Gambling card game seka, rules of the game. Card game Seka online

Card game "seka" a gambling card game that is very popular in Eastern Europe. The scandalous story "Moscow - Petushki" by the wonderful Russian writer Venedikt Erofeev made this game famous among wide circles of intellectuals, especially drinkers.

Rules of the game "sec"

From 2 to 10 people can participate. Used deck in 32 or 36 cards. Players receive 3 cards (one per deal) and then count their points. Cost of cards in points: ace 11 points, from king up to ten - 10 points, the rest - according to their merit. If you decide to add to the deck joker, then the player can assign any value to it. Sometimes a six is ​​used instead of a joker, called a check in this game in card jargon. Scoring rules must be carefully discussed before the start of the game. They must be observed very strictly. For example:

The number of points on cards of the same suit is counted;

The points of cards of the same value are counted. The highest combination is 3 aces - 13 points;

By agreement, a combination of three cards is higher than a combination of cards of the same suit.

Each player bets an agreed amount of money. A game “without ceiling” (without restrictions) is very rare. The first bet is made by the player sitting to the left of the dealer. He can make any bribe or say " pass". True, when passing, he must discard his cards into the deck. The deck is placed in the center of the table.

Until the next deal, it is considered inviolable. When the bet is made, the second player begins to play. He makes a bet no less than the previous one, but no more than the maximum. The bet following the one made is called a "pass" or "pass". The last bet is called the "pass amount" or "pass". Bets are made until cards remain in the hands of two players.

One of these remaining players has the right to reveal his cards - that is, "show up" - for comparison with the opponent's cards. In this case, the player bets the passing amount. The one who has more points in his hands wins. If the number of points for both opponents (the revealer and the partner) is the same, then the result is a situation called a “fight” or “quarrel”. In this case, the stake is played in the next hand. The remaining participants can “join the quarrel” provided that they have made a bet of half the stake. If it turns out that 3 players have the same number of points, then the fourth, if he wants to join the “quarrel,” must bet an amount equal to one third of this stake. Sometimes the game of sex is played in the dark. Players place bets without looking at the cards. In this case, the passing amount doubles.

Swara (Seka) is the most popular gambling game in the USSR, which was also called Russian poker. Indeed, the game contains such elements as bluffing, trading and card combinations.

Since Seka is spread throughout the Union, the game was constantly transformed and had slight differences in the rules. At that time, the game Sek had such names as Svara, Trinka, Trynka, Drynka, Two sheets, Three sheets and many others.

Swara (Seka) rules and game process

There are many variations of the game, but we will describe the one that is currently played on the Internet.

A deck of 36 sheets is used. The game takes place from 2 to 6 players.
— Before the hand begins, all players place a mandatory bet in the pot.
— Each player is dealt 3 cards; the remaining cards in the deck do not participate in the game
— The game process begins, the trade is opened by the player to the left of the dealer
- He may not look at his cards (dark) and then the player next to him, in order to continue the game, must also darken or double the bet
— If a player looks at the cards and makes a bet, the next one after him can either pass, support (bet the same amount), or raise the bet
— The game sets a ceiling above which the bet cannot be raised. The game can be won without showing cards by placing a large bet in Bluff and forcing opponents to fold
— If at the end of the auction there are two players left who did not pass, then they reveal their cards and compare the combinations. The one who scores the most points wins.
Each card has a certain number of points, but only those cards that are included in the combination are counted. (A combination can consist of one, two or three cards)
Card denominations:
Aces - 11 points each
Kings - 10 points each
Ladies - 10 points each
Jacks - 10 points each
Tens - 10 points each
Nines - 9 points each
Eights - 8 points each
Sevens - 7 points each
Sixes - 6 points each
Joker - six of crosses, Ace of diamonds - 11 points

Combinations are made up of cards either by suit or by face value, for example, the hand Ace(spa), Ace(clubs), 8(clubs) has two combinations Ace(spas), Ace(clubs) - 22 points and Ace(clubs), 8(clubs) ) - 19 points. Naturally, a stronger combination will be used for calculation. The Joker can be a card of any suit and is worth 11 points.

The situation when, after showing the cards, two players have the same number of points is called Swara. In this case, the game bank remains untouched, and the cards are dealt to these players again. Other players can also compete for this bank (buy in), but to do this they must replenish it by half the current value.

Where to play Swara (Sekou) online for money?

There are not many places on the Internet where you can play Swara for real money. One such resource is HrapGame. The site offers only two games for money - Snoring and Swara, and Snoring is played much more actively.
In the second you can sit down Various types tables - with a minimum contribution from 50 to 5000 rubles. By the way, you can top up your account using payment systems such as Visa/Mastercard, WebMoney, QiWi, etc.
A pleasant surprise for new players will be the fact that for registration you will receive no deposit bonus 100 rubles.


"Sic Bo" is one of the most ancient gambling in the bones. It has several types of bets: on a specific amount of numbers, on over/under, on any triplet, on a combination of three identical numbers, on a combination of two identical numbers, a bet on a number, etc.

Prepare six-sided dice numbered 1 to 6 (the sum of opposite sides is always 7). You will also need a table with special markings and a popper (a special device for throwing dice). The number of players in this game is not limited.

Your task during the game is to guess the layout of the dice. Place a bet (the game host usually introduces the different bets), then wait for other players to put money on the line.

Once all bets have been accepted, the presenter presses the Roll button on the popper, after which a combination of three dice is randomly drawn. If the combination of points matches the number of points on your bet, you win (the winnings are usually given in cash)!

"Sika" is a game. You can take part in it not only in the casino, but also at home. Number of players - from 2 to 10. Prepare a regular deck of cards. Distribute cards: 1 for each player. Before players look at their cards, they must wager amounts of money (bet).

If you are sitting to the left of the banker (leader), start walking. Do not place a bet below the amount – the last bet made. After everyone else has placed their bets, reveal the cards with everyone else.

This is done as follows: by raising or leveling the previous bet, you say that you are opening one of the players. When opening the cards of another participant, no one but you is allowed to look at them (even their owner himself - if he is playing in the dark).
You will be the winner when the number of points of your cards exceeds the number of points of your opponent. Otherwise, or if there is a tie, you lose.

The game lasts until there are 2 participants left. They can raise rates to a pre-agreed maximum amount. If you have reached this stage, then when you compare the bet, the cards are hidden and the points are compared. If you have a winning combination, the bank is yours!

If at the end of the game you and your opponent have an equal number of points, you must declare “Svara” - deal the cards again and play the pot. Each of the players who took part in this game is allowed to participate in the “swar”. To do this, you need to deposit half of the amount in the bank.

This ancient Sino-Indian game became very popular back in the 18th century. At the same time, the dominoes received the name “domino” in honor of the fancy dress black and white costumes. Now there are several varieties of the game of dominoes. Let's consider the most popular variety in Russia - "goat".

You will need

  • set of dominoes, empty table, 2 to 4 enthusiastic people


All dominoes are tipped point down onto the table and mixed thoroughly. Then the players sort out 5-7 dominoes at random. If you play with four or four players, then everyone gets 5 dominoes. If there are only two players, then they take 7 pieces each. The rest form the so-called “bazaar”; they are put aside without opening.

The players examine their stones. The one who has the highest double (with identical ones) starts the game. In general, this is a 6-6 stone, if no one has one in their hands, then they look for 5-5 and so on. If the situation is such that no one has doubles, then they go from the senior with different numbers 6-5 or 6-4 and so on. So, the first player puts the first chip on the table, the turn from him proceeds clockwise to the next player.

The next player must place one of his own stones on the table, with the condition that one half of it has the same number of dots as those already on the table. So players place stones on the table, attaching them to one or the other edge of the resulting line according to the principle of matching the number of points.

If one of the players has two doubles that can be placed both to the right and to the left of many stones on the table, then such doubles can be placed in one move. In general, only one stone is placed per turn. If the player does not have suitable stone, then he goes “to the market,” that is, he takes a chip at random from a pile of extra stones. The player takes stones from the “bazaar” until he draws the right one. All stones that are not suitable for laying out remain in his hands.

In this way, the game continues until one of the players places all his stones on the table or until a “fish” appears. "Fish" is a deadlock situation where all the players have some in their hands, but no one has the right ones for the table, and the "bazaar" has run out of chips.

At the end of the game, the number of points remaining for each player is calculated. The number of points coincides with the number of dots on the dominoes that the player has left in his hands. In this case, an empty double 0-0 is worth 25 points. The scoring record for each player opens at 13 points. After recording the points, the next round of the game begins. The game ends when one of the players scores 101 points, he is called the “goat”.


In dominoes, the pieces are called "stones", "dominoes" and "dominoes".

Helpful advice

It is profitable to try to lay out chips as quickly as possible big amount points and a penalty double 0-0.

Keep track of the number of certain chips on the table in order to make a “fish” in time. Each number of dots on the chips occurs 7 times.


  • Rules of the game of dominoes

The game of dice is very ancient. Without a doubt, it can be called the most ancient of all gambling games. There is information that allows us to say that such a game existed five thousand years ago. When playing dice highest value has a probabilistic factor, in other words, lucky or unlucky. If you want to try your luck and play with friends, then below you can find some of the most popular dice games.


Even - odd.
Place ten chips on the table for each participant. This game will use six dice.
Take turns throwing them on the table. From the sum of all even values, subtract the sum of odd ones. If the result is positive, take the dice for yourself according to the number obtained in the difference. If the result is negative, place the required number of chips on the table from among your own.
End the game at the moment when everyone is distributed among the players. The participant with the most chips wins.

Seven to the power.
Give each player 21 chips. Play the game with two.
Take turns throwing the dice. If the number of dice rolled is seven, take 7 dice, but if it is more or less than seven, then place as many chips on the table as equal to

The art game Seka belongs to the category of gambling, it is very popular among residents of Eastern Europe. In Russia, many people love to play this game, starting from school.

Rules of the card game Seka

Seku is played with a deck of 32 or 36 cards; the number of players can be any, from 2 to 10.

Each player is dealt three cards, cards are dealt one at a time and in turn. After the deal, each player counts his points. Ten, Jack, Queen and King - 10 points, Ace - 11 points, other cards - the number of points according to their value. By agreement, you can add a joker to the deck, then it can be assigned any value. But most often in Seka the six cristi is used, it is also called a check and it fits any combination and has 11 points.

Before the start of the game, all players must be informed of the scoring rules and these rules must be strictly followed.

For example:

1) only points on cards of the same suit are counted;

2) only points on cards of the same value are counted, and the largest combination is three aces and that’s 33 points;

3) according to the contract, a combination of three cards will always be higher than a combination of cards of the same suit.

Before the game, each player must bet an agreed amount of money. The game goes clockwise, so the player to the left of the dealer has the first word. He must place a bet or pass, if he says "pass", then he must fold his cards and he loses his bets.

The deck of cards in the card game Seka is placed in the center of the table until the next deal and cannot be touched.

When the first player makes a bet, the second player starts the game, he must also make a bet or say “pass”, his bet must be no less than the previous one, then the next player and so on until only two players remain in the game.

When only two players remain in the game, one of them can invite the other to “show up” in order to compare cards, and he must bet the passing amount. The player with the most points wins.

A situation in which both players have the same number of points is called a fight or a fight. In this case, all the money remains on the line and is played after the next deal. Other players can also join the game, but they must bet half the pot.

If suddenly three players have the same number of points and the fourth wants to join the game, then he will have to bet an amount equal to one third of the bank.

The Sek card game can also be played as a dark game; in this game, players make bets without looking at their cards, and the winning amount is doubled.

Hello friends!

Today I will tell you about one interesting game. It is not as popular in the world as poker or black Jack, but on the territory former USSR may even give these games a head start.

This is the card game "Seka" . It is also called tryna, trynka, sikka, three sheets, sechka or simply the game of swindlers. Personally, I like this game, although I have lost it quite often.

If you are interested how can you cheat in sex, then you here

Basic rules of the game and card meanings.

Detailed video lesson about sex

So, what is the point of this game and how to play sex?

  • Played with a deck of 36 or 32 cards.
  • From 2 to 10 people take part in the game.
  • The goal of the game is to collect greatest number points than other players.

An ace gives 11 points.

Jack, Queen, King and Ten are worth 10 points.

The remaining cards give points at their face value. There is a joker in the game!

Buy marked cards for seki

The role of the joker here is assigned to the six of spades or clubs. The joker can be any card the player wishes. It's up to the players themselves to decide!

Unfair advantage

Dealing cards and counting points

First, the dealer is determined.

He deals three cards to all players in turn. Before this, all players bet a pre-agreed amount of money.

When the cards are dealt, the players look at them and decide whether they will continue to play or pass. Points are counted only for the same suits.

Let's say you received the cards Jack of Clubs, Ace of Spades and Seven of Hearts. This means that you only have 11 points in your hands, because the suits are all different, and high card- Ace, which gives 11 points.

But if you came up with, for example, Ace of Spades, King of Spades and Eight of Diamonds, then you have 21 points. It's considered the same suit, remember?

This means that the Ace of Spades (11 points) + the King of Spades (10 points) is considered, which gives 21 points. There are small exceptions to the rules. Let’s say you get 2 Aces, as they are also called “Two Foreheads” - that’s already 22 points. Cool combination I tell you!

If, for example, you receive a Jack, a Queen and an Ace of the same suit, then this is already 31 points. It may be like this: for example, you received the Queen of Spades, Ace of Spades and Joker (Six of Spades), then this already turns out to be 32 points.

Above this, there can only be three identical cards, starting with three sevens (the lowest combination) and ending with three sixes (the highest combination)! and so the combinations go in ascending order, from sevens to aces.

Three sixes is the highest combination in this game.

Yes, yes, guys, in the game “Seka” three sixes are even older than three aces. So there you go! Beware of three sixes!

Bidding or how to bet money?

So, we have more or less decided on the set of points. If something is unclear, ask questions in the comments. After everyone has received their cards, the bidding begins.

The first word of the player sitting to the left of the dealer. He makes a bet, then the players either pass or make bets no less than the previous ones. Well, as in principle in all games.

The dealer has the last word and by adding the required amount he decides whether the cards are revealed or we bargain for another round.

When the cards are revealed, the points of each remaining player are counted and the one with the most wins. You can, of course, bluff here, bet a lot of money on a bad card.

This is a personal matter for everyone.

If it turns out that the players have the same number of points, then the players decide what to do.

There are two options:

  • Divide the bank
  • Play Swara. That is, this money remains in the bank and players with the same number of points (winners) automatically play in the next game, and those who lost decide whether they will play or not. To do this, they need to contribute half the pot each.


What does it mean?

For example, 6 people play, each bet 50 rubles. Total in the bank is 300 rubles. Let’s say two people score the highest equal number of points and decide to play “Swara”.

If they decided to divide the bank, they would get 150 rubles each. But they decided to “cook”, that is, play together one on one, with this money.

Here other players can join them, but they also need to deposit 300 rubles to participate in “Svara”

And only 300 rubles for everyone. This means that the four losers chip in 75 rubles each and also “Cook”

Or another example.

Let’s say “Svara” is 90 rubles, and there are three losers.

This means everyone adds 30 rubles to “Svara” and also plays. If they refuse, then they simply wait for “Svara” to play out. At Svara, trading is exactly the same as usual, with an agreed minimum and ceiling.

Important: if one of the winners refuses to “cook”, then “Svara” is not played. This requires the consent of each winner.

Game in the dark

The card game Seka contains another interesting “trick”

In this game you can "Dark". The player sitting to the left of the dealer has the right to do this. He puts in addition to putting a certain amount of money into the bank and says “Darkness” or “Darkened.”

This is done before the player has looked at his cards. If you have looked at the cards, then you have no right to darken them.

The next player after him can also darken, but he must bet twice the amount of the first “Darkener”. Subsequent players, those who did not darken, must bet twice the amount darkened.

For example, before the game everyone put 50 rubles into the bank. The cards were dealt. The player to the left of the dealer decided to increase the bank and says “Darkness” and bets another 50 rubles.

This means that the next player should bet not 50 rubles, as it should have been initially, but 100 rubles.

But this next one can also say “Darkened” and throw another 100 rubles, for example. This means that the third player, in order to make his move, must bet at least 200 rubles or also “Darken”

Another example.

Let’s say the player to the left of the dealer “Darkened” and bet 5 rubles, then the next one after him (if he doesn’t darken) must bet 10 rubles. Then players can either play, betting at least 10 rubles, or also “Darken”, but bet 2 times more, that is, 20 rubles. So here it is.

So, it was the card game Seka - the favorite game of all swindlers and cheaters. I told you how to play the game.

ATTENTION: I advise you to study my course on cheating Unfair Advantage

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