Children's Hospital on Bolshaya Pirogovskaya 19. Admissions department

home University Children's Clinical Hospital - a multidisciplinary medical and preventive institution that has existed for more than 120 years as part of the largest in Russia medical university - First Moscow State medical university named after I.M. Sechenov. The hospital employs 14 professors and medical doctors

Sciences, more than 50 candidates of medical sciences from the departments of childhood diseases of the medical faculty, propaedeutics of childhood diseases of the pediatric faculty, dentistry and orthodontics. The teaching staff supervises all departments of the clinic, conducts active consultations with young patients, and promotes the introduction and development of new technologies in medical practice.

Patients receive diagnostic and treatment assistance from the first day of life to 18 years of age.

  • The clinic includes inpatient departments where patients receive specialized care in the following areas:
  • neonatology,
  • rheumatology,
  • allergist,
  • pulmonology,
  • gastroenterology,
  • nephrology-,
  • endocrinology,

psychoneurology-. If necessary, high-tech methods of treatment and diagnosis are used, new technologies for individual observation of patients, and referral for sanatorium-resort treatment is carried out. While inpatient treatment, children and parents have a free opportunity to actively participate in public life via a wireless Internet network Wi-Fi. For young patients, not only treatment is organized, but also leisure time: schooling

, entertaining master classes are held, performances and themed gifts for the holidays are organized. Doctors from more than 20 specialties work at the diagnostic and treatment department. A full range of diagnostic services is provided, outpatient appointments are conducted, and contractual individual observation of children of different ages is carried out. age groups , clinical examination before admission to children's educational institutions , routine and seasonal vaccinations, massage complexes, physiotherapy, acupuncture. They are actively receiving child psychologist

and speech therapist.

If necessary, pediatricians provide children with advice at home.

We are not strangers to each other, we are raising children together!

The clinic building is old, U-shaped, built of red brick in the neo-Gothic style. Relatively large territory fenced with a single fence. There is not only a clinic here, but also a hospital, as well as a scientific department that trains medical students. Groups of young people in white coats can often be seen in the corridors of the clinic.

Previously, it was always “calm” here - the atmosphere is old, poor, but familiar. But this summer, interior renovations began here. The clinic recently reopened after renovation. The premises now look beautiful, light, and modern, but there are a lot of people. It’s spacious inside, and thanks to the unusually high ceilings, it’s always easy to breathe here and it’s never stuffy. The number of people at the reception did not last long; very efficient employees served everyone promptly. You can see doctors only by appointment, or by phone. When you arrive for an appointment, you check in with the security guard, he looks for your name on the list and then lets you through.

It’s difficult to get a consultation on insurance policies now, there are too many people willing. It feels like everything is being done specifically to ensure that all patients with poles use paid services.

For several years, my friend’s son has been seen in this clinic with a diagnosis of arthritis. They come here during periods of exacerbation, before annual hospitalization. The child, he is now 10 years old, has already been on disability for nine of them. When the boy was several months old, it was necessary to undergo a scheduled booster vaccination with DPT vaccine at the clinic. The vaccination was completed with complications, they began to swell knee joints. Then there was hospitalization, and then disability was issued. Until now, doctors have not removed this diagnosis.

I worked at this clinic for decades wonderful doctor rheumatologist - Olga Vasilievna Ulybina, who took care of our boy. She is already well over 70, only now, after the renovation, she did not go back to work, but went into a well-deserved retirement. Now my friend’s son has an appointment with rheumatologist Angelina Valerievna Meleshkina. Now he will be seen by her. I also really liked the doctor. She gave me appointments for an ultrasound, echo, tests for the next hospitalization, I didn’t like the joints on my hands.

Doctor Radvadzovskaya has been the head of the rheumatology department of the hospital for many years. Thanks to her strict leadership, the department is always in order. It's very good conditions, it's always clean, and the children are fed well. It's a pity that last week It was not possible to sign up for a planned hospitalization, all places in the department were occupied. After the renovation, not only in the clinic, but also here there is a stir. Summer is ahead, I would like to examine and treat the child before the holiday season, but apparently many have a similar desire.

Recorded by

mom Masha

  • Guest

I really liked the attitude of the doctors at the MMA Children's Diseases Clinic. I.M. Sechenov. No one yells at either the mother or the child, no matter what questions you ask the doctor. Everyone, from the receptionist to the laboratory assistant, is polite and correct. I was pleased that there were no queues in front of the offices. I was especially surprised by the security guard at the entrance - you need to tell him which doctor you are going to see. We needed an allergist. We got to Marina Dalgatovna Shakhnazarova. Good doctor, very good. The only thing that was a little disappointing was that there were a lot of paid procedures and tests, but this is the only drawback that I found.

Recorded by

Valentina Anatolyevna

  • Guest

After suffering from scarlet fever at the age of 3, my son’s adenoids enlarged to grade 3. My son was scheduled for surgery to remove his adenoids. Our surgeon was U.S. Malyavina. Only instead of adenoids, she removed her son’s tonsils under local anesthesia. Not only did no one ask her to do this, but the child remembers everything. After the operation, he developed a neurosis of obsessive movements. My son has been under the supervision of a neurologist for three months now, but so far I have not seen any results.
Surgeon Malyavin does not want to make contact and runs away from us. She does not feel or admit her guilt, and her son is gradually turning into a psychotic.

Recorded by

We took our little son to the pediatric disease clinic due to an exacerbation of a joint disease in his leg; a small tumor appeared. By appointment, we got to the doctor Galina Nikolaevna Novitskaya without any problems, who carefully examined her and prescribed the necessary treatment. I was struck by the polite, courteous attitude of all the staff, not just the doctor. And this immediately catches your eye. The corridors of the hospital are clean, although there are a lot of people, but it is clear that the appointments in the offices are carried out quickly and smoothly, since patients lingering in the corridor are not visible. The procedures prescribed by the doctor are mostly paid, but they are all carried out at a high level of service. I don’t mind the money for this, the result would be good. The procedures and treatment prescribed for our son gave a good result, and we are satisfied and grateful to the specialists of the clinic of children's diseases of the I, M, Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, located on the street. B. Pirogovskaya. d.19, p.1.

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov UDKB admission department

Moscow 119992, B. Pirogovskaya, 19. Reception department. Tel.: 8.499-248-48-00

The department conducts an initial examination of children admitted to the hospital and takes a medical history.

Rules for admission to the clinic:

Hospitalization of patients in the clinic departments from 10 to 12 hours. The age of patients ranged from 1 year to 17 years 11 months 29 days.

Hospitalization – PLANNED (no emergency hospitalization).

Documents (outpatient card or extract) of children planned for hospitalization are reviewed once a week at a meeting of the hospitalization commission to decide on the need for hospitalization, its urgency and the advisability of hospitalizing the child in a particular department according to the profile of the disease.

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region TO HOSPITALIZE YOUR CHILD YOU NEED:




CERTIFICATE about the absence of contacts with infectious diseases. WITHIN 21 DAYS!!! BY APARTMENT where the child lives (VALID FOR 3 DAYS);

CERTIFICATING no contact with infectious patients for 21 days children's institution which the child attends (MANDATORY FOR THE ENTIRE! SCHOOL, OR ALL OVER! KINDERGARTEN, etc.; without specifying the class or group)!!! If there were contacts with infectious patients, then the doctor who issued the certificate must indicate the date last day visits children's group, from what day quarantine was established in the institution, what disease and the date of the last case of the disease. The certificate is valid for 3 days, you must take it the day before hospitalization!

The examination results are required (on forms with the seal of the medical institution): 1. feces for worms, 2 feces for protozoa, 3. scraping for enterobiasis - valid for up to 1 month; desirable: blood - for RW, hepatitis B and C, HIV - valid for 3 months; In case of changes in the skin, a dermatologist's opinion is required!

Indoor shoes; clothes the child will wear in the department; toilet paper; napkins; personal hygiene items ( Toothbrush, paste, washcloth, shampoo, comb); mug with spoon; textbooks; notebooks; pens; pencils, etc.)

5 envelopes throughout RUSSIA!!! Give it to the emergency department.

Information about vaccinations, including polio (required!) and about r. Mantu with the dates of their holding!

When hospitalized with a mother's child (up to three years old or medical indications) she needs to have a passport. Results of examination for intestinal flora (BD). diphtheria (BL) - valid for up to 1 month, syphilis (RW), hepatitis B and C, HIV - valid for 3 months, tuberculosis (fluorography - valid for 1 year);


If it is impossible to appear on time, please inform us by phone: 8-499-248-48-00 or by telegraph. (Reference to the date of hospitalization and department is MANDATORY!)

Children with diseases requiring the use of high-tech types medical care necessary

Direction from local authorities Healthcare with the condition of registration of a “coupon for the provision of high medical care” in electronic database body data executive power Your region (Regional Health, Regional Health, Ministry of Health of the Republic, etc.), where you are applying (immediately after receiving this letter) with our extract from the medical history and the PROTOCOL of the commission for selecting patients for the provision of high-tech medical care (protocol attached)!

After receiving the “COUPON for the provision of medical treatment” and its registration in the electronic database, call the ADMISSION DEPARTMENT!!! clinics to clarify whether the referral and date of hospitalization were completed according to the “base”.

The following documents and tests are also required for hospitalization.

EXTRACT from the medical history no more than a month ago.

A photocopy of the birth certificate, and from the age of 14, a photocopy of the child’s passport, the child’s insurance policy; parents with you

At 19 Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Street there is a children's hospital building, opened in 1891 on May 23. Funds for its construction were allocated by industrialist Mikhail Alekseevich Khludov. The architectural design was carried out by the architect.

It is worth noting that this medical Center erected outside the site with similar establishments on, the plan of which was recently designed by the same architect.

The Khludov hospital was built in the “Russian” style from red brick. The external forms of the structure echo those of ancient towers. This vision by the architect of the children's hospital building is most likely due to the desire to take into account the peculiarities of the worldview of sick children in whom it was necessary to induce positive emotions and create trusting relationships with treating physicians.

The building is built on two floors with a central volume protruding significantly beyond the façade line. A series of small chambers located along a long corridor ends in a block with larger rooms. The second floor of the middle part is occupied by an auditorium.

Special mention should be made of Mikhail Alekseevich Khludov, thanks to whom this well-equipped children's center appeared on Bolshaya Pirogovskaya, 19, the history of whose opening is connected with a family tragedy.

Mikhail Alekseevich, like his two brothers, grew up in the family of a successful Moscow industrialist, Alexei Ivanovich Khludov. Having matured, he became a popular personality in Moscow circles, and even scandalous. At the same time, the young man was not without enterprise and ingenuity, which had a positive effect on his commercial affairs.

As for character, eccentricity, irrepressibility, and a tendency to carousing and unsightly antics were evident here. They said that in his house lived the tigress Sonya, brought from a Central Asian campaign, whom Khludov tamed and frightened his household, guests and servants with her in a mansion in the Khludov dead end.

In Moscow they talked about a she-bear in the basement of the same house, with whom Mikhail Alekseevich even measured his strength, and about a wolf who carried out duties watchdog on a country estate.

Let’s ignore other facts and speculations from the life of an entrepreneur and focus on the story that served as the impetus for the construction of a children’s hospital on Bolshaya Pirogovskaya.

One day, a tragedy occurred in the Khludov family: their own son from his first marriage fell to death, hitting his head while falling from a flight of stairs in the building of the Voskresensky School. The boy seemed to have been pushed on purpose, but the investigation yielded no results.

Mikhail Alekseevich became a heavy drinker, and soon changed his already drawn up will and allocated part of the funds for the construction of a children's hospital in the city. A mansion in the Khludovsky cul-de-sac was also designated for its construction.

Khludov's wife, Vera Aleksandrovna, and family doctor Evgeny Mikhailovich Pavlinov, who was to remain the chief physician of the hospital until his death, were appointed as the future trustees of the medical institution, after which the institution was transferred to the city.

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