Signs warning of radiation and fire hazards. Which danger sign means what? Warning road signs and their symbols

home Safety sign - colorographic image of a certain geometric shape

using signal and contrasting colors, graphic symbols and (or) explanatory inscriptions. Safety signs may be basic, additional, combined and group.

Basic safety signs are divided into groups.

Warning signs

Warning signs, as well as prohibition signs, should be used to attract the attention of people at industrial, public facilities and other places to danger, a dangerous situation, warnings in order to avoid danger, messages about a possible outcome in case of neglect of the danger, instructions or requirements certain actions, as well as to communicate the necessary information.Colorographic image


shape - triangle;

signal color – yellow; semantic meaning - warning about possible danger

. Caution. Attention.

Meaning: fire hazard. Flammable substances. Used to draw attention to areas with flammable substances. On entrance doors

, cabinet doors, containers, etc.

Meaning: explosive.

Used to draw attention to explosive substances, as well as to rooms and areas. On entrance doors, room walls, cabinet doors, etc.

Meaning: dangerous.

Used in places where toxic substances are stored, released, produced and used.

Meaning: dangerous. Caustic and corrosive substances.

Used in places where caustic and corrosive substances are stored, separated, produced and used.

Meaning: dangerous. Radioactive substances or ionizing radiation.

Used on room doors, cabinet doors and other places where radioactive substances are located and used or where there is ionizing radiation.

Meaning: dangerous. The load may fall.

It is used near hazardous areas where lifting and transport equipment is located, on construction sites, sites, workshops, workshops, etc.

Semantic meaning: attention. Forklift

Meaning: danger of electric shock.

It is used on power transmission line supports, electrical equipment and devices, doors of power panels, on electrical panels and cabinets, as well as on fences of live parts of equipment, mechanisms, devices.

Semantic meaning: attention. Danger (other hazards).

Used to draw attention to other hazards not covered by this standard. The sign is used together with an additional safety sign and an explanatory inscription.

Meaning: dangerous. Laser radiation.

Used on room doors, equipment, devices and other places where there is laser radiation.

Meaning: fire hazard. Oxidizer.

Used on room doors and cabinet doors to attract attention to the presence of an oxidizing agent.

Semantic meaning: attention. Electromagnetic field.

Used on room doors, equipment, devices and other places where electromagnetic fields operate.

Semantic meaning: attention. A magnetic field.

Used on room doors, equipment, devices and other places where magnetic fields operate.

Meaning: carefully. A subtle obstacle.

Used in places where there are subtle obstacles that could cause a tripping hazard.

Meaning: carefully. Possibility of falling from height.

Used before entering dangerous areas and in places where a fall from a height is possible.

Meaning: carefully. Biological hazard (Infectious substances).

Used in places where biological substances harmful to health are stored, produced or used.

Meaning: carefully. Cold.

Used on the doors of refrigerators and freezers, compressor units and other refrigeration devices.

Meaning: carefully. Allergic (irritating) substances harmful to health.

Used in places where allergic (irritant) substances are stored, produced or used.

Meaning: gas cylinder.

Used on gas cylinders, warehouses and areas for storing and using compressed or liquefied gases. Balloon color: black or white

Meaning: carefully. Rechargeable batteries.

It is used in premises and areas where batteries are manufactured, stored and used.

Meaning: carefully. Cutting shafts.

Used on work sites and equipment that have unprotected cutting shafts, such as woodworking, road or agricultural equipment.

Semantic meaning: attention. Pinching hazard.

Used on turnstile doors and barriers.

Meaning: carefully. Possible capsizing.

It is used on roads, ramps, warehouses, and areas where in-plant transport may overturn.

Semantic meaning: attention. Automatic switching on (starting) of equipment.

Used at workplaces, equipment or individual units of equipment with automatic activation.

Meaning: carefully. Hot surface.

Used in workplaces and equipment with heated surfaces.

Meaning: carefully. Possible hand injury.

Used on equipment, equipment components, covers and doors where hand injury may occur.

Meaning: carefully. Slippery.

Used in areas and areas where there are slippery areas.

Meaning: carefully. Possible tightening between rotating elements.

Used in workplaces and equipment that have rotating elements, such as roller mills.

Meaning: carefully. Narrowing of the passage (passage).

It is used in areas, areas, workshops and warehouses where there are narrow passages (passage) or protruding structures that impede passage (passage).

The text was prepared based on materials State standard RF GOST R 12.4.026-2001 “System of occupational safety standards. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and rules of use. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods" (put into effect by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated September 19, 2001 No. 387-st), with amendments and additions dated July 23, 2009, by life safety methodologists: Antonov N.V., Bychkov V.A., Gerasimova S.I., Trukhov P.V.

The Universe often warns people about impending changes. If you learn to read her signs, you can avoid a lot of trouble.

The Universe sends us signals, signs and even visions exactly at the moment when it is needed. However, in the bustle Everyday life we rarely pay attention to the strange events that periodically occur around us. To learn to read the signs of the Universe, it is important to be in harmony with the world around you. Esotericists recommend spending more time on fresh air, admire nature more often and notice the smallest details. Surprisingly, sometimes even a cloud unusual shape can lead us to the right thought, suggest the answer to a question. Think: there have probably been times when you saw something unusual and remembered a forgotten deed or promise.

Learn to analyze what you see, hear, read or casually notice. Mindfulness will help you always avoid troubles. Signs of the Universe can come to us in dreams when we do not control the flow of our consciousness. The site's experts have prepared eight main signs for you that will help you protect yourself from problems.

Each sign can be given unexpectedly. In everyday life, it often happens that only after a problem has occurred do people realize that they ignored the warnings. To make sure this happens as little as possible, listen to inner voice. Your intuition will not deceive you.

1. Nightmares

Events often happen in dreams that we cannot influence. So, if you dream that you are stuck, cannot move, cannot escape, or are entangled in threads or wires, it means that in reality you have a difficult task ahead of you. It’s as if the Universe is warning: don’t go where you can’t test the ground under your feet. Special attention Such dreams should be taken into account by impulsive people who are accustomed to acting under the influence of impulse. For forgetful people, such dreams carry a warning about the need to check electrical appliances (if wires appear in the dream). This way you will be protected from troubles associated with a fire. If you cannot run away or move, this means that you need to stop communicating with aggressive people and change your route in the dark.

2. Feeling of déjà vu

Sometimes the distinct feeling that the situation has already happened speaks louder than a prohibitory traffic light signal. An unpleasant situation directly communicates the need to be careful. The feeling of déjà vu can be triggered by music, a single comment, or even a billboard on the road. If something reminds you of danger in the past, stop and analyze the situation.

3. Seen an accident or disaster

If you encounter colliding cars on the road, witness a fire or some other disaster, it is important for you to be careful. Any troubles that happen on the road are perceived by superstitious people as warning signals. And not in vain, because our sixth sense always directs attention to key events. Focus: You may be managing for a long time vehicle and it's time for you to stop for a rest.

4. Life difficulties

Often things go wrong in life. Despite all the efforts and efforts, things don’t work out, the wallpaper doesn’t stick, the children don’t listen, the bosses are constantly nagging, and so on. If troubles happen to you, it's time to listen to yourself in solitude. It is unlikely that such problems will occur because fate is testing your strength. If you were able to break through a series of troubles and get a well-deserved reward, then everything is in order. If nothing works out, then the Universe is giving you a signal that you need to change something. Choose other paths so that trouble does not knock on your door.

5. Diseases

For some, the Universe sends trials related to illness. Moreover, it is not the person himself who can get sick, but his relative or friend. Feelings of uncertainty, fear and painful sensations help you reconsider your life and find a way out of the dead end. Often illnesses are sent by the Universe so that we change our bad habits and take the path of correction. These signs are dangerous, but have a powerful transformative effect. People change in better side, and when recovering, they cease to depend on internal negativity.

6. Equipment breakdown

If your car refuses to start, it means you need to be careful and careful on the road. Think about whether you need to go or whether you can cancel the trip so as not to get yourself into trouble. Computer breakdowns, a malfunctioning coffee machine - all this should prompt the idea of ​​​​necessary changes in life. In each specific situation, a person himself will understand what exactly he should cancel and what to refuse.

7. Torn clothes or shoes

It happens that on the street a heel suddenly breaks, the sole of a shoe peels off, or a jacket comes apart at the seam. Any of these signs warns of danger ahead. If you have such a misunderstanding, take a closer look. Often the Universe directly indicates what needs to be done or, conversely, not done. If you were in a hurry for an interview and a car splashed mud on you from a puddle, think about whether you really need new position. Our ancestors made up a lot of signs about clothing that could warn of danger or indicate imminent changes for the better. Many of these signs are precisely signs of the Universe. Don't ignore them.

8. Office supplies that break or tear

The pen may suddenly stop writing or make a greasy blot on a document, the paper at the signature site will tear, and important documents will fly apart. These are all signs to pay attention to. Don’t sign a contract until you’ve checked every letter, and don’t trust investors you don’t know. Always be on guard to avoid deception and further troubles.

Any signs from the Universe that you see can help you avoid trouble. However, everything is not always so sad. The Universe often sends positive signals that indicate imminent changes for the better. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

The most common danger symbols

Name Symbol Unicode Image
I U+2620
Danger sign U+2621
Radiation U+2622
Ionizing radiation ? ?
Radio emissions ? ?
Biological hazard U+2623
Danger ! U+26A0
High voltage U+26A1
A magnetic field ? ?
Laser radiation ? ?
Optical radiation ? ?
Tsunami ? ?

Radioactivity sign

The International Radiation Symbol first appeared in 1946 at the University of California, Berkeley Radiation Laboratory. At that time the sign was purple on a blue background. Modern version- black sign on a yellow background. Proportions of the drawing - central circle with radius R, petals with inner radius 1.5· R and external 5· R, the petals are spaced 60° from each other.

Japanese biohazard sign

Charles Baldwin, engineer environment, who took part in the development of the sign, said:

All parts of the Biohazard Label can be drawn using a compass and/or straightedge. The basic outline of the symbol is a simple trefoil, which is made up of three equally intersecting circles, as in a triple Venn diagram, where the intersecting parts are erased. The diameter of the intersecting part is equal to half the radius of these three circles. Then three inner circles measuring 2/3 of the radius of the original circles are inscribed into the original circles so that they lightly touch outside three intersecting circles. The small circle in the center has a diameter equal to half the radius of the three inner circles, its arcs erased at 90, 210, 330 degrees. The arcs of the inner circles and the small circle are connected by lines. And finally, the ring underneath is located at the distance of the perimeter of the equilateral triangle formed the centers of three intersecting circles. The outer circle of the ring is drawn and closed with arcs from the centers of the inner circles with a shorter radius of the inner circles

The first biohazard sign (abbreviated from biological hazard) appeared in 1966. It was developed by the chemical company Dow Chemical for placement on its products.

At that time there was great amount various warning symbols, but there was no standardization. Therefore, Dow decided to develop its own biohazard warning symbol. More than one department of the company was involved in its development. The requirements were simple - you need a unique, simple, but memorable one. For this purpose, a public study was conducted, as a result of which the most memorable symbol was selected. It turned out to be this three-sided symbol of bright orange color, since it was this color, as shown various studies, is best visible under all conditions.

After this, the symbol was presented to the scientific community and was approved by all necessary authorities. Today, this biohazard sign can be found in laboratories around the world. The symbol can often be seen in computer games. This symbol was also used in its symbolism by the American rap-core group Biohazard.

Warning sign

Typically used on warning signs Exclamation point to warn, to draw attention to danger or surprises.

Chemical hazard

A chemical hazard symbol is a pictogram used on containers containing hazardous chemicals to indicate specific risks and necessary measures precautions. Shown below various systems notation.

The National Fire Protection Association in the United States has a standard sign in the form of a diamond with four different colored sections and numbers in them indicating the degree of threat (from 0 to 4; 0 - no risk, 4 - maximum risk). The red section shows flammability, blue - health risks, yellow - explosion hazard, white - special information. This designation is used primarily in the USA.

In Europe a different standard is used. Rolling stock carrying dangerous goods is marked with an orange sign, on which the lower number indicates the substance being transported, and the upper number indicates the danger that it may pose.

European danger signs

Danger symbols in the Russian Federation

IN Russian Federation there is GOST R 12.4.026-2001 “Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings”, which establishes the purpose, rules of application, types and designs, color graphics, dimensions, technical requirements and characteristics, test methods for safety signs, including those containing symbols danger. In accordance with this GOST, safety signs are a color graphic image of a certain geometric shape using signal and contrasting colors, graphic symbols and (or) explanatory inscriptions, intended to warn people about immediate or possible danger, prohibit, order or permit certain actions, as well as information on the location of objects and means, the use of which eliminates or reduces the impact of hazardous and (or) harmful factors. Safety signs are standardized and are also given in the previously valid GOST R 12.4.026 SSBT “Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings”

Types of safety signs

1. Prohibiting - a red circle with a white field inside, crossed out by an inclined red stripe;

2. Warning - equilateral triangle with rounded corners yellow color, facing upward, with a black border;

3. Prescriptive - a green square with a white border and a white square field;

4. Index - a blue rectangle edged with a white border along the contour with a white square inside.

Inside the sign are made in black symbolic images, specifying the content of the sign. If necessary, to clarify or enhance the effect of the sign, additional plates with explanatory inscriptions are used.

The coverage area of ​​signs placed at the entrance (entrance) to a production facility extends to the entire facility.

see also



  • Safety symbols collection for hazard alerts A symbol library which offers various signs in the GIF and EPS formats. Licensed for free use only for writing technical documents.
  • free signage Library of signs in PDF format. Licensed to print and use in domestic and commercial premises.

A danger sign is a specially created and approved international commission an image warning of a situation that could negatively affect human health or lead to death. Naturally, everyone should know them. Only in this case can you protect yourself from trouble.

Why are danger signs needed and what features do they have?

Perhaps not everyone understands how important the images presented are. However, there are several factors confirming the need to use such signs:

  • you will always know where there is a possibility of radiation damage or chemical poisoning;
  • The picture will help you understand where they are dangerous places that need to be bypassed;
  • In the case of transporting any goods, the danger sign will show how harmful they are to us.

In any case, the images presented can save a person’s life and warn him of an impending threat.

It should be noted that the background on which the picture will be drawn may vary depending on the different countries: yellow, red, orange and even blue. Therefore, it is important to know the meaning of the main image.

What technical requirements exist for the presented marks?

Each picture is a signal of danger, so it must be clearly visible. All parameters for the manufacture of such signs must be specified in the relevant regulatory documents. For example, the image must be bright enough to be easily seen. In addition, it should not deteriorate when exposed to external environment(rain, snow, wind, sun rays).

The danger sign must be painted with paint that will not wear off after several months of use. In practice, fluorescent substances that can glow in the dark are often used. Thanks to this, you can protect yourself at any time of the day. If necessary, the image must be additionally illuminated. In this case, the lamps should not change the color of the picture or impair its visibility.

The danger sign is made mainly from sheet metal. The use of plastic in this case is undesirable, since it is less durable.

Now we can take a closer look at which pictures are used to warn people.

The meaning and features of the use of danger signs when transporting goods

The presented marks are attached not only to objects potentially hazardous to health, but also to the vehicles that transport them. Naturally, they have their own usage characteristics:

  • cargo hazard signs are attached to vehicles, containers, tanks, packages, and this must be done on the sides and end side;
  • on cars, such designations are additionally glued to the rear;
  • If there are several signs on one product, they must be attached side by side.

After the cargo is delivered to its destination and the container is unloaded, the markings must be removed. Signs with designs must have an orange background. In any case, the markings are well attached. They usually indicate the load and the level of danger. Each degree corresponds to a certain amount of harm that the substance can cause in the event of a transport accident or improper storage.

The meaning and features of the use of radiation hazard signs

The next group of symbols tells about places where high levels of radiation are observed. For this purpose, a well-known sign was invented: a black trefoil on a yellow background. The shape of the plate is a triangle. This image is installed in all those places where there is a possibility of infection or there is an increased risk of nuclear power plants, in “exclusion zones” that appeared after environmental disasters.

In 2007 International organization decided to provide a new designation: on which the figure of a running man is drawn, a trefoil with radiation, as well as a skull. However, it is difficult to call such a sign of radiation danger successful. It is quite complex both to understand and to manufacture. In any case, such an image must be applied to any potentially unsafe object, building or area of ​​the territory.

The meaning and features of the use of chemical hazard signs

It is difficult to imagine modern existence without the achievements of chemistry. Naturally, such substances are more often used for the benefit of humanity, but they do not become less dangerous for it. Therefore, certain signs were invented that indicate the transportation or storage of chemicals.

The most popular image is "biohazard". Most often it is black and placed on an orange (yellow) background. Another wide famous image is a skull and crossbones. He directly says that there is an area nearby that you should not be in.

A chemical hazard sign is applied to the transport (tanks, barrels, cars, containers) in which the substance is transported (stored). Naturally, it is also painted on warehouses that contain the chemical. There are also many other pictograms that are placed on the packaging of potentially harmful products. For example, you will know that the cylinder contains an explosive or flammable substance, acid, or toxic liquid.

Some pictograms warn us about products that contain carcinogenic components, can cause irreversible changes in the body, contribute to allergies, cause burns and injuries.

The meaning and features of the use of fire danger signs

This group of symbols is used to indicate those objects, objects or areas that have a high degree of flammability. hazards are often attached to vehicles carrying gasoline, oil or other substances that can quickly catch fire and even explode.

In addition, they are installed in warehouses where ammunition and equipment are stored. They are also attached to the doors of rooms where unsafe cargo lies. If a sign is attached to a property's gate, the entire area is subject to conditions that could cause a fire.

When walking through abandoned buildings, do not forget to follow basic safety rules. This should help us. In particular, I would like to consider the most common warning signs.

These pointers refer to danger symbols- easily recognizable symbols designed to warn of hazardous materials or locations.

Electric Shock Hazard

Code: W08

This sign is installed on power transmission line supports, devices and electrical equipment, doors of power panels, on electrical panels and cabinets, as well as on fences of live parts of equipment, mechanisms, devices.

Dangerous. Toxic substances

Code: W03

Safety warning sign “Danger. Toxic substances”, used in places of storage, release, production and use of toxic substances.

Carefully. Hot surface

Code: W26

Safety warning sign “Caution. Hot Surface" is used on workstations and equipment that has heated surfaces with a thermal burn hazard.

Dangerous. Radioactive substances or ionizing radiation

Code: W05

The sign is installed on the doors of rooms and cabinet doors where radioactive substances are located and used or where there is ionizing radiation.

Interesting: The international radiation symbol first appeared in 1946, at the Radiation Laboratory of the University of California at Berkeley. At that time the sign was purple on a blue background. The modern version is a black sign on a yellow background. The proportions of the design are a central circle of radius R, petals with an inner radius of 1.5R and an outer radius of 5R, the petals diverge from each other by 60°.

Fire hazardous. Oxidizer

Code: W11

This warning sign is used on room doors and cabinet doors to draw attention to the presence of an oxidizing agent.

Attention. Danger

Code: W09

This symbol is used to draw attention to other hazards not covered by this standard. The sign must be used in conjunction with an additional safety sign with the inscription.

Dangerous. Laser radiation

Code: W10

Safety warning sign “Danger. Laser radiation" is used on the doors of premises, equipment, devices and other places where there is laser radiation.

Fire hazardous. flammable substances

Code: W01

Safety warning sign “Fire Hazardous.” Flammable Substances” is used to draw attention to areas with flammable substances. On entrance doors, cabinet doors, containers, etc.


Code: W02

The Explosive Safety Warning Sign is used to draw attention to explosive substances, rooms and areas. On entrance doors, room walls, cabinet doors, etc.

Carefully. Allergic substances harmful to health

Code: W18

This safety sign is installed in places of storage, production or use of allergic (irritant) substances harmful to health.

Dangerous. Caustic and corrosive substances

Code: W04

Safety warning sign “Danger. Caustic and corrosive substances” is used in places where caustic and corrosive substances are stored, separated, produced and used.

Carefully. Biological hazard (Infectious substances)

Code: W16

Safety warning sign “Caution. Biological hazard (Infectious substances)” is established in places of storage, production or use of biological substances harmful to health.

The first sign of biological hazard (biohazard - short for biological hazard) appeared in 1966. It was developed by the chemical company Dow Chemical for use on their products. At that time, there were a huge number of different warning symbols, but there was no standardization. Therefore, Dow decided to develop its own biohazard warning symbol. More than one department of the company was involved in its development. The requirements were simple - you need a unique, simple, but memorable. For this purpose, a public study was conducted, as a result of which the most memorable symbol was selected. After this, the symbol was presented to the scientific community and was approved by all necessary authorities. Today, this biohazard sign can be found in laboratories around the world.

What else to read