Chechens are direct descendants of the Khazars! Modern Jews are the genetic descendants of the Khazars

In the 7th - 10th centuries, the state of the nomadic Khazar Turks occupied the vast territories of the modern post-Soviet republics from Central Asia and North Caucasus in the east to modern Ukraine and Crimea in the southwest. The Khazar Khaganate, like most other huge empires, resembled a colossus with feet of clay. A motley conglomeration of various peoples lived on its territory: Savirs, Bulgars, Huns, Turkuts, Ugrians, Khazars, Slavs, Arabs, Jews and many others who spoke different languages and professed different religions. At a certain stage in the development of statehood (we cannot confidently say exactly when - perhaps in 740, and possibly later, at the end of the 8th - beginning of the 9th century or, according to other assumptions, c. 860), the ruling elite of Khazaria declares Judaism state religion kaganate. However, other faiths were also practiced on the territory of the kaganate: Islam, Christianity and shamanism.

The collapse of the Khazar state and the development of scientific interest in it in the 19th century

In 965-968, the strongest defeat of Khazaria inflicts Kyiv prince Svyatoslav. After that, the state of the Khazars, they themselves and even their name almost completely disappear from political map medieval Europe. An exciting story about the disappearance of a huge powerful empire, the destruction of its cities and settlements and the almost complete dissolution of the Khazars among the peoples of neighboring states, became the subject of heated debate and discussion, starting, probably, with the Jewish writer and poet of the XII century Yehuda Halevi and ending with orientalists, theologians, historians , nationalists and ideological leaders of modern and contemporary times.

According to H. Fren (1823), the history of medieval Rus' was so closely connected with the Khazars that the latter became an important object of study in pre-revolutionary Russia. A classic example of the growing interest in the Khazar theme in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century is the well-known poem by Alexander Pushkin, in which the prophetic Oleg is going to "take revenge on the unreasonable Khazars." This phrase will later become known to every Soviet schoolchild. In addition to "Songs of Prophetic Oleg"The poet will turn to the Khazar theme again - in the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", one of the heroes of which is the rival of the knight Ruslan, "full of passionate thought, the young Khazar Khan Ratmir."

Among Russian historians at that time, there were two main trends in the interpretation of the history of the Khazars. Conservative historians (Tatishchev, Karamzin, Nechvolodov) considered the exemption from paying tribute to the Khazars and the successful campaign of Prince Svyatoslav as decisive events in the process of the formation of the ancient Russian state and the Russian people. These researchers spoke about the Khazar yoke, about the confrontation between the forest and the steppe, and represented the Khazars as dangerous enemies. Kievan Rus. Liberal historians, on the contrary, wrote about the positive side of relations between Khazaria and Russia, about their symbiosis.

Khazaria in science and politics of the twentieth century

In the 80s of the XX century, on the wave of interest in the fiction book "Khazar Dictionary" - a rather talented digression into the medieval Khazar theme, written by the famous Serbian writer Milorad Pavic, the attention of the general public to the Khazars and Khazar history became even stronger.

Theories about the descendants of the Khazars

Paradoxically, but true: pure scientific problem- the history of the medieval Khazar state - has become a serious topic in the political games of European nationalists of the XX-XXI centuries. Some of them tried (and are trying) to use the history of the Khazars to legitimize their political demands, others declare themselves the “only” and “real” descendants of the Khazars, others are trying to rewrite the medieval history of the Russian, Ukrainian and Jewish peoples using the “Khazar myth”.

Especially often the subject of various kinds of pseudo-historical speculations is the question of where the Khazars who disappeared in the 10th-11th centuries actually disappeared and who, accordingly, are the heirs of their culture and statehood. This question has given rise to a huge number of absolutely pseudo-academic and, at times, completely absurd theories masquerading as historical research. For example, based on the phonetic similarity between the words Cossack / Cossack and Khazar / Khazar, the ideologists of the Ukrainian Cossacks of the 18th century declared their origin from the Khazars. So, in 1710, the Cossack chieftain Iosif Kirilenko wrote in a letter to the hetman that the Moscow tsars had never been the natural rulers of the "Cossack people" since the reign of the "Cossack kagans". [S-BLOCK]

The Jew Arthur Koestler considered the Khazars "the thirteenth tribe of Israel", from which all Ashkenazi (i.e. European) Jewry descended. Lev Gumilyov believed that the descendants of the Khazars were Slavs - wanderers and Don Cossacks. The romantic Karaite nationalist Abraham Firkovich created a Karaite version of the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism, thereby seeking to show the superiority of the Karaites over the Rabanite Jews. Another Karaite, Seraya Shapshal, went even further and began to assert that the Karaites are the direct - and only - descendants of the Khazars. However, the Karaites are by no means the only ethnic group that declared their Khazar origin. The second most significant contender for the Khazar heritage is, perhaps, the modern Crimean Jews-Krymchaks. Like the Karaites, they renounce their Jewish origin and claim to be descendants of the Khazars.

However, among European Jews there were also applicants for the “Khazar inheritance”! In the 20s-30s. 20th century Polish-Jewish historians, along with Karaites, begin to study the history of the Khazars, in particular the history of the founding of Jewish settlements on the territory of Poland. Some of them (first of all, M. Gumplovich and I. Schipper) concluded that the Khazars played important role in the formation of European Jewry and, moreover, that Khazar Jewish proselytes may have constituted a significant proportion of the medieval Jewry of Poland and Eastern Europe. [S-BLOCK]

Recently, the book “When and How You Became Jews” by Tel Aviv University professor and historian Shlomo Sand has made a big buzz. An Israeli scholar argues that a nation like the Jews simply does not exist, and the claims of Jews about their origin from the Middle East are just a myth to justify the existence of the State of Israel. European Jews, according to the words, are the descendants of the Khazar Turks.

Some researchers and nationalists wrote about the Khazar origin of the Mountain Jews of the Caucasus, Slavic Judaists-Subbotniks and Kazakhs.

So who are the actual descendants of the Khazars?

In our opinion, this question cannot be answered unambiguously. As M. I. Artamonov noted, “the search for the descendants of the Khazars remains unsuccessful” mainly due to the fact that the Khazars were assimilated by the nomadic Cumans (Cumans) in the 11th-13th centuries. Thus, hardly any modern people can really claim descent from the Khazars. The unparalleled variety of self-serving uses of Khazar history carried out in different time representatives of various political currents and ethnic groups, multiplied by a tangled tangle of Turkic-Jewish historical and religious motives, makes the Khazar theme a unique example of the ideological distortion of medieval history.

Will the 21st century bring new patterns of using Khazar history for political and ideological purposes? There is no doubt that changes in the highest ideological spheres can also affect the interpretation of the Khazar myth, and who knows, maybe in the near future, researchers with some amazement will find new "heirs" of Pushkin's unreasonable Khazars before them.

A secret report leaked to the press reveals the true origin of the Jews, their plans to colonize Crimea, and more.

Rapid development of events

Those who follow the Middle East know two things: always expect the unexpected, and don't underestimate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has more political lives than the proverbial cat.

More recently, there has been news that the Syrian rebels are planning to give Israel the Golan Heights in exchange for a no-fly zone against the Assad regime. Israel decided to take an even bolder step, deciding on at least to temporarily resettle their settlers from communities outside the settlement blocs to Ukraine. Ukraine organized this on the basis of a historical connection and in exchange for a much-needed military cooperation against Russia. This surprising turn of events has an even more surprising origin: genetics is a field in which Israeli scientists have long excelled.

Warlike Turkic people and mystery

It is well known that in the 8th and 9th centuries, the Khazars, a warlike Turkic people, converted to Judaism and ruled over a large area that later became southern Russia and Ukraine. What happened to these people after Russia destroyed their empire around the eleventh century remained a mystery. Many believed that the Khazars became the ancestors of the Ashkenazi Jews.

The Khazar Empire, from the map of M. Schnitzler "The Empire of Charlemagne and the Empire of the Arabs", (Strasbourg, 1857)

Arabs have long invoked the Khazar theory in an attempt to deny the historical claims of the Jews to the land of Israel. During the UN debate on the division of Palestine, Chaim Weizmann quipped: This is very strange. All my life I have been a Jew, I felt like a Jew, and now I found out that I am a Khazar. Prime Minister Golda Meir spoke more simply: Khazars, Shmazars. There are no Khazar people. In Kyiv, I did not know a single Khazarin. Or Milwaukee. Show me the Khazars you speak of.

Warlike people: Khazar battle axe, ca. 7th-9th centuries

With his 1976 book The Thirteenth Tribe, the former Hungarian communist and scholar Arthur Koestler brought the Khazar theory to a wider audience, hoping that refuting the common racial notion of Jews would put an end to anti-Semitism. It is clear that this hope did not come true. Recently, liberal Israeli historian Shlomo Sand's book The Invention of the Jewish People took Koestler's thesis in an unexpected direction, arguing that because the Jews were a religious community, descended from converts they are not a nation and do not need a state of their own. However, scientists rejected the Khazarian hypothesis due to the lack of genetic evidence. Until recently. In 2012, Israeli researcher Eran Elhaik published the results of a study claiming to prove that Khazarian genes are the single largest element in the Ashkenazi genetic pool. Sand proclaimed himself rehabilitated, and progressive newspapers such as Haaretz and The Forward trumpeted the findings.

It seems that Israel has finally admitted defeat. A group of top scientists from leading research institutions and museums recently submitted a classified report to the government admitting that European Jews are in fact Khazars. (Whether this will result in another proposal to revise the text of HaTikva remains to be seen.) On the face of it, this is very bad news, given the Prime Minister's relentless insistence on the need for Palestine to recognize Israel as a "Jewish state" and end the peace talks. But the prime minister was underestimated at his own peril. One of his assistants joked that when life hands you an etrog, you can build a hut.

In an informal message, he explained: At first we thought that identifying ourselves as Khazars was one way to get around Abbas' demand that no Jew could remain in a Palestinian state. Perhaps we were clutching at straws. But when he refused to admit it, it forced us to look for more creative solutions. God's message was an invitation to the Jews to return from Ukraine. Relocating all the settlers to Israel on short notice would be difficult for logistical and economic reasons. We certainly don't want another expulsion of settlers from Gaza.

Speaking off the record, a senior intelligence source said: “We are not saying that all Ashkenazi Jews will return to Ukraine. Obviously this is not practical. The press, as usual, exaggerates and tries to sensationalize it; so we need military censorship.”

Khazaria 2.0?

All Jews who wish to return will be welcomed back even without citizen status, especially if they take part in the promised large-scale Israeli military cooperation, which includes soldiers, equipment, and the construction of new bases. If the first resettlement is successful, the rest of the West Bank settlers will also be invited to move to Ukraine. After Ukraine, activated by such support, regains control over its entire territory, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea will again become an autonomous Jewish entity. The small-scale successor to the medieval Khazar Empire (as the peninsula was once known) would be called Khazerai in Yiddish.

Khazar Empire, map of Europe in the era of Charlemagne. Compiled by: Carl von Spruner, Historical-Geographical Manual Atlas (Gotha, 1854)

“As you know,” the intelligence official continued, “the Prime Minister has said many times: we are a proud and ancient people whose history in this territory goes back four thousand years. The same applies to the Khazars: they just returned to Europe and not so long ago. But look at the map: the Khazars did not have to live "within the borders of Auschwitz."

No "Auschwitz borders": most of The Khazar Empire (pink on the right) is clearly visible in this map of Europe around 800 by Monin (Paris, 1841). The Khazar Empire labeled can be compared to that of Charlemagne (pink on the left).

According to the Prime Minister, no one will tell the Jews where they may or may not live in the historical territory of their existence as a sovereign people. He is willing to make painful sacrifices for peace, even if it means giving up part of our biblical homeland in Judea and Samaria. But then we should be expected to exercise our historical rights elsewhere. We decided that this would happen on the shores of the Black Sea, where we have been an indigenous people for more than two thousand years. Even the great historian Semyon Dubnov, who rejected Zionism, said that we have the right to colonize Crimea. It's in all history books. You can search

Old-new earth?

Black Sea. The presence of the Khazars in the Crimea and coastal regions is shown. Compiled by: Rigobert Bonnet, territory of the Roman Empire. East End(Paris, 1780). In the upper left corner - Ukraine and Kyiv. Right: The Caspian Sea, traditionally labeled as the Khazar Sea.

In retrospect, this could have been foreseen, according to a respected State Department Arabist: the almost unnoticed report that Russia stopped Israeli smuggling of Khazarian artefacts, the decision of Spain and Portugal to grant citizenship to the descendants of exiled Jews, and evidence that former members of the defense army Israel was led by rebel groups supporting the Ukrainian government. And now there is also the possibility that the missing Malaysian plane was sent to Central Asia.

An experienced journalist from the Middle East said: It's problematic, but in a perverted way it's brilliant. In one fell swoop, Bibi managed to confuse both friends and enemies. He returned the ball back to the Palestinian court and weakened the American pressure without actually making any real concessions. Meanwhile, by allying with Syrian rebels and Ukraine, as well as Georgia and Azerbaijan, he made up for the loss of the alliance with Turkey and began to put pressure on Assad and Iran. And a new gas deal between Cyprus and Israel supports Ukraine and weakens the economic leverage of Russia and the Gulf oil countries. Simply brilliant.

World reaction

  • The members of the YESHA Settler Council were taken by surprise. Always wary of Netanyahu, whom they see as a slippery type rather than a reliable ideological ally, they declined to comment before fully assessing the situation.

Most of the hasty comments were predictable:

  • Right-wing anti-Semitic groups have lashed out at the story as justification for their conspiracy theories, claiming it is the culmination of a centuries-old Jewish plan to avenge a Khazar defeat in a battle against the Russians in the Middle Ages, a repeat of Israel's support for Georgia in 2008. One member of the group said: "The Jews have a memory as long as their noses."
  • A Fatah spokesman in Ramallah said the proposal was a start, but it didn't come close to satisfying Palestinian demands. Holding a drawing of a Khazar warrior from an archaeological artifact, he explained: There is a continuum of conquest and brutality. It's very simple, genetics don't lie. We see the results today: the Zionist regime and the brutal occupying forces are descended from warlike barbarians. The Palestinians are descended from peaceful pastoralists, in fact, from the ancient Israelites, whom you falsely called your ancestors. By the way, it is not even true that your ancestors had a temple in Jerusalem.

Then: Khazar barbarian. Warrior with a prisoner, image from an archaeological site.

Now: Israeli border police with a Palestinian protester.

  • Noted for its reliability, the unofficial intelligence site DAFTKAfile admitted: We blush with shame. We were caught off guard and thought the story of returning to Spain and Portugal was true. Clearly, this was an impeccably planned and clever maneuver to divert attention from the impending revolution in Ukraine. Well played, Mossad.
  • Successful blogger Richard Sliverstein, whose knowledge of Jewish culture and amazing ability to ferret out military secrets regularly astounds even his critics, commented: To be honest, I'm surprised my Mossad sources didn't relay this story to me first. But I didn't have time to write an essay on the Kabbalistic significance of sesame, the main ingredient in hummus, so I didn't check my email. Do I feel justified? Yes, but it is not complete satisfaction. I have been saying for years that the Jews are descended from the Mongol-Tatar Khazars, but this has not affected the propaganda defenses of these Zionist Hasbaroid morons.
  • Leading official representative public organization on human rights said: The evacuation of illegal settlements should be part of any peace agreement, but forcing settlers to first leave Palestine and then resettle them in Ukraine could be a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. We'll see what the ICC International Court of Arbitration has to say about this. And if they believe that they can be even more aggressive in Ukraine than in the West Bank, then something else awaits them.
  • The ultra-ultra-orthodox spokesman Menuchem Yontef took the news approvingly: We have rejected the Zionist state, which is illegal before the coming of the Messiah. We don't care where we live as long as we can study the Torah and fully observe its commandments. However, we refuse to serve in the army both there and here. And we also want subsidies. It's God's will.
  • With tears in her eyes, a spokeswoman for the Episcopal Peace Activists said: We applaud this consistency as a matter of principle. If only all Jews thought like Menuchem Yontef - I call such "Menuchem-Yontef-Jews", anti-Semitism would disappear and members of all three Abrahamic religions would again live here peacefully together, as they did before the advent of Zionism. The people-state is a relic of the nineteenth century that has led to untold suffering. The main urgent task for the restoration of peace on Earth is the immediate creation of a free and sovereign Palestine.
  • Eminent researcher and theorist Judith Bantler argues: ethnic relations. But to know this, you first need to think about what these concepts mean. It can be argued that hallmark Khazar identity is that it is interrupted by difference, that the attitude towards the goyim determines not only their diasporic position, but also one of their most basic ethnic relations. While such a statement may well be true (in the sense that it refers to a set of true statements), it retains difference as a predicate of the primary subject. The attitude towards difference becomes one of the predicates of "being a Khazar". It is quite another thing to understand this attitude itself as considering the idea of ​​"Khazars" as a static entity, one that is adequately described as a subject ... projects of coexistence can only begin with the eradication of political Zionism.
  • The leader of the anti-Israel organization BDS, Ali Abubinomial, puts it simply. Banging his fists on the table, he boils with anger: “So does Israel and Khazaria mean? Is this what the Zionists mean by "two-state solution"?! Think for yourself! Hasn't anyone read my book?"
  • Students for Justice in Palestine called an emergency meeting to liaise with the Pecheneg Liberation Organization, saying the Pechenegs should not pay the price for European anti-Semitism. Pechenegs in Ukraine) proclaimed as its motto: "From the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea, we will find the one who needs to be released!"
  • In turn, peace activist and former administrator of East Jerusalem, Miron Benvenuti, reacted indifferently: I have nothing to worry about: I am a Sephardi and my family has been living here for centuries. In any case, even if I had to go somewhere else, it would be Spain, not Ukraine: more sun, less shooting.

Most of the "average Israelis" who feel that Netanyahu is not doing enough for the world, but who also doubt the sincerity of the Palestinians, are skeptical and desperate. One woman sadly said: We all want consent, but we just don't know how to get it. All we see now is Hazerai.

Update from the editor of the article: Recent news, including Vladimir Putin's recognition of Crimea as a "sovereign and independent state" and estimates that it would cost ten billion dollars to relocate Israeli settlers under any peace deal, confirm the details of this article.

Neighboring peoples wrote a lot about the Khazars, but they themselves left practically no information about themselves. How unexpectedly the Khazars appeared on the historical stage, just as suddenly they left it.

God knows where

For the first time about the Khazars in the 5th century, the Armenian historian Moses Khorensky wrote that “the crowds of Khazars and Basils, united, crossed the Kura and scattered on this side.” The mention of the Kura River, apparently, says that the Khazars came to Transcaucasia from the territory of Iran. The Arab chronicler Yakubi confirms this, noting that “the Khazars again took possession of everything that the Persians had taken from them and kept in their hands until the Romans drove them out and installed a king over four Armenias.”
Until the 7th century, the Khazars behaved rather modestly, being part of various nomadic empires - for the longest time in the Turkic Khaganate. But by the middle of the century, they had grown stronger and bolder enough to create their own state - the Khazar Khaganate, which was destined to exist for more than three centuries.

ghost state

The Byzantine and Arabic chronicles describe in all colors the greatness of Itil, the beauty of Semender and the power of Belenjer. True, one gets the feeling that the chroniclers reflected only the rumor about the Khazar Khaganate. Thus, the anonymous author, as if retelling a legend, answers the Byzantine dignitary that there is such a country called "al-Khazar", which is separated from Constantinople by 15 days of travel, "but between them and us there are many peoples, and the name of their king is Joseph."
Attempts by archaeologists to establish what the mysterious “Khazaria” was actively began to be undertaken in the 20-30s of the XX century. But all to no avail. The Khazar fortress Sarkel (Belaya Vezha) turned out to be the easiest to find, since its location was known relatively accurately. Professor Mikhail Artamonov managed to excavate Sarkel, but he could not find traces of the Khazars. “The archaeological culture of the Khazars proper is still unknown,” the professor stated sadly and suggested continuing the search in the lower reaches of the Volga.

Russian Atlantis

Continuing Artamonov's research, Lev Gumilyov conducts his search for "Khazaria" on the unflooded islets of the Volga delta, but the list of finds attributed to the Khazar culture is small. Moreover, he never managed to find the legendary Itil.
Then Gumilyov changes his strategy and conducts underwater reconnaissance near the part of the Derbent wall, which goes into the Caspian. What he discovered strikes him: where the sea is now splashing, people lived and needed drinking water! Another medieval Italian geographer, Marina Sanuto, noted that “the Caspian Sea arrives from year to year, and many good cities are already flooded.”
Gumilyov concludes that the Khazar state should be sought under the thickness sea ​​water and sediments of the Volga delta. However, the attack was not only from the side of the sea: a drought was approaching Khazaria from land, which completed what the Caspian had begun.


What nature failed to do was carried out by the Russian-Varangian squads, which finally destroyed the once powerful Khazar Khaganate and dispersed it. multinational composition around the world. Some of the refugees after the victorious campaign of Svyatoslav in 964 were met in Georgia by the Arab traveler Ibn Haukal.
Modern researcher Stepan Golovin notes a very wide geography of Khazar settlement. In his opinion, “the Khazars of the delta mixed with the Mongols, and the Jews partly hid in the mountains of Dagestan, partly moved back to Persia. Alans Christians survived in the mountains of Ossetia, while the Turkic Christian Khazars, in search of fellow believers, moved to the Don.
Some studies show that the Christian Khazars, having merged with the Don co-religionists, subsequently began to be called "roamers", and later Cossacks. However, more credible are the conclusions according to which the bulk of the Khazars became part of the Volga Bulgaria.
The Arab geographer of the 10th century Istakhri claims that "the language of the Bulgars is similar to the language of the Khazars". These loved ones ethnic groups what unites them is that they were the first to create their own states on the ruins of the Turkic Khaganate, which were headed by Turkic dynasties. But fate decreed that at first the Khazars subjugated the Bulgars to their influence, and then they themselves joined the new state.

Unexpected descendants

At the moment, there are many versions about the peoples-descendants of the Khazars. According to some, these are Eastern European Jews, others call Crimean Karaites. But the difficulty is that we do not know what the Khazar language was: a few runic inscriptions have not yet been deciphered.

Writer Arthur Koestler supports the idea that the Khazar Jews, having moved to Eastern Europe after the fall of the Khaganate, became the core of the world Jewish diaspora. In his opinion, this confirms the fact that the descendants of the “Thirteenth Tribe” (as the writer called the Khazar Jews), being of non-Semitic origin, ethnically and culturally have little in common with the modern Jews of Israel.

Publicist Alexander Polyukh, in an attempt to identify the Khazar descendants, took a completely unusual path. It is based on scientific conclusions, according to which the blood type corresponds to the way of life of the people and determines the ethnic group. Thus, Russians and Belarusians, like most Europeans, in his opinion, more than 90% have blood type I (O), and ethnic Ukrainians are 40% carriers of group III (B).
Polyukh writes that group III (B) is a sign of peoples who led a nomadic lifestyle (where he also includes the Khazars), in which it approaches 100% of the population.

Further, the writer reinforces his conclusions with new archaeological finds of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valentin Yanin, who confirms that Kiev at the time of its capture by the Novgorodians (IX century) was not a Slavic city, which is also evidenced by "birch bark letters".
Also, according to Polyukh, the conquest of Kyiv and the defeat of the Khazars, carried out by Oleg, suspiciously coincide in terms of timing. Here he makes a sensational conclusion: Kyiv is the possible capital of the Khazar Khaganate, and ethnic Ukrainians are the direct descendants of the Khazars.

Latest finds

However, sensational conclusions may be premature. In the early 2000s, 40 kilometers south of Astrakhan, Russian archaeologists discovered “Khazar traces” during excavations of the medieval city of Saksin. A series of radiocarbon analyzes dates the cultural layer to the 9th century, the heyday of the Khazar Khaganate. As soon as the settlement was outlined, its area was determined - two square kilometers. Which Big City In addition to Itil, did the Khazars build in the Volga delta?
Of course, it is too early to rush to conclusions, however, already now the pillars of Khazarology M. Artamonov and G. Fedorov-Davydov are almost sure that the capital of the Khazar Khaganate has been found. As for the Khazars, most likely they simply dissolved in the ethnic culture of neighboring peoples without leaving direct descendants behind them.

As you know, in the Middle Ages, the Jewish state of Khazaria arose on the territory of Chechnya and Dagestan. The Khazars professed Judaism, and according to the Khazar Jew, who was close to the Khazar king Yusuf-Joseph, they are descended from the Jews of Armenia. According to Arabic sources, after the defeat of Khazaria, the Khazars and their king renounced Judaism and converted to Islam. In one Arabic manuscript it is directly stated that the Chechens are the descendants of the Khazars and Jews: a late Arabic manuscript stored in one of the personal Chechen libraries, Two of her parts were transcribed in the month of Ramadan 1309 AH. (1891) by the nephew of the famous murshid of the Nakshbandiyya Tau-Sultan Temir, the son of Batal. The text consists of three parts.
The most interesting is the third part - two pages, partially textually coinciding. Fragments containing the name "Mansur" and thus predicting the appearance of Sheikh Mansur - Ushurma were written out from the unique monument "Sira Halabiyya". He was from Elistanzhu - a Chechen tribe (Kabila), as Tau-Sultan spoke about. According to the given version, Mansur came from "Vara al-nahra, (region) of Fergana Vashash" (variants "Vishvash", "Zashvash"), and "this is the name of the tribe, which in non-Arabic (adzhami) language is called m-j-g -sh". Here we find the remark: "The Gumiks call the Chechens by the name al-m-j-g-sh." (Michkiz is the Kumyk name for the Chechens) The appearance of Mansur was allegedly predicted by the Prophet: "A man will come out from the west because of the river called Adana, and this is the al-Fargana river, called (so) in non-Arabic (adzhamiyya) language by the Turks of the thirteenth tribe (nasl)". The text considers the Khazars to be the thirteenth tribe after their adoption of Judaism.

"Al-Vashash is the same as ash-Shishan (CHECHENS), THEY ARE FROM THE KHAZARS, a people who are destined to win in the region (mintaka) of B-y-tuga (x), where Islam won a crushing victory over the community of infidels." In the margins we read: "Ju and jui in the language of the Chechens means al-yahud (Jews), and CHECHENS BELONG TO THE PEOPLE OF AL-YAHUD."(1)

Khazaria is easily translated into the Nakh language. This in Chechen and Ingush can be translated as " Beautiful country(beautiful field)” (“khaz are”, lit. “beautiful field”).
Let us recall the words of Shamil Basayev (I myself heard them in one of his interviews) that the war of the Chechens is revenge for the defeat of the Khazars. Basayev did not deny the origin of the Chechens from the Khazars.
Chechen writer German Sadulaev also believes that some Chechen teips are descendants of the Khazars (2)
Some Chechens also talk about "Jewish-Chechens, who then occupied top posts in Khazaria" (3) and that in general the Khazars are Nokhchi (Chechens) (4)

"The wide valley of the Terek, according to all historical sources, was inhabited by the Khazars. In the V - VI centuries. this country was called Barsilia and, according to the Byzantine chroniclers Theophanes and Nicephorus, the homeland of the Khazars was located here" - wrote L. Gumilyov (5)
V.A. Kuznetsov in his “Outline of the History of the Alans” writes: “Definitely, we can only say that the steppes of Ciscaucasia to the north - northeast of the middle course of the Terek River (from the turn of the Terek to the east and to the confluence of the Sunzha) belonged to the Khazars from the 7th century "(6)
"In the 2nd-3rd centuries, the Khazars were still a small tribe and occupied the shore of the Caspian Sea between the Terek and Sulak rivers." (7)
Lev Gumilyov believes that the Jews moved to the territory of Khazaria after the suppression of the uprising of the Mazdakites in Iran: "The surviving Jews settled north of Derbent on a wide plain between the Terek and Sulak" (8)
“Part of the steppe regions of modern Chechnya was also part of the Khazar Khaganate” (Chechentsy. History and Modernity. M, 1996, p. 140).
The Khazars also lived in the regions of Dagestan adjacent to Chechnya, see for example. here (9)
According to "Toponymy of Chechnya" by A. Suleimanov, it is in Chechnya at the place of the so-called. "Shamilevsky" fortress are the ruins of the Khazar capital Semender. Some really move Semender to Khasav-Yurt in Dagestan, but earlier Chechens lived there mostly.
According to Gumilyov, the capital of the Khazars was located on the site of the village of Shelkovskaya, on the way from Grozny to Kizlyar.
But not only Gumilyov assumed that Semender Khazar was located near Shelkovsky, A. Kazam-Bek spoke about this.
The well-known Dagestan archaeologist Murad Magomedov is of the same opinion: "Therefore, the Khazars new town- the second Semender, on the Terek. Archaeologists call it the Shelkovskoye settlement - now it is the territory of Chechnya, on the banks of the Terek ... "(10)
Yes, and Chechen scientists themselves believe that the capital of Khazaria, before its transfer to the Volga to Itil, was on the territory of Chechnya: for example, the head of the Archival Administration under the President and Government of the Chechen Republic Magomed Muzaev: “It is quite possible that the capital of Khazaria was located on our territory. We must know that Khazaria, which existed on the map for 600 years, was the most powerful state in the east of Europe. Some of our researchers tend to believe that the word Khazaria originated from the Chechen word "Khaza are." (11)
“Since, based on some historical data, the city of Semender, the first capital of Khazaria, was located in our region, and there are no other similar fortresses in the Terek valley, we can say with confidence that this is the citadel of Semender,” the head of administration told a group of scientists and journalists Shelkozavodskoy village Ruslan Kokanaev." (12) see also (13) "... this area contains huge historical material, but no one has seriously studied historical objects of our republic, according to Ruslan Khanakaev, a historian by education and the head of the administration of the Shelkozavodskaya village, at all times historians and archaeologists have been looking for the city of Semender, but the owner of the historical city is Chechen Republic(Chechnya)…" (14)
Thus, the leading Khazar scholars not only claim that the Khazars lived on the territory inhabited by Chechens, but also that it was on the territory of present-day Chechnya that the first capital of Khazaria was located.

(Regarding the Khazars, they were not Türks, as is often believed, the ethnologist L. Gumilyov attributed them to the peoples of the Dagestan type; contemporaries of the Khazars noted that the Khazar language is not similar to the Turkic).
In general, few Khazar words are known (Chichak, Idal, etc.), they all resemble Chechen words.
The fact that the Khazar and Vainakh languages ​​are similar and related is known from Armenian historians. In ancient times, the Vainakhs were called “gargarei”, and according to Movses Khorenatsi, Mesrop Mashtots created an alphabet for the Gargar language: “Stegts nshanagirs kokordakhos aghkhazur hjakan khetsbekazunin aynorik gargaratsvots lezun” (“created letters for the wild language of the white Khazars, rich in throat sounds [“agh” - “ white”, “khazur” - “Khazar”] similar to the barbarian Gargar”) (15)
This shows that Armenian historians, contemporaries of the Khazars, noted that the language of the Khazars is similar to the language of the Vainakhs.

The English-language Wikipedia says: "Some scholars in the former USSR believed that the Khazars were the indigenous inhabitants of the North Caucasus, mainly the Nakh peoples. The argument is that the name "Khazar" from the Chechen language translates "beautiful valley"" ("Some scholars in the former USSR considered the Khazars to be an indigenous people of the North Caucasus mostly Nakh peoples. Argument is, that name "khazar" from chechen language translates "beautiful valley"."), see (16)
Sheshan - the name of one of the descendants of Israel (1 Paralipomenon, Ch. 2, Art. 31) and the ethnonym of Chechens in Kabarda (Sheshan), Lezgins (Chachans), Ossetians (Sasan and Sasanayt) and Arabs (Shashani), this also includes the name of the once largest society in Chechnya is Chechen. Sheshan is the son of Jeshei, the father of Ahlai, from the family of Jerahmeel (I Chron., 2, 31-41), from the offspring of Judah, the son of Jacob / Israel.
The ethnonym Chechen also reminds Achin, Ashin - the names of the Khazar family.
Characteristically, the Chechens considered the Zhugti/Jews to be their teip, which indicates kinship. In addition, the legend has been preserved that the ancestors of the Chechens left Sham (Syria?) from the Jews.
The Chechen ethnographer and linguist Arbi Vagapov revealed the similarity of the Hebrew-Phoenician alphabet (the Hebrew and Phoenician alphabets are the same, since Phoenicians are one of the Greek names for Jews) with the Chechen language (17).
The Chechens call the Volga "Idal", like the Khazars.
The Ingush word kinez / "church" according to D. Malsagov is borrowed from the Jewish-Khazar knes "prayer meeting, cathedral", and according to A. Genko and G.-R. Huseynov from Kanis "synagogue".
Nahor is the name of Abraham's ancestor and resembles the word "Nakh", i.e. "people" in Chechen.
Halakha - G1illakh - custom, tradition, law in Chechnya and Israel (Albert Machigov drew attention to these and other coincidences of the Jewish and Chechen languages, see (18) for example: halla - bread in Hebrew and khallar in Chechen; "shin" - t i.e. "double" in Hebrew as well as in Chechen shih-shin.).
And on my own behalf, I can add to A. Machigov similar Jewish and Chechen words, for example "bart" - union, consent (Chech.), cf. Hebrew "takes, brit" - union, agreement. Or: MARCH - I allow, Hebrew, MARSHOT - freedom, Chechen.
The Ingush, according to some Teptars (traditions), are the descendants of the Jadite Jews (Jews from Iran). There are many stories of the Jordanian Ingush that the Ingush are Jadites who fled from Iran.
Interestingly, the Ingush have up to 40% of the J2 genotype, which is from the Middle East.
The proximity of the Ingush and Chechens to the Jews is also confirmed by geneticists. Chechens and Ingush have the most in the Caucasus [Y]-chromosome, which is common among Jews 26% and 32% respectively. See , Look Table 3 for the Caucasus. See (19) around the world.
The genetic relationship of Jews with Chechens is indicated, for example, by dermatoglyphic data - the so-called. index Th, which is among Chechens, Ashkenazi Jews and Tuareg (people in North Africa professed Judaism before Islam) is approximately the same (20)
Chechens have the same genes as Ashkenazi Jews 14-13-30-23-10-11-12-13.16. The same for the Ingush for the same gene (21)
Also with the Armenians. Geneticists have revealed the kinship and coincidence of the genes of Chechens, Ingush, Armenians and Jews. According to the genetic comparison, the Ingush have the closest blood purity to the Jews.

Leonti Mroveli names the Khazar's son - Uobos / Vobos, which is considered a personified name of the Nakh tribe - "vvepiy", "fyappii" (vappii / faippiy) (akkhii).
The Khazars called their ancestor Togarm, a descendant of Noah, and the Ingush have the surname Targimkhoy, reminiscent of Togarm. Wikipedia says: "In medieval genealogical legends, the Khazars were erected to the descendant of Noah Togarma."
Even words similar to Canaan (Israel) can be found in the Chechen and Ingush languages.
Canaan (Israel) - Kinakh \ Nakh country \.
The Nakhs called the builders of the towers "jelti", apparently from "jugti".
The Vainakhs consider themselves descendants of Noah, as do the Jews (from Noah's son, Shem), which indicates a Biblical influence. The self-name of the Chechens "Vainakh" is comparable to the Hebrew expression "bnei noakh".

Many toponyms in Chechnya are associated with the Khazars (22)
For example, Khazar-duk (Khazar duk) "Khazar Ridge" - in the south-east. on the side of KhIyylah, the area in the vicinity of the same KhIyylah Khazarchoy and Khazar baso. There is Olkhazaran irzo (Olkhazaran irzo) "Olhazar (l.) Glade".
GIazar-GIala (Gazar-Gala) "Khazar fortress" ("Khazar fortification") - was located on the right bank of the Ivgiy, on the c. from Booni-Yurt.
There was a Khazar-Roshni settlement located on the southwestern side of Urus-Martan.
In the vicinity of XIIylah there are places Khazarchoy, Khazar baso.
GIazar-GIaliytIa (Gazar-Galiyta) "Khazar fortification" - within the boundaries of the village of GIachalka. Perhaps Ialkhan-Evl, GIazar-GIala are the oldest parts (settlements) of the village GIachalka.
"The village of GIachalka was supposed to emerge from five small settlements, with the Khazar fortification in the center: Barchkhoin kup, Zandakoyin kup, Ialkhan-Evl, Ohchoin kup and the Khazar fortification," - A. Suleymanov.
Under the Khazars, on the site of the present Upper Chiryurt, there was the city of Andri, which controlled the entire North-Eastern Caucasus
The Mulkya society (malk - god, king and proper name among the ancient Jews) has the ruins of Pezir-khelli (Gezir-khelli, - “Khazar settlement”) - next to B; ovt; archa on b. Mulkoyin erk river, to the village. from Hurik. In the society of Mulk'a there was a village GIezar-Kkhelli - a Khazar settlement until 1940.
In the society of Nashkh there is a river Khazar-khi.
Mozharskaya beam - a tract in the northeast of the village of Kalinovskaya, where the Cossacks went for salt. The name goes back to "madjars" - a medieval Khazar settlement, where there were many artisans-gunsmiths. Firearms "Madzhar" weapons, mentioned in the heroic songs of the Chechens, spread from here: "mazhar top" - a flintlock Madzhar gun. Or: "barkhI sonar mazhar top" - an octagonal Madzhar (flintlock) gun.
There is the village of Alkhazurovo - the village of the Urus-Martan district.
The name of the village of Braguny in Chechnya is derived from Bersiliya/Barsaliya, from where, according to Michael the Syrian, the Khazars came out (23).
Bersilia / Barsalia, from where, according to a legend preserved back in the 12th century. Michael the Syrian, the famous Khazars, who are also one of the ancestors of the Kumyks, came out.
From the Khazar-Jewish language, the name Bayan / Bayant came to the Chechens (as well as to the Russians). These names come from the Khazar-Jewish name Vahan / Baan (the Armenians of the Van region in Turkey considered themselves descendants of Jews).
Hebrew words can be found in the Chechen language. For example, Chech. kad "chalice, glass". On the other hand, for example, "Pison" in Hebrew means "abundance of water", this was the name of the river mentioned in the Bible, originally called "khison" (the differences "x" to "f" are typical for the Vainakh languages), which recalls Vainakh "khi" - "water", "river".
In Chechen, the name of Saturday clearly came from the Jews - shoatta - that is, Shabbat. It is characteristic that, as they say, the Ingush, like the Jews, evening, Friday night, is called Saturday night, and, as it were, they are preparing for each next day, from the evening.
I note that the designation of a mummer, causing rain (it is poured with water), in the Vedensky district of Chechnya and among the Akkin Chechens - Z1emmur, dating back to Hebrew - in the dialect of the Tat language there is a religious term zemiro "religious chant". The same basis is presented in the Karaite zemer "religious chant, religious poem", zemer "verse from psalms".
The Moscow businessman of Chechen origin and amateur historian Vakha Mokhmadovich Bekhchoev in his work "The Caucasus and the Jews", M., 2007, proved that the Chechens are the missing Israeli tribe of Dan. In this connection, he developed a political program for the reconciliation of the Semitic brothers: Jews, Arabs and Chechens, according to which Jews accept Islam and create a single Islamic Semitic state "Islamic Republic of Israel-Ichkeria" with Arabs and Chechens.
On the other hand, there is an Ingush author Yusupov M. (“Saul”) on the Internet, who proves the family ties of the Ingush and Jews.
The origin from the tribe of Dan is also evidenced by the fact that earlier one of the names of the Ingush and the Vainakhs in general was G1aldini, where Dani, Deny is obviously a name.
Ermolov built the city of Grozny on the site of the Jewish village of Dzhukhur-Yurt.
In the Grozny region there is even such a toponym as Zhugtiy bainchu borze (Zhyugtiy bainchu borze) "To the mound where the Jews died."
Chechens have parables, sayings, legends about Jews, for example, a story condemning a Jew who beat his son for no reason. Once a Chechen was walking along the banks of the Sunzha River. There the Jews dressed the skins of animals. He sees that the Jew, for no apparent reason, grabbed his son and began to beat. The Chechen was surprised: "Why are you beating the boy, because he did nothing?" "Do you want me to beat him up after he ruins the hide?" Since then, in Chechen conversations, one hears: "Like that Jew of his son."
The Chechen annals of Nokhchi speak of the Jews, led by the princes Surakat and Kagar, and their war with Dagestani and Arab Muslims. Akhmad Suleimanov in his work "Toponymy of Chechnya" wrote that "after the collapse of the kingdom of Simsim, King Surrokat and his entourage retreated to the west with a large caravan loaded with weapons, treasury, with the remnants of the troops, sometimes stopping along the way of their movement, reached the river Chanty- Argun and on its left bank, on a high cape, a powerful tower fortification was laid.The remains of this fortification have survived to this day under the name "Kiirda bIavnash".The descendants of the king tried to establish themselves here by appointing their nobles Biyrig Bicchu and Eldi Talat as princes, who immediately began internecine war. King Surrokat and his son Bayra failed to establish themselves here."
According to the annals of Russians in eastern Alania (Chechnya), not far from the present city of Grozny, "beyond the Terek River, on the Sevenets (Sunzha) River, the Yassky (Alanian) city, the glorious Dedyakov (Tetyakov)". Its name can be understood as Tat (Mountain Jew) - Jacob? I'M WITH. Vagapov saw in this Dedyakovo the historically attested Chechen village of Dadi-Kov // Dadi-yurt.
Gumilyov considered the Khazar Jews to come from Iran, the Mazdakit rebels who settled in the mountains of Dagestan and on the banks of the Terek.
The primary focus of Khazaria was, according to the Khazar king Joseph, the country of Serir, located on the site of present-day Chechnya and adjacent parts of Dagestan.
M.I. Artamonov (“History of the Khazars”), speaking about toponymy in the Khazar-Jewish correspondence, noted: “The name of Mount Seir suggests identification with the ancient name of Dagestan - Serir. The Tizul valley closely resembles the country of T-d-lu, at the end of which, according to Joseph, was Semender, and likewise the Greek Zuar, the Arabic Chul, the Armenian Chora, which meant the same thing, namely, the Caspian passage, the Caspian valley, and, together with that, blocking his fortress Derbent. Mount Varsan involuntarily evokes the city of Varachan, the capital of the Dagestan Huns, and Barshalia or Varsalia, the ancient homeland of the Khazars. If so, then the place where the Khazars converted to Judaism should be considered Dagestan, the country where the original center of Khazaria was located.

Archaeological work of 1965–80 established that the Khazars lived on the northern shore of the Terek and on the shore of the Caspian Sea between the mouths of the Terek and Sulak.
The tribal custom of the highlanders - adat - is similar to ancient Jewish law - somehow blood feud, drinking wine, bride kidnapping, etc.
So, for example, the elders taught the youths of the tribe of Benjamin: “Behold, every year there is a feast in Shiloh. Go there and sit in the vineyard, and when you see that the city girls go out to dance in round dances, then get out of the ambush, grab any of them for yourself and return to your land. Bishop Israel, describing the funeral rites of the Khons, i.e. Khazars, notes that they beat drums over the corpses, inflicted wounds on their faces, arms, legs; naked men fought with swords at the grave, competed in horseback riding, and then indulged in debauchery. These customs are reminiscent of the mores of the Phoenicians and the ancient Jews. The sages wrote that the Torah was given to the Jews because they are "azei panim" (cf. "Ezdel" - the spiritual and moral code of honor among the Vainakhs). This term includes both courage and arrogance at the same time.
Blood feud was also among the ancient Jews: for example, the Talmud decides: "The Day of Atonement forgives sins against God, and not against man, until the injured party receives retribution" (Mishnah, Yoma, 8:9).
The very term ADAT is surprisingly consonant with Jewish law - B "DAT Moshe ve Yisrael" according to the law of Moses and Israel.
B. Malachikhanov notes that the term "utsmiy" could have arisen from the Hebrew word "otsuma" - strong, powerful.
It can also be said vice versa, mountain Jews live according to the customs of the mountaineers: faith in spirits, hospitality, kunachestvo, polygamy, etc. Gorsko-Jewish. surnames are formed by the name of the grandfather, as among the Dagestanis (Ilizar - Ilizarovs, Nissim - Anisimovs). At the same time, large families united in tribal quarters (taipe, less often dash: from the Karachay-Balkarian tiire - quarter), retained the name common ancestor, such as the Bogatyrevs, Myrzakhanovs (in Karachay). In Azerbaijan, the surnames of Mountain Jews were often written in a Turkicized form - Nisim-oglu, for example. It should also be noted that, while living in Kabardino-Balkaria, the Mountain Jews, unlike their fellow Karachai tribesmen, retained the Dagestan form of education of tukhums named after their grandfather: Isup - Isupovs, Shamil - Shamilovs, Ikhil - Ichilovs, Gurshum - Gurshumovs, etc. .
At the same time, there is no contradiction that these peoples do not now profess Judaism, because. paganism, Christianity and Islam were widespread among the Khazars themselves. Movses Kagankatvatsi writes that Bishop Israel "converted many countries of the Khazars and Huns to Christianity", especially in the capital of the Huns - the city of Varachan (Primorsky Dagestan). Similar information is given in the history of Movses Khorenatsi.
Near the village of Chir-Yurt on the river. Sulak found the ruins of the ancient capital of Khazaria - Belenzher. The ancient settlement closes the entire valley of Sulak at the exit of the river from the foothills to the plain. From the side of the steppe, the city was fortified with a moat and a wall. The second city of Khazaria - Semender was located near Derbent. The advantageous position near the sea harbor elevated it and for some time it became the capital of the kaganate. Powerful fortress cities are also known outside the Sulak basin - on Aktash and Terek.
Some villages in Dagestan in local chronicles and among the people are called Dzhugut (Jewish) - Zubutl, Mekegi, Arakani, Muni, etc., and in a number of villages in the mountainous part of Dagestan there are so-called. Jewish quarters. The memory of Judaism binds many settlements in Dagestan. The most revered names among the Dagestan peoples - Ibrahim, Musa, Isa, Shamil, Yusup, Yusuf, Salman, Suleiman and Davud - are also derived from Jewish ones. Many well-known families in the Caucasus associate their genealogy with the house of David. The genetic anomaly "G-6 F-D" occurs in Jews 10 times more than in other peoples. Scientists find the same% among some tribes inhabiting the Caucasus. Lezginka is a Jewish dance. Djigit resembles a juhud (Jew). Jewish origin is attributed not only to individual auls, but also to entire peoples, for example, Andians, Tabasarans, Kaitags.
Why did the drunken brawler anti-Semite Stalin destroy sources on the history of the Chechens (eyewitnesses said that in 1944 a huge mountain of books smoldered, burning down, on the central square of Grozny for more than a month)? Did he want thereby to make the Chechens forget their roots? But this was not the case - the Chechens were allowed to be Chechens in Central Asia. Just then, the campaign against the Jews began, incl. and in terms of history, for example, the Khazar expert Artamonov was defeated. Maybe there was a Jewish trace in the history of the Chechens that irritated Stalin? Note that Putin brought down repressions on those oligarchs who were connected by business with the Chechens - Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Khodorkovsky.
According to Mas "udi (X century), Semender (Tarki = Makhachkala) was the original capital of Khazaria, and only after the capture of this city by the Arabs (in the VIII century), the capital was transferred to the city of Itil on the Volga. This proves that Dagestan was the original Khazaria Moreover, Mas "udi says that in his time Semender was inhabited by the Khazars. According to Ibn-Khaukal (X century), the ruler of Semender, like the Khazar rulers, professed Judaism and was related to the kagan. Despite Mas'udi's message about the conquest of Semender by the Arabs, other sources of the 10th century (Ibn-Khaukal, Al-Mukaddasy, the author of Hudud al-Alem, King Joseph) unanimously consider it to be part of the Khazar state. Prince Svyatoslav took Semender as Khazar city.
The same Derbent, according to Brutskus, was called by the Armenians and Greeks Uroparach, - "Jewish fortress". I can add that another early medieval name of Derbent - Chor is derived from "dzhuur" ("Jews"). And the Arabs called Derbent - Darband-i Khazaran - "the fortress of the Khazars." Already in the Jerusalem Talmud, a rabbi from Derbent is mentioned.
The Arab historian and geographer Ibn Iyas wrote about the Khazars: "they are a people from the Turks on a huge mountain, beyond Bab al-Abwab (Derbent)", that is, the Khazars are highlanders.
The Khazars (correspondence between the diplomat Hasdai ibn Shaprut and the Khazar king Joseph), speaking about their homeland, claimed that "our ancestors told us that the place where they (Khazar Jews) lived was formerly called" Mount Seir. the homeland of the Khazars is the country of Seir / Serir (now Chechnya and the Avar part of Dagestan), about which Masudi writes that he "is a branch of the Caucasus. ... it is in the mountains", that is, the Khazars are the essence of the highlanders of the Caucasus.

Assa - the river, the right tributary of the Sunzha River, according to scientists, takes its name from the sect of the ancient Jews of the period of early Christianity, which was brought to the North Caucasus, probably by the Khazars. In the concept of the Ingush, 1asa means "apostate", but in the literal sense it means "paganism" or "pagans".

Relations between the Mountain Jews and the Lezgins of the Andi (Andi) were of a friendly nature. These Andi, whose Jewish origin is spoken of by native legends, live in Dagestan and Chechnya. They were Jews before the invasion of Andia by Tamerlane's detachments, the extermination of the ruling house of Khan Yoluk in Gagatl and the establishment of Islam. Shamil finally turned the entire Andean Gorge into him. The people have legends about the inhabitants of Gumbet, many of whom preferred death to the adoption of Islam. The fact that Andis are connected by origin with Jews and Khazars is also confirmed by the fact that one of the capitals of Khazaria was called Anji (Anzhi / Inzhi). In “Darband-name” the following is written about him: “The city of Semend is the Tarkhu fortress. And Anji, which is now destroyed, was on the seashore 3 farsakhs from Tarhu; it was a great city." Only a huge army of Arabs, after several days of stubborn fighting, managed to "subdue the inhabitants of Anji and convert them to Islam." The chronicle "Derbent-name" by Muhammad Avabi Aktashi testifies that "2 thousand wagons were connected and the soldiers of Islam, moving them in front of them, used them to take the city by storm." These events were reflected in the literature of the Kumyks, for example. in "Anji-name" (1780) by Kadir Murza from Amirkhan-gent (Kyahulay). Destroyed by that time, the city called Inzhi-kend in the XII century. Mahmud of Kashgar also notes. The oikonym andi often sounds in Kumyk (Khazarian) toponyms: Anzhi-Arka (Anzhi Hill), Anzhi-Bet (Anzhi-city), Anzhi-Sklon, Anzhi-tau (Anzhi-mountain).
In the Avar chronicle "History of Irkhan" it is indicated that the Sultan of Irkhan (Avaria) is the brother of the Khakan of Khazaria. The Jewish princes Surakat and Kagar (kagan?) settled in Avar: “Then the princes of Kabatiy Surakat and Kagar, Jewish princes, came to Avar.” The Avar khans, finally exterminated by Shamil, were, according to legend, of Jewish origin.
The name of a tribe closely related to the Kumyks is kochan / okochir - Akkintsy, who come from the Vainakh society Akki (sources of the late 18th-19th centuries localize them in the upper reaches of the Gekhi and Fortanga rivers, on the right tributaries of the Sunzha), known by their Kumyk name - "auk" (auh). Among the subject to the "Hunnic sovereign" in the North Caucasus are 14 Turkic tribes, in Armenian history(5th century) along with "khun", "masskut", "pukur" (Bulgar), "kuz", "dzhemakh", "kutar", "joch", "guan", "masgut", "tom" is called and the Akuk tribe. The basic forms of the ethnonym "Okuki" and "Okochan" are the Akuk and Akachir forms, recorded in the sources as early as the 6th-7th centuries. It is formed from the earlier name of the Khazars - Akatsir (from the Turkic aq + kasir qazar aq qazar). (24)
Akatsir are Khazars. About okuks (okochirs, okochanys) of the 18th century. there is information confirming their Kumyk-Khazar origin. And Gildenstedt, who left a description of Kizlyar in the 70s. XVIII century., Calls "Okochira quarter", the inhabitants of the Kumyk village, "crossed to Kizlyar and settled there." In Kumyk sources (a letter from Adil-Gerey of Tarkovsky to Peter I) they are known both as "a people called okhuh-Circassians" and as akochans. Peter Henry Brus (1722) identified them with the Tatars and wrote about the Circassians of Terka ("the capital of the Circassian Tataria") that "... their language is common with other neighboring Tatars."
The Russians originally called the Chechens "Okochans" (25)
The aforementioned okochans (okhi, akintsy) are the Dagestan name of the local Chechens - akintsy (Aukhovtsy). Akkin detachments led by Aguki Shagin participated in the Khazar-Arab wars. In 735-36, the Arab commander Mervan managed to capture and destroy 2 Khazar fortresses inhabited by the Aukhars - Keshne (Kishen-Aukh) and Hasni-Khisnumma. An Akinian from Dagestan is known who wanted to conclude an agreement with Ivan the Terrible - his name Shubut on the one hand resembles “Shabbat”, on the other hand, frequent elements of the Khazar names “S.b.t.”.
Chechens also have a connection with the Khazars, hence the surname Bogatyrev, the Khazar element is the occurring element of Chechen names and surnames "edel" (from the Khazar name of the Volga and / or the Khazar capital located on it - Itil, idil - river): Edelkhanov, Idalov.
The surnames Dudaev, Dadashev, Tataev, Tatashev are formed from "tat" (Tats = Mountain Jews). The names Ibragimov, Izrayilov, Israpilov, Itzhakov, Daudov, Musaev, Musoev, Nukhaev, Suleymanov, Yakubov speak for themselves. Among the names of Chechen gunsmiths, Olkhazur (Alkhazur), born in 1875, is mentioned; another Olkhazur (Alkhazur) - the son of Mahma, 2nd floor. 19th century made gunpowder. From the ethnonym Khazars come the surname Gaziev, Kazy-, Kadyrov, Khazarov.
Chechen terrorist Khamzat Khazarov was detained in Odessa. The surname clearly points to the Khazar ancestors, as well as the surname and name of the Alkhazurs, Alkhazur (but folk etymology associates the name Alkhazur with the word "bird"). Hence the old name Hasi.
It is interesting that there are many Israilovs among the Chechens: Khasan Israilov, Kadyrov's opponent Umar Israilov, journalist Asya Israilova, General Khunkar Israpilov, head of the presidential administration of Chechnya Abdulkahar Izrailov and many others raised an uprising against the Soviet regime.
A Chechen named Aslan Khazarov was one of the architects of the well-known scam “Chechen advice notes”.
Field commander Dzhambul Khazarov, acting in Georgia, is known.
Popular names like Salman and Shamil also indicate a connection with the Jews, as well as a scarf or headband that Chechens use.
The Muslims are believed to have practiced a mixture of paganism and Judaism before Islam.
S.A. Dauev: “One of the first to reveal the etymology of the word “ichkeria” was U. Laudaev in 1872. He wrote: “Ichkeria is a Kumyk word; 'ichi-eri' means 'earth inside'…” Here he draws attention to the fact that in the etymological analysis of the word “ichker” (“achkar”, “ichkir”) U. Laudaev drops out the guttural sound “k”, which in this case should not fall out.
The fact is that the second part of the “geri” (“keri”) denotes the Gers (Gers or Subbotniks) - Judaizing aliens who appeared in the region since the time of the Khazar Khaganate. Aliens who performed the rite of conversion to the Judaic religion - giyur (the word “gyaur” comes from it) were called Gers ... In the Khazar kingdom, Judaism was the dominant religion, at various times Jews penetrated the North Caucasus along with the Persians, who in the Caucasus are called mountain Jews, there are traces of Judaism not only in the south of Dagestan, but also in the north and even in Chechnya. If we carefully look at the geographical position of Ichkeria, we will see that it borders on Andia (Dagestan), and many attribute the Andians to the Jewish ethnic group. From the southwest, Ichkeria comes into contact with the Tat-butri (Charbali) society, whose name (Tats - Mountain Jews) speaks for itself. From the west, the Chechen society Vedeno borders on it, in the vicinity of which we have living traces of Judaism, and next to Vedeno is the former Persian farm Khinzhoy Kotar, from the north we go to the Kumyk society, in which the religious and political elite of the Khazar Khaganate took refuge, and from the east - Salavat society, dotted with Persians and Mountain Jews. Therefore, the approach of explaining the word “Ichkeria” with the help of the Persian language, the language of communication of the social, political and religious elite of Khazaria, is quite justified... Imam Shamil, who introduced the concept of “Ichkeria” into circulation to designate an administrative unit – naibstvo – could not but know this...”
So the very name of Ichkeria is derived from the concept of Hera (who converted to Judaism).
And further: “”... Even today it is difficult to accurately determine the ethnic origin of Shamil himself, who claimed in the last years of his life that he was a Kumyk, however, it is obvious, as we will see below, that he was mainly surrounded by persons who adhered to endogamy in marital relations - the custom of marriage between close relatives, characteristic of Mountain Jews... The tombstone of his murid, which was shown on October 2, 1998 in the Vremya program from the native village of Imam Shamil, flaunted the ligature of Arabic writing and the star of David, looked very symbolic... The Jewish elite of Khazaria dissolved mainly among Kumyks. The religious elite of Khazaria and the period of Islamization, having undoubtedly converted to Islam, turned out to be, again, in the ranks of the religious elite. Apparently, this explains the fact that almost all religious figures who appeared in Chechnya since the middle of the 18th century were presented as Kumyks, and the Kumyks, like the Mountain Jews, have endogamy - marital relations between close relatives up to cousins ​​... Imam Shamil was one of the executors of the ghazavat ideology (the ideology of Khazar revanchism - according to S.A. Dauev). He, according to his biographers, ‘was born in the Avar village, the village of Gimry in 1797’.” It should be noted that the author, calling the village of Gimry “Avar”, gives incorrect information, although it came from the already captive Shamil and his entourage during his stay in Kaluga. Gimry is a village of the Koysubly community. Shamil's father, “Dengau-Magomed,” wrote M.N. Chichatova, “was an Avar uzden (free citizen). Resident of Gimr, son of Ali; his ancestor was the Kumyk Amir-Khan…”. In this case, we see a skillful disguise ethnic roots Shamil. If his ancestor was a “Kumyk”, then he could not have been a “bridle” of the Accident, where, as in Chechen society, only a native was recognized as a bridle ... Shamil's real name was Ali. The new name was given to him according to the custom of “hiding the name” from evil spirits and enemies. N. Krovyakov writes: “Later, Shamil discovered in books that his real name was Shamuil.” The fact that the name Shamil is Jewish is evidenced by the following observations among Jewish Subbotniks by I. Slivitsky in the late 50s of the 19th century: cameral description Ivans, Mihails and other Orthodox, Russian names, nicknamed Yankel, Shmul. (Zd. and above, see S.A. Dauev, op. cit., pp. 8-10, 43, 113).
"Descendants of the Khazars" Dauev also considers all those who have ever resisted the aggressive policy of Russia in the North Caucasus, including such national heroes of the Chechen people as Sheikh Mansur, Kazi-Mulla, Shamil - Dauev excommunicates all of them from the Chechen people and accuses him of trying to restore Khazaria (Dauev 1999, pp. 65-135).
Dauev believes that it was the “descendants of the Khazars”, who illegally undertook to act on behalf of the Chechen people, signed the documents on the sovereignty of Chechnya. Thus, “the reanimated relic ethnic layer of the heirs of the Khazar Khaganate, as we see, was not slow to manifest itself in the ethno-political processes in the region ... Then we, in the person of the rulers of the Maas, could easily recognize the Jewish government of Khazaria, and in Chechnya, under the emblem of the wolf, their faithful mercenary army from the country of Gurgan. He concludes: “Thus, we see the revival of Maasia-Khazaria-Gazaria-Galgaria no longer in Persia, on our historical homeland but on the Chechen land, which the Khazars prudently called Ichkeria” (Dauev 1999, p. 47).
Dauev and the Ingush, who, in his opinion, are Khazars, did not ignore, and they are building the city of Magas / Maas, allegedly according to a Jewish conspiracy. Dauev warns the Russian leadership that the Ingush are carrying out an operation to restore the Jewish Khazaria, the eternal enemy of Russia. He calls the Ingush VEINAKHs, tavlins, and adds to them a part of the mountain Chechens, "Ichkerians", Eastern Chechens, proves that they were an army in the service of the Ingush-Khazar Jews.
There was a medieval historian from the Vainakhs, Azdin Vazar (died in 1460), he says that he tried to preach Islam among the Vainakhs, but he did not succeed, because at that time the Vainakhs professed two religions: one part was Christian, and the second was “Magos TsIera din." din in Chechen - religion (faith), "tsIera" - in this case, the designation of the area "Magos". Magos - Maas/Musa. That is the religion of Moses.
Sokov Skopetskaya wrote "On the finds of ceramics from the territory of the Gudermes settlement of the Khazar time (Chechnya)" in the book. "Materials and Research on the Archeology of the North Caucasus (MIASK). Issue 5".
Journalist Leontiev claims that according to the instructions of the Grozny NKVD on working with agents (1936), up to 30% of Chechens at that time secretly professed Judaism, see (26)
This news surprisingly coincides with the old Chechen folk joke that says that when 3 people gather, 1 of them will be a Jew (27)
Ruslan Khasbulatov echoes him, saying that about 30% of Chechens have Jewish roots and, moreover, secretly perform Jewish rituals. Dudayev was also a Chechen of Jewish origin, but from a very decent family, according to the same Khasbulatov.
Dudayev urged the people to pray three times a day, which corresponds to the Jewish custom, not the Muslim one. Some malkhs say that the Dudayevs are "tati neki".
In the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" (N 3 for 1996) in the article "Chechens and teips" it was reported that Dzhokhar Dudayev "on the paternal side came from a little-known teip - yalkharoi, in which there is a genus Tatyneren, descended from mountain Jews, and on the maternal side line of Dudaev - from the noble teip nashkhoy, which consisted only of Chechens.
The so-called Suli (Chechens of Dagestan origin) are sometimes spoken on the Internet as Jews. So an anonymous forum member wrote: "Does adat allow Avars to marry a cousin? Shicha yalor zhugti ate du. back in the seventies, as a student at CIGPI, I asked the old people, in Shatoi, Vedeno, Urus-Martan, Nozhai-Yurt, who are the suyli "Suli are Jews who came to the country (Chechnya) from Iran through Dagestan."
Speaking about these suli, I must say the following. Mas "udi reports that "Sabir" is the Turkic name of the Khazars. Referring to the ethnonym Khazars, Mas "udi writes that in Turkic they are called Sabir, in Persian - Khazaran. The Chechens call the Avars "suli", the Ingush - "strength", the Ossetians - "solu". From this word came the name of the river. Sulak: Sulakh - i.e. among the Suls-Avars (хъ - among the Avars, the suffix of the place). The suffix "-vi" or "-bi" is also adjacent to the root "sul" or "sil" - pl. h. To the name of the people was added -r (-ri), the suffix of the place, here adopted to designate the country inhabited by the Savirs. Thus, Savir (Suvar) is the name of the country of the Silvs - Savirs. The Salatavians are also Savirs.
The name of the river Sulak recalls the place where, according to Rabbi Hanina, the 10 tribes of Israel were taken away by the Assyrians - Mount Salug (Sang., 94a).

They even said that the Chechens are the descendants of the tribe of Benjamin, cf. part of the Khazars belonging to it, as well as the fact that, according to the book of Genesis (49, 27), a wolf was drawn on the flag of the tribe of Benjamin.
IN book The Chechens. Amjad M. Jaimoukh states that "the Khazars built many fortresses in the northeastern steppes of Chechnya".
The Jewish-Khazar correspondence names the commander or king Bulan as the first to adopt Judaism among the Khazars, whose name was considered Turkic, however, the Chechens have a similar name Buola, and similar-sounding words bulan, Bilan, Balin (a), etc. (28)
The Khazarian origin of the Vainakhs is indicated by Masudi's message about the Alans, that their kingdom borders on Serir (Dagestan), that their kings bear the title of Kerkandaj, that the capital of their country is called Maas, and that the king of the Alans became related to the king of Serir. Kerkandaj is a Khazar name, akin to Ishak Kundadzhik (Arab commander of Khazar origin), Ishak Kundishkan (Jew, owner of the village of Akhta in Dagestan), Maas is clearly formed from Musa / Moses.
The name of the village of Asinovskaya goes back to the surname of the Khazar Khagans (Ashina = wolf). The wolf is revered by the Chechens, which is also a vestige of the Khazars - they considered the wolf their ancestor.
In Chechnya there are toponyms "Army of Jews", "Mound where Jews died" (29)
One of the oldest Vainakh auls is Kiy (its name resembles Kyiv, Kai, and other words related to the Khazar god), from the name of which, according to A.I. Shavkhelishvili, the ethnonym of the Kists occurs.
On the flat part of Chechnya and Ingushetia, settlements were found, in which Khazar cities are seen. In terms of form and technology, medieval Vainakh ceramics finds broad analogies with Khazar ceramics.
I also read on the Internet at the forum: "one Chechen woman said that the Chechens are mountain Jews."
The opinion about the Jewish origin of the Chechens is widespread among various writers from Boris Akunin ("The Death of Achilles") to the participant of the First Chechen War Vyacheslav Mironov (the novel "Kapishche") and the journalist Vyacheslav Manyagin (the book "Operation „ The White house“: Khazars in Russian history”), etc.
The method of political struggle is characteristic, as accusations of Jewish origin: Khasbulatov accused Dudayev and Basaev of it, Maskhadov - Wahhabis, those - Kadyrov, Kadyrov - Khattab and Basaev, etc.
They also said about Basayev that his teip was made of tats.
Teips, descending from the peoples who once professed Judaism (Andians, Akhtins, Kabardians, Kumyks, etc.), joined the Chechen people.
The Chechens have preserved the memory of the Jewish holiday of Friday (Peraska de) - Shabbat. The name of the ancestor of the Chechens - Molk (Malkh) is derived from the Jewish malk? The name of brother-in-law Molk's father is interesting - MaIasha, which suggests identification with Moshe - cf. S. Dauev considers the name of the capital of Ingushetia Magas (Maas) to be derived from the name of Moses (Musa). Such a name was really worn by one Khazar king.

Some teips and gars as part of other teips trace themselves back to a Jewish ancestor - teips of Jewish origin Zila, Chartoy, Shuona and some others - see (30)
There is a Jewish teip - zhuktiy, they live in Sernovodsk, Assinovskaya and in Nadterechny districts (31)
Shota called their roots in the Khazar Kaganate, among the melkah part - Taty-Gorsky Jews.
Dashni (ch1anti) also had Jewish ancestors, at least that's what they write on the Internet.
It is said that Gendargnoi and Chentoroy also have Jewish origins.
Old people from the teip Ts1echoy (Tsiechoy) say that their ancestor was a Jewish prince! and After all, Ts1echoy is the basis of the Orstkhoys (Karabulaks) - see (32)

Jewish Nekyi are in a number of teips.
One Chechen on the forum about the connection of his people with the Khazars wrote: "The other day I was talking with another elder from the Itumkala region. He said that we are Khazars, that Jewish-Jewish half, and the Turkic part (and it was) Khazars is we are no longer."
On another site, one Chechen writes: "Benoi - there are a lot of representatives of Jewish blood among them. I personally come from a mountain (by father) and from an equal (by mother). I know that the Mountain Jews are the ancestor of my mother's teip."
Beno is indeed a Jewish name - the name of a descendant of Aaron, brother and companion of Moses.
Malchia is the name of a descendant of Aaron and the name of a taip in Chechnya.
There is a teip Iudaloy (Gidatli), they lived in the society of Rigakhoy (Rishniyal) of Chebarloy tukkhum. Now they live in the Grozny region.
Doctor historian Ibragim Yunusovich Aliroev was asked what he thinks about the Jewish origin of part of the Chechen teips, this is what he answered:
“As for the merger of some types with the Jewish people, this is true. The fact is that after the defeat of the Khazar state (and it was Jewish) by the Russian prince Svyatoslav, in whose army there were Chechen regiments, Jews moved in streams to the densely populated places of the North Caucasus. Some of them settled in Dagestan (where they formed their own separate ethnic group - the Tats), others settled in Azerbaijan, Chechnya, Kabardino-Balkaria, Cherkessk, where trade became their main activity. Until now, in some cities of these republics there are Jewish streets. The question of the merging of Jews with Chechen tribes is not new, but it can by no means be considered obsolete. Many plane tribes have Jewish roots. There is also an independent Jewish type in Chechnya (which is called that), the zones of compact settlement of which are located in the Nadterechny region and on the Terek. Members of this teip have long been assimilated and even deny their Jewish origin. Let's take a specific type that has Jewish roots. For example, dishni taipa. Yes, it is believed that this type is of Jewish origin, but at the same time it has other roots."
Apparently teip Satta / Sadoy comes from the Jews, as it is sometimes referred to as a foreign teip. Secondly, the very word "Garden" is clearly Hebrew "righteous."
The Teptar (historical record) compiled by Sheikh Ismail from the Merzhoy teip Khyosr (Khazar) has been preserved.
Teip Kazharoy is obviously also of Khazar origin. Teip Turkkhoy may be of Khazar origin.
U. Laudaev argued that teip varanda was of "alien origin". They adopted female circumcision, which took place in ancient times among the Jews. The Khazar origin of this teip is probably indicated by the name of the Khazar city - Vabandar (Vanandar).
Teip Gunai, for some reason, is attributed to Russian origin, in fact, judging by the name, it comes from the Huens - the Khazars. The Khazar city of Andrey was called Guen-kala, i.e. Guen fortress; gouins were considered to come from Chechnya. The ethnonym "guen" itself resembles Jewish. "cohen".
The allegedly Russian origin of teips Arcela and Orsi may be due to the element “rs”, i.e. as they were understood by "Rus" (Ours), - in fact, these names sound "Barsil" (Arsilia), - the name of the homeland of the Khazars, see above. Buri (cf. Chechen "borz") in Khazar "wolf", which is totemically associated with the Barsils-Khazars.
There is (was) a Jewish teip Zhugtiy. In Urusmartan there are zhugti-nekyi, they live in Berdykel and Goyty (33)
According to Akhmad Suleymanov, the name of the Shotoy (Shuotoy) society (tukuma) comes from the word “shot”, “shubut” - i.e. Shabbat. This is even more obvious if we recall their names in the documents of Dagestan and in Russian sources of the 16th-17th centuries. ‘Shibut’, ‘Shibutians’, ‘Shibut people’. In the actual Shatoevsky district, not only Shuyta, but also some other communities are now considered, for example, Khildekhya (Chaldean), Khachara (Khazar), Mulk'a (Malkh).
Chechen Jews lived in the village of Shuani, I don’t know the time of their appearance there, also earlier Jews were accepted into their teip by iron craftsmen, they accepted Islam, they were passed off as Chechen women (34)
How the Chechens converted to Islam can be seen from the example of the tukhum Vagmaadul, “descendants of defeatists and former infidels (non-Muslims)”, one of whose clan leaders was defeated by Tamerlane’s troops and forcibly converted to Islam.
Muslims of the North Caucasus are characterized by certain versions of Islamic Sunnism. A rather strange exception is only the Chechens, among whom Sufism is widespread and where the entire population is divided between 2 large Sufi orders ("tarikats") - "Naqshbandiya" and "Qadiriya". The esoteric side of Sufism is close to Jewish Kabbalah.
Teip Terloi seems to be of Iranian/Tat/Mountain-Jewish origin, this is indicated, for example, by the fact that in ancient times Terloi was a hotbed of fire-worshipping Zoroastrians.
One of the subgenera of the Shirdi ethnic society is called "Iudin nekye".
An interesting nickname of the Khazar Jew David is Alroy, reminiscent of the name of the teip Aleroy.
During the Caucasian War, the murids of Imam Shamil forcibly converted Jews living in the Avar and Chechen areas to Islam. Until recently, their descendants retained memories of their Jewish origin.
The Chechens were known by a number of names, incl. - "Melchi", "Khamekity", "kindergartens". Such names have been preserved in family surnames: Sadoy, Melkhi (Myalkhy), etc. These names are reminiscent of Jewish ones (garden - "righteous", melch - "prince", etc.).
Dzhambulat Suleymanov, in the book "Descendants of Noah", has a fragment about one case when some words of Abraham were read to Arab and Chechen schoolchildren in Jordan, and the Arabs did not understand them, but the Chechens did.
Jordanian Chechens claim that Abraham spoke purely Chechen. This was unearthed and proved to many scientists of the world by the Chechen scientist (linguist) Abdul-Baqi Al Shishani, during a quarrel with his father, Abraham said to his father Azar: "Tokha latta and bala Azar!" Which translates: "Throw this grief on the ground, Azar." He meant idols. Everyone knows that Abraham's father was an idolater.

From the Khazars, some Vainakhs have preserved the remains of the Turkic holiday Nevruz, - this spring holiday(single) heavenly god Tengri, revered by the Khazars. Celebrate by jumping over fire. According to another version, on the holiday of Navruz Bayram they don’t jump over the fire, and the guys (men) walked with a pole (with a flag) and sang religious chants, and the girls went out to meet and tied a scarf or ribbon on this pole.

The last capital of Khazaria was on the Volga, in the region of Astrakhan. Interestingly, there is an old Chechen legend, according to which the ancestors of the Chechens came from Astrakhan (35)

In Ichkeria, during the reign of Dudayev-Maskhadov, there were debates about belonging to the Jews of some part of the teips and the Chechen people themselves.
I have already noted that the customs of the highlanders are generally similar to the Hebrew ones, but the Chechens have a dance when men run in a circle - dhikr.
It is believed that dhikr is a vestige of pagan worship of the Sun, but it is similar to the Jewish ceremonial dance of the procession of people in a circle - hakkafot (`circle around`). Hakkafot is mentioned in the description of the celebration of the victory of the Hasmoneans over the Greeks, etc.
Muslim orthodoxy consider this Sufi rite to be a legacy of Judaism: "The fact that worship with dancing, tambourine and singing is a Jewish innovation that has penetrated the professing Islam, confirms what was said in one of the books Old Testament among the Jews: “Sing to the Lord a new song; praise be to him in the congregation of the saints. May Israel rejoice in their Creator; Let the sons of Zion rejoice in their King. Let them praise His name with faces, on a tympanum and harp, let them sing to Him. For the Lord is pleased with His people ... Praise Him on the psalter and the harp. Praise Him with tympanum and faces, praise Him on strings and organ…” (36)
Regarding the proximity of Sufism to Judaism:

According to one of the old legends, the ancestors of all Chechens were three brothers - Ga, Ako (Aho) and Chateau. Ibn Ruste calls the king of the Khazars Shat / Shad.
According to legend, the homeland of the Chechens is a certain country of Sham. The modern Ethiopian researcher Sergeu Khable-Selasi discovered in ancient manuscripts stored in the city of Aksum, news of the Jewish principality of Sham, and its prince Zinovis.
Some Chechens apparently believe that the Khazars were Chechen Jews and Chechens-pagans: "Chechens, people from the Khazar elite (Khazroin Eliy), they were Jews. Other Chechens, pagans, were at the head of the troops, commanders, in general, occupied important military posts ( g1oy, dark) (Avlur was one of them). These first, the descendants of the Chechen Judaic elite are the same Zhugti, therefore they are precisely certain. , any zhugti-nekyi is a Chechen-Jew in the past "(37)
On the territory of Chechnya and Dagestan, there was the primary core of Khazaria - the kingdom of Serir, which, according to Nurdin Kodzoev, was the birthplace of the Chechens: "Part of the Alans, who lived on the territory of the state of Sarir, in the zone of contact with the Dagestan and Turkic tribes - the territory of modern Vedensky and Nozhai-Yurtovsky regions, which is considered the territory where the Chechen people and language originated (the Alan language changed under the influence of the Dagestan and Khazar languages) - gave rise to the modern Chechen nation. Let's remember, Serir, where the Khazar Jews come from

: this is what one of the two main characters, an agent of the Israeli special services, says in his novel, who claims that these Chechens are used by the Mossad as agents.

A.M. Buldakov "Svyatoslav. Fall of Khazaria".

Chechens and Jews

"The campaigns of the Khazars became frequent, the withdrawal of people into captivity, and no one could resist them"
Leonti Mroveli, 11th century Georgian historian

As you know, in the Middle Ages, the Jewish state of Khazaria arose on the territory of Chechnya and Dagestan.

The Khazars professed Judaism, and according to the Khazar Jew, close to the king of the Khazars Yusuf-Joseph, they are descended from the Jews of Armenia. According to Arabic sources, after the defeat of Khazaria, the Khazars and their king renounced Judaism and converted to Islam.

In one Arabic manuscript it is directly stated that the Chechens are the descendants of the Khazars and Jews: a late Arabic manuscript, stored in one of the personal Chechen libraries, Two parts of it were copied in the month of Ramadan 1309 AH. (1891) by the nephew of the famous murshid of the Nakshbandiyya Tau-Sultan Temir, the son of Batal. The text consists of three parts.

The most interesting is the third part - two pages, partially textually coinciding. Fragments containing the name "Mansur" and thus predicting the appearance of Sheikh Mansur - Ushurma were written out from the unique monument "Sira Halabiyya". He was from Elistanzhu - a Chechen tribe (Kabila), as Tau-Sultan spoke about. According to the given version, Mansur came from "Vara al-nahra, (region) of Fergana Vashash" (variants "Vishvash", "Zashvash"), and "this is the name of the tribe, which in non-Arabic (adzhami) language is called m-j-g -sh". Here we find the remark: "The Gumiks call the Chechens by the name al-m-j-g-sh." (Michkiz is the Kumyk name for the Chechens) The appearance of Mansur was allegedly predicted by the Prophet: "A man will come out from the west because of the river called Adana, and this is the al-Fargana river, called (so) in non-Arabic (adzhamiyya) language by the Turks of the thirteenth tribe (nasl)". The text considers the Khazars to be the thirteenth tribe after their adoption of Judaism.

"Al-Vashash is the same as ash-Shishan (CHECHENS), THEY ARE FROM THE KHAZARS, a people who are destined to win in the region (mintaka) of B-y-tuga (x), where Islam won a crushing victory over the community of infidels." In the margins we read: "Ju and juy in the language of the Chechens means al-yahud (Jews), and CHECHENS BELONG TO THE PEOPLE OF AL-YAHUD".

Khazaria is easily translated into the Nakh language. This can be translated in Chechen and Ingush as “Beautiful country (beautiful field)” (“khaz are”, lit. “beautiful field”).

Let us recall the words of Shamil Basayev (I myself heard them in one of his interviews) that the war of the Chechens is revenge for the defeat of the Khazars. Basayev did not deny the origin of the Chechens from the Khazars.

Chechen writer German Sadulaev also believes that some Chechen teips are descendants of the Khazars

Some Chechens also talk about "Jews-Chechens, who later occupied the highest posts in Khazaria" and that in general the Khazars are Nokhchi (Chechens)

"The wide valley of the Terek, according to all historical sources, was inhabited by the Khazars. In the 5th - 6th centuries, this country was called Barsilia and, according to the Byzantine chroniclers Theophanes and Nicephorus, the homeland of the Khazars was located here," wrote L. Gumilyov

V.A. Kuznetsov in his “Outline of the History of the Alans” writes: “Definitely, we can only say that the steppes of Ciscaucasia to the north - northeast of the middle course of the Terek River (from the turn of the Terek to the east and to the confluence of the Sunzha) belonged to the Khazars from the 7th century "

"In the 2nd-3rd centuries, the Khazars were still a small tribe and occupied the shore of the Caspian Sea between the Terek and Sulak rivers."

Lev Gumilyov believes that the Jews moved to the territory of Khazaria after the suppression of the uprising of the Mazdakites in Iran: "The surviving Jews settled north of Derbent on a wide plain between the Terek and Sulak"

“Part of the steppe regions of modern Chechnya was also part of the Khazar Khaganate” (Chechentsy. History and Modernity. M, 1996, p. 140).

The Khazars also lived in the regions of Dagestan adjacent to Chechnya, see for example. Here

According to "Toponymy of Chechnya" by A. Suleimanov, it is in Chechnya at the place of the so-called. "Shamilevsky" fortress are the ruins of the Khazar capital Semender. Some really move Semender to Khasav-Yurt in Dagestan, but earlier Chechens lived there mostly.

According to Gumilyov, the capital of the Khazars was located on the site of the village of Shelkovskaya, on the way from Grozny to Kizlyar.

But not only Gumilyov assumed that Semender Khazar was located near Shelkovsky, A. Kazam-Bek spoke about this.

The well-known Dagestan archaeologist Murad Magomedov is of the same opinion: "Therefore, the Khazars had a new city - the second Semender, on the Terek. Archaeologists call it the Shelkovskoe settlement - now it is the territory of Chechnya, on the banks of the Terek ..."

Yes, and Chechen scientists themselves believe that the capital of Khazaria, before its transfer to the Volga to Itil, was on the territory of Chechnya: for example, the head of the Archival Administration under the President and Government of the Chechen Republic Magomed Muzaev: “It is quite possible that the capital of Khazaria was located on our territory. We must know that Khazaria, which existed on the map for 600 years, was the most powerful state in the east of Europe. Some of our researchers tend to believe that the word Khazaria originated from the Chechen word "Khaza Are".

“Since, based on some historical data, the city of Semender, the first capital of Khazaria, was located in our region, and there are no other similar fortresses in the Terek valley, we can say with confidence that this is the citadel of Semender,” the head of administration told a group of scientists and journalists Shelkozavodskoy village Ruslan Kokanaev."
see also
"... this area contains a huge historical material, but no one has seriously dealt with the historical objects of our republic, according to Ruslan Khanakaev, a historian by education and the head of the administration of the Shelkozavodskaya village, at all times historians and archaeologists have been looking for the city of Semender, but the owner of the historical city is the Chechen Republic ( Chechnya)…"

Thus, the leading Khazar scholars not only claim that the Khazars lived on the territory inhabited by Chechens, but also that it was on the territory of present-day Chechnya that the first capital of Khazaria was located.

(Regarding the Khazars, they were not Türks, as is often believed, the ethnologist L. Gumilyov attributed them to the peoples of the Dagestan type; contemporaries of the Khazars noted that the Khazar language is not similar to the Turkic).

In general, few Khazar words are known (Chichak, Idal, etc.), they all resemble Chechen words.

The fact that the Khazar and Vainakh languages ​​are similar and related is known from Armenian historians. In ancient times, the Vainakhs were called “gargarei”, and according to Movses Khorenatsi, Mesrop Mashtots created an alphabet for the Gargar language: “Stegts nshanagirs kokordakhos aghkhazur hjakan khetsbekazunin aynorik gargaratsvots lezun” (“created letters for the wild language of the white Khazars, rich in throat sounds [“agh” - “ white”, “khazur” – “Khazar”] similar to the barbarian Gargarian”)

This shows that Armenian historians, contemporaries of the Khazars, noted that the language of the Khazars is similar to the language of the Vainakhs.

The English-language Wikipedia says: "Some scholars in the former USSR believed that the Khazars were the indigenous inhabitants of the North Caucasus, mainly the Nakh peoples. The argument is that the name "Khazar" from the Chechen language translates "beautiful valley"" ("Some scholars in the former USSR considered the Khazars to be an indigenous people of the North Caucasus mostly Nakh peoples. Argument is, that name "khazar" from chechen language translates "beautiful valley"."), see

Sheshan is the name of one of the descendants of Israel (1 Chronicles Ch. 2, Art. 31) and the ethnonym of Chechens in Kabarda (Sheshan), among Lezgins (Chachans), among Ossetians (Sasan and Sasanayt) and among Arabs (Shashani), this also includes the name of the once largest society in Chechnya is Chechen. Sheshan is the son of Jeshei, the father of Ahlai, from the family of Jerahmeel (I Chron., 2, 31-41), from the offspring of Judah, the son of Jacob / Israel.

The ethnonym Chechen also reminds Achin, Ashin - the names of the Khazar family.

Characteristically, the Chechens considered the Zhugti/Jews to be their teip, which indicates kinship. In addition, the legend has been preserved that the ancestors of the Chechens left Sham (Syria?) from the Jews.

The Chechen ethnographer and linguist Arbi Vagapov revealed the similarity of the Hebrew-Phoenician alphabet (the Hebrew and Phoenician alphabets are the same, since the Phoenicians are one of the Greek names for Jews) with the Chechen language.

The Chechens call the Volga "Idal", like the Khazars.

The Ingush word kinez / "church" according to D. Malsagov is borrowed from the Jewish-Khazar knes "prayer meeting, cathedral", and according to A. Genko and G.-R. Huseynov from Kanis "synagogue".

Nahor is the name of Abraham's ancestor and resembles the word "Nakh", i.e. "people" in Chechen.

Halakha - G1illakh - custom, tradition, law in Chechnya and Israel (Albert Machigov drew attention to these and other coincidences of the Jewish and Chechen languages, see for example: halla - bread in Hebrew and khallar in Chechen; "shin" - i.e. "double" in Hebrew as well as in Chechen shih-shin.).

And on my own behalf, I can add to A. Machigov similar Jewish and Chechen words, for example "bart" - union, consent (Chech.), cf. Hebrew "takes, brit" - union, agreement. Or: MARCH - I allow, Hebrew, MARSHOT - freedom, Chechen.

The Ingush, according to some Teptars (traditions), are the descendants of the Jadite Jews (Jews from Iran). There are many stories of the Jordanian Ingush that the Ingush are Jadites who fled from Iran.

Interestingly, the Ingush have up to 40% of the J2 genotype, which is from the Middle East.

The proximity of the Ingush and Chechens to the Jews is also confirmed by geneticists. Chechens and Ingush have the most in the Caucasus [Y]-chromosome, which is common among Jews 26% and 32% respectively. See , Look Table 3 for the Caucasus. Cm.

The genetic relationship of Jews with Chechens is indicated, for example, by dermatoglyphic data - the so-called. index Th, which is approximately the same for Chechens, Ashkenazi Jews and Tuareg (a people in North Africa who professed Judaism before Islam)

Chechens have the same genes as Ashkenazi Jews 14-13-30-23-10-11-12-13.16. The same for the Ingush for the same gene

Also with the Armenians. Geneticists have revealed the kinship and coincidence of the genes of Chechens, Ingush, Armenians and Jews. According to the genetic comparison, the Ingush have the closest blood purity to the Jews.

Leonti Mroveli names the Khazar's son - Uobos / Vobos, which is considered a personified name of the Nakh tribe - "vvepiy", "fyappii" (vappii / faippiy) (akkhii).

The Khazars called their ancestor Togarm, a descendant of Noah, and the Ingush have the surname Targimkhoy, reminiscent of Togarm. Wikipedia says: "In medieval genealogical legends, the Khazars were erected to the descendant of Noah Togarma."

Even words similar to Canaan (Israel) can be found in the Chechen and Ingush languages. In the Ingush language, Canaan-Mother of time Ha-time, Naan-mother.

Canaan (Israel) - Kinahisland of the Nakhs.

The Nakhs called the builders of the towers "jelti", apparently from "jugti".

The Vainakhs consider themselves descendants of Noah, as do the Jews (from Noah's son, Shem), which indicates a Biblical influence. The self-name of the Chechens "Vainakh" is comparable to the Hebrew expression "bnei noakh".

Many toponyms in Chechnya are associated with the Khazars

For example, Khazar-duk (Khazar duk) "Khazar Ridge" - in the south-east. on the side of KhIyylah, the area in the vicinity of the same KhIyylah Khazarchoy and Khazar baso. There is Olkhazaran irzo (Olkhazaran irzo) "Olhazar (l.) Glade".

GIazar-GIala (Gazar-Gala) "Khazar fortress" ("Khazar fortification") - was located on the right bank of the Ivgiy, on the c. from Booni-Yurt.

There was a Khazar-Roshni settlement located on the southwestern side of Urus-Martan.

In the vicinity of XIIylah there are places Khazarchoy, Khazar baso.

GIazar-GIaliytIa (Gazar-Galiyta) "Khazar fortification" - within the boundaries of the village of GIachalka. Perhaps Ialkhan-Evl, GIazar-GIala are the oldest parts (settlements) of the village GIachalka.

"The village of GIachalka was supposed to emerge from five small settlements, with the Khazar fortification in the center: Barchkhoin kup, Zandakoyin kup, Ialkhan-Evl, Ohchoin kup and the Khazar fortification," - A. Suleymanov.

Under the Khazars, on the site of the present Upper Chiryurt, there was the city of Andri, which controlled the entire North-Eastern Caucasus

The Mulkya society (malk - god, king and proper name among the ancient Jews) has the ruins of Pezir-khelli (Gezir-khelli, - “Khazar settlement”) - next to B; ovt; archa on b. Mulkoyin erk river, to the village. from Hurik. In the society of Mulk'a there was a village GIezar-Kkhelli - a Khazar settlement until 1940.

In the society of Nashkh there is a river Khazar-khi.

Mozharskaya beam - a tract in the northeast of the village of Kalinovskaya, where the Cossacks went for salt. The name goes back to "madjars" - a medieval Khazar settlement, where there were many artisans-gunsmiths. Firearms "Madzhar" weapons, mentioned in the heroic songs of the Chechens, spread from here: "mazhar top" - a flintlock Madzhar gun. Or: "barkhI sonar mazhar top" - an octagonal Madzhar (flintlock) gun.

There is the village of Alkhazurovo - the village of the Urus-Martan district.

The name of the village of Braguny in Chechnya is derived from Bersiliya / Barsalia, from where, according to Michael the Syrian, the Khazars came out.

Bersilia / Barsalia, from where, according to a legend preserved back in the 12th century. Michael the Syrian, the famous Khazars, who are also one of the ancestors of the Kumyks, came out.

From the Khazar-Jewish language, the name Bayan / Bayant came to the Chechens (as well as to the Russians). These names come from the Khazar-Jewish name Vahan / Baan (the Armenians of the Van region in Turkey considered themselves descendants of Jews).

Hebrew words can be found in the Chechen language. For example, Chech. kad "chalice, glass". On the other hand, for example, "Pison" in Hebrew means "abundance of water", this was the name of the river mentioned in the Bible, originally called "khison" (the differences "x" to "f" are typical for the Vainakh languages), which recalls Vainakh "khi" - "water", "river".

In Chechen, the name of Saturday clearly came from the Jews - shoatta - that is, Shabbat. It is characteristic that, as they say, the Ingush, like the Jews, evening, Friday night, is called Saturday night, and, as it were, they are preparing for each next day, from the evening.

I note that the designation of a mummer, causing rain (it is poured with water), in the Vedensky district of Chechnya and among the Akkin Chechens - Z1emmur, dating back to Hebrew - in the dialect of the Tat language there is a religious term zemiro "religious chant". The same basis is presented in the Karaite zemer "religious chant, religious poem", zemer "verse from psalms".

The Moscow businessman of Chechen origin and amateur historian Vakha Mokhmadovich Bekhchoev in his work "The Caucasus and the Jews", M., 2007, proved that the Chechens are the missing Israeli tribe of Dan. In this connection, he developed a political program for the reconciliation of the Semitic brothers: Jews, Arabs and Chechens, according to which Jews accept Islam and create a single Islamic Semitic state "Islamic Republic of Israel-Ichkeria" with Arabs and Chechens.

On the other hand, there is an Ingush author Yusupov M. (“Saul”) on the Internet, who proves the family ties of the Ingush and Jews.

The origin from the tribe of Dan is also evidenced by the fact that earlier one of the names of the Ingush and the Vainakhs in general was G1aldini, where Dani, Deny is obviously a name.

Ermolov built the city of Grozny on the site of the Jewish village of Dzhukhur-Yurt.

In the Grozny region there is even such a toponym as Zhugtiy bainchu borze (Zhyugtiy bainchu borze) "To the mound where the Jews died."

Chechens have parables, sayings, legends about Jews, for example, a story condemning a Jew who beat his son for no reason. Once a Chechen was walking along the banks of the Sunzha River. There the Jews dressed the skins of animals. He sees that the Jew, for no apparent reason, grabbed his son and began to beat. The Chechen was surprised: "Why are you beating the boy, because he did nothing?" "Do you want me to beat him up after he ruins the hide?" Since then, in Chechen conversations, one hears: "Like that Jew of his son."

The Chechen annals of Nokhchi speak of the Jews, led by the princes Surakat and Kagar, and their war with Dagestani and Arab Muslims. Akhmad Suleimanov in his work "Toponymy of Chechnya" wrote that "after the collapse of the kingdom of Simsim, King Surrokat and his entourage retreated to the west with a large caravan loaded with weapons, treasury, with the remnants of the troops, sometimes stopping along the way of their movement, reached the river Chanty- Argun and on its left bank, on a high cape, a powerful tower fortification was laid.The remains of this fortification have survived to this day under the name "Kiirda bIavnash".The descendants of the king tried to establish themselves here by appointing their nobles Biyrig Bicchu and Eldi Talat as princes, who immediately began internecine war. King Surrokat and his son Bayra failed to gain a foothold here "..........

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