Black magic conspiracies rituals show on. How to take revenge using black magic spells. Aggressive Magic in Human History


Anything that scares us makes us angry, fearful, and in denial. This is fine. It is common for the human race to fear and deny everything for which they cannot find an explanation.

Black magic is a special cult and ancient teaching

Black magic, as an ancient teaching or as a special cult, also causes a feeling of apprehension, fear among most people, and magicians who have chosen this type of employment for themselves are condemned by society. What is Black Magic in its essence, is it worth fearing and condemning?

History of Black Teaching The first thing I will say is that in the world of magicians there is no clear definition of Black, White or Gray magic. Magic is a teaching, one stream, one sphere. But this area includes various branches. If you already want to share the concept so badly magical influence

into categories, it is better to use psychological concepts rather than colors. Black Magic is aggressive witchcraft.

The actions of such witchcraft are aimed at aggressively achieving goals. If there is an enemy, then the dark magician does not offer to forgive him, but offers to take revenge and take revenge harshly. This is precisely what damage, curses and evil eyes are aimed at. Mentioning the power of Love, the consequences of Black magic are aimed not at enhancing the attractiveness of the magician performing the ritual, but at enslaving the will of the victim.

There is no need to argue that this is wrong or say that it is an unpardonable sin. None of us mortals, be we magicians or ordinary people, have received the supreme right to decide whether Black Magic and its rituals are a crime or not. You should not take on the role of the arbiter of someone’s fate or someone’s thoughts.

Aggressive Magic in Human History

If you look from the point of view of an adept of aggressive magic, that is, from my point of view, then Black Magic has been undeservedly oppressed and humiliated for many centuries. Yes, that’s exactly what is not deserved.

But, despite the fact that times are changing, the attitude towards Dark Magic has not changed much. People, ordinary people, are also afraid of dark magicians, they condemn their actions, and do not accept their way of life as decent choice. At the same time, absolutely everyone resorts to the services of the Black Teaching, consciously or unconsciously. Consciously this is when man walking to the magician and orders damage to his enemy.

And unconsciously, this is if a person, in a strong rage, showers his enemy with curses, sending all the troubles of the world to him and his family. So I’ll tell you that it is not yet known what is a great sin: the professional work of a magician who knows how to correctly carry out the ritual of punishing one person, or the menial work of an ordinary person who, with his evil words, harms not only the enemy, but also his children, and sometimes to grandchildren.

Should you be afraid of Black Magic?

I will not console you and say that there is nothing to fear from dirty deeds. Yes, Black Dark Magic is aggression, and if a ritual of punishment, revenge, damage or curse is carried out by a professional, the consequences will not only be terrible, they will be disastrous:

  • illness;
  • death;
  • psychological exhaustion;
  • loss of performance;
  • neurological disorders;
  • pursuit magic;
  • depression;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • destruction of personality, etc.

Psychological exhaustion is a consequence of the effects of black magic

But I will also mention that witches and dark magicians are not particularly eager to do damage, cast curses, or drive people crazy. Most offenses are not worth paying for with your life, even the most powerful magic against the destruction of a person. And Black Magicians value human life even more than ordinary people themselves.

Working with Dark Energy gives many opportunities, but takes a lot of energy. And therefore, I would not recommend getting involved in rituals and creating magical objects for those who do not feel enough strength and energy.

Who can and who cannot practice Black Magic?

Due to the rapid development of scientific psychology, as well as esotericism, many cease to perceive Magic as something serious and dangerous. Inexperienced and unprepared people are trying to discover superhuman abilities in themselves, others are studying various types of fortune-telling, practicing spells and summoning spirits, while others simply want to know themselves from a different perspective.

Speaking about modern Black Magic, ordinary people still tend to be more skeptical about it.

However, there are those who not only believe, but also have a desire to try themselves in a similar direction. There are many different types of magic, but, as my practice with beginners shows, Dark sorcery is of more interest than Light deeds. And this is exactly what we will talk about, because in reality, not everyone knows what Black Magic is, and what it is, and who can and who is not allowed to practice it.

How to determine your strength for a choice like Aggressive Magic

Black, Aggressive magic is a relatively unknown concept for many people. All that the average person knows is that:

  • turning into a black magician can be spontaneous;
  • every witch knows how to make the enemy “death”;
  • ancient magic is stronger than modern rituals;
  • Black Magic spells are always Evil.

Basically, everyone associates it with destruction, chaos, evil and nothing but negativity. To a large extent, this is true - the basis of Black Magic is largely based on the worship of Satan, dark forces, and work with otherworldly entities. But on the other hand, adepts and sorcerers, witches and warlocks, just like light sorcerers, healers and sorcerers, adhere to the laws of the nature of magic.

But, it is rare that a spell made by an ordinary person has a powerful charge, or a magic spell containing special words, but pronounced by a novice practitioner will cause death to the enemy. It will take away vital forces, but it is unlikely to provoke death.

Fear and inexperience will ruin a novice practitioner

This side of magic is very difficult both in understanding and in practice, especially for beginners who, before learning all the basics of magical science, begin to cast various kinds of spells, damage, and inflict evil forces on other people.

Such curiosity and bitterness can cost an inexperienced magician a lot. At best, the spell may not work, and at worst, it will have the opposite effect and return to its performer, leading to nightmarish consequences. That is why, in such a matter, you need to be as careful as possible and not get into trouble. Better yet, you should contact a specialist in this field, so you will have a better chance of not harming yourself and a chance to receive invaluable advice from an experienced magician.

In Black Magic there is the possibility of solving certain problems in ways that are simply not available in white magic.

Black magic can heal mental wounds making a person happy

But still, with the help of dark forces, you can not only harm a person. With the help of such teachings, sorcerers are able to help people recover from illnesses, wounds inflicted on them, and so on. It works on the principle that everything that is applied with a negative is removed with the same negative. Also, with the help of Dark Rituals, damage and love spells are removed.

How to determine that Aggressive Magic is your destiny

As already mentioned above, Dark Magic is very dangerous, sometimes painful and even fatal. Not every person can engage in such power, because in order to devote oneself to this matter, one must have great courage and strength.

When starting to study Black Magic, you need to decide and find out whether you can do this specifically. How to find out? Let's look at it:

Do you have enough strength and energy to practice Black Magic?

Each person has his own specific energy level. If your energy level is quite low, then under no circumstances should you practice Dark Magic. Otherwise, you will at least face health problems. In order to raise your energy level, start doing more sports, gymnastics, yoga, meditation, and so on. The choice is yours, so follow your preferences.

Can you control your thoughts when learning the Dark Teachings?

As you practice your Dark Powers, you need to be clear about what you are thinking and what you desire. The flow of extraneous thoughts is not allowed, especially if it is not related to Black Magic. In this situation, you can get an undesirable result or not very good consequences. Nuances that are insignificant for the average person play an important role, but there are no trifles in such a matter:

Your religious preference

Many religious movements do not approve of those actions inherent in Black Magic. Christianity does not accept any kind of magic and does not accept it from its followers. If you are in some kind of religious community, you should think several times whether certain actions associated with the study of Dark Magic are consistent and whether you should do it. You must begin to master otherworldly magic without the slightest doubt, since any doubt is the key to unsuccessful work and results.

Do you have the patience?

As in absolutely all endeavors, the best results will naturally not be expected in a week. You will have to hone your skills over a long time, it will take a lot of effort and nerves, but this aspect is very important, since patience is the key to any success, Moscow was not built right away. Start with the easiest thing - develop your intuitive feeling.

Do you have a place to practice Dark Magic?

You must have your own private space, hidden from everyone, to practice Aggressive Witchcraft. No one should disturb you, you should be completely focused on your activities and not be distracted by anything. None alive soul should not see your records and notes; only people trusted by you or your sorcerer brothers can be present at the rituals.

The ability to focus on one specific energy

If you practice your magical abilities without being focused on your actions, expect to get any result other than what you want. In addition, such absent-mindedness can lead to disastrous consequences that you may regret in the future. There are many exercises to improve your concentration level. You can also try meditation, it is the best way to learn to concentrate.

Your doubts bring about the collapse of all endeavors.

You should absolutely not start studying black or any magic with doubts. You must be completely mentally prepared to accept magic into your life, since it will become part of your entire life path, and it will no longer be possible to eradicate it. If you have even the slightest doubt, you cannot start studying magic.

If you still have a fear of otherworldly magic, you should think about whether this is yours? Maybe you don’t need this at all and you should look for yourself in another type of magic, but you shouldn’t associate yourself with black forces. There should be no fear, you need to feel that this is your Path.

Aggressive magic and magic in general is a very serious and responsible type of science that requires detailed study and strong moral preparation.

There is no need to harm people and be selfish, casting spells only for your own benefit and in the name of your motives. With great power comes great responsibility. Try to help people and not hurt them, cure diseases with the help of your magical abilities, do good, albeit with the help of dark energy.

Black magic spells have long helped sorcerers achieve what they want. This is a strong and dangerous witchcraft that can destroy and create. If this ancient knowledge is in the hands of an inexperienced or selfish magician, then the consequences of witchcraft can be terrible and unpredictable.

In the article:

What are black magic spells

Black magic spells are very dangerous for both the sorcerer and his victims. Most often, such knowledge is used for fatal diseases, bewitching people, attracting money, communicating with gods and demons.

Black magic will help to punish the culprit, gain an advantage over others and resist the attack of other sorcerers. Black magic can be used not only for destruction, but also for good.

Effectively use the knowledge of black magicians only a person who has a very large supply of energy and willpower can. There are many frightening and mind-stirring rituals that can greatly impress a person with an unstable psyche. Before taking on such rituals, you need to gain experience and learn how to create a strong protection.

There are various classifications of black spells. They are divided according to various criteria:

  • by power;
  • method of influence;
  • guidance technique;
  • difficulties.

This is far from full list classifications of black conspiracies. In the most common classification, there are 3 groups into which all black magic conspiracies are divided.

IN first The category also includes conspiracies. They are designed more not to cause damage to other people, but to create protection. Such spells can consist of only one words that the sorcerer pronounces when he senses the approach of danger. An example of such a spell is the word:

Such conspiracies do not require rituals or the use of magical attributes. Most often in the text, the sorcerer turns to his magical protector, asking him to protect him from adversity.

Co. second This group includes double conspiracies. They work on the principle "fight fire with fire". Their essence lies in the fact that the first spell can cause the necessary action, and the second can stop it.

Black curses - third, the most terrible category of all magical spells. These spells are used only by experienced witches, who can not only complete the ritual by causing damage to the victim, but also protect themselves from negative consequences.

Remove these curses it is forbidden. Even if the magician tries to eliminate the damage caused by himself and retracts his words, it will be impossible to stop the process. Such rituals purposefully deprive the victim of joy in life, money, loved ones and lead them to the grave.

Black magic: conspiracies and their forms

Strong black magicians often use not only accepted spells in rituals, but also create their own. The ability to do this comes with experience. There are also general principles composing black spells. For example, at the beginning of each text there should be an appeal. The sorcerer can contact anyone, it can be:

  • forces of nature;
  • demons;
  • perfume;
  • People;
  • elements.

At the same time, the text should contain not only the phrase:

I command...

but also a threat, meaning that anyone who disobeys the sorcerer will face retribution:

... and if you disobey, you will be unhappy forever and ever.

The text of the conspiracy must indicate an intermediary between you and the victim. For example, if this Moon, then it must be mentioned in the conspiracy. In addition, the intermediary needs a sacrifice in order for him to agree to the deal. At the same time, the text of the slander should have a symbolic meaning - “you give me, and I give you.”

In one of the forms of black conspiracies and spells, mention of a higher black power is necessary. You can limit yourself to mentioning the name of a demon of the highest rank, but to enhance the impact, sorcerers often resort to mentioning God of darkness, Devil, Satan . Order someone to do required action possible “in the name” of the Lord of Darkness.

  • all four elements;
  • food, drink, spices;
  • wound, sore area of ​​the body;
  • items that are the property of the victim.

Quite popular are spells that have the form “ likening" These are conspiracies that mention an action (which the sorcerer must immediately perform) and the result that this action will entail. For example: “As I pour this water, so will the tears flow down your face.”

Love spells in black magic - love until the grave

Before you take on such witchcraft, make sure once again that this is exactly the effect you want from the ritual and that you reasonably assess your abilities. If on the day of the ritual you do not feel well, there is a sharp loss of strength and malaise, postpone the ritual.

Waning moon spell

The witch needs to find 3 graves to carry out the death ritual. If the victim is a woman - female. If a man - men's. The graves must be fresh. You must have a bottle of clean water with you. Pour this water over each cross and say the words:

The water is dead from the house, white, bright, abundant, love is dead, it comes to my house white, bright and abundant.

When leaving the cemetery, look for a grave with the same name as the victim, remember it. The next night, use the remaining water to make a path from the victim's house to the chosen grave. Pour the last liquid into the cemetery and leave the container there. The path from the water should be clear and uninterrupted. Otherwise, a person will not come to his grave.

Deadly needle

In order to make a person suffer, there is an equally dangerous ritual. The witch buys a new package of needles and refuses to change. At the same time you should whisper:

I don’t take it for myself, but to spoil the enemy.

At midnight, go out onto the porch and read the text on one of the needles:

May the happiness, health, luck and joy of the slave (name of the enemy) be broken against this needle. Let the needle prick my enemy (name) day and night, and give him no peace, like a thorn in the body. Let the slave (name) be tormented, dry, aching, deprived of peace. My will is strong, words will not turn against me. Amen.

The text is read 13 times, after which a needle must be stuck into the door of the ill-wisher. You need to stick the needle in such a way that no one can find it. Because if it is discovered and damaged, then all the negativity will return to the magician.

Ceremony for funeral candles

In order to send her enemy to the grave, the witch needs to come to the temple, buy a new candle and put it in place of one of the unburned funeral candles. If there is a memorial table in the temple, place sweets on it, leaving them for the deceased whose candle was extinguished.

Burn, candle, burn! Turn the life of (enemy's name) into dust! Illness and misfortune smile at her (him), people turn away. Dead fire, bring burning damage, flammable misfortune. That light is not a simple one, it was taken from the churchyard. Dead in the ground, light on my table. I tell you what I want! Let it be so!

Enmity between people gives rise to problems and a desire for revenge. Black magic is often a powerful weapon in the hands of one of the parties. There are many conspiracies, the use of which in rituals can return to the opponent all the evil he previously sent and even increase it several times.

Danger of black magic

Any evil intentions will not go unpunished. This is important to keep in mind when using black magic spells to take revenge on your enemy. Even when a person is confident in his own rightness, his emotions and anger can harm not the one who first offended, but the one who is going to repay what he deserves.

All actions when performing magical rituals must be careful and thought out in advance. If the person against whom magic is used is innocent of the evil committed, Higher power the one who made the mistake will be punished. The spells used in dark mania are dangerous and their effects are unpredictable. In case of any negative consequences of the magical actions performed, you need to ask the Saints for forgiveness,

Black magic should be resorted to only when all other plans and actions are ineffective and the person and his family are in danger.

Only then will the Higher powers be favorable to the sufferer and help him overcome the offender.

Ritual at the offender's house

The most powerful ritual of black magic, allowing it to be carried out at his home. You need to wait until next Tuesday night, stock up on a church candle and go to the threshold of his house.

  1. Having quietly made your way to the door of the enemy’s dwelling, you need to place magical accessories next to it. The ritual itself is carried out like this:
  2. light a candle and place it at the door;
  3. take a salt shaker and sprinkle its contents on the threshold;

read the plot:

“I’m not sprinkling you with salt, but I’m rewarding you with future pain. May you suffer as much as you hurt me before. I wish to punish the one who offended me in the old days. Under the Moon and the Sun, under Satan and God, my enemies are tormented and want to retire. You won’t know who did you bad. Amen".

After the spell is cast, they clean up after themselves and move away. After some time, you can notice that negative changes are taking place in your opponent’s life, he begins to get sick and suffers from failures.

Black thread conspiracy Before using spells and black magic to take revenge on the enemy for some of his unkind actions, it is important to have a strong desire for revenge. Black magic without such a feature will not bring the desired result. If a person intends to take revenge by any means, an ancient conspiracy on a black thread will suit him. After sunset, you should take a black thread and wind it around left hand

and tie 6 knots. When winding a magical accessory, it is important to whisper a conspiracy:

The next evening, the thread is removed from the hand, without cutting it, and burned over a candle flame with the thought of returning the evil done to the person to the one who sent it. After the end of the ritual, fate will give you a chance to take revenge on the offender. He will come to the person. It is important not to take anything or give him anything, but only to throw a handful of salt at his back.

The ceremony is carried out in secret from everyone, so complete privacy for a day is required. If everything is done correctly, the enemy

Ritual with fire and water

The evil done by the offender must be returned in the same “coin”. If he uses black magic as a weapon against his opponent, there is no point in doing nothing. A series of problems will consume the sufferer, and he will be powerless in the struggle for own life, so you need to respond to your enemies quickly and harshly. AND strong weapon For this there will be a ritual with fire and water.

If you want retribution, it is important to prepare the necessary magical accessories for the magical action. A person will need:

  1. black tablecloth;
  2. Bible;
  3. 6 church candles;
  4. glass container;
  5. mirror (a small one will do).

The ceremony itself is performed on a full moon. Having retired to your own room, you need to cover the table with the prepared tablecloth and place 5 candles on it in a circle. A Bible and a mirror are placed in the center of the circle. A container with holy water is placed on it, and the remaining candle is placed between the book and the mirror. They light the candles and, looking at the reflection in the mirror, read the plot:

“Powers of water and fire, hear me. I wash myself off with clean water and burn with hot fire all the evil of God’s servant (name of the offender). Bring water, evil, pain and tears back to the slave (name of the offender). Burn, fire, his soul and body. Let the sins of the slave (name of the enemy) remain with him. My word is firm. Amen".

After the spoken words, you need to put out the candles, alternately dipping the flame into water. Candles and a mirror are wrapped in a tablecloth and hidden away from prying eyes. A container of water is carried to the enemy’s house, at whose door it is poured out. After the end of the ritual, you need to go to the nearest crossroads and give the Higher Powers a payoff - throw out a few coins.

Revenge with a needle

In black magic, the most dangerous and painful rituals are those performed with a needle and thread. Wishing your opponent revenge for the evil he has done, you need to prepare 2 sewing needles and black thread and go to the enemy’s house at night. Approaching the door, you need to get magical accessories. The needles are placed crosswise, and their point of contact is tightly rewound with thread. With thoughts of the suffering offender, the words of the conspiracy are read:

“My needle is short, but yours is longer. Likewise, your conscience is short, like a trace of rain. My life was going well until you showed up. I want to remove all the grief, bring the trouble back to you. You know how to cause grief, and I know how to return it. I pay those who have done evil with the same coin. Let it be so".

After the words have been spoken, a cross of needles should be made so that one of the sides points to the doorway. If everything is done correctly, the owner of this home will soon have problems. The person performing the ritual often learns about them from the ill-wisher himself.

Revenge on the enemy from a distance

Most of the rituals and rites of black magic are carried out with a personal item of the patient, his photograph, or near his home. Because of this, it can be difficult to take revenge on the offender unnoticed. The only way out is to find effective way conducted at a distance. One of these is

After waiting for Easter, you need to go to the nearest church. The ritual itself is carried out like this:

  1. you need to buy a church candle;
  2. break it in 13 places, imagining how the offender’s bones break;
  3. make a ring from the resulting candle fragments;
  4. set fire to all candle fragments;
  5. read the words of the conspiracy:

“I will close your life, I will extinguish your power. The circle breaks, you fade away. Before, you mocked me, brought evil to my doorstep, took me out of the world. Now is my time. I know a conspiracy to get rid of you forever. The earth and sky will not accept you, there is nowhere to hide. Amen".

After reading the words, they hide the candle under the funeral table and rush to the exit of the church. When leaving the temple gates, it is important to throw 6 coins onto the road, turn around and go home without looking back.

Hex with a nail and a hammer

When the enemy shows his physical superiority and threatens a person with violence, there is no time to think. The best way to respond to evil is to find reliable protection against it. A nail and hammer ritual can help with this. All you need is to find a long nail, a hammer and a flat stone.

The ritual itself is simple. In the evening you need to go into the house, draw the curtains and go to the table with prepared magical accessories. A stone is placed on the table, a nail in one hand, and a hammer in the other. Place a sharper nail in the center of the stone and make 3 light blows to the head, reciting the spell:

“Iron versus stone, sharp versus dull. Standing versus lying down, strength in iron - weakness in stone. To order one, to fall at the other’s feet. Everything is in my hands and my power.”

After hitting the nail with a hammer, a dent should remain on the stone. The stone itself is taken to the enemy, and the nail is kept as a talisman against the evil intentions and actions of the ill-wisher. The nail will serve reliable protection person for life.

Damage from photo

This ritual is performed on the waning moon. Having locked the door, you need to stand in the middle of the room and draw a circle around you with chalk. You need to put 2 candles (preferably red) on the table and light them, and in the center of the drawn circle put a photo of the ill-wisher. Looking at a photograph of the enemy, they read the plot:

“I conjure you (name of the enemy) so that you disintegrate the way the trace elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth disintegrate in Chaos. So that your thoughts (name of the enemy), like the rays of the pale Moon, are directed towards suffering and torment. So that you create your pain in your own imagination and follow this pain as if across hot stones. And may the spirit of evil hover over you (enemy’s name), like Water over the Earth.”

After the spoken words, it is important to thank the Higher powers for their help and wipe the chalk from the floor counterclockwise. The ritual will begin to take effect when the candles burn out to the end. This method will be effective when there is strong hatred towards your opponent. All the evil he has done will return to him, but will be several times more powerful and dangerous.

How to see an offender in a dream

If a person is often sick or suffers from a series of problems at home and at work, there is reason to think about the possible evil eye or damage. If the sufferer has no suspicions about who could have harmed him in this way, it is necessary to ask the Saints to see the enemy in a dream. This can be done before any church holiday. Before going to bed, read the prayer 3 times:

“I, servant of God (name), will go in rows and look with my own eyes. Among those ranks is Saint Samson. In the name of the Lord God I will pronounce the holy word. Let Saint Samson show me a prophetic dream, let him point out my sworn enemy, let him show me his face. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Holy Trinity He will show me the way, Jesus Christ will bless my dream and reveal my enemy. Let it be so. Amen".

This magical method is completely safe, because it does not harm anyone. Having found out who and how “annoyed” the sufferer, you will be able to think through a detailed plan of revenge in advance.


Black magic is a good, but dangerous way to “annoy” your offender. There are many rituals, the implementation of which will lead to various problems for the enemy, negatively affect his health and financial well-being. Some magical methods can even lead to the death of an opponent, so you need to be careful when using such radical methods of fighting someone. The desire and desire to “annoy” a personal enemy is often fraught with consequences.

Black magic conspiracies include only those conspiracies that cause direct physical and also harm to the human soul, that is, spiritual harm. These include all love spells

forcing one to love by force, all spells, hexes on objects and parts of the experimental subject’s body, some strong love spells cause the death of the experimental subject...

Black magic conspiracies. This same damage in all its varieties, let's list a few.

Male impotence

Male impotence. Conspiracy “Arise and leap, O servant of God (name), and take him to the blue sea, to my word, Amen. Three times." Pass urine through your wedding ring three times.

(From the manuscript of Knigolyubov).

Conspiracy of the Devil

I. On Christmastide, they go to Rostan, draw three circles, saying each time: “For three lines, damn it, don’t go!” Then they listen to see what they think.


II. “From the Holy Spirit, a communicant of Christ, Stas’s hand, Theotokos castle.

Ego N. conjurro te N. per Deum vivum, per Deum verum, per Deum sanctum at regnantem, qui ex nihilo coelum et terrain et mare, et omnia, quae in cis sunt, creavit in virtute sanctissimi sacramenti Eucharistiae et nomine lesu Christi et potentia ejusdem filii Dei omnipotentis, qui pro redemptsone nostra crusifixus, mortuus et dexteram plasmotoris totius orbis, inde venturus est judicaie vivos et mortuos: et te maledicte idcirco per judicem tuum tentare ausus Deus est, te exorcise serpeus, tibi qui impero, utnunc et sine mora appareas mihi juxta circulum pulchra et honesta animae et corporis forma, et adimpieas mandata mea sine falacia aliqua.

Nec restrictione mentali per nomina maxima Dei deorum Domini dominantium Adonay, Tetragrammaton, lehova, Tetragrammaton, Adonay, lehova, Otheos, Athanatos, Ischyros, Agla, Pentagrammaton, Saday, Saday, Saday, Cados, Cados, Cados, Eloy, Agla, Agla, Agla, Adonay, Adonay, Adonay.

Const ringo tc pcssimc et malcdicte serpens N, ut sine morn et legionc ct gravaminc in hoc loco libita signa ante circulum mo am sine mumiure apparcas, sine difTormitate nee mumuiratione itcrumc.

Exorcise te per nomina Dei inetTabilia Gogmagogquc a me pronuntiari non debucrunt et tcrnoce mca a lapsa venias adsis N, venias adsis N, venias adsis N.

Translation. I (such and such) conjure you, the spirit of (such and such) by the living God, the holy and reigning God. Who created out of nothing heaven, earth and sea, and all that is in them, by the power of the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist, by the power of the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of Almighty God, for our redemption, crucified, died, buried and rose again on the third day, now seated at the right hand of the Father and then the one who comes to judge the living and the dead. At the slightest slander on your part, the Lord will restrain you through me, your judge.

I threaten, conjure and command you that now, without delay, you appear to me near the circle in a beautiful and honorable form of soul and body and carry out my instructions without any deceit.

If you harm or slander, I (so-and-so), threatening, force you to appear before my circle without delay and accompanied by a legion, giving any sign of your arrival, without a murmur, accepting himself as an image, and also submissively submitting to me.

I conjure you so that I will not be forced to proclaim the most sacred names of God and Gogmagog, so that you (such and such) for three nights will appear and be present, appear and be present, appear and be present.

Then an ugly-looking spirit will appear before you, wearing a purple robe with a border, a yellow jacket and trousers of the color sea ​​water. He will have a dog's head with donkey ears and horns protruding from his forehead. When asked what you want from him, you can demand everything available, even wealth.

Before starting the Great Invocation, one must confess and receive communion. Impeccability and purity are necessary, otherwise you will not force the spirit of darkness to obey you, but, on the contrary, you will fall under its power.

(Grim. Honor.).

Let out the hiccups

Let out the hiccups. At the very beginning, when you learn to let go of hiccups, remove the cross from your neck, put it in your boot under the heel, hold it for half a day, saying the words: “I renounce God and His life-giving cross, I give myself into the hands of the devils.” Whisper to the salt, mentioning the name of the person to whom he intends to do harm, nothing less than, Firstly, (first of all), as a relative, mention the words: “Give this person grief, called hiccups, shake and torment (name) until the end of his life " After taking the cross out of your boot, hang it on your back - at that time you will have devils; after hesitating for a day, change it as usual, in advance, then the devils will leave you and will torment the one on whom you do this. Throw the salt on the road or in another place where that person walks, with the sentence: “As this salt dries, so dry also (name, i.e. the one to whom you do such evil); back away from me, you devils, and come to him.” And don’t go into debt, dig up the salt and say: “Go, you devil, get away from me!” And then the evil spirit (hiccups) will begin to torment that person.

Black magic spells have their roots in the pre-Christian era. The spell (incantation, enchantment, slander) came to us from pagan times and its for the most part bear the imprint of the culture of that time and those traditions.

Any spell, even love spells, is a program based on the power of human thought expressed in words, the energy of some entity or deity invoked during the ritual, and the emotional-volitional attitude of the operator. The entire set of these components is called a spell.

In those distant times, knowledge of magic was not something special, much less secret. It was only after many centuries that people began to emerge who were specifically involved in this and had a certain occult orientation.

These people are magicians, healers, sorcerers, sorcerers, wise men, witches, healers, and so on. Both white and black magic were in use - spells, damage, love spells. Not only magicians, but also most people living in that era had a clear understanding of all this.

At that archaic time, people mainly used spells based on the forces of nature. They turned to water, wind, fire, stars, sun, earth, moon and so on for help. Then, with the advent of Christianity, religiously strictly directed spells appeared, addressed to God, saints, apostles, the Mother of God and others.

What are the types of magic spells?

Since ancient times, a large number of different spells and incantations have been known. They can be classified according to a huge number signs:

  • by type of force used,
  • on guidance technology,
  • by type of ritual,
  • by the nature of the content,
  • by method of influence and so on.

Let's look at some of the basic and most popular types of spells.

Simple Spells

This type includes fleeting curses, said casually and under strong influence. emotional excitement. Also this different kinds whispers that are whispered about an object, for example, a ticket for good luck, or about a person. Depending on the purpose, they can have different effects.

Nature Spells

These are spells using natural forces and phenomena. As a rule, they are based on the four natural elements. It's pretty strong spells, which are used by experienced sorcerers and healers. So, for example, a black magic spell for death involves the use of dead water or earth from the cemetery.

Health Spells

This type includes spells for acquiring health or getting rid of various ailments. This is a vast body of knowledge that includes herbalism and witchcraft.

Black Spells

Black magic spells are always based on attracting dark forces.

The purpose of these rituals is to cause harm. They use the demonic pantheon in their work and attract elements of dark forces in the texts of spells. This type also includes all types of cemetery rituals.

Divine Spells

This type of spell is already called prayer. Unlike classical spells, where there is an order based on a contract with forces, in prayer there is a request or plea for grace or help.

Protective Spells

Very large group spells based on temporary or permanent protection of a person from troubles, adversities, dangers, and failures. This type includes religious blessings, protective rites, herbal incantations, charged amulets, etc.

It is based on a human protection program based on a spell of some kind of power. It can be applied to the person himself or to an object that will subsequently need to be constantly carried with him.

This is not a complete list of all kinds of spells. In every culture and tradition you can find more than a dozen sacred texts of a magical nature.

The structure and content of the spell can be anything. First of all, it all depends on the purpose of the ritual. In simple spells, one or two words can be used, but more are simple and not necessary due to the context of the ritual itself.

In more complex ones, multi-page, logically sequential paragraphs of text are used, forming a holistic structure of the ritual program. Deviation from which even the slightest can cause a significant threat to the operator.

There are many special cases where the text of the spell will have a unique form and content. We will consider the general rule and sequence for creating any spell.

So, in order of compilation:


This part is also called the “backlog”. Necessary to change the consciousness of the speaker. An altered state of consciousness is needed both for protection and for maximum concentration over the spell.

Opening the formula

It serves as the beginning of a ritual, and the text itself expresses the intention to do or do something.

“I’ll walk in circles, wash my face clean water, I’ll take some fresh earthen soil, etc.”

These actions are clearly imagined in the head, or the operator actually carries them out in real life. If, for example, a black magic spell is being cast for wealth, then the ritual must be preceded by some kind of operations with real money or coins. This serves as an entrance or beginning.

At this stage, the author verbally expresses his wishes in a brief and understandable form.

The implementation of which he would like to entrust to those involved magical powers. The text of an order, command or desire should not be ambiguous or ambiguous.

When composing this part, they try to express their intention as clearly and accurately as possible. An error or omission at this point can have disastrous consequences for the author.


All powerful spells necessarily have some kind of clearly expressed identity. For example,

“Just as a nail rots in the ground, so does (name)’s body decompose.
Just as the sun shines brightly, so (name)’s smile illuminates everyone and so on!”


The final stage of the spell has the character of a volitional consolidation of the result, irrevocable execution. The purpose is to show the force your determination to pay for the work done, as well as to strengthen faith in the execution of the ritual.


At this stage, the operator expresses gratitude to the force for its help and undertakes to pay for the work. In any case, we must remember that any black magic spell requires appropriate payment from the customer.

They read spells in any language convenient for the author. Of course, if the text itself was compiled in a language or symbol system that is foreign to you, then you need to read it in that language. In general, any book of black magic spells should contain detailed instructions according to the rules for casting a specific spell.

Black magic | Neil Gaiman, Ted Williams, Eoin Colfer, Orson Scott Card

Each tradition describes its own way of reading prayers and spells.

In a hoarse and frightening tone of voice, they pronounce black magic spells, black spells for death and damage to loneliness. There is an irritating tone and anger in the voice.

Shamans claim that any ritual texts must be read using the “throat singing” method. The culture of shamanism suggests that this is the most effective tonality that divine forces perceive.

IN Orthodox tradition It is customary to sing prayers, with emphasis placed on monotony and frequent repetition of the same texts.

Black magic spells in Latin

Magic spells written in Latin are especially powerful. They were written according to special rules that took into account a lot of currently unknown patterns.

Black magic spells in Latin must be read in a loud voice and clearly reading each syllable, although there are also many nuances here. For maximum comprehension, we recommend reading them in complete privacy. Let's look at the spells of water, ash and salt in Latin.

Water spell in Latin

“Fiat firmamentum in medio aquanim et separet aquas ab aquis, quae superius sicut quae inferius et quae iuferius sicut quae superius ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Sol ejus pater est, luna mater et ventus hanc gestavit in utero suo, ascendit a terra ad coelum in terram descendit. Exorciso te creatura aqua, ut sis mihi speculum Dei vivi in ​​operibus ejus et fons vitae et ablutio peccatonim. Amen!

Translation of the spell to water

“Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters: those that are above from those that are below; and those who are lower will be like those who are higher. The sun is her father, the moon is her mother, and the wind carried her in her womb, reaching from earth to heaven and again descending from heaven to earth. I conjure you, creature of water, to be salt and ash for me, the mirror of the living God in His creations and the source of life and the washing away of sins. Amen!".

Ash spell in Latin

“Revertatur cinis ad fontem aquarum viventium, et fiat terra fructificans, et germinit arborem vita per tria nomina, quae sunt NETSAH, HOD et IESOD in principio et in fine, per alpha et omega sunt in spiritu AZOTH. Amen!

Translation of this spell

“Let the ashes return to the source of living waters, and let the earth become fertile, and let life produce the tree through the three names, which are Netzah, Hod and Jezod, in the beginning and in the end through Alpha and Omega, which are contained in the spirit of Azoth. Amen!".

This ash is stored in a bottle with a wide neck, carefully sealed. It is placed in a closet where it is stored.

Salt spell in Latin

The salt must be sea salt, the purest, consecrated by a breath, just like water, and then the next spell is pronounced.

“In isto sale sit sapientia et ab omni corruptione sicut mentes nostras et corpora nostra, per HOCHMAEL et in virtute ROUACH HOCHMAEL, recedant ab fsto fantasmata hulae, ut sit sal coelistis, subterrae salis, ut nutrietur bos triturans et addat spei nostrae cornua tauri volentis . Amen!

Translation of the spell

“Let there be wisdom in this salt! Yes, he will. she is from all corruption, both our minds and bodies, for the sake of Khoshmael and in the name of the virtues of Ruach, Khoshmael. Let the monsters of matter leave her, so that the salt of heaven may be like the salt under the earth and on the earth; to feed the threshing bull and give our hope to the horns of the spinning bull. Amen!".

The salt, thus consecrated, is preserved in a crystal vessel on the altar, protected from all unclean things. The remaining ash from the incense is carefully collected and blessed by reciting the following spell.

Black magic spells in Latin with translation and transcription can be found in modern textbooks by magic. But you shouldn’t immediately start performing rituals with their help. These ancient spells must be cast with extreme caution. After all, without knowing all the rules and nuances of conducting such rituals, you can incur very serious consequences.

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