about oven mitts. While the salt is heating, read “Our Father” once, and if not Orthodox man, then ask for help from the Higher Powers.
After reading the plot, you can use your own words. The meaning should be such that you ask salt to remove all the bad, evil, not good received from other people. Pour the slightly cooled salt onto a saucer and place it in the photo of the person being cleaned. I put it under the bed. It is advisable that no one sees the photo with salt, and of course, do not tell anyone about your actions. The next day, pour salt into running water and throw the saucer in the trash.”

“You can place a saucer of salt near your bed at night, and throw away the salt in the morning. She will collect negativity."

“Salt draws out negativity, and flowing water takes it with it. If we don’t do this, the negativity will accumulate and then we will splash it out on the people around us.”

“I would advise soaking your feet in salt water overnight. Salt draws out all the negative energy that a person “collects” during the day. Imagine that salt absorbs all fears, all anxieties. And then pour everything into the toilet. Say: “I forgive myself and I forgive everyone, I forgive for everything. I let you go, fear, I say goodbye to you.” It will get easier, it will definitely get easier. There is no need to run away from fear, and chasing it is not an option - it will stick even more. You need to look at him, forgive him and let him go forever.”

Return of damage

“We moved to live in the village. Acquaintances appeared who began to share all sorts of actions. The locals, if it really boils over, they take a frying pan, pour salt into it, add nails and needles and fry it. They just fry. According to legend, the culprit must come and ask for something.”

“They draw crosses on the salt in a frying pan, stir it with a fork and pronounce the sentence. Along the way, pieces of paper with the names of the enemies of the suspects are sent into this salt. In both cases, the enemies suffer. Most often it affects your health.”

“Ukraine, there is everyday witchcraft in the blood, but in the villages everyone does witchcraft! In fact, people use salt in a frying pan to clean their homes of evil and linings, but the procedure is very smelly, and then the ceilings need to be painted. And the rules are the same about 3 days: don’t take anything and don’t give anything.”

“About needles. It is very important to know exactly who is harming you, and not to guess, otherwise he will fly back in such a way that it will not seem like enough. After piercing the salt, throw a set of new sewing needles (buy according to the rules) onto an already clean, hot frying pan. Roast them well, thinking about your offender. Say: “Who did evil to me, so that he swallows the evil himself. Truly! Needles in the trash or in the toilet, of course, don’t touch them.”

Salt in healing practice

“The witch who helped us, she gave us a pack of salt. It had to be laid out in pieces of paper in the corners, then collected. I still have half a pack of this salt in the kitchen, for some reason I feel sorry to touch it.”

“My children were very small, the youngest was a couple of months old, the eldest was a little over a year old. The older one did not want to lower one testicle into the scrotum. And I went to one “grandmother” who lived nearby. That grandmother looked at my son and said: “His testicle is caught in a vein, twisted, and I can’t help with anything, I need to have an operation.” We came to the surgeon. His verdict: no big deal, just watch. We were lucky that in the kindergarten specialists from one of the leading children's clinics performed a medical examination and my child was immediately sent for surgery. So, during the operation, it turned out that there was indeed a torsion of the spermatic cord (the testicle got caught on a vein) and it would never have descended on its own. Thank God, everything was done on time. This grandmother saw everything and made the correct diagnosis, let in simple words, but not in medical terms, but correctly, unlike our surgeon at the clinic. And my youngest didn’t sleep well and was capricious, so she told me to add salt and told me to add it when bathing. The child became much calmer. Many years have passed, but I remember that “grandmother” and am very grateful to her. By the way, she didn’t take anything from me, she barely persuaded her granddaughters to give candy to their grandmother.”

If you dream about the deceased

"I'm on parent's Saturday came to my grandfather’s grave, none of the grandchildren communicate with the grandmother (his wife), according to family circumstances. So the grave was generously sprinkled with a thick layer of salt. Large and white. This was done literally in front of us, the salt was all clean and white. At first I didn’t notice, I opened the gate, went in, and then my mother said to me: “Oh, what is this? Where did you go?" We went to my godfather's grave, and I noticed that he had no salt (he is my grandmother's son). You don't know what this sign is? Why did she pour salt on her husband, but not on her son?”

“There is a belief that if a person was buried incorrectly (all burial rituals were not followed), then the force that killed him, the family misfortune will come out of the grave and continue its path in descendants and close relatives. It is especially dangerous if someone in the family falls ill with a disease from which the deceased died, or if the deceased does not have good dreams. Then you need to carry out a ritual of treating the burial site. That's when the grave is sprinkled with salt. After which you need to sit and talk with the deceased, ask for forgiveness and leave a lighted candle on the grave. It’s a good sign if the candle burns out to the end.”

From fright

“My grandmother was a healer. When I was about 5 years old, a dog scared me very much, I still remember it. At night she screamed, cried, stuttered. Mom took me to my grandmother, who whispered something in front of the icon, sprinkled salt on my head, and everything went away as if with her hand.”

Conspiracy for brisk trade

“They talk about salt, they sprinkle right hand swing over your left shoulder at the workplace: “On foot, riding, come here, here is your place, food and water. I need money. Goods for you. Amen."

Love spell

“My friend was dating married man, and there was passionate love, he lived with her for weeks, only visiting his family on weekends. At that time there were 2 children. The wife, naturally, started scandals, came to sort things out, etc., but everything was useless. Once a friend found 2 piles of salt (coarse and fine) and needles in a joint on the threshold of her apartment. She threw it all away and didn't bother. Then, having learned about his wife’s third pregnancy, she threw out her beloved and moved on with her life. About 2 years later, the guy got into a terrible accident, crashed, but miraculously survived. Was lying around for a long time in hospitals, and they collected their arms and legs, but with their heads big problems... He was discharged from the police and given a disability. He doesn’t think well; for the first time after the accident, he didn’t even recognize his family. But by some miracle I remembered my friend’s phone number and called. She says that at first he spoke normally, then he began to weave something incomprehensible. They told her before, it turns out that his wife did it to him strong love spell, they say he will die. She believes that God saved him because he good man. And the wife, in principle, achieved her goal: he is now constantly next to her. He can’t even work, let alone walk. Salt - for a quarrel, which is what the wife achieved, in general. And the needles can be “charged” with both good and bad.”

“I fell in love with a boy. I never believed in love spells, but this hit me right away. I bought the book again. For about three weeks I beat around the bush... I couldn’t make up my mind.. Still, the demon confused me - on a full moon I cast a love spell on salt. (dry there, be in pain without me, honey, etc.) What’s worst is that the boy liked me. He showed signs of attention... timidly and timidly. And then it was cut off. My life has been turned upside down. She committed stupidity after stupidity. Everything in his life has gone wrong. As a result, one fine day, he and I were left alone at some party. Hugs and all that. And suddenly he pushes me away and says: “You know, I don’t need this. Go to sleep. “I left. I'm sobbing. It sucks. See you next time. Follows me with his tail. I'm from him. Because I feel bad. Rejected. Offended. I'll go have a smoke, he'll follow me. I go into another room, he follows me. And he just stands there and looks away. In short, in six months I almost went crazy. Her character began to resemble that of a hysterical old woman. I lost 15 kg and turned green all over. I cry every night. Made a lapel. Again I cried, because the words “let his passion for me cool down” were very hard to come by. A friend who deals with these things helped make the lapel. They turned me away for three days, and on the last day she also burned me. I don’t know what will happen to me now with this boy. And will there be anything at all? I love him dearly. This is the first time this has happened to me. In general, the conclusion is that love spells sometimes work. But not at all the way we would like. I reproach myself terribly for that weakness.”

For enuresis

“I would like to recommend a rather funny remedy: if the child has already stopped peeing, and then suddenly starts. I did as my friend advised me: I need to go to my neighbor’s house together as a child for salt! But only so that the child himself holds, for example, a shot glass in his hand, and the neighbor pours salt into it across the threshold of the house! Then you can put the pile somewhere so that no one touches it. Try it, for example, it helped us right away, although I still can’t explain this phenomenon and don’t see any logic in it.”

Involvement in magical practices can be dangerous. The world will double in size. Visible, with its problems, and invisible, where anything can happen. At first it will be easier, but then the fears may intensify. Find out what's behind your worries. Why can’t I cope without amulets? Often the reason is psychological. On the one hand, superstitions are ridiculed or harshly condemned. On the other hand, people are looking for a way to cope with negative experiences. There are a lot of them in our rapidly changing life, with its heavy information background. Anxiety disorders, experienced violence, chronic stress and nervous tension. Professional help and good medications can be much more effective.

Removing spoilage with salt is one of the simplest and effective ways combating witchcraft influence. For rituals they use both ordinary and Thursday salt. The latter is more often used in folk medicine and powerful rituals.

In the article:

Removing spoilage with salt - simple rituals for beginners

Unprincipled. Magicians limit themselves to the usual product that everyone has in their home.

Cleansing family members

They pass by neighbors who live in the same entrance (if private sector- on one street), they ask you to pour a handful of salt. You need to get as many piles as there are people in the family. Pour the product into a small bowl. When preparing food, they salt it and say:

I sprinkle it with salt and restore peace to my family. Salt and water to the one who ruined my family. Amen.

Each family member should eat the dishes, then the protection will work.

How to protect your home

Damage is often applied not only to a specific person or family, but also to the house. As a result, every tenant in the apartment is exposed to a witchcraft curse.

For one of the rituals, salt (a new bag) is used. At midnight, alone, he pours the contents of the package into a bowl, crosses the salt with a burning candle three times, repeating:

Salt baptized the house and delivered it from feigned anger. Amen.

The candle is extinguished with the left palm, and the product is scattered in all corners of the room for a day: the salt will absorb the negative energy that envelops the house. Then the spent crystals are swept up and thrown away along with a broom and dustpan. At home, after the ceremony, a thorough wet cleaning is done.

Seven-day ritual to remove the evil eye

Remove damage yourself and strong evil eye A seven-day ritual with salt is capable. They use a method to remove witchcraft from any person.

On an old frying pan, which you don’t mind throwing away, pour a little salt from new pack, heating up.

If a person removes damage from himself, in the presence of a cloud of negative energy the salt will begin to turn black, smell bad and crackle. While it is heating up, they constantly repeat:

What goes with the wind goes with the wind. What went from the forest went to the forest. What happened to the people, went to the people. What came from the earth went into the earth.

The product is poured into a jar and placed in front of a photograph of a person. For greater effect, the container is placed near the patient’s bed. The ritual is repeated every evening for a week. On the 8th day, the salt is thrown away along with the pack and the frying pan.

Thursday salt for spoilage

For the ritual of withdrawal severe damage is used, which maximizes the effect.

An ancient rite of purification

A ritual, the advantage of which is not only to neutralize the effect of the evil eye or damage, but also to destroy any negative program.

The ritual is performed at any time, if possible on Thursday. The conspiracy is not dangerous, there is no rollback. Can be used to work with children.

On average, one person affected by spoilage needs about 200 grams of Thursday salt. They take a full bath of water at a pleasant temperature and whisper:

This is Monday, this is Tuesday, this is Wednesday, and this is pure water. You wash the roots and straight branches, wash me (name), the servant of God, a newborn, praying, baptized, receiving communion. Water, water, wash away from me and from my face, feminine, childish, senile, enviable, pretentious, take away the pain, give relief. Amen. Amen. Amen.

They return to the salt and whisper:

God, our Savior, who appeared through the prophet Elisha in Jericho and thus, through salt, made harmful water healthy! You yourself bless this salt and make it an offering of joy. For you are our God and to you we give glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and always, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen.

When the prayer is read, pour salt into the bath and wait until the mineral dissolves. Then they plunge into the water. You can stay in healing water for an unlimited time. After taking a bath, negative energy will go away along with the water.

An effective plot against magical attack

Any witchcraft attack (damage, evil eye, curse, etc.) is eliminated by a simple ritual. It is especially suitable for people who have repeatedly become victims of magical influence. To perform the ritual you need:

  • Thursday salt;
  • small vessel;
  • wax candle.

Place a dish with salt on the windowsill. A candle is placed in the center of the vessel. They recite the text of the spell 9 times, having previously learned the spell from memory:

Unclean spirits devilry! Get away from (name)! Don't torment him, don't torment him in the morning, not in the middle of broad daylight, nor dark night. From the forest you came - go to the forest, from the water - to the water, from the white-haired girl, from the long-haired woman, from the peasant, from the riverman, from the envious man, from the boy. Add some salt there! Get everyone there! Go where the winds do not wither, where people do not look under a stump, under a log, into the quicksand swamps, into the heaving swamps, where horses do not ride, pedestrians do not walk, the streams are rough, the rivers are fast, the forests are dark. Everyone go there! Don’t break (name)’s bones, don’t pull (name’s) veins. Ugh!

When the words are spoken required quantity Once, the candle is extinguished, the vessel is taken and thrown away as far as possible from the house. Along with the discarded salt, the spoilage will also disappear.

A way to remove spoilage with salt yourself

To carry out the ceremony, they go to the market and buy salt. They deliberately pay more than the pack is worth, refusing change. The bag is poured into a new frying pan and as many needles are added as there are members in the family.

Turn on the burner and let the contents cook well. This method of removing salt spoilage is effective if the effect was detected immediately and not severely. Stir clockwise from time to time.

If the salt gets dark, take the frying pan and, turning to the left, walk around the apartment. When the circle is made, they return and put the frying pan back on the fire. Draw 9 crosses on salt with a twig and say for each:

Go back where it came from. Whoever sent it took it for himself.

Ritual with salt

Perform the ritual on Friday at dawn. Days 3-6 are suitable for this lunar month. Prepare a small paper bag and pour 1.5 tsp into it. salt. Fold the bag so that the salt does not spill, and put it in a new wallet. After this, stand with your wallet in your hands by the window and repeat the following words 7 times: “I perform a ritual - I attract money! Let salt keep money in your wallet. Let the money flow to me like a river. I perform the ritual and attract money!” Carry salt in your wallet for a month, and then repeat the ritual and replace the bag of salt.

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From the author's book

Ritual with salt and stones to attract money This ritual will help you attract big money into your life. On the table or in front of the altar, sprinkle salt so that you get a five-pointed star. Place a red candle in the center of this star and light it. During

Salt is a common powder in our kitchen. What could be so magical about her, so familiar? Why do we need salt in magic? Let's try to figure it out. Northern magic is simple - we protect ourselves by purifying ourselves and call on the Gods to get what we want. Our modern life does not often include this folk magic, unfortunately. And all this weakens. Just as we keep our bodily manifestation, our home, clean, so we must cleanse our Soul - I mean by this concept what is in Western and oriental magic are called “subtle bodies”, “energy shells” and so on (our ancestors had simple and succinct words to designate all this, one of them is the all-encompassing word “Soul”).

Northern magic, which has long been used in our north, is based on object magic, on working with the elements. The element of Earth for us is embodied in the large, generous and changeable Mother Earth, the Slavic Goddess.

In magic, symbols that collect the power of the Earth are salt, clay, earth, trees, plants, stones, knots.

In protection magic, salt is often used - white and black.

Salt in black magic is used for cleansing and protection, the role of salt in white magic is to achieve what you want. We can say that salt is a remedy against other people's evil magic. At the same time, salt helps in the magic of acquisition. This article is about how salt helps in magic, about strange and amazing facts from the practice of northern knowledgeable people.

How to use salt in black magic of cleansing

In magic you can use a simple table salt

It is customary to begin any ritual, and not only in northern magic, with cleansing. This in itself creates protection. If you make a protective circle in a dirty room, it will not provide you with protection. Where there is uncleanness there is no protection.

Protection and cleansing are connected into one knot. Without cleansing there is no protection. Protection implies purity.

So, protection begins with cleansing the Body and Soul. Salt will help us with this magic. I will not separate these rituals, everything is one. Our ancestors observed the natural rhythms of life, ate some healthy food, turned to the Native Gods and Ancestors to receive the power of the Spirit - all this is important for internal purity. All ritual actions- jumping over a fire, swimming in natural reservoirs, burning effigies, leading round dances - are aimed at cleansing and protection, at attracting the magic of the elements. Water, fire, wind and, of course, earth - primarily through salt.

The most common magical means of cleansing and healing were spoken water, sweeping away garbage, and salt. An important part of cleansing was a visit to the bathhouse - with the obligatory rubbing with “salty honey” (a mixture of salt and honey).

How to cleanse your house of bad things with salt

Salt is indispensable in black magic. Look for yourself at the most known methods cleansing - you probably yourself use salt in this way one way or another. Explanation for those who are not entirely familiar with our ideas: white magic used to attract goodness, to gain; black magic- the magic of cleansing. We do not consider evil influences, witchcraft that violates free will, at all. In any case, we turn to the Native Gods, created by Rod, the Creator God.

1. Pour a glass of white (or better yet, black) salt into a frying pan, put pins or needles in it - as many as the person lives in the house. Place the frying pan with salt on moderate heat, heat the salt, stirring counterclockwise from time to time (anti-salt). At the same time, list the troubles, looking at the salt and saying: “Out of sight, out of mind.” Do this until the salt darkens or the salt in the pan begins to crackle and “jump.”

2. Then turn off the heat, and, taking the frying pan more comfortably, turn your back to the stove and begin to walk around the house to the left, anti-salt. Slowly move the pan of salt along the walls, collecting some salt in the corners, including corners formed by furniture, over beds and tables. Go through all the rooms counterclockwise, the doors should be open everywhere except the entrance.

3. Return to the stove, light the fire, fry the salt, stir the anti-salt, saying: “Where it came from, there it goes. Gone with the wind - go with the wind. Co evil people come - go back." After extinguishing the fire, carefully pour the salt with water, wash everything off either onto the ground or down the drain.

Everyone who did this ancient rite, knows the role of salt in this magic - the air is purified in an amazing and strange way, it becomes cleaner and brighter, one can breathe easily, and the burden of worries falls from the soul. This is how salt works in this black magic.

Do this cleaning several times a year, or whenever you feel the air in your home is heavy. I advise you to use a special cast-iron frying pan for this calcination of salt, which you will not use when cooking.

Salt against magic - the role of salt in protection

Both white and black salt are used against magic.

Here are the secrets that we pass on among ourselves - about the use of salt in magic, as they say, salt against magic. These are genuine techniques with amazingly effective results.

- After the deceased, the floor is washed only in one direction, towards the doors. They kept saying: “There is no mistress, there is no mistress.” So that she doesn't come. By the way, you can put an ax and a knife under the pillow, or on the threshold. Bread and salt under the dead man’s right armpit: “Drink and eat, don’t scare us.” One woman did not do this; she sat down on a bench at night - and her deceased husband sat down next to her. Although she was frightened, she rushed to the salt shaker, threw a pinch at him: “Here, eat, don’t scare us!”, and so he left, as if it never happened.

One woman's dead husband visited her. She had two children. And the old man comes here to spend the night. She says: “Grandfather, help.” He says: “When it’s evening, cover the table with a clean napkin, put some bread and salt, dress the boy and girl in clean clothes.” She did just that. So she hears: there was a rattle, a noise, the door opens, the husband says: “Where has this been seen, where has this been heard, for a brother to marry his sister?” And the old man replies: “Where has this been seen, where has this been heard, for a dead man to walk?” He will shout: “Oh, I guessed it!” - and left. The old man said: “It’s the last night, otherwise I would have strangled you.”

And sometimes, where salt is poured, in the corridor or on the stairs, it also causes damage. There was one woman, she maraks it [To marak - to be able to] she made water, sprinkled salt, came in the morning - not a single piece of salt, all the little devils were collected.

Once we had a sheep grazing, it was about to lamb. I wanted to take her home, and then some aunt walks by and says: “It’s too early, she’s not going anywhere!” And then the sheep didn’t come. No night, no two. They searched everything and couldn't find it. They sent me to Nikulkino to see Baba Fenya. She showed how to make marks. Grandfather did it, but apparently it was wrong. The sheep appeared to the neighbor girl. While they were running there, she disappeared again. We went to grandma Fenya again. I said: “Grandma, so and so, went for a ride and ran away again and was gone.” And she says: “That’s wrong, apparently your grandfather made the marks.” Then she said bread and salt, then she tied it up with a fuss and said: “When you go, put it on the first alder bush, a little to the right, and go don’t look back.. The field and the field won’t let her in.” I did everything as she said. That same day the sheep came out.

It attacked me - one blew into the wind, and blisters appeared. I’m walking from the field, a woman is walking, she’s angry with me. I run, she shouts after me: “Ugh, red face, when you die, death will not take you!” I came home - I couldn’t get up, blisters appeared. Somehow I became a knowledgeable grandmother. Grandmother says: “Spend the night with me. If you fall asleep right away, it will be easier, but if you don’t, that’s all.” She talked about the salt. In the morning I wake up - it became as easy as something untied. On the way she also told me about salt, and a rag, and some coal. The third hex was accepted by nightfall. All the blisters have gone somewhere.

How to protect yourself with salt?

People have noticed that it is easiest to put the evil eye on a person when he is engrossed in conversation and pays little attention to what is happening around him. This is where you are open to evil. To avoid this, keep the salt in the salt shaker open. The salt in such magic will not absorb well, but after it has been washed off with water onto the ground, it will dissipate. If you have had a difficult conversation, be sure to wash the salt out of the salt shaker.

Salt, as you know, is a great healer, cures insomnia, bad dreams and heavy thoughts. Dissolve three pinches of salt in water, place it overnight on the floor at the foot of the bed and at the head of the bed, or even just two bowls with dry salt. In the morning, pour the salt onto the ground or down the drain, and do this for three nights. You may be surprised, but this method has helped many, and it will help you too.

And use salt as a magical remedy right in the kitchen! When adding salt to food, think and speak only about good things - and the salt will convey your aspirations to the food. This way you will maintain the health and purity of your Body and Soul - this is how the use of salt in magic is done.

The use of salt in white magic of acquisition

In white acquisition magic, only white salt is used.


How does salt help in magic? Salt in magic can be cast to receive or add money to your wallet: the spell is read at sunrise. You only need a little - put three teaspoons in a thick paper bag. Say: “Let my (name) business start, let my (name) business work out, let my business turn into money. The wallet is full from century to century. In those words, the key and the lock. Let it be so!"

Keep the spoken salt in your wallet and carry it with you. If you are going to a meeting where a money issue is being decided, transfer the salt from your wallet to your right pocket. Then, after the meeting, return it to your wallet. Let this bag of salt be in your wallet until you get what you want. After this, rinse the salt into water.

Here is another ritual of the white magic of salt. Achieving wealth with salt: you need a candlestick, a red candle and white salt. Place the candlestick on the paper, light the candle, sprinkle white salt around the candle and say to it: “Help, help to have everything in praise, everything in honor. Let my house, my yard be all praise, all honor.” After the candle burns, collect the salt in a bag (preferably a bag), put the candle stump there, and carry it with you until you receive a profit. After that, take out the wax, bury it in the ground, wash off the salt with running water, saying words of gratitude.

So: how does salt help in magic?

salt in magic can be white, black or with herbs

In conclusion, I want to say: salt helps even in everyday magic, not only in ritual magic. You can use this magic salt even if you do not consider yourself a leader and do not perform special magical rituals.

Here are tips for using salt in magic and in everyday life, which grew out of folk experience in using salt as a magical remedy:

  • Never borrow or lend salt - in the first case, you can take on other people's troubles, and in the second, you give away part of your own (bad or good).
  • At the table, do not pass the salt shaker from hand to hand, but place it on the table - people believe that by passing salt, you give away your wealth and attract poverty; What’s interesting is that a person who takes salt at this time also runs the risk of suffering losses and even theft.
  • Before leaving loved one Place a salt shaker on the table so that the road is smooth and nothing bad happens.
  • Try not to spill the salt, as even a minor conflict can then develop into a serious scandal, and a heavy atmosphere will remain in the house for a long time. If the salt does spill, quickly pick it up with a broom and wash the area with water.
  • It is better to store salt in wooden or birch bark salt shakers, since in this case it remains clean and perfectly protects a person from any evil attacks from the outside (provided the lid is closed). In a metal jar, salt is purified, in a glass jar it collects what is floating around from the environment.
  • Salt shakers should not be given or accepted as a gift, since such a gift can have a bad effect on the health and well-being of the recipient, and will also attract the evil eye and damage to him.
  • Leave the salt on the dining table overnight in a salt shaker with the lid open. This will help to attract success to you during the coming day and drive out evil spirits, and relieve the residents of the house from the accumulated bad and disturbing emotions of the past day. The salt must be washed off the next morning.

Use the people's experience for good!

In magic, symbols that collect the power of the Earth are salt, clay, earth, trees, plants, stones, knots.
In protection magic, salt is often used - white and black. We can say that salt is a remedy against other people's evil magic. At the same time, salt helps in the magic of acquisition.
This article is about how salt helps in magic, about strange and wonderful facts from the practice of northern knowledgeable people.


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