Bloodborne is the best armor. Bloodborne - Guide to finding weapons. How to kill Gascoigne's father


Comparing these two facts, we can conclude that you will want to play it, but you are not ready for the difficulties. Here's what you need to know so you don't stumble on the first boss about two hundred times and throw everything to hell. You don't want to regret spending money on Bloodborne, do you? Then read this text. .

We develop this material as we progress through the game. If you were able to progress further than the author, send your tips on killing bosses and overcoming particularly difficult sections of the game to email -
(forest on the way to Hemvik, the machine gunner on the roof in old Yharnam, the witch of Hemvik, the shadow of Yharnam, the spider Rom, the Reborn)

(Amygdala, Micolash, Mergo, the first hunter, Mensis' nightmare, the woman from prison)

Who to play The main difficulty faced by everyone who has ever launched role-playing game

- a difficult choice between magicians, knights, elves and everyone else. If you have not played Dark Souls, then under no circumstances choose the Waste of Skin class. The characteristics of this character are at a minimum level, which allows you to ultimately create the kind of hero you want. For the same reason, you will have an extremely difficult start, because it is very easy to offend such a semi-finished product. Violent Past (“Cruel Past”) is one of best options

for those who play Bloodborne without experience in Dark Souls

At the beginning of the game, hand-to-hand combat predominates, so it makes sense to take a fighter with the highest scores in one of three characteristics: vitality, durability and strength. The first is responsible for the number of health points (never extra), the second is for the volume of the green stamina bar (the longer it is, the more jumps, rolls and blows the hero can perform). Strength affects the damage that enemies receive from your attacks.

This is the easiest hero to start with. If in the process you want to master some new disciplines, then no one will prevent you from investing points in other characteristics. But don’t let your attention be distracted: specialized characters win in Bloodborne; undecided characters are not welcome here. In general, they don’t like anyone here.

What weapons to take in Bloodborne At the start of the game, you are offered to choose from three options: a saw, an ax and a cane. The saw unfolds into a giant straight razor, the hero swings it with- This is the “canonical” hunter weapon that you saw in the trailers. The ax has good stopping power and hits the ground loudly; makes it easy to stop groups of enemies moving in a column. When unfolded, the ax turns into a deadly halberd - not the most fast weapon in the game, but the spin kick can be useful if you find yourself surrounded.

Saw Cleaver

The cane is the most difficult thing to master. Has a swift attack, but does less damage than an ax and saw. Unfolding the cane using the L1 button will give you a chain, almost like in Castlevania. It allows you to control and keep groups of enemies at a distance, but is ineffective in tight passages: the blow is lost if the chain clings to the wall.

Save resources, especially Molotov cocktail

At first, you will regularly find healing potions, bottles of Molotov cocktails and pots of oil, but this freebie will end as soon as you leave the first location. If everything is clear with the medications, then you receive cocktails and oil specifically for the battle with the church monster. Remember: in Bloodborne there are a lot of enemies covered in fur, including bosses - and everything that has wool burns well.

How to Kill the Church Monster

The Cleric Beast on the bridge is easy to defeat if you haven't used up all your Molotov cocktails by this point. Although it looks tough, in reality it is a rather nimble creature, and before throwing you need to take into account the animation of the character throwing the incendiary mixture. This is best done when the monster is simply walking towards the hero.

Cleric Beast

Note that when aiming at the church monster (R3), you are given the option to switch from the enemy's torso to the head. This is done for a reason: if you successfully hit the monster in the forehead with a pistol, the monster will hunch over - at this moment you need to quickly get close to hit it painfully on the head with a standard attack (R1).

Addition from Evgeniy Filipenko: how to get help to fight the church monster


If you are having problems with the first boss, you can call for help... the second boss of this game - Father Gascoigne. To do this, you need to have one insight in order to receive a summoning bell in the Hunter's Dream. You should also talk to Gascoigne's daughter and take the music box from her. After this, return to the lamp in central Yharnam and go left, where you will almost immediately see a pale glow, inside which the messengers will advise you to use the summoning bell. Perform this action and Father Gascoigne will appear next to you, who will greatly facilitate the battle with the church monster.

Explore the world more carefully

Bloodborne is a kind of metroidvania. Yharnam and its surroundings are formally open to unlimited walking adventures, but in fact the entire city is one large level with corridors, rooms, backyards and squares. There are many roads between these locations - both the most obvious and hidden. Explore the city to discover better routes from lamps to various targets. For example, the gate in central Yharnam, to the left of the lamp, can be opened if in the square with the fountain (where the giant is breaking in on the door) you go left and break all the boxes. After the battle with the dogs and a couple more giants, go to the left and up the stairs. And on the right you will find an elevator that will take you to Gascoigne - it can only be launched from above, however.

How to kill Gascoigne's father

The ferocious werewolf Father Gascoigne is difficult to defeat, but there are several loopholes. First, you need a box. It can be obtained from a girl who complains that her parents are missing. If you go from the first lamp, in central Yharnam, to the right, through the square with a crucified flaming werewolf and a fountain, near which a big guy with a brick is breaking into the gate, then further, after the first climb up the stairs, you need to turn left. If you have already opened the metal gate from the back, then to the left of it you will see a window in which the light is on. Talk to the tenant, receive a box and a small task.

The box must be installed in the quick slot ("square" button). When Gascoigne makes an unsuccessful series of blows, take advantage of this and open the box. The sound of the melody will put the boss into a stupor, which will give you a few seconds to take decisive action.

The box has practically no effect on the second iteration of the enemy: Gascoigne the werewolf grabs his head in about one case out of ten. But Molotov cocktails work great on the hairy creature!

Addition from Alexey Chelpanov: how to get a flamethrower

After killing Gascoigne and talking to the old woman in the Cathedral Ward (who offers to save everyone worthy), you need to return to the lantern in central Yharnam, go straight a little and talk to the stranger who is outside the window with the red lantern. He will say that there is no need to save him, but in gratitude he will give a flamethrower. To approach a stranger you need to wear the full set of a Yharnam hunter.

Attention! There are copious spoilers below. Of course, we will not allow ourselves to reveal the details of the mysterious plot of Bloodborne. However, if you like surprises, we recommend that you turn to this guide after you encounter difficulties, and not before.

Where to take a woman from central Yharnam

If you go left from the lamp in central Yharnam, then turn right in front of the elevator, go up to where the dogs are in the cages, and then cross the bridge, to the left of the dungeon entrance you will find an NPC with whom you can talk through the locked door. Focus on the window, the red light of which is visible from afar. The overly grumpy granny on the other side of the door isn't very friendly, but she's asking for a new shelter and needs help.

Coub is based on video YouTube user VaatiVidya

Almost immediately after the murder of Father Gascoigne, you will reach the Cathedral Ward and find yourself in the Oeden Chapel. Not far from the lamp, right in the room, sits an old woman in red rags. Talk to her, and she will ask you to inform “everyone who is worthy of it” about the chapel as a refuge - let them come and escape here from the undead as much as they like. Return to your grandmother in central Yharnam and tell her about the chapel. Next time you will find her sitting on a stool right there.

Read and listen to what they tell you

The history of Bloodborne is shrouded in mystery, and you can understand the plot only by paying attention to the little things. Read descriptions of items in the inventory and store, listen to the conversations of the Doll, Herman and especially the survivors who swear at the hunter through locked doors and windows. Sooner or later these pieces of information will come together.

How to Kill Vicar Amelia

The giant she-wolf Amelia (Vicar Amelia) at the very top of the Cathedral District attacks close, swinging her paws widely, and from afar, jumping towards the hunter. Killing her is not difficult - even easier than the church monster, although there are two tricks.

Firstly, when Amelia's health begins to approach zero, and the hunter is temptingly close to victory, the she-wolf will begin to regenerate. She gets into a praying position and very quickly restores a significant part of what you have been ridding her of the last few minutes. Hitting does not stop regeneration, so you will need a flask with “purification haze”. You probably found several of these flasks on your way to the boss, so there shouldn't be any problems with them. Another thing is that in advance about amazing feature No one will warn you about Amelia.

Secondly, fire will help you again. Make sure you don't use up all the "fire paper" that causes the hunting blade to burn and cause flame damage. Molotov cocktails and even a torch - anything that burns will be used.

did not you find what you were looking for? See also parts of the Bloodborne guide.

A game Bloodborne may seem very similar to the recently released Dark Souls franchise. Therefore, all those who played Souls will feel very confident in it. The good news is that if you haven't played Dark Soul before, you won't need to play it to understand Bloodborne. Because even for seasoned Souls players, skipping the tutorials is a big mistake. And in general, the overall picture of Bloodborne is different from Dark Souls. That's why we carefully studied the most important points games and have created a series of tips for you. So let's get started:

  • First skirmish, Lycanthrope:
You've just woken up and you don't have a weapon, and there's a huge, ugly werewolf standing between you and the rest of the world. It's time to explore combat control. Don't worry if you die. No one thinks you have to defeat Lycan with your bare hands. After death you will go to a special “paradise” called Hunter's Dream.
  • Hunter's Dream, new dimension
After your death, you will wake up in a new dimension, your “headquarters” in the game. It will have a bunch of options that are not yet available to you, but there you can start exploring the game. If you're a Dark Souls veteran, you'll want to level up right away. This can be done using dolls in the center of the map. Note that you won't be able to interact with her until the first boss, Clericbeast.
  • What to wear?
Once you enter the Hunter's Dream, you will be given the opportunity to arm yourself with your “starter kit”: a melee weapon in one hand and a firearm in the other. When deciding what to take, we advise you to read the information below:

Saw Cleaver: "Saw"- the most balanced of weapons. The long version hits far, while the short version allows you to unleash a series of lightning-fast attacks. Take this weapon if you want versatility.
Hunter Ax: straight, brutal axe. Lots of damage, slow speed. There is a long version that generally needs to be held with both hands. Controversial decision.
Threaded Cane: resembles a whip with many fragments on it. Good range, very effective weapon for dispersing crowds of enemies. The speed is also impressive, but the damage leaves much to be desired.
Hunter Blunderbuss: In fact, this is a good shotgun. Why a shotgun? Judge for yourself: the meager lethal range can turn around several targets at once, and destroy a lone enemy standing close to shreds. One shot requires one cartridge.
Hunter Pistol: hunting pistol, there is nothing to say here. Better range than a shotgun, but you can only shoot at one target.

  • Transforming weapons
One of the important elements of combat is distance. Know that your melee weapon mode makes a huge difference in a single-opponent battle. By pressing the L1 button, you can change the weapon mode, or rather its length. The extended version will allow you to reach your opponent further, this will help you fight against enemies who have long swords or spears. A short weapon will allow you to deliver a lightning-fast series of strikes, which can be useful in finishing off one enemy. It is also very important to keep your weapon in good shape. Do not wait for notification of a breakdown, because its effectiveness decreases significantly over time. Repairing weapons is a breeze, so repair them as often as possible.
  • Look like a Hunter
If you move forward, you will come to a large sewer system. After exploring them, you will receive your first set of clothes: the Hunter Set. It will not only improve your appearance, but will also increase your parameters. So research and pick up everything you can. If you missed this set, you can find something similar after defeating the second boss. But it is the hunter's kit that can greatly make your life easier at the beginning of the game.
  • Lanterns are our new fires
Lanterns are checkpoints in the game, similar to bonfires in DarkSouls. These are also portals to the Hunter's Dream. You will use the second Lantern very often, because the third will not be available until you defeat the first boss. There is always a decent distance between Lanterns, so use them wisely. You can move between lanterns faster by using shortcuts, which brings us to...
  • World navigation and shortcuts
Yharnam is a dense, labyrinthine area of ​​the huge city that will take you a long time to fully explore. However, after exploring it, you will suddenly notice that it now takes you much less time to get from point A to point B. It's all about shortcuts: if you see a closed gate, you can probably open it, giving you direct access to another area of ​​the map. Don't neglect this opportunity.
  • Let's farm?
If a boss or a certain location gives you a lot of inconvenience, take a break and just farm: level up. For example, it is better to beat the second boss, Father Gascoigne, at level 20, although you can defeat him at a higher level. low levels. Farming in the sewers is a little easier than in the city, since the creatures in the sewers are slower and easier to defeat.

There are 26 different types of weapons to the left and to right hand. In order to get some unique species weapons are required in a pair of “Hunter Badges”. We will try to reveal and show all the places where you can find weapons.

Right hand

Beast Claw

You can find this weapon in the fourth level dungeon, after completing “Sick Laurent”, open the door that leads to the treasury and there will be a chest that contains this weapon. You can get the cup for building the dungeon after you kill the Amygdala Boss (watch the video from 18:34).

Blade of Mercy

The weapon will be in the secret room located in " Central Yharnam". The location will be located with right side near the entrance to a place called "Sewer" (you will need to destroy the barrels, then jump down and go through the room on the right side). Here take the item called “Crow Hunter Badge”, and then enter the “Hunter’s Dream” and buy the necessary weapon for 40,000 thousand blood. If you missed it, then there will be nothing terrible. Having gone a little further along the storyline (as it happens blood moon) this item will appear again, but in a place called " Cathedral"(by killing an enemy, you will also receive an additional set of armor). That's all (watch the video from 1:11).

Burial Blade

You can get weapons for some endings: “The Beginning of Childhood” and “Fulfillment of Desires.” Next, you just have to buy a weapon for 60,000 thousand blood already in " New game+" (watch video from 20:08).


After you defeat the Boss called "Logarius", then on the roof of the castle in a location called "Cainhurst", put on the Crown and rise higher. There, talk to a girl named Annalisa and swear allegiance to the Vilebloods. At this stage, now by going to the “Hunter’s Dream” you can buy a weapon for 50,000 thousand blood (watch the video from 13:48).

Hunter Ax

You will receive the weapon as a starting weapon, or you can buy it after you complete the “Sewerage” and buy it for 1,100 blood, keep in mind that you will have to kill the Boar (watch the video from 3:48).


You can buy weapons for 3,000 bloody echoes, but only after you kill the Boss" Church Monster"(watch video from 2:49).

Logarius Wheel

The easiest way to get the weapon will be after you kill the Boss called "Martyr Logarius". After killing him, put on the crown and start talking to the Vileblood Queen. After you talk, then pass on the unfilled summons to Alfred (you can find these items in Cainhurst, not far from the Queen herself). Alfred is in a place called the Forbidden Forest. As his gratitude, he gives you the “Hunter Badge with a Wheel”. Now you can buy weapons for 13,000 Blood Shackles (see video 16:09).

Ludwig's Holy Blade

You can purchase this weapon only after you find the “Hunter Badge with Shining Sword”, which is located in the chest at the top of the place called “Healing Church Workshop” (you can unlock the doors only after you kill the Boss “Blood Swallowing Monster” ), after that the weapon can be purchased for 20,000 blood points (watch the video from 7:49).

Horseman's Saber/Reiterpallasch

You can find the weapon in a location called "Cainhurst", immediately near the entrance to the castle, in the right corner (watch the video from 12:20).

Rifle Spear

You can buy a weapon for 4,000 blood points immediately after you kill the machine gunner "Gyula", which is located in a place called "Old Yharnam", or you can simply find it in a secret location (watch the video from 5:04).

Saw Cleaver

You can get the weapon as a starting weapon, or you can simply buy it for 1,000 blood points immediately after you pass the place called “Sewerage”, where you have to kill the Boar (see the video from 3:48).

Saw Spear

After you explore the place called "Yharnam Sewers", where you will need to cut down the corpse that hangs just above the ditch in which the boats are, you can buy it for 1,000 blood points (watch the video from 3:48).

Stake Driver

After you kill the machine gunner "Gyula", who lives in the "Old Yharnam" location, you can buy a weapon for 8,000 blood points (watch the video from 5:04).

Threaded Cane

You can get the weapon as a starting weapon, or you can buy it for 1,200 blood points after you go through a place called “Yharnam Sewers”, where you need to kill the Hog (watch the video from 3:48).


You can find weapons in a location called "Underground Prison". On the right side on the platform (if you look from the side of the cathedral). You can also buy weapons for 26,000 blood points, but after you kill the Boss called “Black Monster Paarl” (watch the video from 10:17).

Left hand


You can pick up this weapon in a place called “Abandoned Forest”, in a house that will be located immediately behind the enemy’s back, which in turn shoots at you from its cannon (you can also find a snake-headed man here). In general, go out through the window and then climb the stairs higher, where you can take the long-awaited weapon from the corpse (watch the video from 9:07).


You can find the weapon in a chest located in a location called Cainhurst. The chest will be on the second floor of this castle, so be careful (watch the video from 13:06).


After you find yourself in a place called "Cathedral", then go back to a place called "Central Yharnam" and talk to Gilbert there (the red lantern, immediately near the spawn point). After this, you can get a weapon (watch the video from 7:49).

Hunter Blunderbuss

This weapon can only be purchased for 1,700 blood points (see video from 3:48).

Hunter Pistol

This weapon can only be purchased for 1,600 blood points (see video from 3:48).

Hunter's Torch/Hunter's Torch

You can find weapons at the very beginning of the passage of the place called “Old Yharnam” (watch the video from 6:51).

Ludwig's Rifle

You can buy this weapon for 10,000 blood points, but only after you find the “Hunter Badge with Shining Sword”, which is located in a place called “Healing Church Workshop”, the doors of which are locked and will open only after you kill the Boss called "Blood-swallowing monster" (see video 7:49).

Repeating Pistol

You can buy this weapon for 3,000 blood points, but after you pass the Boss called “Church Beast” (watch the video from 2:49).


You can buy this weapon for 60,000 blood points, but only if you have found the “Cosmic Eye Badge”, which is located in the location called “Chorus” (watch the video from 11:23).


You can find this weapon immediately after you meet your first major enemy, which is located in a place called “Central Yharnam” right next to the doors where another beast is being burned (watch the video from 0:05).

Wooden Shield

You can find this weapon in a location called “Cathedral District”, find the body lying there, which will be located near the gate from above (watch the video from 7:20).

What else to read